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10,000 Shrines

By: Randall Pike

© 2005 TOTIC Texts
This has been dedicated to the grail and its contents. Only Babalon
knows what's inside.
As "Liber Satanica", in its early form, took shape seemingly over
night, this work entitled "10,000 Shrines", was a little more daunting in its
execution. How can the author follow the true, and Satanic, current of the
previous work while breaking new ground? This, dear reader, has been
achieved with the utmost of care.
Herein you will find a few essays dealing with topics that even the
most select, and gifted, have had trouble even attempting to elucidate upon.
New poetry, and even a ritual, establishing a link to Qabalistic and Goetic,
and even Enochian currents, is here also. This work is special in that it is a
bit more personal, from the author's perspective. Speaking candidly and
taking risks, not for the first time but more often, the author has created a
book that seems like a living creature. While he could be quite wrong on the
above statement, hopefully some will find it true, if not only for themselves.
So, it is the ultimate hope that you enjoy the present tome, and take from it
what you will. You may discard it, cherish it, burn it, or learn from it. The
choice is yours.
With that in mind, there is some good in Satanic and Left Hand Path
oriented texts after all. As we don't have a millennia old bible by which we
may dominate an ignorant society, we as staunch individuals, take what we
can get. The collective writings within this complete statement can be seen
as a wake up call to those with, and without, the big bible. A battle cry for us
indeed, and a minimal death knell for them, I'm sure. This is not quite a nail
in the coffin, but may be seen as an undertaker taking measurements for the
inevitable. Yes! The time of liberty is upon us! Call out to your brothers and
sisters of the darkness and join hands! Their cursed, thorn-browed jester
hasn't been dead nearly long enough. We must remember the pioneers of our
time, and create a way out. An army! A vast arsenal of magick and mayhem!
Let this be the start of something hideous and beautiful. "10,000
Shrines" has been made available to spark off the latest revolution. There
have been times throughout history when revolution has been necessary. The
time is now! Annoint our female Satanic priests! Abortions on demand and
without apology! Love for all, free love! Death to those who preach. Long
live those who know! Here's to the Illuminati!
Notes on 333:
As confusing as a mere novice's encounter with a demon such as
Choronzon may be, even more befuddling is the lack of initiatory worthiness
of said novice. To cross the abyss, the false sephiroth, is to advance further
upon the path of initiation. Some sort of grade structure, either real or
imagined, must be adhered to in order to sufficiently grasp the magnitude of
a crossing of the abyss. Why, one will ask, may one who has not yet
attained, so called, through the supposed ranks, find himself face to face
with an admittedly defining moment, which usually takes many years to
bring to fruition? In "Liber Satanica", the author pointed out a brief
summary of some general motives and reactions at play during his own
ensuing ritual to evoke 333. However, nothing was said of the dynamics of
the preponderance of magickal gusto consuming the minimally trained
Of course, subliminal psychological forces were at work during the
conception of the ritual's initial stage. Certainly the emotional stress felt by
the author at the time, although seemingly unrelated, came to meld such
forces together, especially with regard to Choronzon 333. Such factors are
necessary to any successful magickal operation, yes, but should be tolerated
over time, through the gradual process of initiation. Sustaining multiple
shocks at one time, while not having a recommended level of magickal
maturity before and during such a dangerous ritual, is deadly and damaging,
to say the least. We, of course, learn this first hand, through experience. It is
only through constant escapes into harsh, confusing, and often misleading
terrain can we overcome and master our own pantheon of household gods.
Choronzon, however, is a pantheon unto itself. Residing within the
abyss, beyond Da'ath, and feeding upon pure ego, 333 is the most dire
psychological force one may meet with. One meeting is enough to have an
experience for the ages. In fact, an encounter inside the abyss, can only
occur once. It is, usually, a stepping stone to the grade of Ipsissimus. Once
attained, one has slayed the demon Choronzon, and has become unknowable
himself. Equal to dispersion, one may become a consort of the demon for the
period in which one encounters it. However, once successful, Choronzon
remains a violent, abhorrent fixture in the mind of the magus forever. 333 is
the ultimate mind control program. The demon is well equipped to handle
and destroy the human psyche. Efforts and steps must be taken to deafen the
series of howls and shrieks evidently screaming from the abyss and into the
It is important to de-personalize oneself and orient the mind within the
realm of reality, after summoning Choronzon. Casting shadows of black
restriction, it does verily seep into every facet of existence, yet must be
overcome. Defeat is a factor and may consume the over-demonized
practitioner. The hope is to conquer the demon and step away, in grand
perspective. This view of Earth from a seemingly destroyed emotional
wasteland makes one equal to Uranus in corespondance, but the scattered
dispersion lingers through and through. The carcass of sanity, decayed by
nocturnal vultures of Black Brotherhood, is very real and is an all too
common sight across the abyss. The key of it all remains not in preventing
disaster. but fending off the constant stench of it.
Caution must be given quite seriously to any who may wander in the
Tenth key. "ZAZAS ZAZAS NASATANADA ZAZAS" you will say, and
death will become you. The Hell of 333, evil and truth conjoined, the shells
and false abode of Da'ath is your new dwelling. Verily did he walk via
Satanic currents but ended up upon the Law of Thelema. The orbit of the
willed star collided with itself! Is this possible? A double negative indeed.
Some who study destiny will resign themselves to freedom, being as Parsons
put it, a double edged sword. This fact is of the utmost importance to those
who have evoked the demon 333, or are about to engage in such a ritual.
While freedom is emotionally and metaphysically possible, our physical
bonds of humanity may thwart our own will. The brain, while greatly
untapped in its power, is a living, and thus limited object. Once the Lord of
Dispersion has been allowed to seep within, our constitution becomes
encumbered even further.
It is the author's hope that all those who seek to cross the abyss are
well equipped to handle its toll from all sides. Never the less, 333 will win in
the end, as it is eternal, and we merely mortal.
Why The Left Hand Path? More Notes:
The very essence of humanity, indeed our source of energy, is our carnality.
Not a base, predatory sexual discourse, but a primal dynamic deeply rooted in our
human form. It is not a sin to be of flesh and bone. As the so called "right" seeks to
dissipate the physical, in search of lofty ideals, the left hand path affirms its
identity, becoming one with the inexplicable "All". Those who doubt will gather
around pseudo and crypto-spiritualist credos without a true grounding or firm
education in the very truth they seek (yet will never find). Our stock, and our quest,
is not for blindingly conspicuous intellectual fluff. Indeed, we will find the higher
intelligences to be worthy, but we also commune with what is termed the "evil" or
demonic. Balance is key! Without a proper and cyclical seasonal course of action,
our psyche's fuel will be dangerously running on empty!

