BFS Readiness Manual

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The BFS Readiness Program is designed for those not yet ready to engage in the heavy weight training
utilized by more mature athletes. After a person goes through the BFS Readiness Program, he or she wil
then graduate to the BFS Set-Rep System. This booklet will teach you where to start, how to do the exer-
cises, how to progress, how to coordinate other athletic activities into a total program and finally, how tc
Strict supervision is a must along with the teaching of proper technique to make the BFS Readiness
Program work. The BFS Readiness Program has been endorsed and approved by medical doctors, ortho-
pedic specialists and many professional organizations.


Junior High Boys and Girls
Students in the 7th grade may begin this program. We realize some orthopedic surgeons may say this is
too early to start any kind of weight training because their bones have not completely hardened. However,
after careful study, thought and observation of young athletes who do weight train, we feel the benefits
far outweigh any possible risks.
We are in the business of helping athletes and people reach their potential. Without weight training this
is virtually impossible. A study on 7th graders concluded that no interference of bone growth resulted
from weight training. Dr. Mel Hayashi, a noted orthopedic surgeon, stated, "The BFS Readiness Program
should provide great benefits to junior high athletes. I have no concerns as long as the athletes have good
technique." Dr. Hayashi has been a chief orthopedic surgeon at past Olympic Games and chief resident at
the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.
Many strength coaches of major universities throughout the nation were asked when an athlete should
start weight training. The vast majority responded, "In Junior High."
Weight training is also one of the greatest ways to build self confidence and self esteem. A 7th grader can
receive just as much satisfaction going from 85 pounds to 100 pounds on his bench as can a 12th grader
going from 285 to 300 pounds.
High School Female Athletes
Some young women go into the weight room and lift right with the young men. They are not afraid or
intimidated. Even though they use less weight, they match the men set for set and rep for rep. However,
many younger high school women may be better served by starting with the BFS Readiness Program.
High School Male Athletes
If an athlete cannot squat to parallel 145 pounds for 10 reps with perfect form, then we advise those male
athletes to start with the BFS Readiness Program. At the beginning of the school year, this may mean as
many as 50% of the ninth graders, 10-20% of tenth graders and 5% of the upper classmen.
Injured athletes may find the Readiness Program of great benefit during rehabilitation. Also, many par-
ents would find the BFS Readiness Program a great way to get started on a free weight program with the
added benefit of progressing on the same program with their son or daughter.


The BFS Readiness Program is broken up into four workout segments. These segments are: 1) The
Warm-Up, 2) Stretching, 3) The Core Lifts and 4) Thp Auxiliary Exercise n^h ^Smsnt Pi*ya «~ ==«««
tial role in the Readiness program. Do not skip any of the segments!

