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Definition Of Problem Solving

Problem solving is a mental process and is part of the larger problem process
that includes problem finding and problem shaping. Considered the most
complex of all intellectual functions, problem solving has been defined as higher-
order cognitive process that requires the modulation and control of more routine
or fundamental skills. Problem solving occurs when an organism or an artificial
intelligence system needs to move from a given state to a desired goal state.

There are many approaches to problem solving, depending on the nature of the
problem and the people involved in the problem. The more traditional, rational
approach is typically used and involves, for example clarifying description of the
problem, analyzing causes, identifying alternatives, assessing each alternative,
choosing one, implementing it, and evaluating whether the problem was solved
or not.

Another, more state-of-the-art approach is appreciative inquiry. That

approach asserts that "problems" are often the result of our own perspectives on
a phenomena, for example, if we look at it as a "problem," then it will become
one and we'll probably get very stuck on the "problem." Appreciative inquiry
includes identification of our best times about the situation in the past, wishing
and thinking about what worked best then, visioning what we want in the future,
and building from our strengths to work toward our vision.

The activities of problem solving and decision making are closely intertwined.

Polya’s Model

G. Polya describes four steps for solving problems and the steps outline a
series of general questions that the problem solving student can use to
successfully write resolutions. Without the questions, common sense goes
through the same process; the questions simply allow students to see the
process on paper.

1) Understanding the problem (getting to know the problem)

In the first step, students should be able to state the unknown, or the thing
they want to find to answer the question, the data the question gives them to
work with, and the condition, or limiting circumstances they must work around. If
they can identify all of these, and explain the question to other people, then they
have a good understanding of what the problem is asking. Polya suggests that
students draw a picture if possible, or introduce some kind of notation to visualize
the question.

2) Make a Plan
To devise a plan, students can start by trying to think of a related problem
they have solved before to help them. If the student can think of a problem they
have solved before that had a similar unknown, it could also be helpful. Students
can also try to restate the problem in an easier or different way, and try to solve
that. By looking at these related problems, students may be able to use the same
method, or other part of the plan used. After students have decided which
calculations, computations, or constructions that they need, and have made sure
that all data and conditions were used, they can try out their plan.

3) Carrying out the plan

To carry out the plan, they must do all the calculations, and check them
as they go along. Then should ask themselves, "Can I see it is right?" and then,
"Can I prove it is right?"

4) Look Back

When students look back on the problem and the plan they carried out,
they can increase their understanding of the solution. It is always good to
recheck the result and argument used, and to make sure that it is possible to
check them. Then students should ask, "Can I get the result in a different
way?"And "Can I use this for another problem?"

Problem 1:
There are 14 people in a room. 7 people are wearing hats and 9 people are
wearing spectacles, 5 people are wearing both. How many people are not wearing

Step 1: Understanding problem

We need to find out how many people are in not wearing both hat and spectacles.

Step 2: Devising a plan:

 What strategies are suitable to use in this situation?

 We need to find out how many people are in not wearing both hat and
 Strategy used: 1. Drawing diagram
2. Using Equation
3. Acting out a situation
Step 3: Carrying out the plan

Strategy 1: Drawing diagram

Hats Spectacles

3 people are in not wearing both hats and spectacles.

Strategy 2:Using Equation

Let X be the people who wear hats.

Let Y be the people who wear spectacles.

Let Z be the people who wear both hat and spectacles.

14 – [ (X+Y) – Z ] = People not wearing both hat and spectacles.

14 – [ (7+9) – 5 ] = 3

3 people are in not wearing both hats and spectacles.

Strategy 3:Acting out a situation/ simulation

1. Acting out a situation to understanding the problem.

2. Call out 14 students to represent the people in the room.
3. Prepares 7 hats to represent the hats.
4. Prepares 9 toy spectacles to represent the spectacles.
5. First, let 5 students wearing both hats and spectacles.
6. Then, let another 2 students wearing the hats.
7. After that, let another 4 student wearing the spectacles.
8. Next, we calculate the students that wearing hats, spectacles and both hats
and spectacles.
9. Lastly, we calculate the remaining students that are not wearing both.

Step 4:Looking back :

There are 14 people in a room and 7 people are wearing hats and 9 people are
wearing spectacles. Among them, 5 people are wearing both. Hence, 3 people
are not wearing both hat and spectacles.

