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Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol

Kesser Maariv
Anshe Luknik

Annual Banquet & Ad Journal

9 Tevet 5779
December 16, 2018

Please Join
Congregation B.H.H. Kesser Maariv A.L.
at its Annual Banquet
honoring the memories of
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
Mrs. Jean Goldrich

Sunday, December 16, 2018

4341 West Golf Road

Skokie, Illinois
Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol
Kesser Maariv Anshe Luknik

4341 West Golf Road

Skokie, Illinois 60076
(847) 679-9800
(847) 679-5089
fax (847) 679-5041

Louis Aryeh Lazovsky

Associate Rabbi
Ben Zion Lazovsky

Steven D. Goldrich

Women’s Council Presidents

Nasrin Kheradyar
Saretta Lazovsky
Sandy Miretzky
Dear Guests,
The following is my father's forward to his unpublished
biography. Rather than us writing a bio, we thought it
best to hear from him directly. It gives the highlights of
his life and a lesson for all of us to learn.
-Leonard Fensterheim


Hi everyone,
Well, here it is. This is the story of my life.
In some ways, it is not an exceptional story. There are no
heroics or exciting, melodramatic moments. But I think it
is a tale that includes many exceptional people and events
and it documents an extraordinary era of American and
Jewish history. It is the story of an American Jewish man
who grew up during unusual times, went to war, married
(twice), had children, developed a dental practice, and then
built a professional business practice.

In my life, I experienced the trials and tribulations of

growing up in an Orthodox Jewish family in upper
Manhattan and Brooklyn, the ethnic and secular world of
New York. You will read about how I matured and
experienced life with its happy and tragic moments. I tell
you about how I struggled through a difficult marriage,
related to my children, experienced the painful losses of
my parents, and then found happiness in my second
marriage only to lose my beloved wife to cancer.

It is also a story of a large and vibrant family. When I grew

up in NY, my family was all around me. I was fortunate to
know my grandparents and to see them at work and at
home. I watched my father navigate a difficult legal career
and balance his work with his devout Judaism. I knew all
my cousins, stayed at their homes, played with them, went
to all of the simchas with them, and watched as their
children grew up. Most of all, I learned how to reconcile
difficult relationships and develop ongoing communication
with my own children, with my nieces and nephews and
their children, and with my cousins in my ever-growing
and wide- spread family.

I hope you will learn some lessons from my experiences. I

hope you get a flavor of what it was like to grow up in the
New York of the 1930s and 40s, to be in a medical unit in
the Korean War, and to be in business towards the end of
the century. I hope you learn to have strength when faced
with tragic circumstances like the loss of a parent or
partner, and to make time to let your hair down and enjoy
life when you have the opportunity. Most of all I hope you
get to enjoy your own family.

I want to thank my nephew, David Fensterheim, for all his

help in getting me to talk about and record all of my stories
and to collect all our pictures and develop a family
web-site. I thank my cousin, Stephen Parkoff, for all his
work in organizing the genealogy and painstakingly
editing my ramblings. And my thanks to all of you who
made my life so meaningful, enjoyable and worthwhile.
My best regards,
Jean Goldrich grew up on Chicago’s West Side, and
was Valedictorian of Marshall High School. After
graduating Hebrew school at Anshe Sholom Shul
she continued her formal Hebrew education at the
Hebrew Theological College which had classes for
girls and women. When she married, she became
an active member at Atereth Zion, then at Skokie
Valley and its Sisterhood, and later served on the
board and as Sisterhood President at Skokie
Central, where the Goldrich family established an
Orthodox Minyan.

When her children attended Hillel Torah North

Suburban Day School, Jean joined the Parent’s
Group and later became president of the P.T.A.,
where she spearheaded many fundraising projects
and initiated the hot lunch program. When they
attended Ida Crown Jewish Academy, she became
President of the P.T.A. and later was elected to
serve as Chairman of the Academy School Board.
Eventually she served on the ATT Board.

She joined HTC’s Yeshiva Women’s Organization

at her mother’s suggestion when she was 18. She
served them in many capacities, including
President and Co-President for multiple terms.
She similarly was active with Religious Zionists of
Chicago since joining Bnei Akiva at the age of 12,
and served as President of the organization three

Jean earned a Bachelors degree in Math and

Chemistry from Roosevelt University and a
Masters in Math and a Teaching Certificate from
Northeastern University. She was very dedicated
to her students and her passion for learning never

Jean was blessed with four wonderful children:

Howard, Steven & Susan, Robert & Adena and
Sharon & Rabbi Heshy, four Skokie grandsons and
14 grandchildren in Israel, and many great-
grandchildren. She was proud to have passed on
the spirit of volunteering for the Jewish
community, which she learned from her parents,
to her children.
Shul Committees & Chairpeople
Judy Whisler
Rabbi Louis Lazovsky
Books, Sidurim & Chumashim
Ben Zion Lazovsky

