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European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 160 (2012) 201–204

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Comparison of the dermatoglyphic characteristics of women with and without

breast cancer
Elaheh Sariri a, Maryam Kashanian b,*, Mansoureh Vahdat a, Saeedeh Yari b
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Hazrat Rasool Teaching Hospital, Tehran, Iran
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Akbarabadi Teaching Hospital, Tehran, Iran


Article history: Objective: To compare the dermatoglyphic characteristics of women with and without breast cancer.
Received 18 February 2011 Study design: Case–control study. One hundred and thirty women = 130 women with histopathologi-
Received in revised form 3 June 2011 cally confirmed breast cancer (case group) were compared with 127 women in the same age group but
Accepted 1 November 2011
without breast cancer (control group). Fingerprints of the two groups were compared in terms of whorl,
loop and arch patterns.
Keywords: Results: The loop pattern was most common in both groups [68 women (52.3%) in the case group and 58
Breast cancer
women (45.7%) in the control group], followed by the whorl pattern [60 women (46.2%) in the case group
Dermatoglyphic pattern
and 64 women (50.4%) in the control group]; the difference was not significant (p = 0.337). The number
Pregnancy of whorl patterns and the breakdown by classification group did not differ significantly between the two
Breast feeding groups. In addition, no significant difference was found in the dermatologlyphic patterns of the women
with breast cancer with and without a family history of breast cancer.
Conclusion: No difference was found in the dermatoglyphic characteristics of women with and without
breast cancer. As such, this does not appear to be an effective screening method for women at risk for
breast cancer.
ß 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the influence of environmental factors [5–7]. However, after this

time, little change is seen in an individual’s dermatoglyphic
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, pattern. Therefore, studies have tried to determine correlations
constituting approximately one-third of malignancies in women. between defined genetic disorders and dermatoglyphic patterns
It is also the second highest cause of death due to cancer, second of individuals and their possible tendency towards certain
only to lung cancer [1,2]. The incidence of breast cancer in Iran is disorders [7].
considerable, and the disease represents one of the most important Dermatoglyphic analysis is the evaluation of palm and finger
problems for the Iranian healthcare system [3]. skin ridges, and has a history of approximately 70 years [6,7]. The
Due to the high prevalence of breast cancer, numerous studies skin ridges of fingertips (Fig. 1) are classified as arch, loop and
have been undertaken. The exact aetiology of breast cancer has not whorl patterns, seen in approximately 4%, 51% and 45% of
been determined to date, but genetic and environmental factors individuals, respectively. It should be noted that skin ridges on
have been proposed [2,4]. A relationship between different genes the right and left hands are not identical in an individual [5].
and breast cancer has been reported, such that a women with these There are many different classification systems for dermato-
genes has a 60–80% higher risk of breast cancer [4]. These glyphic patterns, but they are fairly similar. The most common
abnormal genes may also play a significant role in other cancers, classification system is as follows [6,7]:
particularly ovarian and uterine cancers [2].
According to studies, skin ridges on the fingers and palms  Class 1, number of whorl patterns on the fingers of the right and
develop in the primary stages of fetal life, influenced by genetic left hands;
factors. In the first trimester of pregnancy and the critical period  Class 2, skin ridge distributions on both index fingers;
of embryogenesis, dermatoglyphic patterns may change due to  Class 3, skin ridge patterns on the index fingers, middle fingers
and ring fingers of both hands;
 Class 4, loop, arch and whorl patterns on both small fingers;
* Corresponding author at: No. 9, Mostaghimi Alley, Khajeh Nasir Toosi Avenue,
 Class 5, number of skin ridge patterns on eight fingers (excluding
Postcode 16117, Tehran, Iran. Tel.: +98 21 77523487; fax: +98 21 77607016. the small fingers); and
E-mail address: (M. Kashanian).  Class 6, whorl patterns on the thumbs of both hands.

0301-2115/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
202 E. Sariri et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 160 (2012) 201–204

Fig. 1. Dermatoglyphic patterns of fingertips.

