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Equator: Gabon, Congo, DR of Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia

Tropic of Cancer: Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, Niger, Libya, Egypt
Tropic of Capricorn: Namibia, Botswana, S. Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar

Atlas Mountain- North Africa- Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia- between Sahara Dessert and
Mediterranean Sea
Ahaggar (Hoggar) Mountains- Algeria
Tibesti Mountains- Chad
Drakensberg Mountains- South Africa
Killimanjro Mountains – Tanzania
Cameron mountain- Cameron

Kalahari Dessert- South Africa, Botswana, Namibia- Tropic of Capricorn passes through here
Namib Dessert- Namibia- Coastal and Cold dessert, Tropic of Capricorn passes through here
Sahara Dessert- North Africa\
Nubian Dessert
Sahel Dessert
Libya Dessert

East African Rift valley- Due to Plate Tectonic, 7200 km length, Red sea is due to Rift Valley
Ethiopian Highland
Senai Peninsula- Egypt

Nile River- Made up of Two Branch- White Nile-Lake Victoria (Lake Nyanza) and Blue Nile- Lake
Tana, Aswan Dam in Egypt
Congo River- Passes 2 times through Equator, Ends in Atlantic Ocean,
Zambezi River- Ends in Indian Ocean
Limpopo River- Ends in Indian Ocean, Passes 2 times through Tropic of Capricorn
Orange River- In SA, Ends in Atlantic Ocean
Senegal River
Niger River

Chad Lake
Tana Lake
Turkana Lake
Albert Lake
Victoria Lake (Lake Nyanza) - Blue Nile,
Tanganyika Lake - Longest Lake,
Nyasa Lake (Malawi Lake)

South America
Equator: Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil
Tropic of Capricorn: Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil
Land Locked Countries: Bolivia, Paraguay

Andes Mountain: Costal and World’s longest chain of mountains, Western Coast of S.America,
Due to Plate Tectonic,
Atacama Desert- Coastal dessert, parallel to Andes Mountain,
Brazilian Highlands
Guiana Highlands

Llanos- Tropical Grasslands, Columbia, Venezuela

Campos- Tropical Grasslands, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, (Other- Savana in S.Africa)
Pampas- Temperate Grasslands, Argentina, Uruguay

Orinoco river- Venezuela Ends in Atlantic Ocean

Amazon River- Pass through Equator, From Andez and Ends in Atlantic,
Parana River- Ends in Atlantic, forms Border of Paraguay and Argentina

Titicaca Lake- Between Peru and Bolivia, Western S.America in Andez Highland
Gran Chaco Region- Region of Middle of S.America, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil.
Altiplano Plateau- plateau in Bolivia and Peru

North America
Entirely in North Hemisphere, 3rd by Land Area and 4th by Population
North- Arctic Ocean
East- Atlantic Ocean
South- Pacific Ocean
South-east- Caribbean Ocean

Panama Canal- Joins Pacific and Caribbean Ocean

Coast Mountains- Western coast of N. America (USA, Canada)

Rocky Mountains- Known as Potential Divide, Differentiate between rivers which ends in
Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, Alaska to New Mexico
Appalachian Mountains- Old fold mountains, South-Eastern Coast of N. America

Hudson River- New York City, Starts from Adirondack mt and Ends in Atlantic, Navigational
River, Upper Hudson and Lower Hudson
Missouri River- Ends in Gulf of Mexico
Mississippi River- Tributary of Missouri river
Mac Kenzie River- In Canada, Start from Great Slave Lake and Ends in Beaufort Sea, a part of
Arctic Ocean
Columbia River- USA and Canada, Ends in Pacific
Saint Lawrence River- Starts from Ontario Lake, ends in St. Lawrence bay, Atlantic

5 Great Lake of North America, Glacial Lakes

Superior Lake
Michigan Lake
Huron Lake
Eire Lake
Ontario Lake

Niagara Falls- Between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario

Saint Claire Lake- Connects Lake Huron and Eire
Great Salt Lake

Great Bear Lake- Canada

Great Slave Lake- Canada
Athabasca Lake- Canada
Raindeer Lake- Canada
Winnipeg Lake- Canada

Yukon plateau- Canada,

Great Salt Lake Desert- West of G. Salt Lake

South-East Asia
Land locked- Laos

Disputes in South China Sea

Scarborough Shoal Islands-
Paracel Islands
Spartly Islands

Mekong River- Starts from China.

