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Date (mm/dd/yy)
of Preparation of Estimate 17-Apr-15
Details Amount Leads
Embankment Earth 51.67 3.00
HMP 250.61 21.00
Crusher 250.61 21.00
Metal/ Stone Qry 250.61 21.00
Gravel 51.67 3.00
Sand 359.30 31.00
Varies with pipe
Hume Pipes dia. 67.00
LEAD 798.00
Grade 80/100 VG 10 31590.00
Grade 60/70 VG 30 32390.00
RS 25590.00
Emulsion SS 26920.00
CEMENT 6300.00
HYSD Steel 40000.00
6 mm Mild Steel 42000.00
MS STEEL 40000.00
Place ITEM Name Value
DATA Labour Municipal Area Allowance %
RMR Metal %
RMR Gravel %
RMR Sand %
Overhead Charges ( R) 5.00 %
Overhead Charges ( B) 5.00 %
Contractors Profit 10.00 %
VAT 5.00 %
Centering Charges Local Entry %

From To
Chaitanya Projects Consultancy Pvt.Ltd The Superintending Engineer
(R&B) Circle ,
Warangal Dist.

Letter No. DPR/WGL/1/2015-16 Date :12-05-2010

Sub :- "Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the road (1)
pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal. Km.0/0 to 27/5 ,
(2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in karimnagar district

I am herewith submitting above cited work Detailed Project work (DPR)

I request the Superintending Engineer (R&B) Rural Circle, Warangal dist to kindly
obtain necessary approval from the competent authority and communicate.

Yours faithfully
Enclosures ::
1 Plan and Profile
2 Detailed Cost estimate (Chitanya Projects Consultancy )
3 Managing Director
"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for
the road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet
Name of Work :
Mandal. Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0
to 32/6" in karimnagar district
Amount of Estimate : Rs. 3550

Sulthanabad to Kalvasrirampur road is an important road in Warangal district .The existing single
lane Bituminous road is damaged, carriageway edges reduced and the berms are not sufficient also the
C.D. works are narrow. All these bad conditions are creating problems to the road user and the
existing width is not catering to many fold increased traffic. The surface is no at all suitable for fast
moving vehicles.

In view of the above mentioned conditions of the Road and as per the instructions of Higher
officials a detailed "& estimate for the Road is prepared to widen from existing single lane to Double
lane and bringing the total road to traffic worthy by strengthening , with the following provisions."

1 Forming embankment with Side earth by mechanical means

2 Forming embankment with borrowed useful earth ,
3 Construction of Gravel base 200mm thick and 150 mm shoulders ,
4 Providing, Laying, Spreading of Wet Mix macadam,
5 Providing and applying Prime Coat with bitumen emulsion (Medium Setting),
6 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium setting) (Bulk),
7 Providing and laying of 50mm thick Bituminous Macadam,
8 Providing 30 mm thick compacted Bituminous Concrete,
9 VAT on Part "A".
10 L.S for Quality control charges on Part "A",
11 L.S. for Price adjustment Road Work,
14 L.S. for Avagahana sadassulu,
15 0
16 L.S for other unforeseen items, variation in quantities rates and rounding off.

The estimate is prepared based on common SSR 2014-15 . The quarries and their leads are
taken from approved Quarry and Lead Charts. The work will be carried out as per specifications and
codal guide lines and relevant circular instructions issued time - to -time.

Early approval to the estimate is solicited.

Asst. Executive Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer Executive Engineer,
R&B Section, ___ ___ ___ R&B Sub-Division___ _____ (R&B) Division, ___ ____ _____




MANDAL. KM.0/0 TO 27/5 , (2)

D. P. R.

Rs 3550.0 Lakhs

(R&B) Circle :: WARANGAL

(R&B) Division :: +
NAME OF WORK :- "Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district

S.No Description Remarks

1 2 3 4

1 ROAD WORK Part "A" 264653127

C C Drain


Pipe Culverts : 28 Reconstruction + 2 Widening 27050769

2 Box Culverts : 2 Nos ( Reconstruction ) 1564373

Slab Culverts : 5 Nos ( Widening ) 8423249

Bridges (Minor & Major Bridges) 37038391

Sub Total 264653127

3 Maintense of Road 2805192


L.S provision for NAC @ 0.1% 0.10% 267458

4 L.S Amount for VAT on Part "A". 5.0% 13337916

5 L.S. for Price adjustment Road Work, 1.75% 4680521

6 L.S for Quality control charges on Part "A", 0.50% 1337292

7 L.S. for Avagahana sadassulu, 5000

8 Segniorage 11064170

9 L.S for variations and rounding off 60106

Total Amount Rs. 298210782

Amount in Cr 29.82

Per Km Cost 0.93

NAME OF WORK :- "Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district


S.No Description Remarks

1 2 3 4

1 ROAD WORK Part "A" 264653127

Pipe Culverts : 52 Nos Reconstruction + 23 Nos Widening 27050769

2 Box Culverts : 1 Nos ( Reconstruction ) 1564373

Slab Culverts : 8Nos ( Widening ) 8423249

Sub Total 301691518

3 Maintenance of Road 2805192


4 L.S provision for NAC @ 0.1% 0.10% 305000

5 L.S Amount for VAT on Part "A". 5.0% 15225000

6 L.S. for Price adjustment Road Work, 6.80% 20706000

7 L.S for Quality control charges on Part "A", 1.00% 3045000

8 L.S. for Avagahana sadassulu, 5000

10 Segniorage 11064170


11 L.S for Rounding off 153120

Total Amount Rs. 355000000

Name of Work :- "Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the road (1)
pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal. Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada
-Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in karimnagar district

Earth/ Gravel Metal/ Stone Sand

cum cum cum
S.No Specification in Brief Unit Quantity
Factor Quantity Quantity Factor Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

E/W for Trench

1 cutting/Embankment 1 cum 199589.00 1.000 199589.000

2 Granular Sub-base 1 cum 38102.00 1.280 48770.56

3 WBM Gr II 1 cum 1.450 0.00
4 WBM Gr III 1 cum 1.530 0.00
5 Wet Mix Macadam 1 cum 52397.00 1.320 69164.04
6 Single coat surface dressing 1 sqm 0.004 0.00
7 Prime Coat with BT Emulsion 1 sqm 202020.00
8 Tack Coat with BT Emulsion 1 sqm 202020.00

9 Mix seal 20 mm with BT 60/ 70 1 cum 0.00 0.027 0.00

10 SDBC 25 mm with BT 60/70 1 cum 1.462 0.00

11 Macadam 50 mm with BT 80/100 1 cum 6061.00 1.486 9005.82

12 Gravel Shoulders 1 cum 0.00 1.280 0.000

13 VCC(1:4:8) 1 cum 0.900 0.00 0.450 0.00
14 VCC(1:3:6) 1 cum 521.00 0.900 468.90 0.450 234.45
15 VCC M15 Grade CC 1 cum 0.900 0.00 0.450 0.00
16 VRCC M20 Grade CC 1 cum 3035.00 0.900 2731.50 0.450 1365.75
17 VRCC M25 Grade CC 1 cum 247.00 0.900 222.30 0.450 111.15
18 VRCC M30 Grade CC 1 cum 4.00 0.900 3.60 0.450 1.80
19 VCC M35 Grade CC 1 cum 0.00 0.900 0.00 0.450 0.00

20 VRCC M20 Grade CC for Railing 1 cum 0.00

Compacted Granular filling / First

21 Class Bedding 1 cum 655.00 1.200 786.000

22 Filling between Body walls 1 cum 0.00 1.200 0.000

23 Rough Stone Revetment 1 cum 1005.85 1.200 1207.02
24 Filter Material with Gravel 1 cum 174.68 1.200 209.610

25 Grouted Revetment with CC(1:4:8) 1 cum 1.180 0.00 0.090 0.00

26 Back filling with gravel 1 cum

27 Filter media using 150 mm stone 1 cum 155.00 1.200 186.000

28 Sand filling in foundation 1 cum 1.200 0.000

29 100 mm dia AC Weep holes 1 m 54.00 0.002 0.090

30 Plastering in CM(1:5) 12 mm 1 sqm 0.151 0.000

BUSG 75 mm thick with BT

31 1 sqm 0.113 0.00

32 BT Patch work using 40 mm metal 1 cum 1.330 0.00

33 Patch work 50 - 70 mm depth 1 sqm 0.078 0.00

34 Patch work 25 - 35 mm depth 1 sqm 0.040 0.00

35 Patch work 15 - 25 mm depth 1 sqm 0.030 0.00

36 RR Masonry in CM(1:3) foundation 1 cum 1.258 0.00 0.326 0.00

RR Masonry in CM(1:3)
37 1 cum 1.158 0.00 0.347 0.00

Total Quantity 200770.6 131573.74 1713.24

Rate 22.00 50.00 40.00
Amount Rs 4416953.00 6578687.00 68530.00
Total Amount Rs 11064170.00
Name of Work:- "Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the road (1)
pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal. Km.0/0 to 27/5 ,
(2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in karimnagar district

STRAIGHT LEAD :: 798.00 km

Lead Conveyance Rates

Lead for Emulsion ( round the trip ):: 1596.00 km 1.50
Lead for Bulk Bitumen ( round the trip ) :: 1596.00 km 1.50

Ref:- For Emulsion (Bulk):-IOCL Price List With Effect From Dt.1-7-2015
For Bulk VG10 grade & VG30 grade:-IOCL Price List With Effect From Dt.16-7-15

Bulk Bulk
RS Emulsion
TYPE OF BITUMEN (80/100) (60/70)
Emulsion (M.S)
VG 10 VG 30

Initial cost (Ex. Chennai) 31590.00 32390.00 25590.00 26920.00

Excise Duty 14.00 % 4422.60 4534.60 3582.60 3768.80
36012.60 36924.60 29172.60 30688.80
Add CST @ 2.00 % 720.25 738.49 583.45 613.78
Deduct loading -- -- -- --
Deduct loading, Unloading & Stacking -- -- -- --
Deduct cost of Empty Emulsion Drums -- -- -- --
Total 36732.85 37663.09 29756.05 31302.58
Lead charges for Bulk BT 1.5 x 1596 2394.00 2394.00 2394.00
Lead charges for Emulsion 1.5 x 1596 2394.00
Total 39126.85 40057.09 32150.05 33696.58
OR SAY 39126.85 40057.09 32150.10 33696.58
SSR :: 2014-15

Initial Rate of Material

Machine Crushing
(-) Stacking Charges
Conveyance rate (-)
unloading charges

Stacking Charges

Blasting Charges
Average Lead

Initial Rate


Loading &

of Material


S.No Nature of Metal

25% On (6+9) SUM of

(4-5) (7-5) on (9) % Value ( 8 to12&14 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


1 40 mm to 45 mm M.C Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 588.00 250.61 588.00 70.00 147.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1055.61
2 25 mm to 27 mm M.C Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 944.00 250.61 944.00 70.00 236.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1500.61
3 19 mm to 22 mm M.C Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 984.00 250.61 984.00 70.00 246.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1550.61
4 12 mm to 14 mm M.C chips 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 780.00 250.61 780.00 70.00 195.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1295.61
5 9.5 mm to 11.2 mm M.C chips 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 656.00 250.61 656.00 70.00 164.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1140.61
6 5 mm to 7 mm M.C chips 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 504.00 250.61 504.00 70.00 126.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 950.61
7 2.36 mm to 5 mm 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 308.00 250.61 308.00 70.00 77.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 705.61
8 Below 2.36 mm (Dust) 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 340.00 250.61 340.00 -- -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 590.61


10 50 mm to 55 mm Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 456.00 250.61 456.00 70.00 114.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 890.61
11 40 mm to 45 mm M.C Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 588.00 250.61 588.00 70.00 147.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1055.61
12 25 mm to 27 mm M.C Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 944.00 250.61 944.00 70.00 236.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1500.61
13 19 mm to 22 mm M.C Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 984.00 250.61 984.00 70.00 246.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1550.61
14 12 mm to 14 mm M.C chips 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 780.00 250.61 780.00 70.00 195.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1295.61
15 9.5 mm to 11.2 mm M.C chips 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 656.00 250.61 656.00 70.00 164.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1140.61
16 5 mm to 7 mm M.C chips 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 504.00 250.61 504.00 70.00 126.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 950.61
17 2.36 mm to 5 mm 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 308.00 250.61 308.00 70.00 77.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 705.61
18 Below 2.36 mm (Dust) 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 340.00 250.61 340.00 -- -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 590.61
Initial Rate of Material

Machine Crushing
(-) Stacking Charges
Conveyance rate (-)
unloading charges

Stacking Charges

Blasting Charges
Average Lead

Initial Rate


Loading &

of Material


S.No Nature of Metal

25% On (6+9) SUM of

(4-5) (7-5) on (9) % Value ( 8 to12&14 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


12 40 mm to 45 mm Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 588.00 250.61 588.00 70.00 -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 908.61
13 50 mm to 55 mm Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 456.00 250.61 456.00 70.00 -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 776.61
14 60 mm to 63 mm Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 419.00 250.61 419.00 70.00 -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 739.61
15 SS 300mm (HBG) for revetment 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 164.00 250.61 164.00 70.00 -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 484.61
Quarry spall( Field picked metal) 21.00 250.61
16 Av. Of rate 25mm & 40mm 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 45.00 250.61 45.00 -- -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 295.61
17 150 mm soling stone HBG metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 95.00 250.61 95.00 70.00 -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 415.61


1 6 mm size M.C. Chips 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 532.00 250.61 532.00 70.00 133.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 985.61
2 10 mm size M.C. Chips 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 692.00 250.61 692.00 70.00 173.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1185.61
3 12 mm size M.C. Chips 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 822.00 250.61 822.00 70.00 205.50 0.00 0.0 0.00 1348.11
4 20 mm size M.C. Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 1036.00 250.61 1036.00 70.00 259.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1615.61
5 25 mm size M.C. Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 994.00 250.61 994.00 70.00 248.50 0.00 0.0 0.00 1563.11
6 40 mm size M.C. Metal 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 620.00 250.61 620.00 70.00 155.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1095.61


1 CRS Stone 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 262.00 250.61 262.00 74.00 -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 586.61
2 Rough stone 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 252.00 250.61 252.00 70.00 -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 572.61
3 SS 225 mm 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 144.00 250.61 144.00 70.00 -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 464.61
4 Bond Stones(600x200x200) 42 No 21.00 250.61 0.00 120.90 1260.00 250.61 1260.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 1510.61
Cost of each Bond Stone 35.97
1 Gravel 3.00 51.67 0.00 68.40 103.00 51.67 103.00 -- -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 154.67
Initial Rate of Material

Machine Crushing
(-) Stacking Charges
Conveyance rate (-)
unloading charges

Stacking Charges

Blasting Charges
Average Lead

Initial Rate


Loading &

of Material


S.No Nature of Metal

25% On (6+9) SUM of

(4-5) (7-5) on (9) % Value ( 8 to12&14 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

2 Sand for Mortar 31.00 359.30 0.00 68.40 606.00 359.30 606.00 -- -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 965.30
3 Sand for Concrete 31.00 359.30 0.00 68.40 462.00 359.30 462.00 -- -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 821.30
4 Sand for Filling 31.00 359.30 0.00 68.40 342.00 359.30 342.00 -- -- 0.00 0.0 0.00 701.30

5 Cement 6300.00 6300.00

6 HYSD Steel 40000.00 40000.00
7 MS Steel 40000.00 40000.00
8 6 mm Mild Steel 42000.00 42000.00
Name of Work :: "Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the road (1)
pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal. Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2)
Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in karimnagar district
SSR :: 2014-15 Date :: 17-Apr-15 Municipal Area Allowance :: 0.0%
Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge
structures and medians, constructed with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to
IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt
filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to
MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved
drawing and at locations directed by the Engineer, all as specified 809 MORTH

Page 472,497 of MoRT&H SDB

Taking output = 10 Lm
Unit = 1 Lm
(A) Labour
0.04 no Mate 345.00 1.00 13.80
0.00 no Mason 357.00 1.00 0.00
1.00 no Mazdoor 295.00 1.00 295.00
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 308.80 0.00
TOTAL A= 308.80
(B) Material
3.00 cum M 20 Grade Concrete 5690.43 1.00 17071.28
0.28 MT HYSD Steel Reinforcement including Dowel Bars 40000.00 1.00 11200.00
0.32 sqm Pre moulded Asphalt filler Board 165.00 1.00 52.80
TOTAL B= 28324.08
(C ) Machinery
6.00 hour Concrete mixer 0.4/0.28 cum 0.00 1.00 0.00
6.00 hour Generator set 35 KVA 0.00 1.00 0.00
TOTAL C= 0.00
(A + B +C) 28632.88
5.00 % (D) Over Head Charges on (A+B+C) 28632.88 1431.64

10.00 % (E) Contractors Profit on (A+B+C+D) 30064.52 3006.45

(F ) Seigniorage charges
10.00 Lm TOTAL Cost for 10 Lm = (A+B+C+D+E+F) 33070.97
Rate per 1 Lm 3307.00
Name of the Work:: "Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate
lane to Double lane for the road (1)
pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via)
Konaraopet Mandal. Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2)
Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to
32/6" that
Certified in karimnagar district
I have inspected the above road personally on
……………. …… ……. and the provisions made in the estimate are essential
and adequate.