Bigger Faster Stronger • Readiness Logbook

It is extremely important to warm-up your muscles before you
stretch or work out. The BFS Dot Drill is the ultimate warm-up
because it not only warms-up your muscles but it also increases your
agility. The Dot Drill will be hard at first. It is tiring and you may
appear clumsy. However if you will do it six times a week, in a very
short time, improvement will come rapidly. You can have quick feet
in a month or two.
Each athlete should set two goals. The first goal is to do the Dot
Drill 6 times per week and the second goal should be to increase
speed. To gain further insight on how to get great at this warm-up,
you may want to get our BFS Dot Drill Video.
To do the Dot Drill, five dots need to be placed on the floor. It works
best if 5" round dots are painted on the floor. Some coaches paint
many stations for larger groups. An athlete at home can use anything
approved by his parents to mark his dots (i.e. masking tape). BFS
sells a Dot Drill Pad that has a great non-slip surface with integrated
The Dot Drill is made up of five different drills, each drill is done a
total of six times.
1. Up and Back
A. Start at one end with feet on A and B.
B. Now jump quickly to C; with both feet then to D and E.
D. Now come back the same way.
D. Repeat 5 more times.
2. Right Foot
A. Your feet from up-and-back should be on dots A and B.
B. Now go to dot C with your right foot.
C.Now go in order: Dot D , E , C , A , B .
D. Repeat 5 more times.
3. Left Foot
A. You will end the right foot drill on Dot B.
B. Now go to dot C with your left foot. 3ft
C. Now go in order: Dot D, E, C, A, B.
D. Repeat 5 more times.
1. Both Feet
A. You will end the left foot drill on Dot B.
B. Now go to C with both feet.
C.Now go in order with both feet: Dot D,E,C,A,B.
D. Repeat 5 more times.
5. Turn Around
A. You will end the Both Feet Drill with both feet on Dot B. Now go to C with both feet.
B.Now split feet to dots D and E as in the Up and Back Drill.
C. Now quickly jump and turn 180° to the right and face the other way. You should still be on D and E.
D. Hit C with both feet and then A and B with feet split.
E. Now turn quickly again with a 180° spin to the left with your feet still on A and B.
F. Repeat 5 more times.
Bigger Faster Stranger Readi Logbo
The BFS 1-2-3-4 Flexibility Program is the ideal way to get a thorough stretch on every muscle group
The whole program can be done in 10 minutes or less. It has proven to be the most effective routine for all
athletes in all sports at any age level.
Each exercise should be held either once for 30 seconds or for 3 repetitions of 10 seconds each. The
stretch should not be done with a bounce but worked in a slow and controlled manner. Stretch every da>
and work with intensity. The 1-2-3-4 stands for One Minute on the Bench, Two Minutes in the Air,
Three Minutes on the Wall and Four Minutes on the Floor.

Hamstring and Back Stretch

Keep leg locked at knee and toes vertical
pulling back towards the chest. An extra
stretch can be felt if you look straight
ahead and spread the chest. Look forward.
Switch to the other leg after 30 seconds.


Latissimus Stretch Pectoral Stretch

Cross your hands and raise your Cross your hands behind your
arms a&ove your Head and as tar back, raise your arms up and back
back as possible. as far as possible. Stand tall.

Bigger Faster Stranger • Readiness Logbook


Achilles Stretch Quadriceps Stretch

Keep feet flat on the ground Same as the Calf Stretch but slightly With one hand on the wall,
with hands on the wall and move bend knee. Keep the back heel 1" grab foot and p u l l leg
hips forward. Back foot should off the ground and squat down to straight up and away from
be straight, look forward. Press increase the load on the Achilles ten- buttocks. Knee should be at
down on back heel. don. Switch after 30 seconds. a 90° angle.


Abdominal Stretch Adductor Stretch

Lay flat on the floor, put hands on the floor With feet as far apart as
shoulder width apart, extend elbows creating possible, grab ankles or feet and pull the torso slow-
and arch in the back. Relax. ly toward the floor. If you can't reach your toes then
place two fists on the floor behind you and push

Gluteus Maximus Stretch Groin Stretch Hip Flexor Stretch

Twist torso with opposite arm. Sit with bottom of feet Place front foot two feet in front of
Press knftA firmly with arm. tnge.thftr. grah f«et or ankles. knee, pla«« hands on knss and £«>•?=
forcing the knee to the other pull in and press down with hips forward and down. Spread the
side of the lower leg then elbows on the thighs toward chest - eyes straight ahead. Make su
switch after 30 seconds. the floor.
the front lower leg is perpendicular.

Bigger Faster Stranger Readiness Lugbn

The BFS Core Lifts are designed specifically for the athlete. We are not body building or competitivi
lifting; these are entirely different kinds of games played in the weight room. Our goals are to get stron
ger, run faster, jump higher and farther, increase flexibility, endurance and agility, be less injury prone
and finally, to WIN! Every athlete, regardless of sport or gender, should do the Core Lifts to achieve thei
athletic potential. The Readiness Program has six core lifts which are listed in the box below.


