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Week 3 Assignment - Literature Review

Cody Azevedo

National University

Capstone TED 690

Professor Daniel Weintraub



This purpose of this literature review is to analyze two peer-reviewed journals that are

relevant to Domain C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning and Domain D: Planning

Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students. These two peer reviewed journals

discuss the importance of making content accessible, engaging students, developmentally

appropriate teaching practices, teaching English learners, and instructional planning


It’s important for teachers to understand that individual students learn at different rates

and also in different ways. This means that teachers have to continuously come up with ways to

differentiate instruction to engage students of multiple intelligence's and diverse learning styles.

Lately, the use of assistive technology has helped support instructional strategies by giving

students different ways for learning and acquiring new information and also giving more

opportunities for all students to be successful including students with exceptionalities. A few

examples of assistive technology would include devices such as smart boards, heart rate

monitors, and videos are examples of ways that a teacher can differentiate instruction in physical

education classroom. Direct instruction is a common teaching strategy that many teachers use

due to a growing focus on state standards and teachers being accountable in the classroom.

Direct instruction is an effective teaching strategy where the teacher presents specific

knowledge/skills and guides the learning process. “Teachers structure the learning by proceeding

in small steps. They give detailed and repeated instructions and explanations” (Jayantilal, K.,

O’leary, N., 2017). Direct instruction strategies allows teachers to keep their lessons aligned

with and focused on the state standards and the learning objectives. Direct instruction is

frequently utilized in P.E. to enable students to set and accomplish learning objectives through

planned learning activities.

Another teaching strategy that falls under the direction instruction umbrella is called

Scaffolding, which refers to a variety of instructional strategies that are used to move students

progressively toward a greater understanding and more independence in the learning process. In

Physical education, there are many ways to use scaffolding such as, modeling (demonstration),

guided practice, breaking down complex skills into smaller skills, and giving prompts and cues.

The main purpose of using scaffolding techniques in physical education is to help connect prior

knowledge and bridge it to the new knowledge, which supports students retention, and enhances

their understanding. Scaffolding methods have been a highly effective teaching strategy for

English as a Second Language (ESL) students and they also support students with different

learning styles, experiences, and backgrounds. Scaffolding strategies increase student

performance in physical education by helping to support the various learning styles and students

individual needs, which will allow them to better know and understand the content learning


Another instructional strategy commonly used in a physical education classroom is

cooperative learning. Collaborative learning is teaching and learning strategy that involves

arranging students into groups and work together to solve a problem, perform a task. In physical

education, cooperative learning is typically done small groups or teams that work together in

order to achieve the leaning objectives for the lesson/unit. “Moreover, while collaborative

activities may result in learning, the nature of what is learned may be different for each

individual involved” (Keay, J. 2006). Initially, not all students may effectively work together,

but in a well-managed class, cooperative learning activities can be utilized to enhance student



Keay, J. (2006). Collaborative Learning in Physical Education Teachers' Early-Career Professional

Development, 11(3), p.285-305

Jayantilal, K., O’leary, N. (2017). Reinforcing factors influencing a physical education teacher’s

use of the direct instruction model teaching games, 23(4), pp.392-411

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