To those initiates who seek the Rosy Cross, I salute ye! As brothers
and sisters we shall fight! But that is not all. Among those so fashionably
"right", we find a hauntingly bleak, damp void, so yearning to be filled. As
the darkness encompasses those holy soldiers, "sin" will enter. And what of
the "sinful"? Will they show the very nature that is truly second to them?
Once within this crisis a magician of the right hand path is either destroyed
or utterly defeated. Thus comes our kinship within the righteous left. Black
dispersion, like that of Choronzon, is our natural habitat. Demoniacal
occupations are encouraged, as most have been too jaded to have fulfilled
their own black needs. Alas, it is a cultural problem. One man's evil is
another man's truth!

We commune with all paths, right and left. In common, daily

occurrences, both are necessary. I tend to focus upon the darker aspects of
the left because it "fills the gap", so to speak, and presents more creative
opportunities than a simple, yet barren, spiritual pursuit. Humanity, in all its
self-righteous glory, is dominated by guilt. Guilt of christ, guilt of faith, and
guilt of belief is the order of the day. The guilty parties always lean towards
penances yet do their dirty deeds anyway. The left hand path knows nothing
of guilt, or even sin. Encompassing all that makes us human, there is no
room for singularity. We are everything. Love, hate, death, life, resurrection,
pain, pleasure. The psychological aspects of all reside within the depths of
what they call Hell.
As I've spoken about balance, one may ask why we must focus on one
or the other rather than both. The simple answer is that we are, quite simply,
human beings who need primal, and carnal, stimulation more so than any
exalted god of a christian bent. We have psychological needs as such, and
the choir of demons moaning towards the light are the cells of living,
breathing man. Nothing is hidden in the darkness. There is emotion, agony,
rapture, and joy therein. The left is the path of Man. For centuries we've
been told by the christian church that we are sinful, that we are dirty souls
needing to be cleansed. In the church of old we are limited to one idea, one
remedy, and one painful decline. I admit that I wallow in their sin from time
to time, but it is beautiful. Sin is a joyous worship of the flesh and blood. It
is a joyous definition of our very existence.
Dark revelations, for that matter, are the most enlightening. Without
stumbling in the blinding light, we are comforted in the constant shadow of
darkness. What might shine in the dark? A candle with the warm light of our
humanity will show the way, of course. And we are not alone! Among us are
the very kingdoms, and hierarchies of true, living beings. Different in every
way from us, yet entirely worthy of communication. They are what most call
demons. Evil, Satanic wretches without hope, they would say. Yet, as any
magickal operation/exploration in search of these beings is dangerous, in so
far as we must always be prepared for anything, I'll admit to there being
some "not-so-nice" entities in the bunch who may do us harm. It is the
resolve of the magus to adapt, conquer, and expand his consciousness, to
include the breath of all the demonic brethren, waiting to be called upon.
Open your mind, and walk to the left, O Man! Become who you know
you can be! Take up the sword and slice your way into his heart. Therein lies
the treasure. Bland spiritualists quiver at our pursuits. We do not seek the
dim redemption of their pale gods. Our side is full of what they may only
dream of. Freedom is here. Command it to heed your call!
"Pagan Satanism: A Brief Diatribe"
While the term "Pagan Satanism" is relatively new, its roots have been
planted within thousands of years of magickal history. Beginning with those
wanderers on the heath, what the early christians called "heathens", we find
our earliest evidence of Satanic/Pagan practice. With their horned gods,
affinity for nature, and a sheer basis of self discovery, the Pagans were and
are indeed great role models for modern Satanists.
In light of early christian dominance, and today's right wing,
conservative christian onslaught against free thought, we see even more
common ground shared between the Pagans then, and Satanists now. It
wasn't until christian culture began hunting down, killing, and desecrating
the "old" religion, and its practitioners, that we find any historical sense of
just how important those early magicians were. Daring, carnal ceremonies,
and stark, earth-based communications with the other-worldy, were beautiful
then, and influential now. And while christianity assimilated many of
Pagandom's ceremonies and holy days for themselves, the tone and power of
those original rites are far superior to any christian derivative of intolerance
and hatred.
Now, in spite of centuries of bigotry at the hands of those bastards, we
have a whole world of knowledge at our fingertips, thanks to modern media
such as the internet. We can mix the pioneering cultures of the past with our
Satanic practices. Black masses, personal Satanic baptisms and devotional
rituals, mixed with Paganistic credos, are truly special, powerful, and
steeped in nostalgia. For those reasons nature and Satanism go hand in hand,
bringing a love for the many earth gods, through a devotion to our chief
deity Satan. With the old gods' help, we may wield more magickal power
than most of those with a singular focus or pursuit. And, for those wary of
