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Course 80438:

Installation and Configuration in

Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement
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Copyright © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Microsoft®, Microsoft Dynamics®, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Microsoft® SQL Server® data management
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trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement



These license terms are an agreement between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of its
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updates and supplements for the Licensed Content unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms


If you comply with these license terms, you have the rights below for each license you acquire.


a. “Authorized Learning Center” means a Microsoft IT Academy Program Member, Microsoft Learning
Competency Member, or such other entity as Microsoft may designate from time to time.

b. “Authorized Training Session” means the instructor-led training class using Microsoft Instructor-Led
Courseware conducted by a Trainer at or through an Authorized Learning Center.

c. “Classroom Device” means one (1) dedicated, secure computer that an Authorized Learning Center owns
or controls that is located at an Authorized Learning Center’s training facilities that meets or exceeds the
hardware level specified for the particular Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware.

d. “End User” means an individual who is (i) duly enrolled in and attending an Authorized Training Session
or Private Training Session, (ii) an employee of a MPN Member, or (iii) a Microsoft full-time employee.

e. “Licensed Content” means the content accompanying this agreement which may include the Microsoft
Instructor-Led Courseware or Trainer Content.

f. “Microsoft Certified Trainer” or “MCT” means an individual who is (i) engaged to teach a training session
to End Users on behalf of an Authorized Learning Center or MPN Member, and (ii) currently certified as a
Microsoft Certified Trainer under the Microsoft Certification Program.

g. “Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware” means the Microsoft-branded instructor-led training course that
educates IT professionals and developers on Microsoft technologies. A Microsoft Instructor-Led
Courseware title may be branded as MOC, Microsoft Dynamics or Microsoft Business Group courseware.

h. “Microsoft IT Academy Program Member” means an active member of the Microsoft IT Academy

i. “Microsoft Learning Competency Member” means an active member of the Microsoft Partner Network
program in good standing that currently holds the Learning Competency status.

j. “MOC” means the “Official Microsoft Learning Product” instructor-led courseware known as Microsoft
Official Course that educates IT professionals and developers on Microsoft technologies.

k. “MPN Member” means an active silver or gold-level Microsoft Partner Network program member in good

  Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement

l. “Personal Device” means one (1) personal computer, device, workstation or other digital electronic device
that you personally own or control that meets or exceeds the hardware level specified for the particular
Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware.

m. “Private Training Session” means the instructor-led training classes provided by MPN Members for
corporate customers to teach a predefined learning objective using Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware.
These classes are not advertised or promoted to the general public and class attendance is restricted to
individuals employed by or contracted by the corporate customer.

n. “Trainer” means (i) an academically accredited educator engaged by a Microsoft IT Academy Program
Member to teach an Authorized Training Session, and/or (ii) a MCT.

o. “Trainer Content” means the trainer version of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware and additional
supplemental content designated solely for Trainers’ use to teach a training session using the Microsoft
Instructor-Led Courseware. Trainer Content may include Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, trainer
preparation guide, train the trainer materials, Microsoft One Note packs, classroom setup guide and Pre-
release course feedback form. To clarify, Trainer Content does not include any software, virtual hard
disks or virtual machines.

2. USE RIGHTS. The Licensed Content is licensed not sold. The Licensed Content is licensed on a one copy
per user basis, such that you must acquire a license for each individual that accesses or uses the Licensed

2.1 Below are five separate sets of use rights. Only one set of rights apply to you.

a. If you are a Microsoft IT Academy Program Member:

i. Each license acquired on behalf of yourself may only be used to review one (1) copy of the Microsoft
Instructor-Led Courseware in the form provided to you. If the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware is
in digital format, you may install one (1) copy on up to three (3) Personal Devices. You may not
install the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware on a device you do not own or control.
ii. For each license you acquire on behalf of an End User or Trainer, you may either:
1. distribute one (1) hard copy version of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware to one (1) End
User who is enrolled in the Authorized Training Session, and only immediately prior to the
commencement of the Authorized Training Session that is the subject matter of the Microsoft
Instructor-Led Courseware being provided, or
2. provide one (1) End User with the unique redemption code and instructions on how they can
access one (1) digital version of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware, or
3. provide one (1) Trainer with the unique redemption code and instructions on how they can
access one (1) Trainer Content,
provided you comply with the following:
iii. you will only provide access to the Licensed Content to those individuals who have acquired a valid
license to the Licensed Content,
iv. you will ensure each End User attending an Authorized Training Session has their own valid licensed
copy of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware that is the subject of the Authorized Training
v. you will ensure that each End User provided with the hard-copy version of the Microsoft Instructor-
Led Courseware will be presented with a copy of this agreement and each End User will agree that
their use of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware will be subject to the terms in this agreement
prior to providing them with the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware. Each individual will be required
to denote their acceptance of this agreement in a manner that is enforceable under local law prior to
their accessing the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware,
vi. you will ensure that each Trainer teaching an Authorized Training Session has their own valid
licensed copy of the Trainer Content that is the subject of the Authorized Training Session,

  Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement

vii. you will only use qualified Trainers who have in-depth knowledge of and experience with the
Microsoft technology that is the subject of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware being taught for
all your Authorized Training Sessions,
viii. you will only deliver a maximum of 15 hours of training per week for each Authorized Training
Session that uses a MOC title, and
ix. you acknowledge that Trainers that are not MCTs will not have access to all of the trainer resources
for the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware.

b. If you are a Microsoft Learning Competency Member:

i. Each license acquired on behalf of yourself may only be used to review one (1) copy of the Microsoft
Instructor-Led Courseware in the form provided to you. If the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware is
in digital format, you may install one (1) copy on up to three (3) Personal Devices. You may not
install the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware on a device you do not own or control.
ii. For each license you acquire on behalf of an End User or Trainer, you may either:
1. distribute one (1) hard copy version of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware to one (1) End
User attending the Authorized Training Session and only immediately prior to the
commencement of the Authorized Training Session that is the subject matter of the Microsoft
Instructor-Led Courseware provided, or
2. provide one (1) End User attending the Authorized Training Session with the unique redemption
code and instructions on how they can access one (1) digital version of the Microsoft Instructor-
Led Courseware, or
3. you will provide one (1) Trainer with the unique redemption code and instructions on how they
can access one (1) Trainer Content,
provided you comply with the following:
iii. you will only provide access to the Licensed Content to those individuals who have acquired a valid
license to the Licensed Content,
iv. you will ensure that each End User attending an Authorized Training Session has their own valid
licensed copy of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware that is the subject of the Authorized
Training Session,
v. you will ensure that each End User provided with a hard-copy version of the Microsoft Instructor-Led
Courseware will be presented with a copy of this agreement and each End User will agree that their
use of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware will be subject to the terms in this agreement prior to
providing them with the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware. Each individual will be required to
denote their acceptance of this agreement in a manner that is enforceable under local law prior to
their accessing the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware,
vi. you will ensure that each Trainer teaching an Authorized Training Session has their own valid
licensed copy of the Trainer Content that is the subject of the Authorized Training Session,
vii. you will only use qualified Trainers who hold the applicable Microsoft Certification credential that is
the subject of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware being taught for your Authorized Training
viii. you will only use qualified MCTs who also hold the applicable Microsoft Certification credential that is
the subject of the MOC title being taught for all your Authorized Training Sessions using MOC,
ix. you will only provide access to the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware to End Users, and
x. you will only provide access to the Trainer Content to Trainers.

  Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement

c. If you are a MPN Member:

i. Each license acquired on behalf of yourself may only be used to review one (1) copy of the Microsoft
Instructor-Led Courseware in the form provided to you. If the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware is
in digital format, you may install one (1) copy on up to three (3) Personal Devices. You may not
install the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware on a device you do not own or control.
ii. For each license you acquire on behalf of an End User or Trainer, you may either:
1. distribute one (1) hard copy version of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware to one (1) End
User attending the Private Training Session, and only immediately prior to the commencement
of the Private Training Session that is the subject matter of the Microsoft Instructor-Led
Courseware being provided, or
2. provide one (1) End User who is attending the Private Training Session with the unique
redemption code and instructions on how they can access one (1) digital version of the
Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware, or
3. you will provide one (1) Trainer who is teaching the Private Training Session with the unique
redemption code and instructions on how they can access one (1) Trainer Content,
provided you comply with the following:
iii. you will only provide access to the Licensed Content to those individuals who have acquired a valid
license to the Licensed Content,
iv. you will ensure that each End User attending an Private Training Session has their own valid licensed
copy of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware that is the subject of the Private Training Session,
v. you will ensure that each End User provided with a hard copy version of the Microsoft Instructor-Led
Courseware will be presented with a copy of this agreement and each End User will agree that their
use of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware will be subject to the terms in this agreement prior to
providing them with the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware. Each individual will be required to
denote their acceptance of this agreement in a manner that is enforceable under local law prior to
their accessing the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware,
vi. you will ensure that each Trainer teaching an Private Training Session has their own valid licensed
copy of the Trainer Content that is the subject of the Private Training Session,
vii. you will only use qualified Trainers who hold the applicable Microsoft Certification credential that is
the subject of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware being taught for all your Private Training
viii. you will only use qualified MCTs who hold the applicable Microsoft Certification credential that is the
subject of the MOC title being taught for all your Private Training Sessions using MOC,
ix. you will only provide access to the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware to End Users, and
x. you will only provide access to the Trainer Content to Trainers.

d. If you are an End User:

For each license you acquire, you may use the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware solely for your
personal training use. If the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware is in digital format, you may access the
Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware online using the unique redemption code provided to you by the
training provider and install and use one (1) copy of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware on up to
three (3) Personal Devices. You may also print one (1) copy of the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware.
You may not install the Microsoft Instructor-Led Courseware on a device you do not own or control.

e. If you are a Trainer.

i. For each license you acquire, you may install and use one (1) copy of the Trainer Content in the
form provided to you on one (1) Personal Device solely to prepare and deliver an Authorized
Training Session or Private Training Session, and install one (1) additional copy on another Personal
Device as a backup copy, which may be used only to reinstall the Trainer Content. You may not
install or use a copy of the Trainer Content on a device you do not own or control. You may also
print one (1) copy of the Trainer Content solely to prepare for and deliver an Authorized Training
Session or Private Training Session.

  Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement

ii. You may customize the written portions of the Trainer Content that are logically associated with
instruction of a training session in accordance with the most recent version of the MCT agreement.
If you elect to exercise the foregoing rights, you agree to comply with the following: (i)
customizations may only be used for teaching Authorized Training Sessions and Private Training
Sessions, and (ii) all customizations will comply with this agreement. For clarity, any use of
“customize” refers only to changing the order of slides and content, and/or not using all the slides or
content, it does not mean changing or modifying any slide or content.

2.2 Separation of Components. The Licensed Content is licensed as a single unit and you may not
separate their components and install them on different devices.

2.3 Redistribution of Licensed Content. Except as expressly provided in the use rights above, you may
not distribute any Licensed Content or any portion thereof (including any permitted modifications) to any
third parties without the express written permission of Microsoft.

2.4 Third Party Programs and Services. The Licensed Content may contain third party programs or
services. These license terms will apply to your use of those third party programs or services, unless other
terms accompany those programs and services.

2.5 Additional Terms. Some Licensed Content may contain components with additional terms,
conditions, and licenses regarding its use. Any non-conflicting terms in those conditions and licenses also
apply to your use of that respective component and supplements the terms described in this agreement.


matter is based on a pre-release version of Microsoft technology (“Pre-release”), then in addition to the
other provisions in this agreement, these terms also apply:

a. Pre-Release Licensed Content. This Licensed Content subject matter is on the Pre-release version of
the Microsoft technology. The technology may not work the way a final version of the technology will
and we may change the technology for the final version. We also may not release a final version.
Licensed Content based on the final version of the technology may not contain the same information as
the Licensed Content based on the Pre-release version. Microsoft is under no obligation to provide you
with any further content, including any Licensed Content based on the final version of the technology.

b. Feedback. If you agree to give feedback about the Licensed Content to Microsoft, either directly or
through its third party designee, you give to Microsoft without charge, the right to use, share and
commercialize your feedback in any way and for any purpose. You also give to third parties, without
charge, any patent rights needed for their products, technologies and services to use or interface with
any specific parts of a Microsoft software, Microsoft product, or service that includes the feedback. You
will not give feedback that is subject to a license that requires Microsoft to license its software,
technologies, or products to third parties because we include your feedback in them. These rights
survive this agreement.

c. Pre-release Term. If you are an Microsoft IT Academy Program Member, Microsoft Learning
Competency Member, MPN Member or Trainer, you will cease using all copies of the Licensed Content on
the Pre-release technology upon (i) the date which Microsoft informs you is the end date for using the
Licensed Content on the Pre-release technology, or (ii) sixty (60) days after the commercial release of the
technology that is the subject of the Licensed Content, whichever is earliest (“Pre-release term”).
Upon expiration or termination of the Pre-release term, you will irretrievably delete and destroy all copies
of the Licensed Content in your possession or under your control.

  Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement

4. SCOPE OF LICENSE. The Licensed Content is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some
rights to use the Licensed Content. Microsoft reserves all other rights. Unless applicable law gives you more
rights despite this limitation, you may use the Licensed Content only as expressly permitted in this
agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the Licensed Content that only
allows you to use it in certain ways. Except as expressly permitted in this agreement, you may not:
• access or allow any individual to access the Licensed Content if they have not acquired a valid license
for the Licensed Content,
• alter, remove or obscure any copyright or other protective notices (including watermarks), branding
or identifications contained in the Licensed Content,
• modify or create a derivative work of any Licensed Content,
• publicly display, or make the Licensed Content available for others to access or use,
• copy, print, install, sell, publish, transmit, lend, adapt, reuse, link to or post, make available or
distribute the Licensed Content to any third party,
• work around any technical limitations in the Licensed Content, or
• reverse engineer, decompile, remove or otherwise thwart any protections or disassemble the
Licensed Content except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this

5. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS AND OWNERSHIP. Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted to
you in this agreement. The Licensed Content is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws
and treaties. Microsoft or its suppliers own the title, copyright, and other intellectual property rights in the
Licensed Content.

6. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. The Licensed Content is subject to United States export laws and regulations.
You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to the Licensed
Content. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users and end use. For additional information,

7. SUPPORT SERVICES. Because the Licensed Content is “as is”, we may not provide support services for it.

8. TERMINATION. Without prejudice to any other rights, Microsoft may terminate this agreement if you fail
to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement. Upon termination of this agreement for any
reason, you will immediately stop all use of and delete and destroy all copies of the Licensed Content in
your possession or under your control.

9. LINKS TO THIRD PARTY SITES. You may link to third party sites through the use of the Licensed
Content. The third party sites are not under the control of Microsoft, and Microsoft is not responsible for
the contents of any third party sites, any links contained in third party sites, or any changes or updates to
third party sites. Microsoft is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received
from any third party sites. Microsoft is providing these links to third party sites to you only as a
convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply an endorsement by Microsoft of the third party

10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement, and any additional terms for the Trainer Content, updates and
supplements are the entire agreement for the Licensed Content, updates and supplements.


a. United States. If you acquired the Licensed Content in the United States, Washington state law governs
the interpretation of this agreement and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws
principles. The laws of the state where you live govern all other claims, including claims under state
consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort.

  Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement

b. Outside the United States. If you acquired the Licensed Content in any other country, the laws of that
country apply.

12. LEGAL EFFECT. This agreement describes certain legal rights. You may have other rights under the laws
of your country. You may also have rights with respect to the party from whom you acquired the Licensed
Content. This agreement does not change your rights under the laws of your country if the laws of your
country do not permit it to do so.



This limitation applies to

o anything related to the Licensed Content, services, content (including code) on third party Internet
sites or third-party programs; and
o claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence,
or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law.

It also applies even if Microsoft knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. The
above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you because your country may not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages.

Please note: As this Licensed Content is distributed in Quebec, Canada, some of the clauses in this
agreement are provided below in French.

Remarque : Ce le contenu sous licence étant distribué au Québec, Canada, certaines des clauses
dans ce contrat sont fournies ci-dessous en français.

EXONÉRATION DE GARANTIE. Le contenu sous licence visé par une licence est offert « tel quel ». Toute
utilisation de ce contenu sous licence est à votre seule risque et péril. Microsoft n’accorde aucune autre garantie
expresse. Vous pouvez bénéficier de droits additionnels en vertu du droit local sur la protection dues
consommateurs, que ce contrat ne peut modifier. La ou elles sont permises par le droit locale, les garanties
implicites de qualité marchande, d’adéquation à un usage particulier et d’absence de contrefaçon sont exclues.


DOMMAGES. Vous pouvez obtenir de Microsoft et de ses fournisseurs une indemnisation en cas de dommages
directs uniquement à hauteur de 5,00 $ US. Vous ne pouvez prétendre à aucune indemnisation pour les autres
dommages, y compris les dommages spéciaux, indirects ou accessoires et pertes de bénéfices.
Cette limitation concerne:
• tout ce qui est relié au le contenu sous licence, aux services ou au contenu (y compris le code)
figurant sur des sites Internet tiers ou dans des programmes tiers; et.
• les réclamations au titre de violation de contrat ou de garantie, ou au titre de responsabilité
stricte, de négligence ou d’une autre faute dans la limite autorisée par la loi en vigueur.

  Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement

Elle s’applique également, même si Microsoft connaissait ou devrait connaître l’éventualité d’un tel dommage. Si
votre pays n’autorise pas l’exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilité pour les dommages indirects, accessoires
ou de quelque nature que ce soit, il se peut que la limitation ou l’exclusion ci-dessus ne s’appliquera pas à votre

EFFET JURIDIQUE. Le présent contrat décrit certains droits juridiques. Vous pourriez avoir d’autres droits
prévus par les lois de votre pays. Le présent contrat ne modifie pas les droits que vous confèrent les lois de votre
pays si celles-ci ne le permettent pas.

Revised September 2012

  Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement
Table of Contents

Microsoft Dynamics Courseware Overview………………………………………………..…………….….....0-3

Student Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….….0-4

Lesson 1: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Architecture ...................................................................1-2

Lesson 2: The Client Options .....................................................................................................................1-8

Lesson 3: Installation Options ................................................................................................................. 1-14


Lesson 1: Software Prerequisites for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 ........................................ 2-2

Lesson 2: SQL Server Database Components ................................................................................... 2-13

Lesson 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server ........................................................................................ 2-14

Lesson 5: RoleTailored Client for Windows ....................................................................................... 2-15

Lesson 6: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Client .............................................................................. 2-18

Lesson 7: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 ... 2-18

Lesson 8: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Web Services........................................................ 2-20

Lesson 9: Automated Data Capture System (ADCS) ...................................................................... 2-20

Lab 2.1: Install the Three Tiers on Three Computers ..................................................................... 2-21


Lesson 1: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server ...........................................................................................3-2

Lesson 2: Server Administration ...............................................................................................................3-9

Lesson 3: Wide Area Network Connections ...................................................................................... 3-51

Lesson 4: NAS Services .............................................................................................................................. 3-64

Lab 3.1: Managing NAV Server Instances .......................................................................................... 3-68

Lab 3.2: Setting up NAS Services ........................................................................................................... 3-81

Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Lesson 1: Install the RoleTailored Client for Windows .....................................................................4-2

Lesson 2: Install Business Web Service Components ........................................................................4-8

Lesson 3: Install Web Client ..................................................................................................................... 4-14

Lesson 4: Install Portal Framework for SharePoint 2010 .............................................................. 4-26

Lesson 5: Support Wide Area Network Connections .................................................................... 4-40

Lesson 6: Add Client Languages ............................................................................................................ 4-43

Lab 4.1: Create a Setup Configuration File ....................................................................................... 4-47

Lab 4.2: Set Up the RoleTailored Client for Windows from the Command Line................. 4-50


Lesson 1: Installation .....................................................................................................................................5-2

Lesson 2: Managing Databases .................................................................................................................5-7

Lesson 3: Managing Companies ............................................................................................................ 5-22

Lesson 4: Managing Licenses .................................................................................................................. 5-25

Lesson 5: Managing Objects ................................................................................................................... 5-29

Lab 5.1: Create a Development Environment ................................................................................... 5-30

Lab 5.2: Restore Company Data ............................................................................................................ 5-34

Lab 5.3: Alter the Database ..................................................................................................................... 5-36


Lesson 1: RoleTailored Design ...................................................................................................................6-2

Lesson 2: Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 6-11

Lesson 3: Customize the Navigation Pane ........................................................................................ 6-21

Lesson 4: Customize Pages ...................................................................................................................... 6-26

Lab 6.1: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization .......................................................... 6-41

Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Deployment Process ..................................................................................................................7-2

Lesson 2: Deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013..............................................................................7-8

Lab 7.1: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Deployment ................................................................... 7-30


Lesson 1: The PowerShell API ....................................................................................................................8-2

Lesson 2: PowerShell Commands .............................................................................................................8-9

Lab 8.1: Administering NAV Server Using PowerShell API .......................................................... 8-29

Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
We created this additional Table of Contents to assist you in quickly finding out the areas that are
new and, or changed from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV earlier version for this course.
These areas are identified with this icon throughout the training material.

Lesson 2: The Client Options .....................................................................................................................1-8

Topic 2: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint ..................................... 1-10

Topic 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Web Services .......................................................... 1-11

Topic 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server .................................................................. 1-12

Topic 5: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Client................................................................................. 1-13

Lesson 3: Installation Options ................................................................................................................. 1-14

Topic 8: Create and Load Configuration Files .................................................................................. 1-23


Lesson 2: Server Administration ...............................................................................................................3-9

Topic 4: NAV Server Administration Tool .......................................................................................... 3-30

Topic 5: Powershell API ............................................................................................................................. 3-49


Lesson 2: Install Business Web Service Components ........................................................................4-8

Topic 2: SOAP and OData Web Services ...............................................................................................4-9

Topic 4: Verify Web Service Availability .............................................................................................. 4-11

Lesson 3: Install Web Client ..................................................................................................................... 4-14

Topic 1: Set Up Web Client ...................................................................................................................... 4-15

Lesson 4: Install Portal Framework for SharePoint 2010 .............................................................. 4-26

Topic 1: What Is Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint 2010? ....... 4-26

Topic 2: Prepare the Installation ............................................................................................................ 4-27

Topic 3: Install Portal Framework for the First Time ...................................................................... 4-28

Topic 4: Deploy and Activate Microsoft NAV Portal Framework on SharePoint Web
Applications .................................................................................................................................................... 4-32

Table of Contents
Topic 5: Set Up Delegation ...................................................................................................................... 4-33

Topic 6: Configure Portal Framework after Setup .......................................................................... 4-35


Module Overview ............................................................................................................................................8-1

Lesson 1: The PowerShell API ....................................................................................................................8-2

Topic 1: Introduction.....................................................................................................................................8-2

Topic 2: Start a PowerShell Session .........................................................................................................8-3

Topic 3: Available Commands ...................................................................................................................8-3

Topic 4: Commandlet Help .........................................................................................................................8-4

Topic 5: Common Parameters ...................................................................................................................8-7

Lesson 2: PowerShell Commands .............................................................................................................8-9

Topic 1: Export-NAVServerLicenseInformation ..................................................................................8-9

Topic 2: Import-NAVServerLicense ..........................................................................................................8-9

Topic 3: Get-NAVServerSession ............................................................................................................. 8-10

Topic 4: Get-NAVServerInstance ........................................................................................................... 8-11

Topic 5: Get-NAVServerPermission ...................................................................................................... 8-11

Topic 6: Get-NAVServerPermissionSet ................................................................................................ 8-13

Topic 7: Get-NAVServerUser ................................................................................................................... 8-14

Topic 8: Get-NAVServerUserPermissionSet ....................................................................................... 8-14

Topic 9: Get-NAVServerConfiguration ................................................................................................ 8-15

Topic 10: New-NAVServerInstance ...................................................................................................... 8-15

Topic 11: New-NAVServerPermission ................................................................................................. 8-16

Topic 12: New-NAVServerPermissionSet ........................................................................................... 8-18

Topic 13: New-NAVServerUser .............................................................................................................. 8-18

Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Topic 14: New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet .................................................................................. 8-19

Topic 15: Remove-NAVServerSession ................................................................................................. 8-20

Topic 16: Remove-NAVServerInstance ............................................................................................... 8-21

Topic 17: Remove-NAVServerPermission .......................................................................................... 8-21

Topic 18: Remove-NAVServerPermissionSet .................................................................................... 8-22

Topic 19: Remove-NAVServerUser ....................................................................................................... 8-22

Topic 20: Remove-NAVServerUserPermissionSet ........................................................................... 8-23

Topic 21: Set-NAVServerPermissionSet .............................................................................................. 8-24

Topic 22: Set-NAVServerUser ................................................................................................................. 8-24

Topic 23: Set-NAVServerInstance ......................................................................................................... 8-25

Topic 24: Set-NAVServerPermission .................................................................................................... 8-26

Topic 25: Set-NAVServerConfiguration .............................................................................................. 8-27

Training is an important component of maintaining the value of a Microsoft
Dynamics® investment. Quality training from industry experts keeps you up-to-
date and helps you develop the skills necessary for fully maximizing the value of
your solution. Microsoft Dynamics provides different kinds of training to meet
everyone’s needs, from online training, classroom training, or training materials.
Select the training type that will best help you stay ahead of the competition.

Online Training

Online training delivers convenient, detailed training in the comfort of your own
home or office. Online training provides immediate access to training 24 hours a
day. It is perfect for the customer who does not have the time or budget to travel.
Online training options combine the efficiency of online training with the
thorough product coverage of classroom training.

Classroom Training

Classroom training provides, comprehensive learning through hands-on

interaction. From demonstrations to presentations to classroom activities, you
receive practical experience with instruction from our certified staff of experts.

Training Materials

Training materials help you learn at your own pace, in your own time, with
information-packed training manuals. The many training manuals features many
tips, tricks, and insights that you can reference continuously.

Microsoft Dynamics Courseware

The Microsoft Dynamics courseware consists of detailed training manuals that are
designed from a training perspective. These manuals include advanced topics, in
addition to training objectives, exercises, interactions, and quizzes.

Look for a complete list of manuals that are available for purchase on
CustomerSource or PartnerSource.

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®
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Installation and Configura
C ation in Microsoft D
Dynamics® NAV 201

osoft Dyn
namics Coursew
C ware Con
Microsoft Dynamics
D courrseware contaains labs and q
quick interacttions. These h

Within the Microsoft Dyn namics trainin
ng materials, yyou will find labs. These lab bs are
typically offfered in two le
evels to accommmodate eacch student’s vaariety of
knowledge and expertise e. We suggestt that you try the High leve el steps first. Iff you
need help completing
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he task, look t o the informaation in the Detailed steps.

High lev
vel steps
High levels steps are the most challen nging. These ssteps are desiigned for the
experiencedd student who o requires littlle instruction to complete the required task.

d steps
Detailed steeps are geared
d toward new w users who reequire detaile
ed instructionss and
explanation ns to complete
e the lab. Dettailed steps gu
uide you thro
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task. This in
ncludes naviga

What’s New Ico


This training
g material might include co ontent for neew features that is specific tto this
software veersion, and to any updated features. To aassist in findin
ng the conten nt for
the new fea atures, an icon
n ( ) is placeed next to thee heading. Thee icon identifiies
areas that are
a new and, or o changed frrom the earlieer version. How wever, it is
important tot review all content to maake sure theree is a thorough h understanding of
this informaation.

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Student Objectives
What do you hope to learn by participating in this course?

List three main objectives here.




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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

0-4 Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics ®

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Module Overview
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 is built on a three-tiered architecture model that
improves security, scalability, and flexibility of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 supports different client types and multiple configurations.
To install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, you can choose from several
predefined setup options.


The objectives are:

• Understand the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 architecture and its

core components.
• Understand the client options supported in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
• Understand the different setup options.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Architecture

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 architecture is a three-tiered architecture that
uses three core components:

• The client tier: A client user interface that provides the front end
(presentation logic layer).
• The middle tier or server tier: A multithreaded middle-tier server
that manages the business logic and all communication.
• The data tier: The SQL Server™ database server that provides the
data layer. It is augmented by Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
database components.

For every deployment of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 you must install these
three core components.

Note: All RoleTailored components in an organization must be from the same

version and build of Microsoft Dynamics NAV for the software to run correctly.

You can have multiple instances of any of the core components in a production
environment. The diagram

The Three Tiers of the RoleTailored Architecture shows a simple installation that
has two SQL Server database computers, each associated with a single Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server computer, each of which in turn supports two Microsoft
Dynamics NAV RoleTailored clients:

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Module 1: Architecture


Each Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computer can run several Microsoft
Dynamics NAV server instances. Each server instance can be connected to one
Microsoft Dynamics NAV database at a time. You can connect multiple server
instances to one and the same Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

In addition to the three core components, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV

architecture can include various additional tools and components that enhance or
supplement the core components.

Component Purpose
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server A tool for configuring and managing
Administration Tool Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and
Microsoft Dynamics NAV sites.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal A set of components that you use to

Framework for Microsoft build SharePoint web applications
SharePoint® that display Microsoft Dynamics NAV
pages and reports.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Component Purpose
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web
client client enables you to access
Microsoft Dynamics NAV data over
the Internet.

Development Environment The development environment for

creating and modifying Microsoft
Dynamics NAV applications in C/AL.

Microsoft Office Outlook® A component for synchronizing data,

Integration such as to-dos, contacts, and tasks,
between Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 and Outlook.

Automated Data Capture System A Microsoft Dynamics NAV tool for

accurately capturing data for
inbound, outbound, and internal
documents, primarily for warehouse
activities. With ADCS, company
employees use handheld devices and
radio frequency technology to
continuously validate warehouse

The Data Tier

The data tier in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 architecture consists of a
computer that is running the SQL Server database with which Microsoft Dynamics
NAV interacts. It also contains the SQL Server database components. SQL Server
database components configure Microsoft SQL Server to work with Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013.

The data tier can be installed as part of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV setup, or you
can use an instance of SQL Server.

In production environments, it is recommended to use SQL Server 2012, SQL

Server 2008 R2, or SQL Server 2008. However, you can also use SQL Server 2012
Express Edition, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition, or SQL Server 2008 Express
Edition for prototyping, developing, and testing.

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV setup, SQL Server database components are a default
component for the developer option. You can add the components to the server
option or as part of a custom installation.

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Module 1: Architecture
The Server Tier

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is a .NET-based Windows service application that

manages communications between Microsoft Dynamics NAV clients and
Microsoft Dynamics NAV databases in SQL Server. It uses the Windows
Communication Framework (WCF) as its communication protocol.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server also hosts and executes all business logic. The
SQL Server interface from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is rewritten for
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. It uses an ADO.NET interface (instead of ODBC)
which is a managed data access layer that does not provide an interface or an
access point to the user (improving security and scalability) and that supports SQL
Server connection pooling. The redesign of data access offers different

• Decreased resource consumption

• Simplified deployment
• Improved performance

SQL Server connection pooling helps reduce memory consumption by Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Server. There is no longer a one-to-one correlation between the
number of client connections and the number of SQL Server connections. A single
SQL Server connection can consume up to 40 MB of memory. Additionally,
memory allocation is now in managed memory, which is generally more efficient
than unmanaged memory. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, caching applies
across users.

In addition, SQL Server connection pooling simplifies deployment of the Microsoft

Dynamics NAV three-tier architecture for deployments where the three tiers are
installed on separate computers. Specifically, administrators are not required to
manually create SPNs or to set up delegation when the client, Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server, and SQL Server are on separate computers.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 offers improved performance for the following

• Cursors are no longer used to retrieve records. Instead, records are

retrieved by using multiple active result sets (MARS). Functions such
as Next, Find('-'), Find('+'), Find('>'), and Find('<') are generally
faster with MARS.
• SIFT indexes have also been improved. For example, COUNT formulas
can now use SIFT indexes. MIN and MAX formulas now use SQL
Server MIN and MAX functions exclusively.
• RecordIds and SQL Variant columns in a table no longer prevent the
use of BULK inserts, which you can now use for more table types. For
more information, see Bulk Inserts in the online help (press F1).

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
• In most cases, filtering on FlowFields issues a single SQL statement. In
earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, filtering on FlowFields
issued an SQL statement for each filtered FlowField and for each
record in the table in order to calculate the filtered FlowFields. There
are two exceptions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 in which filtering
on FlowFields does not issue a single SQL statement:
o The ValueIsFilter option is used on a field, and the field has a
o A second predicate is specified on a source field, and the field
that is used for the second predicate has a value.

For more information about the ValueIsFilter option, see How to:
Create, View, and Edit a Calculation Formula in the online help.

• In most cases, calling the FIND or NEXT functions after you have set
the view to include only marked records issues a single SQL
statement. In an earlier version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, calling
FIND or NEXT functions that use marked records issued an SQL
statement for each mark. There are some exceptions if many
individual records are marked. For more information, see
MARKEDONLY Function (Record) in the online help.

Note: Because Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 no longer uses cursors to

retrieve records, the Record Set property under Caching on the Advanced tab of
the Alter Database page is no longer needed and has been removed.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server supports a range of different client types. You
administer Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server by using either Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server Administration Tool or Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows PowerShell

Note: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server can only be installed on 64-bit

operating systems.

Note: Installing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server on encrypted drives is not

supported. You may encounter issues if the server runs as a user that does not have
permissions to the encrypted files.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is installed when you select either the Server
option or the Developer option in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

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Module 1: Architecture
The Client Tier

The client tier provides the client interface to the user and is responsible for data
presentation. It consists of the following components:

• The Microsoft Business Framework (MBF).

• The Microsoft Windows Forms. This set of classes in the .NET
Framework enables the rapid development of powerful smart client
applications. This logical form is a device-independent representation
of forms/UI parts and web parts.
• The User Interface (UI). Found in the client, the UI determines the
user experience (UX). Content is delivered to the client from the data-
binder layer in MBF. End-users can customize their user experience.
• The Data Binder. The data-binding layer transports data, data state,
and notifications about data from the underlying business logic to
forms and controls in the display target client. It also has reverse
functionality and transports input data, data state, and notifications
from the client to the underlying business logic.
• The Form Builder. This requests reading metadata for a form and
builds a logical form with data binding, controls, and behavior. The
logical form provides the functionality that is shared by all display
targets: data binding, input validation, navigation, and possible
business logic.
• The UX Controls. These are necessary because the MBF client will not
deliver all the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 controls. Therefore,
native controls, or managed Windows Forms controls, are wrapped in
a thin abstraction. This is the physical control.

In addition to the client for Windows, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 also supports
additional client types.

The following can be considered Microsoft Dynamics NAV clients because they
interact with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database through Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server:

• RoleTailored client for Windows

• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework
• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
• SOAP web services
• OData web services
• NAS services

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Although SOAP web services, OData web services, and NAS services are
considered clients, they must be installed and configured through Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.

The client options will be discussed more in the next lesson.

Multiple Configurations

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 supports multiple configurations of the three-

tiered architecture. A common characteristic for each Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 configuration is that all three core components are installed. There can
however be differences in the number of instances of each core component, the
client types, the additional components installed, and the hardware configuration
(number of computers) used.

Common Microsoft Dynamics NAV configurations are as follows:

• All three core components on the same computer. This is the

configuration for a demo install and is also typical for a development
environment so that a developer can work on Microsoft Dynamics
NAV applications without worrying about network connections and
inter-component security.
• RoleTailored client for Windows and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
on the same computer; data tier on a separate computer.
• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and data tier on the same computer,
RoleTailored client for Windows on a separate computer
• Each of the three tiers on a separate computer.

Although an existing configuration can always be changed, we recommend you

thoroughly analyze both software and hardware requirements for each
component before you start to install the components.

The Client Options

In addition to the RoleTailored client for Windows, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
also supports additional client types, including web service clients, Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Web client, a SharePoint client through Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Portal Framework, and a NAS services client for programmatic access. The
different client options are not mutually exclusive: you can have different client
options on the same computer.

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Module 1: Architecture
RoleTailored Client for Windows

The RoleTailored client for Windows, which is a Windows Forms-based client, is

designed as the front end for the three-tiered architecture. It is an intuitive and
versatile Windows application that developers, partners, administrators, and super
users can customize to support the job functions of a full range of work roles in an

For each role, the Microsoft Certified Partner or developer creates a customizable
Role Center that displays key information that is required for relevant employees
and makes their day-to-day tasks easier to complete. Users run the RoleTailored
client for Windows to find the information and data entry points their jobs

The following figure shows the role-oriented interface in the RoleTailored client
for Windows.


A key feature of the RoleTailored client is the role-oriented, task-focused user

interface. To support this user interface, Microsoft Dynamics NAV displays data in
the RoleTailored client in a model-driven way and relies on metadata to display
this data. This enables Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages to be consumed by
different client types and devices without being constrained by layout limitations,
because each client can display the page in a different way.

A RoleTailored client in a specific Active Directory® domain can connect to a

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server that is in another Active Directory domain.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
The RoleTailored client for Windows is installed when you select either the Client
option or the Developer option in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 is a set
of components that can be used to build Microsoft SharePoint web applications
that display Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages and reports.

Using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint, a
Microsoft Dynamics NAV administrator can create a browser application that
provides access to specific Microsoft Dynamics NAV features, applications, and

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint diagram shows the
tiers and components of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework network



Tier Description
Client A computer or computers for accessing
SharePoint sites from Internet Explorer®.

SharePoint Server A server farm or stand-alone server running

SharePoint Foundation 2010 or Microsoft
SharePoint Server 2010 that hosts multiple
web applications and sites. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Portal Framework is installed
on one or more web applications.

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Module 1: Architecture
Tier Description
Microsoft Dynamics NAV A Microsoft .NET Framework–based Windows
Server service that manages communications and
provides a security layer between clients and
Microsoft Dynamics NAV databases in SQL

SQL Server database A SQL Server that contains Microsoft

Dynamics NAV data.

Note: The SharePoint Server, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework,

and SQL Server tiers can be on the same computer or separate computers.

Developer Experience

Developers of solutions for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework will have
the same experience as with RoleTailored client. Developers create Microsoft
Dynamics NAV objects in the development environment and implement the same
metadata and business logic as RoleTailored client. A page or report that can be
displayed in the RoleTailored client can also be displayed on a SharePoint site.

End-user Experience

End-users will find Microsoft Dynamics NAV data familiar as it shares the same
appearance as SharePoint. Working with Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages and
reports in SharePoint resembles working with the pages and reports in
RoleTailored client.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework is designed for occasional users who
typically need an overview of their daily work status and perform fairly simple or
light data entry.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Web Services

Web services are a lightweight, industry-standard way to make application

functionality available to many different external systems and users. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 supports creation and publishing of Microsoft Dynamics NAV
functionality as business web services. You can expose pages, codeunits, or queries
as web services, and even enhance a page web service with an extension codeunit.
When you publish Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects as web services, they are
immediately available on the network.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Developers can publish two types of web services from Microsoft Dynamics NAV

• SOAP web services: You can publish either pages or codeunits as

SOAP services.
• OData web services: You can publish either pages or queries as OData

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 web services are stateless and do not preserve the
values of global variables or single-instance codeunits between calls.

SOAP Web Services

SOAP web services provide full flexibility for building operation-centric services.
This includes industry standard interoperability, in addition to channel and host
plug-ability. For web services that must interoperate with Java or use channels
other than HTTP, SOAP services are the only option. Windows Communication
Framework (WCF) has supported SOAP services since its initial release in the .NET
Framework 3.0, and .NET 4 adds more support and default bindings to make it
easier to build SOAP services that use WCF. You define and publish Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 SOAP web services in the RoleTailored client, and manage
them from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool.

OData Web Services

We recommend OData services for client applications requiring a uniform, flexible,

general purpose. They are less suited for applications that are primarily method
oriented or in which data operations are constrained to certain prescribed
patterns. OData supports Representational State Transfer (REST)-based data
services, which enable resources, identified by using Uniform Resource Identifiers
(URIs), and defined in an abstract data model (EDM), to be published and edited
by web clients within corporate networks and across the Internet by using simple
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) messages. OData services are lightweight, with
functionality frequently referenced directly in the URI. You define and publish
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 OData web services in the RoleTailored client, and
manage them from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server

NAS (Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server) is a middle-tier server

component that executes business logic without a user interface or user
interaction. NAS is re-engineered in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 to be one of
the client services in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server can run both as a Windows
service and from a command prompt. It provides access from external clients to
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application

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Module 1: Architecture
Server runs key components of the business logic. Therefore, it can start processes
to produce refined results exactly as if one were requesting information from the
Windows client.

