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Implementation Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide for SAP NetWeaver

(and all NetWeaver based SAP applications)
on SimpliVity OmniStack

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Implementation Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Audience.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3

About SimpliVity OmniStack............................................................................................................................................... 3

SimpliVity OmniStack Setup...................................................................................................................................................... 3

Software Components............................................................................................................................................................... 3

Virtual Machine Planning............................................................................................................................................................ 3

VM Sizing............................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Define VM disk layout.......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Deployment and Provisioning.................................................................................................................................................... 4

Create virtual machine......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Installation of SLES 4 SAP.........................................................................................................................................................11


Linux OS Post-Installation tasks............................................................................................................................................... 15

Network interfaces and hostname resolution................................................................................................................... 15

SWAP space....................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Disks, partitions and mount points.................................................................................................................................... 16

Provide SAP installation media and documentation......................................................................................................... 17

Start SAP software installation........................................................................................................................................... 18

NetWeaver 7.5 with Sybase ASE 16................................................................................................................................... 19

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Introduction SimpliVity OmniStack Setup

The following installation documentation provides From a SimpliVity deployment perspective every-
information about all required steps to setup a SAP thing remains the same. Follow the regular proce-
NetWeaver based system on SimpliVity OmniStack. The dure to deploy the OmniStack systems. Please refer
example shown is based on SUSE Linux OS (SLES4SAP to the SimpliVity Deployment Guide if not engaged
Edition) and SAP’s Sybase ASE database together with through SimpliVity professional services.
SAP NetWeaver 7.5
Software Components
Component Version
The target audience is technical engineers responsible for
SAP landscape design and installations. VMware vSphere 6.0
A user account for SAP’s support portal will be required to
view the hyperlinks to SAP’s support portal. SAP NetWeaver 7.5 7.5
Sybase ASE 16
About SimpliVity OmniStack
SimpliVity provides the industry’s most complete hyper- Virtual Machine Planning
converged solution. Only SimpliVity goes beyond basic The following section provides details around Virtual
compute, storage, and networking to converge all IT Machine sizing and configuration that should be planned
infrastructure and advanced data services, including data for before actual deployment.
efficiency, data protection, and mobility, for virtualized
workloads onto x86 servers. VM Sizing
SimpliVity’s foundational technology is the OmniStack The size of the VM(s) for your SAP landscape is impor-
Data Virtualization Platform, designed from the ground up tant for the system’s performance and you can adapt the
for virtualized workloads. The OmniStack Data Virtualiza- resources of each VM.
tion Platform provides three key benefits to end-users:
In general, for SAP systems, we recommend a maximum
1. Guaranteed Data Efficiency: Only SimpliVity dedu- size of 128GB memory per VM. If you need more resources,
plicates, compresses, and optimizes all data at incep- you should consider adding additional application servers
tion globally, eliminating unnecessary data processing, to your SAP system in separate VMs.
improving application performance, with guaranteed
90% capacity savings across storage and backup. Sizing requires an iterative process to adjust the resources
– but you can start with our example sizing in list below.
2. Built-in Resiliency, Backup, and Disaster Recovery: Only
SimpliVity delivers built-in backup and bandwidth-effi- Useful information from VMware and SAP:
cient replication that eliminates the use of legacy data
protection solutions and restores data in seconds. vmware/en/pdf/solutions/sap/sap-solutions-on-vmware-
3. Global VM-Centric Management and Mobility: Only
SimpliVity delivers policy-based, VM-centric manage-
ment abstracted from the underlying hardware that sap-on-vmware-best-practices.pdf
simplifies day-to-day operations and enables seamless
data mobility to make development teams and end-
users more productive. (SAP Notes related to VMware)

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Example sizing:

Application type Operational stack Parallel users Memory vCPU Comment

SAP ERP ABAP CI + MaxDB 120 32GB 8 Linux OS; 8GB Cache for DB;
~20GB for SAP caches
SAP Solution Manager ABAP CI, Java CI + 10 24GB 8 For basic SolMan usage.
Sybase ASE
SAP Solution Manager ABAP CI, Java CI + 25 40GB 8 With using CharM, Monitoring,
Sybase ASE Project documentation etc.
SAP CRM ABAP CI + Sybase 40 24GB 4 Linux OS; 6GB Cache for DB; 12GB
ASE for SAP caches
SAP Enterprise Portal Java CI + MaxDB 120 24GB 8 i.E. Employe-Self-Services
Linux OS; 4GB Cache for DB; 16GB
for SAP Java instance

Define VM disk layout

Find detailed information in VMware’s document:

A crucial point is to use multiple paravirtual SCSI adapters to connect the virtual disks. This improves system performance,
especially for the disks for database files and transaction logs.

This is provided in the section “Create virtual machine”.

