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Time management refers to the process by which a person plans, organizes and also

divides available time between various specific activities. We have two types of time

management, i.e., good time management and bad time management. When one has good time

management, he/ she works smart and not harder so that less time is used to achieve more. When

the pressures are high and the time seems to be tight, failure to manage time well may cause

damages in time and eventually lead to stress. According to many it is seemed and believed that

in the day there is never enough time in a single day. But the biggest question remains why do

some people make more achievements than others despite all getting twenty four hours in a day?

The answer is only hidden on how one manages time. By the use of the best techniques of time

management, those who achieve higher do so as a result of managing their time in an

exceptionally way. By the use of the best time management techniques, one can improve the

ability to perform the available activities even under high pressures and tight schedules. The shift

of the results from the activities is as a result of good time management. The process of being

effective is not the same as being busy. When one spends the whole day in frenzy activities,

he/she is only able to achieve less since there is a division of the attention between many various


Appropriate communication gets referred to as the communication process in which the

idea or thought gets given priority rather than the objective of the communication. In this type of

communication, there are several things which are needed to get considered. For example, in this

type of communication, the objective must be completed does not matter the protocol is being

followed or not. If the rules and regulations of the communication are not followed, but the

meaning and objective get achieved, then it is said that the communication process was
successful. Let us take the example of an official meeting where the employees are gathered to

learn the requirement of the newly arrived project.

The schedule of the meeting is put out of the official time so meeting may be ineffective,

but the objective is to let all the employees know about the project that is appropriate according

to the organization policy. So, one can say that the communication process gets followed. It is

ineffective but appropriate. Any failure or disruption in the process of communication may bring

ineffective communication. For example, if the receiver is unaware of the language about which

the sender is aware and is using for entire communication (Bovee, 2010).

The meaning of the message gets lost as the receiver will not get the meaning of the

message and the communication process will not be as effective as it must be. The situation and

the criticality of the communication process also matters a lot while dealing with the reputed

organization. The person not getting the message will be inadequate because the communication

process is only successful when the sender and receiver both have duly completed the meaning

of communication process in place of appropriate communication. Though, it is very hard to

make the communication appropriate while considering it as effective communication as well.

Strategies are selected for utilization in a particular negotiation to meet either side of the

negotiation party’s goals or the outcome of the negotiation. The nature of those goals will

determine the choice of strategies employed during the negotiation; the goals dependence, the

strategy used may be collaboration, accommodation, competition or avoidance (Gates, 2011).

Negotiators may prefer not to negotiate in the off chance that one can achieve one’s needs

without negotiating by all means. In this circumstance, it is sensible to utilize avoidance strategy.

Another situation is when it just may not be worth the trouble or time spent to negotiate. If the

choice to negotiate is closely linked to the appeal of alternatives available; then the avoidance

strategy can again be preferred as a negotiation tactic. Avoidance may be relevant when the

negotiator is the one in charge of developing others into better negotiators (Brett, 2013).

This strategy involves distributive bargaining; that refers to the procedure of dividing

scarce resources. The rationale behind it is who acquires what fraction of the fixed pie. This

strategy will be employed where; two parties have dissimilar, but independent goals, or where

there is a clear conflict of interests between two parties. Examples include; a wage negotiation or

a price negotiation (Eden & Kigour, 2010). The collaborative strategy involves integrative

bargaining and a positive-sum situation; where all parties are taking part in the negotiation gain

without a corresponding loss for other parties (Eden & Kigour, 2010).

When the idea of joining college came to me, everybody around was happy. This is

because I had the opportunity of continuing with my education. Someone who had gone to

college was considered to be a scholar and successful, and I had the opportunity of joining the

group of successful people and scholars. I had come from a humble background, and thus many

thought that I would never make it to the end. When the day of joining the college life finally

came, the college life finally was on my hands. I knew that these were dreams come true. After

admission, my guardian left, and I knew that the real college life started. It is after my guardian

left that I realized that I was in a new environment where I knew no one and knew nowhere

accept some parts of college. After being stranded, I had to make new friends where I knew some

were bad and others were good and this would determine how my life in college would be. I met

many college colleagues who seemed to be used to live, but I was afraid of making them my

friends. The college administration oriented us, and they guide us to the main parts of the college
like the library and the venue of the classes. A week later the lectures started, and I knew that the

semester had started. It is at this time that some of the challenges started. I never knew the right

venues of the classes. I used to attend classes late finding the right venue. The lecturer did not

take it lightly though he understood that I was just a new student. After a week I had noted all the

venues and going to lectures room late was a thing of the past. I had mastered all the venues, and

I was attending all the lectures without being late which made me one of the best students in the

class in that particular semester.

The semester runs for three months, and then there were scheduled exams at the end of

the semester. There were also assignments between the semesters which contributed to thirty

percent of the final exam. I used to be among the best in the class in the assignments, and I read

and conducted after classes researches. This made me happy and the fact that I was happy I had

to make sure that the assignments results would reflect in the final exam. I made new friends

who always remained determined and focused in the class. I used to attend group discussions

since I wanted to interact with the new people. I felt happy being consulted in the group and also

interacting with new people from all over the country and the world at large. When the end

semester came, I had fully prepared for the exam, and I knew that I would perform to my level

best. I did the exams with a lot of courage, and this made me become one of the top students in

the class. All the lectures were happy with me including my guardians.


Bovee, C. L. (2010). Business Communication Today, 10/e. Pearson Education India.

Brett, J. M. (2013). Negotiating globally: how to negotiate deals, resolve disputes, and makes

decisions across cultural boundaries — San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass.

Eden, C., & Kigour, D. M. (2010). Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation. Berlin:

Springer Netherland.

Gates, S. (2011). The Negotiation Book: Your Definitive Guide To Successful Negotiating.

Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

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