You manage NAS services from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Administration Tool.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Client

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client enables you to access Microsoft
Dynamics NAV data from a web browser, even over the Internet. You can view
and edit data by using an interface that resembles the RoleTailored client for
Windows. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client does not replace the Windows
client but complements it by enabling scenarios that are not possible or difficult
with the Windows client.

You develop solutions for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client by using the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment - implementing the same
objects and business logic as you would with the Windows client.

Note: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client supports most of the same
Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects and features as the Windows client. But there are
some small differences. For more information about these differences, see the online
Help topic Feature Limitations of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Client.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Client Architecture diagram shows the tiers
and components in the network architecture for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Web client.


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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Tier Description
Client A computer or device that has access to
the Internet with a browser.

Internet Information A computer that is running Internet

Server Information Services (IIS) 7.0. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Web client is installed on a
website on IIS.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV A Microsoft .NET Framework–based

Server Windows service that manages
communications and provides a security
layer between clients and Microsoft
Dynamics NAV databases in SQL Server.

SQL Server database A SQL Server that contains Microsoft

Dynamics NAV data.

Installation Options
After you have analyzed and prepared the hardware and software requirements
for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 deployment, you can start to install the
core components.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup allows you to install the components
individually. In addition it offers several predefined component packages called
Installation Options, each designed for a typical use or type of user. When you
select a predefined installation option, you can always customize the list of
installed components.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup can also be used to capture and save a set of
custom setup settings in a setup configuration file. You can use this configuration
file together with Setup, either when you or another user runs Setup or when you
run a silent installation.

The first installation option, which is the Install Demo option, appears on the first
page after you accept the license agreement in Setup. The other options are
available if you click Choose an installation option.

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Module 1: Architecture


Setup does not provide a Cancel button on all pages. But you can cancel an
installation from any page by clicking Close in the upper-right corner. All
Microsoft Dynamics NAV components are removed from the computer. The only
components that Setup installs but cannot remove are as follows:

• Database files, such as the Demo database.

• Prerequisites for Microsoft Dynamics NAV components that Setup can
install, such as the .NET Framework.

Install Demo

The Install Demo option is intended for users who want to try the features of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV. It can also be used to install a stand-alone development
environment. Therefore, a developer can work on Microsoft Dynamics NAV
applications without worrying about network connections and inter-component
security. We do not recommend it as the foundation for an actual production

With this option, Setup installs all three core components to the local computer.
Because the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server can only be installed on a 64-bit
operating system, you can only use this option on a 64-bit operating system.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Installed Components

When you choose the Install Demo option, Setup installs the following

• RoleTailored client for Windows.

• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
• Development Environment (C/SIDE).
• Microsoft Office Outlook Add-in for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
• SQL Server Express, a smaller-scale version of SQL Server. If a valid
version of SQL Server is already present on the computer where you
are installing the Demo version, Setup does not install SQL Server
• The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Demo database, with a demo license.

Note: The development environment is discussed in the "Microsoft Dynamics

NAV Server" module later in this course.

Demo Install Notes

When you click Demo Install, Setup begins to copy files. After this, you have no
more interaction with Setup (except to click Close to exit Setup when it is finished
copying files).

Setup cannot install an .mdf file (the data file for a database) to the local
computer if the destination folder or drive is compressed.

Setup creates a new instance of SQL Server—NAVDEMO—and installs the Demo

database—Demo Database NAV (7-0)—in this instance. (Earlier Versions of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV installed the Demo database in the default instance of
SQL Server.) The first time that you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, the new
instance of SQL Server and the Demo database are created automatically. If you
later delete Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 and then run Setup to install the Demo
version again, Setup prompts you to replace the existing database. Your options
are Yes and Cancel.

Server Option

The Server option is available on the Choose an installation option page in

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup. It can be used to install the server tier in a
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 environment.

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Module 1: Architecture
Installed Components

When you choose the Server option, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup installs
the following component:

• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. This forms tier two in the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV three-tier product architecture. (RoleTailored client is
tier two, and SQL Server Database Components, together with SQL
Server or SQL Server Express, is tier three.)
• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool. This tool is
discussed more in the "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server" module in
this course.

You can configure the Server option to add or remove components by clicking
Customize under the Server option on the Choose an installation option pane.

Additional components available under the Server option are as follows:

• SQL Server Database Components

• Demo database
• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint
• Automated Data Capture System
• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client

Client Option

The Client option is available on the Choose an installation option page in

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup. This option can be used to install additional
instances of the Windows client in an existing or a new Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 environment.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013


Installed Components

When you choose the Client option, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup installs the
following component:

• RoleTailored client for Windows

The RoleTailored client forms tier one in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV three-tier
product architecture. (Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is tier two, and SQL Server
Database Components, together with SQL Server or SQL Server Express, is tier

You can configure the Client option to install additional components by clicking
Customize under the Client option on the Choose an installation option pane.

Additional components available under the Client option include the

Development Environment, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool,
and the Microsoft Office Outlook Add-In.

If you install the Windows client by using any installation option other than the
Install Demo option, you must provide some initial configuration information to
enable the client to establish a connection with an instance of Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server. Configuring the Windows client during and after installation will be
discussed later in this course.

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Module 1: Architecture
Developer Option

The Developer option is available on the Choose an installation option page in

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

The set of components installed with the Developer option includes components
a developer would typically use in designing Microsoft Dynamics NAV
applications for a customer company. It can also be used for administrative tasks
such as creating a database, managing users, and creating and assigning
permission sets.

Installed Components

When you choose the Developer Environment option, Setup installs the
following components:

• RoleTailored client for Windows

• Development Environment (C/SIDE)
• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
• SQL Server Database Components
• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint

You can configure the Developer Environment option to install additional

components by clicking Customize under the Developer Environment option
on the Choose an installation option pane.

Custom Components Option

The Custom Components option is available on the Choose an installation

option page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

Installed Components

This option differs from the other installation options that are available on the
Choose an installation option page in Setup. It is not a subset of the complete
list of available components for a particular type of user or configuration. Instead,
it is the full list of Microsoft Dynamics NAV components from which you can
select individual components to install. You can use this list to design your own
installation option.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Choose Components to Install

When you run Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup, you can install a predefined
component package. These packages are called Installation Options. If you have
to modify the set of components that are included in an existing installation
option, then you can click Customize under any installation option. If you want to
install components that are not all available in a predefined installation option,
then you can click Custom Components.

Note: You can customize the component list for the Client, Server, or
Developer installation options. However, only with the Developer option can you
choose from the complete set of Microsoft Dynamics NAV components. The range
of available components for the other two installation options is limited to
components that are relevant for that option.

The following procedure describes how to select the components to install.

Choosing Components to Install

In this procedure, you use the Component Selection page to select what to

To identify the components that you want to install:

1. In Setup, on the Choose an installation option page, decide which

Installation Option you want to customize, and then click Customize
below the name of the installation option.
This opens the Customize the installation page with one or more
components already selected. You can also click the Custom
Components option on the Choose an installation option pane. This
opens the Customize the installation pane without preselected

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Module 1: Architecture


Note: To install Microsoft Dynamics NAV to a location other than the default
location, on the Customize the installation page, click Destination folder.

2. Select the components that you want to install on the Customize the
installation page.
Options are presented in a tree view. The tree has three levels:

- The top level shows only a single node, which is Microsoft Dynamics
- The second level shows additional nodes that each identify a
component such as Client and Server. Some second-level nodes have
a plus sign on the left. Click the plus sign to expand the third level of
the hierarchy.
- The third level shows subcomponents for the selected second-level

Each node has one of three statuses as indicated by its appearance.

Component Node Description
The component and
all its subcomponents
are selected for



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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Component Node Description

The component is
STATUS installation. Some or
none but not all of
the subcomponents
are also selected.
Only items on the
top or second level
can be inactive
because only these
nodes can have

Neither the
component nor any
of its subcomponents
are selected for

3. Click a component to open a menu of options for that component.

You must click in the box. The following options are available:
Node Option Description
Run from My Computer Select this component for installation.

Run all from My Computer Select this component and all

subcomponents for installation.

Not Available Cancel installation of this component and all


4. After you have selected the set of components and subcomponents

that you want to install, click Next to continue to the Specify
parameters page.

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Module 1: Architecture
Preconfigure Components

With Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup, you can preconfigure components before
you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV so that you do not have to configure them
after. You can use the Specify parameters page to associate configuration
settings with a component before installation.

1. In Setup, on the Specify parameters pane, supply all settings for the
listed components.
2. When you have finished configuring a component, click Apply to
validate your settings. If there are issues with the settings that you
have selected, then information about these issues is displayed on the
Problems were identified for this configuration pane.

The following components can be preconfigured:

• RoleTailored client for Windows

• Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
• SQL Server Database Components
• Automated Data Capture Systems
• NAS services

After you have solved possible problems displayed on the Specify parameters
page, you can continue Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup with the configuration
settings applied. The settings will only be valid for the current installation. When
you run Setup again, you will have to re-enter the settings.

Create and Load Configuration Files

After you finish customization and configuration of the components to install, you
can save this information to a Setup configuration file. You can use this file
together with Setup, either when you or another user runs Setup or when you run
a silent installation.

Saving a Setup Configuration File

You can create a new setup configuration file or save a modified setup
configuration file on the Specify parameters page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Setup. This page is available when you run Setup unless you select Install Demo,
which skips all other Setup pages.

To save a setup configuration file:

1. In the Specify parameters page, click Save.

2. Type a file name for the configuration file. An .xml extension is added

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
3. Click Save.

You now return to the Specify parameters page, where you can continue with
installing software. You can also close Setup if you only have to create a Setup
configuration file.

Loading a Setup Configuration File

The option to load a Setup configuration file is located on the Choose an

installation option page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup. This option is also
available with a command-line install.

Note: A Setup configuration file contains information about which

components to install and which settings to apply to each component. Therefore,
you should not customize the list of components or configure components in Setup
before you load a Setup configuration file because loading the configuration
overwrites all prior customization and configuration.

To load a Setup configuration file in Setup:

1. In the Choose an installation option page, click Load

Configuration. This option is located under Custom Components.
2. In the Open dialog box, select or browse to the Setup configuration
file that you want to open, and then double-click the file. Setup now
shows the Customize the installation page that was modified
according to the component selection in the loaded Setup
configuration file.
3. Modify the list of components to install, or click Next to go to the
Specify parameters page, where settings from the Setup
configuration file are shown.
4. Configure these settings, or click Apply to accept these values and

Using a Setup Configuration File in a Silent Installation

Instead of using the Setup wizard, you can run Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Setup at a command prompt. You can do this by starting the Setup.exe on the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation media. (Setup.exe is in the root directory.)

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Module 1: Architecture
If you want to use a Setup configuration file when you run Setup.exe from the
command prompt, you can add the /config parameter:

Setup.exe /config <Setup config file>

The /config parameter includes the path and file name information for a Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup configuration file to load.

Modifying a Setup Configuration File

To edit a Setup configuration file, you can either use an XML editor or you can
load it into Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup, make the desired modification, and
then save the file. You do not have to install any software during this process.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 is built on a multithreaded three-tier architecture

that supports different client types and deployment scenarios. Understanding the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 architecture, the clients, and the installation
options enables IT professionals, system implementers, and developers to
efficiently install and customize Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 to fit the
customer’s needs.

Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. How many core components does the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
architecture contain?

( )2

( )3

( )4

( ) unlimited

2. Which tiers does a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 deployment include?

( ) Database, RoleTailored Client for Windows, Web Client

( ) Database, SQL Server, RoleTailored Client for Windows

( ) Database, RoleTailored Client for Windows, Business Web Services

( ) Database, Server, Client

3. What is not true about Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server?

( ) It executes all business logic.

( ) It provides an open interface to the user.

( ) There can be multiple instances in a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013


( ) It handles communication between the data and the client tiers.

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Module 1: Architecture
4. What is the role of the Data Binder component in the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013 architecture?

( ) It determines the user experience.

( ) It saves input data, data state, and data notifications only on the client

( ) It sends data, data state, and notifications from the business logic to
the client and back again.

( ) It builds a logical form with data binding, controls, and behavior.

5. What is true about Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services in

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013?

( ) You can use Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services only to
read data from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

( ) You can generate SOAP web services and OData web services from
Microsoft Dynamics NAV page objects.

( ) Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services do not allow

execution of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV business logic.

( ) Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services are stateless except

when they are published from a single-instance codeunit.

6. Which installation option will install all core components without additional
interaction with Setup?

( ) Developer Option

( ) Server Option

( ) Custom Components Option

( ) Client Option

( ) Install Demo Option

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Test Your Knowledge Solutions

Module Review and Takeaways

1. How many core components does the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
architecture contain?

( )2

(√) 3

( )4

( ) unlimited

2. Which tiers does a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 deployment include?

( ) Database, RoleTailored Client for Windows, Web Client

( ) Database, SQL Server, RoleTailored Client for Windows

( ) Database, RoleTailored Client for Windows, Business Web Services

(√) Database, Server, Client

3. What is not true about Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server?

( ) It executes all business logic.

(√) It provides an open interface to the user.

( ) There can be multiple instances in a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013


( ) It handles communication between the data and the client tiers.

4. What is the role of the Data Binder component in the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013 architecture?

( ) It determines the user experience.

( ) It saves input data, data state, and data notifications only on the client

(√) It sends data, data state, and notifications from the business logic to
the client and back again.

( ) It builds a logical form with data binding, controls, and behavior.

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Module 1: Architecture
5. What is true about Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013?

( ) You can use Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services only to
read data from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

(√) You can generate SOAP web services and OData web services from
Microsoft Dynamics NAV page objects.

( ) Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services do not allow

execution of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV business logic.

( ) Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services are stateless except

when they are published from a single-instance codeunit.

6. Which installation option will install all core components without additional
interaction with Setup?

( ) Developer Option

( ) Server Option

( ) Custom Components Option

( ) Client Option

(√) Install Demo Option

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Module Overview
Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013 takes advantage of the Microsoft software
platform. Therefore, all the software prerequisites of Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 are part of the Microsoft software stack. This software platform consists of
the following prerequisites for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013:

• Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server

• Microsoft SQL Server™ 2008, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 or
Microsoft SQL Server 2012
• The Microsoft® .NET Framework 3.5
• Microsoft Windows Web Services Enhancements
• Microsoft Report Viewer 2010

These software requirements determine the hardware configuration. The

hardware configuration must be sufficient to run the software prerequisites. If this
is not the case then the software prerequisites do not run correctly. This leads to a
failed implementation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.


The objectives are:

• Understand the operating system and software prerequisites for

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
• Select the correct Microsoft Windows® Server Edition for the core
• Select the correct Microsoft SQL Server edition for the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 environment.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Software Prerequisites for Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Install and configure the following to prepare the server on which you will load
Microsoft Dynamics NAV:

• Windows Server 2008 is the infrastructure platform for powering

connected applications, networks, and web services from the
workgroup to the data center.
• Microsoft SQL Server is a comprehensive database platform
providing enterprise-class data management with integrated business
intelligence (BI) tools. The Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database engine
provides improved security and reliable storage for both relational
and structured data. This enables you to build and manage highly
available, performance data applications for use in your business.
• The .NET Framework is a development and execution environment
that enables different programming languages and libraries to work
together seamlessly to create Microsoft Windows-based applications
that are easier to build, manage, deploy, and integrate with other
networked systems.
• The Web Services Enhancements for Microsoft .NET is an add-in to
Microsoft Visual Studio® and the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 that
enables developers to build secure web services that are based on the
latest web services protocol specifications.

The Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 redistributable package includes Windows

Forms and ASP.NET Web server controls for viewing reports designed by using
Microsoft reporting technology. Microsoft Report Viewer control enables
applications that run on the .NET Framework to display reports designed by using
Microsoft reporting technology.

Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows Server 2008 is a multipurpose server designed to increase the reliability

and flexibility of the server or private cloud infrastructure, helping you save time
and reduce costs. It gives you powerful tools to react to business needs faster than
ever with more control and confidence.

Windows Server 2008 R2 delivers many improvements for you to implement a

robust datacenter and desktop virtualization plan. Whether you want to combine
servers, build a private cloud, or offer virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), the
features of Windows Server 2008 R2 help you take your datacenter and desktop
strategy to a new level.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 come in different editions.
Each edition provides key functionality to support any size business and IT

The figure Windows Server 2008 Roles per Edition illustrates:


Windows Server 2008 Datacenter Edition

Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter delivers an enterprise-class platform to

deploy business-critical applications and large-scale virtualization on small and
large servers. It helps you with the following:

• Improve availability, enhance power management, and integrate

solutions for mobile and branch workers.
• Reduce infrastructure costs by combining applications that have
unlimited virtualization licensing rights.
• Scale from two to 64 processors.

Windows Server R2 2008 Datacenter provides a foundation on which to build

enterprise-class virtualization and scale-up solutions.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition

Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise is an advanced server platform that provides

more cost-effective and reliable support for mission-critical workloads. It offers
innovative features for virtualization, power savings, and manageability and helps
make it easier for mobile workers to access company resources.

Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard is the most robust Windows Server operating
system to date. With built-in, improved web and virtualization capabilities, it
increases the reliability and flexibility of the server infrastructure while helping to
save time and reduce costs. Powerful tools give you more control over the servers
and streamline configuration and management tasks. Plus, enhanced security
features work to harden the operating system to help protect your data and
network and provide a solid, highly dependable foundation for your business.

Windows Server 2008 R2 also offers four special purpose editions.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Web Edition

Windows Web Server 2008 R2 is a powerful web application and services platform.
Featuring Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5 and designed exclusively as an
Internet-facing server, it offers improved administration and diagnostic tools to
help reduce infrastructure costs when you use it with different popular
development platforms. With included Web server and DNS server roles, in
addition to improved reliability and scalability, this platform helps you manage
the most demanding environments — from a dedicated web server to a whole
web server farm.

Windows Server 2008 R2 HPC Edition

Windows HPC Server 2008 R2, the Microsoft third-generation HPC solution,
provides a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for harnessing the power of
high-performance computing. Out-of-the-box, world-class performance, and
scalability enable organizations of all sizes to rapidly deploy solutions ranging
from personal HPC workstations to large clusters spanning thousands of nodes.
Customers can lower both their operating and capital costs. Windows HPC Server
2008 R2 integrates easily with existing IT infrastructure to enable end-users to
access HPC resources by using familiar Windows-based technologies. With a
tightly integrated set of dedicated cluster and parallel development tools,
anchored around Visual Studio 2010, developers can build robust and scalable
HPC applications easily and quickly. Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 is
complemented by a rich ecosystem of SI, ISV, and OEM partners to make sure that
customers have access to the applications of their choice and the resources
required to successfully run them.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems

Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based systems delivers an enterprise-class

platform to deploy business-critical applications. With it, you can scale database,
line-of-business, and custom applications to meet growing business needs.
However, note that Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008 R2, and the current
2010 line-up of developer tools, plus associated .NET frameworks, will be the last
iterations in each product line to support the Intel Itanium processor and
associated OEM server platforms. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 does not support
this Windows Server edition.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation Edition

Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation is a cost-effective, entry-level technology

foundation targeted at small business owners and IT generalists who support
small businesses. Foundation is an inexpensive, easy-to-deploy, proven, and
reliable technology that provides organizations with the foundation to run the
most prevalent business applications and share information and resources.

For more information about Windows Server 2008 and the different editions and
features in each edition, see

Windows Small Business Server 2008

Designed and priced for small businesses with up to 75 users, Windows Small
Business Server 2008 delivers enterprise-class server technology in an affordable,
all-in-one solution. It helps protect your business information from loss by
performing automatic daily backups. Additionally, it helps users be more
productive with features such as email, Internet connectivity, internal websites
(collaboration), remote access, and file and printer sharing.

For more information about Microsoft Windows Small Business Server, see

Windows Essential Business Server 2008

Windows Essential Business Server (EBS) combines several Microsoft technologies

to meet the needs of businesses with up to 300 users or computers. With
Windows EBS, businesses benefit from the power and versatility of a multiserver,
multi-computer network, and IT administrators enjoy reduced installation time
and complexity. Administrators can perform most of their daily operations tasks
from a single, integrated console. Administrators can also connect remotely to the
Windows EBS Administration Console.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Note: Some core components and clients such as the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint®
2010 can only be installed on 64 bit editions.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool does not run on Windows
Server 2008. It does run on Windows Server 2008 R2.

SQL Server 2008

Microsoft SQL Server is a comprehensive database server and information

platform offering a complete set of enterprise-ready technologies and tools that
help people derive the most value from information at the lowest total cost of
ownership. Enjoy high levels of performance, availability, and security, use more
productive management and development tools, and deliver widespread insight
with self-service business intelligence (BI).

SQL Server 2008 R2 delivers several breakthrough capabilities that will help
organizations to scale database operations with confidence, improve IT and
developer efficiency, and enable highly scalable and well-managed business
intelligence on a self-service basis for users.

The Microsoft SQL Server database engine is the core of this enterprise data
management solution. Additionally, Microsoft SQL Server offers analysis (business
intelligence with SQL Server Analysis Services), reporting (SQL Server Reporting
Services), integration (SQL Server Integration Services), and notification
functionalities. The figure The Microsoft SQL Server Platform shows the SQL Server
platform context:

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Module 2: Installation Requirements


Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 come in different editions
offering key functionalities to support any business size and IT strategy. SQL
Server 2008 editions are available for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. However,
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 is available only for the 64-bit platform.

Note: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 supports the 64-bit editions of both
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.

SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition

Enterprise Edition is meant to support the largest enterprise online analytical

processing environments, highly complex data analysis, data warehousing, and
active web servers.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition

Standard Edition includes the necessary functionality for e-commerce, data

warehousing, and line-of-business solutions that most small- and medium-sized
business use. If your organization has to track large amounts of data but does not
have to have all the functionality of Enterprise Edition, then Standard Edition will
work well with Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

SQL Server 2008 R2 Workgroup Edition

Workgroup Edition is the data management solution for small organizations that
need a database that has no limit on the size or number of users and can work as
a back end to small web servers and departmental or branch office operations.

SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition

SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition is a free, easy-to-use and easy-to-manage

database that can be redistributed to act as a client database and basic server
database. It is usually suited for small data sets and will not work in some
Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementations.

To determine which SQL Server edition will work best for the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013 implementation, review the features in each edition.

For more information about the features in each edition, see

SQL Server 2012

SQL Server 2012 will provide Mission Critical Confidence with greater uptime,
blazing-fast performance and enhanced security features for mission critical
workloads. SQL Server 2012 provides both Breakthrough Insight with managed
self-service data exploration and stunning interactive data visualizations
capabilities and Cloud On Your Own Terms by enabling the creation and
extension of solutions across on-premises and public cloud. SQL Server 2012 will
be available in three main editions:

• Enterprise Edition
• Business Intelligence Edition
• Standard Edition

For more information about SQL Server 2012 editions and the corresponding
features, please see

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
.NET Framework

The .NET Framework is an integral Windows component that supports building

and running the next generation of applications and web services. The .NET
Framework fulfills the following objectives:

• Provides a consistent object-oriented programming environment

whether object code is stored and executed locally, executed locally
but Internet-distributed, or executed remotely.
• Provides a code-execution environment that minimizes software
deployment and versioning conflicts.
• Provides a code-execution environment that promotes safe execution
of code, including code created by an unknown or semi-trusted third
• Provides a code-execution environment that eliminates the
performance problems of scripted or interpreted environments.
• Makes the developer experience consistent across widely varying
types of applications, such as Windows-based applications and web-
based applications.
• Builds all communication on industry standards to make sure that
code based on the .NET Framework can integrate with any other

The .NET Framework has two main components: the common language runtime
and the .NET Framework class library. The common language runtime is the
foundation of the .NET Framework. You can think of the runtime as an agent that
manages code at execution time. It provides core services such as memory
management, thread management, and remoting, while also enforcing strict type
safety and other forms of code accuracy that promote security and robustness. In
fact, the concept of code management is a fundamental principle of the runtime.
Code that targets the runtime is known as managed code, whereas code that does
not target the runtime is known as unmanaged code. The class library, the other
main component of the .NET Framework, is a comprehensive, object-oriented
collection of reusable types that you can use to develop applications ranging from
traditional command-line or graphical user interface (GUI) applications to
applications that are based on the latest innovations provided by ASP.NET, such as
Web Forms and Web services.

More information on the .NET Framework can be found on

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Service Accounts

When you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, the service logs on by using the
NT Authority\Network Service account by default. This is a shared account that
can be used by other unrelated network services. Any users who have rights to this
account have rights to all services that are running on this account.

We recommend that you configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server (and

Microsoft SQL Server) to log on by using a dedicated Windows domain user
account instead. This account should not be an administrator either in the domain
or on any local computer. You can use the same user account for both Microsoft
SQL Server and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, but this is optional.

A dedicated domain user account is considered more secure because no other

services and therefore no other users have permissions for this account. In
addition, a domain user account offers more flexibility when you perform file read
and/or write operations on the network. You can easily define the necessary
permissions for the domain user account, because it is known on all computers in
the domain.

If you want to run the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server under a domain user
account, you must:

• Enable the account to log on as a service.

• Enable the account to register a service principal name (SPN) on itself
(or register the SPN manually).
• Give the account necessary database privileges in SQL Server.

Remember that membership in the local Administrators group, or equivalent, is

the minimum required to complete these procedures.

Enable the account to log on as a service

Depending on various factors, the account may already have this ability. For
example, if you have already installed SQL Server and configured it to run under
the same account, SQL Server will have modified the account to log on as a
service. If not, you can enable the account by following this procedure:

1. Click Start, point to Run, type "mmc", and then click OK.
2. On the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in.
3. In Add/Remove Snap-in, click Add, and then, in Add Standalone
Snap-in, double-click Group Policy Object Editor.
4. In Group Policy Object, click Browse, browse to the Group Policy
object (GPO) that you want to modify, click OK, and then click Finish.
5. Click Close, and then click OK.
6. In the console tree, click User Rights Assignment.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
7. In the details pane, double-click Log on as a service.
8. If the security setting has not yet been defined, select the Define
these policy settings check box.
9. Click Add User or Group, and then add the appropriate account to
the list of accounts that have the Log on as a service right.

Enable the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server account to register an

SPN on itself

To enable secure mutual authentication between clients and Microsoft Dynamics

NAV Server, you must configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server account to
self-register SPNs. Mutual authentication is recommended in a production
environment but may not be necessary in a testing or staging environment. The
following procedure assumes you are working with a computer that is running
Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2. On Windows 7 or Windows
Vista, you would have to install the Remote Server Administration Tools first.

1. Start the Active Directory® Users and Computers snap-in in Microsoft

Management Console (MMC):
a. Click Start > Run, on the command line type "mmc", and then
click OK.
b. When the console opens, click File > Add/Remove Snap-In, select
Active Directory Users and Computers, and then click Add.
If you do not see Active Directory Users and Computers in the list
of available snap-ins, you may have to use Server Manager to
install the Active Directory Domain Services role on the server.

2. In MMC, select Active Directory Users and Computers in the tree

view, and then on the View menu click Advanced Features.
3. Expand the domain node in the tree view, and then click Users.
4. Right-click the service account, select Properties, and then click the
Security tab.
5. In the Group or user names list, click SELF.
6. Under Permissions for SELF, in the lower part of the panel, scroll
down to Write public information, and then click to put a check
mark in the Allow column.
7. Click OK to exit the Properties panel, and close Active Directory
Users and Computers.

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Give the account necessary database privileges on SQL Server

To grant the necessary SQL Server database privileges to the service account, do
the following:

1. Start SQL Server Management Studio, and connect to the appropriate

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.
2. Browse the tree view: Databases, <your database>, Users.
3. If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is listed, right-click it and click
Properties. If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server account is not
listed, follow these steps:
a. Right-click Users and choose New User.
b. On the right side of the second line in the Database User – New
dialog box, click the ellipsis button (...).
c. Enter or browse for identifying information for an existing SQL
Server Login.

4. In the Database role membership field at the bottom of the

Database User dialog box, select the db_owner role. (Instead of
assigning the db_owner role, you can assign the datareader,
datawriter and ddladmin roles.)
5. Click OK to exit the Database User dialog box.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements

SQL Server Database Components

SQL Server Database Components configure Microsoft SQL Server to work with
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Database components include an edition of SQL
Server and a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 database. For production
environments, we recommend that you use the Enterprise, Standard, or
Workgroup Edition of SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2008 R2 or SQL Server 2008.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Database Components for SQL Server are as follows:

Domain Description
SQL Server The database components run on the following
versions and editions of SQL Server:
• Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express,
Workgroup, Standard, or Enterprise (64-bit
editions only).
• Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express,
Workgroup, Standard, or Enterprise (64-bit
editions only).
The 64-bit edition of SQL Server 2008 R2
Express is automatically installed before the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 database
components by Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Setup if a supported SQL Server product is not
already installed on the destination computer.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server can be installed on 64-bit editions of
Windows Server 2008 and Windows 2008 R2. Although Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server can be installed on Windows Server 2008, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server Administration Tool can only run on Windows Server 2008 R2.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server are as

Domain Description
Operating system Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server runs only on
64-bit editions of the following versions of
• Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, or
Ultimate (64-bit editions only)
• Windows Server 2008 R2
• Windows Server 2008 (64-bit edition only)
• Windows Server 8

Note: The Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Server Administration Tool does not run on
Windows Server 2008. It does run on Windows
Server 2008 R2.

Hardware resources Hard disk space:

• 50 MB
• 2 GB
Installing additional language modules requires
additional disk space on the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV server tier (approximately 7 MB
per language).

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
Domain Description
Additional software • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0: Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup installs this
software if it is not already present on the
destination computer.
• Active Directory is required for the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework
for Microsoft SharePoint 2010.
• Windows PowerShell 2.0 is required for the
command-line API for Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Administration. Windows PowerShell
2.0 is included with Windows Server 2008
R2 and Windows 7.
• Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 is required
for Save as Excel or Save as PDF
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
installs this software if it is not already
present on the destination computer.

RoleTailored Client for Windows

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 supports multiple client options, each having
different hardware and/or software requirements.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for the RoleTailored client are as follows:

Domain Description
Operating system The RoleTailored client runs on the following
versions of Windows:
• Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, or
Ultimate (32-bit or 64-bit editions)
• Windows 8
• Windows Server 2008 R2
• Windows Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit
On 64-bit editions of Windows, the
RoleTailored client runs in WOW64 emulation

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Domain Description
Hardware resources Hard disk space:
• 30 MB
• 1 GB
Installing additional language modules will
require additional disk space on the client
(approximately 35 MB per language) and on
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV server tier
(approximately 7 MB per language).

Additional software • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.

• Microsoft Lync 2010 or Microsoft Office
Communicator 2007 is required for instant
messaging and TAPI.
• Microsoft Office 2010 or Microsoft Office
2007 SP1 is required for mail merge,
Outlook® client integration, budget
import and export to and from Microsoft
Excel® and Office XML, and SharePoint
• Microsoft Office 2010 is required for
OneNote integration.
• Collaboration data objects (CDO) are
required for mail merge and email

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
Domain Description
Reports You design and upgrade reports by using the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV development
environment. By default, the development
environment is installed with the RoleTailored
client. You run reports in the RoleTailored
client or on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Professional, Premium, or Ultimate and
Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 are
required for designing reports in the
development environment.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup installs

Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 if it is
not already on the destination computer.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Report
Builder 3.0 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008
R2 RTM Express with Advanced Services
with BIDS installed is required to update
reports in the development environment.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup installs
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Report
Builder 3.0 if neither of these products is
already installed on the destination
computer. Setup only installs Microsoft
SQL Server 2008 R2 Report Builder 3.0
when the development environment is
included in the installation.
• Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 is
required for running reports in the
RoleTailored client or on Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup installs
this software if it is not already installed on
the destination computer.

Note: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup can only install the Excel add-in if
Excel 2010 is present on the destination computer.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Client

With the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, you can access Microsoft Dynamics
NAV data over the Internet. From a web browser, you can view and edit data by
using an interface that resembles the RoleTailored client.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for the Web client are as follows:

Domain Description
Server component • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup installs this
software if it is not already present on the
destination computer.
• Internet Information Server 7.0.

Supported browsers There are no known issues with these browsers:

• Internet Explorer® 9 or Internet Explorer 8
on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or
Windows Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit
Supported with limitations:
• Google Chrome 16 on Windows 7,
Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows
Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit editions).
• Mozilla Firefox 9 on Windows 7, Windows
Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008
(32-bit or 64-bit editions).

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for

Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework is a set of components that you install
on a server or servers that run Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 provides access
to Microsoft Dynamics NAV data from Microsoft SharePoint 2010 applications
without requiring additional or specialized development work.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal
Framework for SharePoint 2010 are as follows:

Domain Description
Operating system Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 runs on the
following versions of Windows:
• Windows Server 2008 R2.
• Windows Server 2008 (64-bit editions only).

Additional software • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
installs this software if it is not already
present on the destination computer.
• Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 or
SharePoint Server 2010.
• SQL Server 2008 R2 (64-bit editions only)
or SQL Server 2008 (64-bit editions only).

Supported browsers There are no known issues with these browsers:

• Internet Explorer 9 or Internet Explorer 8
on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or
Windows Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit
Supported with limitations:
• Google Chrome 16 on Windows 7,
Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows
Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit editions).
• Mozilla Firefox 9 on Windows 7, Windows
Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008
(32-bit or 64-bit editions).

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Web Services

Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services offer a way to make application
functionality available to many external systems and users.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web
services are as follows:

Domain Description
Additional software • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or Microsoft
Visual Studio 2008.
• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.

Note: You can use most web service-enabled products with Microsoft
Dynamics NAV web services. However, some products may be unable to deal with
more complex web service functionality and complex XML structures, such as
extension codeunits.

Automated Data Capture System (ADCS)

Automated Data Capture System (ADCS) enables accurate data to be captured
with online wireless devices.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for the ADCS for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 are as follows:

Domain Description
Additional software • MSXML version 6.0.
• Telnet or Microsoft Windows
HyperTerminal. VT100 Plug-in, which acts
as a virtual Telnet server and is required for
each computer on which you install ADCS.
• Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

Note: HyperTerminal is no longer included with Windows. For more

information, see What happened to HyperTerminal? in the Windows Help.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements

Lab 2.1: Install the Three Tiers on Three Computers


Tim, the IT administrator at Contoso, wants to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV

2013 environment for testing After becoming familiar with the product
architecture, he analyzes the system requirements and the available hardware. He
then decides to install the three tiers on three separate servers. He will use a new
domain user account as service account for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Computer Name Comment

DYN-NAV-SQL This server will be used as the data tier.
This server runs Windows Server 2008 R2. No
edition of SQL Server 2008 is currently installed.

DYN-NAV-SRV This server will host the Microsoft Dynamics

NAV server tier.
It runs Windows Server 2008 R2.

DYN-NAV-CLT This computer will host the RoleTailored client

as the client tier. It runs Windows 7 Professional
(64-bit edition) with Microsoft Office 2010

Exercise 1: Provision a Service Account

Exercise Scenario

Before he starts the installation of the data and the server tier, Tim creates a new
domain user account to use as a service account.

Task 1: Create a Service Account

High Level Steps

1. Create a service account in Active Directory.

Detailed Steps
1. Create a service account in Active Directory.
a. Click Start, and then click Administrative Tools, Active Directory
Users and Computers.
b. In the left tree view pane, expand the node.
c. In the left navigation pane, right-click the Managed Service
Accounts node.
d. In the shortcut menu that opens, select New > User.
e. In the New Object – User window, in the Full Name field, enter
NAV Service Account.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
f. Enter NAV2013svc in the User Logon Name text box.
g. Click Next.
h. In the Password field, type the password for the new account:
i. In the Confirm password field, type the password again:
j. Clear the User must change password at next logon option.
k. Select the Password never expires option.
l. Click Next > Finish to create the user.
m. Close Active Directory Users and Computers.

Task 2: Grant the Logon as a Service Permission

High Level Steps

1. Grant the logon as a service permission.

Detailed Steps
1. Grant the logon as a service permission.
a. Click Start, and then click Administrative Tools, Group Policy
b. In the left tree view pane, expand the node.
c. In the left navigation pane, expand the Domains node.
d. Expand the Group Policy Objects node.
e. Right-click the Default Domain Controllers Policy object, and
then click Edit.
f. In the Group Policy Management Editor window, select
Computer Configuration, Policies, Windows Settings, Security
Settings, Local Policies, User Rights Assignment.
g. In the right side pane, double-click Logon as a service.
h. Select the Define these policy settings option.
i. Click Add User or Group.
j. In the Add User or Group window, enter
CONTOSO\NAV2013Svc, and then click OK.
k. Click Apply to add the account to the list of accounts that have
the logon as a service right.
l. Close the Group Policy Management Editor.
m. Close Group Policy Management.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
Exercise 2: Install SQL Server Database Components
Exercise Scenario

As a first step in the installation, Tim installs the data tier on the DYN-NAV-SQL
server. Because it is not a production environment, Tim decides to install the SQL
Server Express Edition. He will use the CONTOSO\NAV2013svc account as service
account for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Task 1: Logon to the Server as Administrator

High Level Steps

1. Logon to the server as Administrator.

Detailed Steps
1. Logon to the server as Administrator.
a. On the desktop, press CTRL+ALT+DEL.
b. In the Password field, enter the password for the Administrator
c. Press ENTER (or click the arrow icon at the right side of the
Password field).

Task 2: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

High Level Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Click Computer to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
If the Open File - Security Warning dialog box pops up (asking
whether you want to run the setup.exe application), click Run.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Task 3: Select the Installation Option

High Level Steps

1. Select the installation option.

Detailed Steps
1. Select the installation option.
a. In the Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
window, click Next.
b. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, click I Accept.
c. On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup page, click Choose an
Installation Option.
d. On the Choose an installation option page, click Custom.
e. On the Customize the installation page, click the icon at the left
of the SQL Server Database Components node.
f. Click Run All from My Computer.
g. Click Next.
h. On the Specify parameters page, in the Service Account field,
enter CONTOSO\NAV2013svc. (If the selected account does not
have the logon as a service right, an error message will be
displayed. In that case, you must assign the necessary permissions
to the specified account before you can continue.)
i. On the Specify parameters page, in the SQL Database field,
enter NAV_DEMO2013.
j. Click Apply.
If no SQL Server Edition is installed on the server or if the
NAVDEMO instance cannot be found, Setup will display a
warning message and will suggest installing SQL Server Express
k. Click OK to start the installation.

Task 4: Close the Setup Wizard

High Level Steps

1. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.
a. Click Close to close the setup wizard.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
Task 5: Verify Installation

High Level Steps

1. Verify the installation result.

Detailed Steps
1. Verify the installation result.
a. Click Start in the Windows taskbar.
b. Click All Programs, Administrative Tools, Services.
c. In the Services management console, browse the list of services in
the right side pane.
The list should now include a service named “SQL Server
d. Check that the Status column for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server is Started.

Exercise 3: Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

Exercise Scenario

After he installs the SQL Server database components, Tim continues to install the
server tier on the DYN-NAV-SRV server.

Task 1: Log on to the Server as Administrator

High Level Steps

1. Log on to the server as administrator.

Detailed Steps
1. Log on to the server as administrator.
a. On the desktop, press CTRL+ALT+DEL.
b. In the Password field, enter the password for the Administrator
c. Press ENTER (or click the arrow icon at the right side of the
Password field.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Task 2: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

High Level Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Product DVD in the DVD
2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Select Computer in the left pane to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
If the Open File - Security Warning dialog box pops up (asking
whether you want to run the setup.exe application), click Run.

Task 3: Select the Installation Option

High Level Steps

1. Select the installation option.

Detailed Steps
1. Select the installation option.
a. In the Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
window, click Next.

Note: When you install the second and the third tier on the same computer,
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup will start in Maintenance mode. The setup interface
can be a bit different in that case. (See also the instructor notes.)

b. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, click I Accept.

c. On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup page, click Choose an
Installation Option.
d. On the Choose an installation option page, click Custom.
e. On the Customize the installation page, click the icon at the left
of the Server node.
f. Select Run All from My Computer.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
g. Click Next.
h. On the Specify parameters page, in the Service Name field,
enter DynamicsNAV2013.
i. In the Account Password field, enter the password for the
CONTOSO\NAV2013svc account.

If you have chosen to install SQL Server Express Edition, go to step 13. If you have
installed another edition of Microsoft SQL Server

j. On the Specify parameters page, in the SQL Server field, enter

the name of the computer running SQL Server.
k. On the same page, in the SQL Server Instance field, enter
l. On the Specify parameters page, in the SQL Database field,
enter NAV_DEMO2013.
m. Click Apply to start the installation.

