Samr Ladder

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Climbing the SAMR Ladder

Art Education Standards

Strand Standard Code Benchmark

1. Artistic 1. Demonstrate Analyze how the

foundations knowledge of the elements of visual
foundations of the arts including
arts area. color,line, shape,
value, form, texture
and space are used
in the creation of,
presentation of, pr
response to visual

S​ubstitution Instead of the students responding on a worksheet they will

type a response on their art blog that they will be ​creating​.
Thinking critically​ about the community based art work that
was chosen.

A​ugmentation After the students respond to the artwork on ​their blog​ they will
communicate​ the response with me, the other students, and
whomever they choose by sharing a URL link. Showing their
thoughts and ideas about the project presented to them.

Instead of typing a response they can choose to do a video,

M​odification audio, presentation, show the actual art and talk about it ect to
go on their ​blog​. To gain better insight to their explanation and
thoughts about the work through multiple forms of
communication​. Getting feedback to continue on their work
and change based on their ​thinking.

R​edfinition After reviewing the work we will have the artist come in or have
a video call with them so the students can physically talk to the
artist about the work, ​communicating verbally​. They will then
collaborate​ with the artist to make individual works by thinking
critically and using their own​ creativity​. After that they will then
all ​collaborate ​together to make one group project made out of
the individual ones. Once again​ communicating​ with the artist
when done.

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