Superintending Engineer,
(R&B) Circle, ____________
Name of the Work:: "Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to
Double lane for the road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to
Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal. Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2)
Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district

Certified that no land acquisition is required for the proposed

project and the lands available are free from encumbrance, encroachments and

Asst. Executive Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer

R&B Section, ___ ___ ___ R&B Sub-Division___ ___ ___

Executive Engineer (R&B) Superintending Engineer

(R&B)Division, ___ ___ ___ (R&b) Circle, ___ ___ ___
Name of the Work:: "Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to
Double lane for the road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to
Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal. Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2)
Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district

1) Certified that the Leads provided in the lead statement are the shortest.
2) Certified that the Distances noted herein are correct.
3) Certified that the quarries are nearest and are having sufficient yield.
4) Certified that the routs shown are nearest.
5) Certified that the description of the variety of materials noted are correct to the
best of my knowledge.

6) Certified that the Land available for the road formation is sufficient and no land
acquisition is required

7) Certified that the Hard Blasted Trap is obtained by Blasting, Hence Blasting
charges are allowed on Trap metal.

8) Certified that the reach in the Estimate is not proposed in any other schemes.
9) Certified that the side earth is not available for formation, hence Barrowed soils
with 1000 m lead is provided in the estimate.

Asst. Executive Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer

R&B Section, ___ ___ ___ R&B Sub-Division___ ___ ___

Executive Engineer (R&B) Superintending Engineer

(R&B)Division, ___ ___ ___ (R&b) Circle, ___ ___ ___
Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto
300 mm, removal of stumps of such trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable
material to be used or auctioned, upto a lead of 1000 m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150
mm in thickness as per Technical Specification Clause 201 MoRT&H.

Total-Str Length-ECC-DBT-New CC=

Sqm 1 28410 5.00 142050
32100-690-3000 : 28410
0/0 -27/5&28/0-32/6 Hect 15.00 31654.2 474813
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts , bridges, retaining walls and other structures comprising of masonry,
cement, concrete, wood work , steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary sorting the dismantled
material, disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking the materials with all lifts and lead of 1000 m ( By Mechanical
means in Cement concrete grade M-15 & M-20)
a) Stone Structures Cum 1 1016.00 318.00 323088
Sub Total 797901
Earthwork excavation in soils up to SDR by mechanical means including trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance
with requirements of lines , grades and cross sections etc., complete including (excluding seigniorage) charges for finished
item of work for trench cutting as per MoRT&H specification 301(5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge

a)All types of soils

as per cross sections
C-M Road 0/0-27/5 1 176722
V-S Road 28/0-32/6 27038
Total 203760

2.04 Removal of unserviceable soils up to SDR including excavation, loading and disposal up to 1000 m etc., complete
including (excluding seigniorage) charges for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 301(5th Revision) and
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
8420.00 65.40 550668
2.02 Scarifying the existing B.T surface to a depth of 50 mm by Mechanical means and disposal of scarified material with all
leads and lifts up to 1000 m as per MoRT&H (5th Revision) Specn. No.305.4.3

32100-240-3000 Sqm 1 28860 3.50 101010

from KM.0/0-0/8,1/2-4/2,5/2-6/6,7/0-
101010 7.50 757575
32/6 (deducting retained structure
length 240m & ECC road length)

Road Way excavation by mechanical means up to SDR and utilising the exavated earth for embankment including pre-
watering of soil , removal of top soil, excavation of soils , depositing the soils on the embankment, spreading soil, breaking
clods, sectioning , grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of
table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and operational charges of T&P and (excluding seigniorage) charges, complete
for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (5th revision) (Payment will be made based on levels for
finished item of work).

From Qty Sheet 76083+11733 87816

Subgrade profile Improvement (CM +
3504+624 4128
Total 91944 114.00 10481616

Package III CPC pvt Ltd

Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In

2.05 Construction sub Grade withroad way excavated useful earth by mechanical means upto SDR with all leads and lifts
including pre-watering of soil, removal of top soil, excavation of soils at borrowed area, conveyance of soil, depositing the
soil on the embankment, spreading soil, breaking clods, sectioning, grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes
Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and operational charges
of T&P and excluding seigniorage charges, complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (5th

as per qty sheet CP&VS Road Cum 2.00 28860.00 91557+11839 103396.00

Total 103396 123.20 12738387

Sub Total 24528246
Construction of Granular sub-base by providing HBG material confirming to Grading - VI of MoRT&H Table 400-1
including cost, (excluding seigniorage) charges and conveyance of all materials to work site and spreading in uniform
layers with motor grader or by approved means, on prepared surface mixing by mix in place method with Rotavator /
approved means at OMC and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density etc., complete for finished
item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 401 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. ( Payment will
be made based on levels for finished item of work ).

Profile Improvement with GSB of

Cum 14504+2241 16745.00
CM-VS Road

from KM.0/0-0/8,1/2-4/2,5/2-6/6,7/0-
Cum 2.00 28860.00 1.85 0.20 21356.40
32/6 (deducting retained structure
length 240m & ECC road length)

Total 38102 1662.00 63325524
3.02 Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix macadem specification
including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of
mixed material by tipper to site , laying in uniform layers with Hydrostatic Sensor paver in base courses on well
prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge and as per MoRT&H specification.406 (5th revision) for finished item of work. (Payment will be made based on
level for finished item of work).

Profile Improvement with WMM of

Cum 1.00 22540+3161 25701.00
CM-VS Road

from KM.0/0-0/8,1/2-4/2,5/2-6/6,7/0-
2.00 28860.00 1.85 0.25 26695.50
32/6 (deducting retained structure
length 240m & ECC road length)

Total 52397 1909.00 100025873
Sub Total 163351397

Package III CPC pvt Ltd

Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In
4.01 Providing and applying Prime Coat with bitumen emulsion (Slow Setting - I) bulk using emulsion pressure distributor on
prepared surface of Granular base including cleaning of road surface and spraying emulsion at the rate of 0.70 Kg/sqm
using emulsion pressure distributor for finished item of work etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H
Specification 502 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

On ECW & Widening Portion Sqm 1.00 28860.00 7.00 202020

202020 29.00 5858580
4.02 Providing and laying surface dressing in single coat using 10 mm nominal size IRC HBG machine crushed stone aggregates
@ 0.008 cum / sqm on a layer of bitumen binder of RS Emulsion @1.3 Kg/sqm including cost, (excluding seigniorage) and
conveyance of all materials to work site and laid on prepared surface and rolling with 8-10 T Power Road Roller etc.,
complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 510 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-

Sqm 1.00 28860.00 7.00 202020

202020 65.70 13272714
4.03 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen VG 10 Grade using Bitumen pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 Kgs per
sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per
MoRT&H Specification 503 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

BC portion Sqm 1.00 28860.00 7.00 202020

202020 11.00 2222220
Providing 30mm thick compacted Bituminous Concrete with 100-120 TPH batch type hot mix plant using HBG crushed
aggregates of Grading – 2 as per table 500-17 of specification 507 of MoRT&H (5th revision), premixed with bitumen VG-
30 grade @ 5.4% of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with Paver finisher Hydrostatic with Sensor
control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, Pneumatic tyred roller and tandem rollers
to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRT&H Specification 507 (5th revision) complete for finished item of work in all
respects as directed by Engineer-in-Charge

from KM.0/0-0/8,1/2-4/2,5/2-6/6,7/0-
Sqm 1.00 28860 7.00 0.030 6060.60
32/6 (deducting retained structure
length 240m & ECC road length)

6061 8763.00 53112543

Sub Total 74466057
6.01 Manfacturing, Supplying and fixing of KM/HM/5th KM stones with reinforced cement concrete of M15grade of standard
design as per IRC:8-1980 and painting and printing as per IRC 30 1968 including fixing in position etc complete for
finished item of work as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge

Hectmeter stone Nos 1 128 128.00 574 73472

Km stone Nos 1 27 27.00 1232 33264
5 Km Stone Nos 1 6 6.00 2805 16830

Package III CPC pvt Ltd

Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In
6.02 Supplying of hot applied thermoplastic road marking compound, 2.5mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @
250gms with Reflectorising Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface at 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5mm is exclusive of
surface applied glass bead as per IRC: 35, the material should be of BERGER Company/ BERGER Equivalent/ Equivalent
brand and must comply with the following: a) White index for the product should be in the range of 60-70 when measured
against standard reference. The applied panel 7/8 number must be submitted for checking up the white index in the
department lab. In case the department approves the white index of any vendor, the department engineer may carryout
random checking of the applied products at site against the approved panel. In case of any major deviation, beyond
acceptance limit, department reserve the right to cancel or reject the total supplied consignment of the said material and
will compell the vendor has to replace the full consignment by the desired material as per approved panel at his own cost
and additional demurrages may be claimed due to loss of man days (as per the rules of the department). b) Luminance factor
of the material should be in the range of 80-85% at 45 degree centigrade as per AASTHOM 249. c) Crack resistance: The
applied panel cured for 7 days under ambient condition and then should be tested as per BS3262, Part-1, 1989 and should
pass at the range of '0' degree centigrade to '-10' degree centigrade D) Adhesion : Strong E) Softening point: 102 degree
centigrade F) Dried film finish : Smooth and uniform G) Night Vision: High as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and
confirming to IS: 164-1961 (1st revision reaffirmed in 1986) and clause conforming to IRC 35-1997

Sqm 1 3880.00 3 0.1 1164.00 702 817128

6.03 Providing and fixing Village name board size 900x450 mm made out of Type – IV of ASTMD 4956-09 High Intensity
Prismatic Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of Green Colour & White
Letters and fixed over 3MM Alluminium Composite Material sheet having minimum 0.30 mm thick Aluminium skin on
both sides with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and
fixing with 35x35x4mm and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from
the ground level to the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of
synthetic enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS
base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M-15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and
conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading charges necessary for
satisfactory completion of the work as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.

i)90 *45 cm rectangular sign boads for

Nos 2 11 22 5477 120,494
school zone locations

Providing and fixing Mandatory / Regulatory sign boards size 600 mm equilateral Triangle made out of Type – IV of
ASTMD 4956-09 High Intensity Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of
White colour and letters/logos done by screen printing in Black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour and fixed
over 3MM Alluminium Composite Material ( ACM ) sheet having minimum 0.30 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides
with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with
35x35x4mm and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground
level the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic
enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle
35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all
materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading changes necessary for satisfactory completion of
the work as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.

ii)60 cm equilateral triangle Curve

Nos 2 22 44 3400 149,600
location Caution boards

Package III CPC pvt Ltd

Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In
6.04 Providing and fixing Mandatory / Regulatory sign boards size 600 mm circle made out of Type – IVof ASTMD 4956-09
High Intensity Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of White colour and
letters/logos done by screen printing in Black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour and fixed over 3MM
Alluminium Composite Material sheet having minimum 0.30 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with back side
painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with 35x35x4mm and
mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level to the
bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint
Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm
in to the ground by M-15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all materials
,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work
as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.

iii)60 cm circular Speed limit boards Nos 2 22 44 4338 190,872


Providing and fixing Village name board size 450x750 mm made out of Type – IV of ASTMD 4956-09 High Intensity
Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of Green Colour & White Letters
and fixed over 3MM Alluminium Composite Material sheet having minimum 0.30 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides
with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with
35x35x4mm and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground
level to the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic
enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle
35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M-15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all
materials equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of
the work as directed by Engineer –in-Charge

iv)45 *75 cm rectangular sign for

Nos 2 11 22 4903 107,866
village name boards
Sub Total 26920 1509526
ROAD 264653127


Reconstruction :1 No's
7.01 Earthwork excavation in soils up to SDR by mechanical means for foundations of structures as per drawing and technical
specification including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing sides of bottom, back filling the excavation earth to the extent required etc., complete including (excluding
seigniorage) charges for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 304(5th Revision) and as directed by the

Cum 122.62
Cum 123 27.00 3321
Providing Vibrated Cement Concrete (1:3:6) mix using 40mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate and fine aggregate
conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H (50% natuaral sand & 50% sand dust) including cost, (excluding seigniorage)
conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, Vibrating, curing etc., including
all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H
specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for levelling course

Cum 11.87
Cum 12 4268.00 51216
7.03 Vibrated cement concrete M 25 Grade Concrete using 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse
aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) (50% natural sand & 50% stone dust)
including cost, (excluding seigniorage) and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges ,centering, machine
mixing, laying in position, Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other operational
charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) for footings and Raft
foundation in Substructure .

Cum 78.24
Package III CPC pvt Ltd
Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In
79 6165.00 487035
7.04 Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate
conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2)(50% natural sand & 50% stone dust) including
cost, (excluding seigniorage) conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying,
vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved
drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per
MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for

Cum 18.96
19 7079.00 134501
7.05 Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-415 ) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars of all diameters including cost and
conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for fabrication of reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods,
tying grills, placing them in position etc., complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges
and operational charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items for finished
item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification
1600 & 2200, 2300 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for Super structure of R.C.C items.

MT 11.00
11 53253.00 585783
7.06 Providing and laying of filter media using 50% of 150 mm IRC soling stone and 50 % of 40 mm HBG metal satisfying the
requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2 of MoRT&H specifications to a thickness of not less than 600mm with smaller
size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind the abutment, wing wall
and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition including cost and conveyance of all metal (excluding
seigniorage) charges ,and all labour charges as directed by the departmental officers as per drawing and Technical
specifications as per clause 710.1.1 of IRC:78 and Clause 2200 of MoRT&H (5th Revision) for finished item of work.

Cum 42.24
43 1215.00 52245.00
7.07 Providing and laying filter material with Gravel underneath pitching in slopes including cost, (excluding seigniorage)
charges and conveyance of materials to site including labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work as per
MoRT&H Specification 2504 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge

Cum 11.76
12 678.00 8136.00
7.08 Providing dry rough stone revetment 300 mm thick with HBG stone of not less than 300 mm size including cost, (excluding
seigniorage) charges and conveyance of materials to site and including labour charges for packing the stones for revetment
etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 2504 ( 5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge for Pitching of slopes

Cum 23.52
24 1044.00 25056
Providing and laying Boulder's apron on River Bed for protection against scour with stone boulders weighing not less than
40 k.g each complete as per drawing and technical specification 300 mm thick with HBG stone of not less than 300 mm size
including cost, (excluding seigniorage) charges and conveyance of materials to site and including labour charges for
packing the stones for apron etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 2503 ( 5th revision ) and
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Bed Protection.

Cum 4.77
5 1044.00 5220.00
7.10 Providing Weep holes in VCC Abutment/ Wing wall/return wall with 100mm Diameter AC pipe extending through the
full width of the structure at 1.00m C/C in both horizontal and vertical direction so that the weep holes in each horizontal
direction is staggered from the weep holes laying above and below lines as shown in drawing including cost and
conveyance of the A.C pipes and labour charges for cutting to required length, placing the pipe with a slope of about 1V :
20H towards stream side face etc., complete for finished item of work for weep holes as per MoRT&H specification 2706 &
2200 (5th Revision)

Package III CPC pvt Ltd
Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In
RM 54 71.60 3866.4
7.11 Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 30 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate
conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, (excluding seigniorage)
conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including
all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per drawing BD/1-69( A)
but including cost of steel and its fabrication charges as per MoRT&H specification 1500, 1600,1700, & 2702 (5th
Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Wearing coat over Deck slab.

with out steel Cum 3.60

Cum 4 6027.00 24108
7.12 Providing Vibrated Cement Concrete (1:3:6) mix using 40mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate and fine aggregate
conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H including cost,(50% natural sand & 50% stone dust) (excluding seigniorage)
conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, Vibrating, curing etc., including
all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H
specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for foundations.