If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is not installed on the server,

Setup will install this automatically.

Task 4: Close the Setup Wizard

High Level Steps

1. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.
a. Select Close to close the setup wizard.

Task 5: Verify Installation

High Level Steps

1. Verify the installation result.

Detailed Steps
1. Verify the installation result.
a. Click Start in the Windows taskbar.
b. Click All Programs, Administrative Tools, Services.
c. In the Services management console, browse the list of services in
the right-side pane.
The list should now include a service named “Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server [DynamicsNAV2013]”
d. Check that the Status column for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server is Started.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Exercise 4: Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV RoleTailored
Client for Windows
Exercise Scenario

Now that the data and the server tiers are available, Tim installs the RoleTailored
client on the DYN-NAV-CLT computer.

Task 1: Log on to the Computer as Administrator

High Level Steps

1. Log on to the server as Administrator.

Detailed Steps
1. Log on to the server as Administrator.
a. On the desktop, press CTRL+ALT+DEL.
b. In the Password field, enter the password for the Administrator
c. Press ENTER (or click the arrow icon at the right side of the
Password field.

Task 2: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

High Level Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Select Computer in the left pane to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the Product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
If the Open File - Security Warning dialog box pops up (asking
whether you want to run the setup.exe application), click Run.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements
Task 3: Select the Installation Option

High Level Steps

1. Select the installation option.

Detailed Steps
1. Select the installation option.
a. In the Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
window, click Next.
b. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, click I Accept.
c. On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup page, click Choose an
Installation Option.
d. On the Choose an installation option page, click Client.
e. On the Customize the installation page, click the icon at the left
of the Client node.
f. Select Run from My Computer.
g. Expand the Client node.
h. Click the icon at the left of the Microsoft Office Excel Add-in
i. Select Run from My Computer.
j. Click Next.
k. On the Specify parameters page, in the Server Name field,
enter the name of the computer running Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server.
l. On the Specify parameters page, verify that the Service Name
field is set to DynamicsNAV2013.
m. Click Apply to start the installation.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Task 4: Close the Setup Wizard

High Level Steps

1. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.
a. Click Close to close the setup wizard.

Task 5: Start the RoleTailored Client

High Level Steps

1. Start the RoleTailored client.

Detailed Steps
1. Start the RoleTailored client.
a. Click Start in the Windows taskbar.
b. Click All Programs, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

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Module 2: Installation Requirements

Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways

The software prerequisites of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 consist of the

Microsoft Stack components including:

• Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2.

• Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (64 bit) or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
(64 bit).

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Module Overview
This module describes the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, the middle tier of the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 architecture. It will introduce you to the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV security system. Next it explains the different interfaces that you
can use to administer a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 deployment and what you
can do in each administration interface. Finally, it will discuss how to set up
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to support logon over a wide area network


The objectives are:

• Explain how to install and configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

• Explain how to manage Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances.
• Explain how to administer Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
• Explain how to setup Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to support wide
area network connections.
• Illustrate how to setup Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is a .NET-based Windows® service application
that works exclusively with SQL Server® databases. Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server provides an additional layer of security between clients and the database. It
uses features of the Windows Communications Foundation to provide another
layer of user authentication and uses impersonation to make sure that business
logic is executed in a process that was instantiated by the user who submitted the
request. This means that authorization and logging of user requests are
performed on a per-user basis.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server supports different client types such as the

• RoleTailored client for Windows

• Web client
• Business web services
• Portal Framework for SharePoint® 2010
• NAS services


By default, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is included as part of the following

installation options:

• Server
• Developer

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is also part of the Install Demo option. However,
this installation option does not provide any user interaction during setup and will
install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server with default components and settings.

To install the product, follow these steps:

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

2. On the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup page,
click Next.
3. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, select I accept.
4. On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup page, click Choose an
installation option.
5. Click the desired installation option.
6. On the Specify parameters page, enter the correct configuration
7. Click Apply to start the installation.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup will install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (if
this is not on the server).

Note: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server can be included as part of the Custom
Components installation option. It cannot be installed as part of the Client
installation option.


Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server can be configured either during setup or after
setup. During Setup you can customize the default settings for the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server on the Specify parameters page. The information that is
collected on this page is saved to a configuration file. Please realize that you
cannot handle all configuration tasks and parameters with Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Setup. For example, you can configure the instance of SQL Server and
database to connect to and the TCP/IP port to use for the client. However, you
cannot configure the users who must have access to the database.

The figure, Configuring the NAV Server Settings During Setup, shows an overview
of the default settings that can be customized.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013



Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server During Setup

When you run Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup and install Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server, you can provide configuration information (on the Specify
parameters page) that is then used as the configuration for the default Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instance.

After you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you can change any of the
settings that you provided during setup, or any of many other Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server settings, by using either the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Administration tool or the Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell API. This is
discussed later in this module. Although it is not recommended, you can also
change configuration by manually editing the CustomSettings.config file in the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server installation folder. (By default, Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server is installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics
NAV\70\Service\. However, you can customize the installation path during setup.)

The parameters that you see in the Specify parameters pane depend on which
components you have selected for configuration. When you install Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server, you are prompted for settings that relate to Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server itself and to the computer that is running SQL Server and
the instance to which Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server will connect.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
All parameters identified with an asterisk are required parameters. You cannot
continue in Setup if you leave any of these parameters blank.

Category/Parameter Description
Server/Send Feedback Specifies whether Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server can collect basic and
anonymous information about your
hardware configuration and how you
use Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
Information is automatically sent to
Microsoft, which uses it to identify
trends and usage patterns and to
improve its software.
Yes enables the collection and
sending of this data.

Server/Server Port The listening TCP port for

RoleTailored clients for Windows.
Default: 7046
Valid range: 1-65535
Server/Soap Web Service Port The listening HTTP port for Microsoft
Dynamics NAV SOAP web services.
Default: 7047
Valid range: 1-65535
Server/OData Web Service The listening HTTP port for Microsoft
Port Dynamics NAV OData web services.
Default: 7048
Valid range: 1-65535
Server/Management Service The port that is used for Microsoft
Port Dynamics NAV Management services.
Default: 7045
Valid range: 1-65535

SQL Server Database The computer that is running SQL

Components/SQL Server Server.

SQL Server Database The instance of SQL Server to which

Components/SQL Server Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Instance connects. If you leave this parameter
blank, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
connects to the default instance of
SQL Server.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Category/Parameter Description
SQL Server Database The SQL Server database.
Components/SQL Database Default: Demo Database NAV (7-0)

Add rule to Windows Firewall Specifies whether Microsoft Dynamics

NAV Setup adds a rule to Windows
Firewall to enable Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server instances on the
destination computer to communicate
with RoleTailored clients for Windows
on other computers, through the
specified Server Port.
Defaults: Yes for the Client or Server
installation options, where the
assumption is that Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server is installed on a different
No for Demo and Developer options,
where the assumption is that the
RoleTailored client for Windows is
installed on the same computer.
If the destination computer uses a
firewall other than Windows Firewall,
or if networking is not configured on
the destination computer, then this
option must be set to No or Setup will
not be completed successfully.

Click Apply when you have finished entering values to return to the Specify
parameters page in Setup.

After you finish running Setup, you can modify Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server By
Using any of the methods described in the following section.

Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server After Setup

After you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you can change any of the
settings that you provided during Setup, or any of many other Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server settings, in any of the following ways:

1. Using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool. This is

discussed later in this module.
2. Using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell API. This is discussed
later in this module.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
3. By directly editing CustomSettings.config, the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server configuration file. By default, this file is located in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics
NAV\70\Service\Instances\<instancename>. Avoid direct editing of
the configuration file because if you make any mistakes in typing or if
you change the wrong parameter, then Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server may be unable to start the instance.

Note: After you modify a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server setting, you must
restart the associated Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance before any changes
can take effect.

Server Instances and Service Types

A Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is the service through which the
various types of Microsoft Dynamics NAV clients interact with the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV SQL Server database. It is a distinct service in Windows and is the
middle tier between the client and the data tiers.

When you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server on a computer, there is a single
default instance. If your organization requires additional instances, then you can
either install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server on additional computers or create
additional instances on the original Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. You can
create (and manage) additional server instances by using the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server Administration tool. This procedure is described later in this module.

In a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, you can have multiple service types.
Each service type, such as client services or OData web services, corresponds to a
particular type of client that can connect to SQL Server through Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server. The only type of client that does not have its own service
type is the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint®
2010. This is configured and managed separately. (This is described in the next

Be aware that restarting the server instance affects all service types within that
instance. For example, RoleTailored client for Windows users are disconnected,
and web service applications are interrupted. Therefore, if you plan to run
different types of services on a single computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server, run the different services types in separate service instances. Your
computer should have sufficient memory to run multiple service instances. For
example, if you plan to use both the client services and OData web services on a
single computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, then you should run the
client services in one server instance and the OData web services in a separate
server instance. Then, if you have to change an OData web services setting, then
you do not affect RoleTailored client for Windows users when you restart the
instance to enable the change.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Security Enhancements

After you have set up and configured Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, there are
several steps that you can follow to improve security.

Login Account

When you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, the default configuration
enables the service to log on by using the NT Authority\Network Service account.
If Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and SQL Server are on different computers,
then we recommend that you configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to log on
by using a dedicated Windows domain user account instead. This account should
not be an administrator either in the domain or on any local computer. A
dedicated domain user account is considered more secure because no other
services, and therefore no other users, have permissions for this account.

Disk Quotas

Client users can send files to be stored on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. So, we
recommend that administrators set up disk quotas on all computers that are
running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. This can prevent users from uploading
too many files and therefore make the server unstable. Disk quotas track and
control disk space use for NTFS volumes. This allows administrators to control how
much data each user can store on a specific NTFS volume. For more information
about disk quotas, see the Disk Quotas Technical Reference on Microsoft TechNet.

Limiting Port Access

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup program opens a port in the firewall on the
computer where you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. By default, this is
port 7046. Setup does not limit who or what can connect to this port. To improve
security, you can consider limiting access to this port to a specific subnet. One way
is to use netsh, which is a command-line tool for configuring and monitoring
Windows-based computers at a command prompt.

For example, the following command limits access to port 7046 to the specified
addresses and subnets:

netsh firewall set portopening protocol=TCP port=7046 scope=subnet


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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

Server Administration
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 provides four interfaces for administration:

• RoleTailored Client for Windows

• Development Environment
• Server Administration Tool
• PowerShell API

Please be aware that not all the interfaces provide the same functions for
administration. Depending on the setting that you want to modify, you will have
to use a different server administration interface.

This lesson will first introduce you in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV security system.
Afterward, it will describe the different administration interfaces.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Security System

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV security system is built on the principles of

authentication and authorization. You can use it to define who can access a
database (users) and to control which objects or tables each user can access within
each database (permission sets). In addition, you can specify the type of access
that each user has to these objects and tables, that is, whether they can read,
modify, enter, and delete data. It even enables you to specify which records table
each user can access. This means that permissions can be allocated at both the
table level and the record level.

Data Security

In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV security system there are four levels of security:

• Database
• Company
• Object
• Record

Graphically, these can be represented as the layers, where the central layer is the
records in the database.

Database-Level Security

The first layer of security when you open Microsoft Dynamics NAV is database
security. After you start Microsoft Dynamics NAV and try to open the database,
your credentials are checked. If you are not granted permission to open the
database, you receive an error message.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
To open a database, you must connect to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
instance. A Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance can only be connected to
one database at a time. To open the database, click the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
menu, and then click Select Server. The Select Server window appears. In this
window, you can enter the address of the server to which you want to connect.
The Server Address menu lists recently used server connections. After you have
entered the correct server address, a list of available companies will appear in the
Available Companies list.

Company-Level Security

After you have gained access to the database, you can select the company whose
information you want to reach.

To select a company, click the Microsoft Dynamics NAV menu and then click
Select Company. The Select Company window appears. This window lists all the
companies that are created in the current database and that you have access to. A
Microsoft Dynamics NAV database can contain several companies. Each company
can use its own tables and can also share tables with other companies.

Select the company that you want to access click OK, and the company data
becomes available. If there are companies in the database that you were not
granted permissions to access, you cannot see their data in this window.

Object-Level Security

When you open company data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, your ability to access
information is determined by the security system.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV security system consists of permission sets and
permissions that you can assign to users who have access to the company. The
permission sets determine the access that users have and the tasks that users can
perform on the objects that exist in the database.

The security system divides the database into the following objects.

Object Description
table Data The actual data that is stored in the tables.
table The tables themselves.
Page The pages that are used to view and enter

Report The reports that are used to present the


Codeunit The codeunits that are used in the


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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Object Description
XMLPort The XML ports that are used to import and
export data.

MenuSuite The object that contains the menus that are

displayed in the navigation pane.

Query The object that you use to specify a dataset

from the database.

System The system tables in the database that

allow the user to make backups, change
license files, and so on.

The various permission sets that exist in Microsoft Dynamics NAV determine the
tasks that you can perform on these objects.

Record-Level Security

Record-level security lets you limit the access that a user has to the data in a table.
You do this by specifying that the user only has permission to access certain
records in the table.

You implement record-level security by setting security filters to records. You can
specify, for example, that a user can only read the records that contain
information about a particular customer. This means that the user cannot access
the records that contain information about other customers.

Note: Record-level security filters do not support wildcard characters. This

means that you cannot use * and ? in the filters. You can use the other symbols,
delimiters, and operators, such as <, >, |, &, .., and =.

The maximum length of a security filter is 250 characters, but all the delimiters,
symbols, and operators such as, <, >, |, &, .., and = also count as characters and can
much reduce the length of the security filters that you can enter.

Also, security filters are concatenated and therefore the sum of all the security filters
applied to a user or a permission set cannot exceed 250 characters.

Record level security filters affect performance in the same way as any other filters
that are applied by the user. It is important that the record level security filters have
matching keys in tables that contain a large number of records, and that these keys
are used.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Users and Credential Types

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, you use User objects to identify who can access
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database. Before you can access the data in the
database, you have to authenticate by supplying valid credentials.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 supports four credential authorization mechanisms

for Microsoft Dynamics NAV users. When you create a user, you provide
information, depending on the credential type that you are using in the current
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

The supported credential types are as follows:


With this credential type, users are authenticated with their Windows credentials
(Active Directory®, the local workgroup, or just the local computer’s users). Before
you create a Windows user in the RoleTailored client, there must already be a
corresponding user in Windows. Windows users, because they are authenticated
through Windows, are not prompted for credentials when they start the
RoleTailored client.


With this setting, the users are prompted for username/password credentials
when they start the RoleTailored client. These credentials are then validated
against Windows authentication by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. There must
already be a corresponding user in Windows. Security certificates are required to
protect the passing of credentials across a wide area network. This setting should
typically be used when the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is part of an
authenticating Active Directory domain but the computer where the RoleTailored
client is installed is not.


With this setting, authentication is managed by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

but is not based on Windows users or Active Directory. Users are prompted for
username/password credentials when they start the RoleTailored client. The
credentials are then validated by an external mechanism. Security certificates are
required to protect the passing of credentials. This mode is intended for hosted
environments—for example, where Microsoft Dynamics NAV is implemented in

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
AccessControlService (ACS)

AccessControlService authentication is relevant only for Microsoft Dynamics NAV

solutions that are deployed on Windows Azure. Windows Azure Access Control
Service (ACS) is a cloud-based service that provides user authentication and
authorization for web applications and services. With ACS, there is no need to
factor authentication and authorization into your application code. Instead of
implementing an authentication system with user accounts that are specific to
your application, you can let ACS orchestrate the authentication and much of the
authorization of your users. ACS integrates with standards-based identity
providers, including enterprise directories such as Active Directory, and web
identities such as Windows Live ID, Google, Yahoo!, and Facebook.

You do not have to create user logons in SQL Server before you create Microsoft
Dynamics NAV users.

You can create users that can be used with multiple credential types. For example,
you could create a user who would automatically be logged on to the
RoleTailored client without having to present credentials when the credential type
is Windows, but would be prompted for a user name (the value of the User Name
field) and a password when the credential type is Username.

You specify which credential type is used for a particular Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance by configuring the relevant RoleTailored client for Windows
configuration file and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance configuration.

A separate instance of the ClientUserSettings.config file is maintained for each

client user—you must edit the configuration for each instance of the file. The
default location for this file is
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70,
where <username> is the name of the user.

Note: All users of a given Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance must use
the same credential type.

Permission Sets and Permissions

After you have defined a user, you can assign it to permission sets. A permission
set is a set of permissions for a set of objects in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
database that you can assign to one or more users. By default, several predefined
permission sets are provided in the RoleTailored client. You can use these
permission sets as defined, modify them, or create your own permission sets.

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Special Permission Sets

The following permission sets have special definitions that you should note as you
implement permissions and security for RoleTailored client users.

Permission Set Definition

SUPER Can read, use, change, and delete all data
and all application objects within the
scope of your license. Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013 requires that at least one user
be assigned this permission set in each
You cannot modify permissions for the
SUPER permission set.

SUPER (DATA) Can read, use, change, and delete all data.
You typically assign this permission set to
an accounting manager who has to work
with all data but does not have to change
Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

ALL Can use fundamental but not high-

security tables and functions. You must
assign this permission set to all users
except SUPER because it is a prerequisite
for all other permission sets.

BASIC Can access required system tables and

other fundamental tables--a prerequisite
for all other permission sets. When you
create a new database, you must import
the BASIC permission set from an XML file.

Indirect Permissions

When you define permissions, set the values for table permission to Yes, Indirect,
or blank, which indicates no permission. You can use indirect permission to use an
object only through another object.

For example, a user can have permission to run codeunit 80, Sales-Post. The Sales-
Post codeunit performs many tasks, including inserting records in table 21,
Customer Ledger Entry. When the user runs the Sales-Post codeunit, Microsoft
Dynamics NAV checks whether the user has permission to insert records in the
Customer Ledger Entry table. If the user does not have permission, then the
codeunit cannot complete its tasks, and the user receives an error message. If the
user has permission, the codeunit runs successfully.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
However, the user is not granted direct insert permissions to the Customer Ledger
Entry table: he cannot manually insert new records in the Customer Ledger Entry
table. The only way to insert records in the Customer Ledger Entry table is
through other objects, that is, the journal and document posting codeunits.

So when a user has indirect permission to a table, that user can only modify the
table by running another object that has permission to modify the specific table.
The user can only modify a table when doing this from supported application
areas and cannot run the feature accidentally or maliciously by other methods.

First User Automatically Assigned the SUPER Permission Set

When a user creates a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database, that user is

automatically assigned the SUPER permission set in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
security system. There are several ways to create a database, including performing
a Demo install (which creates the CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration
database) and restoring a previously backed-up database. The SUPER permission
set allows the user to read, use, change, and delete all data and all application
objects within the scope of the current Microsoft Dynamics NAV license. This user
is then responsible for creating additional users and for assigning appropriate
permission sets to those users.

For Microsoft Dynamics NAV to work correctly, the SUPER user must have the
appropriate permissions in SQL Server, such as system administrator or db_creator
permissions. When Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup creates the CRONUS
International Ltd. demonstration database in SQL Server, the current user is added
as a database user with db_owner permissions.

Profiles and Role Centers

After you have created users and assigned them to permission sets, you can add
users to profiles. This links them to Role Centers in the RoleTailored client.

Profiles are collections of Microsoft Dynamics NAV users who share the same Role
Center. Profiles can be created or edited in the RoleTailored client.

A Role Center is a home page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 for all users of a
profile. It is a type of page on which you can put different parts. Each part is a
container in which you can host other pages or predefined system parts, such as
an Outlook® part or parts for adding tasks, notifications, or notes. For example,
the Order Processor Role Center is configured to reflect the tasks and priorities of
an order processor. In the RoleTailored client, the profile that is used appears in
the header of the Role Center’s main content area.

There are 21 Role Centers available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Configuration and personalization are ways to customize the RoleTailored client
for Windows to suit the daily requirements and tasks of groups of users or
individual users.

• Configuration: Modifications that an administrator implements, such

as presenting a custom home page to all users of a Role Center.
• Personalization: Modifications that an end-user makes, such as
changing the user interface of a page to fit individual requirements
and preferences.


An administrator, SUPER user, or Microsoft Certified Partner frequently performs

Role Center configuration tasks. This person configures the Role Center for a
specific role and then assigns users to the Role Center. For example, when Susan,
an order processor, uses the RoleTailored client, she sees the Order Processor Role
Center. This was customized to help her perform her daily tasks. In configuring
Susan's Role Center, the administrator has added or removed UI elements. This
includes items in the navigation pane, page parts, and FactBoxes.

The following elements in Role Centers can be configured:

• Navigation pane
• FactBoxes
• Home parts
• Lists
• Task pages
• Action menus
• Report menus

To configure a Role Center, you must start the RoleTailored client for Windows in
configuration mode. This is described later in this module.


The Order Processor Role Center can then be further personalized on a single
computer to meet the needs of a person (end-user) who is performing the job as
an order processor. This person can personalize the Role Center by:

• Resizing columns.
• Changing the contents of drop-down menus.
• Customizing the navigation pane.
• Adding or removing FactBoxes.

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• Organizing items in the Quick Access pane.
• Saving queries or filters.
• Choosing columns in a list.

Resetting Personalization and Configuration Changes

Personalization changes that are made by end-users override configuration

changes that are made by the administrator. The administrator can reset a Role
Center to its default settings by deleting all entries in the personalization or
configuration tables.

• To clear the configuration table, open the Profile Card window, click
Actions, and then select Clear Configured Pages.
• To clear the personalization table, open the Profile Card window,
click Actions, and then select Clear Personalized Pages.

RoleTailored Client

With the RoleTailored client, you can create new and modify existing users,
profiles, and permission sets (which determine access to specific objects).

After you have created users and assigned them to permission sets, you can add
users to profiles. This aligns them with Role Centers in the RoleTailored client.

RoleTailored client users can be managed from the Users page. To access this
page, click the Departments page and then click Administration > IT
Administration > General > Users. You can also use this page to link permission
sets to users.

Permission sets can be administered from the Permission Sets page. To access
this page, click the Departments page and then click Administration > IT
Administration > General > Permission Sets.

To create new profiles or edit existing profiles, you can use the Profiles page. To
access this page, click the Departments page and then click Administration >
Application Setup > RoleTailored Client > Profiles.

Note: You can also open the Users page by typing “Users” in the Search box
on your home page in the RoleTailored client and then pressing Return.

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Demonstration: Create a User for Windows

Demonstration Steps

1. Open the Users page.

a. Start the RoleTailored client.
b. On the Departments page, click Administration > IT
Administration > General > Users.

2. Create a new user.

a. On the Users page, click New.
b. In the User Name field, type a unique, short name to identify the
c. In the Full Name field, type the user’s full name (first name, last

3. Specify the credential type.

a. In the Windows User Name field, either type the name of a valid
Active Directory user, by using the format domain\username, or
click Assist.
b. Click Allow for this client session, and then use the Select User
or Group box to identify a Windows user.

4. Add more user information.

a. Add any notes or links for the user in the respective FactBoxes on
the right side of the New – Users Card page.
b. Click OK.

Demonstration: Create a User for Username


Demonstration Steps

1. Open the Users page.

a. Start the RoleTailored client.
b. On the Departments page, click Administration, click IT
Administration, click General, and then click Users.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
2. Create a new user.
a. On the Users page, click New.
b. In the User Name field, type a unique, short name to identify the
c. In the Full Name field, type the user’s full name (first name, last

3. Specify the credential type.

a. In the Windows User Name field, either type the name of a valid
Active Directory user, by using the format domain\username, or
click Assist, and then click Allow for this client session. Use the
Select User or Group box to identify a Windows user.
b. In the State field, specify whether the user should at first be
Enabled or Disabled.
c. To set a time limit on the user’s access, enter a date in the Expiry
Date field.
d. Click Set Password and enter a password for the user. The first
time that the user logs on, the system prompts him or her to
change the password.
e. Click OK to exit the Set Password box and return to the New –
Users Card page.

4. Add more user information.

a. Add any notes or links for the user in the respective FactBoxes on
the right side of the New – Users Card page.
b. Click OK.

Demonstration: Create a User for NavUser Authentication

Demonstration Steps

1. Open the Users page.

a. Start the RoleTailored client.
b. On the Departments page, click Administration, click IT
Administration, click General, and then click Users.

2. Create a new user.

a. On the Users page, click New.
b. In the User Name field, type a unique, short name to identify the
c. In the Full Name field, type the user’s full name (first name, last

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
3. Specify the credential type.
a. In the Windows User Name field, either type the name of a valid
Active Directory user, by using the format domain\username, or
click Assist. Then click Allow for this client sesion, and then use
the Select User or Group box to identify a Windows user.
b. In the State field, specify whether the user should be Enabled or
Disabled at first.
c. To set a time limit on the user’s access, enter a date in the Expiry
Date field.
d. Click Set Password, and enter a password for the user. The first
time that the user logs on, the system prompts him or her to
change the password.
e. Click OK to exit the Set Password box and return to the New –
Users Card page.

4. Add additional user information.

a. Add any notes or links for the user in the respective FactBoxes on
the right side of the New – Users Card page.
b. Click OK.

Demonstration: Create a User for ACS Authentication

Demonstration Steps

1. Open the Users page.

a. Start the RoleTailored client.
b. On the Departments page, click Administration, click IT
Administration, click General, and then click Users.

2. Create a new user.

a. On the Users page, click New.
b. In the User Name field, type a unique, short name to identify the
c. In the Full Name field, type the user’s full name (first name, last

3. Specify the credential type.

a. In the License Type field, choose one of the available license
b. In the State field, specify whether the user’s access should be
Enabled or Disabled.
c. If you want to set a time limit on the user’s access, choose a date
in the Expiry Date field.

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d. In the Authentication section, next to ACS Access Status, click on
the word Disabled, or select the word and press Enter. This
opens an Edit -User ACS Setup dialog box.
e. In the Edit -User ACS Setup dialog box, click Generate Auth
Key on the ribbon. A string value is automatically inserted into
the Authentication Key field.
f. Save the Authentication Key value to a text file or another
location where you can find it later. After you configure your
deployment for ACS, and configure your Microsoft Dynamics
NAV components for ACS, send this value, along with the User
Name value, to the actual user and direct the user to provide
these values when logging on with a Microsoft Dynamics NAV
g. Click OK to exit the Edit -User ACS Setup dialog box.

The ACS Access Status is now Pending. It will change to Active

after the user successfully logs in.

4. Add additional user information.

a. Add any notes or links for the user in the respective FactBoxes on
the right side of the New – Users Card page.
b. Click OK.

Demonstration: Edit or Create a Permission Set

If the default permission sets that are provided with the RoleTailored client for
Windows are insufficient or unsuitable for your organization, then you can create
new permission sets.

If the individual object permissions that define a permission set are not suitable,
then you can edit a permission set

Demonstration Steps

1. Create a permission set.

a. Start the RoleTailored client for Windows. Or, you can type
“Permission Sets” in the Search box on your home page, and
then click Permission Sets in the Results list. The Permission Sets
page opens.
b. On the Permission Sets page, click New. The New – Permission
Sets page opens.
c. Type a name for the new permission set in the Permission Set
field and a brief description for the new permission set in the
Name field.
d. The name of the new permission set is automatically formatted in
all uppercase letters.

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e. Click Permissions to open the Edit - Permissions page.
f. Type or select an object type on the first line in the list. If you
would prefer to select from a list that shows all database objects,
instead of typing or selecting objects, click All Permissions.
g. Type or select an Object ID.
h. Click in the Object Name field to display the default name for
the object.
i. Type or select the word “Yes” for all permissions (Read
Permission, Insert permission, Modify permission and Delete
permission, but not Execute permission) that you are including in
this permission set. You can also assign a value of Indirect. For
more information, see the Indirect Permission section, in this
j. Create any security filters that you want to apply to the
permissions that you have assigned to the permission set.
k. To include permissions for additional objects, position the cursor
on a new line in the list and repeat steps f through j.
l. When the permission set is complete, click OK to exit the Edit –
Permissions page.

2. Edit a permission set.

a. In the Search box on your home page in the RoleTailored client
for Windows, type “Permission Sets” and then click Permission
Sets in the Results list. The Permission Sets page opens.
b. On the Permission Sets page, click Actions, and then click Edit
List. The Edit – Permission Sets page opens.
c. Select a permission, and then click Permissions to open the Edit
- Permissions page for the selected permission set.
Each row in the list defines the permissions for one of the objects
included in the permission set definition.
d. Select an existing object to modify its permissions, or scroll to the
end of the list and position the cursor on a new line to add an
additional object to the permission set definition.
e. If you are adding an object to the permission set definition, type
or select an Object ID. If you would prefer to select from list that
shows all database objects, instead of typing or selecting objects,
click All Permissions.
f. If you are adding an object to the permission set definition, click
in the Object Name field to display the default name for the
g. Type or select the word “Yes” for all permissions that you are
including in this permission set.
You can also assign a value of Indirect.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
h. Create any security filters that you want to apply to the
permissions that you have assigned to the permission set.
i. Continue modifying objects or adding new objects to the list until
the definition is completed.
j. Click OK to exit the Edit – Permissions page.

Demonstration: Assign a User to a Permission Set

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 provides a set of standard permission sets. A

permission set is a collection of permissions for specific objects in the database. All
users must be assigned one or more permission sets before they can use the
RoleTailored client.

By default, several predefined permission sets are provided in the RoleTailored

client. You can use these permission sets as already defined, modify the default
permission sets, or create additional permission sets.

A table can contain a FlowField that generates sums based on values that are
stored in another table. In this case, users must have permission to read both
tables or they cannot read the first table.

Demonstration Steps

1. Assign a user to a permission set.

a. In the Search box on your home page in the RoleTailored client
for Windows, type “Users” and then click Users in the Results list.
The Users page opens.
b. Select a user, and then click Permissions.
The Edit – User Permissions page opens. Any permission sets
that are already assigned to the user are displayed.
c. To assign a new permission set to the user, click to position the
cursor on a blank line and then click Assist to display a list of
existing permission sets.
d. Click to select a permission set. You cannot select more than one
permission set at a time. However, you can repeat the step to
assign multiple permission sets to the user.
If there is more than one company in your database, you can type
or select a company in the Company column to restrict these
permissions to that company. If you leave this column blank, the
user will have the relevant permissions for the whole database.
e. Click OK to exit the Edit – <username> page.

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Demonstration: Create or Edit a Profile

You use the Profile card to create profiles for end-users. Each profile is associated
with a Role Center. Profiles are typically based on job titles in a company.

The procedure for modifying an existing profile is the same, except you select an
existing profile in the Profiles page instead of clicking New (step 3).

Demonstration Steps

a. In the RoleTailored client for Windows, click Departments, click

Administration, click RoleTailored Client, and then click
b. In the ribbon, click New to open the New Profile Card window.
c. In the Profile ID field, type a name that describes the intended
role of the user.
d. In the Owner ID field, click AssistEdit to view all available logins,
and then select a Windows user.
e. In the Description field, type a description of the Profile ID, for
example, "Order Processor".
f. In the Role Center ID field, click AssistEdit to view all available
Role Centers. Then select a Role Center.
g. To make this Role Center the default for the profile, select Default
Role Center.
h. Click OK to save your changes.

Demonstration: Assign a User to a Profile

You use the User Personalization window in the RoleTailored client for Windows
to assign a user to a profile.

Demonstration Steps

1. Assign a user to a profile.

a. In the RoleTailored client for Windows, click Departments, click
Administration, and then click RoleTailored Client.
b. Click User Personalization to open the User Personalization Card
c. In the User ID field, click AssistEdit to view all available user
d. Select a user logon, and then click OK.
e. In the Profile ID field, select a profile ID that you have already
created. Click AssistEdit to view all available profiles.
f. In the Language ID field, select the appropriate language ID, or
leave this field blank.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
g. In the Company field, select a company from the Companies
h. Click OK.

Development Environment

You use the Development Environment to create and manage Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013 databases, to create and manage Microsoft Dynamics NAV companies,
and to upload or change Microsoft Dynamics NAV licenses.

In addition, the Development Environment enables you to open the Object

Designer, which gives you access to Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects. Use the
Development Environment to modify the application or to create new application
areas. For more information about this topic, see the C/SIDE Introduction training

The Development Environment is a subcomponent of the RoleTailored client for

Windows and is automatically installed as part of the Install Demo and
Developer installation options. It can also be installed as part of the Client and
Custom Component options.

The following figure shows the Development Environment user interface.



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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Although you can install the RoleTailored client for Windows without the
development environment, you cannot install the Development Environment
component without the RoleTailored client for Windows.

The user interface of the Development Environment is only visible to

administrators and can only be used for administrative tasks. It is not visible to the
RoleTailored client users. Like the RoleTailored client for Windows, you can
change the language of the user interface of the development environment.
However, some of the functionalities (more in specific the C/SIDE design
functions) in the development environment are available only in English.

To open the Development Environment, click Start > All Programs > Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 Development Environment. On startup, the Development
Environment shows the Object Designer.

Unlike the RoleTailored client, the Development Environment will connect directly
to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV SQL Server database. You can connect to different
databases without having to restart other core components.

When you upgrade a RoleTailored client environment to Microsoft Dynamics NAV

2013, you will have to use the Development Environment to upgrade the existing
Microsoft Dynamics NAV SQL Server database to the latest version.

Please be aware that managing databases, companies, objects, and licenses

requires the necessary permissions on SQL Server. These permissions can be
granted by using SQL Server Management Studio.

Permissions for Managing Databases

For an administrator to create new Microsoft Dynamics NAV databases in

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, that administrator must
have the dbcreator and securityadmin Server Roles for the instance of SQL Server
running Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Note: The administrator must also have a Microsoft Dynamics NAV

developer’s license to use the Development Environment and be assigned the
SUPER permission set.

In the Object Explorer pane in SQL Server Management Studio, follow these
steps after you connect to the instance of Microsoft Dynamics NAV SQL Server:

1. Expand the Security node, right-click Logins, and select New Login.
If the administrator already has a Login, right-click the user and select
Properties. Then go to step 4.
2. In the Login – New box, select Search.
3. In the Select User or Group box, select a valid Active Directory user.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
4. In the Login – New box, under Select a Page, select Server Roles.
Select the dbcreator and securityadmin check boxes.
5. Click OK to close the Login – New box.

When administrators create Microsoft Dynamics NAV databases in the Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Development Environment, the account running Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server is automatically granted the db_owner database role for
these databases.

Permissions for Managing Companies, Objects, and Licenses

Administrators who create Microsoft Dynamics NAV databases automatically have

permission to manage companies, objects, and licenses in that database.

To grant permission to manage companies, objects, and licenses in Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Development Environment to additional administrators, assign
those administrators the db_owner database role for all relevant Microsoft
Dynamics NAV databases.

To grant the db_owner role on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server
Management Studio, follow these steps:

1. If the administrator is not already a SQL Server login, add the

administrator as a login by following the first three steps in the
procedure above.
2. Select the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database, then Security, then
right-click Users and select New User.
Select the button at the right side of the Login Name field to open
the Select Login box.
3. Select the check box for the relevant Login and then click OK.
4. Click OK to exit the Select Login box.
5. Enter a User name for the user. This can be the same as the login
6. In the Database role membership list at on the Membership page,
select the db_owner check box.
7. Click OK to exit the Database User – New box.

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License File Management

After an administrator or a Microsoft Certified Partner installs Microsoft Dynamics

NAV, upload the license file that is supplied by Microsoft.

At first, Microsoft Dynamics NAV uses CRONUS.flf, which is the demonstration

license file. All license files that are not demonstration license files are named
FIN.flf. The demonstration license file has a different name so that it cannot be
mistakenly overwritten.

The license file must be uploaded to SQL Server by using the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Development Environment. You can upload a license file either for all
databases on an instance of SQL Server or for a specific database only.

Please be aware that on a computer that is running any version of Windows with
User Access Control enabled, you must start the Development Environment with
administrator user rights. Click Start, right-click Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Development Environment, and then click Run as administrator.

The following procedure describes how to upload the license file to SQL Server:

1. Start the Development Environment.

2. Verify that you are connected to your database. On the File menu,
point to Database, and then click Open.
3. On the Tools menu, click License Information.
4. In the License Information window, click Upload.
5. In the Upload License File box, browse to and open the license file.
You should see the following message: The Server license was
successfully uploaded.
6. Restart the Development Environment to enable the license if you will
use it to work in the Development Environment.

To upload the license file to a specific database, follow these steps:

1. In the Development Environment, on the File menu, point to

Database, and then click Alter.
2. In the Alter Database window, click Integration, and then click Save
license in database.
3. Click OK.
4. In the Upload License File box, select the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
license file, and then click Open.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server


To save the license file in the database, you must have the Per Database license
granule (2020) in your license. You must also have the necessary roles and
permissions in SQL Server, as described earlier in this lesson.

Database Management

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment enables you to maintain

Microsoft Dynamics NAV databases. It can be used for the following tasks:

• Create a new database.

• Alter existing databases.
• Test databases.
• Delete databases.
• Increase the size of database files.
• Add new database files.
• Increase the size of the transaction log files.
• Add new transaction log files.
• Test tables in a database.

Databases can be managed from the Database menu (which is under the File

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
NAV Server Administration Tool

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool is a Microsoft

Management Console (MMC) snap-in for creating and managing Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instances. When you install the Server option on a
computer, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool is one of the
default features. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool is also an
option when you install the Client option, although it is not one of the default

Note: Only members of the Administrator group on the computer can use the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

The NAV Server Administration tool can be used to perform the following tasks:

• Create a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

• Manage Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances.
• Manage settings for a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.
• Administer a remote Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
• Administer multiple Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computers from
a single administrative console.

The NAV Server Administration tool can be run in two ways:

• From the Windows Start menu.

• From the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

Although Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server will run on Windows Server 2008, the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool will only run on Windows
Server 2008 R2.

Running the Server Administration Tool from the Windows Start


To start the tool, on the Windows taskbar, click Start > All Programs > Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Administration.

Note: Alternatively, you can click Start, and in the Search programs and
files box, enter Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration, and then click the
related link.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
The following figure shows the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration
tool started from Windows Start menu:


Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool is divided into three panes:

• The left pane shows a tree view that lists all Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server computers that you are administering from this computer and
all Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances on those computers. The
first time that you run Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration
tool, the view is collapsed. You only see the local server without any
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances listed. To display any
instances on the server, you can click the triangle to the left of the
local computer. Next, you can right-click the default instance to
display settings for that instance in the center pane.
• The center pane shows information about the item that you have
selected in the left pane. When the selected item is a computer that is
running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, the center pane shows a list
of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances on that computer and
the status of each instance (running or stopped), and the name of the
account under which the instance is running. When the item selected
in the left pane is a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, the
center pane shows the settings for that instance.
• The right pane displays available actions for the object that is selected
in the left pane. These options differ, depending on whether a
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server or a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
instance is selected. For more information, see Administration Tool

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Remember that if you start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool
from the Windows Start menu, you can only connect to a single Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server at a time. (This can be either the local or a remote Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.)

If you start the tool from MMC, you can administer multiple Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server computers from a single instance of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Administration tool. This is described next.

Running the Server Administration Tool from MMC

The following procedure describes how to start the tool from Microsoft
Management Console (MMC) and to connect to the local Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server.

1. On the local Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, click Start > Run, and
then enter the following command:


2. In the management console window, on the File menu, click

Add/Remove Snap-in to open the Add or remove Snap-ins box.
3. In the Available snap-ins list, double-click Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
4. In the Connect to another computer box, in the Server Name box,
type the name of the local Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, and then
click OK. You can also accept the default value, which is (Local).
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK to close the Add or remove Snap-ins box.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Now you see the single (local) Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is listed in the tree
view pane of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool:


When you close MMC, you are prompted to save your settings to a Microsoft
Management Console (.msc) file. If you save your settings (for example to the
Windows Desktop), then you can use this file to open MMC with the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server already listed.

Connecting to Multiple Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Computers

To administer multiple Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computers from a single

instance of the Server Administration tool, you have to start the tool from MMC.
However, before you can connect to and manage remote Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server computers, you have to enable remote administration on each remote
server that you want to manage from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Administration tool.

