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Chemistry Department Gorontalo State University Chemistry Study Program Faculty of Math and Natural Science Synthesis of Double Salts Copper (II) Ammonium Sulphate Hexahydrate [Cu(NH4)2(SO4)2].6H20 By NURUL AINSYAH SULEMAN Student ID Number : 442-416-024 Class/ Academic Year : B / 2018-2019 Submitted in Fulfillment Practicum in Physical Inorganic Chemistry Lecturer Signature Chemistry Laboratory 2018 [a Tyle = SyntHenis OF Douple Say op peply) anemorirm SuLphare bila), Cu v0). 1624)» B. purpose of THe Expenment ’ 4. Stuny THe fRoecss Of SpntHesis OF Douele SALT - 2. determine THe peecetty Co) yrelo OF Dupteare Say Synrieric e lipeearuee haouae . Say U ONE Example OF Caxsraluine SoLins - SALT Ws ANOTHER pRooacr oupnoe OF Wwaree Former WHert Aew Reners Wit base - For ExAauple, WHEN CHlorive AGO AMD Sopum HyPRoKwe Act, The proout Is satt Conum Chloe) Avo Wwaree (Day ArtD unverwoop 2009) Moleeularty Wrrrrert as Follows het + Nao ——> Ne t ho WHey 4 CERTAIN AmourtT OF SALT EQuivatent © Mice IN AN AQue0s Solution AND THe Solution Ue Evaporated . SALE HAS Two bipreRerT on possioly ep CATION Ariens + FoR Example Feo, Cth), 604-640 IN Faly SoLumON oe- Haves AS 4 Moctupe Of Two THpwivuals . THece SAize ARE CALLeD Dounle SAtTS| OR Double Saize 1 TO PISTINGUSH THEM {ROM Complex SALTS WiheH PRODUCE ‘ort Complexes It SoLurtons Coamnrh 2004)- DouBle Salr . SALT COMTAIHINS More THAT OMe Merac (ON OR Reswual 4010 ton IN THe Formula . Ample + KMgets Cporasstum Maowertum ¢Hconipe) Contains Two vols MepaL /NameLy K* Aro Mg*t kmg So,ee Cporasstum Macnesium Sulgarelionipe) Conratns Two MeTAt LON. wien ts k* AND Mg *t AnD Two Rétioum 4eI0 Los »NAMELy $ou* Arto eC” Complex SA SALT CONTAINING Complex Uns . Example : ka Fe lO), TR Calcurm Hexano SiaNo FEPRATE OR POTAStiUm PERRY GANIDE -THts Satz. IF DissoL~ Vep In Ware 1 Wit, DEeoMposes TID k “lors ano feCen ton Complexes hens + 7004). THe Digpenenee Between Complex Saiz AND DouBle Catz - IN Some INStartees, tr 5 posstere To Sepanare Complex SAys form Solution -FRom Fertous Sulpaye Ato ker. potassium FerRoeyartipe former Can be Stparaten . IN Some INsrétt ees , 4: Sepanarion ExpeaimenT dors Not prRooues Goon Results AND Complex ompouns Are FOUND To BE OHLy STABLE tN Solupion fare -4 Complex Sal Must Be Dinnpuishes FRom Pousle SAi¢- A Simple trample o¢ 4 DOUBLE SAULT ue THe FORMATION oF FERPOAMMONIUM SULFATE AND ALL Rows Cin Fonmutag f TEPROUS Sutpare ano Ammonium Sulfate AP AuLowep To CAys Tle, ToeeHen 1 A Suitaele Bari 10 Oe Scpanare. the Result Foumeo THar two Stparare Moleeules Have TN this EVENT » Complex SAlT ARE Similan to couBLE SALT. Complex compounes Suet 45 poraccium Feenotyarive / Mole euler OF FEpRoeyAactive ano poranum Cyamioe Combine to Foam on Sieve MoleeuLe - However, 4erualy THere wo vente Ave DiFFoRe Mee . THe SoLUTIOH IM femRous Ammortium SULPATE Ions, arp THEIR PheseHee IY CoLurioy if basy To Tesp tt 4 Reaerton CiraHeut 2010) PeUble. Say 15. sac Ti Consicts OF Two DIFPERENT Carcorts With 4 THE SAME ANION 16 one CRYstaL Lattice. dowece SAL IS USUALLY EastER FORMING lance Cayseacs Comparer TO ity sineLE Consripucrit LAG Cattores OF SALT Duprieares CttHenally compnise transipion METAL CArions Thar Tow Aba OR OME MEDAL Cartone AnMoritUN, CHheacrensties OF Ueanos amore tHe typical PeAruRer OF Learios Commo, Ny Known ag 4fpeer THe SAwiliry OF tHe Complex In WHieH The Leary ts THvolvey Ane : (5. waster 1994). CY base STRENGTH From THe Licaro Ga) The PPopenties OF ceauinc Cp any), ano (ii/ THe Steme fpeers OF space THE CHanaerenispe OF tmaysinoy mapal ke Having 4 SubMtell “A” wotien I Hor Fully fiver on eAcy fo Proouee tons Wit Subse "d" wHieH Age Hor Fully Fillen. ths Chaeaerencrie CAusec Some CHanaeroustie s iCLuoine THE FoRMAtion Of PAhamacwere Compounds, fenuiry CATAL YC, UNIGuE Colons, i CHANEL, Ato epeerally He Lance Terberey to Form Complex LorcCrayno 494) THE Formation paoeecs of Double SALT cecuas UHEH Two SAaiTs CRystalize TooetHen With A nario OF Cenrainr Molreules tHe Cate Have Hera Own STeucrupe Ato bo Nor HAVE to BE the Sams AS THe Components CALL $ Complex kK 4 New UNIT FeRmed From UniTs THAT Cat STAND Struerupe - Aone + BUT Foam Naw Boros tn THE Comtex

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