Parallel Squat Box Squat
Bench Press Towel Bench Press
Hex Bar Deadlift Power Clean

Each Core Lift, or any athletic movement, utilized one of two stances. We call these stances the "Junif
Stance" and the "Athletic Stance".
The Jump Stance is the narrow stance that you would naturally get into to jump. We use the jump stance
primarily when we lift the bar from the floor such as with the Power Clean, Snatch, Hex Bar Deadlift
Straight Leg Deadlift, etc. The jump stance is also used whenever lifting the bar off of the rack.
The Athletic Stance is the same stance a short stop gets into anticipating the hit, a volleyball or tennis
player uses anticipating the serve, a linebacker in football uses waiting for the snap, a basketball player
uses on defense, etc.
With the athletic stance, the toes may be pointed out very slightly for balance. Spread the chest and keep
the buttocks back. Most importantly, the lower back should be locked in as far as possible. This posi-
tion is critically important in nearly all sports and in every lift. A bad position of the lower back (rounded
back) results in tremendous weakness and a much greater chance of injury.

Athletic Stance Jump Stance

Bigger Faster Stranger Readiness Logbook

The Parallel Squat is the foundation for athletic excellence. An athlete must go all the way to parallel tc
optimally develop leg and hip strength for speed and power. Parallel Squats are necessary in balancing
strength development between the Hamstrings and Quadriceps.

Be tall

Upper thigh must go Lock in the

parallel to the ground lower back

Keep the knees

over the toes

Use an Athletic Stance


With the Parallel Squat, Box Squat or any Squat variation, you will need three spotters. The back spot-
ter should keep their hands firmly on the bar at all times. The back spotter is the lead spotter and should
watch the lifters back for correct technique. The side spotters should be watching for correct depth. The
side spotters do not put their hands on the bar or plates unless the back spotter requests help in the event
the lifter cannot complete the lift on his/her own. All spotters should be enthusiastically encouraging the
lifter throughout the lift.

Bigger Faster Stronger i LogbDi

THE BOX SQUAT Eyes on target Be tall
The Box Squat is a variation of the
Parallel Squat. It develops hip and
leg strength. Choose a box that is
about two inches above parallel.
Taller athletes may need to start out
with a box higher than two inches
above parallel. Spread the chest
Never plop down on the box. Squat
down in a slow and controlled man-
ner until you are sitting on the box.
Now, to help gain momentum for the Keep the knees
squat back up, you can rock back- over the toes
ward about two inches and then on
the rock forward squat back up.

Use an Athletic Stance


Never allow If an athlete allows his/her knees to come in or the back to round
the back to ^fin k. out wn''e lifting, the repetition is not counted.
round ^fl^ ^|f Additionally, for the Parallel Squat, if the athlete fails to go all
the way to parallel, the repetition is not counted. On the Box
Squat, the repetition is not counted if the athlete plops down on
the box.
If one of these problems occur more than three times in one set,
the set should be terminated and the weight put back. You should
then talk about what was wrong and the set should be attempted
again. If the second attempt is bad as well, the athlete is not
ready for that weight and should go back down to the weight
used during the previous week.

Be tall, The knees

spread the should never
chest go in

Bigger Faster Stronger • Readme ;LngbaoK

The Bench Press is the most impor-
tant upper body exercise for most Eyes on target
sports. It develops overall power in (focus on a spot
the chest and arms. on the ceiling)

Spread the chest

Arch the lower back

Feet should be shoulder width,

flat on the floor and back
under the knees


With the Bench, Towel Bench
or any Bench variation, you will Always keep hands
need a spotter. The spotter should close to the bar
watch the lifter for correct tech-
nique and should encourage the
lifter throughout the lift.
The spotter may assist the lifter
in unpacking the bar but should
remove his/her hands from the
bar before the lift begins. The
spotter should not touch the bar
after the lift begins but should
keep his/her hands near the bar
at all times ready to assist if the
lifter needs help. Once the spot-
ter touches the bar, the lift is ter-
The spotter should also assist the
lifter in racking the bar once the
set is completed.