Special dermatoglyphic patterns have been studied in congeni- Samples were obtained by rolling fingers in ink and then
tal disorders such as Down’s syndrome (Trisomy 21), Klinefelter’s pressing the fingers onto glossy paper. The samples were evaluated
syndrome and Turner’s syndrome [8,9], as well as coronary heart by a well-trained specialist.
disease, type 2 diabetes, schizophrenia, cerebral palsy and Ridge counts and quantitative and qualitative evaluations of
Alzheimer’s disease [10–13]. Research has also been undertaken dermatologlyphic patterns were compared between the two
on the dermatoglyphic characteristics of women with breast groups. Statistical analyses were performed using Statistical
cancer. However, no special or unique dermatoglyphic patterns for Package for the Social Sciences Version 13 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
breast cancer have been identified to date, possibly due to the USA). Chi-squared test and t-test were used for comparisons.
interaction between genetic and environmental factors in the
genesis of breast cancer [14–16]. 3. Results
Given the high prevalence of breast cancer, it would be very
helpful if dermatoglyphic evaluation could determine which In total, 257 women were evaluated: 130 women in the case
women are at risk. This would represent a cheap, safe and group and 127 women in the control group. Age, age at menarche,
accessible method of screening. age at first pregnancy, marital status, ever having been pregnant,
The aim of the present study was to compare the dermatoglyphic performing exercise, smoking status and history of breast feeding
characteristics of women with and without breast cancer quantita- did not differ significantly between the groups. However,
tively and qualitatively in order to determine if dermatoglyphic significant differences were found in being menopausal, age at
characteristics can be used as a screening tool for breast cancer. onset of menopause and family history of breast cancer between
the groups (Table 1). Loop and whorl patterns were the most
2. Materials and methods common patterns in both groups; the difference between the
groups was not significant (Table 2).
This case–control study was conducted between March 2007 and The distribution of whorl patterns and the number of whorl
March 2008. The cases (n = 130) were women who had histopatho- patterns on odd and even fingers (Class 1) did not differ significantly
logically confirmed breast cancer, and the controls (n = 127) were between the two groups (Table 3). In addition, no significant
women in the same age group but without breast cancer. difference was found in the distribution of patterns on the index
The inclusion criteria were: histopathologically confirmed fingers of both hands (Class 2). For Class 3 (distribution of patterns on
breast cancer (case group); consent to participate in the study; the index fingers, middle fingers and ring fingers of both hands), no
and no history of any malignancies of the colon, pancreas, ovary, significant difference was found between the two groups: right
endemetrium, cervix, gall bladder or skin in first-degree relatives. index finger (p = 0.817), right middle finger (p = 0.459), right ring
The study was approved by the institutional review board and finger (p = 0.873), left index finger (p = 0.426), left middle finger
the institutional ethics committee. Written informed consent was (p = 0.694) and left ring finger (p = 0.401). Finally, no significant
obtained from all participants. difference was found between the groups in terms of whorl patterns

Table 1
Characteristics of the subjects.

Characteristics Case group n = 130 Control group n = 127 p-Value OR (95% CI)

Age (years), mean  SD 48.4  10.1 47.8  8.2 0.454

Age at menarche, mean  SD 14.1  5.6 14.4  9.7 0.778
Menopausal, n (%) 77 (59.2%) 30 (22.6%) 0.001* 4.9 (2.9–8.5)
Age at menopause (years), mean  SD 45.1  7.6 48.1  4.1 0.05* 1.8(1.4–2.1)
Married, n (%) 118 (90.8%) 125 (98.4%) 0.07
Age at first pregnancy (years), mean  SD 24.7  12.8 22.8  5.5 0.141
Exercise, n (%) 66 (50.8%) 62 (48.8%) 0.621
Smoker, n (%) 13(10%) 8 (6%) 0.219
Ever pregnant, n (%) 115 (88.5%) 114 (89.8%) 0.758
Family history of breast cancer, n (%) 29 (22.3%) 5 (3.9%) 0.001* 7.35 (2.74–19.6)
Breast feeding, n (%) 108 (83.1%) 112 (88%) 0.259

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation.

* significant.
E. Sariri et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 160 (2012) 201–204 203

