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Neuron, Vol. 48, 509–520, November 3, 2005, Copyright ª2005 by Elsevier Inc. DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2005.10.


Neurocognitive Mechanisms Review

of Synesthesia

Edward M. Hubbard1,* and V.S. Ramachandran Robertson and Sagiv, 2005). In this review, we will focus
Center for Brain and Cognition on four major topics: (1) genetic, cognitive, and perceptual
University of California, San Diego studies that have been conducted in the past fifteen years;
9500 Gilman Drive (2) neural models of synesthesia; (3) functional imaging
La Jolla, California 92093 studies of synesthesia; and (4) the role of individual differ-
ences in explaining some of the apparently contradictory
results in the perceptual and neuroimaging literature.
Synesthesia is a condition in which stimulation of one
sensory modality causes unusual experiences in a Genetic Components of Synesthetic Experience
second, unstimulated modality. Although long treated Early research demonstrated that synesthesia is a famil-
as a curiosity, recent research with a combination of phe- ial trait (Baron-Cohen et al., 1996; Galton, 1883) and sug-
nomenological, behavioral, and neuroimaging meth- gested that it is more common in women than in men
ods has begun to identify the cognitive and neural ba- (Baron-Cohen et al., 1996), perhaps through an X-linked
sis of synesthesia. Here, we review this literature with dominant mode of inheritance (Bailey and Johnson,
an emphasis on grapheme-color synesthesia, in which 1997). However, the exact genetic loci remain to be iden-
viewing letters and numbers induces the perception of tified, and preliminary results from a molecular genetic
colors. We discuss both the substantial progress that study of synaesthesia indicate that synaesthesia may
has been made in the past fifteen years and some open not be solely X linked (J.E. Asher, personal communica-
questions. In particular, we focus on debates in the tion). When large-scale random sample studies are car-
field relating to the neural basis of synesthesia, includ- ried out, there is no gender bias, suggesting that early
ing the relationship between synesthesia and atten- studies suffered from an underreporting by male sub-
tion and the role of meaning in synesthetic colors. We jects (J. Simner, personal communication). Other recent
propose that some, but probably not all, of these dif- findings, including a pair of monozygotic twins who were
ferences can be accounted for by differences in the discordant for synesthesia (Smilek et al., 2002) and data
synesthetes studied and discuss some methodologi- suggesting that synesthesia can skip generations (Hub-
cal implications of these individual differences. bard and Ramachandran, 2003) are hard to reconcile
with dominant transmission. In sum, recent data suggest
that the genetic mechanisms underlying synesthesia
Introduction may be more complex than the straightforward X-linked
Synesthesia is a relatively rare condition in which sen- dominant account proposed by early researchers.
sory stimuli cause unusual additional experiences. These Similarly, the estimated prevalence of synesthesia has
additional experiences often occur between modalities, varied dramatically, between as many as 1 in 20 (Galton,
such as seeing colors while listening to music or feeling 1883) and as few as 1 in 25,000 (Cytowic, 1989). The most
tactile shapes while tasting foods (Baron-Cohen and widely cited study to date suggests that synesthesia
Harrison, 1997; Cytowic, 1989). One of the most com- occurs in at least 1 in 2000 people (Baron-Cohen et al.,
mon, and intensely studied, forms of synesthesia is 1996), although this is now generally regarded as an
grapheme-color synesthesia (Day, 2005), in which view- underestimate. Our own informal samples have sug-
ing letters or numbers elicits the experience of colors. gested that the prevalence of grapheme-color synesthesia
For our synesthete JAC, looking at the letter E will elicit might be between 1 in 200 (Ramachandran and Hubbard,
the experience of a red photism, or colored overlay, while 2001b) and 1 in 100 (Mulvenna et al., 2004). Subsequent
viewing an O elicits a blue percept. Other synesthetes re- large-scale studies have suggested that the prevalence
port that they do not actually see these colored photisms of synesthesia might be as high as 1 in 20 across all forms
but rather just ‘‘know’’ that a particular letter is a particu- and 1 in 100 for grapheme-color synesthesia (J. Simner,
lar color, whereas still others report experiencing spe- personal communication). This high prevalence argues
cific colors but say that the color is experienced some- against the notion that synesthesia is merely a ‘‘benign
where within their ‘‘mind’s eye’’ (Dixon et al., 2004; cognitive variant’’ (see Ward and Mattingley, 2005) and
Flournoy, 1893; Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b). instead suggests that it is a widespread phenomenon
Although synesthesia was first investigated over one that may provide novel insights into the neural basis of
hundred years ago (Galton, 1880a, 1880b, 1883), the study the mind (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b).
of synesthesia has since been largely treated as a curiosity
in psychology and neuroscience (for a historical overview, Test-Retest Consistency in Synesthesia
see Marks [1975]). Recently, this trend has reversed, and In addition to showing that synesthesia is a familial
a new generation of psychologists and neuroscientists trait, early behavioral studies indicated that individual
has begun to take notice of synesthesia (Ramachandran synesthetes are consistent across time in their color as-
and Hubbard, 2001b; Rich and Mattingley, 2002; sociations (greater than 90% consistent over test-retest
intervals of up to one year) and that their color associa-
tions tend to be highly specific (Baron-Cohen et al.,
Current address: INSERM Unité 562 - Neuroimagerie Cognitive, 1993, 1996; Mattingley et al., 2001). Recently, using a
Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot CEA, 4 pl. du Général Leclerc, ‘‘Revised Test of Genuineness’’ (TOG-R), Asher et al.
Orsay, F91401 France. (2005) have further demonstrated the reliability of

