Neil 59 Up Final Paper

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56 Up Final Paper Neil Hughes

Melody Velez

Union Institute and University

As part of our final paper, we were brought to examine a series called Seven up. In 1964

Michael Apted began his career as a researcher on a new experimental series for Granada TV.

During this series he sets out to validate Jesuit maxim 'Give me the child until he is seven and I

will give you the man.' theory. The goal was to follow 14 children from diverse socio-economic

backgrounds and seeing how they individually dealt with struggles and every. While running this

study of their lives, he then was able to follow them through their journey of finding their future.

Different experiences and opportunities were presented to those involved within an over 50 year

span. Apted has interviewed the original group every seven years until the age of 56. I found this

to show great commitment not only from the researcher Apted but also from those he selected.

Within these 14 selected, I decided to do my analyse on Neil’s experience. It was also a great

opportunity for me to learn about all 14 selected and their personal individual struggles and

achievements in life. I felt as if I was watching different tv novelas that brought about laughter,

sadness, suspense as well as a tears. I found myself routing for all involved and looked forward

to their final tails on their search of adult development and growth.

In exploring the period of early adulthood in Neil Hughes case, I found that the

documentary while following its participants every 7 years, Apted could have missed something

critical that could have contributed to a certain age experience, once they meet again. Neils story

to me was both sad but also very encouraging. Although I do not believe Neil was truly at his

happiest by the age of 56, I do know I give him credit for never truly giving up. Although I was

born and raised in the United States I feel that the British beliefs are very similar to ours. I also

found the intentions of the interviewer Michael Apted being one of wanting to focus on how

these folks were affected by social and economic circumstances. During this documentary we are

given the opportunity to see his progress in his personal journey with the exploration of early

adulthood. Would Neil be able to explore his identity, career, marriage and relationships, or

family dynamics? As we are later introduced to his current state, we can see he is dealing with

depression, anxiety, economic troubles while also struggling with low self esteem and

hopelessness. From watching the video I was reminded of not assuming one’s life will end up

better due to their status or upbringing. This film viewed was a great reminder of what one’s

choices, circumstance or state of mind can have on the outcomes of any given individual.

In learning about Neil’s childhood, Apted introduces us to Neil at the age of 7. We find

out about the fact that he was raised in the suburbs in a middle class neighborhood in Liverpool.

As a child he seemed happy and content with being a child. Being raised in a middle class

environment I was not surprised in the fact that he intended on going to college and of him

wanting to be accepted into Oxford University. I was later sadden that he was not given the

opportunity. I admired that he still enrolled in a local college but then surprised to find out that

he had dropped out after only one semester. Although he dropped out of college he still went to

work but living in a squat. This type of living arrangements and him dropping out of school

shows me his instability with responsibility and or commitment. I couldn't help but wonder

where his parents where and figured he didn't have their support. These choices made at such an

important time on someone's life was an opening to sort of predict where his life could be going.

When asked what he would like to do for a living, he expressed him wanting a position of

importance. This shows his internal need of belonging and making changes in his community.

He suggested a position in politics but also “feels he he didn't think he was the right sort of

person to carry that responsibility”. (56 up) This comment sort of made my question on his

ability to deal with responsibility and commitment a possible good theory. Did Neil lack the

confidence to still continue?


As the documentary continues we meet Neil again at the age of 28. At this time, Apted

finds Neil is homeless living on the west coast of Scotland, and one can see his deterioration not

only physically but emotionally I would say. He seems withdrawn, and anxious. But who

wouldn't be in this condition?. He shares with Apted that “ when the money runs out, well for a

few days there's nowhere to go. That's all you can do, I simply have to find the warmest shed I

can find” (59 Up) 2012. We witness his struggle with having the normal necessities in life, like

money to be able to have shetler and a sense of security. In our first weeks discussion we are

asked if we get better with age, and one would usually say yes, but in Neils case you witness his

inability to move forward in achieving normal experiences in life, such as work, shelter,

relationships. Personally this was very hard for me to understand. He seemed like such a happy

young boy at the beginning of the film. I couldn't help but wonder if he had seeked any

professional help in those last 7 years to help him cope etc. Later at the end of the film Adted

does ask if he ever tried to get some psychological help and he expresses that he did but felt he

didn't need it. He made a comment that in his opinion, this form of help would intentionally

want to make him live this same experience. We also discuss Self-determination which is known

to be a vital piece of one's psychological well-being. During this, people generally like to feel in

control of their own lives. I felt Neil did not feel he had control over his life during this time.

