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Playing Vistani:

Secrets of the Caravans

By Chris Sims
Illustrations by Jason A Engle

The Vistani share their secrets—both magical and

otherwise—only with those who are also vistani. Once you
have been welcomed into a vistani caravan and accepted
as a member, you undergo a ritual led by a vistani elder.
During the ritual, some of your blood is shared with that of
someone in the caravan. As your blood mingles with that of
the vistani, your eyes grow dark, and you become one with
the rest of the caravan, which grants you access to the feats,
powers, and other options available to all vistani.

Being a Vistani means having the Vistani Heritage
feat, which is a bloodline feat. All bloodline feats are
noted as such in the feat’s name. You can have blood-
line feats of only one type, so if you choose the Vistani
Heritage feat, you cannot have feats from other blood-
lines (such as dhampyr). An assortment of unique
bloodline feats, which require the Vistani Heritage
feat, are available to Vistani.

Vistani Heritage [Vistani Bloodline]

Prerequisite: Humanoid race
Benefit: You gain evil eye of the Vistani as an
encounter power. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus
to Diplomacy checks made against other Vistani. You
have mastered the Vistani Blooding ritual and can
perform it.

TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. October 20 09 | D r ag o n 3 8 0
Playing Vistani

Evil Eye of the Vistani Feat Power Black Vistani Cat [Familiar, Vistani Eye of Paranoia [Vistani Bloodline]
You cast a baleful look upon your enemy, forcing it to cower Bloodline] Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage
before you.
Prerequisite: Any arcane class, cat familiar, Benefit: When you hit a target with your evil eye
Encounter ✦ Charm Vistani Heritage of the Vistani, the target cannot make opportunity
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature Benefit: Your evil eye of the Vistani can originate attacks or immediate action attacks for the duration
Attack: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma + 3 vs. Will from your active cat familiar. Using evil eye of the of the power.
Level 11: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma + 6 vs. Will Vistani in this way does not provoke opportunity
Level 21: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma + 9 vs. Will
attacks. Eye Wand [Vistani Bloodline]
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target grants combat
advantage to you and cannot willingly move closer to you. Prerequisite: Wizard, Wand of Accuracy class
Cosmic Eye [Vistani Bloodline] feature, Vistani Heritage
Heroic Tier Feats Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Cosmic Magic class fea- Benefit: If you miss with an attack roll modified
These feats are available to any character who meets ture, Vistani Heritage by your Wand of Accuracy class feature, you can
the prerequisites. They are meant, in a way, to be a Benefit: Evil eye of the Vistani deals fire and radiant use evil eye of the Vistani, if available, as a free action
guide to common class and feature choices among damage equal to your Cosmic Power damage bonus. against the target you missed.
heroic Vistani. Some allow you to master certain
rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat or make Covenant Eye [Vistani Bloodline] Fell Vistani Hound [Vistani
alchemical items as if you had the Alchemist feat. To Prerequisite: Channel Divinity class feature, Bloodline]
perform a ritual, you must still acquire the ritual and Vistani Heritage Prerequisite: Ranger, wolf beast companion,
master it; to make an alchemical item, you must still Benefit: As a free action, you can expend your use Beast Mastery class feature, Vistani Heritage
acquire the formula and learn it. Your level still limits of your Channel Divinity class feature to regain the Benefit: While you are flanking an enemy, your
whether you can perform a ritual or make an alchem- use of evil eye of the Vistani. wolf has combat advantage against that enemy.
ical item. The DM can modify the list of rituals and
alchemical items available to you as he or she sees fit.
Enmity’s Eye [Vistani Bloodline] Maledictor’s Eye [Vistani Bloodline]
Prerequisite: Avenger, Vistani Heritage Prerequisite: Invoker, Covenant of Malediction
Advantageous Eye
Benefit: When you use evil eye of the Vistani class feature, Vistani Heritage
[Vistani Bloodline]
against your oath of enmity target, you do not provoke Benefit: When you hit a target with evil eye of the
Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage opportunity attacks from that target. If no other Vistani, you can slide the target 1 square. Until the
Benefit: When you hit a target with your evil eye of enemy is adjacent to you when you do so, you make end of your next turn, whenever the target misses
the Vistani, the target grants combat advantage to all two attack rolls, taking either result. If you hit, you with an attack roll, you can slide the target 1 square
your allies for the duration of the power. deal 1d6 radiant damage in addition to the power’s as a free action.
normal hit effect.