Chesed Fund
Anne Elovic

Judy Whisler

Tree of Life and Yahrzeit Plaques

Ben Zion Lazovsky

Tzedaka Boxes
Aron Lavon
Message From the Rabbi

Tonight we pay tribute and honor the memories

of two very special people, Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
o.b.m. and Mrs. Jean Goldrich o.b.m. Both were
dedicated to the three pillars of our congregation,
Torah, Avodah and performing acts of Gemilut Chesed.
These are the building blocks required to build an
authentic Mikdash mi'at - miniature sanctuary, that
welcomes the Divine presence to our heads, hearts,
community and people. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol
Kesser Maariv Anshe Luknik, the first and oldest
continually functioning Orthodox synagogue in the
Midwest, has remained a bastion of Torah, Avodah and
Gemilut Chesed for over a century and a half. The
Almighty guided us to our current location, the closest
synagogue to a hospital and rehabilitation center,
where we have been able to provide help and hope to
families from Chicago and from around the world. We
accept this sacred obligation knowing the awesome
responsibility it entails. We have also been blessed
with the merit of being able to perpetuate the Chesed
as well as the Torah of Brisk and Volozhin for decades.
Thankfully, with the help of the Almighty, the Kesser
Maariv Press has been able to publish two works of
Musar authored by Rabbi Meyer Juzint z"tkl, who was
ordained at the famous Slobodke Yeshiva. For all
these things, we thank Hashem and look forward to
even greater achievements in the decades that lie
ahead for our congregation, our community and the
Jewish people.
Yesterday's Torah portion of Vayigash
dramatically described the reunification of the sons of
Jacob after they demonstrated their complete
repentance for the sale of Joseph by Judah offering his
life to save his brother Benjamin. This reunification
brought great joy to Pharaoh and to the Egyptian
court as it proved that Joseph was a descendant of
royalty and that he possessed the qualifications to rule
Egypt. Jacob was informed that Joseph was still alive
but could not believe the news until he saw wagons
that had been sent to transport him by Joseph. The
wagons were a hidden message to Jacob that Joseph
had not abandoned Torah over the past twenty two
years. In addition, the wagons demonstrated
Pharaoh's insistence that Jacob and his entire family
come live in Egypt, at least until the end of the famine.
Jacob accepted the invitation but prior to his decent to
Egypt, he sent his son Judah to establish a Jewish
environment for them to live by establishing yeshivot,
places of Torah learning. Jacob realized then as now,
that the only thing that would preserve the Jewish
people was learning Torah and observing mitzvot.
Prior to Joseph introducing his father and brothers to
Pharaoh, he instructed them to inform Pharaoh that
they were all shepherds so that they could live
separate and apart from the Egyptians and avoid
assimilation. Upon seeing his father, Joseph broke
down in tears while Jacob recited the Shema Yisroel.
Jacob used his prayers to return to the Almighty his
feelings of thankfulness and exaltation at the great joy
of seeing Joseph alive. Jacob was introduced to
Pharaoh, blessed him, and moved to the suburb of
Goshen with his family. Joseph sustained his father
and brothers while the famine continued.
Joseph acquired all the money, wealth and
property of Egypt by selling the grain he had stored
away. He transferred Egyptians away from their
former farmlands to reduce their attachment to their
homesteads and to reduce any tendency or desire to
rebel against Egypt. In addition to food, Joseph
granted the Egyptian people grain for planting and
also taxed a small portion of their crops, an unheard
of innovation of redeeming the economy with Jewish
values. Joseph enacted laws exempting the clergy
from any taxes, the first recorded history of
parsonage, while the Jewish people prospered in the
land of Goshen.
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim was dedicated to
performing acts of loving kindness, to Torah learning,
to prayer and to family. He understood the economy
and redeemed it using his wealth to support
synagogues and Torah institutions. While he lived in
many communities, he considered the Kesser Maariv
community his spiritual home. As a member of our
board of directors, he wished to enhance our
synagogue and decided to anonymously have the
congregation's Aron Kodesh, built in the early 1800s,
refinished to inspire our Shabbat and holiday services
and prayers. He even travelled to Wisconsin to
evaluate the work being done and to make certain it
met his exacting standards. As a host, Dr. Fensterheim
always made certain his guests and those he loved had
abundant amounts of delicious food and the very best
of everything, but he was not particular for himself.
His greatest joy was giving to others and he truly
partnered with G-d in his many endeavors. May his
memory be blessed.
This coming week we read the Parsha of
Vayechi, the concluding portion of the book of
Genesis. Jacob is engaged in succession planning and
called for his son Joseph, the powerful viceroy of
Egypt, to bless Joseph's two children, Ephraim and
Menashe in order to elevate them to equal status with
the other tribes of the Jewish people. He made Joseph
take an oath to bury him in Maarat Hamachpelah in
Hebron along with the other patriarchs and
matriarchs. Next, Jacob called all of his children
around his bed and inquired of their dedication to
Jewish tradition. In response, they recited the Shema
Yisroel and he proceeded to confer blessings upon
most of them, recognizing their unique attributes
including their strengths and weaknesses. After
bestowing these blessings on his children, Jacob
passed away and was buried according to his wishes in
the land of Israel. Upon returning from the burial,
Joseph sustained his brothers and their families and
informed his brothers that they will eventually be
redeemed from Egypt by G-d and that they must bury
him in the Land of Israel.
Mrs. Jean Goldrich exhibited these same
attributes of dedication to Torah and Mitzvot and a
deep love of Israel. As an educator, she recognized the
uniqueness of each child and taught each of her
students according to their needs. She held many
leadership positions working on behalf of several
schools and community organizations and guided
these organizations to embrace these principles and to
be financially responsible. Her actions helped
strengthen the entire Jewish community and her
dedication and sincerity were rewarded by the
Almighty as we can see by her children and
grandchildren who have continued in her path. May
her memory be for a blessing.
We wish to express our deep gratitude to many
people for their many efforts on behalf of the shul
over the years starting with HaRav HaGaon HaRav
Aharon and Rebbetzin Ella Soloveichik zt"l who
provided spiritual guidance, encouragement and
inspiration in East Rogers Park and in Skokie. We also
express our deep appreciation to HaRav HaGaon Rav
Moshe Soloveichik S”hlita for the thousands of
shiuriim he has presented to our shul community.
We pray that the Ribono Shel Olam blesses him, his
wife Debra, his family and students with His every
blessing. We express our appreciation to my dearly
departed parents, Sam and Florence Lazovsky z"l who
went beyond their physical abilities to help us sustain
and build the congregation, to our late father-in law,
Helman Allswang and yibadail l'chaim, to our dear
mother, Gilda Allswang with thanks for her ongoing
help, guidance, constant support and blessing.
We express our appreciation for the tireless
efforts of our past Presidents, board members and
congregants that we have been privileged to work
with over the years. We express our appreciation to
our current President, Steven D. Goldrich, Board of
Directors and Adele Goldblum Women's Council for all
their efforts and support. May the Almighty bless all
of these wonderful and committed people for their
support of our shul.
We thank all who have contributed generously
to enhance the physical beauty of our shul and to
expand our libraries and all who have run activities
and programs to benefit the community from our shul.
We thank the many donors and members who have
sustained Kesser Maariv over the years enabling us to
become the oldest Orthodox Congregation in the
Midwest and extend our blessings to all those who will
do the same in the future. We thank each and every
one of you here with us this evening, members of the
Kesser Maariv extended family, for your ongoing
support. Acharon acharon chaviv, thanks to our dear
Rebbetzin, Saretta, to our sons Rabbi Ben Zion and
Rabbi Eliyahu, to our daughter Tehilla Ben-Ari and
their families for their contributions to the shul
through the years in so many different ways. Thank
you is inadequate for the efforts of our Rebbetzin and
our sons day in and day out for all that they do to run
the shul. May the Almighty bless them and repay them
for all their efforts.
We thank G d for our shul's good name that we
enjoy in the community. We pray that our shul will
continue to constantly inspire us and ennoble our
lives. We pray that it continues to be a bastion of
Torah, tefillah and gemilut chesed for our Kehilla and
the entire Jewish community as well as a fitting home
for the Shechina until the time of the ultimate geulah,
may it come speedily in our days.
We longingly await the day when, in the not so
distant future, the Bait Hamikdash will be rebuilt and
the violence, strife and chaos that is currently
enveloping the world will be banished forever and be
replaced by the glory of G-d that will rest upon us and
all mankind.
Finally, I once again confer my personal blessing
upon our Mikdash mi'aat, the same one bestowed upon
the Mishkan and the Jewish people by Moshe Rabeinu:
"May it be your will that Your Divine presence rests
upon the work of our hands. May the pleasantness of
My Lord, our G d, be upon us. Our handiwork, may
He establish for us; our handiwork may He establish."
In Honor of

