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El consumismo:

Como consecuencia promueve una alta demanda de recursos del planeta.

(Producción de gaseosa: Azúcar, Químicos, Agua, plásticos, petróleo, levadura etc.),

fomentando así la extracción masiva de los recursos del planeta.

-Vida de productos cortas, se desgastan rápido y tenemos que comprar nuevos

-La presión de la sociedad a experimentar o seguir consumiendo nuevos productos

El control de los desechos:

Todos estos desperdicios se acumulan, en Perú se genera 3mil T y sólo se recicla el 15% y la
pregunta es donde está el resto? Los residuos

- Una parte están en los rellenos sanitarios enterrado en ciertos lugares (Chaclacayo,

- Sólo un porcentaje de los residuos son reciclables (10%) pues la basura no está
clasificada por nosotros.

- El resto está en las calles o mar.


Promotes a high demand for resources on the planet.

Let me give you an example,for example Coca Cola sells aproximatly . 2bn of bottles of soda
per day so that mean they will need huge amont of input such as (sugar, chemicals, water,
plastics, oil, yeast) all of them resources of our planet.

Let me add that other reasons:

- Lately the life of products are shorter (new models of Iphone in two consecutive
-The pressure of society to experiment or continue to consume new products

What’re the consecuences: GARBAGE PROBLEM

All the trashes generated don’t disapear, here in Peru 3M T are generated per day and
only 15% is recycled. And the question is where is the other 85%?

- The trashes are buried by dumps in certain places (Chaclacayo, Petramas)

- The rest ends in the sea or in the city.
- Only a small percentage is reciclable, because the waste is not classified properly by
Hi everyone, today I want to talk you about fashon trendies in Cajamarca.

Many years ago people (men and woman) used to wear a straw yellow hat which is a city-
distinctive hat.

But nowadays seems, there is trend wich, young people wear casual cloths like her in Lima
jeans, T-shirt and sneakers for men and woman.

However old people still wear tradicional clothes sweaters and skirts blouse for the woman.

That trend is exteding to other provinces of Peru.

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