Cum 6.30
7 4268.00 29876
Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M.25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate
conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) (50% natural sand &50% stone dust) including
cost, (excluding seigniorage) conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying,
vibrating, curing etc., including all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of
work as per Approved drawing including cost of steel and its fabrication charges as per MoRT&H specification 1500,
1600,1700, & 2704 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Approach slab.

Cum 19.74
20 6047.00 120940
7.14 Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and
medians, constructed with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm
dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built
and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as
per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by the Engineer, all as specified 809 MORTH

Rm 9.48
10 3307.00 33070
Total 1564373
Reconstruction: 52Nos + 23Nos Widening = 75No's
8.01 Earthwork excavation in soils up to SDR by mechanical means for foundations of structures as per drawing and technical
specification including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing sides of bottom, back filling the excavation earth to the extent required etc., complete including (excluding
seigniorage) charges for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 304(5th Revision) and as directed by the

Cum 3022 27.00 81594

Package III CPC pvt Ltd

Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In
8.02 Providing Vibrated Cement Concrete (1:3:6) mix using 40mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate and fine aggregate
conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H including cost,(50% natural sand & 50% stone dust) (excluding seigniorage)
conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, Vibrating, curing etc., including
all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H
specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for foundations.

Cum 440 4268.00 1877920
8.03 Vibrated cement concrete M 20 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse
aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) (50% natural sand & 50% stone dust)
including cost, (excluding seigniorage) and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges , centering, machine
mixing, laying in position, Compacting, Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other operational
charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1700, 2200 (5th Revision) for Sub structure .

Cum 2002 5907.00 11825814
Providing, laying Reinforced cement concrete Hume pipes of 1000mm Dia., NP-4 class for pipe culverts including cost and
conveyance of Pipes etc.,(50% natural sand & 50% stone dust) complete and Labour charges for laying, jointing of 1000mm
dia. R.C.C Hume pipes in position including lifting, aligning, lowering and hoisting etc., as per drawing and as per
MoRT&H Specification 2900, 2905 and 2906 (5th Revision) and IRC Special Publication No: 13 and as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge for finished item of work.

A) 1000 mm dia 1217.50

RM 1218 9993.00 12171474
Providing first class bedding with Granular material below the pipes of Hume pipe culverts suitably compacted / rammed
including cost, (excluding seigniorage) and conveyance of materials to site etc., complete as per drawing and MoRT&H
Specification 2900 ( 5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Cum 655 481.50 315383
Providing and laying Boulder's apron on River Bed for protection against scour with stone boulders weighing not less than
40 k.g each complete as per drawing and technical specification 300 mm thick with HBG stone of not less than 300 mm size
including cost, (excluding seigniorage) charges and conveyance of materials to site and including labour charges for
packing the stones for apron etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 2503 ( 5th revision ) and
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Bed Protection.

Cum 608 1044.00 634752
Providing and laying filter material with Gravel underneath pitching in slopes including cost, (excluding seigniorage)
charges and conveyance of materials to site including labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work as per
MoRT&H Specification 2504 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge

Cum 52 678.00 35256
Providing dry rough stone revetment 300 mm thick with HBG stone of not less than 300 mm size including cost, (excluding
seigniorage) charges and conveyance of materials to site and including labour charges for packing the stones for revetment
etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 2504 ( 5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge for Pitching of slopes

Cum 104 1044.00 108576
Total 27050769

Package III CPC pvt Ltd

Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In


Earthwork excavation in soils up to SDR by mechanical means for foundations of structures as per drawing and technical
specification including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing sides of bottom, back filling the excavation earth to the extent required etc., complete including (excluding
seigniorage) charges for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 304(5th Revision) and as directed by the

Cum 1104 27.00 29808
Providing Vibrated Cement Concrete (1:3:6) mix using 40mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate and fine aggregate
conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H including cost,(50% natural sand & 50% stone dust) (excluding seigniorage)
conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, Vibrating, curing etc., including
all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H
specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for foundations.

Cum 62 4268.00 264616
Vibrated cement concrete M 20 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse
aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) (50% natural sand & 50% stone dust)
including cost, (excluding seigniorage) and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges , centering, machine
mixing, laying in position, Compacting, Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other operational
charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1700, 2200 (5th Revision) for Sub structure .

Cum 1033 5907.00 6101931
Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate
conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2)(50% natural sand & 50% stone dust) including
cost, (excluding seigniorage) conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying,
vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete as per approved
drawings and as directed during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per
MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2300 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for

Cum 129 7079.00 913191
Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-415 ) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars of all diameters including cost and
conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for fabrication of reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods,
tying grills, placing them in position etc., complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges
and operational charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items for finished
item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification
1600 & 2200, 2300 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for Super structure of R.C.C items.

MT 11 53253.00 585783

Providing and laying of filter media using 50% of 150 mm IRC soling stone and 50 % of 40 mm HBG metal satisfying the
requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2 of MoRT&H specifications to a thickness of not less than 600mm with smaller
size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind the abutment, wing wall
and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition including cost and conveyance of all metal (excluding
seigniorage) charges ,and all labour charges as directed by the departmental officers as per drawing and Technical
specifications as per clause 710.1.1 of IRC:78 and Clause 2200 of MoRT&H (5th Revision) for finished item of work.

Package III CPC pvt Ltd
Detailed Estimate

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the
road (1) pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal.
Name of Work :
Km.0/0 to 27/5 , (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in
karimnagar district
Length In
Cum 112 1215.00 136080
Providing and laying filter material with Gravel underneath pitching in slopes including cost, (excluding seigniorage)
charges and conveyance of materials to site including labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work as per
MoRT&H Specification 2504 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge

Cum 111 678.00 75258
Providing dry rough stone revetment 300 mm thick with HBG stone of not less than 300 mm size including cost, (excluding
seigniorage) charges and conveyance of materials to site and including labour charges for packing the stones for revetment
etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 2504 ( 5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge for Pitching of slopes

Cum 266 1044.00 277704
Providing Weep holes in VCC Abutment/ Wing wall/return wall with 100mm Diameter AC pipe extending through the
full width of the structure at 1.00m C/C in both horizontal and vertical direction so that the weep holes in each horizontal
direction is staggered from the weep holes laying above and below lines as shown in drawing including cost and
conveyance of the A.C pipes and labour charges for cutting to required length, placing the pipe with a slope of about 1V :
20H towards stream side face etc., complete for finished item of work for weep holes as per MoRT&H specification 2706 &
2200 (5th Revision)

Nos 186 71.60 13318

9.10 Providing 12.7 mm mastic pads for contraction joints of approved quality including cost, conveyance and placing in
position, etc., complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Sqm 45 568.00 25560
Total 8423249

Part-I (B) Routine MAINTENANCE WORK within the Defects liability period i.e. 2 Years
Routine Maintenance for Jungle Clearance /tree and shrub trimming and culvert repairs / vents
maintenance / parapet wall repairs / retaining wall repairs etc within DLP i.e., 2 years.
28.86 Km for Double Lane DL 2 28.86 3600 207792
per Km per
years Kms
Part-I (C) Routine MAINTENANCE WORK after completion of DLP for 3 years

Routine Maintenance comprising of B.T. Pot Hole filling, BT edge repairs (and other items on B.T.
carriageway such as crack sealing, minor surface repair etc., and unpaved shoulder repair (Berms)/Surface
drains maintenance/ including gravelling berms and jungle clearance/tree and shrub trimming and culvert
repairs/Vent maintenance/parapet wall repairs / retaining wall repairs etc., Ordinary repairs to bridges and
sign maintenance/guard stones maintenance / painting Km/Hm stones and others for 3 years from the end
of DLP.

28.86 Km for Double Lane DL 3 28.860 30000 2597400

per Km per
years Kms
Toal ( including 5 years of Routine Maintenance Part I (A),(B) & (C) 2805192

The data for the Routine Maintenance items to be covered will be prepared with SSR with which the
PLAN work estimate is sanctioned and the items of Rouine Maintenance will be carried out at these rates
duly operating the quoted percentage. Payment shall be made for the items to be recorded in M. book. The
overall amount shall be for Routine Maintenance for 3 years after DLP and for Routine Maintenance of
culverts and jungle clearance for 2 years after completion of PM work shall be limited maximum to
amounts indicated at Part I(B) and Part I(C)

Total Amount for Road work+CD works+Maintenance 304496710

Package III CPC pvt Ltd


S .No Input data Units Qty Remarks

1 Total Length 32100
2 CC Road : 3000
3 BT Road 29100
4 NO Of Villages 11
5 No Of Pipe Culverts (Reconstruction : 50 Nos Widening : 24 Nos 74
6 No Of Box Culverts (Reconstruction 1 Nos) 2
No of Slab Culverts Widening :9 Nos 8
7 No Of Minor Bridges retained 0
8 No Of Culverts Retained 2
9 No of CauseWays Retained 3
10 CC Drain 0
11 Encroachments As per Survey
12 Soil Strata Poor/ BC Soils 600
13 Built up area 940
15 Existing CC Road 0
16 C C Drain Proposal 0
17 Earthen Drain Proposal
18 Deduct Structure Length 690
19 Clearing and grubbing 28410
20 Scarifying the existing B.T surface 28860
21 Length of Retained Structures 240
2.3 201 Clearing
Land .

SITE Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild vegetation, grass
CLEARAN bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300 mm, removal of stumps
such trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking o
CE serviceable material to be used or auctioned, upto a lead of 1000 m includin
removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness
Page.No.2by mechanical as per Technical Specification Clause 201 MoRT&
2 of

2.1 Unit =

output =
1 Hectare

(i) By

A In area of

Mate day 0.160 0.00
Mazd day 4.000 0.00


Dozer hour 10.000 0.00

nt for
of trees
& stumps

Tract hour 1.000 0.00


c) (10-VAT) 5.000
@ on

or's profit
@ on
Rate per
Hectare =

2.1 say

Mate day 0.040 345.00 13.80

Mazdoors for cutting trees including cutting, day 0.900 357.00 321.30
refilling, compaction of backfilling, and
stacking of serviceable materials within 1000
metres lead by manual means

b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.300 422.00 126.60

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 5.000 23.09

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 48.48
Rate for each tree = a+b+c+d 533.26
say 533.00
2.1 (iii) Girth from 900 mm to 1800 mm
a) Labour
Mate day 0.080 345.00 27.60
Mazdoors for cutting trees including cutting, day 2.000 357.00 714.00
refilling, compaction of backfilling and stacking
of serviceable materials within 1000 metres

b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.400 422.00 168.80

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 5.000 45.52

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 10.000 95.59
Rate for each tree = a+b+c+d 1051.51
say 1052.00
2.1 (iv) Girth above 1800 mm
a) Labour
Mate day 0.160 345.00 55.20
Mazdoors for cutting trees including cutting, day 4.000 357.00 1428.00
refilling, compaction of backfilling and stacking
of serviceable materials within 1000 metres

b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.600 422.00 253.20

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 5.000 86.82

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 10.000 182.32
Rate for each tree = a+b+c+d 2005.54
say 2006.00
2.2 201 Clearing Grass and Removal of Rubbish
Clearing grass and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50 metres outside the periphery of the area .

By Manual Means
Unit = Hectare
Taking output = 1 Hectare
a) Labour
Mate day 2.000 345.00 690.00
Mazdoor day 50.000 295.00 14750.00
b) Overhead charges @ on (a) 5.000 772.00
c) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b) 10.000 1621.20
Rate per Hectare = a+b+c 17833.20
say 17833.00
2.3 201 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land .
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth
upto 300 mm, removal of stumps of such trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of
serviceable material to be used or auctioned, upto a lead of 1000 m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not
exceeding 150 mm in thickness as per Technical Specification Clause 201 MoRT&H.

Unit = Hectare
Taking output = 1 Hectare
(i) By Manual Means:-
A In area of light jungle
a) Labour
Mate day 6.000 345.00 2070.00
Mazdoor day 150.000 295.00 44250.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 1.000 422.00 422.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) (10-VAT) 5.000 2337.10

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 4907.91
Rate per Hectare = a+b+c+d 53987.01
say 53987.00
2.3 (i) B In area of thorny jungle

a) Labour
Mate day 8.000 300.00 2400.00
Mazdoor day 200.000 200.00 40000.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 2.000 200.00 400.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 4280.00

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 4708.00
Rate per Hectare = a+b+c+d 51788.00
say 51788.00
2.3 (ii) By Mechanical Means
A In area of light jungle
a) Labour
Mate day 0.160 300.00 48.00
Mazdoor day 4.000 200.00 800.00
b) Machinery
Dozer 80 HP with attachment for removal of hour 10.000 1200.00 12000.00
trees & stumps
Tractor-trolley hour 1.000 300.00 300.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 1314.80

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 1446.28
Rate per Hectare = a+b+c+d 15909.08
say 15909.00
2.3 B In area of thorny jungle
a) Labour
Mate day 0.240 300.00 72.00
Mazdoor day 6.000 200.00 1200.00
b) Machinery
Dozer 80 HP with attachment for removal of hour 12.000 1200.00 14400.00
trees & stumps
Tractor-trolley hour 1.500 300.00 450.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 1612.20

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 1773.42
Rate per Hectare = a+b+c+d 19507.62
say 19508.00
2.4 202 Dismantling of Structures
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry,
cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled
material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres

Unit = cum
Taking output = 1.25 cum
(i) Lime /Cement Concrete
I By Manual Means
A Lime Concrete, cement concrete grade M-10
and below
a) Labour
Mate day 0.040 300.00 12.00
Mazdoor for dismantling and loading day 1.000 200.00 200.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 29.30

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 32.23
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 354.53
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 283.62
say 284.00
2.4 (i) B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20

a) Labour
Mate day 0.050 300.00 15.00
Mazdoor for dismantling and loading day 1.250 200.00 250.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 34.60

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 38.06
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 418.66
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 334.93
say 335.00
2.4 (i) C Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade
M-20 & above
a) Labour
Mate day 0.150 300.00 45.00
Blacksmith day 0.250 300.00 75.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 3.500 200.00 700.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 90.10

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 99.11
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 1090.21
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 872.17
say 872.00
2.4 II By Mechanical Means for items No. 202( b)&
( c)

A Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20

a) Labour
Mate day 0.020 300.00 6.00
Mazdoor for loading and unloading day 0.250 200.00 50.00
Mazdoor with Pneumatic breaker day 0.250 250.00 62.50
b) Machinery
Air Compressor 250 cfm with 2 leads of hour 0.670 250.00 167.50
pneumatic breaker @ 1.5 cum per hour
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 36.70

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 40.37
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 444.07
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 355.26
say 355.00
2.4 II B Prestressed / reinforced cement concrete grade
M-20 & above
a) Labour
Mate day 0.050 300.00 15.00
Mazdoor with Pneumatic breaker day 0.660 250.00 165.00
Blacksmith day 0.250 300.00 75.00
Mazdoor for loading and unloading day 0.250 200.00 50.00
b) Machinery
Air Compressor 250 cfm with 2 leads of hour 1.000 250.00 250.00
pneumatic breaker @ 1.00 cum per hour
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 63.60

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 69.96
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 769.56
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 615.65
say 616.00
2.4 (ii) Dismantling Brick / Tile work
A In lime mortar
a) Labour
Mate day 0.020 300.00 6.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 0.500 200.00 100.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00
c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 18.70
d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 20.57
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 226.27
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 181.02
say 181.00
2.4 B In cement mortar
a) Labour
Mate day 0.030 300.00 9.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 0.750 200.00 150.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 24.00

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 26.40
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 290.40
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 232.32
say 232.00
2.4 C In mud mortar
a) Labour
Mate day 0.016 300.00 4.80
Mazdoor for dismantling and loading day 0.400 200.00 80.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 16.58

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 18.24
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 200.62
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 160.49
say 160.00
2.4 D Dry brick pitching or brick soling
a) Labour
Mate day 0.014 300.00 4.20
Mazdoor for Dismantling, loading and day 0.350 200.00 70.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 15.52

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 17.07
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 187.79
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 150.23
say 150.00
2.4 (iii) Dismantling Stone Masonry
A Rubble stone masonry in lime mortar
a) Labour
Mate day 0.024 300.00 7.20
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 0.600 200.00 120.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 20.82

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 22.90
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 251.92
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 201.54
say 202.00
2.4 B Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar.
a) Labour
Mate day 0.030 300.00 9.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 0.750 200.00 150.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 24.00

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 26.40
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 290.40
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 232.32
say 232.00
2.4 C Rubble Stone Masonry in mud mortar.
a) Labour
Mate day 0.020 300.00 6.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 0.500 200.00 100.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 18.70

