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Power Electronics

Lecture 9: DC Power Supplies 1

Erasmus Mundus Master Course in

Sustainable Transportation
and Electrical Power Systems
Dr. Giulio De Donato
Transformer Models

Single phase transformer Ideal model

Complete single phase transformer model Model used for power electronics
v1 N1 i1 N2
• Ideal transformer model input-output relationships:
N2 i2

The Flyback Converter (1/7)

• The output capacitor is

very large, resulting in a
constant V0.
• The circuit is operating
in steady state, i.e. all
currents and voltages
are periodic.
• The duty ratio of the
switch is D, being
closed for a time DT
and open for (1-D)T.
• The switches and
diodes are ideal.
• The flyback converter is
basically an isolated
buck-boost converter.

The Flyback Converter (2/7)

closed switch configuration

• The voltage drop across the magnetizing inductance is: v1 = Vs = Lm
diLm iLm iLm Vs
• The rate of change of the magnetizing current is: = = =
dt t DT Lm
• The change in magnetizing current during DT is: ( iLm )closed =
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ Lm
N2 N2
• The secondary (load) side voltage is: v2 = v1 = Vs
✓ ◆ N1 N1
• The diode voltage is: vD = V0 Vs <0
• The primary and secondary side currents are: i1 = i2 = 0
• The capacitor current is: ic =

The Flyback Converter (3/7)

open switch configuration

• The secondary side voltage is equal✓to: v◆2 = V0 ✓ ◆

N1 N1
• The primary side voltage is: v1 = v2 = V0
N2 N2 ✓ ◆
diLM N1
• The magnetizing inductance voltage drop is: Lm = v1 = V0
dt N2
• The rate of change of the magnetizing
✓ current
◆ is:
diLM iLm iLm V0 N 1
= = =
dt t (1 D)T Lm N2
• The change in magnetizing current
✓ ◆ over (1-D)T is:
V0 (1 D)T N1
( iLm )open =
Lm N2

The Flyback Converter (4/7)

• The voltage across the switch

✓ ◆when the switch is open is equal to:
Vsw = Vs v1 = Vs + V0
• Vsw is greater than the input voltage!!! ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
N1 N1
• The diode current is equal to: iD = i1 = iLm
N2 ✓ ◆ N2
N1 V0
• The capacitor current is: iC = iD iR = iLm
N2 R
• The net change in magnetizing current over one period must be zero for steady-
state operation: ✓ ◆
Vs DT V0 (1 D)T N1
( iLm )closed + ( iLm )open = 0 =0
Lm Lm N2
• Solving ✓for V0 leads
◆ ✓ to the
◆ input-output voltage relationship:
D N2
V0 = V s
1 D N1

The Flyback Converter (5/7)

magnetizing current

capacitor current

source current

primary side voltage

diode current

The Flyback Converter (6/7)
• The input-output power balance requires: Vs I s =
• The average source current is related to the average magnetizing current by:
(ILm )DT
Is = = ILm D
V02 V02
• Substituting: Vs ILm D = I Lm =
• The average magnetizing current is also expressed as:
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆
Vs D N2 V0 N2
ILm = =
(1 D)2 R N1 (1 D)R N1
• The maximum and minimum values of the magnetizing current are:
✓ ◆2
iLm Vs D N2 Vs DT
ILm,max = ILm + = +
2 (1 D)2 R N1 2Lm
✓ ◆2
iLm Vs D N2 Vs DT
ILm,min = ILm =
2 (1 D)2 R N1 2Lm
• At the boundary between continuous ✓ and
◆2discontinuous current operation:
Vs D N2 Vs DT Vs D
ILm,min = 0 = =
(1 D)2 R N1 2Lm 2Lm f ✓ ◆2
(1 D)2 R N1
• Solving for the magnetizing inductance: (Lm )min =
2f N2

Exercise n°1:

A flyback converter has the following parameters:

- Vs = 24 V
- N1/N2 = 3
- Lm = 500 µH
- f = 40 kHz
- C = 200 µF
- R=5Ω
- V0 = 5 V
Determine the required duty ratio; the average, maximum and minimum
transformer magnetizing currents; the output voltage ripple.

Exercise n°2:

Design a flyback converter to produce an output voltage of 36 V from a 3.3 V

source. The output current is 0.1 A. Design for an output ripple voltage of 2%.
Include ESR when choosing a capacitor. Assume for this problem that the ESR
is related to the capacitor value by rc=10-5/C.

The Flyback Converter (7/7)
• In DCO, the magnetizing current
decreases to zero before the switch is
• Since the magnetizing current starts at
zero, the maximum value is:
ILm,max =
• The output voltage can be determined
from the power balance:
V02 discontinuous current operation
Vs I s = ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
R 1 Vs DT 1 Vs D 2 T
• The average source current is: Is = (DT ) =
2 Lm T 2Lm
• Equating source and load power:
Vs2 D2 T V02
2Lm R
• Solving for V0:
r s
V 0 = Vs D = Vs D
2Lm 2Lm f

Exercise n°3:

For the flyback converter of ex.1, the load resistance is increased from 5 to 20 Ω
with all other parameters remaining unchanged. Show that the magnetizing
current is discontinuous and determine the output voltage.

