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General Guidelines

1. The COET Days 2018 Literary Events shall be held on December 15-18, 2018.
2. All contestants must be bona fide students of MSU-IIT and are officially enrolled
for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2018-2019.
3. Contest entry forms for all events shall be submitted on December 14, 2018
(5:59pm) to the COET EC Literary Events Chairperson, Angel Camille S. Donozo
(09199401296). Upon submission of the contest entry, a photocopy of the ID (back
and front) must be attached and the documents must be secured in an envelope. It is
also highly encouraged to submit the contest entry earlier.
4. All participants must be at the contest venue 30 minutes before the scheduled
time of the contest. Basis for the time is Philippine Standard Time (PST) as
synchronized among the literary committee representatives.
5. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to the assigned event
coordinator/ facilitator for briefing and instructions and fill out the registration sheet
provided. Participants will no longer be allowed to leave the venue unless permitted
by the authorized individuals.
6. For events that have two teams, it is highly requested that each course
grouping/department, as much as possible, must provide two teams.
7. Contestants under the influence of liquor and/or prohibited drugs are not allowed
to participate during the event. Any participant or department representative
displaying misdemeanour, obscenity, reckless behaviour and the like will be
sanctioned as deemed necessary by competent authority.
8. The sequence of performance shall be determined through drawing of lots during
the Second Reading of the Guidelines on November 14, 2018 at COET EC Office,
6:00 PM. Signing of Contest Agreement will be announced later.
9. The Literary Chairpersons must submit the list of their Event-Coordinator/s during
the signing of contest agreement.
10. Immediately after the last presenter/contestant, should there be any complaints,
10 minutes is given for each department representative of the Grievance Committee
to be able to raise his or her concerns or complaints. Failure to raise
concerns/grievances after the 10-minute grace period forfeits the right to raise
grievances. The organizers reserve the right to modify, alter and/or amend the
above-mentioned rules or waive compliance therewith at their sole discretion to
settle unforeseen disputes in accordance with the purpose of the contest scheme.
12. Any violation of the guidelines for each event except for the overtime deductions
shall be subject to a two-point (2) deduction per judge.
13. Deduction of points shall be done by the Chairman of the Board of Tabulators,
concurred with the members duly represented by the participating departments.
14. Ranking system shall be used in determining the winners as rated by the judges.
In case of a tie, the judges shall convene and decide on a winner.
15. The sequence of performance for all Literary Competitions is as follows:
1st: CerE/EM
3rd: DCHET
5th: EELET
6th: CEAT
8th: EsET
16. The decision of the Board of Judges, once signed by the Board of Tabulators, is
final and irrevocable.

1. The event shall be on December 15, 2018 from 8:00 am – 12:00 nn at the COET
Amphitheatre. Call time and registration will strictly start at 7:30 am.
2. The team from each department shall be composed of five members.
3. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to Angel Camille S. Donozo
(09199401296), the Event Coordinator, for briefing and instructions. They must
present their Institute IDs and must fill out the registration sheet provided.
Participants must stay at the designated holding area. Leaving the venue is not
allowed unless permitted by the event coordinator.
4. Participants are not allowed to stay inside the performing area prior to their turn to
deliver. There will be a designated waiting area for the participants.
5. The languages to be used during the chain story telling could either be English,
Filipino, Cebuano or a combination thereof.
6. The delivery should not contain foul and vulgar words (i.e. shit, yawa, pisti, bilat,
otin, giatay, puta, gago, gaga, fuck you, bwisit, tang-ina, yati, totoy, boobies, bitch,
leche, iyot, animal, and other types of cussing).
7. Participants are not allowed to bring props of any form.
8. Each of the first four (4) participants of each team are given two (2) minutes to
deliver, while the last participant of the team is given three (3) minutes to deliver.
9. For the sequence of the participants, there will be a draw lots of each member
before their delivery.
10. The time keeper will raise the GREEN Flag to signal that the participant may
begin his/her delivery, and only then will the timing of delivery commence. The time
keeper will raise a Yellow flag to signal that the participant has only thirty (30)
seconds left and RED Flag if time is up.
11. Participants will be penalized with a one-point deduction per judge for every ten
(10) second overtime.
12. Any violation of the above-mentioned guidelines shall be subject to a two-point
deduction per judge.
Criteria for Judging:

Creativity and Coherence 30%

Gestures and Facial Expressions 20%
Voice Quality 30%
Stage Presence 20%

TOTAL 100%

1. The event shall be on December 15, 2018 from 8:00 am – 12:00 nn at the COET
Amphitheatre. Call time and registration will strictly start at 7:30 am
2. There will only be one representative from each department.
3. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to Angel Camille S. Donozo
the Event Coordinator for briefing and instructions. They must present their Institute
IDs and must fill up the attendance sheet provided. Leaving the venue is not allowed
unless permitted by the event coordinator or a member of the COET EC Literary
4. During the contest proper, each contestant shall be given three (3) minutes to
prepare his/her speech in connection with the given topic. The speech may contain
introduction, body, and conclusion.
5. The contestant then delivers his/her speech in three (3) minutes.
6. The judges may ask one question each after the speech. Questions will be
relevant and designed to secure verification, clarification or amplification.
7. No materials may be utilized by participant to prepare for the presentation, except
papers and pencil. The papers and pencil will be provided for each individual by the
8. Each contestant will be permitted to make notes during the preparation time.
9. Participants must give all notes used during the speech to the judge concluding
the speech.
10. Any violation of the above-mentioned guidelines or from those stated in the
general guidelines shall be subject to a two (2)-point deduction.
11. The decision of the panel of judges is final and irrevocable.

Criteria for judging:

Content 25%
Organization of Ideas 25%
Delivery (Posture, Gesture, Voice Projection) 30%
Rapport with the Audience 10%

Total 100%

1. The event shall be on December 16, 2018 from 9:00 am – 11:30 am at the COET
3rd Floor Rm 318. Call time is at exactly 7:30 am.
2. There will only be one representative per category from each department.
3. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to Jierwinn Degayo, the Event
Coordinator for briefing and instructions. They must present their Institute IDs and
must fill up the attendance sheet provided. Leaving the venue is not allowed unless
permitted by the event coordinator or a member of the COET EC Literary
4. The topic shall be announced before the contest starts.
5. COET EC will only provide 10 (ten) yellow papers, 10 (ten) bond papers and pens
to each participant; they will be using the bond papers for their final draft. The
participants may also bring their own black ball-point pen. Use of signature pens
(sign pens) and pencils is not allowed.
6. The article should be in English for the English category and Filipino for the
Filipino category with a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 700 words, written
double-spaced and on only one face of the paper. If the article exceeds to the
maximum or below the minimum a 1-point deduction will be imposed for every
twenty (20) words.
7. Participants are not allowed to mark their work with anything that may identify their
department. They are also not allowed to write their given entry number; the
facilitator will do so. If violated, 1-point deduction per judge will be imposed.
8. All entries will be returned to the participants after the COET Days 2018.
9. The participants are given two (2) hours to draft and finalize their article.
10. Members of SILAHIS are not allowed to join. Failure to comply will lead to
11. Entries shall be submitted after the allotted time. Failure to do so shall incur the
following point deductions per judge:
1 to 5 minutes 1 point
5.1 to 7 minutes 2 points
7.1 to 9 minutes 3 points
9.1 minutes and onwards 4 points
Criteria for judging:

Technical 40%
Content 50%
Ethics 10%

TOTAL 100%

1. The event shall be on December 16, 2018 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm at the COET
Amphitheatre. Call time and registration will strictly start at 7:30 am.
2. There will be only one team for each department composed of five members.
3. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to Angel Camille S. Donozo,
the Event Coordinator for briefing and instructions. They must present their Institute
IDs and must fill up the attendance sheet provided. Leaving the venue is not allowed
unless permitted by the event coordinator or a member of the COET EC Literary
4. All electronic devices such as phones, tab, etc. will have to be deposited to the in-
charge during the contest. Only two (2) laptops are allowed per team.
5. Topics will be given on the day of the event.
6. The teams will be given strictly Five (5) hours to create, brain storm, prepare
output and PowerPoint presentation.
7. Each team will be given a maximum time seven (7) minutes to present their
proposals to the panel. Ten (10) minutes will be allotted for questions from the panel.
8. References may come from books, journals or the internet. The organizers will
provide books (if available) and internet connection is limited to access
9. Late teams will be subjected to point deductions per judge:
0 to 4.59 minutes 0.5 point
5 to 9.59 minutes 1 (one) point
10 to 14.59 minutes 2 (two) points
15 to 19.59 minutes 3 (three) points
20 to 24.59 minutes 4 (four) points
So on
10. Teams that are incomplete by the start of the event shall be also considered as
late. The same deductions may apply as stated in guideline No. 9.
11. Incomplete groups will not be allowed to work.
12. During the presentation, other teams are not allowed inside the presentation
13. Each panel may ask a maximum of five (5) questions to each team including
follow up questions.
14. The organizers will provide flash drives to each team. The use of other flash
drive is prohibited. If violated, one (1) point deduction to the raw score will be
applied. When the time is up the event coordinator will collect the flash drive from
each team and each drive must contain the presentation file with the filename
“Department_ProjectProposal” eg. CEAT_ProjectProposal.
15. The file must be a .ppt, .pptx or .pdf file only. Any other file format will be
subjected to 2 point deduction.
16. It is highly encouraged to use Microsoft Office 2013 or higher versions. The
organizer is not liable if there are visual errors in the presentation.
17. The teams may or may not use default slide designs, fonts, animations and
transitions available in the Microsoft Office. If not, they must render the PowerPoint
Presentation in PDF format.
18. During the presentation, the time keeper will raise a Green flag to signal that the
participants may begin their delivery, and only then will the timing of delivery
commence. The time keeper will raise a Yellow flag to signal that the participant has
only two (2) minutes left and Red if time is up. The literary committee will stop the
presenters after the seven (7) minute is reached.

Problem Identification – 20%

• Clear focus, and an extremely comprehensive explanation of the problem.
• The introduction is engaging; clearly states the problem; provides a context for the
problem; and previews the project’s structure.

Supporting Material – 10%

• All relevant information was obtained, and information sources were valid. Analysis
and design considerations were well supported by the information.
• External research was used to justify arguments or solutions.

Proposed Action Plans – 40%

• Action is insightfully outlined in light of several relevant research.
• The proposed innovation is grounded in research.
• Clear anticipation of resources and potential challenges are addressed.
• Objectives and anticipated outcomes are clear and measurable and the proposed
solution is innovative.

Presentation (Oral Presentation and Visual Aids) – 30%

• The presentation of the material was original and presented in a creative way that
held audience attention.
• The transitions and flow were easy to follow.
• Slides were error- free and logically presented.
• Speaker/s demonstrated good volume, and eye contact. Enthusiasm and
confidence were exuded. The presentation fits into the time allotment of 7 minutes.

1. The event shall be on December 17, 2018 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am at the
Institute Gymnasium. Call time for participants shall be at 7:30 am.
2. There will be two (2) teams for each department composed of three (3)
participants each team.
3. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to Yvounnie Labajo, the Event
Coordinator for briefing and instructions. They must present their Institute IDs and
must fill up the attendance sheet provided. Leaving the venue is not allowed unless
permitted by the event coordinator or a member of the COET EC Literary
4. Participants are not allowed to bring anything during the competition except their
own pens.
5. Use of calculators, mobile phones, and other electronic devices is strictly
6. Refreshments are allowed provided that such are already carried by the
participants when they sit at their designated area.
7. Complaints shall be raised before the next question is revealed. Complaints raised
after category of the question is revealed will no longer be entertained.
8. Questions will be categorized into:
Mathematics (Basic Algebra, Trigonometry, and Statistics)
Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics)
History (National and International)
General Information (Arts, Literature and Language, Current Events)
9. The team who scores the highest after the end of the game shall be declared as
winner. The scores are not cumulative.
10. The first round consists of fifteen (15) questions and worth one (1) point and will
only have 15 seconds to answer. The Second round consists of ten (10) questions
will have two (2) points and will have twenty (20) seconds to answer. The third-round
worth three (3) points consists of ten (10) questions and will have thirty (30) seconds
to answer and the final round consist of three (3) questions worth five (5) points for
forty-five (45) seconds.
11. In case of a tie, tie breaker question shall be provided. The first who will raise
their whiteboard with the correct answer will be declared as the winner.
12. Each team will have a separate point bearing. Half of the total bearing points
shall be given to each team (i.e. Team A and Team B). For example, if the event has
four (4)-point bearing, two (2) point bearing will be given to each team per
13. The decision of the board is irrevocable.