The following list can be used as an example:

Type Virtual Device Virtual SCS Size Mountpoints / Partitions

OS, SAP + ASE binaries 0:0 LSI logic 120GB /
(1 Partition)
ASE data 1:0 Paravirtual 100GB /sybase/SID/sapdata
(2 Partitions)
ASE log 2:0 Paravirtual 15GB /sybase/SID/saplog
ASE archivelog 0:1 LSI logic 150GB /sybase/SID/saparch

Deployment and Provisioning

This section provides deployment and provisioning details for creating a Virtual Machine to run SAP NetWeaver along
with a Sybase ASE database.

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Create virtual machine

1. Select one of your datacenters and click the button for ‘add VM’.

2. Select ‘Create a new virtual machine‘

3. Enter a name for the VM – the planned hostname for example.

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4. Select a cluster or a host where to place the VM.

5. Select an OmniStack datastore.

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6. Select ‘ESXi 6.0 and later’ if you are on ESXi 6.0

7. Select an Operating System and version.

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8. Configure and Memory according to your requirements and configure your first Hard disk. This disk is recommended
to be used for OS and binaries on SCSI port 0:0 – see example list in section “Define VM disk layout”.

9. Add a SCSI controller “VMware Paravirtual”

10. Add another hard disk and set the new SCSI controller (1:0) for it.

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11. Continue with adding SCSI controllers and hard disk. Use the list from section “Create VM disk layout”.


12. Enter a size for the new hard disk

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13. This is an example summary – click ‘Finish’ when done.

Example Summary (continued)

14. The VM is ready to be used.

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Installation of SLES 4 SAP 5. Select ‘Installation’ and confirm license agreement.

This section provides a detailed, screenshot-based

information on how to install “SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server for SAP Applications” on the VM created in the
previous section.

It is recommended to use a SAP specific versions of Linux.

These versions are available from SUSE and Red Hat.

Find detailed information here:

1. SAP on VMware vSphere

2. SAP Note SLES Install notes

1. Download installation media and upload it to 6. Confirm the license agreement
your datastore.

2. Connect the .iso file of DVD-1 to your VM

3. Power On the VM

7. Configure network settings and click Next

4. Open the console window for your VM, you should see
the selection screen.

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8. Configure Hostname setting and click Next

9. Enter registration information or skip this step to register the installation later.

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10. Select Product Installation Mode

11. Choose the correct hard disk for OS installation – see section “Create VM disk layout”

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IMPORTANT STEP: 12. For SLES4SAP no additional software is required. For

other versions, please check recent SAP installation notes.
Recommended file system for root partition is Ext4.

Swap space is recommended to be configured with 20GB.

This is not possible with the installer – therefore we delete
the swap partition from the suggested configuration and
configure a swap file later.

13. Set your time zone.

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14. Adjust installation settings according to your Linux OS Post-Installation tasks

In order to configure your linux OS according to all require-
Example: SSH ‘on’, firewall ‘disabled’, Kdump ‘disabled’
ments, we need to make a few configurations changes. The
and default systemd target ‘Graphical mode’
“4 SAP” versions of the Linux distributions SUSE and Red
Select ‘Install’ when done and wait for installation Hat have already preconfigured a lot of parameters etc.
process to finish – OS boot at the end should happen
automatically. The most important configuration objects are now net-
work, swap and disks.

Network interfaces and hostname resolution

Configure a network card, if not yet done. Or add addi-
tional NICs if required.

To install SAP, we need at least one configured NIC with a

Mac Address and an IP address.

Recommendation: add your hostname incl. full qualified

address to the /etc/hosts file as well – just to be sure you
don’t have DNS issues.

15. You can now log on via SSH and continue with the
mandatory post-installation tasks to configure the

SWAP space
During the installation process, we skipped the configura-
tion of a swap partition.

Instead of using a dedicated disk or partition, we use a

swap file placed on our root device.

Find information from SAP in following SAP note

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1. Create an and add your swapfile with the following commands

saphost:~ # mkdir /swap

saphost:~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap/swap-0001 bs=1M count=20480
20480+0 records in
20480+0 records out
21474836480 bytes (21 GB) copied, 25.6691 s, 837 MB/s
saphost:~ # mkswap /swap/swap-0001
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 20971516 KiB
no label, UUID=acc7c455-de9d-48b1-a415-54cd67dfb664
saphost:~ # swapon /swap/swap-0001
swapon: /swap/swap-0001: insecure permissions 0644, 0600 suggested.
saphost:~ # chmod 0600 /swap/swap-0001
saphost:~ # swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/swap/swap-0001 file 20971516 0 -1

2. Add your swapfile to the /etc/fstab using vi or similar

saphost:~ # cat /etc/fstab | grep swap

/swap/swap-0001 none swap sw 0 0

3. Reboot and check if swapfile is still configured

saphost:~ # swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/swap/swap-0001 file 20971516 0 -1

Disks, partitions and mount points

During OS setup process, we only configured the disk containing our root partition (incl. our swap file).