synesthetic color reports. Using calibrated color sam- paradigms has increased recently, the most extensively
ples that allow a quantitative measurement of the match utilized methods fall into two broad categories: search-
between testing sessions, they demonstrated that con- related and masking-related paradigms.
sistency measures for synesthetes and controls formed Search-Related Paradigms
two distinct nonoverlapping populations. These mea- The most commonly used strategy to test synthetic col-
sures thereby provide an objective method for identifying ors is to adapt a visual search task. In our previous re-
synesthetes, although whether this should be treated search, we adapted a texture segregation task to pres-
as a definitional feature or an associated one remains ent subjects with displays in which one of four shapes
open to debate (Ward and Mattingley, 2005). (4-AFC) composed of a target grapheme was embedded
in a background of distracter graphemes. In this task,
Cognitive Studies of Synesthesia synesthetes were significantly more accurate than con-
Although studies of consistency are useful in differenti- trol subjects in identifying which of the target shapes
ating between synesthetes and nonsynesthetes, they was presented (see Figure 1A). We initially tested two
are too coarse to allow exploration of the cognitive, per- synesthetes (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001a) and
ceptual, and neural bases of synesthesia. Consistency later expanded this sample to six synesthetes in an im-
tells us that there is some difference between synes- proved design (Hubbard et al., 2005a). We find that, in
thetes and nonsynesthetes, but it does not tell us ex- five out of six subjects, their synesthetic colors aid in
actly what that difference is. In the past five years, there performance on this task, consistent with the idea that
has been an explosion of studies examining these ques- synesthetic colors are evoked early in perceptual pro-
tions with more sophisticated behavioral techniques. cessing.
With modified Stroop interference paradigms, recent re- In another early study, Smilek et al. (2001) report two
search has shown that synesthesia is automatic and experiments that demonstrate that a number is harder to
perhaps obligatory (Dixon et al., 2000; Lupiañez and identify and localize when the background color is con-
Callejas, 2005; Mattingley et al., 2001; Mills et al., 1999; gruent with the synesthetic color than when it is incon-
Odgaard et al., 1999; Wollen and Ruggiero, 1983). In gruent. For example, a ‘‘blue’’ 4 is detected faster when
the standard Stroop paradigm, color names are pre- presented against a red background than against a blue
sented in colored ink, such as the word RED printed in background (Figure 1B). This interference effect also
either red or green ink (‘‘congruent’’ and ‘‘incongruent,’’ suggests that synesthetic colors must be elicited at early
respectively). Responses in the incongruent condition stages of perceptual processing in order for the color to
are typically much slower than in the congruent condi- interfere with the detection of the target grapheme.
tion. Because the task has nothing to do with reading Subsequently, Palmeri et al. (2002) showed that syn-
the word, the interference shows that reading the word esthetic colors can aid in the detection of a singleton
is automatic (MacLeod, 1991). grapheme in a traditional visual search paradigm, in
Similarly, in the ‘‘synesthetic Stroop’’ paradigm, gra- which reaction times were measured as a function of
phemes are presented in either congruent or incongruent the number of distracters (Figure 1C). When synesthetic
ink colors for each synesthete. For a synesthete who sees colors differed between target and distracter (searching
7 as yellow, a 7 presented in yellow would be congruent, for a 2 among 5s), their synesthetic subject was much
and a 7 presented in any other color would be incongru- more efficient in his visual search. When the target and
ent. The consistent finding that synesthetes are slower in distracter elicited similar colors (searching for a 6 among
the incongruent condition than in the congruent condi- 8s), search was much less efficient. In control subjects,
tion demonstrates that synesthetic colors are automatic no such difference was observed.
and not under voluntary control. Subsequent research However, in another recent study, 14 synesthetes and
has shown that synesthetic Stroop interference can be matched controls were tested on a visual search task
induced simply by thinking about or imagining the elicit- similar to that employed by Palmeri et al., but none of
ing stimulus when it is the solution to a math problem them demonstrated parallel search (Edquist et al., 2005).
(Dixon et al., 2000; Jansari et al., 2005) and can be elimi- Two of the synesthetes showed a degree of perceptual
nated by masking the target grapheme before presenting enhancement, but none of their subjects demonstrated
a colored grapheme (Mattingley et al., 2001). One open truly preattentive search functions. These results sug-
question is the degree to which suppression of synes- gest that previous results showing strong perceptual
thetic colors is possible, as measured by negative prim- pop-out may not be true of all synesthetes but rather
ing (Lupiañez and Callejas, 2005; Odgaard et al., 1999). only a small proportion of synesthetes (see below).
Two other recent studies have suggested that the re-
Psychophysical Studies of Grapheme-Color lationship between attention and synesthesia may be
Synesthesia more complex than originally thought. Laeng et al.
Although Stroop interference demonstrates automatic- (2004) tested a single synesthete in a synesthetic visual
ity, interference alone does not distinguish between per- search paradigm. When slopes were calculated as a
ceptual or conceptual processes (MacLeod, 1991) be- function of number of distracters, they found evidence
cause it can be induced through trained associations of improved search efficiency for the synesthete relative
(Elias et al., 2003; MacLeod and Dunbar, 1988). To ad- to controls. However, when reaction times were ana-
dress the question of whether synesthetic colors are per- lyzed as a function of eccentricity, the search time ad-
ceptual or conceptual, numerous groups have designed vantage occurred only for eccentricities of less than 10º,
perceptual experiments in which synesthetic colors may suggesting that perceptual enhancement might occur
be expected to either help or hinder performance, de- only within the ‘‘functional field of attention.’’ In another
pending on the exact design. Although the number of variant of the visual search paradigm, Sagiv et al. (2005)