Ironically Apted asks Neil where he thinks he sees himself in another 7 years and response, he

should ask where he's likely to be doing, while suggesting he expected to be running homeless in

London. During this timeline of his life I fear for his health and well being. His mental state of

mind is also of great concern. Can he make it through this period? I hope he does with all my


At the age of 35 we then find him in London as he expected but this time living in a

Council estate in the northern part of Scotland in the Shetland Islands. Still struggling with

finding his place in the community and finding a paying job. Although he still seems to be

struggling with his current situation, I can appreciate the fact that he seems as if being around

others is bringing him confidence and opportunity to contribute a part of him. Having these new

opportunities gives him the ability to decide that he must be involved in politics because he felt

he wasn't achieving what he wanted. I appreciated his determination in wanting to be able to

make a concrete difference in society. I felt this might be the beginning to Neil’s transitional

period in finding purpose in what he does. I looked forward to seeing where Apted would find

him doing in the next 7 years.

Neil is then visited at the age of 42 where we can then see many aspects of his life having

changed as well as seeing growth in his career and or place in society. At age 42 he had moved

to London and found himself involved through work as a Liberal Democrat on Hackney Council.

I feel during this stage we as viewers could experience his attachment style within community

and those around him. In not being able to hear more about his relationship with his parent I was

not able to determine his childhood attachment style but felt comfortable enough to say he fell

under a somewhat dismissive, and preoccupied personality attachment style as an adult.

Although I felt he seemed lost during his twenties, we could still see his needing of approval of

others, while also being being witness of his insecurity and self critical thought of himself. At

the age of 49 he has left London and moved to Cumbria in the northwest part of England. Here

he is a Liberal Democrat of a local district council. During this interview we see his passion of

the public toilets and his explanation of how something someone would find minimal could be of

such importance to a small community. The video does go back in forth through his different

encounters but we are then educated on his thoughts about important aspects of one's personal

opinions, that can give us a better understanding of how those beliefs can be connected to current

lifestyle or achievements. When asked of his strengths, Neil response with “To keep going”

while admitting to his weakness being “Not being able to take any positive course of action once

faced with an obstacle” (59 up) 2010. His expressed opinions and responses to this question is

clearly demonstrated throughout his journey. One comment Neil shares with us on video that

truly hit me was “ No formal education can prepare anyone for life. Only life can” (59 up) 2010.

Although some seek education as we do, I do believe that statement has merit as well. Life is

unpredictable and brings along different experiences in all of us. Throughout this documentary

we are able to see how his spiritual beliefs and maturity, affect his experiences and end up

playing a vital role in his growth. When asked about what role God played in his life during his

twenties, he compares it to the old testament. He says God is unpredictable in the old testament,

and that's how he found him in his own life. During 49 up we find out that through additional

training he is now a Lay minister who is able to lead services, preach, distribute community

information while serving his community. Although he makes it clear he is not unappreciative to

serve his church, he felt it was not the best place of employment for someone who wants to

change society. I agreed to a certain extent because I feel he could still have a voice of influence

in church but also felt it could be limited to that community.

During 56 up we get to learn a little more on his opinions of current hurts and struggles

he is still dealing with although he had been able to move forward. He expresses anger in doors

being closed for him as well as others. We get a sense of his passion for community and making

sure concerns and ideas are heard and taken into account. He also shares with us about viewers

communicating with him that they knew what he was going through but felt they really didn't.

We also are able to see that his current lifestyle and being part of the community has brought

some sort of belonging and a little piece of happiness. When asked what being happy is, he

responses, being with friends, going on a walk and discussing current interest. Seemed simple to

me. Neil reminds us that he put his heart on a sleeve for everyone to see and although he shared

many of his personal interest like writing, no one ever asked to read any of his work. In addition

to following his personal journey through adulthood with the world, he reminds us of not only

wanting acceptance of what he wrote but a sense of acknowledgement. Almost at the end of his

story we are able to hear his take on what factors could have played a role his current destiny. He

shares with us that he had a nervous complaint since the age of 16 which was responsible for him

leaving the university and for some ways making it difficult work. I would have appreciated

learning just a little more about what that could have been.

In conclusion, having the opportunity to see Neil’s journey in life, I was not only able to

see his ups and downs but also admired his kind heart throughout the series. I was not surprised

to also see his hurt in his experience with society and in finding his place in the world. Isn't this

what we are all doing? Finding our purpose?. Something else that I was able to get out of this

documentary by being introduced to the group presented in 59 up, is the opportunity to know

their opinion or take on what being part of this research did to them overall. Other than studying

there personal growth in life, I think we might have forget the overall impact this can have on

their life after it is completed. Although I only got the information presented on this particular

taping, I am curious to research the series further for more information, I still felt was

unanswered for me. Finally I will share what stayed with me after Neils story was shared with

us. Through his obstacles in life and not really having that normal expected life we all wish for

or experience, I believe he was very brave to never give up. I can only wish that he will change

his mind in the future and seek some professional help. Not to try and make up for what he feels

he was not able to achieve but rather to give him peace of mind. Literally. Great view and

experience for me to have been introduced to such a story.



Apted, M. (Director). Balden, B., Basset, J., Basterfield, S., Brackfield, A., Brisby, J., & Davies,

P. (Actor). (2012). 56 Up[Motion picture]. New Video Group. Retrieved from

R. Chris Fraley. (n.d.). A brief overview of adult attachment theory and research. Retrieved from

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