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Indonesian Journal of Educational Review Available online at

p-ISSN 2338-2015 | e-ISSN 2335-8407

Vol.2, No.2, November 2015, p 38-45


Universitas Palangka Raya, Indonesia

This objetive of the research was to investigate the effect of self-learning on job performance
teacher. It was a quantitative research with a Causal Study on State vocation school teacher of
Palangka Raya city in central Kalimantan state.The data were collected through participant
observation using questioner with five options following Likertʹs Scale. Samples of the research
were 74 of teachers taken by using simple random sampling. While the analyzing technic to
prove between research variable using path analysis method.The results of the research
indicated a affect directly and positively of Self-Learning on Job Performance.

Keywords: Self- Learning; Job Performance.

Performance of teachers in performing the task, ranging from planning,

implementation, and assessment of learning outcomes as an illustration of the ability
or competence of teachers in curriculum, mastery of the material in a lesson
planning, and teaching skills of teachers in the implementation of learning, to
evaluate the ability of the teacher in the learning outcomes students. The teacher
ability is low for the performance in job implementation from the Institution training
of P4TK/VEDC Malang in 2009, about the training competence test of 12
participants, who passed of the compentency test is only 6 participants. The 2006
report who passed of the competency test is only 5 participants. Where in the 2007
from 12 participants is only passed of 6 participants.
In the study of organizational Behavior Colquitt (2011:34-35), the discussion
begins by explaining abour of the Job Performace, Why the study start the Job
Performace? “Because understanding the performance is a critical concern for any
manager”. He also explained with an example on the university’s athletic director,
that in the exercisibng his atletes are so to standart of “performance by paying
attention to behaviors”. In the other words, the succes of the organization in
addressing of employees can be seen from the performance who shown by the
members of the organization.
The performance organizational can not separated from the performance of the
members organization. This is by the concept of the job performance in Colquitt
(2011:279), that the mecanism of the organizational culture, the organizational
structure, The leadership behavior, the power, and the communication process, up to
the individual charanteristics (job satisfaction, stress, motivation, trust, justice,&
ethics, learning & decision making), which leads to the Job-Performance.
“How important is Learning?” The learning is one of the main things that can
effect ot the job performance as the Colcuitt (2011: 280), says is “learning has a
moderate positive effect on performance. Employees who gain more knowledge and
skill tend to higher levels of Task Performance………”. Thus the learning
organization in the organizational is an important factor affecting the employee

Copyright © 2015, PPs UNJ Publisher

Indonesian Journal of Educational Review, Vol.2, No.2, November 2015

performace ( The one factor of performance effect important its the same by the job
satisfaction, stress, motivation, trust, justice, & ethics).
The concepts of Colcuitt, that of some of the factors that the effect performance,
the factors of learning is a factor that plays a role in determining that that the effect
performance of positive or negative. The concepst is of the performance of
Campbell, J.P (2009) stated, the performance formally of emphasizes as a set of
values that is donated from employee behavior, both positive and negative towards
the achievement of the organizational goals. The similarly, as framework of the
eforts to achieve the goals of the organization in the questions lefally, do not violate
the rulers in accordance with moral and ethical.
From the Winfred F.Hill stated, The Learning is the important thing, who we are
“ what are we do?”, because its gives us the better of the learning process. The human
in the life always to experience the learning of processes to the development in itself,
because the development of maturaty is not a lesson. From the understading of the
learning cleary showed that learning is directed at “the someone”.
Thus lerning is particularly aimed at your self, which then the effect is an
neighborhood including the organization. Therefore, the concept of about yourself
are also the learning affect, the research of Eli Ginzberg in the United State in the
342 subject are the graduates of various dicipline who received the scholarship of
Columbia University that is generally pass there what he called prestasi cum laude
and summa cum laude, how successful theier lives after fiiteen years pass from
educationb, get, that there is not a the direct relationship between the success
academic and the success of life. Why is that? It is the turns out that yhe key to the
succsess of the life located the concept self. This also showed that people is do not
have to stop learning and instruction, but especially that shown of himself.
Colquitt (2011:282), reiterate that “the learning is relatively permanent of change
in an employee’s knowlwdgw or the skill that result from experince. The learning
here means to a change, if not significant change there has been no learning. The
learning shows that there has been a change away from someone who learned. On
the management contex, the cahanges can so changes negative and changes positive.
The people can learn of the good bahaviores that is not good. In addition in the
context of learning is the very nature of the learning in relation to changes, can be
the permanent change or keep, but can also change is not fixed.
So, the learning by individuals can not be separated from the concept of the self
concept by sociologist Viktor Gecas (Kreiner, 2005),said the concept of yorself as “
the consept held by an individual againts himself as a creature physical, social, and
spritual or moral has also out of the somebody to understand himself as the basis of
soul that has characterized the a change for the was obtained the though always the
learning of yourself, By havinbg a view on themselves and understanding of the self,
so the individual by the concept of the self this need learning to reach their or what
is wanted for themselves.
This change was so that all of, talent, and tallent developed optimally, and
produced a output (output with the good quality ). The change of mindset is a result
of ripeness soul that has owned individual. Ripeness self with regard to the concept
of self only held by the adult. This was studied can be learned to the science of
andradogy, the knowledge how to adults learn.
To support the concept of self-knowledge, related to the concept of self regulated
learning, the arragement self with three components of : 1) self observation, 2) Self-

