Ensayo para Práctica Del Toefl

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348 palabras

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save

your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your opinion.

A lot of people prefer to save their money for the future and others prefer
to spend it inmediatly. Which way of living do I prefer? I think I prefer
both because in my opinion, the real question is: when do I prefer each
option? I prefer to dave my money and to spend it in the next moments:

First of all, when I need money for something or someone special and I
don’t have the total number of mexican pesos to buy it, I consider, the
best option is to save it. For example, I know my mother’s birthday is on
April and I want to buy her an expensive coat but I don’t have enough
money in my pocket to get it, so I decide to keep every mexican pesos
which I earns to buy it for her special day. Another example is when I
want to travell to a specific place, in this case, I try to save all the possible
amount of money to go to this site with no worries.

On the other hand, I believe it is better to spend my money when I have

a special necessity or if I have the exactly amount of money to buy it.
For instance, two weeks ago I got a flu and I ned money to buy a
medicine, so I used all my money to get it. I did it because in my opinion,
health is very important, therefore, I will always spend all the necesary
money to cure my familly or myself. The another case is when I want
something very much like a dress and I have the enough money to buy,
I preffer to get it inmediatly due to the fact that other person can take it
instead of me.
348 palabras

To save money or not to save money, it’s a dilema for many people. At
least in my case I know I must save it when I don’t need money for
something I want and I have to spend it when there is a kind of necessity
in my life.

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