Harav Hagaon

Moshe Soloveichik, !”)*-:

and His Family

“(95* 9/;, 8*$7”

Congregation Kesser Maariv

In Honor of the

Kheradyar Family

for their generous donation of

Netilat Yadayim facilities
in memory of
Dr. Nejat Kheradyar

Congregation Kesser Maariv

In Appreciation

to Dr. Alvin Fensterheim -@'

for providing us

to restore our special

Aron Kodesh

Congregation Kesser Maariv

In Honor of

Lance and Rebecca Malamud

of Brooklyn, New York

for their ongoing

support and friendship

Congregation Kesser Maariv

Thank you

to an anonymous donor

for the renovation of

the coat room

Congregation Kesser Maariv

In Honor of

Bob & Sheryl Greenstein

for refurbishing

several of our Neviim Scrolls

and for their many significant

donations to our library

Congregation Kesser Maariv

In Memory of

Jerome Mann z”l

In Honor of Lillian Mann

Patrons of our beautiful

Stained Glass panels

and artwork

Congregation Kesser Maariv

In Honor of the

Rubinow and Goldrich Families

for their generous donation

of our magnificent

Tree of Life


Jerusalem Stone Wall

Congregation Kesser Maariv

In appreciation to

Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky

and the members of the
Ad Journal Committee
Dinner Committee

The Phone Committee

We could not have done it without


Congregation Kesser Maariv



Devoted to the memory of

a most wonderful woman
our Mother, Mother-in-Law & Savta

Warm and Loving

Strong and Decisive
Selfless and Unassuming

You led your family, your community

and your students with wise counsel,
devotion and the utmost integrity.
We miss your smile and your laugh.
We miss your delicious treats.
We miss seeing your eyes tear up when
you spoke of your children and
You were respected by all who knew you
for your impressive intellect and for
your diplomatic and easygoing nature.

We were so proud to belong to you.