Now we have to create new partitions on our other hard disks, format them with file systems and mount the partitions to
our system – see again the table in section “Define VM file system layout”.

fdisk /dev/sda
create 2 new partitions 70 + 30 GB
fdisk /dev/sdb
create 1 new partition
fdisk /dev/sdd
create 1 new partition

mkfs.xfs /dev/sda1
mkfs.xfs /dev/sda2
mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb1
mkfs.xfs /dev/sdd1
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vi /etc/fstab
/dev/sda1 /sybase/SVT/sapdata xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/sda2 /sybase/SVT/saptemp xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/sdb1 /sybase/SVT/saplog xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/sdd1 /sybase/saparch xfs defaults 0 0

mkdir -p /sybase/SVT/sapdata /sybase/SVT/saptemp /sybase/SVT/saplog /sybase/saparch

mount -a

saphost:~ # df -hP
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1 117G 24G 92G 21% /
devtmpfs 7.9G 0 7.9G 0% /dev
tmpfs 27G 0 27G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 7.9G 9.7M 7.9G 1% /run
tmpfs 7.9G 0 7.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 70G 33M 70G 1% /sybase/SVT/sapdata
/dev/sda2 30G 33M 30G 1% /sybase/SVT/saptemp
/dev/sdb1 10G 33M 10G 1% /sybase/SVT/saplog
/dev/sdd1 150G 33M 150G 1% /sybase/saparch
saphost:~ #

Provide SAP installation media and documentation

Read the most recent version of installation guides for your SAP software product and determine the required installation
media. You will require login credentials and download authorization in SAP’s support portal.

Typically, you will need at least following types of install media:

- Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM) in most recent version

- SAP Kernel

- SAP Kernel Patch


- RDBMS Client

- Installation export for your software product

- SAPCAR binary for your platform, to extract the SAR-archives

Download everything and provide it on the server. Using CIFS mounts for accessing installation media is NOT recom-

After uploading to the server, you have to unpack all ZIP and SAR archives.

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Start SAP software installation

For single installations, we recommend using SWPM in graphical mode.

You can start SWPM from the graphical mode of your Linux distro – or you start a VNC-server and connect, or use any
other method which gives you X-Window output.

Following information should be prepared before you start:

1. SAP system ID (SID)

2. SAP instance numbers for ASCS and PAS instances

3. Full qualified hostname

4. Linux UID of <sid>adm user

5. Linux GUI of group sapsys

6. Linux UID of syb<sid> user for Sybase (different for other DBs)

7. Linux UID of sapadm user

8. Passwords for all users

9. SLD connection information (if SLD available)

The UIDs and GIDs can also be auto-chosen by the installer, if you don’t have any preference. If users are already created,
the password and the UIDs are not changed. Only the group assignment is updated if necessary.

The following screenshots show a sample installation on our previously created VM ‘saphost’. We install NetWeaver 7.5
with instance number 00 (PAS) and 01 (ASCS) with Sybase ASE 16 as a central installation (SAP instances and DB on same
host) using the SWPM tool.

Notice the assignment of the mounted filesystems we defined in the section “Define VM disk layout”.

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NetWeaver 7.5 with Sybase ASE 16

1. Select the Options to execute.

2. Select the options to execute (contd.).

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3. Configure the Parameter settings

4. Enter the SAP system ID

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5. Provide the DNS Domain Name

6. Provide a Master Password

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7. Enter the account parameters

8. Enter Operating System User attributes

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9. Provide path to the software packages

10. Enter the System Administrator Password

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11. Enter database system configuration parameters

12. Enter additional parameters for the database system (contd.)

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13. Enter configuration parameters for the database system (contd.)

14. Enter additional parameters for the database system (contd.)

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15. Enter configuration parameters for the database system (contd.)

16. Enter configuration parameters for the database system (contd.)

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17. Enter the password for the database user

18. Configure Declustering and Depooling Options

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19. Enter general load parameters for Database import

20. Enter parameters for PAS and ABAP central services instance

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21. Configure the ABAP Message Server Ports

22. Configure the web administrator password

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23. Enter SLD (System Landscape Directory) destination

24. Provide ACL configuration information

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25. Provide secure storage key generation

26. Select archives to unpack

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27. Validate the Summary provided

28. Validate the Summary provided (contd.)

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29. Validate the Summary provided (contd.)

30. Validate the Summary provided (contd.)

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31. Validate the Summary provided (contd.)

32. Validate the Summary provided (contd.)

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33. After Validation, review the status of the provisioning until completion.

For more information, visit:
® 2016, SimpliVity. All rights reserved. Information described herein is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice. SimpliVity, the SimpliVity logo,
OmniCube, OmniStack, and Data Virtualization Platform are trademarks or registered trademarks of SimpliVity Corporation in the United States and certain other countries. All
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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