The following procedure describes how to enable the remote Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server administration on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

1. Verify that the administrator who will be connecting to the remote

computer is a member of that computer’s Administrators group.
2. On the remote computer, open a Windows PowerShell™ command
prompt with administrative credentials. Click Start > Accessories,
right-click Windows PowerShell, and then click Run as administrator.
3. Windows PowerShell is included in Windows 7 and Windows Server
2008 R2 and can be installed on other Windows operating systems.
For more information, see Windows PowerShell in the TechNet

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
4. On each remote computer, at the Windows PowerShell command
prompt, type "Enable-PSRemoting", and then answer Yes to all

Afterward you can configure MMC to connect to multiple Microsoft Dynamics

NAV Server computers. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the local Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, click Start > Run, and
then enter the following command:


2. In the management console window, on the File menu, click

Add/Remove Snap-in to open the Add or remove Snap-ins box.
3. In the Available snap-ins list, double-click Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
4. In the Connect to another computer box, type the name of the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server That You want to administer in the
Server Name box, and then click OK. If you want to connect to the
local Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you can either enter the name
of the local computer or you can also accept the default value, which
is (Local).
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server That
You want to administer. A computer can only be added once to the
same Server Administration tool instance.
6. Click OK to close the Add or remove Snap-ins box.

Now you see multiple Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computers listed in the tree
view pane of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool:



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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Administration Tool Actions

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool actions are tasks that are
listed in the right pane of the tool. The actions that are available vary, depending
on whether you have selected a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server or a Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instance in the left pane.

Actions on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Computers

You can perform these tasks when you select a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server in
the tree view pane.

Action Comment
Connect to Another With this action, you can connect to
Computer another Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
When you select this option, the Connect
to another computer box appears. In the
box, type the name of the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server That You want to
administer in the Server Name box, and
then click OK.

Add Instance With this option, you can create additional

server instances to a Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server. For more information, see
Managing Server Instances later in this

Actions on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instances

You can perform the following tasks when you select a Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance in the tree view pane.

Action Comment
Configuration When you select this option, you can view
the configuration settings for the selected
instance in the middle pane. To modify the
settings, click Edit at the bottom of the
middle pane. To save the modified settings,
click Save. To discard the changes, click
Cancel. When you change settings, you
must restart the server instance.

Login Account When you click Login Account, you see

information about the login account for
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
instance. To modify this information, click

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
After you modify either the configuration or login account settings, you must
restart the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance for these changes to take
effect. Follow these steps:

1. Select a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server in the tree view pane.

2. In the center pane, under Server Instance, right-click the instance you
have modified.
3. From the list, click Restart or click Start if the instance is not already

You can perform the following tasks when you select a Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance in the middle pane.

Action Comment
Remove This removes the selected server instance
(and the underlying Windows service).

Restart/Start The Restart action stops and starts a

running service. The Start action starts a
stopped server instance.

Stop This option stops a running server instance.

Server Instance Management

When you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server on a computer, there is at first a
single default instance. The default instance is identified as Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server. If your organization requires additional instances, then you can either
install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server on additional computers or create
additional instances on the original Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Each Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance on a computer runs as a separate

Windows service and can run under a separate computer account, which is the
Service account.

You can use the Server Administration tool to manage existing server instances
and create new instances.

Server Instance Creation

The following procedure describes how you can create a new server instance on
the local Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool. Click

Start > All Programs > Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
2. In the tree view, which is the left pane, select the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server where you want to add an instance. This is typically the
local computer, which is Microsoft Dynamics NAV 7 (local). For more
information about remote administration, see Running the Server
Administration Tool from MMC and Administration Tool Actions.
3. Right-click the computer name, and then click Add Instance.
4. Supply the required values in the Server instance settings section
for the new instance.
Each instance on a computer must have unique values for these
Parameter Description

Server Instance Enter a unique name for the server


Management Services Enter the number of the listening port for

Port remote management instructions.

Client Services Port Enter the number of the listening port for
RoleTailored client for Windows

SOAP Services Port Enter the number of the listening port for
SOAP web services connections.

OData Services Port Enter the number of the listening port for
OData web services connections.

Remember that you have to specify a value for all service types (Client, SOAP,
OData, and Management), even if you want to create a server instance for specific
service types only.

5. Supply the required values in the Log on Account section, and then
specify the computer account that will run the instance in the Service
Account field. You can select the Network Service account or a
domain user account. If you select Network Service in the Service
Account field, then you do not have to specify values for the User
name, Domain, and Password fields.

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Parameter Description

Service Account Select the account type under which the server
instance will run. You can select either Network
Service or User Account.

User Name Enter the user name of the Windows account

under which the server instance will run.

Domain Enter the domain name of the Windows

account under which the server instance will

Password Enter the password of the Windows account

under which the server instance will run.

Confirm Password Confirm the password of the Windows account

under which the server instance will run.

6. Click OK to close the Server Instance window.

Note: Using the Network Service account to run a Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance is considered less secure because this account is a shared account
that can be used by other unrelated network services. Any user who has rights to
the Network Service account also has rights to other services that are running on
this account. Running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances under a dedicated
domain user account, which is an account that is used only for Microsoft Dynamics
NAV components, can be more secure but requires a domain administrator to set
up and provision the account.

When you create additional server instances on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server,
a subfolder will be created under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics
NAV\70\Service\Instances\ for each instance. This subfolder will have the same
name as the server instance and will contain the CustomSettings.config file for the
server instance.

After you have created a new server instance, you can also configure it using the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Server Instance Configuration

After you have installed a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, you can use
the Server Administration tool to (re)configure the settings for the server instance.
To change these settings, start the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration
tool, connect to the server that you want to administer, and then select the server
instance to configure.

The following table shows the parameters that you can change:

Tab Parameter Description

General Database Instance The name of the SQL Server database
instance to connect to. If this setting is a
null string (“”), Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server connects to the default instance
of SQL Server.
Default: NAVDEMO

Database Name The name of the SQL Server database.

Default: "Demo Database NAV (7-0)"
Database Server A valid network name for the computer
that is running SQL Server.

Data Cache Size The contextual size of the data cache.

Default: 6

Debugging Allowed Specifies whether C/AL debugging is

allowed for this Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server instance.
Default: Enabled

Enable Debugging Specifies whether the Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Server instance starts
with debugging enabled.
If this option is enabled, the following
• When the RoleTailored client for
Windows first connects, all C# files
for the application are generated.
• C# files persist between Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server restarts.
• Application objects are compiled
with debug information.
Default: Not enabled

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Tab Parameter Description
Enable Software Specifies whether the Microsoft
Quality Metrics Dynamics NAV Server instance can
collect basic information about your
hardware configuration and how you
use Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
Then it sends it to Microsoft. Microsoft
uses this information to identify trends
and usage patterns and to improve its
Default: Not enabled

Max Concurrent The maximum number of concurrent

Calls client calls that can be active on this
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Default: 40
Range: 1 - 2,147,483,647
You can also use MaxValue as a value to
indicate no limit.

Metadata Provider The number of objects that can be

Cache Size cached. Set this value to 0 to disable
Default: 150

Network Protocol The network protocol for accessing the

Valid values: Default, NamedPipes,
Sockets, MultiProtocol.
Default: Default

Server Instance The name of the Microsoft Dynamics

Name NAV Server instance.
Default: DynamicsNAV70

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Tab Parameter Description
Services Default The time zone in which web service and
Time Zone NAS services calls are run.
All business logic for web services
and NAS services on the server
instance runs in Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC). This is how all
web services business logic was
handled in earlier versions.
• Server Time Zone

Services use the time zone of the

computer that is running. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.

• <ID of any time zone recognized by

the current version of Windows>

Specifies any Windows time zone as

defined in the system registry under
NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones. For
example, Romance Standard Time.

Default: UTC

Session Event Table The day of the week and the start time
Purge Frequency that the session event table will be
queried for purging. The value of the
DayOfWeek ranges from 0 (Sunday) to
6. The value of Time should be a valid
time of the day expressed in the format
hh:mm. hh is hours measured on a 24-
hour clock, and mm is minutes.

Session Event Table An integer value that specifies number

Retain Period of months the session events should be

SQL Command The contextual time-out for an SQL

Timeout command.
Default: 0:30:00

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Tab Parameter Description
Client Services Certificate Certificate thumbprint for those who
Thumbprint use security certificates to protect
communications between RoleTailored
clients for Windows and Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server over an open or
wide area network. You must provide
the certificate thumbprint to Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server by updating this

Enable Certificate Specifies whether validation should be

Validation performed on the certificate.
Default: Enabled

Chunk Size The default size for a chunk of data that

is transferred between Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server and the
RoleTailored client for Windows, in
Default: 28.
The range of values is from 4 to 80.

Compression The threshold in memory consumption

Threshold at which Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server starts compressing datasets, in
Default: 64

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Tab Parameter Description
Credential Type How RoleTailored client for Windows
users are authenticated when they
connect to Microsoft Dynamics NAV
When set to Windows, Windows logon
credentials are used, and users are not
prompted for authentication
When set to UserName, users are
prompted for user name and password
credentials. This setting is recommended
for connecting RoleTailored clients for
Windows over an open or wide area
network that has communications
protected with SSL.
You must also configure the Client
Credential Type setting in all
RoleTailored client for Windows
configuration files to match the value in
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
configuration file.

Enable Client Specifies whether RoleTailored client for

Services Windows services are enabled for this
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Default: Enabled

Idle Client Time- The interval of time that a Microsoft

Out Dynamics NAV Server client session can
remain inactive before the session is
Time interval format: [dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]
• dd: days
• hh: hours
• mm: minutes
• ss: seconds
• ff: hundredths of a second
You can also use MaxValue as a value to
indicate no time-out. This is the default

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Tab Parameter Description
Max Concurrent The maximum number of concurrent
Connections client connections that the current
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance
Default: 150
You can also use MaxValue as a value to
indicate no limit.

Max Items in The maximum number of objects to

Object Graph serialize or deserialize.
Default: 512

Max Number of The maximum number of orphaned

Orphaned connections to be kept alive
Connections concurrently for the time that is
specified by ClientReconnectPeriod.
A connection is “orphaned” when the
client is involuntarily disconnected from
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
Default: 20
You can also use MaxValue to indicate
no limit.

Max Upload Size The maximum size of files that can be

uploaded to or downloaded from
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, in
megabytes. Use this setting to avoid
out-of-memory errors.
Default: 5

Operation Time- The maximum time that Microsoft

Out Dynamics NAV Server can take to return
a call from the client.
Time span format: [dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]
• dd: days
• hh: hours
• mm: minutes
• ss: seconds
• ff: hundredths of a second
You can also use MaxValue as to
indicate no time-out. This is the default

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Tab Parameter Description
Port The listening TCP port for RoleTailored
clients for Windows.
Default: 7046
Valid range: 1 - 65535
Prohibited File A series of file name extensions,
Types delimited by semicolons. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server will not store files
of any of the specified types when it is
requested to do so by clients.
Default: Many extensions—see
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Administration tool for the complete list.

Protection Level The security services for protecting the

data stream between RoleTailored
clients for Windows and Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.
All RoleTailored clients for Windows that
connect to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance must have the same
ProtectionLevel value in their
ClientUserSettings.config files.
For background information on
transport security, see Understanding
Protection Level
Default: EncryptAndSign
Values: EncryptAndSign, Sign, None

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Tab Parameter Description
Reconnect Period The time a client can use to reconnect
to a running instance of Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.
Time span format: [dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]
• dd: days
• hh: hours
• mm: minutes
• ss: seconds
• ff: hundredths of a second
Default: 00:10:00
You can also use MaxValue to indicate
no time limit.
SOAP Services Enable SOAP Specifies whether SOAP web services are
Services enabled for this Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server instance.
Default: Enabled

Max Message Size The maximum permitted size of a SOAP

web services request, in kilobytes.
Default: 1024

Port The listening HTTP port for Microsoft

Dynamics NAV SOAP web services.
Default: 7047
Valid range: 1 - 65535

Enable SSL Specifies whether SSL (https) is enabled

for the SOAP web service port.
Default: Not enabled

Use NTLM Specifies whether NTLM authentication

Authentication is enabled for SOAP web services.
Enable this setting if you are using PHP
or Java to start a web services
connection to Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Default: Not enabled

OData Services Default Company The default company that is used if the
user has never used the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV client.

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Tab Parameter Description
Enable OData Specifies whether OData web services
Services are enabled for this Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server instance.
Default: Enabled

Max Page Size The maximum number of entities

returned per page of OData results. See
Server-Driven Paging in OData Web

Port The listening HTTP port for Microsoft

Dynamics NAV OData web services.
Default: 7048
Valid range: 1 - 65535

Enable SSL Specifies whether SSL (https) is enabled

for the OData web service port.

NAS Services Company The Microsoft Dynamics NAV company

that opens when NAS services start.

Enable Debugging Specifies that the NAS services session

wait 60 seconds before executing the
first C/AL statement. This allows time for
starting and attaching the NAV
Debugger to the NAS services session.
Default: Not enabled

Startup Argument • A string argument to be used when

NAS services start. The argument
typically specifies an application
type, sometimes with additional
configuration information.
• Example values:

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Tab Parameter Description
Startup Codeunit The codeunit that contains the method
that will be called by the NAS Startup
Method setting.
Example values:
• 0
When NASStartupCodeunit is set to
0, NAS Services do not start. This is
the default value.
• 1
When NAS services start they run
the trigger specified by the NAS
Startup Method in codeunit 1.
• 450

When NAS services start they run

codeunit 450 (Job Queue – NAS Start
Up), and call the method specified by

When the codeunit specified in this

parameter is a single instance codeunit,
the Microsoft Dynamics NAS service
session will remain alive even after it
runs all code in the specified NAS
Startup Method. Information about
single instance codeunits is covered in
the course C/SIDE Introduction in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

Startup Method • The method that will be called in

the NAS Startup Codeunit.
• Example values:
• “”
If no start method is specified (null
string), the OnRun trigger is called.
• StartNAS
NAS services runs the StartNAS
method in the NAS Startup

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Tab Parameter Description
Management Enable Specifies whether Microsoft Dynamics
Services Management NAV Server Administration tool is
Services enabled for this Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server instance.
Default: Enabled

Port The listening TCP port for Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Server Administration
Default: 7045
Valid range: 1 - 65535

Remember that you must restart the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance for
the new settings to take effect.

Powershell API

Except the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool, Microsoft

Dynamics NAV 2013 also includes a command-line API for Server Administration.
The API is implemented in Windows PowerShell 2.0. PowerShell 2.0 is included
with Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. For other versions of Windows
supported for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, you can install it as part of the
Windows Management Framework

The PowerShell API enables you to manage licenses and server settings, to create
and remove server instances and to manage users, and permission sets.

To start a PowerShell administration session, click Start > All Programs >
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 PowerShell Session.

The following figure shows a PowerShell prompt:

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To then see the commands that are available for administering Microsoft
Dynamics NAV, type the following command at the PowerShell prompt:

Get-Command *NavServer*

To get help on syntax and options for a specific command, type the following

Get-help <cmd name>

For example, to get Help about the Get-NAVServerInstance command, type the

Get-help Get-NAVServerInstance

For more information about the different PowerShell commands, see the
“Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell API” module.

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

Wide Area Network Connections

With Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 you can implement a secure RoleTailored
client for Windows connection to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server over a wide
area network (WAN). In this deployment scenario, the RoleTailored client for
Windows and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server can be in the same or separate
Active Directory domains. When you set up remote connections, use security
certificates to protect your data.

This lesson also discusses some performance benchmarks that you should consider
before you implement a WAN connection. Finally it will describe how to
implement security certificates in test and production environments.

Deployment Scenario

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 not only supports multiple client types, it also
enables you to implement a secure RoleTailored client for Windows connection to
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server over a wide area network (WAN).

In this deployment scenario, the RoleTailored client for Windows and Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server can be in the same or separate Active Directory domains.

The following illustration shows how a computer that is running the RoleTailored
client for Windows in one Active Directory domain can connect to an instance of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server in another domain.


In addition, implementations such as these assume the following:

• All functionality is available to remote RoleTailored client for

Windows users.
• User accounts are provisioned in an Active Directory domain, and SQL
Server and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server are installed on a
computer in this domain.
• The administrator who is creating this implementation is a member of
the Domain Admins group in this domain.

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• On the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, a
DNS entry that resolves to the published server port on the
computer’s firewall exists for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
• If the RoleTailored client for Windows or Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server is behind a firewall, then you must have opened a port to
communicate with Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server on the
RoleTailored client for Windows computer and published the port on
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. The default port number is 7046.
• The RoleTailored client for Windows and Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server are configured as described in the Walkthrough: Installing the
Three Tiers on Three Computers topic in the MSDN Library


When you set up a remote access deployment, we strongly recommend that you
protect your WAN connections with security certificates.

You can use service certificates to help secure RoleTailored client for Windows
connections over a wide area network (WAN). Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 can
support the following configurations:

• Chain trust, which specifies that each certificate must belong to a

hierarchy of certificates that ends in a root authority at the top of the
• Peer trust, which specifies that both self-issued certificates and
certificates in a trusted chain are accepted.

This topic describes the chain trust configuration, which is the more secure option.

In a production environment, you implement chain trust by obtaining X.509

service certificates from a trusted provider. These certificates and their root
certification authority (CA) certificates must be installed in the certificates store on
the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. The CA certificate
must also be installed in the certificate store on computers that are running the
RoleTailored client for Windows so that clients can validate the server.

Implementing secured RoleTailored client for Windows connections over a Wide

Area Network requires administration on both the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server and the client computers. This module will describe how to configure the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to support logon over a WAN. Configuration of
the RoleTailored client for Windows to support logon over a WAN is described in
the next module.

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Note: Implementing remote logon requires changing the credential type for
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance involved. Consider using a dedicated
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance for remote connections so that this
change does not affect local users.

However, before you start deployment, you should determine whether users fit
the performance profile for running the RoleTailored client for Windows over a

Performance Considerations

You can use the information in this section to help decide whether the
RoleTailored client for Windows over WAN option is appropriate for your
organization. Specifically, this section should help you answer the following

• Does your team's usage scenarios support running the RoleTailored

client over a WAN?
• What kind of performance can you expect when you run the
RoleTailored client over a WAN?

Targeted Usage Scenarios

There are two primary scenarios for running the RoleTailored client for Windows
over a WAN.

• Mobile light users. Salespeople who visit customers, look up order

histories, and take orders when at the customer site are examples of
mobile light users. These users want quick and easy access to data to
support their primary tasks. This usage is typically not extensive, and
users prefer not to have to log on to the company network through a
virtual private network.
• Hosted users. Multiple users who sit at one location and access
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server at a remote location are hosted users.
These users do not have control of the installation, which is managed
by a hosting provider.

For each scenario, the following assumptions are made:

• Each user has a download speed of at least 1 megabit per second and
an upload speed of at least 200 kilobits per second.
• Network latency is less than 200 milliseconds.

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• The RoleTailored client for Windows is running on a computer that
cannot log on to an Active Directory domain controller, either in the
domain where the RoleTailored client for Windows is installed or in
the domain where Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is installed. The
RoleTailored client for Windows and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
can be in the same Active Directory domain or in separate domains.

Performance Testing Results

Performance testing of these scenarios focused on latency and bandwidth. An

environment where both latency and bandwidth could be throttled helped
simulate different types of connectivity. The tests were based on 10 concurrent
users posting 10 automated one-line sales orders with the RoleTailored client for
Windows. This kind of measurement is not completely realistic because the order
entry is so fast that the screen cannot render before Post is pressed. Therefore, if
this is the benchmark load, then any real-life loads that involve similar operations
will be slower.

Bandwidth that ranged from a 10-megabit download and 1-megabit upload

connection to a 300-megabit download and 300-megabit upload connection,
which is comparable to a local area network, was tested.

Latencies that ranged from 0 to 600 milliseconds were also tested. This range
approximates connections from a fast LAN connection to a slow ADSL connection.
The range also approximates a fast satellite connection. This would be between
500 and 1000 milliseconds.

In the Throughput/Latency graph, the x-axis from left to right shows the round-
trip time added to the connection in milliseconds. The line that runs from the
lower-left to the upper-right shows the latency, or response times. The other lines
show the maximum kilobytes received per second, average kilobytes received per
second, maximum kilobytes sent per second, and the average kilobytes sent per

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The graph shows that latency linearly affects the response time. It also shows that
a larger latency affects the ability to use the available bandwidth and that the
"elbow" or optimum latency is between a latency of 100 and 150 milliseconds.

In the Bandwidth per User graph, the x-axis shows bandwidth per user, and the y-
axis shows the response time for the 10 sales orders. On the bandwidth per user
axis, 5/1 represents a 50-megabit upload and 10-megabit download connection,
and 2/0.5 represents a 20-megabit download and 0.5 megabit upload connection.


The graph shows that the "elbow" or optimal bandwidth is between 1.50/0.3
megabits and 2/0.1. Additional tests show that the determining factor for these
connections is the upload speed instead of download speed, and that the elbow is
between 0.1 and 0.3 megabits per user for the tested scenarios.

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Because these tests targeted limited bandwidth scenarios, you can also have a
single session use all available bandwidth for any kind of connection when you
transfer a large file or run a large report.

Note: The term Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is not used in this topic to describe
the implementations. Although these implementations do use the public and private
key infrastructure of SSL and SSL certificates, they use Windows Communication
Foundation (WCF) transport-level security (TLS) over the TCP/IP protocol instead of
https. This means that they are not strict SSL implementations.

Demonstration: Implement Security Certificates in a Test


In this demonstration you set up an environment to test integrating certificates

into a configuration for connecting computers that are running the RoleTailored
client for Windows to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances over a wide area
network (WAN) with the chain trust configuration.


To complete this demonstration, you will need:

• The Certificates snap-in for Microsoft Management Console (MMC). If

you do not already have this snap-in installed, then follow these steps:
o Click Start > Run, and then type "Mmc.exe".
o In the console, on the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in.
o In the Add Standalone Snap-in box, select Certificates >
Computer Account > Local Computer > Add.

• The makecert.exe utility. For more information, see Certificate

Creation Tool (Makecert.exe) in the MSDN Library

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Configuration

You create and install a root certification authority (CA) and a server certificate on
the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. Next, you create a
certificate revocation list for the root certification authority and then install the
certificate revocation list on the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server. (A certificate revocation list is required because WCF applications
check the revocation list when validating certificates.) After that, you create and
install the test certificate for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service and you
grant the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service account access to the
certificate’s private key. Finally, you will reconfigure Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server to support remote logon.

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Demonstration Steps

1. Create a root CA and a private key file by using the makecert.exe

a. Create a temporary folder to use when you work with certificates.
b. Click Start > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 >
Visual Studio Tools.
c. Right-click Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010), and then
click Run as administrator.
d. At the command prompt, locate the temporary directory.
e. Type the following command:

makecert -n "CN=RootNavServiceCA" -r -sv RootNavServiceCA.pvk


f. When you are prompted, enter a strong password.

In this example, type "Pa$$w0rd".
(You must have this password to create the service certificate.)

The RootNavServiceCA.cer certificate file and the

RootNavServiceCA.pvk private key are now saved in your
temporary folder.

2. Install the root CA on the computer that is running Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Server by using the Certificates snap-in.
a. Start the Certificates snap-in for MMC on the computer that is
running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, and then add the
Certificates snap-in.
b. In the Certificates snap-in box, click Computer account, and
then click Next.
c. In the Select Computer pane, click Local computer (the
computer this console is running on), and then click Finish.
d. Click OK to close the Add or Remove Snap-ins box.
e. In the left pane of MMC, expand the Certificates (Local
Computer) node.
f. Expand the Trusted Root Certification Authorities node, right-click
the Certificates subfolder, select All Tasks, and then click Import.
g. In the Certificate Import Wizard, on the Welcome page, click

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h. On the File to Import page, click Browse.
i. Browse to the RootNavServiceCA.cer certificate file, select the file,
and then click Open.
j. On the File to Import page, click Next.
k. On the Certificate Store page, accept the default selection, and
then click Next.
l. On the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page, click

The RootNavServiceCA certificate is now visible in the list of trusted

root CAs.
3. Create a certificate revocation list for the root certification authority
a. At the Visual Studio Command Prompt, type the following

makecert -crl -n "CN=RootNavServiceCA" -r -sv RootNavServiceCA.pvk


b. When you are prompted, enter the password that you used to
create the root CA.

4. Install the Certificate Revocation List on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV

a. In the Certificates snap-in, in the left pane of MMC, expand the
Certificates (Local Computer) node.
b. Expand the Trusted Root Certification Authorities node, right-click
the Certificates subfolder, select All Tasks, and then click Import.
c. In the Certificate Import Wizard, on the Welcome page, click
d. On the File to Import page, click Browse.
e. In the File Type field, select Certificate Revocation List (*.crl).
f. Browse to the RootNavServiceCA.crl file, select the file, and then
click Open.
g. On the File to Import page, click Next.
h. On the Certificate Store page, accept the default selection, and
then click Next.
i. On the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page, click
Finish. Select the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities node, and
then refresh the snap-in.

A Certificate Revocation List folder that contains the

RootNavServiceCA.crl file is created.

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5. Create and install the test certificate on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
a. At the Visual Studio command prompt, type the following

makecert -sk NavServiceCert -iv RootNavServiceCA.pvk -n "CN=NavServiceCert" -

ic RootNavServiceCA.cer -sr localmachine -ss my -sky exchange -pe

Note: This command specifies the subject’s certificate name as

NavServiceCert. You must have this certificate name when you configure the
RoleTailored client for Windows.

b. When you are prompted, enter the password that you used to
create the root CA. In this case, "Pa$$w0rd".
c. Select the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities node, and then
refresh the snap-in.

You now have the NavServiceCert.cer certificate file in your

temporary folder. The certificate is installed under the Personal
node in the Certificates snap-in.

6. Grant the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service account access to

the certificate’s private key.
a. In the left pane of MMC, expand the Certificates (Local
Computer) node, expand the Personal node, and then select the
Certificates subfolder.
b. In the right pane, right-click the NavServiceCert certificate, click
All Tasks, and then click Manage Private Keys.
c. In the Permissions for NavServiceCert private keys box, click
d. In the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups
box, enter the name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
service account, and then click OK.

Note: In a production environment, you run Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

under a dedicated domain user account instead of the less secure Network Service
account. Because this is a test implementation, the Network Service account is

e. Select Allow Full Control, and then click OK.

f. In the right pane, double-click the NavServiceCert certificate.

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g. In the Certificate box, click the Details tab, and then select the
Thumbprint field.

Copy or note the value of the Thumbprint field.

7. Reconfigure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to support logon over a

a. Start the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool.
b. Connect to the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server.
c. In the middle pane, right-click the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance that the RoleTailored client for Windows is using,
and then select Stop.
d. In the left pane, select the server instance that you have stopped.
Make sure that the configuration is selected in the right pane. The
middle pane will now show the configuration settings for the
server instance.
e. Select Edit at the bottom of the middle pane.
f. On the Client Services tab, change the Credential Type option
to UserName. When you change it to UserName, RoleTailored
client for Windows users who connect to the server are prompted
for user name and password credentials.
g. On the Client Services tab, select the Certificate Thumbprint
field and enter the value of the Thumbprint field in the previous
h. Click Save to confirm the new settings.
i. In the left pane, select the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to
which the RoleTailored clients for Windows will connect.
j. In the middle pane, right-click the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance that the RoleTailored clients for Windows will be
using, and then select Start.
Close the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool

Demonstration: Implement Security Certificates in a

Production Environment

This demonstration describes the implementation of security certificates in

production environments. The main difference with the previous demonstration is
that you do not have to create the certificates yourself. Instead you will receive the
certificates (and the detailed installation instructions) from a trusted provider.

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The root CA must be installed on the computer that is running Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server and all computers that are running the RoleTailored client
for Windows. The service certificate must only be installed on the computer that is
running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Most enterprises and hosting providers have their own infrastructure for issuing
and managing certificates. You can also use these certificate infrastructures. The
only requirement is that the service certificates must be set up for key exchange
and therefore must contain both private and public keys.

Note: An instance of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server that is configured for

secure WAN communication always prompts RoleTailored client for Windows users
for authentication when they start the client, even when the client computer is in
the same domain as Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.


To complete this demonstration, you will need:

• The Certificates snap-in for Microsoft Management Console (MMC). If

you do not already have this snap-in installed, then follow these steps:
o Click Start > Run, and then type "Mmc.exe".
o In the console, on the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in.
o In the Add Standalone Snap-in box, click Certificates >
Computer Account > Local Computer > Add.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Configuration

After you have installed the root CA and the service certificate on the computer
that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you must grant access to the
service account that is associated with the server so that the service account can
access the service certificate’s private key. You must also change the configuration
settings for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to enable remote logins.

Demonstration Steps

1. Install the Root Certificate on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

a. Follow the installation instructions from the trusted provider.

2. Install the service certificate on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

a. Follow the installation instructions from the trusted provider.

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3. Grant the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service account access to
the certificate’s private key.
a. In the left pane of MMC, expand the Certificates (Local
Computer) node, expand the Personal node, and then select the
Certificates subfolder.
b. In the right pane, right-click the service certificate, select All
Tasks, and then click Manage Private Keys.
c. In the Permissions box for the certificate, click Add.
d. In the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups
box, enter the name of the dedicated domain user account that is
associated with Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, and then click
e. In the Full Control field, select Allow, and then click OK.
f. In the right pane, double-click the certificate.
g. In the Certificate box, click the Details tab, and then select the
Thumbprint field.
h. Copy or note the value of the Thumbprint field.

4. Reconfigure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to support logon over a

a. Start the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool.
b. Connect to the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server.
c. In the middle pane, right-click the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance that the RoleTailored client for Windows is using,
and then select Stop.
d. In the left pane, select the server instance that you have stopped.
Make sure that the configuration is selected in the right pane. The
middle pane will now show the configuration settings for the
server instance.
e. Select Edit at the bottom of the middle pane.
f. On the Client Services tab, change the Credential Type option
to UserName. When you change it to UserName, RoleTailored
client for Windows users who connect to the server are prompted
for user name and password credentials.
g. On the Client Services tab, select the Certificate Thumbprint
field and enter the value of the Thumbprint field in the previous

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h. Click Save to confirm the new settings.
i. In the left pane, select the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to
which the RoleTailored clients for Windows will connect.
j. In the middle pane, right-click the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance that the RoleTailored clients for Windows will be
using, then select Start.
k. Close the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool.

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NAS Services
NAV Application Server

NAS (NAV Application Server) is a middle-tier server component that executes

business logic without a user interface or user interaction. In Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013, NAS is re-engineered to be one of the client services in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server. Because NAV Application Server does not have a user
interface, NAS services are managed completely from the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server Administration tool (the NAS Services tab).



If you have applications that used the NAS available with earlier version of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you should now be able to use these applications with
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 without significant modifications. Modifications are
required for applications that use COM, because server-side COM is no longer
supported in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. This is because not all COM
components can execute on 64-bit operating systems.

NAS services can help you manage and optimize access to the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV database. NAS Services in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server support
applications such as ADCS, Microsoft Office Outlook Integration, and the NAV Job

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NAS Services Applications in Dedicated Server Instances

We recommend that you create a separate Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

instance for each NAS services application.

There are multiple reasons for running NAS services sessions in dedicated
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances:

• Efficiency and convenience:

When you change any Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server setting, you
must restart the instance for the change to take effect. This interrupts
all services that use that instance. So if you are running different types
of services in the same instance—for example, RoleTailored client for
Windows services and NAS services—changing the settings for either
service type will require a server instance restart that interrupts all
other service types running through that instance.

Even for different types of NAS services applications, it is wise to run

each application in a separate server instance. For example, if you will
be using NAS services for a Microsoft Office Outlook Integration
application and also for a NAV Job Queue application, create a
separate Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance for each NAS
services application. Then, if you have to modify settings for the
Microsoft Office Outlook Integration application, you will not affect
the NAV Job Queue application, just as you will not affect the
Microsoft Office Outlook Integration application if you modify the
NAV Job Queue application.
• Performance:

Configuring NAS services applications to use separate server instances

makes better use of the server’s resources. This lets you run more
applications with less degradation.

• Efficient error tracking:

If a NAS services session terminates in an error, and there are no other

services that are running on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
instance, the service instance terminates and can be handled like any
other Windows service. For example, you could configure the
Recovery tab on the Service configuration item in Control Panel to
restart or otherwise manage the service.

Note: If your NAS services application must handle a large number of

requests, you can have multiple Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computers run the
same NAS services application so that requests can be handled faster.

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NAS Services Settings

You configure NAS services by using the settings on the NAS Services tab in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool:

Parameter Description
Company Specifies the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
company whose data opens when NAS
services start. The company name is case-

Startup Codeunit Specifies the codeunit that contains the

method that will be called by the NAS
Startup Method.
Example values:
• 0
When Startup Codeunit is set to 0,
NAS services do not start. This is the
default value.
• 1
When NAS services start, they run the
trigger specified by the Startup
Method in codeunit 1.
• 450
When NAS services start, they run
codeunit 450 (Job Queue – NAS Start
Up) and call the method specified by
Startup Method.
When the NAS Startup Codeunit is a
single instance codeunit, the NAS
services session will remain alive even
after all code in the specified NAS
Startup Method is executed.

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Parameter Description
Startup Method Specifies the method that will be called in
the NAS Startup Codeunit.
Example values:
• “”

If no start method is specified (null

string), the OnRun trigger is called.

• StartNAS

NAS services runs the StartNAS method

in the NAS Startup Codeunit.

Startup Argument Specifies a string argument to be used

when NAS services start. The argument
typically specifies an application type,
sometimes with additional configuration
• Example values:

Enable Debugging When selected, specifies that the NAS

services session wait 60 seconds before
executing the first C/AL statement, to
make time for opening and attaching the
NAV Debugger to the NAS services

NAS services sessions execute in the time zone specified by the Services Default
Time Zone parameter (on the General tab) for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

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Lab 3.1: Managing NAV Server Instances


Tim has successfully finished his first installation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
During the installation, he also gained some experience with Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Setup.

As a next step, he wants to redo the installation and set up a production and test
environment. For this new installation, he will not use the SQL Server Express
Edition; he will use an existing instance of SQL Server to install the databases. Next
he will install two Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances, one for the
production and one for the test environment. Finally he will disable both SOAP
and OData services for the two environments.

Exercise 1: Install Database to an Existing SQL Server

(Production Environment)
Exercise Scenario

Tim starts by installing the NAV database to an existing instance of SQL Server.
This instance is the default instance of SQL Server.

Task 1: Log On to the SQL Server as Administrator

High Level Steps

1. Log on to the server as Administrator.

Detailed Steps
1. Log on to the server as Administrator.
a. On the Desktop, press CTRL+ALT+DEL.
b. In the Password field, type the password for the Administrator
c. Press ENTER (or click the arrow icon at the right of the Password

Task 2: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

High Level Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

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Detailed Steps
1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Select Computer in the left pane to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
e. If the Open File - Security Warning box pops up (asking
whether you want to run the setup.exe application), click Run.

Task 3: Select the Installation Option

High Level Steps

1. Select the installation option.

Detailed Steps
1. Select the installation option.
a. In the Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
window, click Next.
b. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, click I Accept.
c. On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup page, click Choose an
Installation Option.
d. On the Choose an installation option page, click Custom.
e. On the Customize the installation page, click the icon at the left
of the SQL Server Database Components node. The node will
f. Click the icon at the left of the Demo Database node.
g. Select Run from My Computer.
h. On the Customize the installation page, click Next.
i. On the Specify parameters page, clear the SQL Server Instance
j. On the Specify parameters page, enter NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE in
the SQL Database field.
k. On the Specify parameters page, verify that the Replace
Existing Database field is set to No.
l. Click Apply to start the installation.

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Setup will now install the demonstration database to the default
instance of SQL Server.

Task 4: Verify Installation

High Level Steps

1. Start SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
2. Check the Existing Databases.

Detailed Steps
1. Start SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > All Programs >
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 > SQL Server Management
b. In the Connect to Server box, in the Server Type field, click
Database Engine.
c. In the Server name field, enter the name of the SQL Server to
which you want to connect.

To connect to the current computer, you can enter either the

computer name or “(local)” or “.” (dot).

If you want to connect to a specific instance of SQL Server, enter

the full name as follows:
<SQL Server Name>\<Instance Name>
d. In the Authentication field, select Windows Authentication.
e. Click Connect.

2. Check the Existing Databases.

a. In the Object Explorer window, expand the server node.
b. Expand the Databases node.
The newly installed database NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE is in the list.
c. Close SQL Server Management Studio.

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Exercise 2: Setting Up the SQL Database for the Test
Exercise Scenario

Tim wants to duplicate the NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE database so he can set up a test

environment. He wants to use the same SQL Server and the same instance of SQL
Server for both environments. As he cannot use Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup to
install additional copies of the database on the same Instance of SQL Server, he
decides to make a backup of the production database by using SQL Server
Management Studio. As a next step, Tim will restore the backup to create a
database for the test environment.

Task 1: Start SQL Server Management Studio

High Level Steps

1. Start SQL Server Management Studio.

Detailed Steps
1. Start SQL Server Management Studio.
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > All Programs >
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 > SQL Server Management
b. In the Connect to Server box, in the Server Type field, select
Database Engine.
c. In the Server name field, enter the name of the SQL Server to
which you want to connect.
d. In the Authentication field, select Windows Authentication.
e. Click Connect.

Task 2: Back Up the Production Database

High Level Steps

1. Back up the production database.

Detailed Steps
1. Back up the production database.
a. In the Object Explorer pane, expand the server node.
b. In the Object Explorer pane, expand the Databases node.
c. Right-click the NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE database, and then click
Tasks > Back Up.
d. In the Back Up Database – NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE window, on
the General pane, check that the NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE database
is selected in the Source – Database field.
e. Check that the Backup type is set to Full.

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f. Check that the backup destination is set to Disk (Destination –
Backup to). As this is the first time that you make a backup of
this database, you can accept the default backup file name.

Detailed Steps: When you make a backup of a database, verify that the
backup destination file already exists before you start the actual backup procedure.
Then, you will not accidentally overwrite or modify an existing backup set.

g. Click OK to start the backup procedure.

When the backup is complete, a message box appears with the

text “The backup of database ‘NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE’ completed

h. Click OK to close the box.

Task 3: Restore the Backup

High Level Steps

1. Restore the backup (test environment).

Detailed Steps
1. Restore the backup (test environment).
a. In SQL Server Management Studio, in the Object Explorer pane,
right-click the Databases node and then select Restore
b. In the Restore Database window, under Source, select the
Device option.
c. Click the button at the right of the Device option.
d. In the Select backup devices window, in the Backup Media
field, select File.
e. In the Select backup devices window, click Add.
f. In the Locate Backup File window, select the backup file (*.BAK)
you created in the previous task.
g. Click OK to close the Locate Backup File window.
h. Click OK to close the Select backup devices window.

A list of backup sets included in the selected backup file is now

displayed in the Select backup sets to restore list. In this case,
there is only one backup set.

i. In the Restore database window, select the backup set to

restore. To do this, put a check mark in the Restore column of
the backup set to restore.
j. In the Destination Database field, enter NAV_DEMO2013_TEST.

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k. In the Select a page pane, select Files.
l. In the Restore database files as list box, on the row with File Type
Rows Data, click the button at the right of the Restore as column.
m. In the Locate Database Files window, enter
NAV_DEMO2013_TEST.mdf in the File Name field.
n. Click OK to close the Locate Database Files window.
o. In the Restore database files as list box, on the row with File Type
Log, click the button at the right of the Restore as column.
p. In the Locate Database Files window, enter
NAV_DEMO2013_TEST.ldf in the File Name field.
q. Click OK to close the Locate Database Files window.
r. Click OK to start the restore procedure.

When the restore is completed, a message box appears with the

text “The restore of database ‘NAV_DEMO2013_TEST’ completed

s. Click OK to close the box.

Task 4: Verify Installation

High Level Steps

1. Check the SQL Server databases.

Detailed Steps
1. Check the SQL Server databases.
a. In the Object Explorer window, right-click the Databases node
and then select Refresh.

Both the NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE and NAV_DEMO2013_TEST databases

are in the list.
b. Close SQL Server Management Studio.

Task 5: Assign database permissions to the NAV Server service


High Level Steps

1. Add a login for the service account.
2. Assign database permissions to the service account.

Detailed Steps
1. Add a login for the service account.
a. In SQL Server Management Studio, expand the Security node.
b. Right-click the Logins node and select New Login.
c. In the Login – New dialog box, click Search.

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d. In the Select User, Service Account, or Group window, enter
“CONTOSO\NAV2013svc” in the Enter the object name to
select box.
e. Click Check Names.
f. Click OK to close the Select User, Service Account, or Group

2. Assign database permissions to the service account.

a. In the Login Properties – CONTOSO\NAV2013svc window, in
the Select a page pane, click User Mapping.
b. In the Users mapped to this login list, select the
NAV_DEMO2013_TEST database.
c. Put a check mark in the Map column.
d. In the Database role membership for list, select the db_owner
e. Repeat steps b to d for the NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE database.
f. Click OK to close the Login Properties window.