Bigger Faster Stranger Readiness Lngboc

Before you start down
The Towel Bench utilizes the
same technique as the regular
with the bar, take a deep
Bench but instead of bringing breath and hold it
the bar all the way down to the
chest, the athlete takes it down
to either rolled up towels or a
pad. The pad may be held on
the chest by someone or may be
tucked under the shirt.

Let the bar come all the

way down and bounce
with control off the pad.
When the bar is half
way back up, exhale


The repetition doesn't count if: The athlete allows one side of the bar to be five inches or more highe:
than the other, the athlete's feet come off the floor, the athlete's buttocks come off the bench or the athlete
excessively moves around his/her body or head.
If one of these problems occur more than three times in one set, the set should be terminated and tht
weight put back. You should then talk about what was wrong and the set should be attempted again. II
the second attempt is bad as well, the athlete is not ready for that weight and should go back down to tlu
weight used during the previous week.

Bigger Faster Stranger • Readiness Logbook 11

The Hex Bar Dcadlift is halfway between a Deadlift and a Squat. It develops the lower back, trunk, hips, glutes
hamstrings and quadriceps. When you combine shrugs, the trapezius area is also strengthened. This is considered <
Core Lift exercise to be done once per week. Il is a much safer exercise than a regular Dead Lift because it encour-
ages the athlete to lock in the lower back.
We realize that not every junior high has access to a Hex Bar and that, due to budget constraints, some schools can-
not readily purchase them. Schools in this situation can still maintain a solid weight training program by just utiliz-
ing the other five core lifts. We strongly urge these school to purchase a Hex Bar as soon as funds permit.

Be tall Eyes on target (Focus on

a point straight ahead)

Spread the chest

Keep the knees

over the toes

Before you start, take a deep

breath and hold it
When your half way up, exhale.

Don't rest between reps. Let the

plates bounce a little from the
floor as you go into the next rep.

At the end of each set, do five

shoulder shrugs.

IB Bigger Faster Stranger Readiness Logbnt

The Power Clean develops explosiveness and aggressiveness. When done correctly, every muscle will be
fired in proper sequence in executing a maximum summation of force. Essential for reaching optimurr
levels of jumping, throwing, hitting a baseball and sprinting-starts.

Eyes on target Be tall

(Up to 90°)

Spread the chest

Keep the knees

over the toes

Feet should start out in a Jump Stance

then pop out to an Athletic Stance


The repetition doesn't count
if: The athlete allows one side
of the bar to be five inches or
more higher than the other, the
athlete's knees start to come
together, the athlete rounds his/
her back or the athletes chin
comes down and touches the
If one of these problems occur
more than three times in one
set, the set should be terminated
and the weight put back. You
should then talk about what
was wrong and the set should
be attempted again. If the sec-
ond attempt is bad as well, the Never let your
athlete is not ready for that knees come
(•eight and should go back together
down to the weight used during
the previous week.