In this problem, the strategy used are drawing diagram, using equation and
acting out a situation.
The best strategy is drawing diagram. In order to find the number of
people that are not wearing both hat and spectacles, a Venn diagram is drawn to
show the number of people who wear hat, spectacles and also wearing both hat
and spectacles.
After the diagram is complete, the number of people who are not wearing
both hat and spectacles is shown clearly.
The second strategy, using an equation is another strategy used to solve
this problem. In strategy is not that suitable because we need to do some
calculation to get the answer. Any careless when calculating the answer may
cause the answer to be wrong.
Next, the simulation strategy required a number of 16 persons to act this
problem out. It is also another way to show the number of people that is not
wearing both hat and spectacles, but we have to prepare hats and toy spectacles
for this strategy.
Hence, we can make a conclusion that drawing a diagram is the best way
to solve this problem.

Problem 2:

A woman who is overweight and her doctor told her must be losing 18 kg. If she
loses 5.5 kg in the first week, 4.5 kg in the second week, and 3.5 kg in the third
week and continue to lose at the same rate, how long will it take her to lose 18kg?

Step 1: Understanding the problem

 The woman need to losing 18 kg.

 She losing 5.5 kg in the first week.
 She losing 4.5 kg in the second week.
 She losing 3.5 kg in the third week.

Step 2: Devising a plan

 What strategy would work well in this situation?
 To solve the problem, making table, guess and check, looking for the
pattern method were used.
 The woman must lose her weight to 18 kg.
 She loses 5.5 kg in the first week, 4.5 kg in the second week and 3.5 kg in
the third week.

Strategy 1: Construct a Table

Draw a table to organize data presented in a problem.

Strategy 2: Guess and Check

Find the answer by using method guess and check.

Strategy 3: Looking for the Pattern

We need to do a plan and calculate the weight less does she losing in first week,
second week, third week and so on. Draw a table with two lines for numbers.

Step 3: Carrying out the plan

Strategy 1: Construct a Table

 Make a table

Week Total Kilograms Lost

1st 5.5
2nd 5.5+4.5=10
3rd 10+3.5=13.5
4nd 13.5+2.5=16
5nd 16+1.5=17.5
6nd 17.5+0.5=18
 The woman loses her weight by 1 kg in each week. So, the woman need
take 6 weeks to lose 18 kg.

Strategy 2: Guess and Check

 If the woman loses 5.5 kg in the first week, 10 kg in the second week, 13,5
kg in the third week, 16 kg in the forth week, 17.5 kg in the fifth week and
18 kg in the sixth week.
 Therefore, the answer is correct.
 So, the woman need take 6 weeks to lose the 18 kg.

Strategy 3: Looking for the Pattern

 Looking for the pattern

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total Kilograms Lost 5.5 10 13.5 16 17.5 18

+4.5 +3.5 +2.5 +1.5 +0.5

 Total kilograms losing by the woman between first week and second week
is 4.5 kg and between second week and third week is 3.5 kg.
 So, the total of kilograms losing decreases by 1 kg in each week.
 The woman took 6 weeks to lose 18 kg.

Step 4: Looking back

The woman need take 6 weeks to lose 18 kg. First week, the woman lose 5.5 kg,
total kilograms lose in second week for the man lose was 10kg because the
woman losing 4.5 kg in the second weeks. The kilograms lose decreases by 1 kg
in each week.


In this question, we use three problem solving strategy. They are construct a
table, guess and check and looking for the pattern.

Construct a problem is an efficient way to classify or order large amount of

data. An organized list provides a systematic way to record computations.

Guess and check is a strategy does not include “wild” or “blind” guesses.
Students should be encouraged to incorporate what they know into their guesses.
The “Check” portion of this strategy must be stressed. When repeated guesses
are necessary, using what has been learned from earlier guesses should help
make each subsequent guess better and better.

Looking for the pattern involves identifying a pattern and predicting what will
come next. Often students will construct a table and then use it to look for a

In conclusion, construct a table is the best strategy in this question because a

problem involving a relationship between two sets of numbers can often be
solved by making a table. A table helps to organize data so that we can see the
numerical relationship and find the answer. We can see more clearly by using a
table. This is the benefit to do a question by using a table.

Problem 3:

An old cat tried to climb a papaya tree of height 7 meters. The cat climbed for 1
minute and then rested for 1 minute. It climbed 2 m in a minute but slide down 1
m after it had rested for a minute. How many minutes would be needed for the
cat to reach the top of the papaya tree?

Step 1: Understanding the question

1. The papaya tree is 7 meters height.

2. The cat climbed for 1 minute and rested for another 1 minute.
3. It climbed 2m in a minute.
4. It slides down 1m while resting.
5. The time that the cat needed in order to reach the top of the papaya tree.

Step 2: Devising a plan

To solve this question, we may use act out the problem, construct a table
and draw a diagram.

Step 3: Carry out the plan

Strategy 1: Act out the problem

The easiest way to solve this problem is by using the simulation method. We
need a picture to represent the cat and a ruler that is at least 7 cm long represent
the papaya tree.

