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A. Meetings Vocabulary

Word Meaning
A.G.M. Annual General Meeting
absentee Person not at the meeting, not present.
agenda Written list of points to be discussed at a meeting.
alternative Choice of two or more possibilities.
attendee Participant or person attending a meeting.
ballot System of secret voting;
voters place their ballot-papers in a ballot-box;
casting vote Deciding vote, usually by the Chairman, when votes are
in equal number.
chariman /
The person who conducts the meeting.
clarify Make something clearer by giving more information.
conference Formal meeting for discussion or exchange of views.
conference call Telephone call between three or more people in different places.
consensus General agreement.
deadline Future date at which something must be done.
decision Reach a conclusion or resolution concerning future action.
i-conference A meeting or discussion between two or more people via the internet.
interrupt Stop a person who is speaking in order to say or do something.
item A separate point for discussion on an agenda.
main point What is most essential.
minutes A written summary of the proceedings at a meeting.
objective What is aimed at, what one wants to achieve or obtain.
point out Draw attention to something e.g. point out an increase in demand.
proposal A course of action put forward for consideration; to make a proposal.
proxy vote A vote cast by one person for another.
recommend Advise a course of action; make a recommendation.
show of hands Raised hands to express agreement or disagreement in a vote.
summary A brief statement of the main points.
task A piece of work to be done; to assign a task to someone.
unanimous In complete agreement.
video conference Conference linking people in different locations by satellite, TV, etc.
vote Express one's agreement or disagreement; to cast a vote.

B. Final Report: Reviewing Homecoming Responsibilities

To: Joanna, Vice President of Marketing; Alex, Vice President of Recruitment; All Attendees

Meeting Date: Monday, August 1st

Meeting Time: 4:00pm
Meeting Duration: 1 hour

Attendees: 10
● Dan, Director of Admissions
● Bob, Assistant Director of Admissions
● Brian, Admissions Counselor
● Becky, Admissions Counselor
● Dave, Admissions Counselor
● Shawna, Admissions Counselor
● Megan, Office Manager
● Melissa, Visit Coordinator
● Ted, Assistant Office Manager
● Stacy, Receptionist

Room: Meeting Room B in the Downey Hall Auditorium

Agenda: Reviewing Homecoming Responsibilities

Executive Overview: The purpose of this meeting was to discuss Admissions responsibilities
during Homecoming. Our office needs to address this event earlier than most due to the fact
that most of the Counselors will be out on fall travel during the time leading up to Homecoming.
Therefore, we delegated the following responsibilities in preparation for the event:

Chart of Discussed Responsibilities:

Action Initiator Person in Notes Due

Charge Date

Mailings Send out Megan Melissa Megan will forward Melissa Sept. 1
Homecoming the Visit Day information that
Visit Day will go in the brochure.
invitation Melissa will create and send
the brochure.

Phone Have student Bob Brian Bob will give Brian access to Oct. 1
Calls callers contact the prospective student lists.
prospective Brian will create calling lists
students for the student callers

Campus Prepare Bob Trent Bob will give Trent last Oct. 1
Events Homecoming year’s supply list. Trent will
admissions tent order all necessary supplies
and work with Brian to
schedule student workers.

Travel Give out Megan Melissa Once the Homecoming Sept. 7

Homecoming brochure is created, Melissa
information will order copies for the
while on fall counselors to take on fall
travel travel.

Follow-Up Details: Please make note that Megan is the contact person for all Homecoming
communication. She will be handling the majority of the Homecoming responsibilities and
should be contacted with any relevant questions, comments, or concerns.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 1st, 4:00pm in the Executive Meeting Room in Sulley Hall

C. The Minutes of a Meeting


Date: Monday, August 1st

Time: 4:00pm
Duration: 1 hour
Attendees: 10 total, from the Admissions Staff (Director, Assistant Director, four counselors,
and support staff)
Room: Meeting Room B in the Downey Hall Auditorium
Agenda: Reviewing Homecoming Responsibilities
Items Discussed:

● Need to send out Homecoming visit day info.

○ Megan will forward Melissa the Visit Day information that will go in the brochure.
Melissa will create and send the brochure (by 9/1).
● Students callers to call prospective students.
○ Bob will give Brian access to the prospective student lists. Brian will create
calling lists for the student callers (by 10/1).
● Prep admissions tent.
○ Bob will give Trent last year’s supply list. Trent will order all necessary supplies
and work with Brian to schedule student workers (by 10/1).
● Give out homecoming info while on fall travel.
○ Once the Homecoming brochure is created, Melissa will order copies for the
counselors to take on fall travel (by 9/7).

Other Info:

● Megan in charge of communications. Contact her with any questions or suggestions.

● Next meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 4 pm in the Executive Meeting Room in Sulley Hall.

Send report to all attendees, VP of Marketing, VP of Recruitment.

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