Vocabulary For Test 3

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SENSE A faculty by which ‘This means that it Čulo
the body perceives has strong senses of
an external smell and hearing.’
stimulus; one of the
faculties of sight,
smell, hearing, taste,
and touch.
TO OBSERVE Notice or perceive ‘she observed that Promatrati
(something) and all the chairs were
register it as being already occupied’
INSLUT Speak to or treat ‘you're insulting the Uvrijediti
with disrespect or woman I love’
scornful abuse.
MADNESS The state of having ‘in his madness he Ludilo
a serious mental destroyed the work
illness. of years’
THE LOCK A mechanism for ‘the key turned Ključanica
keeping a door, firmly in the lock’
window, lid, or
container fastened,
typically operated
by a key.
LANTERN A lamp with a It was so dark in the Fenjer
transparent case cave, we had to use
protecting the flame the lantern.
or electric bulb, and
typically having a
handle by which it
may be carried or
TO INTERFERE Intervene in a ‘He assured them he Uplitati se
situation without would not interfere
invitation or in their affairs.’
Syn. meddling
RAY Each of the lines in ‘a ray of sunlight Zraka
which light may came through the
seem to stream from window’
the sun or pass
through a small
VULTURE A large bird of prey ‘All condors belong Lešinar
with the head and to the same order as
neck more or less the vulture.’
bare of feathers,
feeding chiefly on
carrion and reputed
to gather with others
in anticipation of
the death of a sick
or injured animal or
VULTURE EYE Thus, they are ever- His evil vulture eye Lešinarovo oko
present and diligent.
They see
everything. The eye
in this story
symbolizes that sort
of penetration.
CRACK A narrow space ‘the door opened a Pukotina
between two tiny crack’
surfaces which have
broken or been
moved apart.
FLOORBOARDS a long plank making We have the new Daske
up part of a wooden floorborads in the
floor in a building. guest room made of
drak wood.
A MAIDEN An unmarried girl ‘two knights fought Djeva
or young woman. to win the hand of a
fair maiden’
SERAPH ANGLE ‘It was a lavish Anđeo
manor, decorated
with cherubs and
armour and other
trophies were often
displayed above
TO ENVY A feeling of ‘she felt a twinge of zavist
discontented or envy for the people
resentful longing on board’
aroused by someone
else's possessions,
qualities, or luck.
DISSEVER Divide or sever ‘There were a lot of Dijeliti
(something) the fun things to be
Cut off
SOUL The spiritual or ‘The spiritual life of Duša
immaterial part of a the soul with God is
human being or wounded, often
animal, regarded as mortally.’
NIGHT-TIDE A tide of the sea Plima
occurring at night.
TISSUE Any of the distinct ‘the organs and Tkivo
types of material of tissues of the body’
which animals or
plants are made,
AN EXACT REPLICA An exact copy or ‘a replica of the Replika,kopija
OF SB/STH model of something, Empire State
especially one on a Building’
smaller scale.
DISGRACED Loss of reputation ‘he left the army in sramota
or respect as the disgrace’
result of a
A STEM CELL An undifferentiated ‘However, the blood Matična stanica
cell of a cells are actually
multicellular from a different
organism which is origin than the
capable of giving mesenchymal stem
rise to indefinitely cell.’
more cells of the
same type, and from
which certain other
kinds of cell arise
by differentiation.
AN AFGHAN HOUND A tall hunting dog
of a breed with long
silky hair.

A BREED (of animals) mate ‘The tiger breeds Pasmina, rasa

and then produce very easily, even in
offspring. captivity.’
TO SNIFF OUT Discover something ‘The dog had Opaziti, nanjušiti
by investigation. actually sniffed it
out from under some
TO ACHIEVE The state of being ‘the song has gained Zloglasnost
NOTORIETY famous or well some notoriety in
known for some bad the press’
quality or deed. Bad
WELL-PUBLICISED to make information The event was well Reklamirano
about something publicized all over
generally available: town.
A BREAKTHROUGH 1.1 An instance of ‘the band's Prodor
IN STH achieving success in breakthrough
a particular sphere album’
or activity.
COLD STORAGE The keeping of
something in a
refrigerator or other
cold place for
INEVIATABLE Certain to happen; ‘war was inevitable’
A FABLE A short story, ‘It's an odd but Basna
typically with satisfying little fable
animals as about loss and
characters, loneliness.’
conveying a moral.
A MORAL Concerned with the ‘a moral judgement’
principles of right
and wrong