Figure 1. Visual Search Paradigms in Synesthesia

(A) The left panel shows a representative screen shot illustrating stimuli and our rendition of what it may have appeared like for subject JAC. The
right panel shows behavioral performance for our six synesthetes. Control subjects (n = 20 per synesthete) are indicated by white bars, synes-
thetes by medium gray bars, and control subjects presented with colored displays (n = 20 per synesthete) by dark gray bars. Error bars indicate
the SEM (from Hubbard et al. [2005a]).
(B) A visual search paradigm in which the background could either be congruent or incongruent with the synesthete’s experienced colors. As can
be seen here, synesthete C shows a clear difference in her search performance as a function of background color, although no such difference
was observed for controls. Error bars indicate the SEM (adapted from Smilek et al. [2001]).
(C) Another visual search paradigm in which search for graphemes that elicited dissimilar colors (a 2 among 5s) was differentially improved com-
pared for a search for graphemes that elicited similar synesthetic colors (an 8 among 6s). Error bars indicate the SEM (from Palmeri et al. [2002]).
(D) Data showing that at least some of the improvement found in previous studies may come from faster rejection of distracters. In the upright
conditions (both target present and target absent), absolute search times were improved for synesthete AD, whereas no such difference was
observed for synesthete CP. Note that AD and CP in this panel are referred to as AAD and CHP in (A). Error bars indicate the SEM (adapted
from Sagiv et al. [2005]).

presented two synesthetes with targets that elicited target (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b). Graphe-
synesthetic colors against a background of rotated let- mes presented in the periphery are difficult to identify
ters that did not induce synesthetic colors (Figure 1D). when crowded by other, flanking graphemes, an effect
In this ‘‘inverted’’ condition, they found no perceptual known as crowding (Bouma, 1970; He et al., 1996). This
enhancement in either of the two subjects, although effect is attenuated by presenting the target in a different
they found improved performance in synesthete CP color than the flankers (Kooi et al., 1994). We originally
in the upright condition, suggesting that at least part of reported that two synesthetic subjects were significantly
the enhancement observed in early studies was due to better at identifying the target grapheme than controls
faster rejection of the distracters, rather than detection (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b). However, subse-
of the target. quent research with a sample of six synesthetes demon-
Masking-Related Paradigms strated that these effects may not generalize to all synes-
Studies of synesthesia have also used a variety of mask- thetes (Hubbard et al., 2005a).
ing paradigms to explore the level at which synesthetic Contrary to these findings, Mattingley et al. (2001)
colors are elicited. Using a crowding paradigm, we in- showed that synesthetic Stroop interference was elimi-
vestigated whether synesthetic colors could aid in the nated when conscious awareness of the grapheme
identification a peripheral target grapheme under condi- was eliminated by pattern masking (for critiques, see
tions where control subjects were unable to identify the Blake et al. [2005] and Smilek et al. [2005]). They tested

a group of 15 synesthetes on a modified synesthetic search, the pattern of differences is stable between the
Stroop paradigm, by presenting a forward pattern mask, two studies, with AAD showing a greater behavioral ad-
a target grapheme, and then a backward pattern mask vantage than CHP. Although these results suggest that
composed of six colored symbols that were either con- individual differences will not resolve all of the contra-
gruent or incongruent with the synesthetic colors expe- dictory results in the literature, until this is tested more
rienced by their synesthetes for the target grapheme. explicitly, it is premature to decide whether contradic-
The graphemes were presented for different durations tory results are due to differences in synesthetes, differ-
such that subjects either could (at 500 ms) or could not ences in testing methods, or some combination of both.
(at 28 and 56 ms) identify the grapheme. When graphe- Second, even for those rare subjects in whom synes-
mes were presented for 500 ms, a clear Stroop interfer- thetic colors occur relatively early in visual processing,
ence was observed. However, when graphemes were they may not be strictly preattentive. Paradigms that
presented for 28 or 56 ms, no such interference was ob- test strict preattentive processing may fail to find effects
served. of synesthetic colors, whereas paradigms that test for
However, Wagar et al. (2002) have shown that object early visual processes, such as texture segregation, may
substitution masking, which occurs late in processing find effects of synesthetic colors (Treisman, 2005). This
(Enns and Di Lollo, 1997), does not eliminate the experi- may help to reconcile much of the contradictory litera-
ence of synesthetic colors, even though it does elimi- ture by suggesting that although they are elicited early
nate conscious recognition of graphemes in control sub- in processing, synesthetic colors are not equivalent to
jects. In a single synesthetic subject, C, the deleterious real colors in the external world. This is consistent with
effect of object substitution masking on identifying a our findings that synesthetic colors were not as effective
masked grapheme was much less than in any of their as real colors in enhancing performance on our embed-
eight control subjects. One important difference is that ded figures and crowding tasks (Hubbard et al., 2005a).
recognition of graphemes seems to require focused at- Finally, it is possible that the dichotomous view of at-
tention to bind the elements together, whereas color is tentional processes as either pre- or postattentive is too
generally thought of as a basic feature (e.g., Triesman simple, and synesthesia simply highlights the inadequa-
and Gelade [1980]). cies of the dichotomous distinction. Both psychophysi-
Potential Explanations of These Contradictions cal (Pashler, 1998; Wolfe, 1994) and neuroimaging stud-
Overall, these studies demonstrate the perceptual real- ies (for a review, see Kastner and Pinsk [2004]) suggest
ity of synesthetic colors; however, almost every pub- that attention may operate at multiple levels. We sug-
lished study has been met by a counter study that pro- gest that some measure of distributed attention may be
duces apparently contradictory results with a different required to elicit synesthetic experiences but perhaps
group of synesthetes and a different paradigm. There not the same degree required to bind highly confusable
are at least three possible interpretations of these re- letter segments. Future studies will have to investigate
sults. First, a growing body of evidence suggests that the possibility that hybrid models of attention, such as
there is substantial variability in synesthetes (Dixon Guided Search (Wolfe, 1994), will better explain the ap-
et al., 2004; Hubbard et al., 2005a; Smilek and Dixon, parent contradictions in the psychophysical literature.
2002) and that these differences are likely to account
for some of the conflicting results in the literature. We Neural Models of Synesthesia
suggest that the reality of substantial individual differen- Based on these and other results demonstrating the re-
ces needs to be taken into consideration in evaluating ality of synesthetic experiences, it becomes natural to
‘‘failures’’ to replicate or partial replications (see also speculate about its neural basis. To date, there have
Dixon and Smilek [2005]). This is especially important been two, somewhat parallel discussions concerning
given that perhaps only 10% of synesthetes are ‘‘projec- the neural substrate of synesthesia. The first of these
tor’’ synesthetes (Dixon et al., 2004), in whom we would discussions has taken place at the neurophysiological
expect to find these low-level perceptual effects (see level and has centered on the question of whether synes-
below). The same synesthetes need to be tested with thetic experience arises from a failure of neural pruning
different paradigms to determine whether some of the or some form of disinhibition (compare Ramachandran
contradictory results in the literature are due to individ- and Hubbard [2001a] and Grossenbacher and Lovelace
ual differences between synesthetes or differences in [2001]). The second discussion has taken place at the
experimental paradigms. architectural level. Three architectural models have
To date, there is only one example where the same been proposed to date, which we will refer to here as
synesthetes have been tested with the different para- ‘‘local crossactivation,’’ ‘‘re-entrant processing,’’ and
digms by different investigators. Four of the six synes- ‘‘long-range disinhibited feedback.’’ These two orthogo-
thetes we tested with our behavioral and fMRI para- nal questions might be best thought of as a two by three
digms (Hubbard et al., 2005a) have also been tested by table, illustrated in Table 1.
Sagiv and colleagues with ERPs (Sagiv et al., 2003), Despite their logical independence, not all combina-
and two of them have been tested by behavioral meth- tions of possible mechanisms have been proposed. Al-
ods (Sagiv et al., 2005). In this case, data from several though we have suggested that our model could involve
paradigms (crowding task, fMRI BOLD signal, and ERP disinhibition of feedback, we have tended to think in
signals; see below) correlated, whereas other measures terms of excess anatomical connections, which are nor-
(the embedded figures task and visual search with ro- mally pruned in development (Hubbard and Ramachan-
tated distracters) did not (compare Figures 1A and 1D). dran, 2003; Hubbard et al., 2005a; Ramachandran and
Despite the diverging conclusions these two studies Hubbard, 2001a, 2001b). At the other end of the spec-
reached about the role of attention synesthetic visual trum, the long-range feedback theory tends to be