Irrawaddy River- Longest in Myanmar
Khorat Plateau- Thailand
Dawna Range- On Border of Myanmar and Thailand
Danarek Range- on border of Thailand and Cambodia
Malacca strait- connecting the Andaman Sea (Indian Ocean) and the South China Sea (Pacific

Arakan Mountains- West Myanmar, Submerged into Bay of Bengal and again starts as Andaman
Shan Hill- Border of Myanmar and Thailand

West Asia or South-western Asia


Elbrus Mountains- Highest Mountains in Russian and Europe, part of Caucasus Mountains in
South Russia, near border with Georgia
Zagros Mountains- Largest mountain range in IRN, IRQ, KRDTN, South Turkey
Taurus Mountains- Turkey, Divide Anatolian Peninsula and Mediterranean Sea

Rub Al Khali- Largest Contiguous sand Dessert in Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Yemen, Part of
Arabian dessert
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers- Taurus Mountain, ends in Persian Gulf, Mix at Basra City

Jordan River- Pass through Sea of Galilee and Dead Sea, Border of West Bank and Israel
Dead Sea- Salt Lake, Border- Jorden, Israel, Palestine, 9.6 times salty than Ocean
Golan Heights- Region in Levant, western 2/3 part occupied (1967 war)and administered by
Israel, remaining part is controlled by Syria, UNDOF maintains Buffer zone to Implement the
ceasefire of the Purple Line

Sinai Peninsula- Egypt, Between Mediterranean sea and Red sea (Suez canal), Bridge Asia and
Africa, 1978- Camp David Agreement between Egypt and Israel
Strait of Hormuz- Joins Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf
Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb or Mandeb strait- Connect Red sea and Gulf of Aden,
Scandinavian countries- Northern Europe, 3 countries- Denmark, Norway, Sweden
Balkan countries

Alps Mountains- Highest and most extensive mountains range in Europe, 1200 km, 8 countries-
Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein , Monaco, Slovenia, Switzerland
Pyreness Mountains- Southwest Europe, Natura border between France and Spain
Apennines Mountains- Italy

Ural Mountains- between Europe and Asia

Carpathian Mountains- Central and Eastern Europe, Arc Shape, 2nd longest range, 1500 km
Scandinavian Mountains- North Europe, Longest range, 1700 km

Rhine River- from Swiss Alps Mountains, Ends in North Sea in Netherlands, Mains River in
Germany when it pass through Germany
Elbe River- Major River in Central Europe rises in the Krknose Mountains of the Northern Czech
Republic, Ends in North Sea
Danube River- 2nd Longest in Europe after Volga River, Rises in the Black Forest mountains of
western Germany, Ends in Black Sea

Dnieper River- Rising near Smolensk, Russia. Ends in Black Sea

Don River- Don Basin is between the Dnieper River and Volga River, Ends in Sea of Azov- Part of
Black Sea,
Volga River- Longest River in Europe, Also flaws through Russia and Ends in Caspian Sea, Known
as National River of Russia, Moscow is located on the banks of Volga River.

Black Sea- Sorrounded by 6 countries- Bulgeria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Gergea, Turkey.
Crimea is located in Black Sea. Azov sea is part of Black Sea
Adriatic Sea- Eastern side of Italy
Caspian Sea- World’s Largest Lake, largest enclosed inland body of water on earth by area,
Surrounded by 5 countries- Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan

Russian Rivers
Ob-Irtysh River System- Irtysh River rises in the Chinese-Mongolian Areas of Altai Mountains
and then cuts through Kazakhstan before enterinf Russia, and Joins Ob River, Ends in Kara Sea
Amur-Argun River System- Longest river, Argun river makes Russia-China border of 1000 km
before joining Shilka River, Ends in Sea of Okhotsk
Lena River- Single River, Ends in Laptev Sea

Baikal Lake- Rift Lake in Russia, largest fresh water lake in World

Seas of Russia on Border

West - Caspian Sea, Black Sea
North- Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptov Sea, East Siberian Sea (All are Part of Arctic Ocean)
East- Okhotsk Sea

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