Indonesian Journal of Educational Review, Vol.2, No.2, November 2015

judgment, and 3) Self-reaction, from the judgment with ourselves, an individual who
have do self evaluation on his self. Therefore, self learning need the concept of
metacognition, which are (a) knowledge of cognition, and (b) mechanism self control
and monitoring cognitive (John Flavel, 1997; Baker and Brown, 1984, and Gagne
1993 in Kuntjojo). The same with what revealed by Huitt (1997), that
matagcognition is, (a) what we are know or do not know, and (b) the regulation How
we are learn.
This indicates, that the self is the self ruling leaders to make changes yorself into
a better direction or bad direction. This fact can not be separated from one’s
psycological factors as described in related of the self concept. The explained by
Kreitner (2005), as follows: “ a new era of self management of the career challenge
you to do a better job in setting personal results, priorities are clear, well-organized,
management, your time with full skills, and develop a self-learning program”. In the
learning organization that is very associated also with of the organization members.
The mindset is the core of self-learning. This is determines how we are saw a
potential, intelligence, challenges and oppurtunities as a process the must be pursued
with perseverance, hard work, commitment to the achievement of the sucsess of the
vission and goals of the self life concept. The role in behavior, as the core of the
personbality will determine a person or a person’s succsess ini dealing with
When referring to the role and duties of teachers in accordance with the law on
the National Education system on the 2003 of 20 number in the 19 chapter, also by
the national Education of Minester Regulation on the 2007 of the 41 number about
the processing standart states that every teacher in Educational units is obliged to
draw up a complete and the lesson systimatic plans and apply the learning activities
desigened to the plan activities learning. Obviously, techers must not only have the
competence skills according to the field, but the teachers becomes a designer of
learning that is expected to create interactive of learning, ispiring, fun, challenging,
motivating learners to actively participate and independence according to their talent,
interests, and physical and psychological development.
The Teachers who always wants to learn will improve their professional of the
ability and will also affect the quality of education. The concept of self-learning
teacher is not free from teachers' understanding of self-concept, so with such on
mindset will be an affect to the self-performance. It’s make the teachers has the
vision and mission to develop self-potential, know yourself, and make every the
experience as a good teacher for himself, and make improvements for the betterment
the through always learning and learning that will contribute to the success of
teachers in their duties students learning.
What are an affect directly and postively of self-learning on job performance?


This research is used survey method with quantitative approach. In this study,
researchers used a technique of path analysis (path analysis). This analysis to get the
effect of self-learning variables to variable performance.
The data using questionnaires Likert scale model from 1 to 5. The Giving weights
have meaning: 1 to declare "never"; 2 to declare "rarely", 3 to declare "quite often";

Indonesian Journal of Educational Review, Vol.2, No.2, November 2015

4 to state "often", and 5 to express "very often" . The Instrumen performance based
on operational definitions of concepts and definitions with the dimensions and
indicators as follows: 1) development of lesson plans which include: a) formulating
learning goals; b) develop and organize materials, instructional media and learning
resources; c) scenario planning learning activities, d) designing classroom
management; e) planning procedures, types, and prepare assessment tools, and f) the
document view lesson plans. 2) implementation of learning that teachers which
include: a) the management of the space and learning facilities; b) implement the
learning activities; c) manage classroom interaction; be open and flexible as well as
helping students develop positive attitudes toward learning; d) demonstrate special
skills in teaching certain subjects; and 3) the implementation of a teacher evaluation
of learning outcomes can carry out the evaluation process, and carry out self-learning
belajar.Sedangkan results with indicators as follows: 1) self, 2) self-improvement
agenda, and 3) strengthening themselves.
The data analysis using statistical analysis descriptive and inferential statistics.
Inferential statistics is used to test hypotheses of the study and testing of the path
analysis test is conducted prior analysis requirements, namely the test for normality
and linearity test and the significance of the data that it meets the requirements for
testing hypotheses.


The score average for the variable of teachers performance from performance
questionnaire forward were 74 teachers in 7 vocational high school on Palangkaraya
city, thel data obtained an average score of 131.1486 performance, which is included
in both categories. As for the variable Self-Learning with an average score of 94.27,
which can be categorized as good.
The data processing, using computer software SPSS version 19. From the
calculations, the value of the path coefficient (py3) amounted to 0,253, with t =
2.217, at α = 0.05, obtained ttabel (α = 0.05, df = nk-1 = 74 -4-1 = 69) = 1.67, because
the value of t = 2,217> t table, then reject Ho, thank H1, which means that this finding
is interpreted there is a direct positive influence on the Self-Learning Performance.