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 20.57
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 226.27
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 181.02
say 181.00
2.4 D Dry rubble masonry
a) Labour
Mate day 0.018 300.00 5.40
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 0.450 200.00 90.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 17.64

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 19.40
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 213.44
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 170.76
say 171.00
2.4 E Dismantling stone pitching/ dry stone spalls.
a) Labour
Mate day 0.016 300.00 4.80
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 0.400 200.00 80.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 16.58

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 18.24
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 200.62
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 160.49
say 160.00
2.4 F Dismantling boulders laid in wire crates
(iii) including opening of crates and stacking
dismantled materials.

a) Labour
Mate day 0.020 300.00 6.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 0.500 200.00 100.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 18.70

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 20.57
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 226.27
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 181.02
say 181.00
2.4 (iv) Wood Work wrought framed and fixed in
frames of trusses upto a height of 5 m above
plinth level

a) Labour
Mate day 0.060 300.00 18.00
Carpenter day 0.500 350.00 175.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 1.000 200.00 200.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 300.00 81.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 47.40

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 52.14
Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 573.54
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/ 1.25 458.83
say 459.00
2.4 (v) Steel Work in all types of sections upto a height
of 5 m above plinth level excluding cutting of

Unit = tonne
Taking output = 1 tonne
A Including dismembering
a) Labour
Mate day 0.140 300.00 42.00
Blacksmith day 1.000 300.00 300.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 2.500 200.00 500.00
Add 2.5 per cent of cost of labour for gas cutting, 21.05
ropes, pulleys etc.
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.170 300.00 51.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 91.41

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 100.55
Rate per tonne = a+b+c+d 1106.00
say 1106.00
2.4 B Excluding dismembering.
a) Labour
Mate day 0.220 300.00 66.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 2.000 200.00 400.00
Blacksmith day 0.500 300.00 150.00
Add 2.5 per cent of cost of labour for gas cutting, 15.40
ropes, pulleys etc.
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.170 300.00 51.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 68.24

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 75.06
Rate per tonne = a+b+c+d 825.70
say 826.00
2.4 C Extra over item No( v ) A and( v ) B for cutting
(v) rivets.
Unit = each
Taking output = 10 rivets
a) Labour
Mate day 0.010 300.00 3.00
Blacksmith day 0.130 300.00 39.00
Mazdoor day 0.130 200.00 26.00
b) Overhead charges @ on (a) 6.80
c) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b) 7.48
Cost for 10 rivets = a+b+c 82.28
Rate for each rivet = ( a+b+c)/10 8.23
say 8.00
2.4 (vi) Scraping of Bricks Dismantled from Brick Work
including Stacking.
Unit = numbers
Taking output = 1000 numbers
A In lime/Cement mortar
a) Labour
Mate day 0.140 300.00 42.00
Mazdoor day 3.500 200.00 700.00
b) Overhead charges @ on (a) 74.20
c) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b) 81.62
Rate per1000 Nos = a+b+c 897.82
say 898.00
2.4 B In mud mortar
a) Labour
Mate day 0.050 300.00 15.00
Mazdoor day 1.250 200.00 250.00
b) Overhead charges @ on (a) 26.50
c) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b) 29.15
Rate per1000 Nos = a+b+c 320.65
say 321.00
2.4 (vii) Scraping of Stone from Dismantled Stone
Unit = cum
Taking output = 1 cum
A In cement and lime mortar
a) Labour
Mate day 0.060 300.00 18.00
Mazdoor day 1.400 200.00 280.00
b) Overhead charges @ on (a) 29.80
c) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b) 32.78
Rate per cum = a+b+c 360.58
say 361.00
2.4 B In Mud mortar
a) Labour
Mate day 0.010 300.00 3.00
Mazdoor day 0.300 200.00 60.00
b) Overhead charges @ on (a) 6.30
c) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b) 6.93
Rate per cum = a+b+c 76.23
say 76.00
2.4 (viii) Scarping Plaster in Lime or Cement Mortar from
Brick/ Stone Masonry
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 100 sqm
a) Labour
Mate day 0.160 300.00 48.00
Mazdoor for scarping and loading day 4.000 200.00 800.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.320 300.00 96.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 94.40

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 103.84
Cost for 100 sqm = a+b+c+d 1142.24
Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/100 11.42
say 11.00
2.4 (ix) Removing all type of Hume Pipes and Stacking
within a lead of 1000 metres including
Earthwork and Dismantling of Masonry Works.

Unit = metre
Taking output = 1 metre
A Up to 600 mm dia
a) Labour
Mate day 0.020 300.00 6.00
Mazdoor day 0.520 200.00 104.00
b) Overhead charges @ on (a) 11.00
c) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b) 12.10
Rate per metre = a+b+c 133.10
say 133.00
2.4 B Above 600 mm to 900 mm dia
a) Labour
Mate day 0.030 300.00 9.00
Mazdoor day 0.700 200.00 140.00
b) Overhead charges @ on (a) 14.90
c) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b) 16.39
Rate per metre = a+b+c 180.29
say 180.00
2.4 C Above 900 mm
a) Labour
Mate day 0.050 300.00 15.00
Mazdoor day 1.200 200.00 240.00
b) Overhead charges @ on (a) 25.50
c) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b) 28.05
Rate per metre = a+b+c 308.55
say 309.00
Note 1. The excavation of earth, dismantling of stone
masonry work in head walls and protection works is
not included which is to be measured and paid

2. Credit for retrieved stone from masonry work

may be taken as per actual availability.
2.5 202 Dismantling of Flexible Pavements
Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of
dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres,
stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials

Unit = cum
Taking output = 1 cum
I By Manual Means
A Bituminous courses
a) Labour
Mate day 0.060 300.00 18.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 1.500 200.00 300.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.380 300.00 114.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 43.20

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 47.52
Rate per cum = a+b+c+d 522.72
say 523.00
2.5 I B Granular courses
a) Labour
Mate day 0.040 300.00 12.00
Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and day 1.000 200.00 200.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.330 300.00 99.00
c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 31.10
d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 34.21
Rate per cum = a+b+c+d 376.31
say 376.00
2.5 II By Mechanical Means
A Bituminous course
a) Labour
Mate day 0.010 300.00 3.00
Mazdoor day 0.300 200.00 60.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.380 300.00 114.00

Farm tractor with ripper @ 60 cum per hour hour 0.017 350.00 5.95

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 18.30

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 20.12
Rate per cum = a+b+c+d 221.37
say 221.00
2.6 202 Dismantling of Cement Concrete Pavement
Dismantling of cement concrete pavement by
mechanical means using pneumatic tools, breaking
to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and
stock piling at designated locations and disposal of
dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres,
stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials

Unit = cum
Taking output = 1 cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.030 300.00 9.00
Semi skilled mazdoor for operating pneumatic day 0.500 250.00 125.00
Mazdoors as helpers including loading and day 0.500 200.00 100.00
b) Machinery
Air compressor 250 cfm with two leads for hour 1.000 250.00 250.00
pneumatic cutters/ hammers @ 1 cum per hour

Tractor-trolley hour 0.400 300.00 120.00

Joint Cutting Machine with 2-3 blades hour 1.000 500.00 500.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 110.40

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 121.44
Rate per cum = a+b+c+d 1335.84
say 1336.00
Note The above analysis is for removal of complete
pavement. In case full depth repair work is required
to be done after dismantling, provision of a concrete
cutting and sawing machine may be added for 0.25

2.7 202 Dismantling of Guard Rails

Dismantling guard rails by manual means and
disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up
to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable
materials and unserviceable materials separately.

Unit = running metre

Taking output = 1 metre
a) Labour
Mate day 0.006 300.00 1.80
Mazdoor including loading and unloading day 0.150 200.00 30.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.050 300.00 15.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 4.68

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 5.15
Rate per metre = a+b+c+d 56.63
say 57.00
2.8 202 Dismantling of Kerb Stone
Dismantling kerb stone by manual means and
disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up
to a lead of 1000 metre

Unit = running metre

Taking output = 10 metre
a) Labour
Mate day 0.010 300.00 3.00
Mazdoor including loading and unloading day 0.150 200.00 30.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.200 300.00 60.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 9.30

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 10.23
Cost for 10 m = a+b+c+d 112.53
Rate per metre = (a+b+c+d)/10 11.25
say 11.00
2.9 202 Dismantling of Kerb Stone Channel
Dismantling kerb stone channel by manual means
and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and
up to a lead of 1000 metre

Unit = running metre

Taking output = 10 metre
a) Labour
Mate day 0.015 300.00 4.50
Mazdoor including loading and unloading day 0.225 200.00 45.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.300 300.00 90.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 13.95

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 15.35
Cost for 10 m = a+b+c+d 168.80
Rate per metre = (a+b+c+d)/10 16.88
say 17.00
2.10 202 Dismantling of Kilometre Stone
Dismantling of kilometre stone including cutting of
earth, foundation and disposal of dismantled
material with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m and back
filling of pit.

Unit = Each
Taking output = one KM stone
A 5th KM stone
Quantity of cement concrete = 0.392 cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.130 300.00 39.00
Mazdoor day 0.750 200.00 150.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.150 300.00 45.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 23.40

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 25.74
Rate for one 5th KM stone = a+b+c+d 283.14
say 283.00
B Ordinary KM Stone
Quantity of cement concrete = 0.269 cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.020 300.00 6.00
Mazdoor day 0.500 200.00 100.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.100 300.00 30.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 13.60

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 14.96
Rate for one ordinary KM stone = a+b+c+d 164.56

say 165.00
C Hectometre Stone
Quantity of cement concrete = 0.048 cum
a) Labour
Mate day 0.004 300.00 1.20
Mazdoor day 0.100 200.00 20.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.020 300.00 6.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 2.72

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 2.99
Rate for one Hectometre stone = a+b+c+d 32.91
say 33.00
2.11 202 Dismantling of Fencing
Dismantling of barbed wire fencing/ wire mesh
fencing including posts, foundation concrete, back
filling of pit by manual means including disposal of
dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of
1000 metres, stacking serviceable material and
unserviceable material separately.

Unit = running metre

Taking output = 30 metres
a) Labour
Mate day 0.150 300.00 45.00
Mazdoor including loading and unloading day 3.000 200.00 600.00
Blacksmith day 0.750 300.00 225.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 0.150 300.00 45.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 91.50

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 100.65
Cost for 30 metres = a+b+c+d 1107.15
Rate per metre = (a+b+c+d)/30 36.91
say 37.00
2.12 202 Dismantling of CI Water Pipe Line
Dismantling of CI water pipe line 600 mm dia
including disposal with all lifts and lead upto 1000
metres and stacking of serviceable material and
unserviceable material separately under supervision
of concerned department

Unit = running metre

Taking output = 10 metres
a) Labour
Mate day 0.090 300.00 27.00
Mazdoor day 2.000 200.00 400.00
Plumber day 0.250 300.00 75.00
b) Machinery
Truck 10 tonne capacity hour 0.250 7.00 1.75

Light Crane 3 tonne capacity hour 0.500 500.00 250.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 75.38

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 82.91
Cost for 10 metres = a+b+c+d 912.04
Rate per metre = (a+b+c+d)/10 91.20
say 91.00
Note The rate analysis does not include any excavation in
earth or dismantling of masonry works which are to
be measured and paid separately.

2.13 202 Removal of Cement Concrete Pipe of Sewer

Removal of cement concrete pipe of sewer gutter
1500 mm dia under the supervision of concerned
department including disposal with all lifts and up to
a lead of 1000 metres and stacking of serviceable and
unserviceable material separately but excluding
earth excavation and dismantling of masonry works.

Unit = running metre

Taking output = 10 metres
a) Labour
Mate day 0.100 300.00 30.00
Mazdoor day 2.500 200.00 500.00
b) Machinery
Crane 5 tonne capacity hour 0.300 350.00 105.00
Truck flat body 10 tonne hour 1.000 7.00 7.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 64.20

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 70.62
Cost for 10 metres = a+b+c+d 776.82
Rate per metre = (a+b+c+d)/10 77.68
say 78.00
Note The rate analysis does not include any excavation in
earth or dismantling of masonry works which are to
be measured and paid separately.

2.14 202 Removal of Telephone / Electric Poles and Lines

Removal of telephone / Electric poles including

excavation and dismantling of foundation concrete
and lines under the supervision of concerned
department, disposal with all lifts and up to a lead of
1000 metres and stacking the serviceable and
unserviceable material separately

Unit = each
Taking output = 30 Nos
a) Labour
Mate day 0.480 300.00 144.00
Mazdoor day 10.000 200.00 2000.00
Electrician/Lineman day 2.000 300.00 600.00
b) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 1.500 300.00 450.00

c) Overhead charges @ on (a+b) 319.40

d) Contractor's profit @ on (a+b+c) 351.34
Cost for 30 poles = a+b+c+d 3864.74
Rate per pole = (a+b+c+d)/30 128.82
say 129.00
ng uprooting wild vegetation, grass,
upto 300 mm, removal of stumps of
rviceable materials and stacking of
ned, upto a lead of 1000 m including
not exceeding 150 mm in thickness
l Specification Clause 201 MoRT&H.













ery of the area .


lings and trees of girth

s and stacking of
osal of top organic soil not










comprising of masonry,
, sorting the dismantled
and lead of 1000 metres










































































Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs s/ Input

Kilometre Stone
Reinforced cement concrete M15grade kilometre stone
of standard design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position
including painting and printing etc
(i) 5th kilometre stone (precast)
Unit = Nos.
Taking output = 6 Nos.
a) M-15 grade of concrete cum 2.350 5353.00 12579.55 7.05 (A)

13.6 /
b) Steel reinforcement @ 5 kg per sqm kg 22.080 53.25 1175.83

No. 3.13
c) Excavation in soil for foundation cum 1.680 27.00 45.36

Item 8.8
d) Painting two coats on concrete surface sqm 9.850 71.90 708.22

e) Lettering on km post (average 30 letters of per cm per Item 8.3

1800 0.30 540.00
10 cm height each) letter
Transportation and fixing 15048.95
f) Labour
Mate day 0.260 345.00 48.88 L-12
Mason day 0.600 357.00 116.04 L-11
Mazdoor including loading/unloading day 6.000 295.00 876.00 L-13
g) Machinery 1040.92
Tractor-trolley hour 6.000 415.00 2070.00 053

h) Overhead charges @ 04 % on (f+g) 3110.920 124.44

i) Contractor's profit @ 10 % on (f+g+h) 3235.357 323.54

Cost for 6 Nos. 5th km stone = a+b+c+ d+e +f+g+h +i +j 16537.84

Rate for each 5th km stone = (a+b+c+ d+e +f+g+h

+i+j ) /6
say 2805.00
(ii) Ordinary kilometer stone (precast)
Unit = Nos.
Taking output = 14 Nos.
5353.00 10776.55 Item
a) M-15 grade of concrete cum 3.770 7.05 (A)
53.25 980.08 Item
13.6 /
b) Steel reinforcement @ 5 kg per sqm kg 26.320

27.00 230.93 Item

No. 3.13
c) Excavation in soil for foundation cum 2.770

71.90 457.93 Item 8.8

d) Painting two coats on concrete surface sqm 11.410

e) Lettering on km post ( average 12 letters per cm per Item 8.3

1680.000 0.30 504.00
of 10 cm height each) letter
Transportation and fixing 12949.48
f) Labour

Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs s/ Input

Mate day 0.320 345.00 60.16 L-12

Mason day 1.000 357.00 193.40 L-11
Mazdoor day 7.000 295.00 1022.00 L-13
g) Machinery 1275.56
Tractor-trolley hour 6.000 415.00 2490.00 053

h) Overhead charges @ 04 % on (f+g) 3765.560 150.62

i) Contractor's profit @ 10 % on (f+g+h) 3916.182 391.62
Cost for 14 Nos. ordinary km stone = (a+b+ c
Rate for each ordinary km stone = (a+b+ c
say 1232.00

Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs s/ Input

(iii) Hectometer stone (precast)

Unit = Nos.
Taking output = 33 Nos.
a) M-15 grade of concrete cum 1.580 5353.00 8457.74 7.05 (A)

13.6 /
b) Steel reinforcement @ 5 kg per sqm kg 66.000 53.25 3514.70

No. 3.13
c) Excavation in soil for foundation cum 1.390 27.00 37.53

71.90 Item 8.8

d) Painting two coats on concrete surface sqm 6.270 450.81

e) Lettering on km post (average 1 letter of per cm per Item 8.3

330.000 0.30 99.00
10 cm height each) letter
Transportation and fixing
f) Labour
Mate day 0.340 345.00 117.30 L-12
Mason day 1.500 357.00 535.50 L-11
Mazdoor day 7.000 295.00 2065.00 L-13
g) Machinery
Tractor-trolley hour 6.000 415.00 2490.00 053

h) Overhead charges @ 04 % on (f+g) 5207.800 5.00 208.31

i) Contractor's profit @ 10 % on (f+g+h) 5416.112 10.00 541.61
Cost for 33 Nos. Hectometer stone =
Rate for each Hectometer stone =
(a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j) 33
say 574.00