1. The event shall be on December 16, 2018 from 9:00 am – 12:00 nn at the COET
Amphitheatre. Call time and registration will strictly start at 8:30 am.
2. The team from each department shall be composed of five members.
3. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to Ferdinand Wyatt L. Acma
Jr., the Event Coordinator, for briefing and instructions. They must present their
Institute IDs and must fill out the registration sheet provided. Participants must stay
at the designated holding area. Leaving the venue is not allowed unless permitted by
the event coordinator.
4. Participants are not allowed to stay inside the amphitheatre prior to their turn to
play. There will be a designated waiting area for the participants.

a. A silent performance by the player to his or her teammates. To enforce a

focus on physical acting out of the clues, silent mouthing of the words for lip
reading, spelling, and pointing are generally banned. Humming, clapping, and
other noises may be banned as well.
b. A timer limits the teams' guesses. Each team will be given 5 (five) minutes to
guess as many words/phrases as possible.
c. These are common signals allowed while playing (but the team can also make
up signals of their own, as long as Mechanics A is not violated):

• A number of fingers at the beginning of play gives the number of syllables in

the answer.
• Pointing at or tugging on an earlobe means "sounds like"
• Moving hands or fingers closer together without touching means "shorter"
• Moving hands or fingers farther apart means "more"
• "Come on", "close", or "keep guessing" may be indicated by any "come here"
gesture or by holding one's hands toward each other and spinning them in
• "More" or "add a suffix" may be indicated by similar movements or by miming
the act of stretching out a rubber band
• "I" may be signed either by gesturing to one's chest or eye
• "Yes, correct", in addition to more general signs such as nodding, is often
expressed in charades by pointing at or touching the nose with one hand
while pointing at the correct guesser with the other, signifying "on the nose"

6. Any violation of the above-mentioned guidelines shall be subject to a two-point

deduction per judge.
7. Basis for ranking will be total raw score.

1. The event shall be on December 16, 2018 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the COET
3rd floor (Rm 314). Call time and registration will strictly start on or before 12:30 pm.
2. There will be one participant per department.
3. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to Marwien Ferolino, the Event
Coordinator for briefing and instructions. They must present their Institute IDs and
must fill up the attendance sheet provided. Leaving the venue is not allowed unless
permitted by the event coordinator or a member of the Institute COET EC Literary
4. The participants will be provided with bond papers and pens.
a. The event coordinator will place all letters in the pouch, or face down beside
the board, and mix them up. The players will draw for first play. The player
with the letter closest to "A" plays first. A blank tile beats any letter. Return the
letters to the pool and remix. All players draw seven new letters and place
them on their racks.

b. The first player combines two or more of his or her letters to form a word and
places it on the board to read either across or down with one letter on the
centre square. Diagonal words are not allowed. Complete your turn by
counting and announcing your score for that turn. Then draw as many new
letters as you played; always keep seven letters on your rack, as long as
there are enough tiles left in the bag.

c. Play passes to the left. The second player, and then each in turn, adds one or
more letters to those already played to form new words. All letters played on a
turn must be placed in one row across or down the board, to form at least one
complete word. If, at the same time, they touch others letters in adjacent rows,
those must also form complete words, crossword fashion, with all such letters.
The player gets full credit for all words formed or modified on his or her turn.

d. Blanks: The two blank tiles may be used as any letters. When playing a blank,
you must state which letter it represents. It remains that letter for the rest of
the game.

e. You may use a turn to exchange all, some, or none of the letters. To do this,
place your discarded letter(s) facedown. Draw the same number of letters
from the pool, then mix your discarded letter(s) into the pool. This ends your
f. The game ends when all letters have been drawn and one player uses his or
her last letter; or when all possible plays have been made.

g. Coaching is strictly not allowed during the competition.

6. Any violation of the above-mentioned guidelines or from those stated in the

general guidelines shall be subject to a two (2)-point deduction.
7. Basis for ranking will be total raw score.
8. The game will be played as round robin.

