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It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your
community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons
and details in your answer.

The construction of a new high school is something people will love or hate, what is my
opinion? I think I would like it for one reason and at the same time I would detest it for two
different reasons.

In the first place, a new high school is a great idea for me because it represents the opportunity
to get a new job for people in my city and for me. Consequently, it means people will get
money and it has proved that communities where people have Jobs have less rate of
insecurity. For example, in a city of México named Mérida, there are enough places where
men and women can work so people avoid stealing money from others.

On the other hand, the first thing I wouldn’t like about the construction of a new high school
in my community is the fact that I have noticed everytime a school is built, the traffic
increases in those streets and it’s bad for me because the way I move in the city is by car. For
instance, two years ago, I was doing homework, suddenly, my dog started to suffer a heart
atack so I took him to the veterinary a soon as possible. Unfortunately, it was 7:00 am, the
time where high schools in my city open, therefore there was a lot of traffic in that street. At
7:20 am, my dog died and I couldn’t arrive to the veterinary in time. I feel really sorry about

The second thing I couldn’t stand is beeing the neighbour of a high school because it causes
a lot of noise since the begining of its construction to the time it starts to work. I can mention
that my aunt lived next to a high school who was beeing built and she got sick because she
breath a lot of dust which was produced by the process of construction. In addition, my cousin
is renting a room in a

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