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United States Patent 1) ‘Chum et al. 8 5,091,499 Feb, 25, 1992 1] Patent Number: l4s]_ Date of Patent: 54] PROCESS FOR PREPARING PHENOLIC FORMALDEHYDE RESOLE RESIN PRODUCTS DERIVED FRO" FRACTIONATED FAST-PYROLYSIS OILS 528/129, 568/762; 384766 1; 426/529, 524/16 References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS (58) Field of Searen (se) 175) Inventors: Helena L. Chum, Arvade, Colo; som wise mew a a +3)862,089 1/1973. Shinohara et al 28/129 173] Anignee: Midst Research Institute, Kansss 2086471880 Galvan o. Sane Cipro SSontse Sses Resell ea swe fo: 486.683, Primary Examiner—Soho Kight, ad ta oe Assistant Examiner—T. Mosley (22) Filed: Dec. 28,1989 ‘ators, Agent, or Fm-—Serome 3. Nori Related U.S. Application Data oa ee [A process for preparing phenol formaldehyde resole {65} Continationsnpat of Se No. 168,506 Mac. 17, Fein and adhesive companions in which portions of Ce ace the phenol normally contained in said resins are re~ ist] Incas C086 6/06; Cos) 59/06; paced by 2 phenol neural fractions exact obtained Bs2p 21/08 from factiontng fst pyolyss a [2] Us.a. 5/129; 294/66.1; ‘araan Saris seers 18 Chains, 4 Dranng Sheets WHOLE OIL EtOAc /FILTER Char: EtOAc Sol: 87% EtOAc Ins: 23% Water Water-soluble 39% NaHCO; acids: 7% Evaporate P/N: 31% US. Patent Feb. 25, 1992 Sheet 1 of 4 5,091,499 WHOLE OIL EtOAc /FILTER Char: 3% EtOAc Sol: 87% 3 23: Water Woter—sciuble 39% NoHCO3 acids: 7% Evaporate P/N: 31% FIG.1 US. Patent Feb, 25, 1992 Sheet 2 of 4 5,091,499 COMPARISON WOOD FAILURE CASCOPHEN AND RESOLES WITH P/N Pst 1000, SHEAR SIRESS STRENGII, ee a8 8 8 ° Cascophen P/N+P P/N+P 2 dry cold soak COMPARISON WOOD FAILURE 6 CASCOPHEN AND RESOLES WITH P/N ie FIG. 50 % 40 20 10) WOOD FAILURE, Coscophen P/N+P P/N +P ary cold soak FIG.3

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