Exercise 3: Installing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

(Production Environment)
Exercise Scenario

Now the databases for the production and test environments are ready. Tim will
install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server software on the SQL Server. At the
same time, he will install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool so he
can manage the configuration of the server instance. He starts with the server
instance for the production environment.

Task 1: Log On to the Server as Administrator

High Level Steps

1. Log on to the server as Administrator.

Detailed Steps
1. Log on to the server as Administrator.
a. On the Desktop, press CTRL+ALT+DEL.
b. In the Password field, enter the password for the Administrator
c. Press ENTER (or click the arrow icon at the right of the Password

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Task 2: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

High Level Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.

b. In the left pane, select Computer to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
e. If the Open File - Security Warning box pops up (asking
whether you want to run the setup.exe application), click Run.

Task 3: Select the Installation Option

High Level Steps

1. Select the components to install.

Detailed Steps
1. Select the components to install.
a. In the Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
window, on the Maintenance page, select Add or remove
b. On the Customize the installation page, click the icon at the left
of the Server node.
c. Select Run All from My Computer.
d. On the Customize the installation page, click the icon at the left
of the Administration tool node.
e. Select Run from My Computer.
f. On the Customize the installation page, click Next.
g. On the Specify parameters page, in the Service Name field,
enter DynamicsNAVLive.

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h. On the Specify parameters page, in the Password field, enter
the password for the Service account.
i. Click Apply to start the installation.

Setup will now install the selected components including

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (in case this is not installed).

j. Click Close to exit Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

Task 4: Verify Installation

High Level Steps

1. Open Services panel.

Detailed Steps
1. Open Services panel.
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > All Programs >
Accessories > System Tools > Control Panel > System and
Security > Administrative Tools > Services.
b. In the right pane, scroll down the list of services and check for a
service called Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

By default services are sorted alphabetically by Name (in ascending order). If this
is not the case, you can click the header label of the Name column to change the
sorting. You can also press M on your keyboard to move immediately to the first
service whose name starts with M.

Exercise 4: Creating Server Instance for the Test

Exercise Scenario

Next in Tim’s planning is a step to create the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
instance for the test environment. Tim will use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Administration tool to do this.

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Task 1: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration

High Level Steps

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool.

Detailed Steps
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool.
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > All Programs >
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.

Task 2: Create a New Server Instance

High Level Steps

1. Create a new server instance.

Detailed Steps
1. Create a new server instance.
a. In the left pane, select Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the right pane, click Add Instance.
c. In the Server Instance window, in the Server Instance field,
enter DynamicsNAVTest.
d. In the Management Services Port field, type “7055”.
e. In the Client Services Port field, type “7056”.
f. In the SOAP Services Port field, type “7057”.
g. In the OData Services Port field, type “7058”.
h. In the Service Account field, select User Account.
i. In the User Name field, type “NAV2013Svc”.
j. In the Domain field, type “CONTOSO”.
k. In the Password field, type the password for the NAV2013svc
l. Type the password again in the Confirm Password field.
m. Click OK to close the Server Instance window.

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Task 3: Configure the Server Instance

High Level Steps

1. Configure the server instance.

Detailed Steps
1. Configure the server instance.
a. In the left pane of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
tool, double-click Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the left pane, select the DynamicsNAVTest instance. The
configuration settings will now appear in the middle pane.
c. At the bottom of the middle pane, click Edit.
d. On the General tab, change the Database Name to
e. Click Save to confirm the new settings.

Task 4: Start the Server Instance

High Level Steps

1. Start the server instance.
2. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.

Detailed Steps
1. Start the server instance.
a. In the left pane of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
tool, click Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the middle pane, right-click the DynamicsNAVTest instance,
and then click Start.

In the Change Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instance Status

box, click OK.
2. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.
a. On the File menu, click Exit to close Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Exercise 5: Disabling Web Services

Exercise Scenario

When he configures the new server instance for the test environment, Tim notices
that not only are client services enabled, but also SOAP web services and OData
web services. Because these service types are currently not used, Tim decides to
disable the service types in both production and test environment.

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Task 1: Disable Service Types

High Level Steps

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.
2. Reconfigure the server instance (production environment).
3. Reconfigure the server instance (test environment).

Detailed Steps
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > All Programs >
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.

2. Reconfigure the server instance (production environment).

a. In the left pane of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
tool, double-click Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the left pane, click the DynamicsNAVLive instance. The
configuration settings will now be displayed in the middle pane.
c. At the bottom of the middle pane, click Edit.
d. On the SOAP Services tab, clear the Enable SOAP Services option.
e. On the OData Services tab, clear the Enable OData Services
f. Click Save to confirm the new settings.

3. Reconfigure the server instance (test environment).

a. In the left pane, select the DynamicsNAVTest instance. The
configuration settings will now be displayed in the middle pane.
b. At the bottom of the middle pane, click Edit.
c. On the SOAP Services tab, clear the Enable SOAP Services option.
d. On the OData Services tab, clear the Enable OData Services
e. Click Save to confirm the new settings.

Task 2: Restart Server Instances

High Level Steps

1. Restart server instances.
2. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.

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Detailed Steps
1. Restart server instances.
a. In the left pane of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
tool, click Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the middle pane, right-click the DynamicsNAVLive instance,
and then click Restart.
c. In the Change Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instance Status
box, click OK.
d. Repeat steps b and c for the DynamicsTest instance.

2. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.

a. On the File menu, click Exit to close Microsoft Dynamics NAV

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Lab 3.2: Setting up NAS Services


A recent meeting has pointed out that people in the customer service team spend
lots of time executing tasks manually. Processes could be optimized if some
manual tasks could be scheduled and executed automatically. Because of this
meeting, Marie, the customer service manager, contacts Tim to check if this is
possible and what has to be done.

Tim tells Marie that he can do this by using the Job Queue functionality in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Tim will enable the Job Queue in the test environment.
To do this, he has to set up NAS services. He decides to create a new server
instance, so he can easily start and stop the Job Queue functionality without
affecting the other users in the test environment.

Exercise 1: Creating a Server Instance

Task 1: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration

High Level Steps

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool.

Detailed Steps
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool.
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > All Programs >
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.

Task 2: Create a New Server Instance

High Level Steps

1. Create a new server instance.

Detailed Steps
1. Create a new server instance.
a. In the left pane, select Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the right pane, click Add Instance.
c. In the Server Instance window, in the Server Instance field, type
d. In the Management Services Port field, type “7065”.
e. In the Client Services Port field, type “7066”.
f. In the SOAP Services Port field, type “7067”.
g. In the OData Services Port field, type “7068”.
h. In the Service Account field, select User Account.

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i. In the User Name field, type “NAV2013Svc”.
j. In the Domain field, type “CONTOSO”.
k. In the Password field, type the password for the NAV2013svc
l. Type the password again in the Confirm Password field.
m. Click OK to close the Server Instance window.

Task 3: Configure the Server Instance

High Level Steps

1. Configure the server instance.

Detailed Steps
1. Configure the server instance.
a. In the left pane of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
tool, double-click Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the left pane, select the DynamicsNAVTest-NAS instance. The
configuration settings will now appear in the middle pane.
c. At the bottom of the middle pane, click Edit
d. On the General tab, change the Database Name to
e. Click Save to confirm the new settings.

Exercise 2: Setting Up NAS Services

Task 1: Configure NAS Services

High Level Steps

1. Configure NAS services.

Detailed Steps
1. Configure NAS services.
a. In the left pane of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
tool, double-click Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the left pane, select the DynamicsNAVTest-NAS instance. The
configuration settings will now appear in the middle pane.
c. At the bottom of the middle pane, click Edit.
d. On the NAS Services tab, change the Company Name to
CRONUS International Ltd.
e. In the Startup Codeunit field, type “1”.
f. In the Startup Method field, type “NASHandler”.
g. In the Startup Argument field, type “JOBQUEUE”.
h. Click Save to confirm the new settings.

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Exercise 3: Disabling Other Services

Task 1: Disable Client Services

High Level Steps

1. Disable client services.

Detailed Steps
1. Disable client services.
a. On the Client Services tab, clear the Enable Client Services check

Task 2: Disable SOAP services

High Level Steps

1. Disable SOAP services.

Detailed Steps
1. Disable SOAP services.
a. On the SOAP Services tab, clear the Enable SOAP Services
check box.

Task 3: Disable OData Services

High Level Steps

1. Disable OData services.

Detailed Steps
1. Disable OData services.
a. On the OData Services tab, clear the Enable OData Services
check box.

Task 4: Save Settings

High Level Steps

1. Save settings.

Detailed Steps
1. Save settings.
a. Click Save to confirm the new settings.

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Exercise 4: Restarting NAS Services

Task 1: Restart Server Instances

High Level Steps

1. Restart server instances

Detailed Steps
1. Restart server instances
a. In the left pane of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
tool, click Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the middle pane, right-click the DynamicsNAVTest-NAS
instance, and then click Restart.
c. In the Change Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instance Status
box, click OK.

Task 2: Verify Service Status

High Level Steps

1. Verify service status in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.
2. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration

Detailed Steps
1. Verify service status in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration.
a. In the left pane of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
tool, click Microsoft Dynamics NAV (local).
b. In the middle pane, check that the Status column for the
DynamicsNAVTest-NAS instance is set to Running.

2. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration

a. On the File menu, click Exit to close Microsoft Dynamics NAV

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

Module Review
Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. To create a new company in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database, you must

( ) A Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell session

( ) The RoleTailored client for Windows

( ) The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool

( ) Any of these three tools

2. Which of the following is true about the Development Environment?

( ) You can install the Development Environment without installing the

RoleTailored client for Windows.

( ) The Development Environment has the same user interface as the

RoleTailored client for Windows and contains some additional
development functions.

( ) The Development Environment uses the server tier to connect to the


( ) You can use the Development Environment to manage licenses.

3. How do you install additional server instances on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV


( ) You copy the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server software from the
product DVD to a different folder, and edit the CustomSettings.config

( ) You use Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup to install Microsoft Dynamics

NAV Server to a different folder.

( ) You use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool to create

additional server instances.

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( ) You use the Development Environment to create a new database on a
separate SQL .

( ) You cannot install multiple server instances on the same . Each server
instance must be installed on a separate server.

4. What is the default port number for client services?

( ) 2407

( ) 5555

( ) 7045

( ) 7046

5. Enabling RoleTailored client for Windows connections over a wide area

network requires:

( ) Administration on the RoleTailored client for Windows computer only.

( ) Administration on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server only.

( ) Administration on both the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and

RoleTailored client for Windows computers.

( ) No administration. By default, this is enabled.

( ) No administration, because this is impossible.

6. To create users, profiles and permission sets in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013,
you must use:

( ) The RoleTailored client for Windows

( ) The Development Environment

( ) The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool

( ) Microsoft SQL Server

( ) Internet Information Server

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Module 3: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

Test Your Knowledge Solutions

Module Review and Takeaways

1. To create a new company in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database, you must

( ) A Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell session

(√) The RoleTailored client for Windows

( ) The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool

( ) Any of these three tools

2. Which of the following is true about the Development Environment?

( ) You can install the Development Environment without installing the

RoleTailored client for Windows.

( ) The Development Environment has the same user interface as the

RoleTailored client for Windows and contains some additional
development functions.

( ) The Development Environment uses the server tier to connect to the


(√) You can use the Development Environment to manage licenses.

3. How do you install additional server instances on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV


( ) You copy the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server software from the
product DVD to a different folder, and edit the CustomSettings.config

( ) You use Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup to install Microsoft Dynamics

NAV Server to a different folder.

(√) You use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool to create
additional server instances.

( ) You use the Development Environment to create a new database on a

separate SQL .

( ) You cannot install multiple server instances on the same . Each server
instance must be installed on a separate server.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
4. What is the default port number for client services?

( ) 2407

( ) 5555

( ) 7045

(√) 7046

5. Enabling RoleTailored client for Windows connections over a wide area

network requires:

(√) Administration on the RoleTailored client for Windows computer only.

( ) Administration on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server only.

( ) Administration on both the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and

RoleTailored client for Windows computers.

( ) No administration. By default, this is enabled.

( ) No administration, because this is impossible.

6. To create users, profiles and permission sets in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013,
you must use:

(√) The RoleTailored client for Windows

( ) The Development Environment

( ) The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration tool

( ) Microsoft SQL Server

( ) Internet Information Server

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Module Overview
In the previous modules, you have seen that Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
supports multiple client types. All client types can be installed by using Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.

Although the Development environment and NAS services are also considered as
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 clients, they are not described in this module. The
module "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server" describes how to install and manage
NAS services. The Development environment is described in the module "The
Developer Environment".

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Tool is a Microsoft Management

Console (MMC) snap-in for creating and managing Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instances. Therefore, it is not considered a Microsoft Dynamics NAV client.
The tool is described in the module "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server".

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 uses the Microsoft software platform. Therefore, all
the software prerequisites of Microsoft Dynamics NAV are part of the Microsoft
software stack. For a list of software requirements for the different client types, see
the module "Installation Requirements."


The objectives are:

• Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 in a stand-alone environment.

• Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 RoleTailored clients for
Windows on a network.
• Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.
• Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft
• Install additional languages.
• Explain how to configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV RoleTailored
client for Windows to support WAN connections.
• Explain how to install additional interface languages for Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Install the RoleTailored Client for Windows

Run Setup

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 can be installed on a single computer to create a

stand-alone environment for demonstration and development. You can run
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup and select the Install Demo option to create a
stand-alone environment. When you select this option, the following components
are installed on the computer:

o RoleTailored client for Windows

o Development environment
o Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
o Demo database and demo license

In addition, Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Express Edition is installed if the

computer does not already have Microsoft SQL Server installed.

However, when you deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, you typically do not
run the Install Demo option on each client computer in the network because you
do not have to have a data and a server tier on each client computer. Instead, you
install one of the client types on the client computers and then connect to the
server tier.

The RoleTailored client for Windows (and the other client types) can be installed
by using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup. When you install Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013, you can select from several prepackaged installation options
(each designed for a typical use or type of user) or you can perform a customized
installation that fully meets your needs.

To install the RoleTailored client for Windows, select one of the following
installation options:

• Client
• Developer
• Custom

The installation option determines which components are installed on the

computer. For example, if you install the Client option, the RoleTailored client for
Windows is installed without the Development environment. With the Developer
option, the RoleTailored client for Windows, the Development environment, the
Documentation, and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration components are
installed on the client computer.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation

Note: To install the Microsoft® Office Outlook® Add-In for Microsoft

Dynamics NAV 2013, you must install Microsoft Office Outlook before you install
the RoleTailored client for Windows.

After you install the product, you can start the RoleTailored client for Windows on
the Start menu.


The Documentation component includes several technical documents that can be

very useful for Microsoft Dynamics NAV administrators, developers, and
application setup consultants:

• Application Guides: this folder contains several documents that can

help when you set up companies in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
• Developer Guides: the Developer and IT Pro Help (devitpro.chm).
• Install Guides: the Hardware Sizing Guide for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
and the Security Hardening Guide.

When you install the Document component, you can specify the destination
folder for the documents on the Specify parameters page. The default folder is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70, but you can change this.

Adding and Removing Product Components

If you want to add new Microsoft Dynamics NAV components and features on a
computer that already contains some components, you have to run Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Setup again on that computer. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup
automatically checks for existing components and starts in Maintenance mode.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013



In Maintenance mode, you can select from three options:

Add/Remove Components Use this option to add or remove
Microsoft Dynamics NAV product
components. It also lets you customize
how your installed programs run.
Newly selected components are added;
cleared components are removed.

Repair Use this option to repair the Microsoft

Dynamics NAV installation. This can be
useful if the installed program files are

Uninstall Use this option to remove Microsoft

Dynamics NAV from your computer.

When you select Add/Remove Components, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup first
shows you the Customize the installation page (where you can select additional
components or clear existing components) and then the Specify Parameters
page (where you can enter specific configuration parameters for the newly added
components). After you specify the necessary parameters, you can either Save the
configuration to a file or click Apply to start the installation.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation

Note: When you uninstall Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV database is not removed. You must remove it manually. The same
applies to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV license file and any other software
prerequisite for Microsoft Dynamics NAV (for example, the Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.0).

Demonstration: Install the RoleTailored Client for

Windows in a Network

This demonstration shows how to install the RoleTailored client for Windows in a

Demonstration Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Select Computer to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the Product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
e. If the Open File - Security Warning message appears (asking
whether you want to run the setup.exe application), click Run.

3. Select the Client installation option.

a. In the Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
window, click Next.
b. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, click I Accept.
c. On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup page, click Select an
Installation Option.
d. On the Choose an installation option page, click Client.
e. On the Specify parameters page, in the Server Name field, type
the name of the computer where the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance you want to connect to is installed.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
f. In the Service Name field, type the name of the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instance to which you want to connect.
g. Select Apply to start the installation.
Setup now installs the RoleTailored client for Windows.

Demonstration: Install the Development environment

By default, when you install the RoleTailored client for Windows by using the
Client installation option, the Development environment is not installed. This
demonstration shows how to add the Development environment to a computer
that is running the RoleTailored client for Windows.

Demonstration Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Select Computer in the left pane to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the Product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
e. If the Open File - Security Warning message appears (asking
whether you want to run the setup.exe application), click Run.

3. Add the Development environment (C/SIDE) component.

a. On the Maintenance page, click Add or remove components.
b. On the Customize the installation page, double-click the Client
node to expand it.
c. Click the icon at the left of the Development environment
(C/SIDE) item.
d. Click Run from My Computer.
e. On the Customize the installation page, click Next.
f. On the Specify parameters page, click Apply.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup now adds the Development

environment and all prerequisite software components.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Set Up Configuration Files

When you install the RoleTailored client for Windows, you must select the
components to install and specify several setup parameters to be saved to a client
configuration file.

In larger networks, you have to select the components and enter the parameters
on each RoleTailored client for Windows computer. This can be very time
consuming and easily lead to typing errors (causing incorrect configurations).

To streamline the setup process, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup lets you capture
and save a set of setup decisions (such as the components to install and the
parameters to use) to a Setup configuration file. You can then distribute this
configuration file and use it on any other computer to install the RoleTailored
client for Windows. Instead of selecting the components one by one and
specifying all the parameters manually, you load the Setup configuration file and
continue Setup.

Best Practice: In large networks, we recommend that you copy the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD to a shared network folder that can be accessed
from all clients. You might add a separate folder that contains the Setup
configuration files for your convenience.

Modify a Setup Configuration File

If you have to change an existing Setup configuration file, you can run Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Setup on a computer without any Microsoft Dynamics NAV
components installed. You can load it into Setup, make the desired modifications,
and then save it. You do not have to install any software during this process.

Setup configuration files can also be used to install Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Setup from the command line. This is illustrated in the next lesson.

Run Setup on the Command Line

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup can also be run from a command prompt.
On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation media, setup.exe is in the root
directory. To start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup from the command line, follow
these steps:

• Open a command prompt.

• Run setup.exe from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 installation
This opens the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup wizard.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Note: If User Access Control is turned on, you must open the command
prompt with administrative credentials. To do this, click Start > All Programs >
Accessories. Right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.

You can use the following options with setup.exe.

Setup Option Description

/config <setup configuration Specifies path and file name
file> information for a Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013 Setup configuration file to
This is the only required option.

/help Displays Help about setup.exe


/log <log file> Specifies path and file name

information for a Setup log file to be
created by Setup. The file must not
exist before you run Setup.

/quiet Specifies that Setup does not display

anything on the screen. All
configuration information is taken
from the specified configuration file.

/repair Repairs the current installation of

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

/uninstall Removes the current installation of

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

Install Business Web Service Components

Microsoft Dynamics NAV business web services are considered a client because
they interact with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database through Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server. However, unlike other client types, business web services
cannot be installed as a separate component in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup:
they can only be installed as part of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
component. In other words, if you want to install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
business web services on a computer, you have to install the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server component first. After that, you can use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Administration Tool to enable business web services (SOAP web services or OData
web services).

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Install Business Web Services

For more information about how to install and administer Microsoft Dynamics
NAV, see the module "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server".

After you have installed the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and enabled web
services, you can publish Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages, codeunits, and queries
as web services by using the RoleTailored client.

SOAP and OData Web Services

Web services are a lightweight, industry-standard way to make application

functionality available to many different external systems and users. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 supports creation and publishing of Microsoft Dynamics NAV
functionality as web services. You can expose pages, codeunits, or queries as web
services, and even improve a page web service by adding an extension codeunit.
When you publish Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects as web services, they are
immediately available on the network.

Developers can publish two types of web services from Microsoft Dynamics NAV

• SOAP Web Services. You can publish either Microsoft Dynamics NAV
pages or codeunits as SOAP services.
• OData Web Services. You can publish either pages or queries as
OData services.

OData web services are a new addition to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013,
complementing the SOAP web services that have been available in earlier
versions. A developer who plans to create Microsoft Dynamics NAV web services
may have to decide which type of web service is better suited to the company's

SOAP Web Services

SOAP web services provide full flexibility for building operation-centric services.
They provide industry standard interoperability. Windows Communication
Framework (WCF) has supported SOAP services since its initial release in the .NET
Framework 3.0, and .NET 4 adds more support and default bindings to make it
easier to build SOAP services using WCF.

The most common messaging pattern in SOAP is the remote procedure call (RPC),
where one network node (the client) sends a request message to another node
(the server), and the server sends a response message to the client.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
OData Web Services

The OData standard is good for web service applications that require a uniform,
flexible, general purpose interface for exposing create retrieve update delete
(CRUD) operations on a tabular data model to clients. OData is less appropriate
for applications that are primarily RPC oriented or in which data operations are
constrained to certain prescribed patterns. OData supports Representational State
Transfer (REST)-based data services. These enable resources, identified using
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and defined in an abstract data model (i.e. the
Entity Data Model (EDM)), to be published and edited by web clients within
corporate networks and across the Internet by using simple HTTP messages.
OData services are lightweight, with functionality frequently referenced directly in
the URI.

.NET Framework 4.0 is enhanced with WCF Data Services, which implement all the
non-NAV-specific parts of the OData stack. Visual Studio service references
“understand” OData services and can generate EDM-based proxies. This enables
the developer to use LINQ to write the data access logic.

Whereas SOAP web services expose a WSDL document, OData web services
expose an EDMX document that contains metadata for all published web services.

OData is supported in PowerPivot, a data-analysis add-in to Microsoft Excel 2010

that provides enhanced business intelligence capabilities. PowerPivot supports
sharing and collaboration on user-generated business intelligence solutions in a
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 environment. For more information about
PowerPivot, see

The extensions to the Atom Publishing Protocol that are defined in the AtomPub
extensions to the OData protocol documentation describe how REST-based data
services can enable resources. These are identified by using URIs and defined in an
abstract data model (EDM), to be published and edited by web clients within
corporate networks and across the Internet by using simple HTTP messages.

In addition to the AtomPub format, the OData implementation in Microsoft

Dynamics NAV 2013 also supports the JSON format, a somewhat less verbose
format that may perform better in low-bandwidth environments.

Publish a Web Service

After you create a web service in the RoleTailored client, you must publish the
web service so that it is available to service requests over the network. Users can
discover web services by pointing a browser or a tool such as Visual Studio at the
computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and requesting a list of
available services. When you publish a web service, it is immediately available over
the network for authenticated users. All authorized users can access metadata for
Microsoft Dynamics NAV web services, but only users who have sufficient
Microsoft Dynamics NAV permissions can access actual data.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation

Note: Codeunit and Page are valid object types for SOAP web services. Page
and Query objects are valid types for OData web services.

Demonstration: Publish a Page as Web Service

This demonstration shows how to publish a Page object as a web service. The
page is then available as both an OData and a SOAP web service.

Demonstration Steps

1. Publish a Web service.

a. Open the RoleTailored client for Windows and connect to the
CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration company.
b. In the Search box on your Home page in the RoleTailored client
for Windows, type "Web services" and then press Enter.
The Web Services page opens.
c. In the Web Services page, click New.
d. In the Object Type column, click Page, and then type “21” in the
Object ID column and “Customer” in the Service Name column.

Note: The service name is visible to consumers of your web service and is the
basis for identifying and distinguishing web services. So, you should make the name
meaningful. If you are setting up integration with Microsoft Outlook by using
codeunit 5313, then you must use DynamicsNAVsynchOutlook as the service

e. Select the check box in the Published column.

f. Click OK to exit the New - Web Services page.

Verify Web Service Availability

After you publish a web service, it is available on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance to which you were connected when you published. The web
service is available across all Microsoft Dynamics NAV companies on the server
instance, not just the one that the RoleTailored client was using to publish the
web service.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Note: After publishing a web service, verify that the port that web service
applications use to connect to your web service is open. The default port for SOAP-
based web services is set to 7047. The default port for OData-based web services is
7048. The value can be configured by using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Administration Tool. For more information about this tool, see the module
"Installation Requirements".

You can verify the availability of the web service by using a browser.

Note: You must modify your Internet Explorer settings to display the actual
XML for a feed instead of the feed content that has changed. To turn off the feed
reading view, click Tools > Internet Options > Content > Feeds and Web Slices
> Settings and clear the Turn on feed reading view check box. Restart Internet
Explorer to enable the new setting.

Verify Availability of an OData Web Service

To check the availability of OData web services on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Server, follow these steps:

1. Start Internet Explorer.

2. In the Address field, enter a URI in this format: http://
For example: http://localhost:7048/DynamicsNAV/OData

Note: The company name is case-sensitive. It is optional if you only want to

verify the availability of SOAP web services. When you use the web service to access
data in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database, you must include the company

The browser should now show the web service that you have published, in the
format of an AtomPub document:

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation


The figure List of Available OData Web Services shows two OData web services:
Customer and Company.

To view the customers for a specific company in the database, you have to enter
the URI in this format:


The following URI can be used to retrieve data from the CRONUS International
Ltd. company through the OData web service called Customer:

International Ltd.')/Customer

Verify Availability of a SOAP Web Service

To check the availability of SOAP web services on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Server, follow these steps:

1. Start Internet Explorer.

2. In the Address field, enter a URI in this format: http://<
For example: http://localhost:7047/DynamicsNAV/WS/CRONUS
International Ltd./Services

Note: The company name is case sensitive. It is optional if you only want to
verify the availability of SOAP web services. When you use the web service to access
data in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database, you must include the company

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
The browser should now show the web service that you have published, in the
format of an XML document:


The figure List of Available SOAP Web Services shows two SOAP web services:
Customer and SystemService.

SystemService and Company Services

You can use the SystemService service in a SOAP web service application to
retrieve a list of companies available in a specific database. A company name is
typically part of the URI when you access a Microsoft Dynamics NAV web service,
and the system service lets you retrieve names of available companies.

Similarly, you can use the Company service in an OData web service application to
retrieve a list of companies in a specific database.

Install Web Client

You install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client on a computer that is running
Internet Information Services. For the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Web client to
work correctly, you must have a working connection to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server instance that connects to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

The following figure shows the components involved in the setup:


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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Set Up Web Client

To install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, run Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Setup. The Web client can be installed only as part of a Custom installation option.



The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server components can be installed only on a
computer on which the following programs are present:

• Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

• Windows Authentication

Setup installs a website for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client on an Internet
Information Services server and configures the connection from Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Web client to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. By default, Setup
configures the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client to connect to a Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instance on the same computer. The instance has the
following default parameters:

• Server name: localhost

• Service instance: DynamicsNAV
• Service port: 7046

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
However, you can change the default values during Setup. The connection
information is saved in the web.config file of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web
client site.

You can install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client on the same computer as the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server or a separate computer. If you install Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Web client on a different computer than Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server, then you must set up delegation between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Web client and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. For more information, see Set
Up Delegation later in this lesson.

Configure after Setup

After installation, you can change the configuration by modifying the web.config

The web.config file is an .xml file that you can edit by using a text editor, such as
Notepad. By default, the web.config file is located in the C:\Programs
(x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70\Web Client folder.

Note: After you modify the web.config file, if you have Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Web client open in the Internet browser, the changes do not take effect until
you close the browser and then reopen Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

Please be aware that all values must be enclosed in quotation marks.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client settings are included in the
<DynamicsNAVSettings> tag in the web.config file. The following table describes
the settings that are available in the <DynamicsNAVSettings> tag.

Setting Description
AllowNtlm Specifies whether NT LAN Manager (NTLM) fallback is
permitted for authentication.
To require Kerberos authentication, set this value to false.
Values: true, false
Default value: true

ClientServicesChunkSize Sets the maximum size, in kilobytes, of a data chunk that is

transmitted between Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. Data that is
transmitted between Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is broken down into
smaller units called chunks, and then reassembled when it
reaches its destination.
Values: From 4 to 80.
Default: 28.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Setting Description
Company Sets the company to which Microsoft Dynamics NAV
connects. If you do not define a company, then the system
uses the company currently used by the RoleTailored client
for Windows for the user.
Values: A company defined in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Default value: none

ClientServicesCompressionTreshold Sets the threshold in memory consumption at which

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client starts compressing
data sets. This limits amount of consumed memory. The
value is in kilobytes.
Default: 64

TimeZone Sets the time zone for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web
client. The time zone applies to all date and time data that
a user views or enters in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web
Values: A time zone that is included in the registry of the
computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web
client. You find the time zones in the registry under
NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones. The value must match a
time zone that is listed in the registry. For example, you
can set the value to "Pacific Standard Time" or "Central
Europe Standard Time."
Default value: UTC

Language Sets the language version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV

objects to display in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.
Values: Any languages that are available for the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV solution.
Default value: en-US

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Setting Description
OpenConnectionTimeout Specifies the maximum time allowed to establish a
connection from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server before the session is
The time has the format [dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]:
• dd is the number of days
• hh is the number of hours
• mm is the number of minutes
• ss is the number of seconds
• ff is fractions of a second
If you do not want a time-out, then set the value to
Default value: 00:00:30

ClientServicesProtectionLevel Specifies the security services used to protect the data

stream between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. This value must
match the value that is specified in the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server configuration file. For more information, see
Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Values: EncryptAndSign, Sign, None
Default value: EncryptAndSign

Server Specifies the name of the computer that is running the

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
Default value: localhost

ServerInstance Specifies the name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

instance to which the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server module of this course.
Default value: DynamicsNAV

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Setting Description
ClientServicesCredentialsType Include this key only when the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Web client uses form-based authentication to authenticate
Specifies how Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client users
are authenticated when they connect to Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.
Set to Windows to use Windows authentication. Users'
Windows logon credentials are used. Therefore, users are
not prompted for a user name or password.
Set to UserName to authenticate users with a user name
and password that is set up in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
When users try to access Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web
client, they are prompted for a user name and password. In
Microsoft Dynamics NAV, the user name and password
that is provided by a user is authenticated against an
Active Directory user. This setting can be used with form-
based authentication.
Set to NavUserPassword to authenticate users on a user
name and password that is set up in Microsoft Dynamics
NAV. When users try to access Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Web client, they are prompted for a user name and
password. The difference between NavUserPassword and
UserName is that with NavUserPassword, a user is
authenticated directly against the user name and
password, whereas with UserName the user is
authenticated against a Windows account in Active
You must also configure the
ClientServicesCredentialType parameter in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server to match the value in the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Web client configuration file. See the
module "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server".
Values: Windows, UserName, NavUserPassword
Default value: Windows

ClientServicesPort Specifies the TCP port for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server. This is part of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server’s
Values: 1-65535
Default value: 7046

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Setting Description
ServicesPrincipalNameRequired If this parameter is set to true, then the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Web client can only connect to a Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instance that is associated with a
service principal name (SPN).
If this parameter is set to false, then the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Web client tries to connect to the
configured Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service,
regardless of whether that service is associated with an
Default: false

SessionTimeout Specifies the maximum time that a connection between

the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server can remain idle before the session is
In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, this setting
determines how long an open Microsoft Dynamics NAV
page or report can remain inactive before it closes. For
example, when the SessionTimeout is set to 20 minutes, if
a user does not take any action on a page within 20
minutes, then the page closes and the following message
appears: "The page has expired and the content cannot be
The time span has the format [dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]:
• dd is the number of days
• hh is the number of hours
• mm is the number of minutes
• ss is the number of seconds
• ff is fractions of a second
Default value: 00:20:00

HelpURL Specifies the URL that is opened by the Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Help action in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Web client. By default, the URL targets the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 Help in the MSDN library at This is a public website, so to view the
Help, users must have permission to access the Internet or
the default help URL as a minimum.
Values: A valid URL
Default value:

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Setting Description
DNSIdenitity Specifies the subject name of the service certificate for
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. The Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Web client makes sure that the certificate that is
provided during the SSL handshake contains a Domain
Name System (DNS) or CommonName (CN) attribute that
is equal to the DNS identity of the client. This check is
performed in addition to determining the validity of the
server certificate.
Default value: There is no default value for this parameter

For example: The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to which the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Web client connects is configured in the web.config file for the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. If you want to connect the Web client to
another database, you can change the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance
by modifying the web.config.

On the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, use any
text editor, such as Notepad, to open the web.config file for edit.

By default, the web.config file is located in the \Programs (x86)\Microsoft

Dynamics NAV\70\Web Client folder.

1. Locate the <NAVSettings> element.

2. Change the values for the ClientServicesPort, Server, and
ServerInstance elements.

Install IIS for Web Client

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client requires IIS version 7.0 with the following
features enabled:

• .NET Extensibility
• ISAPI Extensions
• ISAPI Filters
• Request Filtering
• Windows Authentication
• Static Content

This topic describes how to install and configure Internet Information Services for
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. The procedure is slightly different for
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Install IIS on Windows 7

1. To install IIS on Windows 7, follow these steps: Click Start > Control
Panel > Programs.
2. Under Programs and Features, select Turn Windows features on or
3. In the Windows features list, expand Internet Information Services,
and then expand World Wide Web Services.
4. Expand Application Development Features, and select the
following features:
o .NET Extensibility
o ISAPI Extensions
o ISAPI Filters

5. Expand Security, and then select the following features:

o Request Filtering
o Windows Authentication

6. Expand Common HTTP Features, and then select the Static Content
7. To install Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager, under Internet
Information Services, expand Web Management Tools, and then
select IIS Management Console.
This step is optional. You use Internet Information Service IIS Manager
to manage local and remote web servers and sites.
8. Click OK to complete the installation.
9. To verify that the web server is installed correctly, start your browser
and then type "http://localhost" in the address field.

The default website opens and should display an IIS 7 image. If the IIS 7 image
does not appear, then verify that you have configured static content on IIS, as
described in steps above.

Note: To open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, on the Start

menu, in the Search Programs and Files box, type "inetmgr", and then press

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Install IIS on Windows Server 2008 R2

To install IIS on Windows Server 2008 R2, follow these steps :

1. Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Server
2. In the navigation pane, click Roles and then click Add Roles.
3. In the Before You Begin window, click Next.
4. In the Select Server Roles window, select Web Server (IIS) and then
click Next two times.
5. In the Select Role Service window, expand Common HTTP
Features, and then select Static Content. Other features that are
selected by default can remain selected.
6. Expand Application Development Features, and select the
following features:

If a message displays asking to add role services for ASP.NET, click

Add Required Role Services.

o .NET Extensibility
o ISAPI Extensions
o ISAPI Filters

If a dialog box appears that asks you to confirm ASP.NET, click Allow
to continue.

7. Expand Security, and then select the following features:

o Windows Authentication
o Request Filtering
8. Expand Management Tools, and then click IIS Management
This step is optional. You use IIS Manager to manage local and
remote web servers and sites.
9. Click Next, confirm your selections, and then click Install to complete
the installation.
10. When the installation is complete, click Close.
11. To verify that the web server is installed correctly, start your browser,
and then type "http://localhost" in the address field.

The default website opens and should display an IIS 7 image. If the IIS 7 image
does not appear, then verify that you have configured static content on IIS, as
described in the steps above.

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Note: Internet Information Services Manager was also installed. To verify the
installation, click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Service
(IIS) Manager.

Set Up Delegation

When the client device, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, and Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server are on separate computers, the client device interacts with
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server through the computer that is running Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Web client. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client is performing
actions on the client device's behalf. This process is known as impersonation.
Impersonation cannot be used across multiple computers. Therefore, you must set
up delegation from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client to Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server.

Delegation occurs when a front-end service (such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Web client or Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint 2010)
forwards a client device request to a back-end service (in this case the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server service) so that the back-end can impersonate the client
device. Impersonation is typically used to check whether a client is authorized to
perform a particular action, whereas delegation is a way of flowing impersonation
capabilities, together with the client’s identity, to a back-end service. You can use
delegation as a Windows domain feature with Kerberos-based authentication.

Configuring delegation means explicitly configuring the Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Server service to delegate its access to the database server on behalf of Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Portal. To make the access more secure, specify delegation to a
specific service on a specific server.

To complete the procedure in this topic, you must be a domain administrator.

To set up delegation from the front-end (running SharePoint or the Web Server
Components) to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, follow these steps

1. On any server in the domain, click Start and then click Run.
2. In the Open field, type"dsa.msc".

This opens the Active Directory Users and Computers utility.

3. In the navigation pane on the left, expand the node for the domain
where you have installed the Microsoft Dynamics NAV environment.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
4. To configure delegation, the functional level for the domain must be
Windows Server 2003 or a later version. To verify the domain
functional level, right-click the node for the domain where you have
installed Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and then click Raise Domain
Functional Level. If the level is not at least Windows Server 2003,
then raise it to that level.
5. Expand the Computers node, right-click the computer that is running
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal, and then click Properties.
6. On the Delegation tab, click Trust this user for delegation to
specified services only, and then click Use Kerberos only.
You must add the following services for the computer that is running
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server:
Service Type User or Computer Port

DynamicsNAV NAVSERVER 7046


NAVSERVER is the name of the computer that is running Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Server.

7. To add the services, click Add.

8. In the Add Services window, click Users or Computers.
9. In the Enter the object names to select box, type the name of the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computer and then click OK.
10. In the list of available services, press and hold the CRTL key, select
DynamicsNAV for port number of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server and HOST, and then click OK.
11. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Note: If the account running the Microsoft Dynamics NAV server does not
have sufficient credentials to register an SPN on startup, a message is added in the
Windows Event Log of the NAV Server computer and the SPN must be registered

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Install Portal Framework for SharePoint 2010

What Is Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for
SharePoint 2010?

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 is a

web-based application framework for integrating Microsoft Dynamics NAV with
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 applications. This enables users to interact with
Microsoft Dynamics NAV data from a web browser. With Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Portal Framework, you can display Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages and reports on
SharePoint sites from which users can view, edit, and manage Microsoft Dynamics
NAV data.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework is a set of components that you install
on a server or servers running Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010. Then you
use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework to build SharePoint web
applications that display Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages and reports.

Developers of solutions for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework have the
same experience as those using the RoleTailored client. Developers create
Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects in the development environment and implement
the same metadata and business logic as RoleTailored client. A page or report that
can be displayed in the RoleTailored client can also be displayed on a SharePoint

End-users can work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV data in a familiar SharePoint
environment that uses the same appearance and behavior. Working with
Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages and reports in SharePoint resembles working with
the pages and reports in the RoleTailored client.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework is designed for occasional users who
typically need an overview of their daily work status and perform fairly simple or
light data entry.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Prepare the Installation

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework connects to a Microsoft Dynamics

NAV database through a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Setup configures the connection to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV

If you are installing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on a different

computer than Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, then you have to provide
information about Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server during setup.

If you are installing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on the same
computer as Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, then Setup automatically detects
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. Therefore, you do not have to
provide any information unless you want to use another instance.

Before you start to install the Portal Framework, you must follow these steps:

1. Verify the system requirements are met on the computer that you
want to install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.
2. Obtain the following parameters for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
Parameter Description

Server Name The name of the server that running Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Server. The default is localhost.

The instance of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to

Server Instance which the Portal Framework will connect. The default
Name is DynamicsNav.

Server Port The communication port that is used by Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Server. The default is 7046.

3. If you are installing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on a

specific web application on the SharePoint server, then obtain the
port number that the web application uses.

To obtain the port number of a SharePoint web application, follow these


1. On the computer that is running Microsoft SharePoint 2010, click

Start > All Programs > SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.
2. Click Manage Web Applications to display a list of all the SharePoint
web applications.
3. In the Port column, locate the port number for your web application.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Install Portal Framework for the First Time

This topic describes how to install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for
the first time on one or more Microsoft SharePoint applications. To install
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework, run Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup
on the Microsoft SharePoint server farm or stand-alone server. Setup installs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on the web applications on the
SharePoint server farm or stand-alone server.

For more information about Microsoft SharePoint, see

The following figure shows the components involved with the setup of Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.