Sue & Steven, Judd, Tiffany and Avery
Jeff, Jake and Josh


In Loving Memory

Mrs. Jean Goldrich

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim

Pillars of the Jewish Community

Greenstein Family

In honor of

Rabbi Louis and Saretta Lazovsky

and the entire extended Lazovsky


We thank you for your

dedication to Klal Yisroel
and wish much success to you and
Congregation Kesser Maariv.

Rickey and Gale Rothner


Dedicated to the Memory of

Jean Goldrich, a"h

Adored cousin of
our grandmother Rosalie, a"h,
of our mom, Joyce
and of ours.

We will always remember how,

with open arms and your signature
warmth, you gathered all the
young cousins together at your
house, year after year, for a
delicious mid-week Pesach dinner.

With love and appreciation,

Jessica & Peter Goldman
Shoshana, Simon and Lev

To the Goldrich Family –

We will always remember
Mrs. Goldrich.

May her Neshama Have an Aliyah

and May You and Your Family
Continue to
Go from Strength to Strength.

Jeffrey and Sandra Cagan


To the Fensterheim Family –

We will always remember
Dr. Fensterheim.

May his Neshama Have an Aliyah

and May You and Your Family

Continue to
Go from Strength to Strength

Jeffrey and Sandra Cagan


In Tribute to

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim %@3

who shared his wisdom,

experience and resources
willingly and graciously
for the benefit of all


The Lazovsky and Ben-Ari Families


Mazel Tov
Congregation Kesser Maariv
on 151 Years of Serving
Chicagoland’s Jewish Community

and to the entire Lazovsky Family

Your selfless devotion
to our community
is an inspiration and a blessing.

Jeffrey and Sandra Cagan


In Memory of

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim


Mrs. Jean Goldrich

Rabbi Neil & Deborah Brill


We pay tribute to the memories of

two outstanding individuals,
Jean Goldrich z”l
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim z”l

The Members of
The Adele Goldblum
Women’s Council

In Tribute to

Mrs. Jean Goldrich %@3

whose exemplary passion

for Israel and for education
continues to inspire us all


The Lazovsky and Ben-Ari Families


In Memory of

Mrs. Jean Goldrich

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim

in honor of
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Lazovsky
for all their dedication
to the shul and its congregants

Danny & Adina Torchman


In tribute to the memories

of the honorees

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim

Mrs. Jean Goldrich

May each of their neshamas

have an aliya

In honor of our cousins
Jeff and Judy Whisler
and Family

Fredman Bros. Furniture/
Glideaway Manufacturing
St. Louis, MO

In honor of our mother,

Gilda Allswang

and in honor of our dear children

and grandchildren
Rabbi Ben Zion Moshe & Channah,
Chemda Bracha
Rabbi Eliyahu Dov
Chana Rifka & Yankel
Tehilla Leah & Noam Yehuda
Tzipora Malka
Shmuel Yitzchak
Yosef Shalom
and Ziva Bracha

We couldn’t do it without you!!

Abba and Emma

In honor of

Sue & Steve Goldrich

and Family

With much love,

Rabbi Louis & Saretta,

Ben Zion & Channah
& Chemda Bracha
Chana Rifka & Yankel
Tehilla & Noam,
Tzipora Malka, Shmuel Yitzchak
Yosef Shalom & Ziva Bracha

In Loving Memory

Walter Wolf, %@3

Jo Reitman Wolf

In Memory of

Our Beloved Father and Zaide,

Sam Lazovsky %”3

and Our Dear Mother and Bubbie

Florence Lazovsky %”3

Rabbi Louis, Saretta,

Ben Zion Moshe & Channah,
Chemda Bracha
Eliyahu Dov
Chana Rifka & Yankel
Tehilla Leah & Noam,
Tzipora Malka, Shmuel Yitzchak,
Yosef Shalom & Ziva Bracha

In Memory of

Our Dear

Father and Grandfather,

Helman Allswang %”3

Rabbi Louis, Saretta,

Ben Zion Moshe & Channah,
Chemda Bracha
Eliyahu Dov
Chana Rifka & Yankel
Tehilla Leah & Noam
Tzipora Malka, Shmuel Yitzchak,
Yosef Shalom & Ziva Bracha


Remembering Alvin

and his art of living,

his acts of chesed
and his inspiration
for us to be the best that we can be.

He is forever in our hearts

Chicago Fensterheims


You are the most important person

in my life, and your loss is the most
painful experience I have suffered.
I look to your love, strength, honor
and humor as the example of a life
lived in exemplary fashion and well
spent. The goodness you brought
to both our family and the
community is beyond measure. I
pray that you will be a strong
positive memory for generations to

From a loving son,

Howard Goldrich

Honoring the Memories of

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim


Mrs. Jean Goldrich

Alan & Ann Herbach


In memory of

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim

Mrs. Jean Goldrich

and continued best wishes

to Congregation Kesser Maariv

Lester Farber

In honor of the memories of

Mrs. Jean Goldrich z”l

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim z”l

and in recognition of their

well-deserved tributes.

We are indebted for all their

past support for Kesser Maariv!

Carrie and Aaron Zaretsky


With fond memories,

We commemorate and
celebrate the life of

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim

A great and caring man and a dear

sweet friend
who always treated us as family,
We miss you!