October 20 09 | D r ag o n 3 8 0
Playing Vistani

Nature’s Vindictive Eye [Vistani Vistani Healer [Vistani Bloodline]

Bloodline] Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage
Vestige of Vistan
Prerequisite: Druid, Wild Shape class feature, Benefit: You can master and perform restoration
The vestige of Vistan has a nebulous feel—varied
Vistani Heritage rituals as though you had the Ritual Caster feat. Once
emotions, indeterminate gender, and so on—
Benefit: You can use evil eye of the Vistani while in per day, you can ignore the component cost of a resto-
shaped by the many myths surrounding this
beast form as a minor action that does not provoke legendary Vistani figure. The vestige might not ration ritual you have mastered of your level or lower.
opportunity attacks. be a specific entity, but instead it could be a
blend of power gathered from Vistani collective Vistani Jongleur [Vistani Bloodline]
Orb of the Eye [Vistani Bloodline] belief and mysticism. Contact with this vestige
Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage
leads to a desire to move and to capricious
Prerequisite: Wizard, Orb of Imposition class behavior. Vistani often call the triggering of the Benefit: You can master and perform Bard rituals
feature, Vistani Heritage pact boon the “dance of Vistan.” as though you had the Ritual Caster feat. Once per
Benefit: You treat evil eye of the Vistani as though it day, you can ignore the component cost of a ritual you
were an at-will wizard spell for the purposes of your have mastered of your level or lower that has Bard as
Orb of Imposition. Vistani Fencer [Vistani Bloodline] a prerequisite.

Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage

Vestige of Vistan [Vistani Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to damage rolls with Vistani Knife Fighting [Vistani
Bloodline] melee or close attacks with a light blade or a heavy Bloodline]
Prerequisite: Warlock, vestige pact, Vistani blade against a target currently affected by your evil Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage
Heritage eye of the Vistani. Benefit: When you miss the target of your evil eye
Benefit: You add Vistan to your primary vestiges, of the Vistani with a melee or close attack with a light
gaining access to the following pact boon when Vistani Guardian blade, you can choose to either shift 1 square or move
Vistan is your active vestige. [Vistani Bloodline] your speed as a free action.
Vistan Pact Boon: When an enemy under the effect
Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage
of your Warlock’s Curse drops to 0 hit points, you can Vistani Pathfinder [Vistani
Benefit: You can master and perform binding or
slide a different creature currently affected by your Bloodline]
warding rituals as though you had the Ritual Caster
Warlock’s Curse a number of squares equal to your
feat. Once per day, you can ignore the component cost Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage
Charisma modifier.
of a binding or warding ritual your have mastered of Benefit: You can master and perform exploration
your level or lower. and travel rituals as though you had the Ritual Caster
Warlock’s Eye [Vistani Bloodline] feat. Once per day, you can ignore the component cost
Prerequisite: Warlock, Vistani Heritage of an exploration or travel ritual you have mastered of
Benefit: When you hit with evil eye of the Vistani, your level or lower.
you can add the extra damage from your Warlock’s
Curse, even if you have already used your extra curse
damage this turn.