Table 1. Theories of the Neural Basis of Synesthesia

Local Crossactivation Re-Entrant Feedback

Anatomical connections Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001a; Smilek et al., 2001 Armel and Ramachandran, 1999
Hubbard et al., 2005; Maurer, 1997
Disinhibition Smilek et al., 2001 Grossenbacher, 1997; Grossenbacher
and Lovelace, 2001
Along the rows are the neurophysiological mechanisms proposed to account for synesthesia, and the columns indicate the architectural ac-
counts. References in individual cells indicate representative publications that have advocated these positions.

couched in terms of disinhibition of feedback (Grossen- (Armel and Ramachandran, 1999; Grossenbacher, 1997;
bacher, 1997; Grossenbacher and Lovelace, 2001), al- Grossenbacher and Lovelace, 2001). One piece of evi-
though an unusual case of acquired synesthesia be- dence in favor of the long-range model comes from the
cause of blindness might be due to axonal sprouting, study of a patient, PH, who became blind at the age of
given the long time required for the emergence of this 40 because of retinitis pigmentosa (Armel and Rama-
form of synesthesia (Armel and Ramachandran, 1999). chandran, 1999). After a period of 2 years of blindness,
Finally, re-entrant processing models are neutral as to PH began reporting that tactile stimuli elicited the sub-
the possible low-level neurophysiological substrates jective impression of seeing visual movement. Interest-
but could be reconciled with either excess connectivity ingly, the intensity of the tactile stimulation required to in-
or with disinhibited feedback. duce synesthetic photisms was greater when his hand
Local Crossactivation was held in front of his face than when it was held behind
Based on the fact that the visual word form area (VWFA; his face, suggesting some sort of top-down multisensory
for a review, see Cohen and Dehaene [2004]) lies adja- activation, perhaps mediated by parietal structures.
cent to color processing region hV4 (Wade et al., 2002), Another piece of evidence in favor of the disinhibited
we have proposed that grapheme-color synesthesia feedback theory is that at least some people report
may arise from direct crossactivation between these ad- synesthetic experiences while under the influence of
jacent brain regions (Hubbard et al., 2005a; Ramachan- psychedelics (see e.g., Shanon [2002]). However, the
dran and Hubbard, 2001a, 2001b). Our hypothesis builds experiences of congenital synesthetes, despite some
on previous work suggesting that phantom limb sensa- superficial similarities with the experiences in drug-
tions may arise through cortical reorganization in ampu- induced synesthesia, may arise from different mecha-
tees (Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998; Ramachandran nisms (Hubbard and Ramachandran, 2003). In particular,
et al., 1992). Crucially, these cortical-to-cortical connec- the experiences of congenital synesthetes are typically
tions led to systematic perceptual experiences of having generic (Cytowic, 1989), whereas the experiences gen-
the missing limb stimulated through stimulation of the erated by psychedelics are often complex (Shanon,
still-present facial nerves, and these novel perceptual 2002). Similarly, the effects of psychedelics tend to be
experiences were reproducible and involuntary. We sug- systemic, whereas congenital synesthesia typically in-
gest that synaesthesia arises through a mechanism of volves highly precise mappings (like the letter A being
crossactivation similar to that observed in phantom a very specific shade of red). In the absence of some
limb patients, and this crossactivation leads to repro- mechanism to account for these phenomenological dif-
ducible, involuntary, systematic perceptual experiences ferences, we find it difficult to see how congenital and
(Hubbard and Ramachandran, 2003). drug-induced synesthesia could arise from a common
One potential mechanism for this would be the ob- mechanism.
served prenatal connections between inferior temporal Re-Entrant Processing
regions and area V4 (Kennedy et al., 1997; Rodman Finally, something of a hybrid model has been sug-
and Moore, 1997). In the fetal macaque, approximately gested (Myles et al., 2003; Smilek et al., 2001), in which
70%–90% of the connections are from higher areas (es- grapheme-color synesthesia has been suggested to
pecially TEO), whereas in the adult, approximately 20%– be due to aberrant re-entrant processing (perhaps con-
30% of retrograde-labeled connections to V4 come from sistent with models of disinhibited feedback). Smilek
higher areas (Kennedy et al., 1997). If a genetic mutation et al. propose that in addition to the forward sweep of
were to lead to a failure of pruning of these prenatal activity from V1 to V4, to posterior and then anterior
pathways, connections between the VWFA and hV4 inferior temporal regions (PIT and AIT, respectively), ab-
would persist into adulthood, leading to the experience errant neural activity from AIT feeds back to representa-
of color when viewing numbers or letters (see also tions in PIT and V4, leading to the experience of synes-
Baron-Cohen et al. [1993] and Maurer [1997]). Although thetic colors. The main evidence used to argue in favor
being adjacent to each other increases the likelihood of this theory over the crossactivation theory is the
of brain regions being connected to each other, we sug- fact that visual context and meaning influence the expe-
gest that it is the presence or absence of such early con- rienced colors in synesthesia (Dixon and Smilek, 2005;
nections that is important, not the fact that brain regions Myles et al., 2003; see also Ramachandran and Hubbard
are adjacent per se. [2001b] and Rich and Mattingley [2003]).
Long-Range Disinhibited Feedback However, the presence of behavioral top-down mod-
Other studies have suggested that synesthesia may ulations cannot distinguish between the local cross-
be due to disinhibited feedback from a ‘‘multisensory activation and re-entrant models of synesthesia be-
nexus’’ such as the temporo-parietal-occipital junction cause neither model has been specified with sufficient

(Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998). A similar interplay

between preserved connectivity and disinhibited feed-
back may be present in synesthesia, leading to the ob-
served mixture of occasional synesthetic effects in the
general population and the specificity of the experien-
ces of congenital synesthetes.
Different Neural Mechanisms for Different
Another possibility is that a ‘‘one size fits all’’ approach
may fail to capture the variability in synesthetic experien-
ces. Different neural theories have focused on different
types of synesthesia, with the local crossactivation and
re-entrant feedback theories focusing on grapheme-
color synesthesia, whereas the feedback models have
focused on word-color and tone-color synesthesia. It is
quite likely, given that graphemes, phonemes, music,
and colors are processed by different brain regions,
that forms of synesthesia have different architectural
substrates. However, the fact that synesthetes within
Figure 2. Mechanisms whereby Feedback Could Affect Synesthetic the same family may inherit different forms of synes-
Colors thesia (Ward and Simner, 2005) suggests that common
In (A), suggested by Smilek et al. (2001), meaning (processed in AIT) neurophysiological mechanisms may be shared across
directly influences synesthetic colors via direct feedback connec- different forms of synesthesia.
tions to V4 (circle 1). In (B), as suggested here, meaning indirectly in-
fluences synesthetic colors, only after it has biased form analysis in
Functional Imaging Studies
PIT (circle 2).
Although there have been numerous neuroimaging
studies of synesthesia, they have yielded somewhat in-
consistent results. Using PET, Paulesu et al. (1995) pre-
precision (see Figure 2). Feedback is ubiquitous in the sented word-color synesthetes with blocks of either
visual system (Felleman and Van Essen, 1991); the pure tones or single words. In this study, areas of the
main difference between the models is how feedback posterior-inferior temporal cortex and parieto-occipital
is thought to modulate synesthetic colors. To account junction—but not early visual areas V1, V2, or V4—
for the presence of contextual modulations, the re- were activated during word listening more than during
entrant model suggests that neural signals propagate tone listening in synesthetic subjects, but not in con-
back to V4 (labeled 1 in Figure 2A), and in parallel, this trols. In a follow-up fMRI study, Nunn et al. (2002) tested
activation influences the recognition of the grapheme six female, right-handed, word-color synesthetes and
in PIT thereby leading to the influence of meaning on six matched nonsynesthetes. They report that regions of
synesthetic colors. The crossactivation model can ac- the brain involved in the processing of colors (V4/V8) are
count for these contextual modulations by assuming more active when word-color synesthetes hear spoken
that the same feedback mechanisms that are already words than when they listen to tones, but not earlier
present, and that can account for top-down modula- visual areas such as V1 or V2. No such difference was
tions in nonsynesthetic observers (McClelland and Ru- observed in control subjects, even when they were ex-
melhart, 1981), are also present in synesthetes. Once tensively trained to imagine specific colors for specific
those mechanisms are in place, activation from AIT words. In a case study of a synesthete who experiences
can directly bias the firing of neurons in PIT, such that person-color synesthesia, hearing names that elicited
the responses of these neurons differ. The different pat- synesthetic colors led to activity in left extra-striate cor-
tern of PIT (VWFA) neuronal firing will crossactivate a dif- tex (near V4), but not V1 (Weiss et al., 2001). Another
ferent population of V4 neurons, leading to both the per- case study of a word-color synesthete reports activation
cept of a different grapheme and a different synesthetic of anatomically defined V1 but the authors were unable
experience (labeled 2 in Figure 2B). to determine if V4 was active (Aleman et al., 2001). Yet
Multiple Neural Mechanisms another recent study failed to find increased activation
Of course, these proposals are not necessarily mutually in the fusiform gyrus during synesthetic experiences
exclusive. One instructive lesson may come from stud- but did find enhanced activity in the intraparietal sulcus
ies of phantom limbs, in which a similar debate between (Weiss et al., 2005), a region thought to be crucial for
‘‘unmasking’’ and ‘‘sprouting’’ occurred (see Ramachan- binding of color and form (Robertson, 2003).
dran and Hirstein [1998] for a review). In some cases, In sum, most studies of synesthesia suggest that
phantoms sensations are experienced less than 24 hr color-selective region V4 is involved in synesthetic col-
after amputation, implying the unmasking of existing, ors, but the functional significance of this activation, and
previously inhibited connections (Borsook et al., 1998). the degree to which other areas are involved, remains
However, longitudinal studies of amputees show that unclear. These conflicting results may be due to meth-
the organization of the point-to-point correspondence odological differences between the studies, differences
between facial trigger zones and phantom limb sensa- between synesthetes studied, or differences in the
tions in the arm develops slowly after amputation, sug- strength of the colors experienced by the different syn-
gesting the development of new neural connections esthetes. To investigate this question, we obtained both