TO DESPISE Feel contempt or a ‘he despised himself Prezirati

deep repugnance
for. for being selfish’
TO WANDER Walk or move in a ‘I wandered through
leisurely or aimless the narrow streets’
TO COME ACROSS Meet or find by ‘I came across these
chance. old photos recently’
A LAMB A young sheep. ‘A baby lamb born
weighing less than a
bag of sugar has
defied all the odds.’
A SHEPHERD A person who tends ‘Abel was a
and rears sheep. shepherd and
brought a sheep, the
best of his flock.’
VIGILANT Keeping careful ‘the burglar was
watch for possible spotted by vigilant
danger or neighbours’
FLEECE The woolly ‘Then keep sheep vuna
covering of a sheep out of all streams, or
or goat. wetland until their
fleece is dry.’
CUNNING Having or showing ‘a cunning look Lukavost
skill in achieving came into his eyes’
one's ends by deceit
or evasion.
TO STROLL Walk in a leisurely ‘I strolled around
way. the city’
TO GRAZE Scrape and break ‘she fell down and Pasti
the surface of the grazed her knees’
skin of (a part of the

TO POUNCE ON spring forward ‘the gang pounced

suddenly so as to on him and knocked
attack or seize him to the ground’
someone or
TO SLAUGHTER Kill (animals) for
AN ASS An animal of the ‘In captivity, Asian
horse family, which wild asses have
is typically smaller lived for 26 years.’
than a horse and has
longer ears and a
braying call.
GOSSPIY Characterized by ‘Nina rang for a nice
casual conversation long gossipy chat’
or reports about
other people.
A BARBER A person who cuts ‘he had his hair cut
men's hair and at the local barber's’
shaves or trims
beards as an
RUSTLING LEAVES Make a soft, ‘He heard a
muffled crackling newspaper rustling
sound like that as the wind chased it
caused by the across the
movement of dry pavement.’
leaves or paper.
A REED A tall, slender- ‘The soft pad of trska
leaved plant of the papyrus reed sandals
grass family, which made me turn
grows in water or on around.’
marshy ground.

CONTEMPORARY Living or occurring ‘the event was Suvremeno

DRAMA at the same time. recorded by a
TO BE SET IN (of something ‘tables should be
unpleasant or treated with
unwelcome) begin preservative before
and seem likely to the bad weather sets
continue. in’
ALL-TIME Unsurpassed. ‘her all-time
FAVOURITE favourite’
WORKING-CLASS The social group ‘the housing needs Radna snaga
consisting of people of the working
who are employed classes’
for wages,
especially in manual
or industrial work.
TO BE DEAD Absolutely; ‘he was dead against Protivnik
AGAINST STH completely. the idea’
TO COME AROUND you eventually It looks like they're
TO THE IDEA change your mind coming around to
and accept it or our way of thinking.
agree with it. [
HEART-WARMING Emotionally ‘heart-warming
rewarding or stories about life as
uplifting. a country vet’
ACTION-PACKED Full of activity or ‘an action-packed
excitement. programme of

FAST-MOVING PLOT Rapid in movement, ‘a taut, fast-moving

action, or progress. detective story’

TWISTS AND TURNS Complicated ‘the twists and turns

dealings or of her political
circumstances. career’
SMARTLY-DRESSED In an attractively ‘he was dressed
neat and stylish smartly in his suit’

SELF-ASSURED Confident in one's ‘a self-assured 16-

own abilities or year-old’
HAIR-RAISING A hair-raising hair-raising rides at
ADVENTURES experience, event, funfairs
or story is very
frightening but can
also be exciting.
COOL-HEADED Not easily worried ‘he appeared calm Hladne glave
or excited. and cool-headed’
QUICK-WITTED Showing or ‘a quick-witted
characterized by an response’
ability to think or
respond quickly and
FAR-DISTANT Remote in time or ‘this won't be
FUTURE space. possible until some
time in the far-
distant future’
INDISTINGUISHABLE Not able to be ‘Brothers, sisters,
identified as aunts, uncles, a sea
different or distinct. of faces, all
from one another.’
LIFESPAN The length of time ‘the human lifespan’
for which a person
or animal lives or a
thing functions. Life
TO PROLONG Extend the duration ‘an idea which
of. prolonged the life of
the engine by many
BLOCKBUSTER A thing of great
power or size, in
particular a film,
book, or other
product that is a
great commercial
ROAD MOVIE A film of a genre in ‘As with all road
which the main movies, it's not
character is getting there that
travelling, either in matters, but what
flight or on a happens along the
journey of self- way.’ Monte carlo
FEATURE MOVIE A feature film is a
film (also called a
motion picture or
movie) with a
running time long
enough to be
considered the
principal or sole
film to fill a
SHOE-STRING A slang term used to Jim is living off of a
BUDGET describe a small shoestring budget
amount of money
that is considered to
be inadequate for its
intended purpose.
FILM BUFF A person who is ‘my husband and I
very interested in are great film buffs’
and knowledgeable
about films.

OPENING SEQUENCE An opening scene

HEART-THROB A man, typically a ‘he's the heart-throb
celebrity, whose thousands of
good looks excite schoolgirls want to
romantic feelings in date’

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