The Forward Converter (1/10)

• Behaves as an isolated step-down converter.

• The transformer has three windings:
- Windings 1 and 2 transfer energy from the source to the load when the
switch is closed.
- Winding 3 provides a path for the magnetizing current when the switch is
open and reduces the magnetizing current to zero before the start of the
new switching period.

The Forward Converter (2/10)

Closed switch configuration

• The transformer voltages

✓ ◆ are: ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
N2 N2 N3 N3
v 1 = Vs v2 = v1 = Vs v3 = v1 = Vs
N1 N1 N1 N1
• Diode D3 is reverse biased: VD3 = Vs v3 < 0
• A positive v2 forward biases D1 and reverse biases D2.

The Forward Converter (3/10)

Closed switch configuration

✓ ◆
N2 diLx
• The voltage drop across Lx is: vLx = v2 V0 = Vs V0 = L x
N1 dt
diLx Vs (N2 /N1 ) V0 iLx iLx
• The rate of change in inductor current is: = = =
dt Lx t DT
 ✓ ◆
• The change in inductor current during DT is: ( iLx )closed = Vs V0
N1 Lx

The Forward Converter (4/10)

Closed switch configuration

• The total change in the magnetizing current is: iLm =
• The current through the switch and the primary is: isw = i1 + iLm

The Forward Converter (5/10)

Open switch configuration

• The voltage across winding 3 is: v3 = Vs

• The voltages across the
✓ ◆ ✓ other
◆ two windings
✓ ◆are: ✓ ◆
N1 N1 N2 N2
v1 = v3 = Vs v2 = v3 = Vs
N3 N3 N3 N3
• The voltage drop across the Lx inductor is: vLx = V0 = L x

The Forward Converter (6/10)

Open switch configuration

diLx V0 iLx
• The rate of change in inductor current is: = =
dt L (1 D)T
• the resulting change in inductor current throughout (1-D)T is:
V0 (1 D)T
( iLx )open =

The Forward Converter (7/10)

Open switch configuration

• For steady state operation the net change in the inductor current over one period
must be zero:  ✓ ◆
N2 DT V0 (1 D)T
( iLx )closed + ( iLx )open = 0 Vs V0 =0
N1 Lx Lx
• Solving for ✓
V0 leads
◆ to the input-output voltage relationship:
V0 = V s D
• Current in Lx must be continuous for the above to be valid!!!

The Forward Converter (8/10)

• While the switch is open, the voltage drop across the magnetizing inductance is
v1 which is < 0: ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
N1 diLm diLm Vs N 1
v L m = v 1 = Vs = Lm =
N3 dt dt Lm N3
• This rate of change in magnetizing current is valid as long as the current is
• For the magnetizing current to return to zero within the switching period, the total
decrease in current must be equal to the total increase in current while the
switch is closed.
• Defining ΔTx the time it takes for the magnetizing current to drop to zero, the rate
of change is: ✓ ◆
iLm Vs DT Vs N 1
= =
Tx Lm Lm ✓ N3 ◆
• Solving for ΔTx: Tx = DT
N1 ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
N3 N3
• The current reaches zero at: t0 = DT + Tx = DT + DT = DT 1 +
N1 N1

The Forward Converter (9/10)

The Forward Converter (10/10)

• The current must reach zero before the beginning of the next period:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
N3 N3
t0 < T DT 1 + <T D 1+ <1
N1 N1
• For example, if N1/N3 = 1, then the duty cycle D<0.5.
• The voltage across the open switch is Vs-v1:
( ⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘
N1 N1
V s v 1 = Vs Vs N 3 = V s 1 + N 3 f or DT < t < t0
vsw =
Vs f or t0 < t < T

• The circuit configuration on the output is the same as for the step-down
converter so the output voltage ripple is also the same:
V0 1 D
V0 8Lx Cf 2
• The peak-to-peak voltage ripple due to ESR is:

V0 (1 D)
V0,ESR = iC rC = rC
Lx f

Exercise n°1:

A forward converter has the following parameters:

- Vs = 48 V
- N1/N2 = 1.5 N1/N3 = 1
- Lx = 0.4mH Lm = 5 mH
- f = 35 kHz
- C = 100 µF
- R = 10 Ω
- D = 0.4
Determine the output voltage, the maximum and minimum inductor currents;
and the output voltage ripple. Determine the peak current in the primary
winding. Verify that the magnetizing current is reset to zero during each
switching period. Assume ideal components.

Exercise n°2:

Design a forward converter such that the output is 5 V when the input is 170 V.
The output current is 5 A. The output voltage ripple must not exceed 1%.
Choose the transformer turns ratio, duty ratio and switching frequency. Choose
Lx such that the current in it is continuous. Include the ESR when choosing the
capacitor. For this problem use rC = 10-5/C.

The Double-Ended Forward Converter (1/2)

• The switches are turned on and off instantaneously.

• Only two transformer windings.
• If the duty cycle of the switches is less than 0.5, the magnetic flux returns to
zero during every cycle.
• The output voltage is the same as for the forward converter.
• The voltage across an off transistor is Vs instead of Vs(1+N1/N3).

The Double-Ended Forward Converter (2/2)

Closed switch configuration

Open switch configuration


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