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1.Analyse the figures.Make the differences.What type of analysis is represented in the fist figure?

do you think so?Which are the differences between an urinary and a blood analysis?What type of
analysis is represented in the second figure?What are the main characteristics which help us to
determine if it is a normal result of an analysis or an abnormal one?

Fig1. Fig2.

2.Why do you think an analysis is so important in modern medicine?Analyse the image and make some
conclusions about the importance of different types of analysis in human life.
3.Analyse the table and give answers at the following questions:

1.What are the normal colors of the urine?

2.When your urine is amber or honey what should you do?

3.In which cases you must consult a doctor?

4.Why an urine analysis can tell a lot more than a simple examination?

5.What are the outside influences which can change the normal colour of your urine?

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