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“Caution, tropical = sidereal astrology can seriously damage your horoscope!

Come back into the lap of your real natal skies.
Leave the nonexistent stars to nonexistent people.
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, Copyright © 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of
dedicated publications are normally given in italics.

From Coruscant to Naboo, this horoscope intiiation is for you

Copyright © 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Whoever presumed twelve rising ascendants was either a joker or simpleton. Take a brief
glance at the eastern horizon and you will see nothing like twelve ascendants. Is it
possible that nobody kept a check upon the ascendant set and zodiac for the past couple
millennia or even much more? Down to Brahma, yes? Yes, it is quite possible; in fact,
nobody did. Whatever scroll was stolen from the temple by some thief in the night was
set there for said thief in order to baffle the uninitiated. Whatever the thief stole was a
kindergarten scroll. While modern horoscopes look like hi-tech astronomy, them simple
folks still peruse kindergarten natal charts. Nowadays the mob makes great use of toy
zodiacs. Their horoscopes are produced by toy programs. Astrology is for entertainment
only. Among the hundreds directions, not even the lowest technique of all, the transits, is
understood in the popular mind. Even the program output is simpler. Years ago we had
rich programs while nowadays there is only trash. Even the presumably agricultural
Chinese and Egyptians knew better and still do. Namely, the Chinese and Egyptians
observed the true skies. As a matter of fact, the Holy Bible strongly warns against
pseudo-astrological superstition, while it promotes precession in the Age of Orion.

Miracles pop up everywhere with a modicum of goodwill. Anyone can become a 32nd
degree mason and superb predicting astrologer in one hour. In a single hour one can stop
thinking. This is achieved by the use of True Mind Distiller. True mind appears where a
lifetime of chaos ruled. The cat has shown up: the mice's party is over. Call it NEMO,
MAGISTER TEMPLI or simply knower, the discreation of default ego marks an initiate.


As spirits, trees of lives and phantasmagoria pertain to default mind, it is vexing and
ultimately useless to invest in the research of one's own jail. Jailbreak is true mind, not
the study of the walls of the cage. The wages of complicated ritual are complicated
rituals. Ritual is not of true mind but of default ego. All technology is of the devil. True
mind needs no technology at all, being self-absorbed and omnipotent. Technology would
only cripple it. Even the RTRRT are more like a snare, a glorious one: it's understood,
than technology proper. To call them “tools” must be absurd. Instinctive instant magick is
never the product of tools, but of sheer intent. It is sad that people are tricked by default
mind into studying the tree of life, energy centers like the chakras or other schematic
nonsensei. Rituals repeated, misunderstood and meaningless in their vain impotence are
not religion at all. Default ego is mere thinking and those who think are incapable of any
magick. One can amass tons of books while performing senseles rituals and come to no
result at all. True, one can act in the three worlds and have results but it is more
economical to become the result than to seek it.


The incipient initiate will probably reckon as follows. Now that I can change, produce
and force occurrences into the event matrix, perhaps I could take a peak into said matrix
to see what is there good for me. At any rate, it seems logical to keep the good things
untouched. At this level we are talking about predicting issues before one attempts at
changing them. Twenty minutes astrology initiation will do for the purpose.


If a shoeshine boy, butcher and florist1 can divine the day of your next marriage in
seconds, then you can do even better after only twenty minutes. One thing is for sure: you
will never need any tools at all. Computer, printer, pocket calculator 2, pen and paper are
obsolete for the matter at hand, as everyone can divine issue by memory. Astrology is an
active every day matter as performed by heart everywhere from elevator to graveyard,
from parking lot to penthouse. The data are everywhere. Traditionally, one would stroll
the graveyards while practicing the directions. It is understood that in minutes one knows
the reason and date of the event. In order not to be wise after the event, one uses either
one of the data at hand in order to determine the next one. Reincarnation is similarly
determined from raw data. An initial horoscope can be determined by memory as well as
from raw data. Thus, in meeting someone, a glance at the city watch will determine the
issue. A trained practician will calculate the relationship and first meeting chart in
minutes by memory. Of course, one casually inquires as to the nativity of one's
interlocutor. While talking to someone for the first time, one directs the relationship chart
while progressively introducing elements like LILIT VERA, Vint, WR104, Eris or Pholus.


In order to initiate oneself into magick and astrology, one chooses from a variety of 5000
publications on the site

As concern astrology, an elementary manual into the 22 zodiacal constellations and 16

eastern ascendants will do.

Innumerable articles were dedicated to said magical trio. They had their initiation in twenty minutes and
continued to divine by heart ever after.
Nevertheless, one will find sometimes find something like an iPhone handy for the collection of raw data.
Any RTRRT initiation contains the basic formulæ of the system like O5 and Cascade.

As enlisted are some helpful links. As free brochures, catalogs and bonus material abound
on the site, one is invited to download and study the materials at hand. Busy people may
prefer to keep an eye on a new publication that will eventually pop up through a facebook
page. Dedicated initiation can be obtained in the form of VIP services.

For starters, one can try and click on some of the links on the site. The thin red line will
take one to our USENET group, alt.clearing.o5, depending on the browser used for the
purpose. The following collection of links should keep one fairly informed on daily basis.



For contact address, hit the donate link or download one of the free publications.
Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1981 - 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from
The Sun * is in Virgo for Halloween
It is in Libra on Nov 23rd
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