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  "Price" "Safety" Exterior_Looks "Space_comfort" Technology "After_Sales_Service" Resale_Value Fuel_Type Fuel_Efficiency Color "Maintenance" Test_drive

N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 4.17 4.20 3.82 4.00 4.16 4.41 3.68 4.09 3.87 3.73 3.99
Median 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Minimum 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 2
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


Frequencies of "Price"

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

3 9 10.0 % 10.0 %
4 57 63.3 % 73.3 %
5 24 26.7 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of "Safety"

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

3 11 12.2 % 12.2 %
4 50 55.6 % 67.8 %
5 29 32.2 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of Exterior_Looks

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

1 1 1.1 % 1.1 %
2 2 2.2 % 3.3 %
3 27 30.0 % 33.3 %
4 42 46.7 % 80.0 %
5 18 20.0 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of "Space_comfort"

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

2 1 1.1 % 1.1 %
3 16 17.8 % 18.9 %
4 55 61.1 % 80.0 %
5 18 20.0 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of Technology

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

1 1 1.1 % 1.1 %
2 3 3.3 % 4.4 %
3 13 14.4 % 18.9 %
4 37 41.1 % 60.0 %
5 36 40.0 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of "After_Sales_Service"

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

2 1 1.1 % 1.1 %
3 5 5.6 % 6.7 %
4 40 44.4 % 51.1 %
5 44 48.9 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of Resale_Value

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

1 5 5.6 % 5.6 %
2 10 11.1 % 16.7 %
3 25 27.8 % 44.4 %
4 19 21.1 % 65.6 %
5 31 34.4 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of Fuel_Type

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

3 15 16.7 % 16.7 %
4 52 57.8 % 74.4 %
5 23 25.6 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of Fuel_Efficiency

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

1 1 1.1 % 1.1 %
2 3 3.3 % 4.4 %
3 22 24.4 % 28.9 %
4 45 50.0 % 78.9 %
5 19 21.1 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of Color

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

1 2 2.2 % 2.2 %
2 7 7.8 % 10.0 %
3 20 22.2 % 32.2 %
4 45 50.0 % 82.2 %
5 16 17.8 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of "Maintenance"

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

2 1 1.1 % 1.1 %
3 24 26.7 % 27.8 %
4 40 44.4 % 72.2 %
5 25 27.8 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of Test_drive

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

1 2 2.2 % 2.2 %
2 21 23.3 % 25.6 %
3 20 22.2 % 47.8 %
4 30 33.3 % 81.1 %
5 17 18.9 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of Product_reviews

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

2 7 7.8 % 7.8 %
3 9 10.0 % 17.8 %
4 39 43.3 % 61.1 %
5 35 38.9 % 100.0 %

Frequencies of Testimonials

Levels Counts % of Total Cumulative %

1 1 1.1 % 1.1 %
2 4 4.4 % 5.6 %
3 22 24.4 % 30.0 %
4 41 45.6 % 75.6 %
5 22 24.4 % 100.0 %

Exploratory Factor Analysis

Factor Loadings


  1 2 Uniqueness

"Price" 0.448   0.789

"Safety"     0.874
Exterior_Looks     0.938
"Space_comfort"   0.869 0.244
Technology   0.332 0.880
"After_Sales_Service"   0.402 0.759
Resale_Value 0.580   0.609
Fuel_Type   0.532 0.714
Fuel_Efficiency 0.642   0.558
Color 0.458   0.779
"Maintenance" 0.649   0.576
Test_drive     0.903
Product_reviews 0.420   0.759
Testimonials     0.962

Note. 'Maximum likelihood' extraction method was used in combination with a 'varimax' rotation

Assumption Checks

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity

χ² df p

248 91 < .001

KMO Measure of Sampling Adequacy


Overall 0.614
"Price" 0.719
"Safety" 0.471
Exterior_Looks 0.549
"Space_comfort" 0.606
Technology 0.646
"After_Sales_Service" 0.623
Resale_Value 0.634
Fuel_Type 0.676
Fuel_Efficiency 0.623
Color 0.557
"Maintenance" 0.612
Test_drive 0.640
Product_reviews 0.692
Testimonials 0.505

