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I have chosen to pursue law as my undergraduate degree.

This passion in law sparked from an

English Barrister whom has won war without violence known as Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi. By
listening to words and stories of in what manner a law based barrister altered world by conveying
awareness of civil rights and freedom across the world, I wish to follow my idol path. Moreover, I
have seen how law keeps the whole shebang we called as life routine line up and well-organized.
People may suggest fright drives this scenario; however, from my point of view, law is the ultimatum
for improving human moral and ethics.

Besides, as I had finished my first year in Law, I have found my security zone with law subjects. In
which, my attentiveness has pointed to Tort, Legislation, and Criminal Law. This was surprising
indeed, to be honest when I worked as part time legal assistant, it was only about getting pay
cheque at end of the month. There was not even a nibble of intention of me staying in law.
However, the interest has grew when my own father faced a case and in dire need of a law assistant.
I saw first had on how my employee protected my father from being deceived by rich corporate
individuals. Through proper utilization of law, the course of the entire case has turned to our favour
whilst protecting both parties. In that very moment, a single question has emerged in my mind, does
people realise on how to utilize law?

The awareness of law and utilization of law in means of protecting self-interest should a common
thing. In my opinion, people’s fear against expenditures and time consumed should be tussled. Why
this happens? Why can’t people step into courthouse to fight for their rights with as much as ease in
stepping into a shop? This is mainly due to their lack of awareness of laws exists which was created
for the sole purpose in protecting them. With further understanding and extensiveness of data I can
increase via this degree, I wish can magnify the role of barrister from courthouse to social awareness
which I believe can be ignited from law school. However, the varsity of law utilization which includes
and not limited to engineering, construction, medical and other fields where barrister should have
both knowledge on job involved to represent their client commendably. This means a lawyer’s
education does not end with law school but evolve through lifetime. This is where being a lawyer
would be fascinating.

Finally from my narration above, I may seem to be a bookworm, but I have also involved in many
extracurricular activities such as 100m run, marathon, and police cadet. When I was active as police
cadet, I have come across law enforcers who with honoured attitude protecting the law. Some police
has to disobey direct command from their higher officers to protect the citizen. However, law
prevails eventually by protecting even the law enforcers themselves. I would say that I have attained
treasured skills and experience as a result of these ventures; qualities which I hope would contribute
significantly to a promising career studying Law at university.

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