Figure 3. FMRI Data from Representative

Control and Synesthetic Subject
Ventral view of two inflated brains, with hV4
indicated in purple and the grapheme area in-
dicated in blue. Data from the synesthete and
the control both show activation in the graph-
eme region. In addition to the grapheme acti-
vation, the synesthete shows clear activation
of hV4, which is absent in the control subject.
For details see Hubbard et al. (2005a).

behavioral and fMRI measurements in six grapheme- measured in hV4 and ERP measurements collected on
color synesthetes and six nonsynesthetic controls to a subset of the subjects tested here. The stability of
test the hypotheses that (1) grapheme-color synesthesia these differences across different paradigms argues
arises as a result of activation of color-selective region for stable individual differences, which may help to ex-
hV4 in the fusiform gyrus and (2) the behavioral improve- plain some of the contradictory results in the literature.
ments seen in our psychophysical paradigms are medi- Another recent study measured fMRI BOLD re-
ated by this activation in hV4 (Hubbard et al., 2005a). In sponses in four synesthetes in retinotopically defined
our behavioral experiments, described above, we found V1–V4 to graphemes that elicited synesthetic colors ver-
that a subject’s synesthetic experience can aid in tex- sus those that did not (Sperling et al., 2005). Overall, they
ture segregation and reduce the effects of crowding. found greater activation in V4 when synesthetes were
We then used standard fMRI retinotopic mapping tech- presented with graphemes that caused them to report
niques to identify individual visual areas in six synes- seeing colors than when presented with graphemes
thetes and controls. When presented with white on gray that did not. Interestingly, Sperling et al. report a hint
letters and numbers, compared against nonlinguistic of individual differences but in the opposite direction
symbols that did not elicit colors, we observed larger from what we find. Those synesthetes that report the
fMRI responses in hV4 in synesthetes compared with most spatially localized photisms showed less activa-
control subjects (Figure 3). Importantly, we found a pos- tion than those who reported diffuse photisms. How-
itive correlation within subjects between the behavioral ever, unlike our study in which we restricted our analysis
and fMRI results (Figure 4). Subjects with better perfor- to only voxels that responded to the same retinal loca-
mance in the behavioral experiments showed larger tion where stimuli were presented, Sperling et al. mea-
fMRI responses in early retinotopic visual areas (V1, sured responses across the entire retinotopic region,
V2, V3, and hV4). Importantly, the variability we ob- raising the possibility that a few highly active voxels
served here is not purely random noise. Rather, our be- were averaged with many other nonactive voxels for
havioral crowding task correlates not only with our em- those synesthetes who report strong focal experiences,
bedded figures task but also with our fMRI responses leading to a reduced mean response in those subjects
with the most localized photisms.

Activation of Early Retinotopic Areas in Grapheme-

Color Synesthesia
Our behavioral and fMRI results suggest not only that
synesthetic colors affect behavioral performance in a
manner similar to real colors but also that they also
activate color-selective regions of cortex in a manner
similar to real colors. As mentioned above, we find that
across subjects, improved psychophysical performance
is positively correlated with fMRI responses in retino-
topic visual areas, including hV4. Although this brain-
behavior correlation did not reach significance in early
visual areas, such as V1 and V2, it is interesting to note
Figure 4. Correlation between Behavioral Performance on the that subjects that showed the greatest behavioral per-
Crowding Task and fMRI Responses in hV4
formance in our crowding task also showed the greatest
Filled symbols indicate synesthetic subjects, whereas open sym- degree of activation in these early visual areas. These re-
bols indicate control subjects. As can be seen here, synesthetes
sults are consistent with three alternative proposals.
showed substantial variability in both behavioral and performance
and fMRI response. Controls, on the other hand, performed univer- First, these results could be due to increased specific-
sally poorly and showed overall lower responses in hV4 (from Hub- ity of color processing in the ventral visual stream, con-
bard et al. [2005a]). sistent with models of color processing that suggest an