Scree Plot
Reliability Analysis
Scale Reliability Statistics

  Cronbach's α

scale 0.589

Note. items '"Safety"' and 'Exterior_Looks' correlate negatively with the total scale and probably should be reversed

Item Reliability Statistics

if item dropped

  mean sd item-rest correlation Cronbach's α

"Price" 4.17 0.585 0.2891 0.566

"Safety" 4.20 0.640 -0.0842 0.615
Exterior_Looks 3.82 0.815 -0.0158 0.614
"Space_comfort" 4.00 0.653 0.3278 0.558
Technology 4.16 0.873 0.2119 0.575
"After_Sales_Service" 4.41 0.652 0.4103 0.546
Resale_Value 3.68 1.216 0.1197 0.606
Fuel_Type 4.09 0.647 0.2301 0.573
Fuel_Efficiency 3.87 0.824 0.4946 0.520
Color 3.73 0.922 0.1992 0.578
"Maintenance" 3.99 0.772 0.4017 0.541
Test_drive 3.43 1.112 0.3009 0.556
Product_reviews 4.13 0.889 0.4158 0.533
Testimonials 3.88 0.872 0.1047 0.595

Correlation Heatmap

Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Factor Loadings

95% Confidence Interval

Factor Indicator Estimate SE Lower Upper Z p

Factor 1 "Price" 0.2842 0.0772 0.1328 0.436 3.6789 < .001

  Exterior_Looks -0.1058 0.1079 -0.3172 0.106 -0.9806 0.327
  "Space_comfort" -0.0699 0.1167 -0.2987 0.159 -0.5987 0.549
  Resale_Value 0.9313 0.2330 0.4745 1.388 3.9962 < .001

Factor 2 Fuel_Type 0.0978 0.0737 -0.0466 0.242 1.3270 0.185

  Fuel_Efficiency 0.7805 0.5674 -0.3316 1.893 1.3756 0.169
  "Maintenance" 4.6646 44.7786 -83.0998 92.429 0.1042 0.917

Factor 3 Product_reviews 0.3243 0.1994 -0.0665 0.715 1.6266 0.104

  Test_drive 0.3016 0.2230 -0.1354 0.739 1.3526 0.176
  "Maintenance" -4.2784 44.6502 -91.7913 83.234 -0.0958 0.924

Factor Estimates

Factor Covariances

95% Confidence Interval

    Estimate SE Lower Upper Z p

Factor 1 Factor 1 1.000 ᵃ          

  Factor 2 0.465 0.349 -0.220 1.15 1.331 0.183
  Factor 3 0.403 0.408 -0.396 1.20 0.988 0.323

Factor 2 Factor 2 1.000 ᵃ          

  Factor 3 1.034 0.289 0.467 1.60 3.575 < .001

Factor 3 Factor 3 1.000 ᵃ          

ᵃ fixed parameter

Residual Estimates

Residual Intercepts

95% Confidence Interval

  Estimate SE Lower Upper Z p

"Price" 4.17 0.0614 4.05 4.29 67.9 < .001

Exterior_Looks 3.82 0.0855 3.65 3.99 44.7 < .001
"Space_comfort" 4.00 0.0685 3.87 4.13 58.4 < .001
Resale_Value 3.68 0.1275 3.43 3.93 28.8 < .001
Fuel_Type 4.09 0.0678 3.96 4.22 60.3 < .001
Fuel_Efficiency 3.87 0.0864 3.70 4.04 44.8 < .001
"Maintenance" 3.99 0.0809 3.83 4.15 49.3 < .001
Product_reviews 4.13 0.0932 3.95 4.32 44.3 < .001
Test_drive 3.43 0.1166 3.20 3.66 29.4 < .001

Model Fit

Test for Exact Fit

χ² df p

58.3 23 < .001

Fit Measures



0.649 0.450 0.131 0.0894 0.173 1937

Path Diagram


N 90
Missing 0
Mean 4.16
Median 4.00
Minimum 1
Maximum 5

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