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Break-out Plan # 8

Date: November 8th, 2018

Break-out Title/Topic: Sleeping and Dreams Resources Time
 Sleep and dreams are interesting topics because there are so many
misconceptions about them in popular culture/ society
 Understanding what they mean and how they affect us can allow us to utilize
them in beneficial ways [particularly sleep]
 How many hours of sleep did you get last night? How many do you normally
get? How many hours do you think you need to get?
 Do you dream? What is the ‘purpose’ of dreaming?
Learning Objective:
 Recognize the difference between what you think you know about sleep and
dreaming, to what is actually true
 Know what some positive sleep hygiene strategies are that can be applied to
personal life
Participatory Activity:
 Students can remain in normal circle seating on floor for this. Distribute sleep
questionnaires on their opinions of sleep and dreams to students, and allow
them approximately 3 mins to complete them
 Once they have finished this, go through each question and ask what their
response was [which is a scale on whether they disagree or agree with a
 After asking what their responses were, read out what is actually known about
a sleep/ dream statement [ex: “If you have insomnia you should take a
sleeping pill.” Most people with insomnia would not benefit from taking a
-copies of
sleeping pill as it ignores the underlying issue with their sleep disorder.]
 After going through each opinion statement and discussing the facts about questionnaire
them, hand out a second paper sheet of questions mentees can ask one
-copies of peer
another discussion
 For this activity they can pair up, or just discuss with the group as a whole [this questions
is a much shorter and informal version of asking them about their sleep and -personal copy of
dreams] answers to
 Share personal anecdote about sleep disorder to bring their attention back to opinion
how significant sleep is in life [optional] statements 24min
 Ask again how many hours they think they should be getting a night
 See if they have any more developed answers as to why we dream
 Introducing students in an informal way as to how much difference there is
between what is commonly known or believed, to what is actually true about
sleep and dreams .5min

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