When you run Setup, you have three options for installing Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Portal Framework:

• Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on a new

SharePoint application.

This option creates a new SharePoint web application on the local

SharePoint server farm or stand-alone server and installs the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework. This option does not
create any sites in the site collection of the newly created web
application. You must create the SharePoint sites manually.

• Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on all web

applications on the local SharePoint server farm or stand-alone server.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
This does not include administrative web applications, such as the
SharePoint Central Administrator.

• Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on a specific web

application on the local SharePoint stand-alone server.

Setup installs a SharePoint solution package for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal
Framework on the server farm or stand-alone server. SharePoint Server deploys
and activates the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework solution package on
each web application that you have selected. After you run Setup, you can deploy
and activate Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on additional web
applications by using SharePoint Central Administration.

To install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint, follow
these steps :

1. On the computer that is running SharePoint Server, insert the

Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation media into a drive, or browse to
the directory that contains the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
2. Double-click the setup.exe file to start the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Setup wizard. If you have already installed one or more Microsoft
Dynamics NAV components on the computer, you see the
Maintenance page instead of the Welcome page. In this case, click
Add or remove components, and then skip ahead to the Customize
the Installation page step.
3. Click Next.
4. To accept the license terms, click I accept.
5. On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup page, click Choose an
installation option.
6. On the Choose an Installation Option page, click Custom.
7. On the Customize the Installation page, select the check box next
to Portal Framework for SharePoint, and then click Run from My
8. Click Next to open the Specify parameters page.
9. On the Specify parameters page, under Server, set the Server
Name, Service Name, and Server Port fields for the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instance to which you want to connect.
10. Under SharePoint Components, do one of the following:
o To create a new web application on the SharePoint server and
install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for the new
web application, set the Web Application parameter to Install
for a new web application. The remaining parameters are not

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Note: A port number is automatically assigned to the web application by

SharePoint Server.

 To install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for all

web applications on the SharePoint server, set the Web
Application parameter to Install for all web applications.
The remaining parameters are not used.
 To install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for a
specific web application on the SharePoint server, set the
Web Application parameter to Install for one web
application and the Port parameter to the port number of
the web application.
11. Specify a name and a port for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
You must have a valid Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server connection to
successfully work with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.
12. Click Apply to complete the installation.
13. When the Setup program is finished, click Close.
14. If SharePoint Server, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, and SQL Server
database components are installed on separate computers, then you
must set up delegation between SharePoint Server and the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.

Verify Installation

You can use the SharePoint Central Administration web application to view the
status of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on a SharePoint web

To verify the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework installation, follow these

1. On the computer that is running SharePoint Server, click Start and

then click All Programs.
2. Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then click SharePoint
2010 Central Administration.
3. In Central Administration, under Application Management, click
Manage Web Applications.
4. Click the web application that you want to view, and then click
Manage Features.
The status of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Configuration Feature
should be OK and Active.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Deploy and Activate Microsoft NAV Portal Framework on
SharePoint Web Applications

After you first install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on one or more
SharePoint web applications, you can use SharePoint Central Administration to
deploy and activate Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on other web
applications. When you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework,
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup installs a SharePoint solution package for
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on the server farm or stand-alone
server. Using SharePoint Central Administration, you deploy the solution package
to a web application. After the solution package is deployed, you must activate
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework feature on the web application
before you can start to display Microsoft Dynamics NAV content on sites of the
web application.

Deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework to a Web


To deploy the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework to a SharePoint web

application, follow these steps:

1. Open SharePoint Central Administration.

2. Click System Settings.
3. On the System Settings page, under Farm Management, click
Manage farm solutions. The Solution Management page lists all
the solutions that are installed and available at the farm level. The
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework solution is
4. Click microsoftdynamicsnavportal.wsp.
5. On the Solution Properties page, click Deploy Solution.
6. On the Deploy Solution page, in the Deploy When? section, click
Now to deploy the solution immediately, or At a specified time to
deploy the solution later. If you click At a specified time, then use
the calendar button and time boxes to set the date and time to
deploy the solution.
7. In the Deploy to? section, in the Choose a Web application to
deploy this solution field, enter the web application to deploy to.
8. Click OK to start the deployment.

When the deployment is completed, the Solution Management page appears. If

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework is deployed successfully, the Status of
microsoftdynamicsnavportal.wsp is Deployed.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Activate Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on a Web

After you have deployed the Portal Framework solution, you can activate it on a
web application. To activate the it, follow these steps :

1. Open SharePoint Central Administration.

2. Click Application Management.
3. On the Application Management page, under Web Applications,
click Manage web applications.

The Web Applications page lists all the SharePoint web applications
that are available on the server.

4. Select the web application, and then, in the ribbon, click Manage
5. In the Manage Web Application Features window, click Activate.
6. When Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework is activated, the
Status changes to Active.
7. Click OK when done.

Set Up Delegation

When SharePoint Server, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, and SQL Server
database components for Microsoft Dynamics NAV are installed on separate
computers, you must configure delegation between SharePoint Server and
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. Delegation works as follows: a front-end service
forwards a client request to a back-end service so that the back-end service can
also impersonate the client. Impersonation is typically used to check whether a
client is authorized to perform a particular action, whereas delegation is a way of
flowing impersonation capabilities, together with the client’s identity, to a back-
end service. You can use delegation as a Windows domain feature with Kerberos-
based authentication.

Configuring delegation means explicitly configuring the Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Server service to delegate its access to the database server on behalf of Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Portal. To make the access more secure, specify delegation to a
specific service on a specific server.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
To complete the procedure in this topic, you must be a domain administrator.

To set up delegation from SharePoint Server onto Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Server, follow these steps

1. On any server in the domain, click Start and then click Run.
2. In the Open field, type "dsa.msc".

This opens the Active Directory Users and Computers utility.

3. In the navigation pane on the left, expand the node for the domain
where you have installed the Microsoft Dynamics NAV environment.
4. To configure delegation, the functional level for the domain must be
Windows Server 2003 or a later version. To verify the domain
functional level, right-click the node for the domain where you have
installed Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and then click Raise Domain
Functional Level. If the level is not at least Windows Server 2003,
then raise it to that level.
5. Expand the Computers node, right-click the computer that is running
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint
2010, and then click Properties.
6. On the Delegation tab, click Trust this user for delegation to specified
services only and then click Use Kerberos only.
You must add the following services for the computer that is running
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server:
Service Type User or Computer Port

DynamicsNAV NAVSERVER 7046


NAVSERVER is the name of the computer that is running Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Server.

7. To add the services, click Add.

8. In the Add Services window, click Users or Computers.
9. In the Enter the object names to select box, type the name of the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computer, and then click OK.
10. In the list of available services, press and hold the CRTL key, select
DynamicsNAV for port number of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server and HOST, and then click OK.
11. Click OK to close the dialog box.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation

Note: If the account running the Microsoft Dynamics NAV server does not
have sufficient rights to register an SPN on startup, a message is added in the
Windows Event Log of the NAV Server computer and the SPN must be registered

Configure Portal Framework after Setup

After you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework, configuration

settings are stored in the web.config files of the SharePoint applications.

Each SharePoint application has its own web.config file. By default, the web.config
file is located on the computer that is running Microsoft SharePoint Foundation
Server 2010 in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\portnumber folder.
The portnumber indicates the port that is assigned to the web application. For
information about identifying a port number, see the Prepare the Installation
topic in this lesson.

When you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework on a SharePoint

application, the web.config file is modified to include a <DynamicsNAVSettings>
tag. The <DynamicsNAVSettings> tag contains several settings that configure the
communication between Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework and
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Settings in the Web.Config File

The web.config file is an .xml file that you can edit by using any text editor.

The following table describes the settings that are available in the
<DynamicsNAVSettings> tag of web.config file.

Setting Description
AllowNtlm Specifies whether NT LAN Manager (NTLM) fallback is
permitted for authentication.
To require Kerberos authentication, set this value to
Values: true, false
Default value: true

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Setting Description
ClientServicesChunkSize Sets the maximum size, in kilobytes, of a data chunk that
is transmitted between Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal
Framework and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. Data
that is transmitted between Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Portal Framework and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is
broken down into smaller units called chunks and then
reassembled when it reaches its destination.
Values: Between 4 and 80.
Default: 28.

ClientServicesCompressionThr Sets the threshold in memory consumption at which

eshold Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework starts
compressing data sets. This limits amount of consumed
memory. The value is in kilobytes.
Default: 64

ClientServicesPort Specifies the TCP port for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server. This is part of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server’s URL.
Values: 1-65535
Default value: 7046

ClientServicesProtectionLevel Specifies the security services used to protect the data

stream between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal
Framework and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. This
value must match the value that is specified in the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server configuration file. For
more information, see the Configuration topic in the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server lesson in the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server module.
Values: EncryptAndSign, Sign, None
Default value: EncryptAndSign

Company Sets the company in Microsoft Dynamics NAV to

connect to. If you do not define a company, then the
company currently used by the RoleTailored client for
Windowsfor the user is used.
Values: A company defined in the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV solution.
Default value: none

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Setting Description
HelpURL Specifies the URL that is opened by the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Help action. This is available on Microsoft
Dynamics NAV pages in SharePoint sites that are running
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework. By default,
the URL targets the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Help
in the MSDN library at This is a public
website. Therefore, to view the help, users must have
permission to access the Internet or the default help URL
as a minimum.
Default value:

Language Sets the language version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV

objects to display on Microsoft SharePoint sites of a web
application. For more information about languages, see
Languages and Regional Settings.
Values: Any languages that are available for the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution.
Default value: en-US

Server Specifies the name of the computer that is running the

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
Default value: localhost

ServerInstance Specifies the name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Server instance to which the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Portal Framework connects.
For more information, see the NAV Server
Administration Tool topic in the Server Administration
lesson in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server module.
Default value: DynamicsNAV

ServicePrincipalNameRequired If this parameter is set to true, then the Microsoft

Dynamics NAV Portal Framework can only connect to a
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance that is
associated with a service principal name (SPN).
If this parameter is set to false, then the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Portal Framework tries to connect to the
configured Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service,
regardless of whether that service is associated with an
For more information about SPNs, see the topic "Set Up
Default: false

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Setting Description
SessionTimeout Specifies the maximum time that a connection between
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework and the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server can remain idle before
the session is ended.
On a SharePoint site, this setting determines how long
an open Microsoft Dynamics NAV page can remain
inactive before it closes. For example, when the
SessionTimeout is set to 20 minutes, if a user does not
take any action on a page within 20 minutes, then the
page closes and it is replaced with the following
message: "The page has expired and the content cannot
be displayed."
The time span has the format [dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]:
• dd is the number of days
• hh is the number of hours
• mm is the number of minutes
• ss is the number of seconds
• ff is fractions of a second
Default value: 00:20:00

ShowReportViewerExportOpti This parameter applies to the Print Preview for Microsoft

ons Dynamics NAV reports on SharePoint sites. It specifies
whether to show the options for saving a report as a
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, or Acrobat (PDF) file.
If this parameter is set to true, then the save as Excel,
Word, and PDF options appear in the Print Preview.
Default: false

Note: To display reports, Microsoft Report Viewer

must be configured in the web.config file of the
SharePoint application. By default, Microsoft Report
Viewer is configured. For more information, see the Help
topic “How to: Configure Microsoft Report Viewer on a
Microsoft SharePoint Application."

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Setting Description
UnknownSpnHint Specifies whether to use server principal name when
establishing the connection between the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Portal Framework and Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server. This setting is used to
authenticate the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, and it
prevents the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation server
from restarting when it connects to Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server for the first time. You set the value,
depending on the value of the
ServicePrincipalNameRequired key.
Value: The value has the following format:

• NavServer is the name of the computer that is
running the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
• Port is the port number on which the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server is running.
• ServerInstance is the name of the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instance.
• NoSpn|SPN specifies whether to use an SPN. If the
ServicePrincipalNameRequired key is set to false,
then set this value to NoSpn. If the
ServicePrincipalNameRequired key is set to true,
then set this value to Spn.
Default value:
If you set this key to the wrong value, then during
startup, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework
determines a correct value automatically. This causes the
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Server to restart.

Note: For most installations, you do not have to

change this value. Unlike the RoleTailored client, this
setting is not updated automatically. If you want to
change the default value, you must change it manually.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Support Wide Area Network Connections

Deployment Scenario

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 RoleTailored client for Windows supports
secured connections to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server over a wide area network
(WAN). In this scenario, the RoleTailored client for Windows and Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server can be in the same or separate Active Directory domains.

Implementing secured client connections over a WAN requires administration on

both the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and the client. The previous module
describes the different steps that are needed to configure the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server to support WAN connections:

• Create a root certification authority (CA) and a server certificate.

• Install the server certificate on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
• Create a certificate revocation list for the root CA.
• Install the certificate revocation list on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
• Grant access to the certificate’s private key to the service account of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
• Modify the configuration file to support logon over a WAN.

For more information about certificates, see the Wide Area Network Connections
topic in the, "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server".

This module describes how to configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server to
support logon over a WAN.

Note: Implementing remote logon requires changing the credential type for
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance involved. Consider using a dedicated
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance for remote connections so that this
change does not affect local users.

Configure Client Computer

With the chain trust configuration, only the root CA and the certificate revocation
list must be installed for the client computer. Afterward, you must modify the
client configuration file.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Install the Root CA on the Client Computer

This procedure is identical to the procedure for installing the root CA on the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

1. On the client, on the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Run.

2. In the Run dialog box, enter the following command:


3. In Microsoft Management Console, click File > Add/Remove Snap-

4. In the Add or remove snap-ins dialog box, in the Available snap-
ins list, select Certificates and then click Add.
5. In the Certificates snap-in dialog box, click Computer account and
then click Next.
6. In the Select Computer pane, click Local computer: (the computer
this console is running on) and then click Finish.
7. Click OK to close the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box.
8. In the left pane of MMC, expand the Certificates (Local Computer)
9. Expand the Trusted Root Certification Authorities node, right-click
the Certificates subfolder, select All Tasks, and then click Import.
10. In the Certificate Import Wizard, on the Welcome page, click Next.
11. On the File to Import page, click Browse.
12. Locate the RootNavServiceCA.cer certificate file, select the file, and
then click Open.
13. On the File to Import page, click Next.
14. On the Certificate Store page, accept the default selection, and then
click Next.
15. On the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page, click

Install the Certificate Revocation List on the Client Computer

After you have installed the root CA, you must also install the certificate
revocation list on the client. A certificate revocation list is required because WCF
applications check the revocation list when validating certificates.

1. On the client, on the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Run.

2. In the Run dialog box, enter the following command:


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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
3. In Microsoft Management Console, click File > Add/Remove Snap-
4. In the Add or remove snap-ins dialog box, in the Available snap-
ins list, select Certificates and then click Add.
5. In the Certificates snap-in dialog box, click Computer account and
then click Next.
6. In the Select Computer pane, click Local computer: (the computer
this console is running on) and then click Finish.
7. Click OK to close the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box.
8. In the left pane of MMC, expand the Certificates (Local Computer)
9. Expand the Trusted Root Certification Authorities node, right-click
the Certificates subfolder, select All Tasks, and then click Import.
10. In the Certificate Import Wizard, on the Welcome page, click Next.
11. On the File to Import page, click Browse.
12. In the File Type field, select Certificate Revocation List (*.crl).
13. Locate the RootNavServiceCA.crl certificate revocation lost file, select
the file, and then click Open.
14. On the File to Import page, click Next.
15. On the Certificate Store page, accept the default selection and then
click Next.
16. On the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page, click

Modify the Client Configuration File to Support WAN Logins

The RoleTailored client for Windows and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server must be
configured to use the same credential type. The default credential type for the
RoleTailored client for Windows is Windows. In a WAN connection deployment,
the credential type must be changed to Username. In addition, you must add
certificate information.

The client configuration cannot be changed by using the Server Administration

Tool. To modify the client configuration file, you must edit it using a text editor,
for example Notepad.

In Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008, the location of the client
configuration file is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft
Dynamics NAV (where username represents the Windows user name). By default,
this file is hidden. Therefore, you may have to change your folder options in
Windows Explorer to view hidden files.

1. Open the ClientUserSettings.config configuration file.

2. Modify the following settings.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Key New Value Description

ClientCredentialType UserName The Default value is Windows.

When you change it to
UserName, users who connect
to the server are prompted for
user name and password

The default value is <identity>.

DnsIdentity The subject
name of the You should set the key to match
server the subject name of the server
certificate. certificate.

When you create a server

certificate by using the
makecert.exe tool, you can
specify the subject name by
adding the –n parameter.

3. Save and close the ClientUserSettings.config file.

When you start the RoleTailored client for Windows, you are prompted for a valid
user name in the format domain\username and password for the server domain
(even if the client computer is in the same as the Microsoft Dynamics NAV server).

Add Client Languages

Explain how to install additional interface languages for Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Use Language Modules

In a Multilanguage-enabled application such as the RoleTailored client for

Windows, you can view the text in any language that is added to the application.

To view Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 in multiple languages, install one or more
language modules. This topic describes language modules in Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013.

A language module contains the following:

• Translated strings for the user interface (UI) in the Development


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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
• Translated strings for the UI in the RoleTailored client for Windows.
• Translated strings for the database.
• Translated strings for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, such as for logs
and error reporting.
• Translated strings for the Microsoft Office Outlook Add-in for
Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
• Translated strings for charts on Role Centers in the RoleTailored client
for Windows.
• Localized versions of the client Help.

Language modules are binary files that you cannot modify with external tools.

If you have customized Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, then after you install the
appropriate language module, you should also translate the strings for the objects
that you added or modified. This is covered in the course C/SIDE Introduction in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

Language Subfolder

When you install a language module, a subdirectory for the language is created in
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV folder structure. The .stx, .etx, .chm, and .hh files for
each language are automatically installed in the subfolder. The name of the
subdirectory is the three-letter language code (abbreviated name) that is used by
Windows for the particular language.

Install Language Modules

To install language modules in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, you must first
download the language module from the Language Modules for Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 website. (This requires a PartnerSource logon.) Afterward you
install the following different components separately:

• Server
• RoleTailored client for Windows
• Development environment
• Database
• (optional) Microsoft Office Outlook

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Server Component

To install the server component of a language module, follow these steps:

1. On the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server,

locate where you downloaded the language module.
2. Run the .exe file to unzip the language module files.
3. In the Server folder, run Server.Local.<country/region
code>.<language code>.msi.
4. In Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, and then click Services
to open the Services snap-in.
5. In the list of services, right-click Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
and then click Restart.

RoleTailored Client Component

To install the RoleTailored client component of a language module, follow these


1. Confirm that you have installed the server component of the

language module before you install the RoleTailored client
2. On the computer that is running the RoleTailored client, locate where
you downloaded the language module.
3. In the RoleTailoredClient folder, run
RoleTailoredClient.Local.<country/region code>.<language code>.msi.
4. (optional) To import a localized chart for a Role Center, do the
a. In the development environment client, open Object Designer.
b. On the File menu, click Import.
c. In the Import Objects window, locate where you downloaded the
language module, browse to the RoleTailored Client folder, and
then locate the Charts folder.
d. Select the chart that you want to add to a Role Center, and then
click Open.

By default, this overwrites an existing chart page that has the

same ID.

e. Personalize a Role Center to use the chart part.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Development environment Component

To install the development environment component of a language module, follow

these steps:

1. On the computer that is running the development environment,

locate where you downloaded the language module.
2. In the ClassicClient folder, run ClassicClient.Local.<country/region
code>.<language code>.msi.
3. Install the database component of the language module by using the
following procedure.

Database Component

To install the database component of a language module, follow these steps:

1. Verify that the license that you are using allows you to compile
2. In the development environment client, open Object Designer.
3. In Object Designer, click All.
4. On the Edit menu, click Select All.
5. On the Tools menu, point to Language Module and then click
6. In the Language Module Import window, locate where you
downloaded the language module, browse to the Database folder,
select the .flm file, and then click Open.
7. With all objects selected, on the Tools menu, click Compile.

Microsoft Office Outlook Component

To install the Microsoft Office Outlook component of a language module, follow

these steps:

1. On the computer that is running the development environment,

locate where you downloaded the language module.
2. In the OutlookAddIn folder, run OutlookAddIn.Local.<country/region
code>.<language code>.msi.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation

Lab 4.1: Create a Setup Configuration File


Tim wants to install the RoleTailored client for Windows on five computers in the
network. On four computers he wants to install the RoleTailored client for
Windows without the Development environment. On one computer, he wants to
install the RoleTailored client for Windows together with the Development
environment. The Microsoft Office Excel Add-in and Microsoft Office Outlook
Add-in will be installed on all computers. Tim starts by creating a Setup
configuration file that he can use to do the installation.

Because the new computers have not been delivered yet, Tim prepares the Setup
configuration file on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computer.

Exercise 1: Create Setup File

Task 1: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

High Level Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Select Computer in the left pane to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
e. If the Open File - Security Warning dialog box appears (asking
whether you want to run the setup.exe application), click Run.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Task 2: Select the Installation Option

High Level Steps

1. Select the installation option.

Detailed Steps
1. Select the installation option.
a. In the Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
window, on the Maintenance page, select Add or remove
b. On the Customize the installation page, click the Client node to
expand it.
c. Click the icon at the left of the Development environment
(C/SIDE) component.
d. Select Not Available.
e. Click the icon at the left of the Microsoft Office Excel Add-in
f. Select Run from My Computer.
g. Click the icon at the left of the Microsoft Office Outlook Add-in
h. Select Run from My Computer.
i. Click the icon at the left of the Administration Tool node.
j. Select Not Available.
k. Repeat the previous two steps for the Documentation, Server,
SQL Server Database Components, Portal Framework for
SharePoint, Automated Data Capture Systems, NAV Web
Server Components, and ClickOnce Installer Tools
l. On the Customize the installation page, click Next.

Task 3: Specify Configuration Parameters

High Level Steps

1. Specify configuration parameters.

Detailed Steps
1. Specify configuration parameters.
a. On the Specify parameters page, in the Server Name field,
enter NAV-DC-SQL-SP.
b. Verify that the Client Services Port is set to 7046 and the Add
rule to Firewall field is set to Yes.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Task 4: Save the Configuration File

High Level Steps

1. Save the configuration parameters to file.

Detailed Steps
1. Save the configuration parameters to file.
a. On the Specify Parameters page, click Save.
b. In the Save As dialog box, browse to the Desktop folder.
c. In the File Name box, enter the name of the configuration file.
We recommend that you use short but meaningful names. In this
case, enter NAV2013_RTC_Live.
d. In the Save As dialog box, click Save.
e. On the Specify Parameters page, click Close to exit Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup.
f. In the Setup dialog box, click Yes.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Lab 4.2: Set Up the RoleTailored Client for Windows

from the Command Line

The new computers were delivered. Tim has added the computers to the domain
and has installed Microsoft Office. He also copied the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
2013 Product DVD to a shared folder (called SOFTWARE) on the NAV-DC-SQL-SP
server and copied the NAV2013_RTC_Live.xml Setup configuration file to the local
c:\temp folder on each of the five computers. He can now start to install the
RoleTailored client for Windows.

Exercise 1: Install the RoleTailored Client for Windows

without the Development environment
Exercise Scenario

Tim wants to install the RoleTailored client for Windows without the Development
environment component on four computers. He can use the Setup configuration
file from the previous lab to do this. Because he does not want to run through the
Setup wizard on each computer, he decides to run Setup by using the command
prompt and in quiet mode. If he does this, he does not have to run through the
Setup wizard manually.

Task 1: Open a Command Prompt

High Level Steps

1. Open a command prompt.

Detailed Steps
1. Open a command prompt.
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > All Programs >
Accessories > Command Prompt.

Task 2: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

High Level Steps

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.
a. Enter the following command:

\\NAV-DC-SQL-SP\software\setup.exe /config “c:\temp\NAV2013_RTC_Live.xml”


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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
b. Wait for the Setup program to finish.

Task 3: Close Command Prompt

High Level Steps

1. Close the command prompt.

Detailed Steps
1. Close the command prompt.
a. At the command prompt, type "exit" and press Enter to close the
command prompt window

Exercise 2: Install the RoleTailored Client for Windows

Together with the Development environment
Exercise Scenario

Tim must install the RoleTailored client together with the Development
environment component on one computer. He wants to use the same Setup
configuration file to do this, because it contains the correct configuration
parameters for the RoleTailored client for Windows. However, because the
Development environment component was not selected when the configuration
file was created, Tim must customize this installation.

Task 1: Open a Command Prompt

High Level Steps

1. Open a command prompt.

Detailed Steps
1. Open a command prompt.
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start >All Programs
>Accessories > Command Prompt.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Task 2: Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

High Level Steps

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.
a. Enter the following command:

\\NAV-DC-SQL-SP\software\setup.exe /config “c:\temp\NAV2013_RTC_Live.xml”

Task 3: Customize the Installation

High Level Steps

1. Choose the installation option.

Detailed Steps
1. Choose the installation option.
a. In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup window, click
b. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, click I Accept.
c. On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup page, click Customize
If you select Install preconfigured Product components, Setup
installs the product components exactly as saved in the Setup
configuration file. Because the Development environment
(C/SIDE) component was not selected in the configuration file,
you must customize the installation. Therefore, click Customize
d. On the Customize the installation page, click the Client node to
expand it.
e. Click the icon at the left of the Development environment
(C/SIDE) component.
f. Select Run from My Computer.
g. On the Customize the installation page, click Next.
h. On the Specify parameters page, click Apply.
i. Click OK to close the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup window.

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Module 4: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client Installation
Task 4: Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

High Level Steps

1. Exit Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

Detailed Steps
1. Exit Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.
a. Click Close to close the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways

This module describes the installation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client
types. As an administrator, it is helpful to know the following:

1. How to install the full RoleTailored client for Windows

for demonstration purposes.
2. How to install the RoleTailored client for Windows on a network.
3. How to install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.
4. How to install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for
Microsoft SharePoint.

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Module Overview
In the module, Microsoft Dynamics® NAV Server, you were introduced to the basic
functionality of the Development Environment. The Development environment
acts as a client and is important for all Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
deployments as a tool for development and administration tasks. This module
describes how to install and use the Development Environment.


The objectives are:

• Install the Development environment.

• Explain how to manage databases, companies, licenses and objects.
• Explain the possibilities of the Demo License.
• Explain how to upload a Microsoft Dynamics NAV license.
• Explain the functionalities of the Object Designer.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

The Development environment acts as a client and is important for all Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 deployments as a tool for development and administration
tasks. For example, you must use it to upload the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
license file.

Install the Development Environment

You use Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup to install the Development Environment.
The Development Environment is a subcomponent of the client.

The Development Environment is installed automatically when you select the

Install Demo or the Developer option. It can also be added as part of the Client or
the Custom installation option.

You can install the RoleTailored client for Windows without the Development
Environment, but you cannot install the Development Environment without the
RoleTailored client for Windows.

Demonstration: Install the Development Environment

Using the Client Installation Option

The following demonstration shows how to install the Development Environment

on a computer without any other Microsoft Dynamics NAV component. In this
demonstration, we select the Client installation option and customize it (that is, we
add the Development Environment component manually).

Demonstration Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Select Computer to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
e. If you receive the Open File - Security Warning “Do you want to
run the setup.exe application?” message, click Run.

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Module 5: The Development Environment
3. Select the installation option.
a. In the Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
window, click Next.
b. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, click I Accept.
c. On the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup page, select Click an
Installation Option.

4. Specify parameters.
a. On the Choose an installation option page, click the Customize
link for the Client option.
b. On the Customize the installation page, click the icon at the left
of the Client node. The node expands.
c. Click the icon at the left of the Development Environment
(C/SIDE) node.
d. Select Run from My Computer.
e. Click the icon at the left of the Documentation node.
f. Select Not Available.
g. On the Customize the installation page, click Next.
h. On the Specify parameters page, in the Server Name field,
enter the name of the server that is running the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server instance to which you want to connect.
i. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the server instance
to which you want to connect.
j. In the Client Services Port field, enter the port number that the
server instance is using for its client services. The default value is
k. Verify that the Add rule to Firewall field is set to Yes.
l. Click Apply to start the installation.
m. Click Close to exit Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

Add a Development Environment

To add a Development Environment to a computer that is already running some

other Microsoft Dynamics NAV components, run Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup
on the computer where you want to install the Development Environment.

Unlike the RoleTailored client, the Development Environment does not connect to
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database through Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Demonstration: Add the Development Environment to an
Existing Deployment

This demonstration shows how to add the Development Environment to a

computer that is already running other Microsoft Dynamics NAV components.
When you start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup, it opens in Maintenance mode.

Demonstration Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Product DVD in the DVD
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Select Computer to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, double-click setup.exe.
e. If you receive the Open File - Security Warning “Do you want to
run the setup.exe application?” message, click Run.

3. Select the installation option.

a. In the Welcome to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup
window, on the Maintenance page, click Add or remove

4. Specify parameters.
a. On the Customize the installation page, click the icon at the left
of the Client node. The node expands.
b. Click the icon at the left of the Development Environment
(C/SIDE) node.
c. Select Run from My Computer.
d. On the Customize the installation page, click Next.
e. On the Specify parameters page, click Apply to start the
f. Click Close to exit Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

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Module 5: The Development Environment
Run the Development Environment

After you have installed the Development Environment, you can run it by
selecting Start > All Programs > Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Development

The first time that you open the Development Environment, it is not connected to
a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.


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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
When you open a database, the Development Environment opens the Object
Designer window. The name of the database appears in the application title bar.



When you reopen Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, the program automatically
opens the database and company on which you last worked.

Note: The name of the database and the company that you were last working
on is stored in the *.zup file. You can find this file in the c:\users\<user
name>\AppData\Roaming\ folder. If you delete this file, Microsoft Dynamics NAV
opens, but does not establish a connection to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

The Development environment can be used to do the following:

• Manage databases
• Manage companies
• Manage Microsoft Dynamics NAV licenses
• Manage Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects

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Module 5: The Development Environment
Unlike the RoleTailored client, the Development environment does not connect to
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database by using a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

Note: You can click Tools > Language to change the language of the user
interface. Please be aware that some functionality is available only in English. This
especially applies to the design and programming features.

Managing Databases
You can use the Development Environment to manage Microsoft Dynamic NAV

Open a Database

To open a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in the Development environment,

click File > Database > Open.

In the Open Database dialog box, you can select the database to open:



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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
To select and open a database, you fill in the fields as follows:

Tab/Field Description
General / Server Name Enter the name of the SQL Server that
runs the database that you want to open.
You can click the field and select the
server from a list of available computers
that are running SQL Server or you can
enter the server name manually.

General / Database Name Enter the name of the database that you
want to open. You can enter the name
manually, or you can click the field to
make a selection from the list of
databases that are available on the
selected server.
To retrieve a list of available databases
from the selected SQL Server, you must
first enter valid credentials.

General / Authentication Enter the type of authentication that you

require. Click the field to choose between
Database Server Authentication and
Windows Authentication.
If you select Database Server
Authentication, your authentication is
performed by the SQL Server that you
have selected. (You must provide a User
ID and a Password.)

Note: To use database

authentication, the Server authentication
property for SQL Server must be set to
SQL Server and Windows Authentication
(Mixed mode).

Database authentication can only be

used in the Development Environment,
not in the RoleTailored client for

If you select Windows Authentication,

your authentication is performed by the
Windows domain controller. (You cannot
provide a User ID and a Password.)

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Module 5: The Development Environment
Tab/Field Description
General / User ID Enter your User ID if you have selected
Database Server Authentication.

General / Password Enter your Password if you have selected

Database Server Authentication.

Advanced / Net Type Select the network type to be used when

you connect to the server. The default
value in this field is Default, which refers
to the default client network type
assigned by SQL Server. (You can change
the SQL Server default net type with the
Client Network Utility, which is part of
the SQL Server Client Utilities, if they are
installed on the client computer.)
Although you can change the default
value, it is frequently not necessary to
change the network type from the
default setting.

Advanced / Attach File Name If you want to attach and open a

detached database that consists of a
single data file (excluding the transaction
log file), you must enter the full path and
file name of the database in the Attach
File field. This file typically has the .mdf
You can give this single file database any
name by entering it in the Database
Name field on the General tab.
If no transaction log file exists alongside
the data file, it is created automatically
when you attach the data file. The
database file is attached when you open

After you have completed the fields in the Open Database window, click OK to
open the database.

Note: To work in the application, you must always open a database and a
company - in that order. After you have done this one time, or if the choices are on
the command line that starts the program, this occurs automatically when you
choose a company. Therefore, you only have to click File > Database > Open
when you want to open a database different than the one currently open.

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Close a Database

If you have to close the database, you can do this by clicking File > Database >
Close. You can use this function to close an open database, for example, before
you open another database. However, you do not have to use it because the
program saves all the data and closes everything correctly when you choose to
open another database or exit the program.

Delete a Database

You can use the Development Environment to delete an existing Microsoft

Dynamics NAV database. To do this, start the Development Environment and
open the database that you want to delete. Next, click File > Database > Delete.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 prompts you to confirm the deletion two times
before actually deleting the database.

Note: Before you delete a database, verify that there are no active users in
the database. In addition, stop all services and server instances that use the
database that you want to delete.

When you delete a database, all content of the database disappear. If it is

necessary, make a backup of the database before you delete it.

After you have deleted a database, the connection with the server is closed. You
have to reconnect to a server and reopen a database if you want to continue

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Create a Database

The Development Environment can be used to create Microsoft Dynamics NAV

databases on the computer that runs SQL Server. To do this, start the
Development Environment, and then click File > Database > New. Before you
can create a database, you must first specify the instance of SQL Server for the
database and the authentication type:



When you click OK, Microsoft Dynamics NAV tries to establish a connection to the
selected SQL Server that uses the credentials specified.

If a connection can be made, the New Database window appears:


In the New Database window, you must enter the information about the
database that you want to create. The window contains the same Tabs as the
Alter Database window. The tabs are as follows:

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On the General tab, you can define the logical name of the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV database in the Database Name field. The tab also shows the server name.
The value of the Server Name field is taken from the Select Server dialog box.

Database Files

The Database Files tab lets you increase the size of the database. You can do this
as follows:

• By increasing the size of one or more of the files that make up the
• By adding new data files to the database.

For more information about how to add new database files, see “How-to: Add
New Database Files” in the online Help. For more information about increasing
the size of a database file, see “How-to: Increase the Size of Database Files” in the
online Help.

By default, when you create a new Microsoft Dynamic NAV database, two data
files are created. You can increase the size of each data file or add new data files
to expand the database. If secondary data files are present, you only have to
increase the size of the primary data file when the catalog that it contains has
become too large. When the catalog has become too large, new SQL Server
objects, such as tables, cannot be created until you increase the size of the
primary data file.

When you are using secondary data files, you cannot create more space for
storing Microsoft Dynamics NAV data by increasing the size of the primary data
file. You can create more space for storing data by increasing the size of the
secondary data files that contain Microsoft Dynamics NAV information. You can
also add new secondary data files to store more data.

Note: You can always make the database larger later, but you cannot make it
smaller using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment.

If you have to reduce the size of the database, you can shrink the database files by
using SQL Server Management Studio.

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Module 5: The Development Environment
Transaction Log Files

On the Transaction Log Files tab, you can increase the size of the existing
transaction log files or add new log files to allow the database to perform more
transactions. The transaction log continues to grow as new transactions are
performed in the database. SQL Server truncates the log after it performs a
successful database or transaction log backup (or after it commits a transaction in
cases where the database recovery model is Simple).

You can also delete existing transaction log files that are empty. The first
transaction log file that is listed is the primary file. The primary transaction log file
cannot be deleted.

For more information about how to add new transaction log files, see “How-to:
Add New Transaction Log Files” in the online Help. For more information about
how to increase the size of a transaction log file, see “How-to: Increase the Size of
Transaction Log Files” in the online Help.


You can also change the collation that is used by the database. You must set the
database Single user option before you change the collation. For example, you
might change the collation of a database when you plan to centralize multiple
SQL Server databases (coming from different regions) on a single instance of SQL

A collation specifies the bit patterns that represent each character in a dataset.
Collations also determine the rules that sort and compare data. Characteristics of a
collation include, for example, accent sensitivity and case sensitivity.

If you change the database collation, this changes the collation of all the objects
in the database except tables that have the LinkedObject property set to Yes.
These objects must be recreated manually by, for example, scripting them in SQL
Server Management Studio.

If you change the collation from a case-sensitive to a case-insensitive collation or

from an accent-sensitive to an accent-insensitive collation, duplicates can occur in
the primary keys of the tables. Duplicates can be caused by the values of the
character data that is stored in the primary keys. If duplicates occur, you receive
an error message and the alteration of the database collation is aborted.
Therefore, we recommend that you do not change these attributes of a collation.

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Note: Changing the collation can be a lengthy process, depending on the size
of the database and the number of companies in the database, because the system
tables and all the user table indexes that contain character data must be rebuilt.

You can restore a database by using a collation that is incompatible with the
current database collation. When this happens, extended characters in data are
displayed incorrectly.


On the Options tab, you can define the database access mode and the recovery
model for the database. The Single User option lets you restrict the number of
users who can access the database. You must select this option, for example,
before performing any database tests. (After the tests are complete, you must
clear this option.) You can also define the recovery model of the database. This
setting determines the kind of information that is written to the transaction log
and therefore the kind of recovery model that you want to use in this database.

For more information about the settings on this tab, see “Altering Databases –
Options tab” in the online Help.


The Integration tab contains database settings that influence the way Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 integrates with SQL Server and external tools.

For more information about the settings on this tab, see “Altering Databases –
Integration tab” in the online Help.


Use the Advanced tab to control the way locking is handled in the database, and
to specify the UidOffset.

For more information about the settings on this tab, see “Altering Databases –
Advanced Tab” in the online Help.

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Module 5: The Development Environment
Alter a Database

When you create a database, you have to specify several settings for the new
database. As soon as you have created the database, you can use the
Development Environment to change the settings. To change the settings of a
database, start the Development Environment and then click File > Database >


In the Alter Database window, you can modify all settings of a database (except
for the Server Name and Database Name fields). Please be aware that you have
to activate the Single User option to change some fields.

After you have changed the fields, click OK to close the Alter Database window
and apply the new settings.

Create and Restore Backup

After you have created a new (and empty) database, you can enter program
objects and company data. Before you can create company data, you must import
some basic data from a backup copy of the original standard database. This is the
demonstration database that is included with the application. The backup must at
least include the parts called Data Common to All Companies and Application
Objects. Data common to all companies includes the program's report list and
permission groups. When you restore the application objects, the accounting
application is transferred to the database.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV has a built-in backup function that lets you create and
restore a backup of a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

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A database backup can consist of:

• Entire Database (including all companies in the database, data

common to all companies, and application objects).
• All Companies (including data common to all companies).
• Custom (whatever you select).

After you have imported the application objects and the data common to all
companies, you are ready to start creating companies in the database.

To Make a Database Backup

1. Click Tools > Backup, and the Backup window appears. You use this
window to specify how extensive you want the backup to be and to
create the database backup.
2. Select the type of backup that you want to make. The options are as
follows: Entire Database, All Companies and Custom.
3. If you select Custom, you must select the companies that you want
copied. You do this in the list of companies under Selected
Companies. It is always a good idea to make backups of as much
information as possible. If you have to restore a backup later, you do
not have to restore the whole backup - you can determine how much
of the backup should be restored.
4. In the Description field, you must give the backup a unique
5. In the File Name field, enter a name. This is the name under which
the backup is saved.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV suggests a consecutive numbering and the

file name extension .fbk. It is a good idea to use this system because
Microsoft Dynamics NAV uses the same default when you import
backups. It also gives you a quick overview of the backups that you
have. The file name of the backup should include the path of the
folder in which you want to store the backup.

6. As soon as you have specified the name of the backup, and the drive
and the folder where you want to save the backup, click OK to start
making the backup.

The file name of the backup includes the path (location on the disk or network).
Therefore, if you enter only a file name, the backup is saved in the current folder
on the current drive. This is typically in the same location as Microsoft Dynamics
NAV. If you want to save the backup in a different location (because it uses too
much space), you have to enter the path together with the name in the File
Name field. To make this easier, you can click to the right side of the field to save
the backup with the correct name and in the desired location.

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While the backup is being made, you can see information about the status of the
database being copied (at the top of the window) and of the disk that it is being
copied to. If you change your mind about proceeding with the backup, click
Cancel at the bottom of the window. If you do not cancel it, the backup
continues, and you receive a message when it is finished.

Note: We recommend that you use the Microsoft SQL Server backup function
to make backups of your production databases.