Old cat
0 7 cm long ruler to represent the papaya tree.
Then, we follow the rules given to solve the problem. The cat climbed 2m in a
minute and take a rest for another minute. While resting, it slide down a meter.

Note: arrow are used to represent the movement of the cat.


We continue the process.


From the process above, we found out that it took 11 movements for the old cat
to reach the top of the tree. Each movement used a minute, no matter if it is
going up or sliding down. So, we can conclude that the old cat take 11 minutes to
reach the top of the tree.

Strategy 2: Construct a table

Now, we are going to try to solve the problem by using a table.

Minute Progress The highness of the cat

on the tree

For the first column, we have the time that the cat had taken for the progress.
The second column indicate the progress that the cat have taken and the last
column show the highness of cat on the papaya tree.

The first steps that the cat have taken is move upwards 2 meter.

Minute Progress The highness of the cat

on the tree
1 Up 2 meter 2 meter

The second step that the cat had taken is slide down 1 meter

Minute Progress The highness of the cat

on the tree
1 Up 2 meter 2meter
2 Slide down 1 meter 1 meter

So, we continue the same process until we got 0 meter for the cat distance away
from the top of the papaya tree.

Minute Progress The highness of the cat

on the tree
1 Up 2 meter 2 meter
2 Slide down 1 meter 1 meter
3 Up 2 meter 3 meter
4 Slide down 1 meter 2 meter
5 Up 2 meter 4 meter
6 Slide down 1 meter 3 meter
7 Up 2 meter 5 meter
8 Slide down 1 meter 4 meter
9 Up 2 meter 6 meter
10 Slide down 1 meter 5 meter
11 Up 2 meter 7 meter

From the table we know that the cat took 11 minutes to reach the top of the
papaya tree.

Strategy 3: Drawing a diagram

This method required the process we use for the first strategy, act out the
problem. However, in this strategy, no object is required to represent anything.
All we need is just paper and pencil.

First, we draw a long horizontal line to represent the coconut tree and divide the
line into 7 section as a guide line for the height of the coconut tree. Each section
represent 1cm. We have to make sure that the section on line is equivalent.


Then, we just use the pencil and draw out the movement of the cat until it reach
the top of the tree.


Again, we found out that the cat took 11 minutes to reach the top of the tree.

Step 4: Look back

An old cat tried to climb a papaya tree of height 7 meters. The cat climbed for 1
minute and then rested for 1 minute. It climbed 2 m in a minute but slide down 1
m after it had rested for a minute. The old cat taken times 11 minutes to climbed
until to the top of the tree. On first minute, the cat climbed 2 meters of the tree.
Second minutes, the cat slide down from the tree 1 meter so the cat was on the 1
meter high of the tree. On third minutes, the cat climb 2 meter again so now on 3
meters high of the tree. On fourth minutes, the cat slide down 1meter from the

tree again so now the cat was on 2 meter high of the tree. On fifth minutes that
time the cat climb until to 4 meters high of the tree but until sixth minutes that
time, the cat slide down so now on 3 meters high of the tree. On seventh minutes,
the cat already climb until 5 meters high of the tree but on eighth minutes the cat
slide down 1 meter until 4 meters high of the tree. While on ninth minutes, the cat
climbed until 6 meter high of the tree but on tenth minutes, the cat slide down
again so now on 5 meter high of the tree. When on eleventh minutes, finally the
cat climbed until to the top of the papaya tree.


For this question, I only managed to come out with 3 strategies. I use act
out the problem, construct a table and draw a diagram.

The first strategy, act out the problem is very interesting and is very easy
to understand. However, we need to prepare all the materials and if without the
materials, it is very hard for us to solve the problem.

The second method, construct a table is very organized. However, all the
writing might make the students feel bored and did not wish to continue to solve
the problem anymore.

Last but not least, the last strategy, drawing a diagram, is the easiest way
and students can solve the problem in the shortest time. Although it is not as
organized as the second strategy, constructing table, it is definitely more

So, as a conclusion, the best strategy is by using the draw a diagram


Similar problem:
Kelly goes to school every weekday. If Kelly walks to school and rides home, it
takes one and a half hours. When she rides both ways, it takes half an hour. How
long would it take to walk the round trip?

Step 1: Understanding problem

We need to find out what is the total time needed to walk the round trip.

Step 2: Devising a plan:

 What strategies are suitable to use in this situation?

 The most suitable strategy is drawing diagram

Step 3: Carrying out the plan

Strategy: Drawing diagram

( 1 ½ hours)

House School

( ½ hours)


House School


House School

Calculation: Walks + rides = 1 ½ hours

Rides + rides = ½ hours

Then each ride is 15 minutes.