Mate 345.00 ROUGH
Mazdoor skilled 357.00 BOND600
Mazdoor unskilled 295.00 SS150


km/ MT
PACKED BITUMEN 1.75 Preamble 7

OH 5.00
OH1 5.00
CP 10.00
VAT 5.00
LALI 13.00
Dia of Pipes Shell Quantity of
Outer Dia
S.No NP3 class Thick ness Concrete
( mm ) (mm) ( cum )
1 2 3 4 5
1 600 85 770 0.1829
2 800 95 990 0.2671
3 1000 115 1230 0.4028
4 1200 120 1440 0.4976

Dozer 80 HP for spreading @
Motor Graders for Grading

Front end loader 1 Cu

Vibratory roller 8 Tones for GSB, EAR
Finish rolling with 6-8 Tones smooth whe


Air C
Wet mix plant of 60
Mechanical broom @
Bitumen pressure distrib
Emulsion pressure distributor
Hot M
Hot M
Hot Mix P
Sensor Paver f
Mechanical Paver f
Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 Tones for initial b
Vibratory roller 8 Tones for
Hire charges of bitume

Electric gen

Tipper 5 cum capacity for Soil, GS

Tipper 5.50 cum capacity per
Plate compactor/Power r
Hydraulic self propelled chip spre
Mini hot mix plant (SDB of MOST
Hire charges of bitumen bo
Road Marking Machine
Hot Applide Thermoplastic Compound( Item
Reflectorising g

Tractor with ripper attachment


Batch Mix Plant (Hot mix Plant –


Dia of Pipes Shell Quantity of

Outer Dia
S.No NP4 class Thick ness Concrete
( mm ) (mm) ( cum )

1 2 3 4 5
1 600 85 770 0.1829
2 800 95 990 0.2671
3 1000 115 1230 0.4028
4 1200 120 1440 0.4976
5 900 100 1100 0.3142
204-15 (Excluding blasting 2014-15

103.00 SS6 532.00 IRC2.36 308.00

606.00 SS10 692.00 IRC5 504.00
462.00 SS12 822.00 IRC9 656.00
342.00 SS20 1036.00 IRC12 780.00
262.00 SS25 994.00 IRC19 984.00
252.00 SS40 620.00 IRC25 944.00
30.00 SS50 456.00 IRC40 588.00
95.00 SS60 419.00 IRC50 456.00
144.00 SS65 379.00 IRC60 419.00
164.00 SS75 304.00 IRC65 379.00
42.00 Metals BLAST 70.00 IRC75 304.00
48.00 CRS BLAST3 74.00 DUST 340.00
RR BLAST2 70.00


2014-15 2014-15



SGSAND 0.00 SAND_D 0.00 ES20B

Cement Content
Content rate
( kg)
( kg/ cum) DETAILS First 5 km Next 1 km
Lead Lead
6 7
360 65.844 600 mm 2099.00 89.000 4.13
360 96.156 800 mm 3447.00 119.000 4.80
360 145.008 1000 mm 5379.00 188.000 9.05
360 179.136 1200 mm 7477.00 228.000 9.85

2014-15 RATE 2007-08

or spreading @ 200 cum per hour 2575.60 2400.00

for Grading @ 100 cum per hour 3216.00 2260.00
Hydraulic Excavator 2848.00 1950.00
nd loader 1 Cum. bucket capacity 1646.00 1150.00
Tippers 5.50 cum capacity 922.00 500.00
for GSB, EARTH/ WMM rolling 2678.30 1350.00
es smooth wheeled tandem roller. 1646.00 1150.00
Water tanker 6 KL 624.00 300.00
Tractor with Rotavator 422.00 300.00
Tractor 415.00
Air Compressor 250 cfm 507.50 320.00
mix plant of 60 tonne hr. capacity 1646.00 1150.00
anical broom @ 1250 Sqm./Hour 357.00 250.00
ressure distributor @1750 sqm/hr 1498.00 820.00
re distributor @ 1750 Sqm./Hour 860.00 600.00
Hot Mix Plant 120 TPH 28175.00
Hot Mix Plant 100 TPH 24171.00
Hot Mix Plant 60 TPH 21668.00
Hot Mix Plant 40 to 60 TPH 19120.00 13500.00
Sensor Paver finisher @ 100 TPH 3059.51
hanical Paver finisher @ 100 TPH 2249.00 950.00
nes for initial break down rolling 1146.70 470.00
r 8 Tones for intermediate rolling 1646.00 1350.00
Pneumatic road Roller 1283.00 900.00
es of bitumen boiler 40mm metal 209.00
GSB Plant 50 cum 1143.00 800.00
Generator 250 KVA 1850.00 1350.00
Electric generating set 125 KVA 1320.00 950.00
Generator 100 KVA 1126.00 800.00
ty for Soil, GSB, WMM, Hot mix. 922.00 7.22 Derived from previous data and 3.90
m capacity per 10 Tonnes per 922.00 7.22 present rate 3.90
pactor/Power rammer/road roller 48.00 32.00
led chip spreader @ 1500 sqm/hr. 2567.00 1800.00
SDB of MOST 1994-95 page 131 ) 1268.00 1268.00
of bitumen boiler 10-12mm metal 209.00 150.00
rking Machine@ 80sqm per hour 111.00 1268.00
mpound( Item no. 353)( per Liter) 200.00
Reflectorising glass beads (Per kg) 80.30
Concrete mixer 0.4/0.28 cum 453.00 300.00
Tractor 415.00 300.00
er attachment @ 60 cum per hour 422.00 300.00

Generator set 30 KVA 861.70 540.00

ot mix Plant – 100 TPH capacity) 24171.00


Cement Content
Content rate
( kg)
( kg/ cum)
First 5 km Next 1 km
Lead Lead
6 7
360 65.844 600 mm 2490.00 89.000 4.13
360 96.156 800 mm 4361.00 119.000 4.80
360 145.008 1000 mm 7428.00 188.000 9.05
360 179.136 1200 mm 10068.00 228.000 9.85
360 113.112 900 mm 5433.00 156 9.05

25.4 mm 991.00 BMS-W.20

12.7 mm 568.00 BMS-W.21

PAINTS 240.00


MLOAD 32.00




CEMENT 4000.00 6300.00

HYSD 40000.00
MS6 41000.00 42000.00
MS 40000.00
BWIRE 70.00






920.00 To be Checked
170.00 Rate as per
90.00 competitive
200.00 quotations




CEMENT 4000.00 6300.00

HYSD 40000.00
MS6 41000.00 42000.00
MS 40000.00
BWIRE 70.00
From To Data
data Entry Entry
HMP 21.00 250.61 285.7 E/W

Crusher 21.00 250.61 285.7 Gravel

21.00 250.61 285.7 Sand
Stone Qry


MLOAD 105.00

0.00 0 0.00 0.00
SSR 1 MT1 30.40 30.40 1
2 MT2 42.60 42.60 2
3 MT3 58.90 58.90 3
4 MT4 71.50 71.50 4
5 MT5 84.10 84.10 5
6 MT6 96.70 12.60 6-30 6
7 MT7 109.30 10.50 >30 7
8 MT8 121.90 162.00 8
9 MT9 134.50 168.00 9
10 MT10 147.10 174.00 10
11 MT11 159.70 180.00 11
12 MT12 172.30 186.00 12
13 MT13 184.90 192.00 13
14 MT14 197.50 198.00 14
15 MT15 210.10 204.00 15
16 MT16 222.70 210.00 16
17 MT17 235.30 216.00 17
18 MT18 247.90 222.00 18
19 MT19 260.50 228.00 19
20 MT20 273.10 234.00 20
21 MT21 285.70 5.7500 21
22 MT22 298.30 5.5000 22
23 MT23 310.90 5.0000 23
24 MT24 323.50 4.7500 24
25 MT25 336.10 4.5000 25
26 MT26 348.70 26
27 MT27 361.30 27
28 MT28 373.90 28
29 MT29 386.50 29
30 MT30 399.10 30
31 MT31 409.60 31
32 MT32 420.10 32
33 MT33 430.60 33
34 MT34 441.10 34
35 MT35 451.60 35
36 MT36 462.10 36
37 MT37 472.60 37
38 MT38 483.10 38
39 MT39 493.60 39
40 MT40 504.10 40
41 MT41 514.60 41
42 MT42 525.10 42
43 MT43 535.60 43
44 MT44 546.10 44
45 MT45 556.60 45
46 MT46 567.10 46
47 MT47 577.60 47
48 MT48 588.10 48
49 MT49 598.60 49
50 MT50 609.10 50
51 MT51 619.60 51
52 MT52 630.10 52
53 MT53 640.60 53

54 MT54 651.10 54
55 MT55 661.60 55
56 MT56 672.10 56
57 MT57 682.60 57
58 MT58 693.10 58
59 MT59 703.60 59
60 MT60 714.10 60
61 MT61 724.60 61
62 MT62 735.10 62
63 MT63 745.60 63
64 MT64 756.10 64
65 MT65 766.60 65
66 MT66 777.10 66
67 MT67 787.60 67
68 MT68 798.10 68
69 MT69 808.60 69
70 MT70 819.10 70
71 MT71 829.60 71
72 MT72 840.10 72
73 MT73 850.60 73
74 MT74 861.10 74
75 MT75 871.60 75
76 MT76 882.10 76
77 MT77 892.60 77
78 MT78 903.10 78
79 MT79 913.60 79
80 MT80 924.10 80
81 MT81 934.60 81
82 MT82 945.10 82
83 MT83 955.60 83
84 MT84 966.10 84
85 MT85 976.60 85