being lumped together with the aptly titled "white lighters", they may take
comfort in being well grounded in personalizing our bonds further within the
left hand path. With Paganism's deep roots and its evolution from the
beginnings of humanity's quest for personal attainment, we may align
ourselves in a rich history, sharing similar experiences with them, as
With that in mind, we find black witchcraft to be very appealing, in
terms of dark, Satanic Paganism. Given a natural base, such endeavors will
provide awesome results, which the conservative and barbaric christians of
then and now were/are so afraid of. Pan, Cernunnos, Diana, Hecate,
Bacchus, etc. are all gods we may relate to and take comfort in. Remember
christianity's history of lies, and take your worship further, to stake your
claim and destroy the so called 'right', reveling in the true left hand path.
Not a reverse of christian doctrine, a working relationship with the
historical cabal and rites of early (and modern) Paganism, is healthy,
beneficial, and worthwhile, especially when coupled with our iconoclastic
Satanic bent. Although, again, not reversing christianity's dogma, we may
retaliate against centuries of abuse through magick, and dark meditation.
Together, with Paganism, and its own practice of witchcraft, Satanists will
find solace. However, while Pagan affinity is not a pre-requisite for a Satanic
magician, it is an interesting and beneficial study, to broaden ones
perceptions of the occult, and our sense of belonging, in a world filled with
christian falsehood and persecution. It is in this vein where we exalt the
Antichrist. We have spoken of Satanic worshippers, yet those who are truly
of Satan, are entirely Antichristian, and thus the embodiment of what is now
called the New Aeon, as forecasted by the magician/prophet Aleister
Crowley. Natural instinct, along cultural lines, with a modernist viewpoint of
the historical (and important) Antichrist idiom and mentality, bases itself
solely upon progress. While we progress, we never cease to look back, to
expand upon what was. For we can truly learn volumes, every day, by
stepping into the past to navigate the future. As I've outlined a task upon
mass devotion, one must also gain knowledge of solitary worship. Paganism,
steeped in the very air we breathe, is truly to be enjoyed as an individual.
Herd conformity is death. The word of sin is restriction. We must free
ourselves in the open air, be it physically, mentally, realistically, and
metaphorically. The great artist (and mystic) Salvador Dali once said: "The
quest for the holy grail is a noble thing. But, cultivating your own garden is
better." How right he was. I will not speak of the conspiracies of the holy
grail quest, and the shame of the catholic church, but in that quote, you see
what I mean. We are above god. There is no god but man! O Man!
Aleister Crowley's affinity for human kind, while he despised those
who made a mockery of common sense, was a true Pagan conceptualization.
Remember the horned god Pan! Crowley exalted Pan, and knew of his
relevance. This Pagan god, what the christians distorted into their version of
Satan (wrongly of course), was the embodiment of personal and group
freedom. Those of the christian church, being against personal autonomy,
sought (and seek still) to destroy the very essence of what is human, and
free. We see their ridiculous view of their so called Satan, and we formulate
our own Satanic pantheon, the true, carnal, human, and righteous god(s) of
As the term "Pagan Satanism" is coined and circulated, one must
understand the basis, and epitome of true Satanism, itself, so called. To
worship Satan is to worship oneself. In fact, christianity isn't even part of the
equation to the true Satanist. The modernization of society has contributed to
our own re-working of Pan, and the nature religion. We choose the title
"Satan" to incorporate everything we see as human, godly, and powerful. It
is our own religion that promotes this state of mind. Pagans are those who
came before us, those who congregated before the altar of nature. As
Satanists we use our wits, dark power, and magickal skill to rend our own
reality. Along with Pagan sovereignty within the natural world, we may now
consider ourselves among the very gods christianty seeks to suppress! By
Satan, we choose to live life, as if each breath were our last, just as those
Pagans and "heathens" did before us. Not much has changed with regard to
the practice of Satanism. It's the medium and mindset that has evolved, even
if it's evolved out of persecution.
The following poems were conceived as quips and tiny personal
insights into various meditations upon a variety of different subjects,
including the Tarot, and Goetia. Working with those idioms, in relation to
this poetry, will yield great and astonishing results. Obviously, the sheer
simplicity of the symbolism will be striking to most, probably at the very
first instance. However, it is the author's intention to make the practical work
as painless as possible. Initiation, while certainly deadly, is a process.
Through the aforementioned meditations, it has been decided to guide rather
than to obscure. Particular emphasis should be placed upon "Nobody's Fool"
and the "Enochian Translation" as both are possibly the keys to a beginner's
first steps upon the path. However, all may become useful to anyone, with
the ever important open mind. Indeed, with that, anything is possible.

