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Public Health of Indonesia

Risky S & Nofitasari A. Public Health of Indonesia. 2017 August;3(3):112-116 ISSN: 2477-1570
Original Research



Sartini Risky*, Ari Nofitasari

Department of Nursing, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mandala Waluya

Accepted: 5 September 2017

Sartini Risky
Department of Nursing, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mandala Waluya
Jl. Jend AH Nasution Blok G-37, Kambu, Poasi, Kambu, Kendari
Sulawesi Tenggara 93231, Indonesia

Copyright: © the author(s), YCAB publisher and Public Health of Indonesia. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits
unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Background: The referral rate in Southeast Sulawesi in the first-level health facilities was still high, which
reached 17% in 2016. Ideally, the maximum referral rate in the first-level facilities should be no more 5%.
Objective: This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the first-level referral system in terms of
availability of health personnel, facilities and medicines, and understanding of health officers on the referral
system at the Community Health Center of Abeli.
Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with a total of 5 health facility managers. All the materials
were analyzed using a qualitative thematic analysis approach.
Results: Three themes emerged from data; namely human resources (Lack of responsibility of midwives,
Lack of communication between staffs, Lack of the number of physician, Understanding of health personnel
regarding referral system), availability of facilities, and availability of drugs.
Conclusion: Availability of human resources, facilities and drugs is unreliable. Effort should be made to
ensure the quality of service provided. This should imply, amongst other things, that human resources,
drugs and facilities are adequately available and accessible.

Key words: Referral system, primary care, evaluation

BACKGROUND management of, the client’s case.1 Key

A referral in health care is defined as a reasons for deciding to refer either an
process in which a health worker at a one emergency or routine case include: to seek
level of the health system, having expert opinion regarding the client,
insufficient resources (drugs, equipment, additional or different services for the
skills) to manage a clinical condition, seeks client, seek admission and management of
the assistance of a better or differently the client, and use of diagnostic and
resourced facility at the same or higher therapeutic tools.2
level to assist in, or take over the

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 3, Issue 3, July-August 2017 | 112

However, the majority of people in METHODS
developing countries often skips the first- Design
level health facilities, and directly goes to This study employed a descriptive
advanced-level facilities. As a qualitative design, involving in-depth
consequence, the referral rates in interview and participative observation to
advanced-level facilities are higher due to explore the implementation of the first-
lack of utilization and quality of first-level level referral system in terms of
health facilities.3 availability of health personnel, facilities
Based on Social Insurance and medicines, and understanding of health
Administration Agency or called BPJS officers on the referral system at the
Health in Indonesia, there were 14,619,528 Community Health Center of Abeli. This
visits in the first-level facilities in the first study was conducted on February – March
quarter of 2016. Of the data, 2,236,379 2017 in Community Health Center of
visits were referred from primary care to Abeli.
secondary service levels, and 214,706
visits of which were non-specialist Research subject
referrals, indicated that they should not be In this study, five participants were
referred and resolved at a first-rate health recruited through purposive sampling,
facility.4 which consisted of a physician, a head
In Southeast Sulawesi, the referral nurse of IGD, a midwife, a head of
rate in the first-level health facilities was CEmONC, and a pharmacist.
still high, which reached 17% in 2016.
Ideally, the maximum referral rate in the Data Analysis
first-level facilities should be no more 5%.5 Audio-taped interviews were transcribed
In Kendari City, the referral rate from by the authors. The transcripts together
primary health care center (PUSKESMAS with the expanded field notes were the
in Indonesian term) to Abunawas Hospital main data used for analysis. To ensure
still remains high in 2015, approximately familiarization with the data, multiple
9.5%, and increased to 15.3% in 2016. readings of the transcripts and expanded
Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the notes were conducted and data were
quality of the referral system whether it is analyzed using thematic analysis.7
based on the operational standard of the Thematic questions were preselected and
procedure. the parts of the text that referred to those
However, the increasing number of questions were marked and coded. Similar
referrals in first-level health facilities codes considered pertinent to the preset
accompanied by low referral quality will research question were grouped to form
result in inefficiency on the Social subthemes and similar themes formed a
Insurance Administration Agency (BPJS). theme.
In fact, at the beginning of 2015, various To ensure trustworthiness, peer-
sources stated that BPJS lacks about 2-5 checking method was used to establish the
trillion.6 Thus, the purpose of this study is credibility of the analysis process.8 The
to evaluate the implementation of the first- peer review was done by an experienced
level referral system in terms of researcher to compare and contrast on the
availability of health personnel, facilities data quality and interpretations.
and medicines, and understanding of health Dependability was achieved through a
officers on the referral system at the researcher audit and notes that documented
Community Health Center of Abeli. all methodological issues and decisions.