From these findings are interpreted of directly positively influence on the

performance of self-learning. In the concept of performance is also synonymous with
performance with the reality lies in a performance. The achievement of a
performance is the result of the capabilities that exist in every individual course
between different from one another.
Self-learning is essentially the learning applies to adults who already have a
concept of self or self maturity who have understood the purpose of what it does.
The Learning aimed at adults who have had experiences that made one of the bases
for developing the potential of yourself. So, the experience also acquired on skills
through self-learning. The conduct expected some changes towards more good.

Indonesian Journal of Educational Review, Vol.2, No.2, November 2015

The key word of the learning is changes and there is not a success in life, if people
are not studying or in other words do not do self learning. Self-learning is self-
consciousness of man who can see who she was or in other words it’s self-concept
owner. Who was understand the truth and know what has required by yourself in
order to succeed. For Achievemently or the work better can not be separated from
learning, especially learning undertaken by yourself. If viewed from the perspective
of management, then the performance has goals that include factors studied directing
and excitement which are closely interrelated. The basic idea is that performance can
only survive or be sustained if there is an opportunity to learn and there is joy in the
work. John Whitmore (2005: 12), described four principles of action learning cycle
in relation to performance on Figure 1 below.

Ke K

Ke K

Figure 1. The four princips of lerning cyclus for related in performance

Source: Whitmore,John, Seni Mengarahkan untuk Mendongkrak Kinerja, terjemahan oleh Dwi Helly
Purnomo (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005).,p. 112

From Figure 1 mentioned above appears, that "unconscious incompetence" is low

performance accompanied by the absence of understanding and "unconscious
incompetence" is low performance accompanied by recognition of the shortcomings
and weaknesses. "The ability to consciously" an improved performance is
accompanied by awareness and effort are well ordered. "The ability of the
unconscious" is a performance that is more natural, integrated, and automatic. While
aspects of excitement especially through the feelings experienced by a person as a
physical guarantee comfortable, which should always be sought from stimulants are
in, more high, faster, harder. The shape of joy in performance is the potential for
self-expression experience in the form of struggle, courage, activity, instability,
proximity, effectiveness, all of which will deliver someone at the peak of excitement.
This is supported also by the opinion of Keith Davis (Mangkunagara, 2005),
factors that affect performance is the capability and motivation, also the opinion of
Henry Simamora (Mangkunagara 2005), that individual performance was influenced
by individual attributes, work effort, and support organizations , While the individual
attributes, motivations, capabilities are the factors that are important in learning
The performance displayed by teachers in achieving quality of education is based
also on the attitude of displayed by the teacher who can be said to be influenced by
factors of the teachers themselves. The One of the factors that affect performance in
themselves the task of teachers is a factor that can be said to be learning self learning
or self-learning. Self learning or self-learning is the result of a self-motivated
individual who is on the teacher to constantly develop themselves in any form in
order to achieve self baik.Keadaan ability is not out of self-concept of the teacher as

Indonesian Journal of Educational Review, Vol.2, No.2, November 2015

the beliefs, views or judgment, feelings and thoughts individual against himself
covering ability, character, and attitude of the individual.
The based on the core self learning, in namely one's mindset in looking at him
that wants to be grown in a sense never satisfied to learn, and this will be manifested
in the work. Thereby to produce good work need to have the ability and skills that is
the dimension of a performance or anything resulting from the work, which is also
called performance.
The results also corroborate the results of Eli Ginzberg in American research
which shows that the concept of self (as one of the theories underlying the concept
of self-learning), is a variable that determines success in life, the positive self-
concept. The results of the study also showed that the academic achievement was
not directly related to success in life, means that there are other variables that
indirectly affect the success of life, one of which was the self-learning. It also shows
that the learning process in a person continues throughout their lives.
Self-learning the direct a positive effect on performance. That is, every teacher in
SMK Negeri Palangkaraya who open themselves to receive constructive criticism
against him in a sense have the self-assessment as well as the desire to always learn
to fix what was lacking in him and has the motivation to learn from the experiences,
both from within him and outside him will be have directly a positive impact on
teacher performance.
The results also showed that the learning approach with Self-Directed-Learning
should be a concern of the teachers in learning at school. According to an expert with
the American educational research on "experiential learning" as known the Kolb's
experiential cycle (1984), states that the child's learning more memorable if it
involves a child or a child-centered.


Self-learning was the positive directly effect on performance. It means that every
of the teacher in SMK Negeri Palangkaraya were open to constructive criticism
against him, and who want to learn that was lacking in him and has the motivation
to learn from experiences, both from inside and outside themselves will have positive
impact on performance.
There will be an increase in teacher performance has implications for the four of
competencies required for a professional teacher as educators as in Law the number
14 Year 2005 Article 20, paragraph b, one of which is to develop competence in a
sustainable manner. That will give emphasis to the importance of doing in self
learning teacher whose impact on teachers are expected to develop their potential
and do not never stop for learning. The concept of lifelong- learning is not only used
as a slogan alone, but accompanied by positive action to always do the learning.
Thus teachers are expected to develop their potential, to never stop learning. The
concept of lifelong learning who longer just a "concept" merely as a slogan, but a
real find in an action that is realized in performance as a professional real teacher.

Indonesian Journal of Educational Review, Vol.2, No.2, November 2015


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