"A Relation To Phenex":


King Bael!

Horned And Crowned,

With gold adorned!

My Form is not of three,

But, your legions have formed!

By sixty six and infernal,

No one can see.

The visible be damned!

Golden rays and

Black cat beckon!

The 10th degree beyond.

In solar days,

Bask not in the moon.

First of many,

Or is it Seventy Two?

The next is virtue untamed!


Airy drone,

Jupiter in blue.

Daniel judges not.

Controlled by fire,

Almost as if

The way is true dominion,

And sin mere restriction.

Grand cross and elemental forms

"Mercurial Ode"


A web of lies,

I am unconscious at Will.

Is this possible?

Nothing I touch

Turns to gold.

Yet, all is mine.

I have created all.

A mystical wedding!


We are blind.

Blinded, directed by Him,

Or her, so never doubt.

See for the trees,

Always beyond!

See through!

Yea, let us see through!


Beth dwells in our house!

Purple home of BARATCHIA!

Finite goes astray.

There are no limits,

It seems!

Who is to say?

Two and Three to One.


Lunar blue,

Nightshade and cold.

The path is united.

Initiate and nothing stable.

This is the way,

My wife, my joy.

Dazed, drugged,

Fucked and abandoned,

Only to find ourselves.

Death to the cross!

Dance upon the ashes!

Flute, dagger, and horned Pan!

By our side,

And in us all.

That is the secret!

Truth is false!

So simple, and evil.

Those, our brothers, speak not.

All is in her.

Divine, and worshipful whore.

Love and death is fixed for us.

"Nobody's Fool"


As we have seen,

Is folly.

Those who are entranced

Become wise,

Without wisdom.
Narcotic love,

And never faltering in its serenity.

Holy, Holy, Holy.

With bearded ox,


Beginning of All.

First is not the Magus.

Next is not his glory.

Maddening procession,

And drunk in the ways of the Aethyr.


You are boundless!

It is timeless.

Amen. Aum Ha. AUMGN.

"Enochian Translation: The Unknown Verse"

*(Note: This poem does have an english translation. It is up to the reader to further study this
sacred, abstract work.)


Elanusahe Vaoresagi


Do Em Poamala

Ol Zodameta!



Oela Azodiazodore Ilasa

Das Cameliatza.

Adonai, Elohim.