increasing neural specialization for color processing sort is required to bind the synesthetic experiences
from V1 blobs through V2 thin stripes to V4 (Livingstone (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2003; Robertson, 2003).
and Hubel, 1984, 1987; Tootell et al., 2004). Alternatively, For example, when a number evokes a color, there is
it could be that the neural mechanisms of synesthesia something in the visual image to which the color can
involve two components: local crossactivation between be ascribed. On the other hand, were a color to evoke a
grapheme regions and hV4 and top-down feedback number, the number may not be able to be represented
pathways with early visual areas. If so, the increased ac- as a stimulus with physical properties of size, distance,
tivation in V1 (presumably mediated by feedback path- and the like. By using numerical tasks, the studies de-
ways) might be important for explaining the synesthetic scribed above may have provided an object for the acti-
performance observed here. In synesthetes who were vation to bind to, if only a cognitive one. Second, it may
experiencing more highly spatially localized photisms, be that the connections leading to synesthetic experi-
the degree of target localization (and corresponding be- ence are of the appropriate strength or form to reach
havioral performance) would increase, consistent with conscious awareness, whereas the connections that
the idea that V1 may serve as a high-resolution buffer support bidirectional effects are not. How, and why, cer-
for spatial information in perception (Lee et al., 1998) tain neural activity becomes conscious is being actively
and imagery (Kosslyn and Thompson, 2003). Finally, it investigated (Crick and Koch, 1998; Dehaene and Nacc-
must be noted that the strength of the synesthetic ex- ache, 2001). Competing proposals suggest that activity
perience (presumably elicited in hV4), which varied be- reaches conscious awareness when activity in either
tween synesthetes, might evoke differential attention to early sensory areas or in a global neural workspace ex-
the synesthetic colors, which would itself activate V1 ceeds a certain threshold. Future studies will be re-
(Gandhi et al., 1999; Martinez et al., 1999). Unfortunately, quired to further clarify these issues.
given the temporal resolution of current techniques,
these are questions that cannot be answered definitively Common or Special Mechanisms?
with our data. Future studies will need to examine these One final question is whether synesthesia depends on
questions more precisely. mechanisms shared by everyone or whether it depends
on special mechanisms that are unique to synesthetes
Uni- or Bidirectional? (Blakemore et al., 2005; Ward et al., 2005). Ward et al.
Related to the question of feedback is the question of have shown that tone-color associations share common
whether synesthesia is uni- or bidirectional. Although mechanisms with nonsynesthetic pitch-lightness asso-
conscious synesthetic experiences are manifestly unidi- ciations, replicating prior work (Hubbard, 1996; Marks,
rectional (e.g., from numbers to colors) (Ramachandran 1975). Based on this, they argue that synesthesia de-
and Hubbard, 2003), two recent studies have investi- pends on mechanisms of auditory-visual correspon-
gated the question of whether there might be some bi- dence common to us all not on pruning of neonatal
directionality in synesthetic activation, even if it is insuf- pathways (e.g., Baron-Cohen et al. [1993]). Similarly,
ficient to reach conscious awareness (Cohen-Kadosh Blakemore et al. (2005) have reported a case of synes-
et al., 2005; Knoch et al., 2005). Cohen-Kadosh et al. thesia in which observed touches are experienced as
took advantage of the numerical distance effect, in felt touches on the corresponding body part. Using
which numbers that are far apart (large magnitude differ- fMRI, they were able to measure activity in cortical net-
ence) are responded to more quickly than numbers that works related to the mirror neuron system involved in
are close together, and a synesthetic congruity effect. self-other mapping. The synesthete showed activity in
By presenting a pair of numbers that are far in distance the same regions as the nonsynesthetes but showed
but are presented in colors associated with a closer pair greater activity in this network than any of the eight con-
of numbers (‘‘small color distance’’), responses should trol subjects, leading Blakemore et al. to also suggest
be slowed in the synesthete group (but not the control that this form of synesthesia depends on mechanisms
group) if numerical magnitude is automatically acti- present in us all but that they are active to a greater
vated. Similarly, for pairs that are numerically close but degree.
are presented in colors associated with a farther pair As we have noted previously, the same mechanisms
(‘‘large color distance’’), responses should be facilitated present in synesthetes are likely to be present to a lesser
in the synesthete group but not the control group. In two degree in nonsynesthetes and could account for the
synesthetic subjects, responses were facilitated by ‘‘conceptual rightness’’ of certain cross-sensory map-
a large color distance in the small number condition pings, such as mapping a jagged visual shape with a
but were not interfered with by the small color distance jagged sound (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b) or
in the large number condition. associating high pitches with bright lights (Hubbard,
Although intriguing, further research will be required 1996; Marks, 1975). Perhaps there is some degree of
to link these findings up with detailed neuroanatomical pruning of perinatal pathways, but the degree of pruning
models of synesthesia. For example, given that numeri- differs between synesthetes and nonsynesthetes (recall
cal magnitude information is represented in the region that even in the normal adult macaque, the pruning is not
of the left angular gyrus and bilateral IPS (see e.g., all or none). If the pathways are only slightly pruned,
Dehaene et al., 2003), would these effects be found the activity would be greater and, therefore, could enter
only in ‘‘higher’’ synesthetes? Another question raised into conscious awareness. However, if the pathways
by these findings is why synesthetic experience is uni- are heavily pruned only a residual activation may re-
formly unidirectional, despite the implicit bidirectionality main, which may be sufficient for establishing cross-
demonstrated here. Two possible explanations sug- sensory mappings but insufficient to reach conscious
gest themselves. First, it may be that an object of some awareness.

Individual Differences in Synesthetes concurrents. For example, perceptual processing of