With much love,

Jeff and Judy Whisler
Jordy & Rena
Josh & Sharona
Willow, Shana and Ariel


"The difficult
we do immediately;
the impossible takes
a little longer"

Thanks for everything,


Your baby

Good Luck
Congregation Beth Hamedrosh
Kesser Maariv Anshe Luknik


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Chicago, IL 60602
Phone (312) 609-0016

Chicago’s ONLY full service coin

store located in the heart of the
Loop’s financial district.

Robert J. Greenstein
Store Manager

Best Wishes to

Kesser Maariv

S.J. Abrams and Company

Ronald Abrams
Alan Abrams


In honor of
the memories of
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
Mrs. Jean Goldrich

their passing is a tremendous loss

to their families and our

May each of their neshamas

have an aliyah.

Jeff & Judy Whisler & Family

In Loving Memory
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim -@'

He was the definition of a

gentleman. He was so kind and
generous to our family. We were
blessed to have him as a part of our
family and share holidays and
smachot together. We truly miss

Hay his Neshama have an Aliyah

The Elovic Family


In Loving Memory
Mrs. Jean Goldrich -@'

Mrs. Goldrich was a smart, lovely

lady. She was always a wonderful
We were blessed to have spent
holidays and smachot together.
We truly miss her!

Hay her Neshama have an Aliyah

The Elovic Family


In Honor of

Rabbi & Mrs. Lazovsky

with admiration
for what you’ve accomplished
at Kesser Maariv.

May we see many years of

accomplishments to come.

Laurie and Milt Wakschlag

A Loving Family Remembers.
May his memory continue to be an inspiration

Robert Fensterheim
Susan Fensterheim
Aaron Fensterheim
Ben Fensterheim
Stuart Fensterheim
Debbie Fensterheim
Sarah Fensterheim
Rachel Fensterheim
David Fensterheim
Julie Hoffman
Emma Fensterheim
Michael Fensterheim
Mark Hahn
Jennifer Loeb
Steven Loeb
Jessica Loeb
Marilyn Loeb
Peter Loeb
Nathan Fensterheim
Marlyn Fensterheim
Noah Fensterheim
Lauren Fensterheim
Leonard Fensterheim
Laura Fensterheim
Dr. Alvin S. Fensterheim
Mootzie Fensterheim

I miss you.

In loving memory of
Alvin Fensterheim
a true Bal Tzedaka, generous friend
and “Uncle”
to all non-family loved ones.

We miss Alvin’s jokes, celebratory

parties as well as his wise words at
our Shabbos table. May the
donations in his memory provide an
Aliyah for his Neshama.

Gary & Sandra Bloom & family
In Memory of

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim ZL

A true tzadick, mensch, uncle, and

dear friend

May his memory always be for a


Robin & Robert Grosser

Jackie & Phebe

Sami & Ari Mazo

In Memory of

Uncle Alvin

Our Shabbos table

is not the same without you

Ricky & Ira

In loving memory
of our dear Savta,

Jean Goldrich

Your dedication to family and

tradition, and your eternally positive
and graceful attitude, brightened the
lives of many. The laughs we shared
are sorely missed, but the lessons you
taught us remain a timeless

Judd & Tiffany, Jeff, Jake and Josh
This Page is Dedicated
in Loving Memory of
Our Mother and Grandmother,
Family Matriarch,
Chicago Jewish Community Leader
and Servant,
Teacher, Mentor, and Friend

Jean Barrish Goldrich, OBM

With longing,

Adena and Robert Goldrich

Sarah, Elazar, Amit, Micha, Yeshaya,
Noa, Daniel, Avigail

We will carry on your legacy.

Thank you, Kesser Maariv, for honoring
the memory
Of our dear mother and Savta
Jean Goldrich, a”h
A true woman of valor,
Who was the heart and anchor
of her family.
She dedicated her life to the promotion of
Religious Zionist education
In the Greater Chicago area.
She was wholly devoted to her parents,
her children and grandchildren,
and her students.
She will remain in our hearts forever
With love,
and longing.

Sharon (Goldrich) and Heshy Loewenstern

and family
Bet Shemesh, Charish, Ariel, Lod, and
Givat Shmuel, Israel
In Memory of
Jean Goldrich -@'

May the good deeds of our

beloved sister and aunt
in her active participation with
Jewish academics, community
institutions, and work on behalf of
-!9:* 69! be emulated by her
children, family and -!9:* --,.

Jack & Marilynn Barrish

& Family
In Memory
Mrs. Jean Goldrich

We remember with fondness

your friendly manner

Your interest and devotion

to all children, including ours,
will not be forgotten

The Fensterheims
In Memory of

Mrs. Jean Goldrich

Her memory is an inspiration

Shabsa A. Lis, P.C.
In Memory and Hakoras Hatov to

Mrs. Jean Goldrich.

Her lifetime of dedication and

devotion to Torah, family and
community inspires all who knew

Rachel & Aaron Montrose

In loving memory of
Mrs. Jean Goldrich, %”3

a truly legendary Religious Zionist leader

who made an indelible impact on our community
with her unwavering devotion to the ideals of
Religious Zionism.