October 20 09 | D r ag o n 3 8 0
Playing Vistani

Vistani Seer [Vistani Bloodline] target as a free action without provoking opportunity Paragon Path
Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage attacks before making your attack.
Benefit: You can master and perform divination Vistani heroes vary widely in their pursuits, but the
and scrying rituals as though you had the Ritual Prophetic Preparation [Vistani Vistani execrator is distinct to Vistani culture.
Caster feat. Once per day, you can ignore the com- Bloodline]
ponent cost of a divination or scrying ritual you have Prerequisite: 11th level, wizard, Vistani Heritage Vistani Execrator
mastered of your level or lower. Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you can “I am the lurking sickness in your veins, the lurking fear in
swap one daily attack spell you didn’t prepare in your mind, and the lurking stain on your soul. From me
Vistani Thief [Vistani Bloodline] place of one you did prepare. Also once per day, as a you’ll receive no less than you deserve.”
Prerequisite: Vistani Heritage free action, you can swap one utility spell you didn’t
Benefit: You can master and perform decep- prepare in place of one you did prepare. You choose Prerequisite: Any arcane class or Covenant of
tion rituals as though you had the Ritual Caster feat. the replacement spell at the time you use it. Malediction class feature, Vistani Heritage
Once per day, you can ignore the component cost of
a deception ritual you have mastered of your level or Epic Tier Feats Rumor and legend speak of horrifying Vistani curses.
lower. Any feat in this section is available to a character of Few are willing to put these dark parables to the test.
21st level or higher who meets the prerequisites. Threat of ill fortune or a wasting disease is enough to
keep the Vistani safe from numerous threats
Wild Magic Eye [Vistani Bloodline]
Folk do well to heed the folktales, because the sto-
Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Wild Magic class feature, Persistent Eye [Vistani Bloodline] ries are true. Of this fact you are living proof.
Vistani Heritage Prerequisite: 21st level, Vistani Heritage Although many a Vistani knows the magic to place
Benefit: Evil eye of the Vistani deals damage of Benefit: : Instead of lasting until the end of your a lasting curse on someone who has offended the
the same type as your current Wild Soul damage next turn, the target of your evil eye of the Vistani clan, you are something more. In an instant, with but
type, and the damage is equal to your Chaos Power grants you combat advantage and cannot willingly a glare and an oath, you can turn fortune against your
damage bonus. move closer to you (save ends). adversaries. Those who dare raise their hands against
you soon see the folly of their actions.
Paragon Tier Feats Vistani Foresight [Vistani Bloodline] Any who show you the respect and camarade-
Any feat in this section is available to a character of Prerequisite: 21st level, Vistani Heritage rie you deserve have little to fear. While standing
11th level or higher who meets the prerequisites. Benefit: You gain +2 to initiative. Additionally, beside you or watching your back, your allies benefit
you gain an additional action point after an extended from the bad luck you hurl at your foes. They could
Mark of the Evil Eye [Vistani rest. even say that you bring them good fortune instead
Bloodline] of afflicting enemies. Despite the reality, with a sly
Vistani smile, you might let them believe this is true.
Prerequisite: 11th level, fighter, Vistani Heritage
Benefit: Whenever you would make an attack
as the result of your Combat Challenge feature, you
can use evil eye of the Vistani, if available, on the same

October 20 09 | D r ag o n 3 8 0
Playing Vistani

Vistani Execrator Features Fumbling Curse Vistani Execrator Utility 12 About the Author
Chris Sims is a mysterious person who wanders the lands
Cursed Action (11th level): When you spend With a word, you turn a sure strike into a glancing blow that
and travels the mists between varied duties as a member of
momentarily throws your opponent off balance.
an action point to make an attack, you gain combat RPG R&D for Wizards of the Coast. He is independent of the
advantage against each of your targets. Daily bonds that shackle the lords to their domains and the folk to
Immediate Interrupt Personal their dreary, oppressed existence. One might say he is among
Sight Beyond Sight (11th level): Whenever Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack the strangest characters in RPG R&D, because in spirit he is
an effect would blind you, you can make one saving Effect: Whenever the target makes an attack roll (including the free. His works include writing, development, editing, and
throw to remove that effect as a free action, even if attack roll that triggered this power), roll 1d6 and subtract general troublemaking for D&D Insider, as well as parts of
the result from the target’s attack (save ends). Dungeon Master’s Guide®, Martial Power™, Monster Manual 2®,
that effect doesn’t normally allow a save. Additionally,
Eberron Campaign Guide® and Eberron Player’s Guide®, and a
you ignore concealment for any creature within 5
Deadly Repercussions Vistani Execrator Attack 20 few official D&D® adventures.
squares of you.
Your curse attracts doom to your enemies, and it rewards with
Master of the Vistani Curse (16th level): You continued pain their insolent attacks against you and your
can use evil eye of the Vistani one additional time per allies.
encounter. Daily ✦ Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Close burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst
Vistani Execrator Powers Attack: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier psychic
Isolating Curse Vistani Execrator Attack 11
Miss: Half damage.
You lay an imprecation on your adversary, driving its friends Effect: The target grants combat advantage and has ongoing
too far away to offer protection and opening your foe to 10 damage (save ends both). Until the target saves against
attack. this effect, once each turn when the target hits an ally, roll
Encounter ✦ Implement, Psychic 1d6. The target takes a penalty to saving throws equal to
Standard Action Ranged 10 the result of this roll until the end of your next turn.
Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier psychic
damage. Until the end of your next turn, the target grants
combat advantage, and any enemy within 3 squares of the
target takes a –4 penalty to attack rolls and cannot regain
hit points.

October 20 09 | D r ag o n 3 8 0

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