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Tester Materials: Seeds of chick peas, lentils, Bengal gram,

Green gram, Black gram, grains, wheat and rice
Tester month and temperature: October,2018 and at room
Tester Reagents
 Coosmassie Brilliant Blue G-250
 Methanol
 Phosphoric Acid (𝐻3 𝑃𝑂4 )
 Tris_ HCl buffer
 Doubled distilled water
i. Single beam VIS Spectrometer
ii. Cooling Centrifuge
iii. Refrigerator
iv. Eppendorf tube
v. Cubette
vi. 10 ml beaker
vii. Pestie mortar
viii. Wash bottle
ix. Micropipette
x. Tips of micropipette
xi. Reagent bottle dark
xii. Whatmann no. 1 filter papper

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