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 3, Issue 3, July-August 2017 | 113

RESULTS Understanding of health personnel
The findings of this study were categorized regarding referral system
into three themes, namely inadequate All participants reported that all health
manpower availability, personnel in this health center had good
understanding about the referral system.
Human resources Participant (midwife) stated that they do
Lack of responsibility of midwives referral process based on patient condition
From interview, the participant (midwife) and partograph. In addition, physician also
stated that the availability of health examined patients prior to referral process
personnel at the Community Health Center to confirm whether they need to be referred
of Abeli is not adequate. Although having or not. This is explained by the participant
enough number of midwives, but there is as the following statement:
only one government employee (midwife), “We checked and selected the patients
and the others were not. The participant whether they need to be referred or not. If
argued that this health center should have a mother for instance has a high risk in her
more civil servants of midwives who act as pregnancy, we directly referred the patient
responsible persons. In other words, those and we planned at the beginning, and there
who are not government employee might was no need to come to this health center
not be responsible enough with the first”
assigned jobs.
In addition, if the patients were asked to be
Lack of communication between staffs referred although the condition can still be
On the other hand, department of handled at this center, then the health
CEmONC also felt overwhelmed with the officers would explain the reasons and
lack of resources and communication to do conditions of patients for referral process.
referral process. This is expressed by the However, if the patients forced the health
participant as the following statement: “We staffs to refer, then the staffs explicitly
have a driver here to do referral process stated that patient social insurance (BPJS)
for patients, but we do not know where he couldn’t be used.
is.. very unclear, what his assignment is. In
fact, if IGD department wants to send the Availability of facilities
patients to hospital, a IGD nurse also Participants reported that the facilities in
drives the car, sometimes a midwife do the this health center were adequate, but still
same thing, driving the car by herself” lack of equipment, especially the tools for
midwife and physician examination. This
Lack of the number of physician health center was still in the process of
In addition, physician also said, “There is accreditation, so every facility was under
a lack of the number of resources in this arrangement. The physician said: “We are
health center, especially physician. This demanded to understand 155 diseases, but
health center only has two general without facilities in this health center, we
practitioners and a dentist. It might be cannot do anything, including examination
enough at the moment because there are of patients”.
two internship-medical doctors who were
assigned in this center. However, the Availability of drugs
intensive medical doctors only stay for 4 All participants reported that the
months, then they will be gone”. availability of drugs in this health center
was sufficient. The doctor prescribed

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 3, Issue 3, July-August 2017 | 114

patients medicine, and then patients took which may be owned and managed by the
the medicine at the pharmacy inside the community or the health center.9
health center. However, there were certain On the other hand, health workers
conditions that medication was not also need to continue explaining to the
prescribed at the center, as patients community with BPJS health in order to
themselves were applying for redemption follow the referral system, not directly go
at pharmacies other than at the health to secondary or tertiary health levels.
center. If the drug was less, then physician Otherwise, the community will not be able
prescribed another drug with the same to use that insurance and the rates of
dose. However, it was not practical. Some referral visits will remain high at the
drugs were not covered by BPJS Health advance-level health facilities.
and needed to find somewhere else.
Availability of facilities and drugs
DISCUSSION The provision of quality of CEmONC not
This study found a number of issues that only depends on quality of personnel, but
affect the referral process at the first-level also on the availability of drugs and
health service. The study focuses on facilities. Our study found that some
human resources, the availability of essential drugs were covered by BPJS
facilities and drugs. health, which is a burden for poor
Human resources community. Medical equipment and
There are several human resource issues supplies in this health center is still a
that need to be addressed to improve the problem, a situation that could interfere
quality of the health center regarding the with provision of quality of CEmONC at
referral system. These include building this level of health system.11 As a result,
human resources planning within a facility, the quality of care and adequacy of these
strengthening pre-service and in-service facilities to provide quality service is
training and supervision, particularly for questionable. Lack of drugs and medical
midwives in this study to increase the facilities means delays in early
commitment, understanding, and interventions in obstetric emergencies,
responsibilities. This might involve which contributes to maternal death at
training or hands-on transfer knowledge health facility level. This implies that mere
and skills. In addition, there is a need to use of facilities by mothers for deliveries
train health staff in regard to improving would not reduce maternal mortality
practical skills.9 automatically; rather, mortality is affected
In this study, it is needed to by the quality of service, which are
emphasize a good transport and determined by, amongst other things, the
communication with a driver because an adequate availability of medical facilities
effective referral system is very crucial. and drugs.11
There are good case examples of where Based on Ministry of Health
countries have successfully established Regulation No. 75 Year 2014, health
communication links between facilities equipment at Community Health Center
through telephone landlines, mobile must meet the following requirements: a)
phones or short-wave radio10 Great ways to has a good standard of quality and safety,
ensure a good transport system between b) has a distribution license in accordance
health facilities include means of transport with the provisions of laws and
other than the traditional ambulances regulations, and c) periodically tested and

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 3, Issue 3, July-August 2017 | 115

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system. Effort should be made to ensure 9. Kongnyuy EJ, Hofman JJ, Van Den
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