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106 Success Guide – Activities PM-International

[ Everything you should know now ]

• What does SINALOA mean? (P. 100*)

Security in numbers and the law of average

• What does TAM mean? (S. 44)

The Action Module

• Which days are the most important to build up Momentum, the driving force
of my PM Business ? (P. 4 of this book)

The first 90
• When talking to someone about the products, I tell them (Page 78)

My Success story

• Burning Desire
achieves maximum success. (Page 54)

• Professionalism can never replace enthusiasm. (Page 54)

• How can I start, and earn money immediately? (Page 87)

As a Manager by chosind a Quick Start as an Initial Order

• Advantages of the Quick Start and the Manager Position: (Page 87)

• Buy products at 30% discount (20% now and 10% with commission check)

• All own products + 5 customers • Business Academy Special with 40%

• Check aassurance from the start •6 incomes at once

• earn bonus immediately • Automatically on Autoship where available

* Pages references refer to volume 2 if nothing otherwise stated. Caution: German page
numbers are 2 higher than the English ones starting with page 15. This may affect the
Audio Guide.
PM-International Success Guide – Activities 107

• What can I use to easily register Teampartners in Italy, Spain, England and
France and internationally? (Page 53)

the Quick-Start page on the Internet

• Where do I get a Quick Start Homepage? (Page 12 of this book)

As part of my PM E-Business

• The Manager is the first Key Position on the

Marketing Plan (page 87)

• Six different simultaneous incomes open up to the Manager. Please name

them. (Page 87-88)

• Retail Income • TOP Retailer Bonus

• Performance Bonus • Royalties
• Wholesale Income • Management Bonus

• Which advantages does the Customer Direct Program have…

…for my customers? (Page 34)

• Direct, quick delivery • not bound to a time

• Simple payment • longer time to pay
• Additional informationen • Price Discounts on Autoship
• more methods of payment • free choice, where to order
108 Success Guide – Activities PM-International

…for me as a Teampartner? (Page 34-5)

• No risk of non payment • Continuous sales (if Autoship)

• More times for customer acquisition • Higher earnings thru more customers

• Team build quicker • No risk of non-acceptance

• Customer bound if TP unavailable due to illness or vacation
• Delivery even when on vacation • Saves time
• delivery to customers far off • line protection secured
• satisfied customers • Secure personal sales
• How can a customer order on the Customer Direct Program? (Page 34)

• Order card for brochures • Phone

• Fax •Internet • Mail
• Before I hand over a product, I include (Page 42)

my address label
• What are the “closing” questions at a product presentation? (Page 83)

”Would you like only Activize or the Optimal-Set ?“

”Would you like them just for you or also for your family?“.
PM-International Success Guide – Activities 109

• The one minute presentation. My own business success story (Page 78)

Write your personal success story here

• Which acquisition tools are available from PM-International… (Page 85)

…to get new business partners? the Company DVD, the Image brochure

…to get new customers? let them try the products

• When I contact a prospect (by phone or personally), it is only a matter of

making an appointment
and not of describing the business. (Page 15)
110 Success Guide – Activities PM-International

• What is the easiest way to sponsor a Quick Starter? (Page 23)

after a business presentation via the Internet

• What am I paid for in my PM business? (Page 15)

talking to people
• The Name List is my business’ gold mine! (Page 15)

• Which 4 possible results are possible at a presentation? (Page 35)

• Quick Starter • TP- registration with try-out order

• 3-10 recommendationsn • new customer

• When distributing a Company-DVD, I always pretend it is my (Page 85)

last one
• What takes place every Tuesday at 6pm CET and really MUST be on my
calendar (Page 8)

The Update Conference

• The Success Guide is the most important support tool for a new
Teampartner. (Page 63)

• It is important to make the first appointment with a new Teampartner within

72 Hours
At this appointment, I go through the

Checklist to initiate a new Teampartner

and start working through the Success Guide
with my new Distributor (Pages 49-52 in volume 2 and page 100-102 in this
PM-International Success Guide – Activities 111

• Which trainings by PM should …

…a new business partner not miss at any cost? (Page 31)

• Business Academy • Build Up Seminare

• Nutrition Academy •Workshops
• Cosmetics Academy
…a potential leader additionally not miss? (Page 38)

• IMM-Training

…I as a TOP-Management Team additionally not miss? (Page 31)

• TOP-Management Training • Leadership

• For what do I receive a Performance Bonus? (Page 89)

initiate a new Quick Starter

• How high (in %) are the extra earnings as a Top salesperson with 2,500
Points? (Marketing Plan) 2%

• What is my quickest way to becoming an IMM: (Page 93)

I initiate 19 Quick Starters into my team

• My advantages and Additional Earnings as an IMM (Page 93)

• Travel Incentives • Pension Plan

• Car Program • act as a Joint-Venture Coach
• Special Seminar • Contact Person Team
• Guest at TOP-Management Training • IMM Awards
• Special IMM Competitions
Success Guide – Activities PM-International

• How do I qualify for a week’s free vacation, the IMM Travel Incentive? (Page 39)

With at least. 1,.000 Points in the three qualifying months.

• What must I also fulfill to qualify as a Vice President? (Marketing Plan)

25,000 Points + 3 SM
• Starting with which Position does the qualifying month begin? (Marketing Plan)

• What is the minimum requirement I need to qualify into the President’s Team?
(Marketing Plan) 100,000 Points + 3 IMMs
• What do the following positions earn at least per month? (Marketing Plan)

International Marketing Manager approx. 950 Ð

Vice President approx. 2.150 Ð

Executive Vice President approx 4.150 Ð

President’s Team approx 7.650 Ð

• How many prospects do I need at least per day to reach the top position, the
Champions League of PM-International? (Page 100)

• How many Firstline Teampartners should I sponsor on average a month to
reach a top position at PM-International? (Page 100)

PM-International Success Guide – Activities 113

• How do I become an Elite Circle Candidate and how do I get into the Elite Circle ?
(Page 94)
I sponsor at least 2 Quickstarters/Managers a month for 90
days or have at least 12 Distributors ordering FitLine PLus firstline, and
am at least an IMM. I have worked through this Success Guide and then
sent my Success Story to PM-International – then I am an Elite Circle
After holding out for one year, and sponsoring a least 2 new Managers a
month or one Distributor with FitLine PLus per month firstline and reaching
at least the Position of Vice President, I am an Elite Circle Member.

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