Tofagilo Darebesa!
"The Importance Of History:"
Allegiances with the Devil notwithstanding, modern magicians owe
their strength not only to realms of future endeavors, but to a Satanic history
marked off like spokes on a wheel. The offshoots and distractions of the 19th
and 20th centuries, eventually termed the "New Age", is minor to some, but
momentous to those who know. Crazies, loons, psychopaths, and other so
called undesirables, are actually quite adept at being competent magicians
without much further study (due to a natural ability the vulgar would call
illness). To summon demons, and praise the sun. To worship rain, wind, and
fire, while cursing the catholic church. All of this is a way of life far too
many deem unnecessary and wrong. Well, this author is here to claim victory
for the whackos, or magicians, of this millennium. Do we need to work on
public opinion? Not if we can help it. Energy wasted on social ingrates and
other dullards would benefit none of our brethren. To try and convert the
uninitiated masses, or to attempt to reverse their disrespect and fear of the
occult, would be disastrous and dumb. Those of us who value our privacy
and ability to work silently (the true mark of initiation) would never
compromise our franchise of "sin", vigorous intellect, and cosmic orgasm. In
no way, shape, or form should we consider damaging our own way of life in
order to gain a little bit of personal comfort, and/or peace of mind. Danger is
a part of the game, yes. But, if we are smart, and discreet, we may reap all
the fortunes of our unique silence while remaining comfortably
The notion of the "underground" is significant in that an entire culture
such as the left hand path may be preserved, with minimal effort. We'll
always be here. We don't wallow in anti-reality, but obscurity. Those in the
mainstream believe that this hidden viewpoint is synonymous with social, or
societal laziness. In fact, it is just the opposite. The hyper-sensitive occultist,
being more than human, easily discounts the mainstream's negative views.
All branches of the left hand path, including demonic evocation and
Satanism, are so life affirming that they shift back to a negative stance, all
the while knowing exactly what humanity and culture are all about.
We have all known that throughout time there have been reverse and
opposing forces to any movement, however insignificant. The trouble with
those who are against practical black magick is that of a cultural problem, or
a religious quandry. Something unusual, or defiant, of categorical
analyzation is not bad or evil in itself. Being unusual is a subjective feeling,
differing wildly from person to person. Yes, it is true that entire groups and
cultures may have similar tenets and customs explaining how one may
encounter what the majordomos call "strange" or "weird", or
even...unorthodox. But it is the task and right of the magus to push aside all
theoretical, and thus linguistic boundaries to, in fact, excel beyond culture,
and worldly restrictions. The ones who may label an act to be evil, so called,
are further challenged to identify this uncannily human trait and revel in it.
Exploration may not include unlawful acts, but personal examination,
via a study of one's particular values and restraints, will kill evil in the end.
Isn't that exactly what we're looking for? It's not the message, but the
method that is important. Or is it the message? The Satanist may annihilate
christ in the exact methods previously alluded to. It is of paramount
importance to take christ and erase the word. Those upon the left hand path
must exalt not the solar, but the lunar, as this indeed is the age of Horus.
Slain Osiris is, of course, behind us. But, it is of grand import in everyday
life to remember the suicidal and thus singular individuals who die at their
own hands, and at "God's" hands. Lucifer be praised, for I will not be spat
upon! I shall never smite thee, and yet never turn the other cheek. Those
who say nay will perish, as the Law of Thelema is written.
An Elaboration on the Word: A Satanic Battle Cry:
People great and small find comfort in the little things. Television,
DVD's, video games, sex...(Sex? A little thing? Surely you jest!). But, more
and more, bit by bit, the mass free media is being chastised by the popular
christian ideologues of the day, and thus limiting humankind's innate strive
for true freedom and even more limitless potential. The problem is that of
the old Aeon. With a newly elected, freshly decrepit pontiff, we see a mass
of conservative views, and pointless steps backward, in our race for
evolutionary success. If the fittest do not succeed, we shall perish at the
hands of our own weakened numbers, and soon.
If we are to sustain life in the galaxy, we must recognize, and thus
shift into, the New Aeon and the left hand path. Warfare resulting from this
massive shift is inevitable. Centuries will go by, but our numbers will grow
strong. Or, shall we remain underground? The problem with both pose a
foreseeable and eventual downfall. But, all empires burn to the ground. With
peace at hand, an arms race will begin. An intellectual arsenal, full of
Satanic foot soldiers, must be assembled to engage and launch an armada
against a most evil force. Ex-nazi popes, and pedophile emissaries of jehova
are our enemy. The enemies of truth must be crushed! Sixty six legions of
Hell's holy hounds will be beckoned with the breath of Lucifer's
Never falter, and never believe the christian hype. A world united, so
called, is a mere smokescreen. Everyone is watching, but they are all
disarmed, motionless. A surprise attack against diseased and disgusting
dogma has been needed for a long, long time.
RITUAL: Technical and Otherwise

Goetic Summoning Rite:

*(Note: While the text in this ritual assumes a certain amount of practical knowledge on behalf
of the reader, it is recommended that the practitioner familiarize him/herself with Goetic magick
and the core texts available on the subject. The author suggests, as a primer, "Aleister Crowley's
Illustrated Goetia", available in on-line shops and elsewhere. The author assumes no
responsibility for any result due to using the ritual constructed below, in any form.)