As President of Mizrachi – Religious Zionists of

Chicago, Jean unwaveringly promoted Aliyah and
encouraged support for Yeshivot, Kibbutzim and
countless other organizations in the State of Israel.
She actively championed Bnei Akiva and Camp
Moshava confident in the knowledge that the future of
Medinat Yisrael is inexorably tied to the future of
Religious Zionism in the Diaspora.

Never one to retreat from a challenge, Jean constantly

coaxed us to always do our best. Our organization is
diminished by her absence, even as her memory
fortifies our resolve to continue her legacy.
We Honor the Memory
Jean Goldrich -@'
who was a dynamic leader in our
community for decades.
She is remembered with much
respect and appreciation

We honor the memory of
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim -@'
who was a devoted friend of the
Kesser Maariv family.
His presence was truly appreciated
and shall be greatly missed.

Gilda Allswang
In Memory
The Honorees.

May Kesser Maariv

continue to spread
Torah, Mitzvos and Chesed

Gail and Lee Gordon

Thank you

Each of the Honorees

for your dedication to

Kesser Maariv
and the Jewish Community.

Michael Hartz
& Family
In memory of two individuals who
both served as role models for us to

Mrs. Jean Goldrich

who served many organizations as
president and other
leadership positions
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
who served “behind the lines”
and always had a good question

May we continue to emulate our

Parents and Grandparents

May they continue to shine for many

years to come

Channah, Benzie & Chemda Lazovsky

In honor of

the memory of

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim

Mrs. Jean Goldrich

Miriam & Harvey Schiller

In Memory of

Jean Goldrich

Ina Perlmuter

Joseph Zaretsky

Mr. & Mrs. Les Sutker

Morse Optical Lab
In memory
and appreciation

Jean Goldrich


Alvin Fensterheim

Larry & Judy Weinger

In Honor of the
151 Years of the establishment of
Congregation Kesser Maariv.
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Louis and Saretta Lazovsky

and the Honorees

Jean Goldrich %@3
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim %@3

May you go from strength to


Sima Miller
Thank you

Kesser Maariv

for being
such a
warm family

Dan and Faith Harris

Rabbi Louis and Saretta
Benzie & Channah
Tehilla & Noam

It is amazing that along with your

commitment to Kesser Maariv and to
the entire community, you always
have time daily to assist me in all
May Hashem continue to give you the
Koach to accomplish all this.


Mom / Grandma
Yasher Koach to
Rabbi Louis and Mrs. Saretta
for everything you do
for Kesser Maariv
and for the entire Jewish Community.

May you and your family

continue to go
m'chayil l'chayil.

We also want to honor the memory of

Jean Goldrich - may she and all the
many things she accomplished
continue to be a blessing for her
family and the community.

Alison and Alan Molotsky and family

In Honor of
Rabbi Louis & Rebbetzin Saretta

in recognition of their dedicated

leadership and service at
Congregation Kesser Maariv.

May they and their entire family be

blessed with much
;(1& ;&!*9" %(-7% %,9" -'/.

May they and the congregation

continue to go
-*( -! -*(/.

Mimi & Sam Seleski & Family

In honor of

Rabbi Louis and Rebbetzin Saretta

Lazovsky and family

Thank you
for a wonderful place to Daven

Irv and Sue Zagorin

and Family

Stu and Jan Goldman

and Family
In honor of and with love for
my children, grandchildren and
Jeff & Judy Whisler and Family

In honor of the memories of

Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
and Jean Goldrich

and with fond thoughts of

Marlee & Lenny Fensterheim
and Family
who treat my family as their own

With appreciation to Rabbi Louis and

Saretta Lazovsky & Family

Sally Aaron
Mazel Tov to Kesser Maariv
on its 2018 Culminating Event
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Honoring the memories of
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
Mrs. Jean Goldrich

To my Kesser Maariv Family, my sincere

heartfelt thank you’s for all your concern and
compassion, tefillas, tehilim, cards
and phone calls.

Along with Hashem, you are a major role in

my continued good health.

May you all be blessed with

Good Health and Brocha!

Mark S. Orloff
Tampa, Florida

P.S. Saretta, you are a true Aishes Chayil

P.P.S. Thank you Chana Rifka for your
beautiful artwork and acts of kindness
In Loving Memory of
Philip Sternfeld
Burton B. Kahn

In Honor of Our Children, Grandchildren

and Great-Grandchildren

Michael & Rachel Kahn

Brianna Alise Jocie Kahn
Steven Kahn

Scott and Tamar Sternfeld

Hadassah Liora Sternfeld
David Natan Sternfeld
Noam Shamir Sternfeld

Moshe and Shoshana Marshak

Sara Chana Marshak
Temima Liba Marshak
Miriam Nechama Marshak
Yitzchak Zev Marshak

We Love You All!!

