Consonant Sounds

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Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard

Ashley Howard has asserted his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
All right reserved. No part of this publication, including the accompanying audio, may be reproduced in any form of binding or
cover or circulated electronically without prior permission of Edwin Publishing and Media Ltd.

Edwin Publishing and Media Ltd

First published in 2015 by Edwin Publishing and Media Ltd

57 London Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1BS

As promised, here’s the third of the 3 FREE GIFTS...
I’d love to give you all my tips, secrets and rules... and I will, bit by bit.
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
You have your 5 minutes of audio for each of the 5 CRUCIAL CONSONANTS,
EXTRA words from gift 1 and EXTRA phrases from gift 2.

BUT... what about all those sneaky, secret patterns?

They’ll think you landed from Mars if you don’t get them right. 2
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
Well, here they are for your 5 crucial consonants!
Think of it like a cheat sheet! Sure, it would be great
to discover them on your own, but sometimes
it’s nice to avoid all the hard work and get the VIP treatment - right?

You don’t need to use them right now, but if you want to,
you can simply ADD THE AUDIO to your 5 Day Audio MINI COURSE
and really get your conversations moving!

So, take your time, be specific and happy practicing.
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
Oh, and if you’ve downloaded this as an EPUB most devices will allow you to
click on the audio icons.

If not, or if you have downloaded this as a PDF, click this link (or copy
and paste it into your browser) to dowload* the audio and then refer
to the track numbers next to each audio icon to guide you:

*Here’s a ‘How to download...’ guide 4
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
phonetic symbol - ŋ
the NG consonant sound
As most non-native speakers rely on spelling to help guide them towards pronunciation, the written ‘ng’ can be
misleading when speaking in an RP accent. Whilst a written ‘ng’ is mostly spoken as the single NG sound described
above, here are some exceptions:

- When should I pronounce the G in an ‘ng’?

If an adjective ending with a written ‘ng’, such as ‘young’, adopts a comparative suffix ‘er’ or superlative suffix ‘est’,
the ‘g’ should be pronounced:

young younger youngest long longer longest strong stronger strongest

If an ‘ng’ is followed by an ‘er’ or ‘le’ that is not a suffix (p.189), as in ‘anger’ and ‘angle’, the ‘g’ should also be

triangle angle bangle jangle tingle tangle single mingle jungle

conger hunger finger anger scaremonger gossipmonger fishmonger

Other exceptions, where the ‘g’ is pronounced, are words like:

Congo engage congruent congregation

language mongrel anguish English England
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
phonetic symbol - ð (voiced)
the TH consonant sound and θ (voiceless)

Occasionally a written TH is pronounced as a T sound:

Thompson Neanderthal Thames Thailand thyme 6
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
phonetic symbol - h
the H consonant sound

> Silent ‘h’

There are many words in which a written ‘h’ is silent, as in ‘honest’. Unfortunately, there is no reliable rule to
help you know when an ‘h’ is silent, however words can be checked for their phonetic transcription in a reliable
dictionary. Here are some examples:

honest rhyme honour heir rhubarb hour exhausted vehicle

ghost rhythm exhibition ghetto ghastly shepherd
rhapsody Sarah silhouette spaghetti gherkin
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
phonetic symbol - r
the R consonant sound

Some languages have different types of R that are used according to the position of the R in a word, as well as the
number of R’s written (so a double R as in ‘carry’ might be pronounced differently).

Whereas in standard British English, we only use one type of R, as described in DAY 4 of your 5 Day Audio MINI

Which means that the R’s in all of the following words are spoken in the same way:

R original rang ring pride broken crash RR marry worried

surround carry WR wrong write wrap wreathe RH rhubarb
rhythm diarrhoea rhetoric rhapsody rheumatic

- Okay, but should I pronounce every written R?

That’s a very good question and the answer is a definate ‘NO!’. You can explore this at a later date. For now, just
get the R sounding more British. When you’re ready to move on, the answer to this question is explained fully in
the complete eBook - British English Pronunciation Roadmap: A Clear Path To Clear Speech. 8
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
phonetic symbol - s and z
the S and Z consonant sounds

> Silent ‘s’

There are many words in which a written ‘s’ is silent, as in ‘island’. Whilst there is no conclusive pattern to follow,
one way to be sure is to look at the phonetic transcription in a reliable dictionary. Here are some other examples:

island isles debris isle aisle viscount bourgeois
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
So, what next? 10
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
I’ll be sharing with you my HABIT-BREAKER...

If you haven’t already heard about it,

it’s worth waiting for, so check your inbox!

Okay, if you really can’t wait, CLICK this LINK:
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard
What’s your No. 1 Top Struggle with Spoken English?

We want to know because we want to help you. Seriously! So, on Day 1,

head over to our Facebook page, hit ‘Like’
and then post your No. 1 Top Struggle with Spoken English. 12
Copyright © 2015 Ashley Howard

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