Bigger Faster Stronger Readiness Lagbnnk

Auxiliary Exercises are supplements to the Core
Lifts. We recommend that you only select two to Required Auxiliaries;
four Auxiliary Exercises per workout. Any more Lunges Straight Leg Deadlifts
than that will interfere with an athlete's time and
energy for speed, agility and technique work. Other Auxiliaries:
There are a variety of Auxiliary Lifts ranging from Arm Curls Reverse Curls
traditional sit-ups to complex cable machines. Wrist Curls Dips
With the BFS Readiness Program there are two Leg Curls Leg Extensions
required Auxiliary Exercises which include the Incline Press Neck Work
Straight Leg Deadlift and Lunges. These two exer- Flys Pull-Ups
cises should be performed twice a week. It is up to Sit-Ups Glute Ham Developer
you to choose your remaining Auxiliary Exercises.
Pick ones that will help you with your respective Any machine exercise such as lat pulls or
sport. For example, neck work is important for a tricep pushdowns arc good Auxiliary Exercises
football player and wrestler but not for a basketball Advanced Auxiliary:
or baseball player.
Power Snatch
Sets & Reps
Readiness Auxiliary Exercises use two sets of ten *You do not need to limit yourself to the few basi
repetitions. The only exception to this rule is the Auxiliary Exercises listed above. There is an enc
Power Snatch, if the advanced Power Snatch exer- less number of exercises; search for the ones that wi
cise is used, only do two sets of five repetitions. help your sport the most.
Fhc Lunge
The Lunge is a required auxiliary exercise for the Eyes on target Be tall
Readiness Program. Lunges not only strengthen (Focus on a point
the hamstrings and glutes but also increase balance straight ahead)
and coordination.
You should start out with using 51b. plates or Spread the Lock in the
dumbbells in each hand and increase weight as tol- chest lower back
erated. Start with a jump stance. Step forward with
the right foot as far as possible and squat down.
The left knee should come within one inch of the
ground. Now push yourself back up with the right
foot until you are back to the original standing
position. Next, do the same thing with the left foot Keep toes pomte
stepping forward. After both feet have gone, you straight ahead
have completed two reps. Do two sets of ten reps.
Che Straight Leg Deadlift
The Straight Leg Deadfift is also a required auxil-
iary exercise. This exercise strengthens the lower
back and stretches the legs. This auxiliary should
be done in a slow and controlled manner.
Place the bar on the edge of a box or in front of a
SLDL platform. Use a jump stance and shoulder- Go slow and
width hand grip. To start out, squat down and pick
up the bar using only your legs and not your back. under control
Once standing, lock the knees and slowly go
down as far as you can then slowly come back up.
Do two sets of ten repetitions. Think of this as a
stretching exercise for speed improvement. Never Go down as
use more weight than what you use for your Power
Clean. far as possible
14 Bigger Faster Stranger Readiness Loybof
On the Parallel Squat and Box Squat you should start with the 45-pound bar. With the Bench and Towe
Bench, you can start with the 45-pound bar or if you have a 15-pound Aluma-Lite Bare or a 35-pounc
Ultra-Lite Bar, you may wish to start with that. With the Power Clean we recommend you start with i
15-pound Aluma-Lite Bar and 5-pound Training Plates; if you don't have an Atuma-Lite Bar then you
will have to start with a 45-pound bar and Training Plates if you have them. With the Hex Bar Deadlift
you should start out with the 45-pound Hex Bar and Training Plates if you have them.
Each week you will need to do two sets of ten repetitions on the Parallel Squat, Box Squat, Bench Press
and Towel Bench. Each week you will also need to do two sets of five repetitions on the Power Clean and
Hex Bar Dead Lift. If you do not have a Hex Bar, do two sets of ten on the Straight Leg Dead Lift and
make that a Core Lift. After each set, record your progress in the charts at the end of the manual.
With the Readiness Program there are two basic workout schedules. You may follow either workout
schedule depending on your available time. The schedules are as follows:
Box Squat Power Clean Parallel Squat
Towel Bench HexParPeadlift Bench Press
2-4 Auxiliary Lifts 2-4 Auxiliary lifts 2-4 Auxiliary Lifts


DAY#1 DAY #2
Pox Squat Parallel Squat
Towel 9 ench Bench Press
Power Clean HexBarPeadlift
2-4 Auxiliary lifts 2-4 Auxiliary lifts
Note: On the days in-between workouts you should do speed, agility and technique training
for your individual sports. Everyday you should do something to improve your athletic ability.