In practice, you should only use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV backup functions
when you create a completely new database, or when you want to restore data
from a specific company in a database.

To Restore a Database Backup:

1. Click Tools > Restore, and a standard Windows dialog box appears.
Use this window to locate the backup that you want to restore.
2. When you have located the backup, click Open and the Restore
window appears. The name of the backup appears in the File Name
field, and you can see the description and the time and date of its
creation. Further down in the window, you can see what was included
in the backup:
o Entire Backup - including all the companies in the database, the
data common to all companies, and all the application objects.
o All Companies - all the companies in the database including the
data common to all companies.
o Custom - what you chose, for example, certain companies, data
common to all companies, and the application objects.

3. You can restore less than the complete backup. To do this, clear the
check boxes next to items that you do not want included. You must
always include Data Common to All Companies and Application
Objects if you are restoring the backup into a completely empty
4. After you have made your selection, click OK to start restoring the
backup. A status window on the screen informs you of the progress.

Restoring the database backup itself does not usually take a long time. But
because the data is packed, the subsequent process of generating the complete
data can be time-consuming, depending on the amount of data.

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Test a Database

You can also use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment to
determine the state of a database and to correct any database errors. To do this,
click File > Database > Test to open the Test Database window.


In the Test Database window, you can specify the extent of the test by selecting
one of these options: Minimum, Normal, Maximum, Custom.

When you make a selection, the system selects the individual tests that make up
the test you have selected. The following table lists the features that are tested
during the different tests.

Test Type Test Fields Features Checked

Minimum Test primary keys and All records in all tables
data. can be read.
Records are sorted in
ascending order
according to the primary
All fields are correct in
relation to the field type.

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Test Type Test Fields Features Checked
Test BLOBs. All BLOBs (fields for
pictures - on an item
card, for example) can be

Normal Test primary keys and All records in all tables

data. can be read.
Records are sorted in
ascending order
according to the primary
All fields are correct in
relation to the field type.

Test secondary keys. All secondary keys in all

tables can be read.
Records are sorted in
ascending order
according to the
secondary key.
All fields are correct in
relation to the field type.

Test space allocation. All space in the database

is either free or used by a
sorting key.

Test BLOBs. All BLOBs (fields for

pictures - on an item
card, for example) can be

Maximum All the fields included in

the Normal test plus the

Test relationships The connection between

between primary and the primary and
secondary keys. secondary keys is correct.

Test field relationships All fields that have

between tables. relationships to another
table can be accessed
from the table to which
they are related.

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Test Type Test Fields Features Checked
Custom The same fields as the Whatever you select.
Maximum test, but you
can cancel the tests that
you do not want to run

Primary and secondary keys are sometimes described as indexes and are used, for
example, when you sort information. The keys determine how information in a
table is ordered. You switch keys when you want to sort according to a different

Note: The Test space allocation test cannot be executed when there is more
than one user on the system. If you select a test that includes it, and there are other
people on the system, space allocation is not tested even though the rest of the test
is executed as usual.

On the Options Tab in the Test Database window, you can specify how the
output from the database test is managed. The output from the database test
consist of the errors messages that are generated. These can be handled as

• Screen: The error messages are displayed on the screen. Every time
that an error message appears, you must click OK before the test
continues. This can be troublesome if the test generates many
• Event Log: The error messages are written in the operating system’s
event log. For more information about the event log, see the
operating system’s documentation.
• File: The error messages are written to a text file. Click the field to
specify the name and location of the text file.

If you select Event Log or File, the database test is not interrupted and does not
take so long. You can then review any error messages that were generated and
repair the things that caused them.

As soon as you have started the test, a window appears that contains information
about the test status.

Best Practice: Before you run any test, configure Development Environment
to write test results to a file so that you do not have to acknowledge screen
messages for every error found. To do this, open the Options tab in the Test
Database dialog box, click File, and type or browse to a path and file name.

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Module 5: The Development Environment
Database Information

In the Database Information window, you can see the current status of your
database. For example, you can see the size of the database and whether it
consists of several files. You cannot enter anything in the window. The information
is mainly interesting to technical personnel. To open the window, click File >
Database > Information.

The window has two Tabs:

Tab / Field Description

General / Database Server The full name of the SQL Server where
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database
is stored.
You cannot edit the value in this field.

General / Database Name The name of the Microsoft Dynamics

NAV database that is currently open.
You cannot edit the value in this field.

General / SQL Edition The edition of SQL Server that is

running on the database server.
You cannot edit the value in this field.

General / Server Instance The server instance name and server

port of Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server. This is the server that is used to
run objects in the current database.
Choose the field to change the server
For more information, see “Managing
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Instances” and “How to: Change the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
Instance” in the online Help.

Options / Licensed Sessions The maximum number of sessions that

can be connected to the database with
the current license.
To view the current Microsoft
Dynamics NAV sessions, in the
RoleTailored client for WIndows, in the
Search box, type "Sessions", and then
click the related link.

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Database Information (Tables)

The Database Information (Tables) window lists all the tables in the database.
You can use this information to check how efficiently the database is being used.

To open this window click File > Database > Information, then click Tables at
the bottom of the Database Information window that appears.

Each table has a set of values that tells you how much the database is used.

For more information, see “Database Information (Tables)” in the online Help.

Managing Companies

Microsoft Dynamics NAV can access only one logical database at a time, but this
database can be divided into one or more companies. A company is a "sub
database," and its primary use is to separate and group data in the same database.
A company bundles one or more data tables together into a logical superstructure
that is identified by the company name.

In principle, you can create as many companies as you want in a database. But in
practical terms, you are limited by the space on the server and in the database
that you are using (and the number of companies included in the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV license file). A company does not require a fixed amount of space,
and as you can see in the New Company window, you do not have to allocate a
certain number of kilobytes (KB) to it. But as you gradually enter more and more
data into the company, less room remains in the database.

You can use the Development Environment to do the following:

• Create a new company in a database.

• Delete an existing company in a database.
• Change the name of an existing company.

To delete or rename an existing company, you must first open it in the

Development Environment.

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Open a Company

To open a company in a database, run the Development Environment and then

click File > Company > Open to open the Companies window. This window lists
all the companies to which you have access in the current database. To open a
company, select the company name in the list and then click OK.

Even when you click File > Company > Open for the first time and you have not
already created any companies, there can be a company for you to open (if you
are using the database that contains the demonstration company). This is the
company that is included with the program. It contains a complete version of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV and gives examples of how to set up various types of
data. For example, it contains a chart of accounts, a list of customers, some items,
and posted entries.

It can be helpful to spend some time learning about the program by investigating
the demonstration company. You can recognize the demonstration company
because its name starts with CRONUS.

You can use the demonstration company in two ways. If you want to see all the
facilities in the system (including those for which you have not purchased
permissions), you must use the license file that is included with the demonstration
company. It is called cronus.flf, and you can select it by clicking Tools > License
Information > Change.

When you examine the demonstration company with your own license file, you
see only the functions that your license file allows. Your personal license file is
called fin.flf. You can select it in the same manner as the demonstration license
file. If you work in a larger network, the license file is typically something your
system manager provides for you.

For more information about how to open companies, see “How to: Open
Companies” in the online Help.

Delete a Company

Periodically, you might have to delete a company in the database. To do this,

open the company in the Development Environment and then click File >
Company > Delete. The program asks you to confirm (two times) that you want
to delete the company. To delete the company, confirm that you want to delete
the company.

When you delete a company, the whole company including all the data that it
contains is deleted. If you have made reports and customizations, they are not
deleted. They are saved in the database.

It is not as dangerous to delete a company as it is to delete a database. However,

we recommend you make a backup before you delete it.

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When you choose to delete the company in this manner, the system asks you two
times whether you really want to delete the company.

For more information about how to delete companies, see “How to: Delete
Companies” in the online Help.

Create a Company

In principle, you can create as many companies as you want, but in practical terms
you are limited by the space on the server and in the database that you are using.
A company does not use a fixed amount of space, and as you can see in the New
Company window, you do not have to allocate a certain number of kilobytes (KB)
to it. But as you gradually enter more and more data into the company, less room
remains in the database.

To create a company, start the Development Environment and open the database
where you want to add a new company. Click File > Company > New to open
the New Company window. In the Company Name field, enter the name of the
new company. Click OK to close the New Company window.

You can give the company any name that you want. But if you create a company
whose name starts with CRONUS (all in uppercase letters) while you work under a
demonstration license file, the company automatically becomes a demonstration
company, with all the restrictions that implies (you can only post between
November and February, and so on).

The company name can have no more than 30 characters. The company name is
case-sensitive, that is, it differentiates between uppercase and lowercase letters.
So, you can have one company called COMPANY and another called Company.

When you create the company name, remember that it is written at the top of
various reports, so write it exactly as you want it to appear.

For more information about how to create companies, see “How to: Create
Companies” in the online Help.

Rename a Company

If you make a mistake while entering the name of a new company, or if you want
a different one, you can always rename it. To do this, open the company in the
Development Environment and then click File > Company > Rename to open
the Rename Company window. Replace the current name with the new name
and then click OK to close the window.

Before you rename a company, verify that you are working in the company that
you want to rename and that you are the only user who has access to the

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Renaming a company that has been used and already contains data can take
some time.

When you work in the demonstration database that is included with the program,
using the cronus.flf license file, you can only change the company name to one
that begins with CRONUS (with uppercase letters).

For more information about renaming companies, see “How to: Rename
Companies” in the online Help.

Managing Licenses
The Demo License

When you install the RoleTailored client for Windows, the demo license is
automatically installed. The demo license works with the CRONUS demo database,
has serial number 000, and includes granule 540. The license allows access to the
whole base application and limited access to the development system.

At first, Microsoft Dynamics NAV uses CRONUS.flf, which is the demonstration

license file. All license files that are not demonstration license files are named
FIN.flf. The demonstration license file has a different name so that it cannot be
mistakenly overwritten.

When the demo license is installed, you can do the following:

• Start up to two concurrent client sessions on any platform.

• Create up to two companies.
• Support an unlimited number of web users.
• Run with databases of up to 500 MB.
• Run in any supported language.
• Use all application functionality, including add-in products, local
extensions, and customizations in current and earlier versions. This
means that you can run, but not modify, all object types within the
range 1 to 99,999,999.
• Run and modify table 18, forms 21 and 22, report 101, and XMLports
99,008,503 and 99,008,510.
• Run, modify, and create fields 99,990 to 99,999, form 99,999, report
99,999, and MenuSuite 90.

However, the demo license does not offer you unlimited access to the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV application.

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Constraints of the Demo License

The demo license does not allow you to do the following:

• Import objects in text format, except for form and report ID 99,999.
• Make more than 4,000 transactions in a database.
• Enter dates in months other than November, December, January, and

A transaction is any action that requires interaction with the database. This
includes posting an order, posting a worksheet, and synchronizing a record.

Country/Region Versions

When you run a country/region version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, the license
must correspond to the country/region version that you have installed.

Any license can be available in different country/region versions. For example,

Spanish license ES 4.00 SP2 completely installed can only run with a license serial
number ES-ZA-xxx-xxxxx-x; Spanish license ES 4.00 SP2 database that has a W1
4.00 SP2 completely installed can only run with a license serial number W1-ZA-

License Information

The License Information window shows the contents of the current license file.
The information displayed includes the license number, the name of the license
owner, which application granules are included, and when the license expires.
Typically when you are working, your own serial number and the name of your
company appears in the window.

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You do not have to use the License Information window in your daily work with
companies. However, if you have to speak to your dealer about expanding the
program, special modifications, or any problems, you have to open it. To open the
window, click Tools > License Information.


The buttons in the License Information window are as follows:

Button Description
Upload Used to upload your license file to the SQL
Server that you want to access. The license
information is used by all the client computers
that connect to this server unless a database
license file is being used.

Change Used for a temporary change of license file.

This function makes sure that the change is
not saved the next time that you start the
program, and your old license file is used. You
must make sure that you use this if you want
to use the demonstration license file cronus.flf.
Otherwise, you may overwrite your own
license file.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV warns you before your license expires. If you let the
license on the server expire, you will be unable to access the server. However, you
can use the Change function to access the server by using an alternative
(renewed) license file (and then upload the new license file).

Each of the two functions uses the same type of standard Windows dialog to
locate the license file. When you have located the license file, click Open to have
the system upload or change the license file.

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Upload the License

After an administrator or a Microsoft Certified Partner first installs Microsoft

Dynamics NAV, the next step is to install the license file that is supplied by
Microsoft. You install the license by uploading it to the Microsoft SQL Server that
runs the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

Note: You can also upload the license by using the PowerShell API. For more
information about this, see the Microsoft Dynamics PowerShell module in this

Uploading the license file is typically something that you do once for each
database installation, not once for each client installation. The license file is saved
in the Microsoft SQL Server master database and applies to all Microsoft Dynamics
NAV databases on that instance of SQL Server.

However, Microsoft Dynamics NAV lets you upload a license for a specific
database only. In this case, the license file is saved in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
database and applies only to that database. To save the license file in the
database, be aware of the following:

• You must have the Per Database license granule (2020) in your
• You must activate the Save license in database option in the New
Database or Alter Database window.

Upload the License to an Instance of SQL Server (All Databases)

The following procedure shows how to upload the license file to SQL Server.

Note: On a computer that is running any version of Windows with User

Access Control enabled, you must start the Development Environment with
administrative credentials. Right-click Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Development Environment on the Start menu, and then click Run as

1. Start the Development Environment.

2. Verify that you are connected to your database. On the File menu,
click Database > Open.
3. On the Tools menu, click License Information.
4. In the License Information window, click Upload.

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Module 5: The Development Environment
5. In the Upload License File dialog box, browse to and open the
license file.
The following message appears: "The Server license was successfully
6. Restart the Development Environment to activate the license if you
want to use it to work in the Development Environment.

Upload a License File for a Specific Database Only

To upload a license file for a specific database only, you must use the Alter
Database window:

1. In the Development Environment, on the File menu, click Database >

2. In the Alter Database window, click Integration, and then select
Save license in database.
3. Click OK to close the Alter Database window.
4. In the Upload License File dialog box, browse to and open the
license file.

Managing Objects
The Development Environment can be used to modify the application or create
new application areas.

Object Designer

When you run the Development Environment and open a database, you see the
Object Designer window.

The Object Designer window is the single entry-point to the Integrated

Development Environment of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. It is the starting
point for modifying the application and for creating new application areas.

In the Object Designer, you can create new Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects and
modify existing objects. You can also import and export Microsoft Dynamics NAV
objects in different formats. More information about how to create, modify,
import, and export objects, is covered in the course C/SIDE Introduction in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

If you close the Object Designer window, you can open it in the following ways:

• Click Tools > Object Designer.

• Press Shift+F12.

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Lab 5.1: Create a Development Environment


To this point, Tim has created two databases: a production database (with the real
company data) and a test database (which is a recent copy of the production
database). He plans to update the test environment every Saturday by restoring a
full backup of the production database in the test environment. (The existing test
environment will be overwritten.) Tim suddenly realizes that Mort is also using the
test environment for his development activities. Therefore, he cannot overwrite
the test database without destroying Mort’s work. Tim decides to create a third
environment, the Development Environment. To make sure that he keeps all
approved customizations, Tim plans to take the application objects from the
production database.

Exercise 1: Make a Backup of the Production Database

Task 1: Start the Development Environment

High Level Steps

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Development Environment.

Detailed Steps
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Development Environment.
a. Click Start > All Programs > Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Development Environment.

Task 2: Open the Production Database

High Level Steps

1. Open the production database.

Detailed Steps
1. Open the production database.
a. Click File > Database > Open.
b. In the Server Name field, enter the name of the SQL Server that
runs the production database. In this case: NAV-DC-SQL-SP.
c. In the Database Name field, enter NAV_DEMO2013_LIVE.
d. In the Authentication drop-down list, select Windows
e. Click OK to close the Open Database window.

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Module 5: The Development Environment
Task 3: Select Backup Type

High Level Steps

1. Start backup procedure.

Detailed Steps
1. Start backup procedure.
a. Click Tools > Backup.
b. In the Backup window, select the Custom option.
c. In the Selected Companies list, make sure that the CRONUS
International Ltd. company is selected.
d. Make sure that the Data common to all companies and
Application Objects options are selected.
e. In the Description field, type a short description for the backup.
In this case, you can type "LIVE DB Backup – To Create DEV DB".
f. In the File Name field, type the path and file name for the
backup. In this case, you can type

Task 4: Start Backup

High Level Steps

1. Start backup.

Detailed Steps
1. Start backup.
a. In the Backup window, click OK to start the backup procedure.
b. When the backup has finished, a message appears on the screen.
Click OK to close the message.

Task 5: Close the Production Database

High Level Steps

1. Close the production database.

Detailed Steps
1. Close the production database.
a. Click File > Database > Close to close the production database.

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Exercise 2: Create a New Database
Exercise Scenario

Tim creates a new database for development.

Task 1: Connect to the SQL Server

High Level Steps

1. Connect to the SQL Server.

Detailed Steps
1. Connect to the SQL Server.
a. Click File > Database > New.
b. In the Server Name field, type the name of the SQL Server where
you want to create the database. In this case, type "NAV-DC-SQL-
c. In the Authentication field, select Windows Authentication.
d. Click OK to connect to the SQL Server.

Task 2: Create a Database

High Level Steps

1. Create a new database.

Detailed Steps
1. Create a new database.
a. On the General tab, in the Database Name field, enter
b. On the Collation tab, click the Case-sensitive check box to clear
the selection.
c. On the Options tab, in the Recovery model field, select Simple.
d. Click OK to create the database.

Exercise 3: Restore a Backup in the Development Database

Task 1: Open the Development Database

High Level Steps

1. Open the development database.

Detailed Steps
1. Open the development database.
a. Click File > Database > Open.
b. In the Server Name field, enter NAV-DC-SQL-SP.

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c. In the Database Name field, enter NAV_DEMO2013_DEV.
d. In the Authentication field, select Windows Authentication.
e. Click OK to open the database.

Task 2: Select the Backup File to Restore

High Level Steps

1. Select the backup file to restore.

Detailed Steps
1. Select the backup file to restore.
a. Click Tools > Restore.
b. In the Restore dialog box, browse to the CH5_LIVEDB.fbk backup
file (in the C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop folder).
c. In the Restore dialog box, click Open.

Task 3: Restore Application Objects and Common Data

High Level Steps

1. Restore Application Objects and Common Data.

Detailed Steps
1. Restore Application Objects and Common Data.
a. In the Restore window, click the Selected Companies field to
clear the selection.
b. Make sure that the Data common to all companies and
Application Objects options are selected.
c. Click OK to start the restore.
When the restore is finished, you receive the “The ‘LIVE DB –
Create DEV Env.’ Backup was successfully restored” message.
d. Click OK to close the message.

Task 4: Close the Development Database

High Level Steps

1. Close the development database.

Detailed Steps
1. Close the development database.
a. Click File > Database > Close to close the development

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Lab 5.2: Restore Company Data


When Mort opens the development database, he notices that there is no

company and no company data in the database (except for the common data). He
can create a new company but then he still has to enter data himself. Mort asks
Tim to restore the company data from the production or the test database in the
development database.

Exercise 1: Restore a Company in the Development


Task 1: Open the Development Database

High Level Steps

1. Open the development database.

Detailed Steps
1. Open the development database.
a. In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Development Environment,
click File > Database > Open.
b. In the Server Name field, enter NAV-DC-SQL-SP.
c. In the Database Name field, enter NAV_DEMO2013_DEV.
d. In the Authentication field, select Windows Authentication.
e. Click OK to open the database.

Task 2: Select the Backup File to Restore

High Level Steps

1. Select the backup file to restore.

Detailed Steps
1. Select the backup file to restore.
a. Click Tools > Restore.
b. In the Restore dialog box, browse to the CH5_LIVEDB.fbk backup
file (in the C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop folder).
c. In the Restore dialog box, click Open.

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Module 5: The Development Environment
Task 3: Restore a Company

High Level Steps

1. Restore a company.

Detailed Steps
1. Restore a company.
a. In the Restore window, click the Custom option.
b. In the Selected Companies list, select the CRONUS International
Ltd. company.
c. Click OK to start the restore.
When the restore is finished, you receive the “The ‘LIVE DB –
Create DEV Env.’ Backup was successfully restored” message.
d. Click OK to close the message.

Task 4: Close the Development Database

High Level Steps

1. Close the development database.

Detailed Steps
1. Close the development database.
a. Click File > Database > Close to close the development

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Lab 5.3: Alter the Database


When he starts developing, Mort notices that all new controls, variables, and text
constants are assigned IDs starting from 1,000,000,000. This makes it difficult to
trace the origin of a specific control. To structure his customizations, Mort want to
assign IDs starting from 90,000. So, he asks Tim to change the Start ID
(UidOffset) parameter for the development database.

Exercise 1: Change the Start ID (UidOffset) Parameter

Task 1: Open the Development Database

High Level Steps

1. Open the development database.

Detailed Steps
1. Open the development database.
a. In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Development Environment,
click File > Database > Open.
b. In the Server Name field, enter NAV-DC-SQL-SP.
c. In the Database Name field, enter NAV_DEMO2013_DEV.
d. In the Authentication field, select Windows Authentication.
e. Click OK to open the database.

Task 2: Alter the Database

High Level Steps

1. Open the Alter Database window.
2. Change the database setting.

Detailed Steps
1. Open the Alter Database window.
a. Click File > Database > Alter.

2. Change the database setting.

a. On the Advanced Tab, in the Start ID (UidOffset) field, type
b. Click OK to close the Alter Database window.

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Task 3: Close the Development Database

High Level Steps

1. Close the development database.

Detailed Steps
1. Close the development database.
a. Click File > Database > Close to close the development

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Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways

The Development Environment lets you manage databases, companies, objects,

and licenses.

Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. Which functions does the License Information window have?

( ) Import, Export

( ) Upload, Import, Export, Change, Delete

( ) Upload, Import, Export, Change

( ) Upload, Change

( ) Upload, Download

2. How many companies can you create in a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database?

( )1

( )2

( )5

( ) 99

( ) Unlimited

3. What is TRUE about the Development Environment?

( ) It can be installed as an alternative for the RoleTailored client.

( ) It connects to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database through

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

( ) It has a multilanguage-enabled user interface.

( ) It must be used to manage database users.

( ) It is the recommended tool for making backups of production


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Module 5: The Development Environment

Test Your Knowledge Solutions

Module Review and Takeaways

1. Which functions does the License Information window have?

( ) Import, Export

( ) Upload, Import, Export, Change, Delete

( ) Upload, Import, Export, Change

(√) Upload, Change

( ) Upload, Download

2. How many companies can you create in a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database?

( )1

( )2

( )5

( ) 99

(√) Unlimited

3. What is TRUE about the Development Environment?

( ) It can be installed as an alternative for the RoleTailored client.

( ) It connects to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database through

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

(√) It has a multilanguage-enabled user interface.

( ) It must be used to manage database users.

( ) It is the recommended tool for making backups of production


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Module Overview
In the RoleTailored client for Windows, users can personalize their role center to
meet their individual work requirements. They can save their personalization
settings directly in the role center or create their own views or share other's views.
The following are some examples of user personalization options:

• Re-sizing columns.
• Changing what appears in drop-down menus.
• Personalizing the navigation pane.
• Adding or removing FactBoxes.
• Showing/hiding/promoting fields on FastTabs.
• Organizing items in the ribbon.
• Saving queries or filters.
• Selecting columns in a list location.

Although personalization is typically done by the end-user, an administrator can

also do it as part of a configuration procedure to provide the same user interface
to all end-users. Personalization made by an administrator is stored in the profile,
whereas personalization made by end-users is stored in the personalization tables.

Personalization can also be disabled for end-users.


The objectives are:

• Explain the RoleTailored Design principle.

• Explain the difference between personalization and configuration.
• Explain how to customize the different parts of the RoleTailored client
for Windows user interface.
• Explain how to customize pages.
• Show how to enable and disable personalization in the RoleTailored
client for Windows.

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RoleTailored Design
Design Principle

When you start the RoleTailored client for Windows, Microsoft Dynamics® NAV
2013 opens on the Role Center page:


The RoleTailored client for Windows is a customizable user interface that supports
the job functions of different work roles in your organization. The RoleTailored
client is built around a navigation structure based on a user-centric design. The
RoleTailored client is made up of several pages which contain different
information and tasks. The pages are combined in the RoleTailored client and
appear in a series of windows.

In the RoleTailored client, a user starts from a single navigational window called
the role center that displays information pertinent to his or her role in the
company. From the role center, the user can browse to additional information and
open separate windows to perform tasks and view data. For each role that you
support, you can create a role center that displays key information and tasks that
are required by that role.

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Module 6: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization
RoleTailored Client Windows

The RoleTailored client uses several windows to display information. Two of the
key window types are the navigation window and task page window. The
navigation window is the main window in which users find the information that
they need to work with. The navigation window is used for the role center, List
Places, and Departments, as described in this topic.

A task page window opens separately from the navigation window when the user
selects an action from the navigation window or from other task page windows. It
is common for a user to have more than one task page window open at a time.

Navigation Window

The Content Area illustration shows the parts of the navigation window:


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Navigation Pane

The navigation pane displays a menu that links different pages of the RoleTailored
client. Menu items are arranged in a hierarchical structure that lets the user drill
down through the different levels of menu items.

You use the navigation pane to link to the different List Places of the RoleTailored
client. To create menu items in the navigation pane, you add actions to the Role
Center page by using the Action Designer. You can include menu items under
Activity buttons (such as the Home button). You can also add more buttons, such
as Posted Documents, and include the menu items there. The Departments
button and its menu items are generated automatically based on the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV menu suite.

Address Box

The address box displays the location of the current page within the navigation
hierarchy of the application. The address box updates when the user moves to a
different page.

Note: The address box is not configurable.

Status Bar

The status bar displays information about the current state of the RoleTailored
client session. This includes the name of the company, the date, and the user's
name or ID.

For users who work with more than one company, the status bar provides access
to all the companies that they work with. By clicking the company name, the user
can open a drop-down list which shows the companies available to them. Users
can switch between companies.

Note: The status bar is not configurable.

Content Area

The content area displays the content of a Role Center, List, or Department
pages. These pages are discussed later in this module.

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Module 6: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization
System Indicator

You can enable the system indicator when you are working with different
instances of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. For example, you can differentiate
between a production environment and a test environment or see when you are
in configuration mode. If you are working in configuration mode, then the system
indicator is automatically displayed, and you cannot turn it off. If you are working
in any other mode, then you must first set up the system indicator in the
Company Information window. It is then shown according to your preferences
on every page.


To enable the system indicator, follow these steps:

1. In the RoleTailored client for Windows, click Departments >

Administration > Application Setup > General > Company
2. Expand the System Indicator FastTab.
3. In the System Indicator field, select one of the following options.
System Indicator Type Description

None No text is shown.

When you are in configuration

mode, the Configuration status is
always displayed. You cannot turn
this text off.

Shows text that you enter in the

Custom Text System Indicator Text field.

Company Information
Shows text that you enter in the
Name field.

Company Shows the company name.

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System Indicator Type Description

Database Shows the middle-tier host name

and database name.

Company+Database Shows the company name, the

middle-tier host name, and the
database name

4. In the System Indicator Style field, select from the Standard and
Accent1 through Accent9 options to add a certain style to the
system indicator.
5. In the System Indicator Text field, type your custom text. To show
the text, you must select the Custom Text option in the System
Indicator field.
6. Click OK, and then exit and open the RoleTailored client for Windows
to see the changes.

Task Page Window

A task page window opens separately from the navigation window when a user
clicks an action or command. A task page window typically shows a single object
or element such as a task, list, or report. Common uses of task page windows
include creating or editing sales orders, customer details, and items.

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The Customer Card Page illustration shows a task window that displays a card
page for editing customer information.


Task page windows are similar in concept to the pop-up windows in Microsoft
Office Outlook that show an email, contact, or a task. It is typical for users to have
multiple task pages open at the same time. Similar to the navigation window, a
task page window includes a command bar and ribbon. Unlike the navigation
window, it does not include the navigation pane or status bar. The user can work
with more than one task page window open at a time.

You create a task page window by creating a page and then linking the page to
actions on other pages. The most common page types for task windows are Card,
Document, and List.

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RoleTailored Client Pages

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 uses pages as the main way to display and
organize data in the RoleTailored client. You can create pages to offer users a
visual experience that is closely aligned to Microsoft Office and Windows. There
are different page types that you use for different situations. The page type that
you select depends on the application task that you want to support, the content
that you want to display, and how you want to display it. For example, the Role
Center page is the main page of the RoleTailored client and it displays when the
RoleTailored client opens. The Role Center page resembles a home page that
helps users focus on their most important daily activities. It gives an overview of
the information relevant to user tasks on one page. Other types of pages, such as
list pages, display lists of customers or sales orders, whereas other pages, such as
Document task pages, focus on user tasks.

You can select from the following page types:

• Role center
• Card
• Card Part
• ConfirmationDialog
• DocumentPage
• List
• List Part
• Navigate
• StandardDialog
• Worksheet

For more information about the page types, see “Touring the RoleTailored Client
Pages” in the online Help.

More information about how to create pages is covered in the course C/SIDE
Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

Role Center

The role center is the main entry point into Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. The
role center opens when the user starts the RoleTailored client. You design the role
center based on the user's business role, taking into consideration the information
and tasks relevant to the user during a typical work day.

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The role center can contain the following parts:

• Activities - contains stacks of documents, which are known as “Cues”.

Click a Cue to open the corresponding list or journal.
• Microsoft Outlook - provides an overview of your email messages,
calendar, and Microsoft Office Outlook tasks. You can click an item to
open the corresponding folder, email, or appointment in Outlook.
• Charts - may contain one or more graphs that display information
that is relevant to your work. To see the related data in text, you can
pause your pointer over a part of the chart.
• Notifications - shows notes that your colleagues have sent to you.
You can click a note to open the document related to the message.
• Lists - may contain one or more lists with customers, vendors, or
items. You can decide which customers, vendors or items to include
on the list. By selecting a line and clicking the Open command, you
can open the card for the customer, vendor, or item.

You create a role center by using a Role Center page. The Role Center page
opens in the navigation window. Usually, only a single navigation window is open
at a time. From there, users can open any number of task windows.

List Places

A list place displays information from a table in a list format with rows and
columns. Typically, list places are used to display data like sales orders or
customers. Similar to the role center, List Places appears in the navigation window,
including the navigation pane. List Places only open from the menu items in the
navigation pane.

To create a List Place, you create a list type page and then include the list place in
the navigation pane by adding actions to the Role Center page using the Action
Designer to create the menu items in the navigation pane.

More information about how to create a List Place and how to add actions is
covered in the course C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.


The Departments item in the navigation pane of the RoleTailored client provides
links to all the pages of the RoleTailored client. The links and pages under
Departments are generated automatically based on the menu suite of the
RoleTailored client user. To change Departments, you change the menu suite.

More information about how to change the menu suite is covered in the course
C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

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Profiles and role centers

A role center is a type of page on which you can place different parts. Each part is
a container in which you can host other pages or predefined system parts, such as
an Outlook part or parts for adding tasks, notifications, or notes.

Profiles are collections of Microsoft Dynamics NAV users who share the same role
center. There are 21 role centers available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Page Number role center

9000 Warehouse WMS role center

9001 Accounting Manager role center

9002 Acc. Payables Coordinator RC

9003 Acc. Receivables Adm. RC

9004 Bookkeeper role center

9005 Sales Manager role center

9006 Order Processor role center

9007 Purchasing Agent role center

9008 Whse. Basic role center

9009 Whse. Worker WMS role center

9010 Production Planner role center

9011 Shop Supervisor Mfg Foundation

9012 Shop Supervisor role center

9013 Machine Operator role center

9014 Job Resource Manager RC

9015 Job Project Manager RC

9016 Service Dispatcher role center

9017 Service Technician role center

9018 Administrator role center
9019 CEO and President role center

9020 Small Business Owner RC

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Module 6: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization
The following role centers are fully configured:

• 9004 - Bookkeeper role center

• 9005 - Sales Manager role center
• 9006 - Order Processor role center

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, each profile is linked to a Role Center page.
You use the User Personalization window to link the user to a profile and
explicitly assign a role to the user. When you start the RoleTailored client,
Microsoft Dynamics NAV checks your user credentials, finds the profile assigned,
and displays the corresponding role center. Users who are not explicitly assigned a
profile in the User Personalization window are assigned the default profile. The
default profile is the profile with the Default Role Center field set to Yes.

In this lesson, you learn how you, as an administrator, can customize the
RoleTailored client for Windows user interface for a specific user profile to provide
a common identical user interface for a specific user role. The lesson also shows
how you can disable personalization for end-users, so they cannot change the
user interface. It also explains the different methods and startup parameters that
you can use when you start the RoleTailored client for Windows.

Configuration and Personalization

Configuration and personalization are ways to customize the RoleTailored client

for Windows to suit the daily requirements and tasks of groups of users or
individual users.

• Configuration: Modifications that an administrator implements, such

as presenting a custom home page to all users of a role center.
• Personalization: Modifications that an end-user makes, such as
changing the user interface of a page to fit individual requirements
and preferences.

For example, the Order Processor role center is configured to reflect the tasks and
priorities of an order processor. In the RoleTailored client, the profile that is used
appears in the header of the role center’s main content area. An administrator can
then customize this role center to meet the needs of a specific role in a specific
company. The Order Processor role center can then be additionally personalized
on a single computer to meet the needs of a person who is performing the job as
an order processor. This person can personalize the role center by saving queries,
adding filters, and showing or hiding fields.

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An administrator, SUPER user, or Microsoft Certified Partner performs

configuration tasks. This person configures the role center for a specific role and
then assigns users to the role center. For example, when Susan, an order
processor, uses the RoleTailored client, she sees the Order Processor role center.
This is customized to help her perform her daily tasks. In configuring Susan's role
center, the administrator has added or removed UI elements, including items in
the navigation pane, page parts, and FactBoxes.

All role centers can be used as is or can be reconfigured by an administrator or

SUPER user. You can configure the following elements in role centers:

• Navigation pane
• FactBoxes
• Home parts
• Lists
• Views
• Task pages
• Ribbon items and groups
• Fields (show, hide, or promote)
• Report menus


End-users perform all personalization tasks. Apart from what can be done as
configuration, users can also do the following:

• Resize columns.
• Change the contents of drop-down menus.
• Customize the navigation pane.
• Add or remove FactBoxes.
• Organize items in the Quick Access pane.
• Save queries or filters.
• Select columns in a List Place.

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Module 6: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization
Accessing the Customization Functions

Depending on your active window in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, the

customization functions can be accessed in several ways:

• Through the application menu: In the application menu, click the

Customize menu and select the item to customize. From this menu,
you can select all customizable parts of the user interface (the ribbon,
the navigation pane, the page, and the charts in the pages). In the
Departments window, you only have the option to customize the
navigation pane.
• Through the shortcut menu (on the ribbon and the navigation pane):
When you right-click the ribbon or the navigation pane, you can click
the Customize Ribbon or Customize navigation pane option from
the shortcut menu.

The Customization Functions in the Application Menu figure shows the

customization functions in the application menu:


When you select a customization function, a customization dialog box for the
corresponding part appears. The customization dialog boxes are illustrated in the
next lessons.

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Start the RoleTailored Client for Windows in Configuration

The difference between configuration and personalization is that configuring a

role center changes the user interface for all users who have the same profile,
whereas personalizing a role center only changes the user interface for a single

Configuration tasks are typically performed by an administrator, SUPER user, or

Microsoft Partner. This person configures the Microsoft Dynamics NAV user
interface (role center) to suit a specific role and then assigns users to the role

To configure a role center, you must do the following:

• Make sure you own the corresponding role center.

• Start the RoleTailored client for Windows in configuration mode.

Note: This process cannot be done if the RoleTailored client for Windows is
deployed using ClickOnce, because this does not support passing in command line

Verify and Take Ownership of a Profile

To verify ownership of a profile, follow these steps:

1. Open the RoleTailored client, and then either search for or open the
Profiles page.
2. Double-click the profile that you want to change to open the
corresponding profile card.
3. Check whether the Owner ID field contains your user ID. If not, click
the AssistEdit ( ... ) button to open the Users window, select your
User ID, and then click OK to close the Users window.
4. Click OK to close the Profile Card window.

Start the RoleTailored Client for Windows in Configuration Mode

If you are the owner of the profile, you can open the RoleTailored client for
Windows in configuration mode for that profile. Changes that you make to a role
center in configuration mode apply to all users associated with the profile. You
can undo changes for any user interface element by using the Restore Defaults
button in any dialog box.

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To open the RoleTailored client for Windows in Configuration mode, follow these

1. At the command prompt, locate the root folder of the RoleTailored

client for Windows. For example:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70\RoleTailored Client

2. Type the following command:

Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile: "profileid"

Replace profileid with the name of the profile that you want to configure.

For example, to configure the Accounting Manager profile, use this command to
open the RoleTailored client for Windows in configuration mode:

Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile:"Accounting


Demonstration: Configure the Ribbon

The ribbon in the RoleTailored client is a dynamic pane that changes according to
the page that is currently loaded. The ribbon for the Order Processor role center
reflects actions that are appropriate for a person in the order processor role. The
next demonstration shows how to promote an action to the Process group for the
Order Processor profile.

Demonstration Steps

1. Verify ownership of the profile.

a. Open the RoleTailored client, and then either search for or open
the Profiles page.
b. Double-click ORDER PROCESSOR to open the Sales Order
Processor profile card.
c. In the Owner ID field, click the AssistEdit button, and then select
your User ID.
d. Click OK to close the window.

2. Start RoleTailored client for Windows in Configuration mode.

a. Open a command prompt.
b. Change to the directory that contains the RoleTailored client for
Windows executable. For example, type the following command:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70\RoleTailored


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c. Open the RoleTailored client for Windows in configuration mode
by typing the following command:

Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile:"order


The Windows client opens in configuration mode.

3. Configure the ribbon.

a. In the RoleTailored client for Windows, click Home to locate the
home page of the Order Processor role center.
b. In the navigation pane, click Sales Orders to open the Sales
Order page.
c. In the Application menu, click Customize > Customize Ribbon.
d. In the Available actions list, select Microsoft Dynamics NAV >
Help > Page Notes.
e. Under Show actions in this order, expand Home, select
Process, and then click Add to move Page Notes to the Process
f. Click OK to save and close the window.

4. Close the RoleTailored client for Windows.

a. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

Demonstration: Configure the FactBox Pane

FactBoxes are smaller windows that contain information related to the current
main window. They appear on the rightmost side of the page. The following steps
show how to add FactBoxes to the FactBox pane. The FactBoxes that are available
vary according to what is linked to the page.

Demonstration Steps

1. Verify ownership of the profile.

a. Open the RoleTailored client, and then either search for or open
the Profiles page.
b. Double-click ORDER PROCESSOR to open the Sales Order
Processor profile card.
c. In the Owner ID field, click the AssistEdit button, and then select
your User ID.
d. Click OK to close the window.

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2. Start RoleTailored client for Windows in Configuration mode.
a. Open a command prompt.
b. Change to the directory that contains the RoleTailored client for
Windows executable. For example, type the following command:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70\RoleTailored


c. Open the RoleTailored client for Windows in configuration mode

by typing the following command:

Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile:"order


The Windows client opens in configuration mode.

3. Configure the FactBox pane.

a. In the Home navigation pane, click Sales Orders to open the
Sales Order page.
b. In the Application menu, click Customize > Choose FactBoxes.
c. From the Available FactBoxes pane, select Links, and then click
d. Click OK to save and close the window.

4. Close the RoleTailored client for Windows.

a. Close Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

Disable RoleTailored Client Personalization

You can use personalization to customize the RoleTailored client for Windows by
hiding or displaying elements such as actions, fields, FactBoxes, and FastTabs. To
personalize the RoleTailored client for Windows, in the role center and on pages,
click Customize. On FastTabs and page parts, click Actions. By default,
personalization is enabled. You can disable personalization for RoleTailored client
users in the following ways:

• Modify the profile in the RoleTailored client. When you disable

personalization for the profile, personalization is disabled in the
RoleTailored client for Windows of all users who are assigned to that
profile. To disable personalization for a role center, you must disable
personalization for a profile.
• Use the disablepersonalization parameter when you start the
RoleTailored client for Windows at the command prompt.

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When you disable personalization, all menu items that are associated with
personalization no longer appear. If a user has personalized the RoleTailored
client, then the personalization settings in the user’s RoleTailored client for
Windows are ignored.