86 MT86 987.10 86

87 MT87 997.60 87

88 MT88 1008.10 88
89 MT89 1018.60 89
90 MT90 1029.10 90
91 MT91 1039.60 91
92 MT92 1050.10 92
93 MT93 1060.60 93
94 MT94 1071.10 94
95 MT95 1081.60 95
96 MT96 1092.10 96
97 MT97 1102.60 97
98 MT98 1113.10 98
99 MT99 1123.60 99
100 MT100 1134.10 100
101 MT101 1144.60 101
102 MT102 1155.10 102
103 MT103 1165.60 103
104 MT104 1176.10 104
105 MT105 1186.60 105
106 MT106 1197.10 106
107 MT107 1207.60 107
108 MT108 1218.10 108
109 MT109 1228.60 109
110 MT110 1239.10 110
111 MT111 1249.60 111
112 MT112 1260.10 112
113 MT113 1270.60 113
114 MT114 1281.10 114
115 MT115 1291.60 115
116 MT116 1302.10 116
117 MT117 1312.60 117
118 MT118 1323.10 118
119 MT119 1333.60 119
120 MT120 1344.10 120
121 MT121 1354.60 121
122 MT122 1365.10 122
123 MT123 1375.60 123
124 MT124 1386.10 124
125 MT125 1396.60 125
126 MT126 1407.10 126
127 MT127 1417.60 127
128 MT128 1428.10 128
129 MT129 1438.60 129
130 MT130 1449.10 130
131 MT131 1459.60 131
132 MT132 1470.10 132
133 MT133 1480.60 133
134 MT134 1491.10 134
135 MT135 1501.60 135
136 MT136 1512.10 136
137 MT137 1522.60 137
138 MT138 1533.10 138
139 MT139 1543.60 139
140 MT140 1554.10 140
141 MT141 1564.60 141
142 MT142 1575.10 142
143 MT143 1585.60 143
144 MT144 1596.10 144
145 MT145 1606.60 145
146 MT146 1617.10 146
147 MT147 1627.60 147
148 MT148 1638.10 148
149 MT149 1648.60 149
150 MT150 1659.10 150
151 MT151 1669.60 151
152 MT152 1680.10 152
153 MT153 1690.60 153
154 MT154 1701.10 154
155 MT155 1711.60 155
156 MT156 1722.10 156
157 MT157 1732.60 157
158 MT158 1743.10 158
159 MT159 1753.60 159
160 MT160 1764.10 160
161 MT161 1774.60 161
162 MT162 1785.10 162
163 MT163 1795.60 163
164 MT164 1806.10 164
165 MT165 1816.60 165
166 MT166 1827.10 166
167 MT167 1837.60 167
168 MT168 1848.10 168
169 MT169 1858.60 169
170 MT170 1869.10 170
171 MT171 1879.60 171
172 MT172 1890.10 172
173 MT173 1900.60 173
174 MT174 1911.10 174
175 MT175 1921.60 175
176 MT176 1932.10 176
177 MT177 1942.60 177
178 MT178 1953.10 178
179 MT179 1963.60 179
180 MT180 1974.10 180
181 MT181 1984.60 181
182 MT182 1995.10 182
183 MT183 2005.60 183
184 MT184 2016.10 184
185 MT185 2026.60 185
186 MT186 2037.10 186
187 MT187 2047.60 187
188 MT188 2058.10 188
189 MT189 2068.60 189
190 MT190 2079.10 190
191 MT191 2089.60 191
192 MT192 2100.10 192
193 MT193 2110.60 193
194 MT194 2121.10 194
195 MT195 2131.60 195
196 MT196 2142.10 196
197 MT197 2152.60 197
198 MT198 2163.10 198
199 MT199 2173.60 199
200 MT200 2184.10 200
201 MT201 2194.60 201
202 MT202 2205.10 202
203 MT203 2215.60 203
204 MT204 2226.10 204
205 MT205 2236.60 205
206 MT206 2247.10 206
207 MT207 2257.60 207
208 MT208 2268.10 208
209 MT209 2278.60 209
210 MT210 2289.10 210
211 MT211 2299.60 211
212 MT212 2310.10 212
213 MT213 2320.60 213
214 MT214 2331.10 214
215 MT215 2341.60 215
216 MT216 2352.10 216
217 MT217 2362.60 217
218 MT218 2373.10 218
219 MT219 2383.60 219
220 MT220 2394.10 220
221 MT221 2404.60 221
222 MT222 2415.10 222
223 MT223 2425.60 223
224 MT224 2436.10 224
225 MT225 2446.60 225
226 MT226 2457.10 226
227 MT227 2467.60 227
228 MT228 2478.10 228
229 MT229 2488.60 229
230 MT230 2499.10 230
231 MT231 2509.60 231
232 MT232 2520.10 232
233 MT233 2530.60 233
234 MT234 2541.10 234
235 MT235 2551.60 235
236 MT236 2562.10 236
237 MT237 2572.60 237
238 MT238 2583.10 238
239 MT239 2593.60 239
240 MT240 2604.10 240
241 MT241 2614.60 241
242 MT242 2625.10 242
243 MT243 2635.60 243
244 MT244 2646.10 244
245 MT245 2656.60 245
246 MT246 2667.10 246
247 MT247 2677.60 247
248 MT248 2688.10 248
249 MT249 2698.60 249
250 MT250 2709.10 250
251 MT251 2719.60 251
252 MT252 2730.10 252
253 MT253 2740.60 253
254 MT254 2751.10 254
255 MT255 2761.60 255
256 MT256 2772.10 256
257 MT257 2782.60 257
258 MT258 2793.10 258
259 MT259 2803.60 259
260 MT260 2814.10 260
261 MT261 2824.60 261
262 MT262 2835.10 262
263 MT263 2845.60 263
264 MT264 2856.10 264
265 MT265 2866.60 265
266 MT266 2877.10 266
267 MT267 2887.60 267
268 MT268 2898.10 268
269 MT269 2908.60 269
270 MT270 2919.10 270
271 MT271 2929.60 271
272 MT272 2940.10 272
273 MT273 2950.60 273
274 MT274 2961.10 274
275 MT275 2971.60 275
276 MT276 2982.10 276
277 MT277 2992.60 277
278 MT278 3003.10 278
279 MT279 3013.60 279
280 MT280 3024.10 280
281 MT281 3034.60 281
282 MT282 3045.10 282
283 MT283 3055.60 283
284 MT284 3066.10 284
285 MT285 3076.60 285
286 MT286 3087.10 286
287 MT287 3097.60 287
288 MT288 3108.10 288
289 MT289 3118.60 289
290 MT290 3129.10 290
291 MT291 3139.60 291
292 MT292 3150.10 292
293 MT293 3160.60 293
294 MT294 3171.10 294
295 MT295 3181.60 295
296 MT296 3192.10 296
297 MT297 3202.60 297
298 MT298 3213.10 298
299 MT299 3223.60 299
300 MT300 3234.10 300
301 MT301 3244.60 301
302 MT302 3255.10 302
303 MT303 3265.60 303
304 MT304 3276.10 304
305 MT305 3286.60 305
306 MT306 3297.10 306
307 MT307 3307.60 307
308 MT308 3318.10 308
309 MT309 3328.60 309
310 MT310 3339.10 310
311 MT311 3349.60 311
312 MT312 3360.10 312
313 MT313 3370.60 313
314 MT314 3381.10 314
315 MT315 3391.60 315
316 MT316 3402.10 316
317 MT317 3412.60 317
318 MT318 3423.10 318
319 MT319 3433.60 319
320 MT320 3444.10 320
321 MT321 3454.60 321
322 MT322 3465.10 322
323 MT323 3475.60 323
324 MT324 3486.10 324
325 MT325 3496.60 325
326 MT326 3507.10 326
327 MT327 3517.60 327
328 MT328 3528.10 328
329 MT329 3538.60 329
330 MT330 3549.10 330
331 MT331 3559.60 331
332 MT332 3570.10 332
333 MT333 3580.60 333
334 MT334 3591.10 334
335 MT335 3601.60 335
336 MT336 3612.10 336
337 MT337 3622.60 337
338 MT338 3633.10 338
339 MT339 3643.60 339
340 MT340 3654.10 340
341 MT341 3664.60 341
342 MT342 3675.10 342
343 MT343 3685.60 343
344 MT344 3696.10 344
345 MT345 3706.60 345
346 MT346 3717.10 346
347 MT347 3727.60 347
348 MT348 3738.10 348
349 MT349 3748.60 349
350 MT350 3759.10 350
351 MT351 3769.60 351
352 MT352 3780.10 352
353 MT353 3790.60 353
354 MT354 3801.10 354
355 MT355 3811.60 355
356 MT356 3822.10 356
357 MT357 3832.60 357
358 MT358 3843.10 358
359 MT359 3853.60 359
360 MT360 3864.10 360
361 MT361 3874.60 361
362 MT362 3885.10 362
363 MT363 3895.60 363
364 MT364 3906.10 364
365 MT365 3916.60 365
366 MT366 3927.10 366
367 MT367 3937.60 367
368 MT368 3948.10 368
369 MT369 3958.60 369
370 MT370 3969.10 370
371 MT371 3979.60 371
372 MT372 3990.10 372
373 MT373 4000.60 373
374 MT374 4011.10 374
375 MT375 4021.60 375
376 MT376 4032.10 376
377 MT377 4042.60 377
378 MT378 4053.10 378
379 MT379 4063.60 379
380 MT380 4074.10 380
381 MT381 4084.60 381
382 MT382 4095.10 382
383 MT383 4105.60 383
384 MT384 4116.10 384
385 MT385 4126.60 385
386 MT386 4137.10 386
387 MT387 4147.60 387
388 MT388 4158.10 388
389 MT389 4168.60 389
390 MT390 4179.10 390
391 MT391 4189.60 391
392 MT392 4200.10 392
393 MT393 4210.60 393
394 MT394 4221.10 394
395 MT395 4231.60 395
396 MT396 4242.10 396
397 MT397 4252.60 397
398 MT398 4263.10 398
399 MT399 4273.60 399
400 MT400 4284.10 400
401 MT401 4294.60 401
402 MT402 4305.10 402
403 MT403 4315.60 403
404 MT404 4326.10 404
405 MT405 4336.60 405
406 MT406 4347.10 406
407 MT407 4357.60 407
408 MT408 4368.10 408
409 MT409 4378.60 409
410 MT410 4389.10 410
411 MT411 4399.60 411
412 MT412 4410.10 412
413 MT413 4420.60 413
414 MT414 4431.10 414
415 MT415 4441.60 415
416 MT416 4452.10 416
417 MT417 4462.60 417
418 MT418 4473.10 418
419 MT419 4483.60 419
420 MT420 4494.10 420
421 MT421 4504.60 421
422 MT422 4515.10 422
423 MT423 4525.60 423
424 MT424 4536.10 424
425 MT425 4546.60 425
426 MT426 4557.10 426
427 MT427 4567.60 427
428 MT428 4578.10 428
429 MT429 4588.60 429
430 MT430 4599.10 430
431 MT431 4609.60 431
432 MT432 4620.10 432
433 MT433 4630.60 433
434 MT434 4641.10 434
435 MT435 4651.60 435
436 MT436 4662.10 436
437 MT437 4672.60 437
438 MT438 4683.10 438
439 MT439 4693.60 439
440 MT440 4704.10 440
441 MT441 4714.60 441
442 MT442 4725.10 442
443 MT443 4735.60 443
444 MT444 4746.10 444
445 MT445 4756.60 445
446 MT446 4767.10 446
447 MT447 4777.60 447
448 MT448 4788.10 448
449 MT449 4798.60 449
450 MT450 4809.10 450
451 MT451 4819.60 451
452 MT452 4830.10 452
453 MT453 4840.60 453
454 MT454 4851.10 454
455 MT455 4861.60 455
456 MT456 4872.10 456
457 MT457 4882.60 457
458 MT458 4893.10 458
459 MT459 4903.60 459
460 MT460 4914.10 460
461 MT461 4924.60 461
462 MT462 4935.10 462
463 MT463 4945.60 463
464 MT464 4956.10 464
465 MT465 4966.60 465
466 MT466 4977.10 466
467 MT467 4987.60 467
468 MT468 4998.10 468
469 MT469 5008.60 469
470 MT470 5019.10 470
471 MT471 5029.60 471
472 MT472 5040.10 472
473 MT473 5050.60 473
474 MT474 5061.10 474
475 MT475 5071.60 475
476 MT476 5082.10 476
477 MT477 5092.60 477
478 MT478 5103.10 478
479 MT479 5113.60 479
480 MT480 5124.10 480
481 MT481 5134.60 481
482 MT482 5145.10 482
483 MT483 5155.60 483
484 MT484 5166.10 484
485 MT485 5176.60 485
486 MT486 5187.10 486
487 MT487 5197.60 487
488 MT488 5208.10 488
489 MT489 5218.60 489
490 MT490 5229.10 490
491 MT491 5239.60 491
492 MT492 5250.10 492
493 MT493 5260.60 493
494 MT494 5271.10 494
495 MT495 5281.60 495
496 MT496 5292.10 496
497 MT497 5302.60 497
498 MT498 5313.10 498
499 MT499 5323.60 499
500 MT500 5334.10 500
From To Data
data Entry Entry
3.00 51.67 58.9 METAL L

3.00 51.67 58.9

31.00 359.3 409.6 LEAD


SLOAD 52.50 0.25
SUNLOAD 15.90 0.50
0 0.00 4
SD1 31.50 31.50 5
SD2 44.10 44.10 6
SD3 58.90 58.90 7
SD4 71.50 71.50 8
SD5 84.10 84.10 9
SD6 96.70 12.60 6-30 10
SD7 109.30 10.50 >30 11
SD8 121.90 12
SD9 134.50 13
SD10 147.10 14
SD11 159.70 15
SD12 172.30 16
SD13 184.90 17
SD14 197.50 18
SD15 210.10 19
SD16 222.70 20
SD17 235.30 21
SD18 247.90 22
SD19 260.50 23
SD20 273.10 24
SD21 285.70 25
SD22 298.30 26
SD23 310.90 27
SD24 323.50 28
SD25 336.10 29
SD26 348.70 30
SD27 361.30 31
SD28 373.90 32
SD29 386.50 33
SD30 399.10 34
SD31 409.60 35
SD32 420.10 36
SD33 430.60 37
SD34 441.10 38
SD35 451.60 39
SD36 462.10 40
SD37 472.60 41
SD38 483.10 42
SD39 493.60 43
SD40 504.10 44
SD41 514.60 45
SD42 525.10 46
SD43 535.60 47
SD44 546.10 48
SD45 556.60 49
SD46 567.10 50
SD47 577.60 51
SD48 588.10 52
SD49 598.60 53
SD50 609.10 54
SD51 619.60 55
SD52 630.10 56
SD53 640.60 57

SD54 651.10 58
SD55 661.60 59
SD56 672.10 60
SD57 682.60 61
SD58 693.10 62
SD59 703.60 63
SD60 714.10 64
SD61 724.60 65
SD62 735.10 66
SD63 745.60 67
SD64 756.10 68
SD65 766.60 69
SD66 777.10 70
SD67 787.60 71
SD68 798.10 72
SD69 808.60 73
SD70 819.10 74
SD71 829.60 75
SD72 840.10 76
SD73 850.60 77
SD74 861.10 78
SD75 871.60 79
SD76 882.10 80
SD77 892.60 81
SD78 903.10 82
SD79 913.60 83
SD80 924.10 84
SD81 934.60 85
SD82 945.10 86
SD83 955.60 87
SD84 966.10 88
SD85 976.60 89

SD86 987.10 90

SD87 997.60 91

SD88 1008.10 92
SD89 1018.60 93
SD90 1029.10 94
SD91 1039.60 95
SD92 1050.10 96
SD93 1060.60 97
SD94 1071.10 98
SD95 1081.60 99
SD96 1092.10 100
SD97 1102.60 101
SD98 1113.10 102
SD99 1123.60 103
SD100 1134.10 104
SD101 1144.60 105
SD102 1155.10 106
SD103 1165.60 107
SD104 1176.10 108
SD105 1186.60 109
SD106 1197.10 110
SD107 1207.60 111
SD108 1218.10 112
SD109 1228.60 113
SD110 1239.10 114
SD111 1249.60 115
SD112 1260.10 116
SD113 1270.60 117
SD114 1281.10 118
SD115 1291.60 119
SD116 1302.10 120
SD117 1312.60 121
SD118 1323.10 122
SD119 1333.60 123
SD120 1344.10 124
SD121 1354.60 125
SD122 1365.10 126
SD123 1375.60 127
SD124 1386.10 128
SD125 1396.60 129
SD126 1407.10 130
SD127 1417.60 131
SD128 1428.10 132
SD129 1438.60 133
SD130 1449.10 134
SD131 1459.60 135
SD132 1470.10 136
SD133 1480.60 137
SD134 1491.10 138
SD135 1501.60 139
SD136 1512.10 140
SD137 1522.60 141
SD138 1533.10 142
SD139 1543.60 143
SD140 1554.10 144
SD141 1564.60 145
SD142 1575.10 146
SD143 1585.60 147
SD144 1596.10 148
SD145 1606.60 149
SD146 1617.10 150
SD147 1627.60 151
SD148 1638.10 152
SD149 1648.60 153
SD150 1659.10 154
SD151 1669.60 155
SD152 1680.10 156
SD153 1690.60 157
SD154 1701.10 158
SD155 1711.60 159
SD156 1722.10 160
SD157 1732.60 161
SD158 1743.10 162
SD159 1753.60 163
SD160 1764.10 164
SD161 1774.60 165
SD162 1785.10 166
SD163 1795.60 167
SD164 1806.10 168
SD165 1816.60 169
SD166 1827.10 170
SD167 1837.60 171
SD168 1848.10 172
SD169 1858.60 173
SD170 1869.10 174
SD171 1879.60 175
SD172 1890.10 176
SD173 1900.60 177
SD174 1911.10 178
SD175 1921.60 179
SD176 1932.10 180
SD177 1942.60 181
SD178 1953.10 182
SD179 1963.60 183
SD180 1974.10 184
SD181 1984.60 185
SD182 1995.10 186
SD183 2005.60 187
SD184 2016.10 188
SD185 2026.60 189
SD186 2037.10 190
SD187 2047.60 191
SD188 2058.10 192
SD189 2068.60 193
SD190 2079.10 194
SD191 2089.60 195
SD192 2100.10 196
SD193 2110.60 197
SD194 2121.10 198
SD195 2131.60 199
SD196 2142.10 200
SD197 2152.60 201
SD198 2163.10 202
SD199 2173.60 203
SD200 2184.10 204
SD201 2194.60 205
SD202 2205.10 206
SD203 2215.60 207
SD204 2226.10 208
SD205 2236.60 209
SD206 2247.10 210
SD207 2257.60 211
SD208 2268.10 212
SD209 2278.60 213
SD210 2289.10 214
SD211 2299.60 215
SD212 2310.10 216
SD213 2320.60 217
SD214 2331.10 218
SD215 2341.60 219
SD216 2352.10 220
SD217 2362.60 221
SD218 2373.10 222
SD219 2383.60 223
SD220 2394.10 224
SD221 2404.60 225
SD222 2415.10 226
SD223 2425.60 227
SD224 2436.10 228
SD225 2446.60 229
SD226 2457.10 230
SD227 2467.60 231
SD228 2478.10 232
SD229 2488.60 233
SD230 2499.10 234
SD231 2509.60 235
SD232 2520.10 236
SD233 2530.60 237
SD234 2541.10 238
SD235 2551.60 239
SD236 2562.10 240
SD237 2572.60 241
SD238 2583.10 242
SD239 2593.60 243
SD240 2604.10 244
SD241 2614.60 245
SD242 2625.10 246
SD243 2635.60 247
SD244 2646.10 248
SD245 2656.60 249
SD246 2667.10 250
SD247 2677.60 251
SD248 2688.10 252
SD249 2698.60 253
SD250 2709.10 254
SD251 2719.60 255
SD252 2730.10 256
SD253 2740.60 257
SD254 2751.10 258
SD255 2761.60 259
SD256 2772.10 260
SD257 2782.60 261
SD258 2793.10 262
SD259 2803.60 263
SD260 2814.10 264
SD261 2824.60 265
SD262 2835.10 266
SD263 2845.60 267
SD264 2856.10 268
SD265 2866.60 269
SD266 2877.10 270
SD267 2887.60 271
SD268 2898.10 272
SD269 2908.60 273
SD270 2919.10 274
SD271 2929.60 275
SD272 2940.10 276
SD273 2950.60 277
SD274 2961.10 278
SD275 2971.60 279
SD276 2982.10 280
SD277 2992.60 281
SD278 3003.10 282
SD279 3013.60 283
SD280 3024.10 284
SD281 3034.60 285
SD282 3045.10 286
SD283 3055.60 287
SD284 3066.10 288
SD285 3076.60 289
SD286 3087.10 290
SD287 3097.60 291
SD288 3108.10 292
SD289 3118.60 293
SD290 3129.10 294
SD291 3139.60 295
SD292 3150.10 296
SD293 3160.60 297
SD294 3171.10 298
SD295 3181.60 299
SD296 3192.10 300
SD297 3202.60
SD298 3213.10
SD299 3223.60
SD300 3234.10
SD301 3244.60
SD302 3255.10
SD303 3265.60
SD304 3276.10
SD305 3286.60
SD306 3297.10
SD307 3307.60
SD308 3318.10
SD309 3328.60
SD310 3339.10
SD311 3349.60
SD312 3360.10
SD313 3370.60
SD314 3381.10
SD315 3391.60
SD316 3402.10
SD317 3412.60
SD318 3423.10
SD319 3433.60
SD320 3444.10
SD321 3454.60
SD322 3465.10
SD323 3475.60
SD324 3486.10
SD325 3496.60
SD326 3507.10
SD327 3517.60
SD328 3528.10
SD329 3538.60
SD330 3549.10
SD331 3559.60
SD332 3570.10
SD333 3580.60
SD334 3591.10
SD335 3601.60
SD336 3612.10
SD337 3622.60
SD338 3633.10
SD339 3643.60
SD340 3654.10
SD341 3664.60
SD342 3675.10
SD343 3685.60
SD344 3696.10
SD345 3706.60
SD346 3717.10
SD347 3727.60
SD348 3738.10
SD349 3748.60
SD350 3759.10
SD351 3769.60
SD352 3780.10
SD353 3790.60
SD354 3801.10
SD355 3811.60
SD356 3822.10
SD357 3832.60
SD358 3843.10
SD359 3853.60
SD360 3864.10
SD361 3874.60
SD362 3885.10
SD363 3895.60
SD364 3906.10
SD365 3916.60
SD366 3927.10
SD367 3937.60
SD368 3948.10
SD369 3958.60
SD370 3969.10
SD371 3979.60
SD372 3990.10
SD373 4000.60
SD374 4011.10
SD375 4021.60
SD376 4032.10
SD377 4042.60
SD378 4053.10
SD379 4063.60
SD380 4074.10
SD381 4084.60
SD382 4095.10
SD383 4105.60
SD384 4116.10
SD385 4126.60
SD386 4137.10
SD387 4147.60
SD388 4158.10
SD389 4168.60
SD390 4179.10
SD391 4189.60
SD392 4200.10
SD393 4210.60
SD394 4221.10
SD395 4231.60
SD396 4242.10
SD397 4252.60
SD398 4263.10
SD399 4273.60
SD400 4284.10
SD401 4294.60
SD402 4305.10
SD403 4315.60
SD404 4326.10
SD405 4336.60
SD406 4347.10
SD407 4357.60
SD408 4368.10
SD409 4378.60
SD410 4389.10
SD411 4399.60
SD412 4410.10
SD413 4420.60
SD414 4431.10
SD415 4441.60
SD416 4452.10
SD417 4462.60
SD418 4473.10
SD419 4483.60
SD420 4494.10
SD421 4504.60
SD422 4515.10
SD423 4525.60
SD424 4536.10
SD425 4546.60
SD426 4557.10
SD427 4567.60
SD428 4578.10
SD429 4588.60
SD430 4599.10
SD431 4609.60
SD432 4620.10
SD433 4630.60
SD434 4641.10
SD435 4651.60
SD436 4662.10
SD437 4672.60
SD438 4683.10
SD439 4693.60
SD440 4704.10
SD441 4714.60
SD442 4725.10
SD443 4735.60
SD444 4746.10
SD445 4756.60
SD446 4767.10
SD447 4777.60
SD448 4788.10
SD449 4798.60
SD450 4809.10
SD451 4819.60
SD452 4830.10
SD453 4840.60
SD454 4851.10
SD455 4861.60
SD456 4872.10
SD457 4882.60
SD458 4893.10
SD459 4903.60
SD460 4914.10
SD461 4924.60
SD462 4935.10
SD463 4945.60
SD464 4956.10
SD465 4966.60
SD466 4977.10
SD467 4987.60
SD468 4998.10
SD469 5008.60
SD470 5019.10
SD471 5029.60
SD472 5040.10
SD473 5050.60
SD474 5061.10
SD475 5071.60
SD476 5082.10
SD477 5092.60
SD478 5103.10
SD479 5113.60
SD480 5124.10
SD481 5134.60
SD482 5145.10
SD483 5155.60
SD484 5166.10
SD485 5176.60
SD486 5187.10
SD487 5197.60
SD488 5208.10
SD489 5218.60
SD490 5229.10
SD491 5239.60
SD492 5250.10
SD493 5260.60
SD494 5271.10
SD495 5281.60
SD496 5292.10
SD497 5302.60
SD498 5313.10
SD499 5323.60
SD500 5334.10