This ritual relates to the 37th spirit of the Goeita, named Phenex (pronounced
"FEE-NIX"). He is a Marquis that governs 70 legions of spirits. Phenex takes the
form of a great bird when evoked, but it is wise to request he take a human form.
When asked properly, Phenex will grant answers to things related to all sciences,
and is quite efficient at carrying out the magus's ends thoroughly and precisely.
Having an affinity for poetry, he is especially well suited for conjurations of love,
lust, destruction, and greed, along with other "passionate" emotions. This ritual is
designed to call upon Phenex, and ask for his help. What comes next is up to the


1) Construction of a magickal circle

2)Incense (to form appearance of spirit)

3) Magickal Wand

4) Sigil of Phenex (reproduced at the beginning of this book)

First, one must banish the entire ritual space. To do so, trace a pentagram of Fire
(from the top, clockwise) with the magickal wand, and repeat the following:

EHIEH (Eh-Hey-Yay)

AGLA (Ah-Guh-La)

I Banish Thee with this flaming pentagram. With the Qabalistic cross I am

ATEH (Ah-Tay)

MALKUTH (Mal-Kooth)

VE GEBURAH (Ve-Gee-Boo-Rah)

VE GEDULAH (Ve-Gee-Doo-Lah)

LE-OLAM (Le-Oh-Lam)

AMEN (Ah-Men)

My pentagram is about us all.

To construct a magickal circle, simply take the consecrated magickal wand and
trace a circle roughly 9 feet in diameter, around your chosen ritual space. Make
sure your chosen incense is lit and placed beyond your circle. (Use the smoke of
the incense to aid in the visualization of Phenex during the invocation.)
Next, recite the following lines prior to the invocation:

"Hekas Hekas Esti Bebiloi

I Invoke the Bornless One.
I Am (say motto here) whom is mighty and charged by the prophets of the Gnosis"

Now, you are ready to recite this invocation:

"Phenex, As I behold the words of Solomon, this, simply must do. My actions are
bonded deeds, as you must stand before me."

List your requests.

Show your handwritten copy of Phenex's sigil (pencil or ink on parchment is

adequate). One must concentrate and visualize Phenex's presence. This will
become easier as his image becomes, more and more, present within the smoke of
the incense.
Say the following:

"By fire you will perish if my demands are not met. By the moon shall your actions
be met with gratitude, if carried out completely, to my satisfaction. I wil exalt you
once those requests are met. Thank you. You must now leave my space, or else be
there dire consequences!"

Wait until magician feels the presence of Phenex has completely disappeared.

-end ritual-

Further Comment on The Goetic Ritual:

The purpose of the above exersise is twofold. Yes, the context of the
ritual is primarily used to evoke a Goetic spirit, to command as you will. The
second, more subliminal lesson to be learned here is the essence of the
simplicity and efficacy one may employ when dealing with as thorough and
difficult a system as the Goetia of King Solomon.
One need not perform multiple preparatory sub-rites, and various
incantations to prepare for the ritual, nor does one need to use an entire
arsenal of implements, as laid out in the original Goetic manuscript. Both the
creativity and laziness of the human being will out, in this case.
Remembering the intent of the working, and intently focusing upon one's
desired outcome is the only pre-requisite here. Listed in the author's ritual
construction are some bits and pieces which he finds bring an air of
completeness to the abstract, and scant rite. Every magician is different, each
seeing things in their own way. The point is: THROW OUT THIS RITUAL!
Discard all previously held notions about proper ritual performance and
other foolish trappings.
A demon once communicated to the author: "Don't think!" That, in
itself, is true enough. However, if one merely visualizes and takes comfort in
one's inner temple, no amount of jibberish in the world can rival truely
inspired, imaginative ritual work. The above ritual may be used in
conjunction with other demonic evocations, or as a "jumping off" point for
further creative constructions. Do so as you will.
(The previously mentioned premise of magickal visualization, and its
relation to ritual work, will be elaborated upon in a future work. This is quite
enough for now.)

The mass herein, combined with commentary, was designed as a

Eucharistic aspect of the Temple of the Inverted Cross's public celebration.
While the original incarnation of the Temple never saw the light of day, this
ritual is still important as an early attempt by the author to assemble a
coherent, and effective, ritual construct (termed "Eucharistic" due to a
blasphemous host employed therein).
Though not a traditional "Black Mass", or a true perversion of a
christian mass, it serves its purpose as a singular, and signature, extension of
the original Temple of the Inverted Cross. Enjoy.

A gong is struck to purify the air, and clear the aethyr as the tone rings
out. It is not necessary to banish any other way, or through a traditional
banishing ritual. Sometimes a simple, yet forceful, sound within the temple
space, directed with the purpose in mind, is all we need. The text goes on to
quote the priest:

"In light and in darkness, we adore you. Heavenly and infernal master,
we gather so that we exalt you, as we in turn exalt ourselves. Above you, and
in you, we are of the highest."