Table 2 Table 3
Distribution of different dematoglyphic patterns on the fingers of both hands in the Number of whorl patterns in the two groups, mean  standard deviation.
two groups.
Case group Control group p-Value
Fingers Pattern Case group Control group p-Value
Even fingers Class 1 15.01  11.86 15.54  11.8 0.717
n = 127 n = 130
Odd fingers Class 1 11.98  10.67 13.15  10.79 0.382
Right thumb Arch 2 (1.5%) 5 (3.9%) 0.337 Class 4 13.22  4.37 13.34  4.96 0.836
Loop 68 (52.3%) 58 (45.7%) Class 5 14.02  5.08 14.34  4.98 0.629
Whorl 60 (46.2%) 64 (50.4%)
Right index Arch 11 (8.5%) 12 (9.4%) 0.772
Loop 60 (46.2%) 53 (41.7%)
Whorl 59 (45.4%) 62 (48.8%) on the thumbs of both hands (Class 6): left hand (p = 0.819) and right
Right middle Arch 94 (73.3%) 90 (70.9%) 0.890 hand (p = 0.664).
Loop 36 (37.7%) 37 (29.1%)
No significant difference was found in the dermatoglyphic
Whorl 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Right ring Arch 13 (10%) 10 (7.9%) 0.559
patterns of women with breast cancer with and without a family
Loop 90 (69.2%) 84 (66.1%) history of breast cancer (Table 4).
Whorl 27 (20.8%) 33 (26%)
Right small Arch 2 (1.5%) 3 (2.4%) 0.886
Loop 107 (82.3%) 103 (81.1%) 4. Comments
Whorl 21 (16.2%) 21 (16.5%)
Left thumb Arch 6 (4.6%) 6 (4.7%) 0.696 The present study found no significant difference in the
Loop 60 (46.2%) 52 (40.9%)
dermatoglyphic patterns of women with and without breast
Whorl 64 (49.2%) 69 (54.3%)
Left index Arch 21 (16.2%) 16 (12.6%) 0.665 cancer in terms of arch, loop and whorl patterns. In addition,
Loop 53 (40.8%) 51 (40.2%) among the women with breast cancer, no significant difference
Whorl 56 (43.1%) 60 (47.2%) was found in the dermatoglyphic patterns between those with and
Left middle Arch 26 (20%) 20 (15.7%) 0.459 without a family history of breast cancer. In contrast to other
Loop 66 (50.8%) 74 (58.3%)
Whorl 38 (29.2%) 33 (26%)
studies, the present study found that dermatoglyphic patterns are
Left ring Arch 3 (2.3%) 5 (3.9%) 0.707 not valuable as a screening test for breast cancer.
Loop 70 (53.8%) 70 (55.1%) Chintamani et al. [14] found a significant difference between
Whorl 57 (43.8%) 52 (40.9%) the fingerprints of women with and without breast cancer, and
Left small Arch 3 (2.3%) 3 (2.4%) 0.743
suggested that dermatoglyphic patterns may be used as a tool to
Loop 104 (80%) 106 (83.5%)
Whorl 23 (17.7%) 18 (14.2%) study the genetic backgrounds of breast cancer. In contrast,
Seltzer et al. [17] found no relationship between palm prints and

Table 4
Dermatoglyphic distribution on fingers of both hands in women with breast cancer with and without a family history of breast cancer.

Fingers Pattern With family history of breast cancer n = 29 Without family history of breast cancer n = 101 p-Value

Right thumb Arch 0 (0%) 2 (2%) 0.518

Loop 18 (62.1%) 50 (49.5%)
Whorl 11 (37.9%) 49 (48.5%)
Right index Arch 2 (6.9%) 9 (8.9%) 0.857
Loop 15 (51.7%) 45 (44.6%)
Whorl 12 (41.4%) 47 (46.5%)
Right middle Arch 1 (3.4%) 12 (11.9%) 0.447
Loop 22 (75.9%) 68 (67.3%)
Whorl 6 (20.7%) 21 (20.8%)
Right ring Arch 0 (0%) 3 (3%) 0.450
Loop 15 (51.7%) 50 (49.5%)
Whorl 14 (48.3%) 48 (47.5%)
Right small Arch 0 (0%) 2 (2%) 0.09
Loop 21 (72.4%) 86 (85.1%)
Whorl 8 (27.6%) 13 (12.9%)
Left thumb Arch 3 (10.3%) 3 (3%) 0.433
Loop 11(37.9%) 49 (48.5%)
Whorl 15 (51.7%) 49 (48.5%)
Left index Arch 4 (13.8%) 17 (16.8%) 0.424
Loop 12 (41.4%) 41 (40.6%)
Whorl 13 (44.8%) 43 (42.6%)
Left middle Arch 5 (17.2%) 21 (20.8%) 0.887
Loop 16 (55.2%) 50 (49.5%)
Whorl 8 (27.6%) 30 (29.7%)
Left ring Arch 0 (0%) 3 (3%) 0.088
Loop 13 (44.8%) 57 (56.4%)
Whorl 16 (55.2%) 41 (40.6%)
Left small Arch 1 (3.4%) 2 (2%) 0.743
Loop 19 (65.5%) 85 (84.2%)
Whorl 9 (31%) 14 (13.9%)
Number of even fingers, 14.41  10.907 15.18  12.175 0.764
mean  SD
Number of odd fingers, 10.72  9.939 12.34  10.902 0.382
mean  SD
Number of Class 4, mean  SD 13.86  3.88 13.3  4.507 0.332
Number of Class 5, mean  SD 14.77  4.616 13.8  5.217 0.394

SD, standard deviation.

204 E. Sariri et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 160 (2012) 201–204

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