Evelyne Sternfeld
Earl and Debbie Sternfeld
Brenda G. Kahn
In Loving Memory of

My Parents

Etty and Solomon Rubinow, z"l

Whose devotion to our family, to Am

Yisroel and to Eretz Yisroel is their
everlasting legacy to their children,
grandchildren and great

Susan and Steven Goldrich

Judd, Tiffany and Avery Goldrich
Jeff, Jake and Josh Goldrich
In Loving Memory of
our Husband, Father and Saba

Arthur M. Goldrich -@'

30 Kislev, 5776 December 12, 2015

%,&1( ;":

May his faith in ?%, his knowledge of

Torah, his deep love for his family,
along with his integrity and lofty
professional achievements forever be
an inspiration to his children and

Cookie Goldrich
Howard Goldrich
Sue & Steve Goldrich
Judd, Tiffany & Avery
Jeff, Jake & Josh
In Memory of
My Mentor

Rabbi Meir Kahane, zt"l

Now Everyone Knows You Were Right

Susan and Steven Goldrich

In Memory

Leon M. Orloff
Joel H. Orloff
Arthur M. Goldrich

Men of Chesed and Honesty

They are always lovingly thought of

by their family,
friends, and colleagues.

The Goldrich-Orloff Family

In Loving Memory
Parents and Grandparents

Melvin and Pearl Greenstein

Idelle and Sidney Steinberg

Your memory will always be


Sheryl and Robert Greenstein

David, Liz and Jamie Hannah
Shana and Chana Bracha &
Menachem Yisroel Lipsky
In Loving Memory
of our Beloved Ones

Helman Allswang -@'

Aleck -@' & Bernice -@' Fried

Elias -@' & Sarah -@' Allswang
Adeline -@' and Sol Katz -@'
Milton Allswang -@'

Forever in our hearts

Gilda Allswang
Saretta & Rabbi Louis
Avraham & Yocheved
Ronnie & Aviva
and families
In Memory of
our Dear Aunt

Adeline Katz %@3

For over a century of

chesed and generosity
to our family and Klal Yisrael

Rabbi Louis, Saretta,

Ben Zion Moshe & Channah
Chemda Bracha
Eliyahu Dov
Chana Rifka & Yankel
Tehilla Leah & Noam
Tzipora Malka, Shmuel Yitzchak,
Yosef Shalom & Ziva Bracha
In Memory of

Wendy Jacobs Hartz -@'

You were a living example of

Emunah and Bitachon


The Lazovsky and Ben-Ari Families

;&/:1 9,'-

Sam Pinkus

2(15 0" %/-:

Tola Pinkus

%9: !"*&)
0/)&# %*"&) "9% ;"

Aunt Lola Jacobson

0/)&# %*"&) "9% ;" %!-

Pinkus and Schiller Families

In memory of
my mother and my father,

Rhoda Schiller %”3

%9&"$ %*(& 42&* ;" !"*9 !'*&9

June 14, 2002

4 Tammuz 5762

Harold Schiller %”3

%1(& 0&9%! 0" -:93%

September 9, 1990
18 Elul 5750
In Loving Memory of our
Beloved Father & Grandfather
Dr. Menachem Steinberg
and our
Beloved Mother & Grandmother
Minnie H. Steinberg, Ph.D.

Maynerd & Pamela Steinberg
Lawrence, Anna, Tamar, Alex,
Mitchell, Dara, Menachem, Aaron,
Herschel, Blumah,
David, Ally, Yishiah and Naftali
In Memory
of the members and friends
of Kesser Maariv
who passed away during the year

Jerry Chez -@'

Alvin Doppelt -@'
Malka Ducker -@'
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim -@'
Jean Goldrich -@'
Jay Seth Greenspan -@'
Ina Perlmuter -@'
Alan Serlin -@'
Rabbi Harold Stern -@'
Bela Zaretskaya -@'
Joseph Zaretsky -@'
In Memory of Jerry Chez -@'

Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Alison and Alan Molotsky
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Alvin Doppelt -@'

Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Malka Ducker -@'

Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Dr. Alvin Fensterheim -@'

Michael Feder
Isabel Goldberg
Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Haymes
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Stephen & Barbara Parkoff
Jeffrey Sheppard
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Jean Goldrich -@'

Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Haymes
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Alison and Alan Molotsky
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Jay Seth Greenspan -@'

Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Alison and Alan Molotsky
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Ina Perlmuter -@'

Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Alan Serlin -@'

Gilda Allswang
Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Alison and Alan Molotsky
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Carrie and Aaron Zaretsky
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Rabbi Harold Stern -@'

Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Rabbi Seth & Renee Rosenberg
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Bela Zaretskaya -@'

Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
In Memory of Joseph Zaretsky -@'

Cookie Goldrich
Sue and Steve Goldrich
Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky
Channah & Ben Zion Lazovsky
Judy & Jeff Whisler
Carrie and Aaron Zaretsky
Jeff & Mila Zaretsky
Available from Kesser Maariv Press
by Rabbi Meyer Juzint

The Chain of Miracles

isbn 978-0985675905
A talmid of Slabodka describes his four years of
wanderings during the Holocaust.
128 pages, $20.

