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I am a child who was fortunately born and brought up in the

golden era. I feel, we are the only generation who has closely
experienced how our lives have changed with introduction of new
dimensions of technology in our lives and how quickly technology
is overtaking our livesI believe technology has been one of the
greatest boons for us millennials. I remember myself to be on
cloud nine, every time I was familiarized with some new gadget or
fascinating new technology; my curiosity levels at their peak,
forgetting everything around and me devouring my senses into
knowing that thing. Hence, development of keenness about this
new media is natural. Also, whether it was the 2 year old me then
or thea 22 year old me today, the fondness of art, color, and
design and technology have not only stayed in me but have
grown with time me. A course in new media is undoubtedly one of
the main stops in this journey of mine involving curiosity, creativity
and realization of my inner self.
Regrettably, at a crucial point of my life where I had to choose a
path for myself, I found myself incapable of understanding myself
and could not understand myself and explaining the people
around me as to what I really wanted, and eventually tripped into Commented [AK1]:

doing graduation in economics.

During the three years of my graduation, every morning when I
woke up to go to college I used to feel a pit in my stomach, a
regret that I couldn’t stand up for my dreams. For the longest
times I lived in the delusion that I will eventually be able to move
on and turns out I couldn’t or I wouldn’t be here writing this today.
Admission to National Institute of Design was and is that dream
for me. Today I may not remember a lot of what I studied then,
but one thing that I know for a fact is that even then the only thing
that kept me driven was my moments of interaction with creativity Commented [AK2]: This is not very clear. Studied
for which I always took out time.
If I am afforded this opportunity, I am certain that I will dedicate
myself fully to learning as much as I can, exceeding expectations,
being the best student I can be, positively influencing my peers
and perfectly representing NID.

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