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Minimum number Is this a mandatory

of Equipment Equipment to be available

S.No. Equipment Name required (per Unit Type at the Training Center
batch of 30 (Yes/No)

Camera And Biometric

Devices – Scanners For
1 30 Yes
Iris, Finger Prints, Palm,
Facial Recognition Etc.

Comfortable Seats With

Adequate Lighting,
2 Controlled Temperature 30 Yes
And Acoustics For Training
And Learning

White Board, Markers And

3 1 Yes
4 Projector With Screen 1 Yes
5 Flip Chart With Markers 1 Yes
Faculty’S Pc/Laptop With
6 Latest Configuration And 1 Yes
Internet Connection

Supporting Software /
Applications For
7 30 Yes
Projecting Audio, Video,

Presentation Tools To
Support Learning
Activities: · Intranet ·
Email · Ims · Learning
Management System E.G.
8 30 Yes
Moodle, Blackboard To
Enable Blended Learning ·
Microphone / Voice
System For Lecture And
Class Activities

9 Handy Camera 1 Yes

Stationery Kit – Staples,
Glue, Chart Paper, Sketch
10 30 Yes
Pens, Paint Box, Scale, A4
For It Lab Sessions:
Computer Lab With 1:1 Pc
: Trainee Ratio And Having
Internet Connection, Ms
11 30 Yes
Office / Open Office,
Browser, Outlook / Any
Other Email Client And
Chat Tools

Assessment And Test Tools

12 For Day To Day Online 30 Yes
Tests And Assessments

For Team Discussions:

Adequate Seating
Arrangement In Full / Half
13 Circle Format For One Or 30 Yes
More Teams As Per
Planned Team

Reading Resources:
Access To Relevant
Sample Documents And
14 Learning Forums To 30 Yes
Enable Self-Study Before
And After Each Training
scription of the Equipment/

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