Nechamas Meyer: Mussar from the Parsha:

Breishis and Shemos
isbn 978-0985675912
A traditional mussar approach to studying the
weekly Parsha. Includes a powerful introduction
discussing surviving the Holocaust.
326 pages, $25.
Tzipora Malka Ben-Ari
Shmuel Yitzchak Ben-Ari
Yosef Shalom Ben-Ari
Ziva Bracha Ben-Ari
Penina Allswang
Judd Goldrich
Tiffany Goldrich
Avery Goldrich
Jeff Goldrich
Jake Goldrich
Josh Goldrich
Shmuel Goldstein
Shira Goldstein
Jamie Hannah Greenstein
Haymes-Davis-Pask Family
Malka Hinda Herbach
Moshe Binyomin Herbach
Devorah Bracha Herbach
Yehudis Herbach
Chemda Bracha Lazovsky
Chana Bracha Lipsky
Menachem Yisroel Lipsky
Daniel Maltzev
Eden Maltzev
Chana Rifka Meyer
Yankel Meyer
Naomi Weiss
Liviah Weiss
Willow Whisler
Shana Whisler
Ariel Whisler
In memory (and honor) of
a very special person.
Dr. Fensterheim was a kind, generous and
friendly man. We always looked forward
to seeing and talking to him
when he came to town.
May his Neshama have an Aliya.

Bob & Charlene Appleson

May Alvin Fensterheim’s memory

be a blessing for all of us.

Steven & Maureen Goldberg

In memory of
Alvin Fensterheim,
whose warmth and generosity
always lit up the room.
May his memory be a blessing.

Jeremy and Yvette Miller

In memory of
Mrs. Jean Goldrich and
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
and their outstanding work for
Congregation Kesser Maariv
and the Jewish Community

In Honor of Kesser Maariv and all its

leaders and members. Mazal Tov on this
wonderful event!
Shirley and Howard Dvorin
In blessed memory of
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim -@'
a generous, caring and devoted man
to his family, friends and community.

Rabbi Seth and Renee Rosenberg

In Loving Memory of
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
And in Support of
Leonard Fensterheim and Family

From the Scharfsteins

In honor of my
children, grandchildren and great-
In memory of
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
Mrs. Jean Goldrich

Myron Whisler

Kol Hakavod to

Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky

In Tribute of Exemplary Leadership

Congregation Kesser Maariv

Diane Kagan and Lionel Dredze

With Tremendous Gratitude
To The Entire Lazovsky Family

For Their Leadership,

Guidance and Love
These Many, Many Years

Yitzchok & Dotty Chakiris

We’d like to express

our appreciation to
Congregation Kesser Maariv

With gratitude,
Julie Rosenheim & David Finch
I would like to thank Rabbi Lazovsky,
Rebbetzin Lazovsky, Rabbi Benzie and
Rabbi Eli for all your hard work.
Your dedication and devotion to the Shul
are inspiring.

Thank you again,

Meerovich Family

To honor our dear family,

our dear Shul members,
Rabbis and Rebbetsen
and their loved ones

Sanford & Shelley Schwartz

In Honor of
Rabbi Neil Brill & Debbie Brill

the best nephew and niece

Continue your good work

Aunt Pearl z”l & Uncle Nate

Congratulations to
The Honorees

from all of us at
Romanian Kosher Sausage Co.
Mattress King
2952 W. Devon Ave. Chicago IL, 60659
(773) 743-5120
(773) 977-5184 (Accepts text messaging)


In Memory of
my parents

Rakhiliya bat Moshe Gila

Gregore (Hirsch) ben Avraham

Arkady Kats
State Farm

Providing Insurance and Financial Services

Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 60710

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Steven B. Schwartz
Financial Advisor
Edward Jones
5901 Dempster St., STE 100
Morton Grove, IL 60053
Ofc. 847-965-6960
Fax 888-734-3837
Dear Grandpa,
We love you,

From Your Grandchildren

In memory of Alvin Fensterheim

We are grateful for the gift of his life,
for his love of family, and for the
blessings which he shared with all of us.
Stephen & Barbara Parkoff

In Memory of Alvin Fensterheim

In Memory of Ina Perlmuter
from dear friends

Alvin & Tamara Cohen

In Memory of
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
A True Mensch
Dr. Joel & Sally Feder
To honor the memories of
Dr. Alvin Fensterheim and
Mrs. Jean Goldrich
Sanford & Shelley Schwartz

May Alvin and Jean’s memories

be blessed
Jeffrey D. Greenspan-Attorney at law
Real Estate and Estate Planning
In memory of Dr. Alvin Fensterheim
and Mrs. Jean Goldrich
two righteous, beautiful people who brought
light, love and the wisdom of Torah
into our world
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez
In memory of the honorees
who were devoted to their families,
religion and to their Shul.
Barbara & Howard Pomper & Family

We remember Dr. Alvin Fensterheim

with fondness and recognize that his
children and grandchildren continue
his legacy of chesed and maasim tovim.
Tara and Brian Roffe

In Memory of Our Beloved

Husband and Father
Irving Schultz
and Beloved Son and Brother
Harvey Schultz
from Rochelle and Judy Schultz
In Memory of
Jerome Goldberg Z”L
George & Jennie Donzis Z”L
Morris & Ida Goldberg Z”L
Aaron Donzis Z”L

Isabel Donzis Goldberg

In Honor of
Rabbi Louis & Rebbetzin Saretta Lazovsky
and their extended family.
Continued B’racha V’hatzlacha
With Love, Rabbi Sidney, Sharon & Jacob Pick

In honor of the entire Lazovsky

family for their tireless efforts to
bring spiritual light, learning and
Torah into our community
Bonnie & Rick Hernandez

Thank you

Kesser Maariv

for your daily Minyan

To err is human

To forgive is Divine

Please forgive any errors

Thank you

The Committee

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