To find the time taken for walks:

1 ½ hour – 15 minutes = 1 hour 15 minutes
That means each walk is 1 hour 15 minutes.

Walks + Walks = 1 hour 15 minutes + 1 hour 15 minutes

= 2 hours 30 minutes

It would take 2 hours 30 minutes to walk the round trip.

Step 4: Look back

If Kelly walks to school and rides home, it takes one and a half hours. When she
rides both ways, it takes half an hour. This means she has to spend 15 minutes
for each ride from home to school or from school to home. Kelly has to spent one
hour and fifteen minutes to walk to school from her home. So, if she walks from
home to school and school to home, she has to spend 2 hours 30 minutes to
walk the round trip.


Our Basic Mathematics lecturer, Mr. Ng Kok Fu gives us an assignment

about Problem Solving. This assignment should be completed in a group of 3 or
4 people.

Through this assignment, I with my group members, Tu Kah Ping and Tan
Pei Ling have many times discussion to complete this assignment. During the
discussion we had met many problems. We try to find some about problem
solving book in the library. We get some information from book and also from
internet. Our lecturer also guide us finish this assignment with of responsible and
well. We discuss the problem about the assignment and send through e-mail to
lecturer to let him know about our fare.

From this assignment, I had learned about polya model and many
strategies. During secondary school, I never learned about this topic. By using
strategies from polya model, I can solve many type of mathematic question
without using formula. Since my mathematic were very poor but I try to
understand what lecturer teach and gave to us. He teach us in many different
ways so we won’t feel boring during the class. Thanks to my lecturer.

Through learning polya model. I also can apply the strategies in my daily
life to solve some daily problems. Polya model had given me many advantages. I
also felt the problem solving is an interesting topic for everyone to learn. Lastly,
through this assignment, I also can improve collaborate with my group member.

Thank you.



Firstly, I would like to say thank you to my basic mathematics subject

lecturer, Mr. Ng Kok Fu for giving us the assignment. From this assignment, I
have learnt about non-routine problem and how to solve it by different methods.
Besides that, I also want to appreciate with my friends and some seniors for
giving me a lot of helps and advices when doing this assignment. Not forget, I am
very pleased to have co-operative group member, Tan Boon Sui and Tu Kah
Ping. We helped each other to finish this assignment.

In this course work, we must know about non-routine problem. It is interesting

that we have to think and create some non routine problems. Besides, we got to
think different ways of solution in order to get the easiest way to solve the

There are various strategies that can be used to solve non-routine problems.
These include guess and check, look for a pattern, make a drawing, organize
information in a chart, table or graph, simulation or acting out, work backward
and simplify a problem. The strategies we select have to be versatile so that they
could be applied to a wide variety of problems.

I would like to appreciate to all people who had given a hand to me when
doing this course work.




We received the Basic Mathematics short course work from Mr. Ng Kok
Fu on 21 Mac 2010. This is a course work that is related to real life situations.
We learned how to apply Polya’s Model in solving problems.

I have done this short course work with my group members, Tan Boon Sui
and Tan Pei Ling. We spent a lot of time on collecting information and also some
sample question. Finally, we were able to finish this course work.

We selected three problems and solve the question using different

strategy. For each of the problem, we used three strategies to solve each
problem. For each problem, we selected a strategy that deemed to be the most
efficient. We also justified our selection.

Next, we created a similar problem and solved it using the best strategy
selected. After finish solving the three problems, we prepared a power point
presentation to be presented during lecture.

After completing this course work, we can understand the difference

between routine and non-routine problems. We also found that Polya’s model is
an important model that is used in problem solving. In my opinion, this course
work really helps in understanding and applying Polya’s model in problem solving
better. Finally, I want to thank my lecturer on his advice and also my friends that
helping me a lot.

Thank you.



We used Polya’s Model and different strategies in solving those non-

routine problems. There are four steps in Polya’s Model guided us to solve these
problems. First, understanding the problem. Next, devising a plan. Then, carry
out the plan, and lastly looking back.

After that, we solve three non-routine problems with different strategies.

chose another three non-routine problems and solved each problem using
different strategies.

In conclusion, after we solved these three questions using different

strategies, we found out that different situation of problems solved using different
strategies. The most commonly strategy is drawing a diagram because it is a
easy and direct way to show a situation on paper. Next, making table, act out the
problem, looking for a pattern are also strategies used in this course work.


1. Selby, A. (1995 ). Appetizers and Lessons for Mathematics and Reason.

Retrieved 25/3/2010, from

2. Taplin, M. (2008, Dec 31 ). Teaching Values Through A Problem Solving

Approach to Mathematics. Retrieved 25/3/2010, from

3. History of Polya Model(09 / 09 / 2009). Retrieved 26/3/2010, from


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