The above passage illustrates our Temple's affinity for balance.

Cyclical in nature, and also at times unpredictable in scope, the light and
dark elements of everything must be seen, and made aware of as we exalt
our ideals, through such catch-phrases as "infernal master". In turn, we see
our worship through to its ultimate fruition, above and also within. We
become as our God. The image is created in our own image. The
congregation then speaks, to say:


We use 'Amen' as a response for various reasons. It satisfies an

affirmative response, and also lights our way of anti-christian sentiment, as a
form of sarcasm. It's a grand symbol of rebellion, used in a positive way to
meet our technical ends. The priest speaks:
"Throughout the ages, man has called upon you by many names.
Here, we worship you as we do ourselves. Balanced as we are, you are not
only paradise, but also the depths and pleasures of purest Hell. Keep us
firmly in hand, and your joy is ours. No longer are we slaves. We are gods!
Lucifer be praised! The old ones are behind us now, and all is ever

Here, the mention of contradiction between respecting our roots, yet

pressing onward towards the future is brought upon the congregation. We
see our lord through previous entries in vast amounts of literature, from
untold ages. We, again, are balanced in our knowledge of not only paradise
and its treasures, but also the benefits of the ultimate darkness of "purest
Hell". Here, the notion of Hell's role as a dark underworld is challenged, and
shown as a beneficial, holy place. It, in fact, is just that. As a god keeps us in
its grasp, we still monitor the conditions of its control and set our own terms.
Slaves no more, Lucifer brings his light and shows all. All is ever forward,
but we will always look back for inspiration. As the congregants reply
"Amen", the priest states:

"We, in our glory, accept your commands. We do as you Will, and

thus we do our own Will. Be this as it may, at no time shall we falter.
Together, with the aethyrs as our playground, the Princes of infernal majesty
shall share their kingdom."

Again, we see our fellowship between man and gods. With the
triumph of our chosen deities, through discipline, and godlike strength, we'll
never stray on our path. The "kingdom" shall no doubt be shared. What this
kingdom is, no one knows. However, as we meditate upon it, only personal
glory will come of it. "Amen" is spoken, and the priest recites Anton Lavey's
version of the Second Enochian Key.

The Second Enochian Key was chosen for the mass for its qualities of
worship, power, and ecstasy. This conjuration is of great importance, and
significance when dealing with dark theism.

(English Translation of Lavey's Second Enochian Key:

Can the wings of the winds hear your voices of wonder?; O you! The
great spawn of the worms of the Earth!, whom the Hell fire frames in the
depth of my jaws!, whom I have prepared as cups for a wedding or as
flowers regaling the chambers of lust!
Stronger are your feet than the barren stone! Mightier are your voices
than the manifold winds! For you are become as a building such as is not,
save in the mind of the All-Powerful manifestation of Satan!
Arise!, saith the First! Move therefore unto his servants! Show
yourselves in power, and make me a strong seer-of-things, for I am of Him
that liveth forever!)

The priest then states: "Now, let us feast and revel in our righteous
balance of power."

This further states the Temple's love of the acknowledgment of

balance between god and reveler, setting the stage for our Eucharist, we
envision our feast with the gods.

All are served the host, which may be anything including bread, cake,
or wafers. Also served is holy water, blessed by the priest.

After all are served, the priest says:

"Thanks be to you all. Thanks be to those who are eternal. May we

depart as brothers and sisters, with our dark power at its extreme point.
Glory be to light and dark! Hail Thyself!"

Here, we show our appreciation, not only to our Gods, but to each
other, as a congregation. This brings our Temple closer together, and is used
to form a divine, yet dark current for use in future rituals, creating immense
power and energy. "Hail thyself" is spoken to solidify this idea, and is the
perfect closing to remind us of all we've said.


Finally, it is said that:

"All go in peace and love, ever conscious of who we are, were and
always will be."

All say: "Hail Thyself!"

The mass ends with all departing. Hopefully a feeling of calm is
evident. The mass itself is a form of psychodrama, designed to flow, like the
waves of the ocean. It, in itself, is a complete rite, with forceful power, used
to create the Temple's own unique river of dark vibrations, the be used as our
Will dictates.
Expansion Upon The Devotion Rite Featured In Liber
This ritual was devised with what I call "personal communion" in
mind. Far more than simple devotion, this is designed to be a daily
motivating force to guide the practitioner, and make him/her aware of
higher, magickal, psycho-sensory worlds. In an existential mindset, we
conquer the abyss, revel in the deep, vast void, and become its citizen. We
do not necessarily defeat the unconquerable. We merely sight-see, and
master a daily regimen of interaction in that sub-world. Most psychological
treatises will aim at complete immersion in theory, yet will chastise the adept
explorer. This devotional text encompasses the attitiude of a wanderer of the
wasteland, and cements in our mind the true calling of the nomadic magus.