Two things must happen to prog-
ress. You must be able to com- Powel Bench Power Clean
plete two sets of ten repetitions
(or five reps with the Power
Clean) and be able to do each rep 10-2002 2-10-2002 2-12-2002
When these two things happen,
you may go up 5 pounds the next 17-2002 2-17-2002
week. Record the date you suc-
cessfully completed the two sets
in the record charts at the end
of this book as illustrated to the
The record log provided on pages 20-23 gives a step-by-step progression. You will have pride and satis-
faction as you work up in poundage toward graduation. If you cannot do the two sets of ten or five reps or
do them with perfect technique, you must keep repeating the same weight until you can.

Bigger Faster Stranger • Readiness Logbook 15

Coaches and athletes must remember that a beginning lifter going from 65 to 70 pounds on the bench
is not like an advanced athlete going from 265 to 270 pounds. Think percentage! Going from 65 to 70
pounds is a 7.7% increase.
With that in mind, you should not be surprised if 65 pounds is easy
and 70 pounds is hard. Sometimes Readiness Program athletes might
only get 3 reps on the first set and 2 reps on the second set. When
this happens, use the following procedure:
1. On the first four weeks of the program the athlete did everything
2. On February 13th 2000 he could only do 3 reps on the first set and 1-22-2002
2 reps on the second set.
3. Record (3-2) and date it 2-13. 1 - 29 - 2002
4. Now drop down 15 pounds to 50 pounds and do 10 reps. You
can't build by doing one set of three and one set of two reps. You
need to do more. 2 - 6 - 2002
5. The next week you should be thinking "Do I want to win?" Of
course you do! So get psyched up to beat the 3 reps on the first set,
the 2 reps on the second set and the total of 5 reps. In our example,
on February 20th, the athlete got 6 reps and then 3 reps for a total of
9 reps. He broke his record! He won! Now because he did not get 2
sets of 10 reps, he must again drop 15 pounds and do 50 pounds for
another set of 10 reps.
6. On February 27th the exact same procedure is followed. In our example, the athlete got 9 reps followed
by another 7 reps which broke his record of 6 and 3 reps. Again, this athlete should do a third set by doing
10 reps at 50 pounds.
7. Finally, on March 3rd, the athlete got his two sets of 10 reps at 65 pounds. This means he can go to 70
pounds on March 10th.
What happens when you don't break your record?
Let's say, in our example, that on March 3rd instead of being successful at 2 sets of 10 reps, our athlete
only got 8 and 6 reps on the two sets. You have two choices. First, you should consider dropping back
down next week to 60 pounds or second, try again next week.
Graduation is based on performance, not age. Some people mature faster than others and some learn
technique faster. Graduation means the athlete is to begin the Advanced BFS Program. Don't rush it, the
Readiness Program will allow everyone to reach their potential soon enough.
Graduation requirements are based on three lifts: the Parallel Squat, Bench and Power Clean. The athlete
must pass all three lifts to graduate. The Box Squat, Towel Bench and Hex Bar Deadlift are not tested for


2 sets of 1 0 reps 145 Pounds 105 Founds

KNCfl 105 Founds or 75 Founds or

2 sets of 1 0 reps 90% of body weiaht 902 of body weiaht
CLEAN 1 05 Founds or 75 Foimds or
2 sets of 5 reps 90% of body weight 902 of bodv weight

16 Bigger Faster Stranger Readiness Lnubai

Setting goals is a very important part of an athlete's overall program. In setting goals you must first visu-
alize something you want to attain. Dreaming about success is an important initial phase of goal setting
Unfortunately, most people stop there and thus, chances for attaining this success are very low.
A proper goal must be formed from this dream. A proper goal is simply a goal that can be measured. II
you can't measure your goal, you can't manage your goal and if you can't manage your goal, then you
can't accomplish your goal."! want to be a great football player" or "I want to be big, fast and strong" are
examples of how NOT to state a goal. They cannot be measured. "My goal is to be All-State, weigh 225
pounds, run a 4.8 forty and Squat 600 pounds" are examples of how to set proper goals.
Should you be realistic in setting goals or "Go for all the marbles"? We feel you should go for all the mar
bles. However, a master plan should include many small steps toward the road to great success. Detailed
preparation should be followed daily to make the dream become a reality. In January, to say, "We're
going to win the State Championship next football season" and do nothing in the way of preparation until
September is ludicrous and foolish. It simply takes hard work, dedication and total commitment to make
something worthwhile happen.
It's important to follow a total plan for success. A total plan must include a lot more than just lifting
weights. What good does it do to Bench Press 450 pounds and not be able to run to the action? The true
athlete commits to a master plan because he/she is not content to "wait" for natural abilities to bring suc-
cess but will strive with total dedication to "make" success happen. Use the goal chart on page 24 to help
you with your goals.

