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Written Works 25%

Performance Tasks 45%
QuarterlyAssessment 30%
For Quarter 3:

Written Works:
Revised Chapter 1
Revised Chapter 2
Revised Chapter 3
Revised Questionnaire

Performance Tasks:
Group Participation in the Research Process as graded by each member
of the group – Peer Evaluation (40pts)
Attendance (40pts)

Quarterly Assessment
Draft of Chapter 4 (75pts)
Revised Chapter 4 (75pts)

For Quarter 4

Written Works:
Draft of Chapter 5

Performance Tasks
Group Participation in the Research Process as graded by each member
of the group – Peer Evaluation (40pts)
Attendance (40pts)
Oral Defense (100pts)

Quarterly Assessment
Revised Chapter 5 (75pts)
Final Paper for Defense (75pts)

Note: RUBRIC for grading the different parts of the Research Paper can be seen in
our Practical Research 2 book
See the Rubric for the Final Paper and the Rubric for the Oral Defense on the
next page.

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