The ritual starts with a prescribed altar set up. Upon the altar are a
symbol of Baphomet, to be seen as a focal point, and basis of the entire
ritual. A gong, or bell, is present also. This is used throughout to banish the
air of negative forces, and to add an atmospheric element, providing a
physical grounding in the form of sound. The chalice is there to contain the
ritual holy water. This water is symbolic of an earthly priesthood. We may
consider ourselves priests, as long as we are true to our calling, whatever
that may be. And finally, a dagger is used in the final phase of the rite. It is a
powerful weapon devoted to delving deep into conflicting magickal territory.
The altar faces to the west. The west, in my estimation, is the cardinal point
of the left hand path. It reflects against a traditional Eastern center, and
provides tension needed to spur the ritual on.

A protective circle is cast, surrounding the magician. This is a

traditional, and effective, measure of protection. When calling out to the host
of aethyrs present at any time, this sealed sphere is of the utmost importance
to shield the practitioner from invisible entities one is not otherwise prepared

The magus then says: "The arms of Samael surround me! I Beckon
Kali in the West! This is the direction I have chosen! Pazuzu, in its fire,
defend me!"

This verse is meant to call upon Satanic forces, namely Samael, Kali,
and Pazuzu, to use their collective powers of death, and redemption, in order
to establish an astral center wrapped in the arms of the Lord Samael. Kali
comes from the west to accompany the explorer. As I've stated, the west is
our cardinal point. It is the direction I've chosen. And the fires of Pazuzu, in
its clawed grip, defends all from the fires were brought to bear upon

With the chalice and consecrated water (see Liber Satanica), sprinkle
it on all points, beginning in the south, moving clockwise. Make this
movement and arrive at each point 3 times.

The South is significant as with this rite's altar configuration, the

cardinal direction of South is to the immediate left of the magus,
symbolizing the left hand path. Water, sprinkled 3 times on each point is
used as a medium to sanctify our holy, and sacred, personal idiom.

The magus Says: "With the waves of Leviathan, I call upon the abyss!
We know the number! So mote it be!"

Leviathan is mentioned to harness the power of our water, and to

make from its vapors a physical presence. We call upon the abyss to watch
over our ritual, and to transfer Leviathan's power to our circle, and thus
ourselves. The number, mentioned in the passage, is of Choronzon, being
333, the number of dispersion. By acknowledging this diabolical
mathematical conjuration, we harness all powers of any deep, watery,
abyssmal realm. "So mote it be" is spoken to solidify our pact with the
supreme Lord.

The bell/gong is struck once in order to clear the air, and prepare for
further recitations. The magus takes up a ritual dagger, and traces an inverted
pentagram in the air, envisioning blue flames spiraling about it. The dagger,
as our weapon of choice, creates invisibly, and astrally, a blue flamed
pentagram. It is thus inverted to symbolize our leaning to the left. The blue
flame is present within the mind to purify the graven imagery. The magus
then states:

“Within the desert, I am in you! Shemhamforash! There is no oasis!


The mention of a desert tells of our dealing with Choronzon.

Dispersed within the pits of Hell, we rise to say "Shemhamforash!" Being no
mere oasis, we state our intent to leave this land, as we choose, and
culminate by declaring "Shemhamforash" once more, in tribute to our dark

The magus closes the temple by stating: "So mote it be!"

We have concluded our ritual, and have made our connection with the
distant, Hellish void.

The gong is struck 3 times to banish, purify, and disperse. This is a

true element of the forces we've called forth.

*(Note: This devotional rite is a dangerous one. Once performed, especially daily,
one gains in acceptance of those demons mentioned. As one continues on this path, the
dialogue between god and man, macrocosm and microcosm, will become ever more
Author's Note:
I can see the future of Hermetic Satanic magick, that is, Satanic
magick infused with Western occult tradition, and it looks quite good from
here. The flowery days of late 1960's mystic crooning are gone, its young
proponents now reaching their golden years, spending what little money is
left, that is still owed to them. And what is left for us? For mankind? That is
yet to be determined. The end, not quite near enough to pack it all in, is still
yet close enough for us to start living more robustly, and wondering about
our destiny, on whatever planet we may end up on, ourselves. What we do
know is that the great interest in black magick, Satanism, and the Thelemic
93 current is enough to sustain our creative ends, be they literary, musical, or
artistic, for the duration of mankind itself. May "10,000 Shrines", and all the
other thousands of works, here now and to come, lead the way for those who
may be so inclined. The ritual work and mental meanderings here included
in the form of essays, and mystical verse, are here to spur your own
creativity and exploration into the realm of darkness, and perhaps that of
light also. Be brave. Be well. Be Silent.
To contact the author, please direct all communication to:

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