The BFS Dot Drill is an ideal agility drill because it is easy to do, easy to measure, fun to do and pro-
duces results. Each athlete should set two goals. The first is to do the Dot Drill six times per week. The
second is a goal on how fast to do it in. The BFS National Dot Drill Standards are listed below. Where do
you rank? Use the goal chart on page 24 to help you with your goals.


GRADE 7-9 10 11 •OB
Beginning 74 / 79 seconds 71 / 76 seconds 68 / 73 seconds 65 / 70 seconds
Good 69 / 74 seconds 66/71 seconds 63 / 68 seconds 60 / 65 seconds
Great 64 / 69 seconds 61 / 66 seconds 58 / 63 seconds 55 / 60 seconds
All-State 59 / 64 seconds 56 / 61 seconds 53 / 58 seconds 50 / 55 seconds
All-American 49 / 54 seconds 46 / 51 seconds 43 / 48 seconds 40 / 45 seconds
Note: The faster time is for athletes with regular or smaller body builds. The slower time is for athletes with heavy
builds like shot putters, linemen, basketball centers, baseball catchers, etc.


GRADE 7-9 10 11 12
Beginning 86/91 seconds 84 / 89 seconds 82 / 87 seconds 80 / 85 seconds
Good 76/81 seconds 74 / 79 seconds 72 / 77 seconds 70 / 75 seconds
Great 66 / 71 seconds 64 / 69 seconds 62 / 67 seconds 60 / 65 seconds
All-State 56 / 61 seconds 54 / 59 seconds 52 / 57 seconds 50 / 55 seconds
All-American 51/56 seconds 49 / 54 seconds 47 / 52 seconds 45 / 50 seconds
Note: The faster time is for athletes with regular or smaller body builds. The slower time is foi
builds like shot putters, basketball centers, softball catchers, etc.

Bigger Fester Stronger • Readiness Logbook 17

Improved running speed can only be achieved by combining your weight training with a sound running program.
Concentrate on proper running form on every sprint and be as dedicated to your running program as you are to your
weight training. The BFS National 20-Yard Dash and 40-Yard Dash Standards are listed below. Where do you rank?
Use the goal chart on page 24 to help you with setting your speed goals.


3.7 / 4.2 seconds 3.5 / 4.0 seconds 3.5 / 4.0 seconds

Good 3.25/3.5 seconds 3.2/3.4 seconds 3.1 / 3.3 seconds 3.0/3.2 seconds
Great 2.95/3.2 seconds 2.9 / 3.1 seconds 2.85/3.05 seconds 2.75 / 3.0 seconds
All-State 2.75 / 3.05 seconds 2.7/3.0 seconds 2.65/2.95 seconds 2.6/2.9 seconds
Ail-American 2.65/2.95 seconds 2.6 / 2.9 seconds 2.55/2.85 seconds 2.5/2.8 seconds
GRADE 7-9 10 11 12
Beginning 4.8/5.0 seconds 4.5 / 4.7 seconds 4.4 / 4.6 seconds 4.3 / 4.5 seconds
Good 4.0/4.2 seconds 3.95/4. 15 seconds 3.9/4.1 seconds 3.85 / 4.0 seconds
Great 3.7/3. 9 seconds 3. 65/3.85 seconds 3. 6/3.8 seconds 3.55/3.75 seconds
All-State 3.3/3. 5 seconds 3.25/3.45 seconds 3.2/3.4 seconds 3.15/3.35 seconds
All-American 3.1 / 3.3 seconds 3.05/3.25 seconds 3.0/3.2 seconds 2.9/3.1 seconds


