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Jesse Mbu



First of all, I would like to say that I really enjoyed the Intermediate Spanish this semester, I learned

a lot during the Spanish class. It is one of my favorite classes. I love learning a language because it’s very

important for me to communicate with Spanish speaking people and in the future if I travel around the

world, I won’t have any problems communicating. I highly recommend that students to learn a foreign


Before I took this class, I was already fluent in Spanish because I had been studying Spanish since I

was 13 or 14 years and I studied Spanish in high school till junior year, but I didn’t really practice Spanish

for 4 years. I took Beginning Spanish class in Spring 2018 and I remember being worried that I was going

to have some difficulties learning the language, but I did well and I was among the outstanding students

in Beginning Spanish.

After taking the class, I wanted to improve my Spanish and I took Intermediate Spanish in the fall

semester with the same instructor I had in Spring whose name is Laura Bradford. I knew that I was going

to do well and I did better in Intermediate Spanish than Beginning Spanish.

The classroom was less crowded than in Beginning Spanish with few new classmates and I had

recognized only one classmate from Beginning Spanish in Intermediate Spanish. Even if we were not a

lot in the classroom, I admit that I enjoyed this class in Fall much better than last Spring.

I enjoyed learning the language, the vocabularies, the verbs, grammar and the culture of Hispanic

countries in Latin America, Spain. I also enjoyed working with others classmates, helping one another,

pushing each other to learn more and learning more about each others and about our life goals.
One shocking thing I learned during the class is that when we were working in our projects, Laura

the instructor, said that there was a country in Central Africa where Spanish is the official language

which is Equatorial Guinea. And I volunteered to use the country for my project and the theme of my

project was Arte en Guinea Ecuatorial (Art in Equatorial Guinea) where you can see at the top of my

Spanish Eporfolio.

At the end of the semester, Laura Bradford told me that I did a great job and that I was doing to

do well in the future.

Since Intermediate Spanish is the last Spanish class I am going to take in the semesters, because I

am going to graduate in the Spring next year, I realized that now I am really going to be responsible of

my own actions or myself. If I want to stay being fluent in Spanish, I must practice Spanish learning or

self-teaching. Laura told me to study the chapters we haven’t learn during the semester.

In that moment, I have decided to start reading Spanish news, books and now I am currently

reading a book in Spanish. I will also watch Spanish movies, shows, and talk shows like ¡Despierta

América!, and to listen to Spanish songs. I have some Hispanic friends some there are going to be some

moments I’ll speak Spanish with them.

After College, when I will return to France, and when I will travel the world, first country is going to

be Spain and somewhat I will live over there for like months or maybe a year so that I can be very fluent

and confident in Spanish. Of course, I will visit other Hispanic countries like Peru, Colombia, Argentina,

Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Uruguay. I would also like to visit MexicoI in the


For students, who took Beginning Spanish, I would highly recommend you to take Intermediate

Spanish with the instructor Laura Bradford because she is a good one. You will be able to improve your

Spanish and be confident. Spanish is one of the most important languages in the world since it’s the
second language much spoken in USA. I would also suggest you to have some Hispanic friends to talk

with them in Spanish. But most importantly, be willingly to learn a foreign language.

Good Luck!

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