Based on our recent brain-behavior correlations and the graphemes may elicit strong, externally projected pho-
behavioral results by Dixon and colleagues, we argue tisms, whereas processing of numerical concepts may
that the experiences of different synesthetes are sys- elicit internally experienced sensations of color. In lower
tematically different (Dixon et al., 2004; Hubbard et al., synesthetes, we suggest that crossactivation may occur
2005a; Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b; Smilek between adjacent regions of the fusiform gyrus involved
and Dixon, 2002). Smilek and Dixon refer to differences in letter recognition and color processing, whereas
in the locus of the experienced colors as either ‘‘out in higher synesthesia may arise from crossactivation in
space’’ or ‘‘in the mind’s eye,’’ which they term projector the parietal cortex, particularly in the region of the angu-
and associator synesthetes, respectively. They show lar gyrus, the ventral intraparietal area, and the lateral in-
that synesthetes grouped into the two different catego- traparietal area (Hubbard et al., 2005b). We suggest that
ries on the basis of self-report also show different pat- crossactivation in the region of the parietal lobe may ex-
terns of Stroop interference. Specifically, for projector plain synesthetic number forms, in which numerical (and
synesthetes, naming the color of the ink in which a other ordinal sequences) are experienced as having
grapheme was presented induced greater Stroop inter- specific locations in space, in addition to colors (Hub-
ference than naming the photism color, whereas for as- bard et al., 2005b; Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b).
sociator synesthetes, the opposite pattern was ob- One prediction of this model is that for lower synes-
served (Dixon et al., 2004). thetes but not higher synesthetes, synesthetic color in-
We have proposed an alternative classification of tensity should be modulated by low-level visual proper-
these synesthetes (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b; ties of the inducer, such as contrast and font, which we
Hubbard et al., 2005a), based not only on differences in have recently observed in a single synesthete (Hubbard
the experience of where the synesthetic concurrent is et al., 2005). Crucially, this synesthete, JAC, performed
experienced but also on the basis of differences in the best in our psychophysical tasks and showed the great-
triggers, or inducers, of synesthetic experience. We sug- est activation of early visual areas in our imaging para-
gest that there might be two groups of synesthetes, digm (Hubbard et al., 2005a). Another prediction is that
which we term ‘‘lower’’ (referring to lower perceptual pro- different synesthetes should show different patterns
cesses) and ‘‘higher’’ (referring to higher cognitive pro- of fMRI and ERP responses. Recently, a late-blind syn-
cesses) synesthetes, in whom the different forms of syn- esthete who experienced colors both for letters and
esthesia arise at different stages of processing. Much as for months of the year was tested using fMRI (Steven
memory research gradually fractionated from a unified et al., 2005). When presented with Braille letters that eli-
concept of ‘‘memory’’ into the now widely accepted cited synesthetic colors, activation was found in the
‘‘multiple memory systems’’ view that allowed these pro- fusiform gyrus in the synesthete but not in a late-blind
cesses to be better tied to neural substrates (for a recent control subject. In a second task, Steven et al. showed
historical review, see Squire [2004]), we believe that ad- that when (for example) ‘‘March’’ was used to refer to
vances in understanding synesthesia will require a fur- months, it elicited increased activation in the region of
ther fractionation of our concepts of synesthesia. the angular gyrus, but not in the fusiform gyrus, in the
Given the already existing neurocogntive models of synesthetic subject. Similarly, preliminary ERP data
processes such as reading and numerical cognition, with a mismatch paradigm on four of the six synesthetes
two of the most common triggers of synesthetic experi- tested by Hubbard et al. (2005a) further suggest qualita-
ence, we may be able to predict what this deeper under- tive differences between synesthetes (Sagiv et al., 2003).
standing of synesthesia will look like. The Dual-Route The earliest ERP differences mirrored the pattern of psy-
Cascade model for reading (Coltheart et al., 2001) and chophysical and fMRI responses observed in our study
the Triple-Code model of numerical cognition (Dehaene, (see Hubbard et al. [2005a] for details).
1992; Dehaene et al., 2004) each contain less than a half- Finally, it should be noted that the extent to which the
dozen nodes, connected by approximately a dozen projector/associator and lower/higher distinctions map
pathways. By combining these models of synesthetic onto each other is an open empirical question. One pos-
triggers with the known neural basis of synesthetic con- sibility is that higher synesthetes would be more likely
currents, we may be able to constrain potential neural to experience colors in their mind’s eye and, therefore,
substrates of synesthesia to a small subset of these demonstrate weaker perceptual effects. We would
nodes and thereby explain the individual differences ob- therefore predict that higher synesthetes would be
served in synesthesia. Although we have previously fo- more likely to be classified as associators. Another pos-
cused on the neural substrates of numerical cognition sibility is that the projector/associator distinction cap-
(Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b), our higher-lower tures differences in the strength of experiences within
distinction shares much with the neurocognitive model what we would refer to as lower synesthetes. It is even
developed by Rich and Mattingley (2002) based on mod- possible that these dimensions are orthogonal, such
els of cognitive and neural processes involved in read- that there could be a ‘‘higher’’ synesthete with strong ex-
ing. The main difference between these two proposals ternally projected photisms, although we consider this
is that we suggest different nodes as the site of crossac- unlikely. Additional research will be needed to answer
tivation for different synesthetes, whereas Rich and these questions.
Mattingley remain agnostic about potential subtypes
and their neural correlates. Methodological Considerations
If our hypothesis about the importance of adjacency is We would also like to comment briefly on the subject
correct, then we would predict that different classes of of single-case versus group studies. These methodo-
inducers would lead to different classes of synesthetic logical questions are linked to the question of individual

differences because single-case approaches are more and future research will be needed to determine how
likely to highlight differences, whereas group studies general these findings are. Additionally, although much
are more likely to highlight commonalities. We believe of the current research has focused on grapheme-color
that synesthesia research can profit from using both and tone-color synesthesia, there are many other forms
single-case and group approaches. However, we must of synesthesia that are just beginning to be explored. We
be cautious when interpreting the results of these ap- believe that the crossactivation model may be able to
proaches. Results from a single case may not generalize explain these other forms as well. For example, auditory
to other synesthetes (especially given the rarity of some word to taste synesthesia may depend on crossacti-
of the stronger manifestations of synesthesia), and in- vation between insular regions involved in taste pro-
deed, most of the studies that report strong synesthetic cessing and superior temporal and/or frontal regions
effects have used a small number of self-referred synes- involved in auditory word comprehension and produc-
thetes. However, a failure to find an effect in a group tion (Ward and Simner, 2003), and feeling tactile shapes
study should be equally treated with caution. If a sample in response to tastes (Cytowic, 1989) may arise from
is composed of several subtypes of synesthetes, the cross-activation between insular regions and primary
variability in the sample may lead to a failure to find sig- somatosensory regions. The neural basis of other forms
nificant results, such as in fMRI studies that use random of synesthesia, such as experiencing personalities for
effects analyses. Similarly, if there is only one synes- letters and numbers or experiencing temperatures to
thete in a sample of ten who demonstrates the hypothe- sounds, remains to be explored. We hope that our ex-
sized strong manifestations, then a group study will plorations into the neural basis of grapheme-color syn-
miss a real but rare effect. esthesia will also help to shed light on these other forms
We used a third approach, which might best be of synesthesia.
termed a ‘‘multiple-case study’’ approach, to demon-
strate that the positive results found for certain synes- Acknowledgments
thetes were not simply statistical artifacts, observable
under specific circumstances with specific subjects This research was funded by National Institutes of Health grants F31
MH63585 to E.M.H. and RO1 MH 60474 to V.S.R. We thank Geoff
(Hubbard et al., 2005a). Rather, the differences we ob- Boynton, Roi Cohen-Kadosh, Noam Sagiv, Lisa Williams, and three
served were stable across two behavioral paradigms anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on this manuscript. The
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