1. The event shall be on December 17, 2018 from 10:00 am – 12:00 nn at the
Institute Gymnasium. Call time and registration will strictly start on or before 9:30
2. There will be two (2) teams in each college/school composed of three (3)
3. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to Yvounnie Labajo, the Event
Coordinator for briefing and instructions. They must present their Institute IDs and
must fill up the attendance sheet provided. Leaving the venue is not allowed unless
permitted by the event coordinator or a member of the Institute COET EC Literary
4. A white board, white board marker and an eraser will be provided for each playing
a. Each round is composed of ten (10) words. Each word merits:
Easy Round – one (1) point
Average Round – three (3) points
Difficult Round – five (5) points
b. The origin and meaning of the word will be flashed on the screen and will be read
twice. After the second reading, and once the game master says go, the timer will
automatically start, and thus, the participants shall start writing.
Easy Round – ten (10) seconds
Average Round – thirty (30) seconds
Difficult Round – one (1) minute
c. When the timer stops, all the teams should raise their boards with or without an
answer. Failure to do so would mean the team’s answer to be declared null.
d. In case of a tie, the teams will proceed to the Do-or-Die Round. The team who
gets the first right answer will be declared as the winner. The questions for the Do-
or-Die will be randomly picked, that is, it may be easy, average or difficult.
e. Coaching is strictly not allowed during the competition.
6. Any violation of the above-mentioned guidelines or from those stated in the
general guidelines shall be subject to a two (2)-point deduction.
7. Basis for ranking will be total raw score.
8. Each team will have a separate point bearing. Half of the total bearing points shall
be given to each team (i.e. Team A and Team B). For example, if the event has four
(4)-point bearing, two (2) point-bearing will be given to each team per department.
9. The team who scores the highest after the end of the game shall be declared
10. Merriam-Webster dictionary shall be the source of all the words. The words will
be strictly American spelling only and no other languages will be used.
11. The words to be spelled will be given by the Department Chairperson of each
course. We will ensure that no student from any course will know the words,
including the COET-EC Officers.
12. The decision of the board is irrevocable.

1. The event shall be on December 16, 2018 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the COET
3rd floor (Rm 316). Call time and registration will strictly start on or before 12:30 pm.
2. There will be one participant per department.
3. Upon arrival, participants shall immediately report to Marwien Ferolino, the Event
Coordinator for briefing and instructions. They must present their Institute IDs and
must fill up the attendance sheet provided. Leaving the venue is not allowed unless
permitted by the event coordinator or a member of the Institute COET EC Literary
4. The participants will be provided with bond papers and pens.
a. The game begins by shaking a covered tray of sixteen cubic dice, each with a
different letter printed on each of its sides. The dice settle into a 4x4 tray so
that only the top letter of each cube is visible. After they have settled into the
grid, a three-minute sand timer is started and all players simultaneously begin
the main phase of play.

b. Each player searches for words that can be constructed from the letters of
sequentially adjacent cubes, where "adjacent" cubes are those horizontally,
vertically, and diagonally neighbouring. Words must be at least three letters
long, may include singular and plural (or other derived forms) separately, but
may not use the same letter cube more than once per word. Each player
records all the words he or she finds by writing on a private sheet of paper.
After three minutes have elapsed, all players must immediately stop writing
and the game enters the scoring phase.

c. When the timer stops, each player reads off his or her list of discovered
words. If two or more players wrote the same word, it is removed from all
players' lists. Any player may challenge the validity of a word, in which case a
previously nominated dictionary is used to verify or refute it. For all words
remaining after duplicates have been eliminated, points are awarded based
on the length of the word. The winner is the player whose point total is
highest, with any ties typically broken by count of long words.

d. One cube is printed with "Qu." This is because Q is nearly always followed by
U in English words (see exceptions), and if there were a Q in Boggle, it would
be challenging to use if a U did not, by chance, appear next to it. For the
purposes of scoring Qu counts as two letters: squid would score two points
(for a five-letter word) despite being formed from a chain of only four cubes.
NO. OF LETTERS 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more
POINTS 1 1 2 3 5 11

e. Any words (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.), plural of, form of, or tense is
acceptable as long as it can be found in the Merriam dictionary. Proper nouns
(Smith, Ohio, France, etc.) are NOT allowed. Words within words are also
permissible: spare, spa, par, are, spar, pare. But French, German, and words
coming from other languages are not acceptable, only English words.

f. Coaching is strictly not allowed during the competition.

6. Any violation of the above-mentioned guidelines or from those stated in the
general guidelines shall be subject to a two (2)-point deduction.
7. Basis for ranking will be total raw score.
8. The game will be played as round robin.

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