2008-09 2008-09

From From
MLOAD 12.80 12.80 SLOAD 10.00 10.00
MUNLOAD 8.70 8.70 SUNLOAD 8.50 8.50
MSTACK 8.70 8.70 SSTACK 5.50 5.50
0.00 0 0.00
110.00 0.25 SD250 50.00 50.00
MT500 110.00 110.00 0.50 SD500 75.00 75.00
MT1 120.00 120.00 1 SD1 100.00 100.00
MT2 126.00 126.00 2 SD2 106.00 106.00
MT3 132.00 132.00 3 SD3 112.00 112.00
MT4 138.00 138.00 4 SD4 118.00 118.00
MT5 144.00 144.00 5 SD5 124.00 124.00
MT6 150.00 150.00 6 SD6 130.00 130.00
MT7 156.00 156.00 7 SD7 136.00 136.00
MT8 162.00 162.00 8 SD8 142.00 142.00
MT9 168.00 168.00 9 SD9 148.00 148.00
MT10 174.00 174.00 10 SD10 154.00 154.00
MT11 180.00 180.00 11 SD11 160.00 160.00
MT12 186.00 186.00 12 SD12 166.00 166.00
MT13 192.00 192.00 13 SD13 172.00 172.00
MT14 198.00 198.00 14 SD14 178.00 178.00
MT15 204.00 204.00 15 SD15 184.00 184.00
MT16 210.00 210.00 16 SD16 190.00 190.00
MT17 216.00 216.00 17 SD17 196.00 196.00
MT18 222.00 222.00 18 SD18 202.00 202.00
MT19 228.00 228.00 19 SD19 208.00 208.00
MT20 234.00 234.00 20 SD20 214.00 214.00
MT21 239.75 5.7500 21 SD21 219.00 5.0000
MT22 245.50 5.5000 22 SD22 224.00 4.8000
MT23 251.25 5.0000 23 SD23 229.00 4.6000
MT24 257.00 4.7500 24 SD24 234.00 4.4000
MT25 262.75 4.5000 25 SD25 239.00 4.2000
MT26 268.50 26 SD26 244.00
MT27 274.25 27 SD27 249.00
MT28 280.00 28 SD28 254.00
MT29 285.75 29 SD29 259.00
MT30 291.50 30 SD30 264.00
MT31 297.00 31 SD31 268.80
MT32 302.50 32 SD32 273.60
MT33 308.00 33 SD33 278.40
MT34 313.50 34 SD34 283.20
MT35 319.00 35 SD35 288.00
MT36 324.50 36 SD36 292.80
MT37 330.00 37 SD37 297.60
MT38 335.50 38 SD38 302.40
MT39 341.00 39 SD39 307.20
MT40 346.50 40 SD40 312.00
MT41 352.00 41 SD41 316.80
MT42 357.50 42 SD42 321.60
MT43 363.00 43 SD43 326.40
MT44 368.50 44 SD44 331.20
MT45 374.00 45 SD45 336.00
MT46 379.50 46 SD46 340.80
MT47 385.00 47 SD47 345.60
MT48 390.50 48 SD48 350.40
MT49 396.00 49 SD49 355.20
MT50 401.50 50 SD50 360.00
MT51 406.50 51 SD51 364.60
MT52 411.50 52 SD52 369.20
MT53 416.50 53 SD53 373.80
MT54 421.50 54 SD54 378.40
MT55 426.50 55 SD55 383.00
MT56 431.50 56 SD56 387.60
MT57 436.50 57 SD57 392.20

MT58 441.50 58 SD58 396.80

MT59 446.50 59 SD59 401.40
MT60 451.50 60 SD60 406.00
MT61 456.50 61 SD61 410.60
MT62 461.50 62 SD62 415.20
MT63 466.50 63 SD63 419.80
MT64 471.50 64 SD64 424.40
MT65 476.50 65 SD65 429.00
MT66 481.50 66 SD66 433.60
MT67 486.50 67 SD67 438.20
MT68 491.50 68 SD68 442.80
MT69 496.50 69 SD69 447.40
MT70 501.50 70 SD70 452.00
MT71 506.50 71 SD71 456.60
MT72 511.50 72 SD72 461.20
MT73 516.50 73 SD73 465.80
MT74 521.50 74 SD74 470.40
MT75 526.50 75 SD75 475.00
MT76 531.50 76 SD76 479.60
MT77 536.50 77 SD77 484.20
MT78 541.50 78 SD78 488.80
MT79 546.50 79 SD79 493.40
MT80 551.50 80 SD80 498.00
MT81 556.25 81 SD81 502.40
MT82 561.00 82 SD82 506.80
MT83 565.75 83 SD83 511.20
MT84 570.50 84 SD84 515.60
MT85 575.25 85 SD85 520.00
MT86 580.00 86 SD86 524.40
MT87 584.75 87 SD87 528.80
MT88 589.50 88 SD88 533.20
MT89 594.25 89 SD89 537.60

MT90 599.00 90 SD90 542.00

MT91 603.75 91 SD91 546.40

MT92 608.50 92 SD92 550.80

MT93 613.25 93 SD93 555.20
MT94 618.00 94 SD94 559.60

MT95 622.75 95 SD95 564.00

MT96 627.50 96 SD96 568.40

MT97 632.25 97 SD97 572.80

MT98 637.00 98 SD98 577.20

MT99 641.75 99 SD99 581.60

MT100 646.50 100 SD100 586.00

MT101 651.00 101 SD101 590.20
MT102 655.50 102 SD102 594.40
MT103 660.00 103 SD103 598.60
MT104 664.50 104 SD104 602.80
MT105 669.00 105 SD105 607.00
MT106 673.50 106 SD106 611.20
MT107 678.00 107 SD107 615.40
MT108 682.50 108 SD108 619.60
MT109 687.00 109 SD109 623.80
MT110 691.50 110 SD110 628.00
MT111 696.00 111 SD111 632.20
MT112 700.50 112 SD112 636.40
MT113 705.00 113 SD113 640.60
MT114 709.50 114 SD114 644.80
MT115 714.00 115 SD115 649.00
MT116 718.50 116 SD116 653.20
MT117 723.00 117 SD117 657.40
MT118 727.50 118 SD118 661.60
MT119 732.00 119 SD119 665.80
MT120 736.50 120 SD120 670.00
MT121 741.00 121 SD121 674.20
MT122 745.50 122 SD122 678.40
MT123 750.00 123 SD123 682.60
MT124 754.50 124 SD124 686.80
MT125 759.00 125 SD125 691.00
MT126 763.50 126 SD126 695.20
MT127 768.00 127 SD127 699.40
MT128 772.50 128 SD128 703.60
MT129 777.00 129 SD129 707.80
MT130 781.50 130 SD130 712.00
MT131 786.00 131 SD131 716.20
MT132 790.50 132 SD132 720.40
MT133 795.00 133 SD133 724.60
MT134 799.50 134 SD134 728.80
MT135 804.00 135 SD135 733.00
MT136 808.50 136 SD136 737.20
MT137 813.00 137 SD137 741.40
MT138 817.50 138 SD138 745.60
MT139 822.00 139 SD139 749.80
MT140 826.50 140 SD140 754.00
MT141 831.00 141 SD141 758.20
MT142 835.50 142 SD142 762.40
MT143 840.00 143 SD143 766.60
MT144 844.50 144 SD144 770.80
MT145 849.00 145 SD145 775.00
MT146 853.50 146 SD146 779.20
MT147 858.00 147 SD147 783.40
MT148 862.50 148 SD148 787.60
MT149 867.00 149 SD149 791.80
MT150 871.50 150 SD150 796.00
MT151 876.00 151 SD151 800.20
MT152 880.50 152 SD152 804.40
MT153 885.00 153 SD153 808.60
MT154 889.50 154 SD154 812.80
MT155 894.00 155 SD155 817.00
MT156 898.50 156 SD156 821.20
MT157 903.00 157 SD157 825.40
MT158 907.50 158 SD158 829.60
MT159 912.00 159 SD159 833.80
MT160 916.50 160 SD160 838.00
MT161 921.00 161 SD161 842.20
MT162 925.50 162 SD162 846.40
MT163 930.00 163 SD163 850.60
MT164 934.50 164 SD164 854.80
MT165 939.00 165 SD165 859.00
MT166 943.50 166 SD166 863.20
MT167 948.00 167 SD167 867.40
MT168 952.50 168 SD168 871.60
MT169 957.00 169 SD169 875.80
MT170 961.50 170 SD170 880.00
MT171 966.00 171 SD171 884.20
MT172 970.50 172 SD172 888.40
MT173 975.00 173 SD173 892.60
MT174 979.50 174 SD174 896.80
MT175 984.00 175 SD175 901.00
MT176 988.50 176 SD176 905.20
MT177 993.00 177 SD177 909.40
MT178 997.50 178 SD178 913.60
MT179 1002.00 179 SD179 917.80
MT180 1006.50 180 SD180 922.00
MT181 1011.00 181 SD181 926.20
MT182 1015.50 182 SD182 930.40
MT183 1020.00 183 SD183 934.60
MT184 1024.50 184 SD184 938.80
MT185 1029.00 185 SD185 943.00
MT186 1033.50 186 SD186 947.20
MT187 1038.00 187 SD187 951.40
MT188 1042.50 188 SD188 955.60
MT189 1047.00 189 SD189 959.80
MT190 1051.50 190 SD190 964.00
MT191 1056.00 191 SD191 968.20
MT192 1060.50 192 SD192 972.40
MT193 1065.00 193 SD193 976.60
MT194 1069.50 194 SD194 980.80
MT195 1074.00 195 SD195 985.00
MT196 1078.50 196 SD196 989.20
MT197 1083.00 197 SD197 993.40
MT198 1087.50 198 SD198 997.60
MT199 1092.00 199 SD199 1001.80
MT200 1096.50 200 SD200 1006.00
MT201 1101.00 201 SD201 1010.20
MT202 1105.50 202 SD202 1014.40
MT203 1110.00 203 SD203 1018.60
MT204 1114.50 204 SD204 1022.80
MT205 1119.00 205 SD205 1027.00
MT206 1123.50 206 SD206 1031.20
MT207 1128.00 207 SD207 1035.40
MT208 1132.50 208 SD208 1039.60
MT209 1137.00 209 SD209 1043.80
MT210 1141.50 210 SD210 1048.00
MT211 1146.00 211 SD211 1052.20
MT212 1150.50 212 SD212 1056.40
MT213 1155.00 213 SD213 1060.60
MT214 1159.50 214 SD214 1064.80
MT215 1164.00 215 SD215 1069.00
MT216 1168.50 216 SD216 1073.20
MT217 1173.00 217 SD217 1077.40
MT218 1177.50 218 SD218 1081.60
MT219 1182.00 219 SD219 1085.80
MT220 1186.50 220 SD220 1090.00
MT221 1191.00 221 SD221 1094.20
MT222 1195.50 222 SD222 1098.40
MT223 1200.00 223 SD223 1102.60
MT224 1204.50 224 SD224 1106.80
MT225 1209.00 225 SD225 1111.00
MT226 1213.50 226 SD226 1115.20
MT227 1218.00 227 SD227 1119.40
MT228 1222.50 228 SD228 1123.60
MT229 1227.00 229 SD229 1127.80
MT230 1231.50 230 SD230 1132.00
MT231 1236.00 231 SD231 1136.20
MT232 1240.50 232 SD232 1140.40
MT233 1245.00 233 SD233 1144.60
MT234 1249.50 234 SD234 1148.80
MT235 1254.00 235 SD235 1153.00
MT236 1258.50 236 SD236 1157.20
MT237 1263.00 237 SD237 1161.40
MT238 1267.50 238 SD238 1165.60
MT239 1272.00 239 SD239 1169.80
MT240 1276.50 240 SD240 1174.00
MT241 1281.00 241 SD241 1178.20
MT242 1285.50 242 SD242 1182.40
MT243 1290.00 243 SD243 1186.60
MT244 1294.50 244 SD244 1190.80
MT245 1299.00 245 SD245 1195.00
MT246 1303.50 246 SD246 1199.20
MT247 1308.00 247 SD247 1203.40
MT248 1312.50 248 SD248 1207.60
MT249 1317.00 249 SD249 1211.80
MT250 1321.50 250 SD250 1216.00
MT251 1326.00 251 SD251 1220.20
MT252 1330.50 252 SD252 1224.40
MT253 1335.00 253 SD253 1228.60
MT254 1339.50 254 SD254 1232.80
MT255 1344.00 255 SD255 1237.00
MT256 1348.50 256 SD256 1241.20
MT257 1353.00 257 SD257 1245.40
MT258 1357.50 258 SD258 1249.60
MT259 1362.00 259 SD259 1253.80
MT260 1366.50 260 SD260 1258.00
MT261 1371.00 261 SD261 1262.20
MT262 1375.50 262 SD262 1266.40
MT263 1380.00 263 SD263 1270.60
MT264 1384.50 264 SD264 1274.80
MT265 1389.00 265 SD265 1279.00
MT266 1393.50 266 SD266 1283.20
MT267 1398.00 267 SD267 1287.40
MT268 1402.50 268 SD268 1291.60
MT269 1407.00 269 SD269 1295.80
MT270 1411.50 270 SD270 1300.00
MT271 1416.00 271 SD271 1304.20
MT272 1420.50 272 SD272 1308.40
MT273 1425.00 273 SD273 1312.60
MT274 1429.50 274 SD274 1316.80
MT275 1434.00 275 SD275 1321.00
MT276 1438.50 276 SD276 1325.20
MT277 1443.00 277 SD277 1329.40
MT278 1447.50 278 SD278 1333.60
MT279 1452.00 279 SD279 1337.80
MT280 1456.50 280 SD280 1342.00
MT281 1461.00 281 SD281 1346.20
MT282 1465.50 282 SD282 1350.40
MT283 1470.00 283 SD283 1354.60
MT284 1474.50 284 SD284 1358.80
MT285 1479.00 285 SD285 1363.00
MT286 1483.50 286 SD286 1367.20
MT287 1488.00 287 SD287 1371.40
MT288 1492.50 288 SD288 1375.60
MT289 1497.00 289 SD289 1379.80
MT290 1501.50 290 SD290 1384.00
MT291 1506.00 291 SD291 1388.20
MT292 1510.50 292 SD292 1392.40
MT293 1515.00 293 SD293 1396.60
MT294 1519.50 294 SD294 1400.80
MT295 1524.00 295 SD295 1405.00
MT296 1528.50 296 SD296 1409.20
MT297 1533.00 297 SD297 1413.40
MT298 1537.50 298 SD298 1417.60
MT299 1542.00 299 SD299 1421.80
MT300 1546.50 300 SD300 1426.00
Name of Work : Widening and Strengthening of existing Single lane road to double lane road connecting Mandal Head Quarters to District Head Quarters