5.65/5.9 seconds
10 11 ^ EH
5.4 / 5.6 seconds
5.6 / 5.8 seconds 5.5 / 5.7 seconds
Good 5.25 / 5.5 seconds 5.2 / 5.4 seconds 5.1 / 5.3 seconds 5.0/5.2 seconds
Great 4.95/5.2 seconds 4.9 / 5.1 seconds 4.85 / 4.05 seconds 4.75/4.0 seconds
All-State 4.75 / 4.05 seconds 4.7 / 4.0 seconds 4.65 / 4.95 seconds 4.6/4. 9 seconds
All-American 2.65/2.95 seconds 2.6 / 2.9 seconds 2.55/2.85 seconds 2.5 / 2.8 seconds


Beginning 6.3V 6.5 seconds 6.25/6.45 seconds 6.2/6.4 seconds 6.15/6.3 seconds
Good 5.9/6.1 seconds 5.85/6.05 seconds 5.8 / 6.0 seconds 5.75 / 5.9 seconds
Great 5.6 / 5.8 seconds 5.55/5.75 seconds 5.5 / 5.7 seconds 5.45/5.65 seconds
All-State 5.3/5.5 seconds 5.25/5.45 seconds 5.2 / 5.4 seconds 5.1 / 5.3 seconds
All-American 3.1 / 3.3 seconds 3.05/3.25 seconds 3.0 / 3.2 seconds 2.9/3.1seconds

Note: The faster time is for athletes with regular or smaller body builds. The slower time is for athletes with
heavy builds like shot putters, linemen, basketball centers, baseball and Softball catchers, etc.

IB Bigger Faster Stranger Readiness Logboi

The BFS system of rating each meal plus snacks has
received outstanding results from many coaches nationwide. 1.Sodas
It's great because it gets athletes to think about their goals at 2. French fries
least four times a day. In a nutshell, breakfast, lunch, dinner
and snacks are each rated on a scale of 0-10 points. A great 3. Potato chips, Dorritos or
meal is worth 10 points. Basically, any food item from the foods like them
basic food groups is given 2 points except those from the 4. Pastries, donuts, cookies or
bread and cereal food group, which is given one point. Huge foods like them
amounts of any one item are given one bonus point. Candy, 5. Candies
pop, coffee or any of the lethal foods listed in the chart to the
right get 0 points. Forty points is the maximum per day and
10 points is the maximum per meal. FIVE HEALTHY FOODS
THE BREAKDOWN IS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Water should be your
drink of choice
30-40 points Great
2. Eat fish, chicken, and
25-29 points Good other kinds of meat
20-24 points Fair
3. Eat vegetables and salads
15-19 points Poor
10-14 points Very Poor 4. Choose natural foods over
processed foods
5-9 points Drastic
Death. 5. Make foods like chicken
0-4 points wings & beef jerky your
snack foods
Fifty-five percent of our nation is considered to be either obese or overweight. This is causing severe
health problems. Every year our nation gets worse. We hold the dubious distinction of being one of the
fattest nations in history. Teens also have a greater problem with weight than ever before. The cause of
most of our weight problems lies in what BFS calls the Five Lethal Foods. Stay away from these and you
will see a huge difference. You will become leaner, stronger, swifter, more explosive and healthier by
eliminating these Five Lethal Foods. You should concentrate on the five healthy food ideas.


There's no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them.

There's no telling what you can do when you believe in them.

And there's no telling what will happen when you act upon them.

-Jim Rohn

Bigger Faster Stranger • Readiness Logbook 19

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