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Running head: MAINTAINING A


Module 5 Application-Reflection

Izak J. Held

LEAD 5233


Support and Maintain a Culture of Achievement

In this part of the assignment, we will show a strategy to maintain the vision using an

authentic cultural and student performance assessment in order to provide external validity.

Summer Camp will be using data to conduct a factor analysis, Correlation Matrix of Student

Performance Data, assessing the correlations for positive or negative response and feedback.

With all these measurements at hand, Summer Camp can constitute the assessment phase of our

case study.

After implementation and planning Summer Camp must be able to make sure the

initiatives and priorities established in Module 4 to ensure that the instructional vision is a full

success, that the program be maintained over the next three years. Strategic agenda to establish a

Culture of Achievement will be done by harboring a culture that uses elements to promote and

enhance student achievement. Our organization will be able to facilitate the learning in a manner

that promotes the academic success of all students and will ensure an effective, academically

rigorous learning experience at the same time through blended academics and athletics or arts


In order to maintain the short- and long- term goals, we will hire a Director to oversee the

Summer Camps new integrative academic experience. A director of educational culture position

will be established so that there is an executive running the operation. The director will report

strait to the Principal and assist to train and prepare staff. A committee will be setup of faculty,

staff and parents to work together with the Director of Educational Culture. "The use of

partnerships requires organization and clear communication to define and ensure a productive

relationship between the two parties" (Moye, 2018, para. 2).


One of many ways we can prepare for resistance is to establish a proactive strategy to

counter-act any negative issues that may arise. Summer Camp will get the backing of private

businesses to help us sponsor the programs, this way the community at large also feels like they

are involved in the process. "Community partnerships exists in many forms and social purposes,

but the one that is most applicable to our studies is the school-businesses alliances" (Moye, 2018,

para. 6).

Through leaders, staff, resources, calendar, performance indicators, and changes that are

based on performance data collected, shortly after implementation begins. This way we can

provide valid and reliable feedback through indicators to monitor, demonstrate, and improve the

effectiveness of our instructional vision and our culture of achievement. This can be done when

the programs data has been entered in a spreadsheet for a factor analysis to determine the

correlations between data points and comparable data points. By identifying variables that

correlate with any items of concern, we can proactively handle issues that are developing or see,

potentially, none at all. Summer Camp will be utilizing educational technology as key

performance indicators to monitor the progress of the program and students.

We have now laid out the ground work to enhance the instructional vision of an

organization through strategic initiatives and priorities to facilitate and ensure a culture of



Moye, John (2018). Module 5: Maintaining the Instructional Vision. Part 2 Transcript: Cultural

Partnering [Video File Transcript]. American College of Education. Retrieved from

Moye, John (2018). Module 5: Maintaining the Instructional Vision. Part 2 Transcript: Cultural

Partnering [Video File Transcript]. American College of Education. Retrieved from

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