Dismantling of existing structures like Reconst Reconst Reconst Widen Widen Widen Widen Widen Widen Widen Widen Description Qty Unit
culverts , bridges, retaining walls and other 32 No's 15 No's 5 No's 4 No's 7 No's 1 No's 6 No's 1 No's 2 No's 1No's 1No's
1 structures comprising2 of masonry, cement, 1V x 1.0m 2V x 1.0m 3VX1.0m 1V x 1.0m 1V x 0.90m 2V x 1.0m 2V x 0.90m 3VX1.0m 3V x 0.90m 6VX1.0m 11VX0.75m
concrete, wood work , steel work,
including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1 333.00 166.00 69.00 68.00 115.00 17.00 91.00 37.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 1016.00 Cum
necessary sorting the dismantled material,
1 Parapet wallsmaterials and
disposal of unserviceable
1 Body walls
stacking the materials with all lifts and
lead of 1000
Deduct of m ( Byportion
pipes Mechanical
in headmeans
Walls in
Rubble Masonry in Cement Mortar)
1a Dismantlimg Of Pipes
300 Dia
450 Dia 0.00 Rm
600 Dia 275.20 270.00 135.00 680.20 Rm
750 Dia 0.00 0.00
900 Dia 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
removal of stumps and other 1000 Dia
deleterious 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 matter, dressing sides of bottom, back 951.00 902.00 414.00 87.00 139.00 35.00 193.00 45.00 83.00 75.00 98.00 3022.00 Cum
2 filling the excavation earth to the extent
Body Walls
2 Pipes
levelling course etc. including centering all
3 complete as per drawing and Technical 161.00 122.00 57.00 12.00 20.00 4.50 24.00 6.00 11.00 9.50 13.00 440.00 Cum
VCCSection Section 1500 &
3 Head Walls Levelling course
3 Pipes Levelling course

materials to site and all labour charges

5 732.00 438.00 176.00 92.00 147.00 30.00 164.00 36.00 66.00 53.00 68.00 2002.00 Cum
,centering, machine mixing, laying in
PCC M 20 Grade
For Head Walls
Below Sill
5 Sill to Road Level
5 Parapet walls
5 Pipe Deduction
1000mm dia. R.C.C Hume pipes in
6 position including lifting, aligning, 400.00 375.00 187.50 20.00 35.00 10.00 60.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 55.00 1217.50 Rm
6 lowering and hoisting
Pipe Cost & Layingetc., as per
1000 mmdrawing
900 DIA
750 DIA

Filter media (150 mm thick) underneath

pitching in slopes and flat surfaces
7 22.048 10.335 3.445 2.756 4.823 0.689 4.134 0.689 1.378 0.689 0.689 51.68 Cum
complete as per drawing & Technical
Specification Clause 2504

Providing and laying stone pitching on

sloped surfaces (300 mm thick) for earth
8 protection complete (for Quadrants) as per 44.096 20.67 6.89 5.512 9.646 1.378 8.268 1.378 2.756 1.378 1.378 103.35 Cum
drawings and Technical Specification
Clause 2504

Providing and laying Dry Boulder apron

9 complete as per Drawings and Technical 259.2 121.5 40.50 32.40 56.70 8.1 48.60 8.1 16.20 8.1 8.1 607.50 Cum
Specifications Clause 2503

11 first class bedding with Granular material 279.36 130.95 43.65 34.92 61.11 8.73 52.38 8.73 17.46 8.73 8.73 654.75 Cum
5.01 Earthwork in excavation of foundation for structures,
including all lifts and leads complete as per drawing and
Technical Specification Clause 304 and 2903 Cun 122.62

5.02 Providing Plain Cement Concrete for levelling course

etc. including centering all complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications Section Section 1500 & 1700

PCC M 1:3:6 Cu.m 11.87

5.04 Providing and laying of Filter media of Stone aggregate
conforming to Technical Specifications Clause 2504.2.2
behind abutment, wing wall, retaining wall and return
walls, complete as per drawing and Technical Cum 42.24
Specifications Clause 305 & 2504.

5.06 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced cement concrete

for foundation complete as per drawing and Technical
Specification Section 1500, 1700, 2100 & 2200 78.24

RCC M-25 (Box) Cum 27.26

RCC M-25 (Retainng Wall) Cum 16.8
5.06 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced cement concrete
for substructure complete as per drawing and Technical
Specification Section 1500, 1700, 2100 & 2200

RCC M-25 (Box) Cum 15.7

RCC M-25 (Retainng Wall) Cum 18.48
5.07 Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete in
superstructure excluding cost steel complete as per
drawing and Technical Specification Section 1500, Cum 18.96
1700, 2100 & 2300

Providing TMT Reinforcement bar for the Structure

complete as per drawing and Technical Specification MT 11.00

5.09 Providing weep holes in abutments, wing walls and

return walls complete as per drawing and Technical RM 54
Specification clause 2706.
5.1 VRCC M 30 Grade with wearing coat Cum 3.6
5.12 Plain Cement Concrete (1:3:6) for levelling course
below approach slabs complete as per drawings and Cum 6.3
Technical Specification Section clause 2704
5.13 Providing Reinforced Cement Concrete in approach
slabs including reinforcement complete as per drawings
and Technical Specification Sections 1500,1600 1700
and 2700
RCC M25 grade Cum 19.74
5.14 Filter MATERIAL (150 mm thick) underneath pitching
in slopes and flat surfaces complete as per drawing & Cum 11.76
Technical Specification Clause 2504
5.15 Providing and laying stone pitching on sloped surfaces
(300 mm thick) for earth protection complete (for
Quadrants) as per drawings and Technical Specification Cum 23.52
Clause 2504

5.16(a) Providing and laying 300mm thick concrete (M15)

including 150mm thick flat stone apron embedded
Cum 4.77
in complete as per drawing ans as directed by the
5.21 Crash barrier(M-20) Lm 9.48
Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of chandrampet to marrimadla from km 0/0-27/5 &28/0-


Sl.No Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks

1 Earth wotk excavation for Structure Cu.m 1103.580

2 P.C.C M-1:3:6 Cu.m 61.335

3 P.C.C M-20 Cu.m 1032.148

4 R.C.C M-25 Cu.m 128.958

5 TMT Steel for reinforcement M.T 10.317

6 Filter media behind walls Cu.m 111.132

7 Filter material under stone pitching Cu.m 110.177

8 Stone pitching Cu.m 265.330

9 Weep Holes Nos 186.000

10 12.7 mm thick Mastic Asphalt Sq.m 44.390


Type of CD Clear width Length of

S No Location Ventway/Span (m) Include Proposal Type of Structure Size Remarks
work parapet wall

1 0/000 Not Visible Not Visible 10.6 2m ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia

2 0/800 Slab Culvert 1vx0.9x0.4 7.4 2.4 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia VILLAGE DRAINAGE

3 1/030 Slab Culvert 1vx0.9x0.4 7.7 3.5 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia VILLAGE DRAINAGE

4 1/100 HP 2vx0.6dia 12.4 2.4 ReConstruction HP NP4 2 X1000 mm dia

5 1/250 HP 1vx0.9dia 10.6 5 widening HP NP4 1 X900 mm dia

6 1/550 HP 1vx0.9dia 7.7 3.6 widening HP NP4 1 X900 mm dia

7 1/750 HP 1vxo.9dia 8.5 3.7 widening HP NP4 1 X900 mm dia

8 2/050 Slab Culvert 2vx2.8X1.4 7.6 5.5 widening RCC SLAB 2x3x2

9 2/300 HP 5vx0.9dia 8.4 9.4 Retained

10 2/320 HP 1vx0.9dia 8.2 4 widening HP NP4 1 X900 mm dia

11 2/790 HP 2vx0.6dia 8.2 4.4 ReConstruction HP NP4 2 X1000 mm dia

12 3/520 HP 1vx0.6dia 8.2 4.4 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia

13 5/890 Slab Culvert 3vx3.0x1.7 8.5 19.5 widening rcc slab 3x3x2

14 6/600 HP 1vx0.6dia 10.7 6 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia

15 6/800 HP 2vx0.6dia 10 6 ReConstruction HP NP4 2 X1000 mm dia

16 9/150 HP 1vx0.9dia 5.6 3.8 widening HP NP4 1 X900 mm dia

17 9/410 HP 2vx0.9dia 8.2 7.1 widening HP NP4 2 X900 mm dia

18 10/290 HP 4vx0.75dia 8.3 12.4 ReConstruction HP NP4 3 X1000 mm dia

19 10/910 HP 1vx0.6dia 7.5 4 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia

20 11/700 HP 2vx0.6dia 8.2 4.6 ReConstruction HP NP4 2 X1000 mm dia

21 12/100 HP 1vx0.6dia 8.4 3.8 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia

22 12/400 cs 1vx1x0.8 7.5 3 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia

23 12/800 HP 1vx0.9dia 8.2 4 widening HP NP4 1 X900 mm dia

24 13/600 HP 2vx0.6dia 10.8 4.4 ReConstruction HP NP4 2 X1000 mm dia

Clear width
S No Location Type of CD Ventway/Span (m) Length of Proposal Type of Structure Size Remarks
work Include parapet wall

25 13/750 HP 2vx0.6dia 8.1 4.8 ReConstruction HP NP4 2 X1000 mm dia

26 13/880 RCCSlab Culvert 2vx2x1.5 7.6 6.2 widening RCC SLAB 2x2x2

27 14/150 HP 3vx1.0dia 8.3 7 widening HP NP4 3 X1000 mm dia

28 14/330 HP 1vx0.9dia 8.3 5 widening HP NP4 1 X900 mm dia

29 14/350 Slab Culvert 1vx1x1 8.3 3 widening SLAB 1x2x2

30 14/500 HP 2vx0.6dia 8 4.7 ReConstruction HP NP4 2 X1000 mm dia

31 14/800 HP 3vx0.9dia 8.3 7 widening HP NP4 3 X900 mm dia

32 14/890 HP 2vx0.9dia 8.3 7 widening HP NP4 2 X900 mm dia

33 14/910 Slab Culvert 1vx2x1.5 7.6 5.5 widening SLAB 1X2X1.5

34 15/260 HP 1vX0.45Dia 7.6 3.4 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia

35 16/335 Cause Way Over flow 7.5 60 MJB REQUIRED
36 16/905 Slab Culvert 1vX2.5X2.4m 7.6 7.3 widening RCC SLAB 1X2.5X2.5
37 17/700 HP 1vX0.45Dia 15.4 2.1 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia
38 18/525 HP 1vX0.45Dia 7.65 4 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia
39 18/555 HP 1vX0.45Dia 7.4 4 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia
40 18/675 HP 1vX0.45Dia 7.7 3.7 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia
41 18/842 HP 1vX0.45Dia 10.1 4 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia
42 19/008 HP 1vX0.45Dia 10.1 3.9 ReConstruction HP NP4 1 X1000 mm dia
43 19/320 Skew HP 3vX0.45Dia 14.3 3.9 ReConstruction HP NP4 2 X1000 mm dia
44 19/342 HP 6vX1Dia 7.6 15.5 widening HPNP4 6X1000
45 19/375 HP Not visible 12.4 4 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
46 19/405 HP Not visible 10 3 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
47 19/637 HP 1vX0.6Dia 7.75 6 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
48 19/895 HP 1vX1Dia 7.6 5.7 widening HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
6vX0.75Dia &
20/140 Cause Way 7.3 53.5
50 20/485 HP 2vX1.0Dia 7.8 7 widening HPNP4 2 X1000 mm dia
51 20/665 HP 1vX0.6Dia 7.5 3.7 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
52 20/850 HP 1vX0.6Dia 10 2.7 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
53 20/960 Not Visible Not Visible 7 4 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
54 21/065 HP 1vX1.2Dia 10.3 5 Retained
55 21/369 HP 2vX0.3Dia 7.4 6 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
Clear width
S No Location Type of CD Ventway/Span (m) Length of Proposal Type of Structure Size Remarks
work Include parapet wall

56 21/972 HP 2vX0.6Dia 9.8 4.9 Reconstruction HPNP4 2 X1000 mm dia

57 22/230 HP 2vX0.6Dia 7.6 4.7 Reconstruction HPNP4 2 X1000 mm dia
58 22/480 RCC SLAB 2vX2.6X1m 7.4 9.7 widening RCC SLAB 2X3X2
59 22/610 RCCSlab 1vX2.0X0.9m 7.5 6.8 widening RCC SLAB 1X2X2
60 22/655 HP 2vX0.6Dia 7.5 4.5 Reconstruction HPNP4 2 X1000 mm dia
61 23/375 Skew HP 2vX0.6Dia 7.25 5.6 Reconstruction HPNP4 2 X1000 mm dia
62 23/681 HP 4vX0.75Dia 7.35 6.6 Reconstruction HPNP4 3x1000 mm dia
63 23/768 HP 1vX0.6Dia 7.65 3.8 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
64 23/925 HP 1vX0.45Dia 7.6 3.6 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
65 24/060 HP 1vX0.45Dia 7.4 2.8 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
66 24/190 HP 11vX0.75Dia 7.5 16 widening HPNP4 11x0.75
67 24/635 HP 1vX1Dia 7.39 5 widening HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
68 25/230 HP 1vX0.45Dia 9.95 5 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
69 25/320 HP 1vX1Dia 7.3 9.8 widening HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
70 25/365 HP Slab Submerged 7.6 3.45 RECONSTRUCTION HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
71 25/742 HP 1vX0.6Dia 10.3 5 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
72 26/815 Bridge 7v of 70 M 4.25 85.5 MJB TO BE WIDENED
73 27/100 HP 1vX0.45Dia 7.6 4.5 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
74 27/190 Skew HP 1vX1Dia 9.6 5 widening HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
75 27/200 HP 2vX0.9Dia 5 4 widening HPNP4 2 X900 mm dia
76 28/150 HP 1vX0.45Dia 7.4 5.2 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
77 28/320 HP 3vx0.9dia 7.4 9 widening HPNP4 3 X900 mm dia
78 28/600 HP 2vx0.6dia 7.4 9.4 Reconstruction HPNP4 2 X1000 mm dia
79 28/630 HP 3vX0.6Dia 7.4 6.5 Reconstruction HPNP4 3x1000 mm dia
80 28/830 HP 2vx0.9dia 7.4 4.8 widening HPNP4 2 X900 mm dia
81 29/000 HP 1vX0.6Dia 6.4 6.47 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
82 29/300 HP 2vX0.6Dia 7.1 6 Reconstruction HPNP4 2 X1000 mm dia
83 29/970 HP 3vX0.6Dia 6.3 10.6 Reconstruction HPNP4 3x1000 mm dia
84 30/300 HP 4vX0.6Dia 6.3 10.6 Reconstruction HPNP4 3x1000 mm dia
85 31/600 HP 2vX0.9Dia 9 5.9 widening HPNP4 2 X900 mm dia
86 31/910 HP 1vX0.6Dia 9.1 5.3 Reconstruction HPNP4 1 X1000 mm dia
87 32/000 Causeway 4VX0.75Dia 7.5 13.1 Reconstruction BOX 2X2X2
88 32/050 HP 2vX0.9Dia 9.1 5.3 widening HPNP4 2 X900 mm dia
89 32/515 HP 2vx0.6dia 9.1 6 RECOSTRUCTION HPNP4 2 X1000 mm dia

"Widening of existing Single lane /Intermediate lane to Double lane for the road (1)
pwd(Chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konaraopet Mandal. Km.0/0 to 27/5 ,
(2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from km.28/0 to 32/6" in karimnagar district



Rs 3550 Lakhs

Chaitanya Projects Consultancy.Pvt.Ltd


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