Other Command-Line Parameters

In the previous paragraphs, you have seen how to start the RoleTailored client for
Windows from a command prompt to configure a role center and to disable
personalization. In addition to the configure and disable personalization
parameters, there are several other parameters that can be very useful for

By adding command-line parameters, you can also do the following:

• Configure a profile.
• Disable Personalization.
• Start the RoleTailored client for Windows using a profile other than
the default profile.
• Start the RoleTailored client for Windows using a language other than
the default language.
• Start the RoleTailored client for Windows using client settings other
than the default client settings.
• Start the RoleTailored client for Windows and open the specified
• Start the RoleTailored client for Windows and open the specified

Note: Command-line parameters are not supported when the RoleTailored

client for Windows is deployed using ClickOnce.

To start the RoleTailored client for Windows at a command prompt, follow these

1. Open a command prompt window.

2. Locate the RoleTailored client for Windows directory. The default
location is as follows:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70\RoleTailored


3. Enter the following command:


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You can use the following parameters when you start the RoleTailored client for
Windows at a command prompt.

Parameter Description
-? Displays this list of parameters.

-configure Starts the RoleTailored client for Windows in configuration

mode. You use configuration mode to configure a profile. To
specify which profile to configure, add the -profile parameter.

This command starts the RoleTailored client for Windows in
configuration mode for editing the Accounting Manager
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -
profile:"Accounting Manager"

-debug Starts the RoleTailored client for Windows in debug mode.

This command starts the RoleTailored client for Windows in
debug mode and runs the Session Management page so
that you can select a session to debug:
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe –debug
International Ltd./runpage?page=9506"

- Disables personalization in the RoleTailored client for

disablepersonaliz Windows. Personalization lets users customize their role
ation center and pages by showing or hiding elements such as
actions, FactBoxes, FastTabs, and fields.
This command starts the RoleTailored client for Windows with
personalization disabled for the Accounting Manager profile:
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe –disablepersonalization -
profile:"Accounting Manager"

-language:id Starts the RoleTailored client for Windows by using the

specified language.
This command starts the RoleTailored client for Windows with
locale ID 1033:
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -language:1033
This command starts the RoleTailored client for Windows for
the culture named de-DE:
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -language:de-DE

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Parameter Description
-profile:id Starts the RoleTailored client for Windows with the specified
This command starts the RoleTailored client for Windows with
the Accounting Manager profile:
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -profile:"Accounting

-settings: file Starts the RoleTailored client for Windows with the specified
settings file.
This command starts the RoleTailored client for Windows with
a version of the ClientUserSettings.config file that is not at the
default location:
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -

URL Opens the RoleTailored client for Windows to a particular

page or with a particular report.
This command starts the RoleTailored client for Windows and
opens to page 21, Customer Card:
This command starts the RoleTailored client for Windows and
opens the request page for report 101, Customer List:
This command runs the same report, assuming the default
server, server instance, and company. This version runs from a
browser instead of at a command prompt:
If you specify a server and server instance, then you must also
specify a company. You can specify a company without
specifying a server and server instance:

-failurestacktrace Sends the stack trace for the RoleTailored client for Windows
to the Clipboard.

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Starting the RoleTailored Client for Windows in a Browser or the Run


You can also start the RoleTailored client for Windows from the address bar in a
browser or from the Run window with the same options. To start the RoleTailored
client for Windows from a browser, type the following:


Note: This process cannot be done when the RoleTailored client for Windows
is deployed using ClickOnce.

For example, to open the CRONUS International Ltd. company, you would enter
the following:


Customize the Navigation Pane

The navigation pane contains one or more activity buttons that are defined for
your role and a link to the Departments window. The menus in the navigation
pane contain links to lists. From the lists, you access task pages, reports, and
documents. This lesson shows how to customize the navigation pane.

The Customize Navigation Pane Dialog Box

You can customize the navigation pane through the Customize Navigation Pane
dialog box. To open the dialog box, click the application menu, then click
Customize > Customize Navigation Pane. The Customize Navigation Pane
dialog box appears.

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You can use the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box to do the following:

• Rename or rearrange activity buttons in the navigation pane.

• Create new or remove existing activity buttons.
• Add a link to an activity button in the navigation pane.
• Move or copy a link from one menu to another.
• Rearrange the lists in a menu.
• Undo navigation pane customizations by restoring the default

Rename, Remove, or Rearrange Buttons in the Navigation


You cannot move, rename, or remove the Home or Departments buttons. Home
is always the first button and Departments is always last button. However, you
can move, rename, or remove other activity buttons in your navigation pane.

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To move, rename, or remove buttons in the navigation pane, follow these steps:

1. Open the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box.

2. In the Navigation pane buttons list, select the button that you want
to customize.
3. To remove, rename, or move a button (up or down) click Remove,
Rename, Move Up, or Move Down in the middle of the window.

When you click Rename, a dialog box appears where you can change the name
and the icon of the menu button. The Rename “Posted Documents” Dialog Box
figure shows the Rename “Posted Documents” dialog box where you can change
the name of the Posted Documents button.


To change the name, enter the new name in the Name field. To change the icon,
select an icon from the list and then click OK to close the Rename dialog box.

Create a New Activity Button

To create a new activity button, follow these steps:

1. Open the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box.

2. Click New.
3. In the New Activity Button dialog box, type a name in the Name

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4. Select the icon that you want to use for the new activity button.
5. Click OK.

After you created a new activity button, you must restart the RoleTailored client to
see the new activity button.

Note: If you do not add links to the activity button, the activity button is not
visible when you restart the RoleTailored client.

Add a Link to a New Activity Button

If you have permission to view a list, such as the Sales Order list, you can add a
link to an activity button.

1. Open the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box.

2. In the Navigation pane buttons list, select the activity button to
which you want to add a link.
3. Click Add.
4. In the Add List dialog box, browse to the link that you want to add.
5. Click OK.


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You can use the buttons in the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box to
change the order of the lists or to remove existing lists.

Move or Copy a List Between Activity Buttons

If you want to move or copy a list from one activity button to another, follow
these steps:

1. Open the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box.

2. In the Navigation pane buttons list, select the menu where the link
currently appears.
3. In the Lists list, select the link that you want to copy or move.
4. To move or copy the link to a new activity button, click Move To or
Copy To.
5. In the Move List or Copy List dialog box, select the activity button to
which you want to add the link.
6. Click OK.


Note: You cannot move links from the Departments menu to other activity
buttons. You can only copy items from the Departments menu.

You cannot move or copy links to the Departments menu.

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Links from the Home menu can be moved or copied to any menu other than the
Departments menu.

Links from menus other than Home and Departments can be moved or copied to
any menu other than the Departments menu.

You can use the buttons in the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box to
change the order of the lists or to remove existing lists.

Your changes appear in the navigation pane when you restart Microsoft Dynamics

Undo Customizations

If you want to cancel all the changes that you have made (and saved) to the
navigation pane, you can do this in the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box.
This restores the navigation pane that your administrator defined for you.

To undo customizations, follow these steps:

1. Open the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box.

2. Click Restore Defaults.
3. Click OK.

Customize Pages
Apart from the navigation pane, other elements of the RoleTailored client for
Windows user interface can also be customized. Customizing pages lets you
personalize various aspects of the user interface. The following are changes that
you can make:

• Show or hide the Filter and FactBox panes.

• Customize the ribbon.
• Customize the FactBox pane.
• Customize FastTabs on a card page.

This lesson shows how to make the customizations.

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The Customize This Page Dialog Box

All these customizations can be made by using the Customize This Page function
in the application menu. When you click Customize > Customize This Page in
the application menu, the Customize dialog box for the active page appears. The
content of the Customize dialog box can be different, depending on the page

The Customizing a role center Page figure shows the customization dialog box for
a Role Center page:


You can use the Customize the Role Center dialog box to add available parts to
the page (or remove existing parts). Also, you can define the layout of the Role
Center page by moving parts up, down, left and right. Finally, you can customize
the individual parts of the role center by selecting a part and then clicking
Customize Part. For example, you can use the Customize Part function to do the

• Change sorting criteria for the page part.

• Show or hide additional fields and cues in the page part.
• Configure the content of chart parts.
• Configure the content of the Microsoft Outlook part.

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When you select the Customize This Page function on a list page, the
customization dialog box resembles the Customize Posted Sales Shipments Dialog
Box figure.


The Display options pane lets you show or hide the Filter and FastBox panes. In
the Arrange by pane, you can define the sorting criteria for the list. On the
Choose columns pane, you can change the fields that will appear to the end-
user. The FactBoxes pane lets you define the FactBoxes to show on the page (and
to configure for example chart parts). Finally, on the Ribbon pane, you can define
the actions to show on the page.

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If you customize a card page, the customization page resembles the following


The customization dialog box for card pages has more or less the same options as
that for list pages. On the FastTabs pane, you can select the FastTabs to show on
the card page and the order of the FastTabs. In addition, you can define the fields
to show on each FastTab and the importance of the fields. For more information,
see “Customize FastTabs” later in this module.

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Show or Hide Filter and FactBox Panes

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you can select among different panes that provide
easy access to related information. Examples of these panes are the FactBox pane
(showing additional related information) and the Filter pane (letting you set or
remove filters).


In the list page with FactBox and Filter Pane figure, the Filter pane appears above
the list of customers, whereas the FactBox pane (containing three FactBoxes with
related information for the selected customer) appears at the right side of the
customer list.

Both panes can be shown or hidden directly from the Customize menu that
opens when you click Customize in the application menu. However, they can also
be shown or hidden by using the Customize dialog box.

Note: Panes on a role center can only be hidden by using the Customize
dialog box.

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To show or hide the FactBox and Filter panes using the Customize menu, follow
these steps:

1. On the page that you want to customize, click Customize >

Customize This Page in the application menu.
2. On the Display options pane, select the Show FactBox Pane option,
the Show Filter Pane option, or both to display the corresponding
FactBoxes. (To hide the panes, clear the check boxes.)
3. Click OK to close the customization dialog box.

When you close the customization dialog box, the page is updated.


When you close the menu, the page or place updates with your changes.

Customize the Ribbon

The ribbon provides access to frequently used actions that relate to the selected
information. The ribbon can contain different tabs. The actions in the ribbon are
divided into groups, for example, New, Process, and Reports.

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The Actions, Tabs, and Groups in the Ribbon illustrates:


In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you can add new commands, new groups and new
tabs to the ribbon (or you can remove and rearrange existing actions), so you can
gain fast and easy access to relevant actions.

To customize the ribbon, click Customize > Customize Ribbon in the application
menu. Or you can right-click the ribbon then click Customize Ribbon in the
shortcut menu.

The Customizing the Ribbon for the Customer List figure shows the Customize
Ribbon dialog box for the Customers List page.


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In the Show actions in this order list, you see the different tabs, groups, menus,
and actions in the ribbon. You can see that there are four tabs: Home, Actions,
Navigate, and Report. Each tab can contain different groups. For example, the
Home tab contains seven groups: New, Manage, Process, Navigate, Report, View,
and Show Attached. Each group can contain several menus and actions. For
example, if you click the New group (on the Home tab), you see five actions in the
group: New, Sales Quote, Sales Invoice, Sales Order, and Reminder.

Note: In a group, you can also create a menu. A menu is a group of related
actions. An example of a menu is the Dimensions menu, in the Customer group on
the Navigate tab of the Customer List page.

Note: Empty tabs, groups, and menus are not visible in the ribbon. To make a
tab visible, you must include at least one action in the group. You cannot add
actions directly to a tab.

Add or Remove a Tab

To create a new tab in the ribbon, follow these steps:

1. Open the page for which you want to change the ribbon.
2. Open the Customize Ribbon dialog box.
3. Click Create Tab.
4. Type a name for the new tab.

To remove a tab, proceed as follows

1. Open the page for which you want to change the ribbon.
2. Open the Customize Ribbon dialog box.
3. In the Show actions in this order list, select the tab to remove.
4. Click Remove.

The whole tab including all underlying groups, menus, and actions, is removed.

Add or Remove a Group

To create a new group in the ribbon, follow these steps:

1. Open the page for which you want to change the ribbon.
2. Open the Customize Ribbon dialog box.
3. Select the tab for which you want to create a group.
4. Click Create Group.
5. Type a name for the new group.

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To remove a group, follow these steps:

1. Open the page for which you want to change the ribbon.
2. Open the Customize Ribbon dialog box.
3. In the Show actions in this order list, select the group to remove.
4. Click Remove.

The whole group, including all underlying menus and actions, is removed.

Add or Remove Actions

To add an action to a group in the ribbon, follow these steps:

1. Open the page for which you want to change the ribbon.
2. Open the Customize Ribbon dialog box.
3. In the Show actions in this order list, browse to the tab and select
the group to which you want to add an action.
4. In the Available actions list, select the action that you want to add.
5. Click Add.

To remove an action in the ribbon, follow these steps:

1. Open the page for which you want to change the ribbon.
2. Open the Customize Ribbon dialog box.
3. In the Show actions in this order list, select the action to remove.
4. Click Remove.

Note: You can also add or remove whole tabs and groups from the Available
actions list.

Change the size of an Action icon

Actions have a label and an icon. The icon for an action is defined during
development. However, you can change the size of the icon by using the Default
Icon Size button in the Customize Ribbon dialog box.

This button has the options of displaying an action icon as default size, small, or

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When small or large is selected, the label of the button changes.

To change the size of an action icon, follow these steps:

1. Open the page for which you want to change the ribbon.
2. Open the Customize Ribbon dialog box.
3. In the Show actions in this order list, select the action for which you
want to change the icon.
4. Click the sizing button to determine the appropriate icon size.
5. Click OK.

Note: When you customize the ribbon from the Customize Ribbon window,
some actions may not have the sizing button available.

Actions that are added to the Home tab by the developer in C/SIDE cannot have
their icons customized.

Restoring Default Settings

You can cancel all the changes that you have made (and saved) to the ribbon. This
restores the default setting that was defined by your administrator for this
particular page or list. To restore the default settings, click Restore Defaults and
then click OK.

Expand and Collapse the Ribbon

By default, the ribbon is expanded and shows all groups in the selected tab.
However, you can collapse the ribbon so only the tabs are shown in the interface.

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The Collapsed Ribbon figure shows the collapsed ribbon for the Posted Sales
Shipment list.


To collapse the ribbon, right-click the ribbon and then click Collapse Ribbon.
When collapsed, the ribbon can be expanded again by right-clicking the collapsed
ribbon and clicking Expand Ribbon.

The collapse state of the ribbon applies by page: you can collapse the ribbon in
the Customer Card page without having it collapsed in the Item Card page.

When the ribbon is collapsed, you can click the tab names to see the underlying
groups and actions.

Customize the FactBox Pane

A FactBox is an area that is located on the right side of a page and displays data
related to information about an item on the page. For example, on a list page that
shows sales orders, you can use a FactBox to show additional fields of a selected
sales order in the list.

The FactBox pane is a pane that is located at the right side of the content pane
and that is used to display the FactBoxes included in a page. In the section “Add
or Remove Filter and FactBox Panes” you have seen how you can enable or
disable the whole FactBox pane by using the Customize This Page action. This
section shows how you can add or remove FactBoxes in the FactBox pane.

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Module 6: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization
To open the Customize dialog box to select FactBoxes, click Customize >
Customize This Page on the application menu and then select FactBoxes.

The FactBoxes Customization Pane figure shows the FactBox customization pane
for the Customer List page.


In this pane you can select and customize the FactBoxes that appear.

Note: You can directly open the FactBoxes pane of the Customize dialog
box by clicking Customize > Choose FactBoxes in the application menu.

Add and Remove FactBoxes

To remove a FactBox from the FactBox pane, follow these steps:

1. Open the Customize dialog box for the page.

2. Select the FactBoxes pane.
3. Select the FactBox to remove in the Show FactBoxes in this order
4. Click Remove.
5. Click OK.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
To add a FactBox to the FactBox pane, follow these steps:

1. Open the Customize dialog box for the page.

2. Select the FactBoxes pane.
3. In the Available FactBoxes list, select the FactBoxes to add.
4. Click Add.
5. Click OK.

Change the Order of the FactBoxes

You can use the Customize dialog box to change the order of the FactBoxes in the
FactBox pane. To do this, select the FactBox that you want to move in the Show
FactBoxes in this order list and then click Move Up or Move Down to move the
FactBox in the correct order. Repeat this procedure until the FactBox is where you
want it.

Customize a FactBox

To customize the information that is shown in a FactBox, click the Actions icon in
the FactBox title bar and then click Customize. The Customize dialog box for the
selected FactBox appears.

The Select the Fields to Show in a FactBox figure shows the customization dialog
box for the Sell-to Customer Sales History FactBox on the Customer List page.


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Module 6: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization
In this window, you can select the fields or columns that appear. To add a field,
select the field in the Available Fields list and then click Add. You can then
change the order of the fields by clicking Move Up or Move Down.

To remove a field, select the field in the Fields shown list and then click Remove.

Customize FastTabs

You can arrange your FastTabs on a card page so that they support your typical
working flow in the best possible way. For example, you can change the order of
the FastTabs, show and hide fields, or make less important fields only appear
when they are required. You can also promote fields on a FastTab, so the fields
show on the FastTab when it is collapsed. This topic gives you a quick summary of
the information on the FastTab.

To customize the FastTabs on a card page, click Customize > Customize This
Page and then select the FastTabs pane.

The FastTabs Customization Dialog Box figure shows the FastTabs customization
dialog box for the Customer Card page:


You can add FastTabs by selecting a FastTab in the Available FastTabs list and
clicking Add. To remove a FastTab, select the FastTab In the Show FastTabs in
this order list and then click Remove.

To change the display order of the FastTabs, select the FastTab in the Show
FastTabs in this order list and then click Move Up or Move Down.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
To define the fields shown on a FastTab, select the FastTab in the Show FastTabs
in this order list and then click Customize FastTab. Now you can select the fields
to show on the FastTab. You can also change the priority of each field by using
the Importance button.

The FastTab Customization Dialog Box figure shows the FastTab customization
dialog box for the Foreign Trade FastTab of the Customer Card page.


There are three priority levels for fields:

Importance Level Description

Promoted The fields appear on the Collapsed
FastTab. This is used for very important

Standard Regularly used fields appear when you

expand the FastTab.

Additional Additional fields are hidden until you

click the drop-down arrow in the
lower-right corner of the expanded

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Module 6: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization

Lab 6.1: RoleTailored Client for Windows


Tim wants to make end-user documentation for specific processes in the

company. He makes sure that all users who have a specific profile have the same
user interface, so the documentation matches the user interface on screen.

To start, Tim configures the role center for the Sales Order Processor profile. He
removes the My Items List, and he adds the Connect Online and the My Job
Queue parts.

Exercise 1: Configure the Sales Order Processor role center

Exercise Scenario

Tim configures the role center for the Sales Order Processor profile. He removes
the My Items List, and he adds the Connect Online and the My Job Queue parts.

Task 1: Verify Ownership

High Level Steps

1. Verify ownership of the profile.

Detailed Steps
1. Verify ownership of the profile.
a. Open the RoleTailored client for Windows, and then either search
for or open the Profiles page.
b. Double-click ORDER PROCESSOR to open the Sales Order
Processor profile card.
c. In the Owner ID field, click the AssistEdit button and then select
d. Click OK to close the window.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Task 2: Start in Configuration Mode

High Level Steps

1. Start RoleTailored client for Windows in configuration mode.

Detailed Steps
1. Start RoleTailored client for Windows in configuration mode.
a. Open a command prompt.
b. Change to the directory that contains the RoleTailored client for
Windows executable. For example, type the following command:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70\RoleTailored


c. Open the RoleTailored client for Windows in configuration mode

by typing the following command:

Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile:"order


The RoleTailored client for Windows opens in configuration mode. You can check
this in the upper-right corner:

Task 3: Customize the Role Center page

High Level Steps

1. Customize the Role Center page.
2. Add Connect Online part.
3. Add My Job Queue part.
4. Remove My Items part.
5. Close the customization dialog box.

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Module 6: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization
Detailed Steps
1. Customize the Role Center page.
a. On the Sales Order Processor Role Center page, click
Customize > Customize This Page in the application menu.

2. Add Connect Online part.

a. In the Customize the Role Center dialog box, in the Role
Center layout list, select the Microsoft Outlook part.
b. In the Available parts list, select Connect Online.
c. Click Add.

3. Add My Job Queue part.

a. In the Customize the Role Center dialog box, in the Role
Center layout list, select the My Notifications part.
b. In the Available parts list, select My Job Queue.
c. Click Add.
d. Click Move Up to place the My Job Queue part above the My
Notifications part.

4. Remove My Items part.

a. In the Customize the Role Center dialog box, in the Role
Center layout list, select the My Items part.
b. Click Remove.

5. Close the customization dialog box.

a. Click OK to close the Customize the Role Center dialog box.

Task 4: Close the RoleTailored Client for Windows

High Level Steps

1. Close the RoleTailored client for Windows.

Detailed Steps
1. Close the RoleTailored client for Windows.
a. Click Exit in the application menu to close the RoleTailored client
for Windows and exit the configuration mode.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways

The navigation pane can be customized in many ways by using the Customize
Navigation Pane dialog box.

These navigation pane customizations allow the user to personalize the interface
as follows:

• Rename or rearrange buttons in the navigation pane.

• Create a new menu button.
• Add a link to a menu in the navigation pane.
• Move or copying a link from one menu to a another.
• Rearrange the order of the menu.
• Restore the default settings.

Customizing pages enables a user to personalize various aspects of the

RoleTailored client for Windows user interface. The following are changes that you
can make to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 user interface:

• Customize the ribbon.

• Customize the FactBox pane.
• Customize the FactBoxes.
• Add or remove Filter and FactBox panes.
• Customize FastTabs.

Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. What is the true about personalization and configuration?

( ) Configuration applies to all users who have a specific profile, and

personalization applies to a single user.

( ) Configuration is performed by administrators and personalization can

only be done by end-users.

( ) Personalization is always possible. It cannot be disabled.

( ) Personalization lets you change fonts and configuration lets you

change the color scheme in the user interface.

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Module 6: RoleTailored Client for Windows Personalization
2. Which command can you use to start the RoleTailored client for Windows in
Configuration mode for the IT Administrator profile?

( ) Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure 9018

( ) Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure –profile:9018

( ) Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure –profile:”IT


( ) Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure “IT Administrator”

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Test Your Knowledge Solutions

Module Review and Takeaways

1. What is the true about personalization and configuration?

(√) Configuration applies to all users who have a specific profile, and
personalization applies to a single user.

( ) Configuration is performed by administrators and personalization can

only be done by end-users.

( ) Personalization is always possible. It cannot be disabled.

( ) Personalization lets you change fonts and configuration lets you

change the color scheme in the user interface.

2. Which command can you use to start the RoleTailored client for Windows in
Configuration mode for the IT Administrator profile?

( ) Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure 9018

( ) Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure –profile:9018

(√) Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure –profile:”IT


( ) Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure “IT Administrator”

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Module Overview
Deploying software is essential to meet the changing application needs of
organizations. It provides these benefits:

1. When deploying Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013 clients with

Windows Server Group Policy, users no longer have to look for the
application on a network share, use a CD-ROM, or install, fix, and
upgrade software themselves.
2. Deploying Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 with Group Policy reduces
the time that you spend administering user systems.
3. Application life-cycle management is simplified because applications
can be redeployed, upgraded, or removed in the same manner they
were deployed.


The objectives are:

• Explain Software Deployment with Group Policy.

• Deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client for Windows by using
Group Policy.

Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Deployment Process
One of the challenges administrators in an organization typically face is
application life-cycle management. Imagine a scenario where an administrator has
to go to every single computer in a network to individually install any application
that is required by all the connected computers in the domain. Imagine an even
more complex network setup where the whole domain is scattered around the

To eliminate this problem, Windows Server 2008 offers software installation

through Group Policy. With Group Policy Software Installation, a software
management feature, administrators can manage software throughout its life-
cycle within the organization. Software Installation is available as an extension in
the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and works together with Group
Policy and Active Directory.

Group Policy

Group Policy provides an infrastructure for centralized configuration management

of the operating system and applications that run on the operating system. It can
be used to deliver and apply one or more desired configurations or policy settings
to a set of targeted users and computers in an Active Directory environment.

The Group Policy Infrastructure figure shows the entities that are available and can
be managed in the Group Policy infrastructure.


This infrastructure consists of a Group Policy engine and multiple client-side

extensions (CSEs) responsible for reading specific policy settings on target client

The Scripts extension can apply one or more scripts to a computer or users. Scripts
that apply to computers run during startup and shutdown. Scripts that apply to
users run during logon and logoff.

Module 7: Deployment
The Registry extension is a way to use Group Policy to centrally manage client
registry keys. This client-side extension is used to apply registry-based policy
settings (Administrative Templates) by creating and configuring the client registry

The Software Installation extension of Group Policy enables you to provide on-
demand software installation and automatic repair of applications. Group Policy
offers a convenient method for distributing software, especially if you already use
Group Policy for other purposes such as securing the client and server computers.

To start the Group Policy Management Editor, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type "mmc" and then click OK.
3. Click File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
4. Click Add.
5. Under Available snap-ins, click Group Policy Management Editor
and then click Add. The Select Group Policy Object dialog box
6. Click Browse to open the Browse for a Group Policy Object dialog
7. Select the tabs and locate the Group Policy object that you want to
8. Click OK to close the dialog box.
9. When you return to the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, click
10. Click Close, and then in the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box, click

The selected GPO is displayed in the Console Root.

Note: You must be logged on to the computer with an account that has
administrative credentials to use Group Policy Management Editor.

Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
The Group Policy Management Editor figure shows the Group Policy Management
Editor console.


The Group Policy snap-in contains the following major branches:

• Computer Configuration

Administrators can use Computer Configuration to set policies that

are applied to the computer, regardless of who logs on to the
computers. Computer Configuration typically contains sub-items for
software settings, Windows settings, and Administrative Templates.

• User Configuration

Administrators can use User Configuration to set policies that apply to

users, regardless of which computer they log on to. User
Configuration typically contains sub-items for software settings,
Windows settings, and Administrative Templates.

Software Installation Extension

The Software Installation extension in the Group Policy Management Editor

console is the key administrative tool for deploying software.

Note: The Software Installation extension is not available in local Group

Policy Objects. It is available only in domain-wide Group Policy Objects. To manage
a domain-wide Group Policy Object, you must use the Group Policy Management
Editor console. You can only use the Group Policy Object Editor to manage the local
group policies for a server.

Module 7: Deployment
Group Policy Software Installation helps you specify how applications are installed
and maintained within your organization. With Group Policy Software Installation,
you can manage an application in a Group Policy Object. This is in turn associated
with a particular Active Directory container – a site, a domain, or an organizational
unit. This makes sure of the following:

• Administrators can control which software is available to users

through the Windows Control Panel.
• Every computer or user in the domain or in any particular
organizational unit receives the package and the software is
automatically installed without any user interaction.

Applications can be managed in one of two modes: assigned or published.

• Assign Software
You can assign a program distribution to users or computers. If you
assign the program to a user, it is installed when the user logs on to
the computer. When the user first runs the program, the installation is

If you assign the program to a computer, it is installed when the

computer starts and is available to all users who log on to the
computer. When a user first runs the program, the installation is

• Publish Software
You can publish a program distribution to users. When the user logs
on to the computer, the published program is displayed in the
Add/Remove Programs dialog box (in the Windows Control Panel),
and it can be installed from there.

A workable combination of these methods can be established to meet your

software management goals.

Software Distribution Points

To publish or assign a computer program, you must create a distribution point on

the publishing server. The software distribution point (SDP) is a shared folder from
which users and computers can install applications.

1. Log on to the server as an administrator.

2. Create a shared network folder where you will put the Microsoft
Windows Installer package (.msi file) that you want to distribute.
3. Set permissions on the share to allow access to the distribution
Authenticated Users: Read and Execute permissions

Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Administrators: Full Control

4. Copy or install the package to the distribution point.

Supported Installation File Types

Group Policy Software Installation (GPSI) uses the Windows Installer service to
maintain and manage the state of software installation. This service runs in the
background and enables the operating system to manage software installation,
based on information that is stored in the Windows Installer package.

Every time that you use the software installation extension of Group Policy to
deploy an application, update, or upgrade package, you must first prepare the
application for Windows Installer. If the application does not include a natively
authored Windows Installer package (.msi), you must obtain one or create a .zap

GPSI supports the following file types:

• Windows Installer Packages (*.msi): A Windows Installer package (.msi

file) contains all the information that is needed for the Windows
Installer to set up an application. It covers every conceivable situation:
various platforms, different sets of previously installed products,
earlier versions of a product, and many default installation locations.
There are two types of Windows Installer Packages:
o Native Windows Installer package files: This type of Windows
Installer package is developed as a software component. The
Windows Installer service can be fully used. The native Windows
Installer package files include one product that has many features
that can be installed individually.
o Repackaged application files: Unlike the native Windows Installer
package files, repackaged application files include one product
that is installed as one feature.
• Transform files (*.mst): Transform files are used to customize
applications. They complement the ".msi" Windows Installer files in
order to customize the installation. A transform is basically a record of
changes that were made to the original package file. Transforms
enable users to customize Windows Installer packages and the
installation features when they publish or assign the application.
Through transforms, users can include and exclude features for the
• Patch files (*.msp): Patch files are used to apply software fixes (patches
or updates) to applications. They complement the .msi Windows
Installer files.

Module 7: Deployment
• .zap files (*.zap): Non-Windows Installer-based applications must use
a .zap file to describe their existing Setup program. A .zap file is a text
file (similar to .ini files) that provides information about how to install
a program, the application properties, and the entry points that the
application should install.

For more information about tools and procedures for authoring Windows Installer
packages or repackaging existing applications for use with Windows Installer, see
Step-by-Step Guide to Software Installation and Maintenance

Software Deployment Process

The steps in the software deployment process vary, depending on whether the
application is published or assigned.

Published Applications

This is the installation process for published applications:

1. The user logs on to a client computer that is running Windows 2000

or later versions.
2. In Control Panel, the user opens Programs.
3. The Get Programs function obtains the list of published software
from Active Directory.
4. The user selects Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
5. The Programs function obtains the location of the published
software from Active Directory.
6. A request for software is sent to the Software Distribution Point.
7. The Windows Installer service is started, and it installs the requested
Windows Installer package.
8. The user opens the newly installed application.

Assigned Applications

This is the sequence of the installation process for assigned applications:

1. The user logs on to a client computer that is running Windows 2000

or later versions.
2. The WinLogon process advertises applications on the user’s Desktop
or on the Start menu.
3. The user selects Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 from the Desktop or
the Start menu.

Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
4. The Windows Installer service retrieves the Windows Installer package.
5. A request for the software is sent to the Software Distribution Point.
6. The Windows Installer service is started, it installs the requested
Windows Installer package, and it opens the application.

Deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Now that you have familiarized yourself with the software deployment tools, the
Windows Installer service, and the software deployment processes, you are ready
to learn how to deploy software with Group Policy.

This lesson discusses the steps of deploying Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client
software with Group Policy. The tasks to deploy software with Group Policy are as

1. Plan and prepare the software deployment.

2. Set up a Software Distribution Point (SDP).
3. Create a Group Policy Object (GPO) and a Group Policy Object.
console for software deployment.
4. Specify the software deployment properties for the GPO.
5. Add Windows Installer packages to the GPO and select the package
deployment method.
6. Set Windows Installer package properties.

Plan and Prepare

Before you can start to deploy software with Group Policy, you must plan the
deployment. When planning for software deployment, you should do the

• Review your organization’s software requirements based on your

overall organizational structure within Active Directory and your
available GPOs.
• Determine how you want to deploy your applications (per user or per
computer, assign or publish).
• Prepare your software by using a format that lets you manage it
based on what your organization requires.
• Create a pilot to test the deployment.
• Test all the Windows Installer packages or repackaged software.

Module 7: Deployment
This table describes strategies and considerations for deploying software. Some of
these strategies might seem contradictory, but select the strategies that meet your
business goals.

Strategy Considerations
Create OUs based on software Lets you target applications to the
management needs. appropriate set of users. Group
Policy security settings are not
required to target the appropriate
set of users.

Deploy software close to the root Makes it easy to provide all users in
in the Active Directory tree. an organization with access to an
application. This reduces
administration because you can
deploy a single GPO instead of re-
creating that object in multiple
containers in the Active Directory

Deploy multiple applications with a Reduces administration overhead by

single GPO. letting you create and manage a
single GPO instead of multiple
The logon process is faster because
a single GPO deploying 10
applications processes faster than
10 GPOs, each deploying one
application. This is appropriate in
organizations where users share the
same core set of applications.

Publish or assign an application Makes it easier to determine which

only one time in the same GPO or instance of the application applies
in a series of GPOs that might to the user or computer.
apply to a single user or computer.

Licenses and Software Guidelines

Software licenses are required for software written by independent software

vendors and distributed by using Software Distribution Points. It is your
responsibility to match the number of users who can access software to the
number of licenses that are available.

It is also your responsibility to verify that you are working within the software
guidelines provided by each independent software vendor.

Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Software Preparation

Before you start the deployment, you must obtain the Windows Installer packages
(.msi files) for the software. Perform any necessary modifications to the packages,
and collect the transform (.mst) or patch (.msp) files. If you want to deploy
multiple applications, you should determine the correct installation order.

Set Up a Software Distribution Point

After you have finished planning and preparing for the software deployment,
copy the software to a Software Distribution Points (SDP). A Software Distribution
Point is a network location from which users can retrieve the software that they

To set up a software distribution point, follow these steps:

1. Create the folder for the software on the server that will be the SDP.
2. Share the folder on the network.
3. Set the appropriate permissions on the folder. Administrators must be
able to change the files (Full Control), and users must only view
(Read) the files from the shared SDP folder.
4. Copy the necessary software (Windows Installer packages,
transformations, patches and other components) to the SDP.

Now you can use Group Policy to manage the software within the appropriate
Group Policy object.

Using Distributed File System to Manage SDPs

The Microsoft Distributed File System (DFS) gives users convenient access to
shared folders that are distributed throughout a network. With DFS, you can make
files distributed across multiple servers appear to users as if they are located in
one place on the network. For a software deployment with Group Policy, you can
set up DFS to automatically direct users to the nearest software distribution point.

The DFS technologies offer WAN-friendly replication and simplified, highly-

available access to geographically dispersed files. Distributed File System is
implemented as a role service of the File Services role. The two technologies in
DFS are as follows:

• DFS Namespaces enable you to group shared folders that are

located on different servers into one or more logically structured
namespaces. Each namespace appears to users as a single shared
folder with a series of subfolders. This structure increases availability
and automatically connects users to shared folders in the same Active
Directory Domain Services site, when it is available, instead of routing
them over WAN connections.

7 - 10
Module 7: Deployment
• DFS Replication is an efficient, multiple-master replication engine
that you can use to keep folders synchronized between servers across
limited bandwidth network connections. It replaces the File
Replication Service (FRS) as the replication engine for DFS
Namespaces, and for replicating the AD DS SYSVOL folder in domains
that use the Windows Server 2008 domain functional level.

For more information about how to install and set up Distributed File Services, see
DFS Step-by-Step Guide for Windows Server 2008

Create a Group Policy Object

As soon as you have set up your distribution point and copied the software to it,
you can create a Group Policy Object to manage software installation. We
recommend that you use a separate Group Policy Object (GPO) for software
deployment. However, we do not recommend that you create a separate GPO for
each application that you want to distribute.

You can either create a new Group Policy Object or change an existing Group
Policy Object. When you create a new object, you can link it directly to a domain,
site, or organizational unit in the Active Directory.

To create a new GPO and link it to a domain or OU, follow these steps:

1. Under Administrative Tools, open the Group Policy Management

2. Right-click the site, domain, or OU to which you want to apply the
new Group Policy, and then click Properties.
3. Select Create a GPO in this domain and Link it here.
4. In the New GPO dialog box, enter the name for the new Group Policy
Object. For example: Software Installation GPO.
5. Click OK.

By default, the new GPO is linked to the site, domain, or OU where it was created.

Create an MMC for the Software Installation GPO

As soon as you have created your new GPO, you can edit the GPO by using the
Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). The GPMC is a scriptable Microsoft
Management Console (MMC) snap-in. It provides a single administrative tool for
managing Group Policy across the enterprise. GPMC is the standard tool for
managing Group Policy.

7 - 11
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
The Group Policy Management Console integrates the Group Policy functionality
that is provided by the following tools into a single console:

• Active Directory Users and Computers

• Active Directory Sites and Services
• Resultant Set of Policy
• ACL Editor
• GPMC Delegation Wizard

Administrators can perform core Group Policy tasks by using the GPMC instead of
these other tools. The GPMC provides a comprehensive set of COM interfaces that
can be used to programmatically access many of the operations supported by the


The GPMC does not replace the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in
and the Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in. The GPMC is intended for
Group Policy administration, whereas the Active Directory snap-ins are intended
for directory administration tasks such as creating user, computer, and group

7 - 12
Module 7: Deployment
The Default Domain Policy GPO and Default Domain Controllers Policy GPO are
important to the health of any domain. As a best practice, you should not edit the
Default Domain Controllers Policy GPO or the Default Domain Policy GPO, except
in the following cases:

• Account policy settings are required to be configured in the Default

Domain GPO.
• You must modify the policy settings in the Default Domain
Controllers Policy GPO because you installed applications on domain
controllers requiring modifications to User Rights or Audit policy

You can start GPMC by using several methods.

• Press the Windows logo key + R to open the Run dialog box. Type
"gpmc.msc" in the text box, and then click OK.
• Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Run. Type "gpmc.msc"
in the text box, and then click OK.
• Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools >
Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools >
Group Policy Management.
• On the Windows Taskbar, click Start. In the Search programs and
files box, type "Group Policy Management", press Enter, and then
click the Group Policy Management link in the list.

To edit a Group Policy Object, right-click the Group Policy that you want to edit in
the GPMC and select Edit.

Instead of using the GPMC to edit a Group Policy Object, you can also create a
separate MMC for one or more specific Group Policy Objects.

To create an MMC for a GPO, follow these steps:

1. Click Start > Run.

2. In the Run dialog box, type "mmc" and then click OK.
3. Click File > Add/Remove Snap-In.
4. In the Available snap-ins list, select Group Policy Management
5. Click Add.
6. In the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, click Browse to find
the GPO.
7. In the Browse For A Group Policy Object dialog box, click the All
8. Select the GPO to edit.
9. Click OK.

7 - 13
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
10. Click Finish to close the Select Group Policy Object dialog box.
11. Click OK to close the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box.
12. In the MMC, click File > Save As.
13. Select a path for the console.
14. In the File Name box, type a name.
15. Click Save.

You can now use the MMC to directly access and edit the GPO.

Specify Software Installation Properties

After you create your GPO for software installation, you can start to define your
software deployment. First, enter several default settings for the software to install.

You can configure default settings for software installation on a per-GPO basis. To
specify software installation defaults for the selected GPO, use the Software
Installation Properties dialog box, shown in the Software Installation Properties
Window figure.


7 - 14
Module 7: Deployment
To open this window, follow these steps:

1. Open the GPO for software installation in Group Policy Management

Editor. (If you have created a separate MMC for the GPO, you can use
that console to edit the GPO.)
2. In the User Configuration or Computer Configuration node, click
Policies > Software Settings.
3. Right-click the Software Installation node, and then click

The Software Installation Properties window has four tabs: General, Advanced,
File Extensions, and Categories.

In the General and Advanced tabs, specify how you want all Windows Installer
packages in the GPO to be deployed and managed.

In the File Extensions tab, specify which application is installed when users open
a file that has an unknown file name extension. If multiple applications are
associated with a specific file name extension, you can also set an installation
priority for the applications. (The application that has the highest priority is
installed first.) File name extensions are managed on a per-GPO basis, so
changing the priority in a GPO affects only the users who have that GPO applied.

In the Categories tab, designate categories for organizing assigned and published
applications to make it easier for users to locate the appropriate applications
under Programs (or Add/Remove Programs) in Control Panel. You can, for
example, make separate categories for productivity applications and development

Setting Default Location for Software

In the General tab of the Software Installation Properties dialog box, you must
enter the default location for software packages in the selected GPO. To do this,
type the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path
(\\<servername>\<sharename>) to the software distribution point for the
Windows Installer packages (.msi files) in the GPO in the Default Package
Location box.

Note: You must browse for the software distribution point that you created in
the previous section in relation to the network share location, instead of the local
drive on the server. This makes sure that you are managing software from the
network share location that users can access. Users typically cannot access the
package from the local drive of the server.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Setting Options for New Packages and User Interface

To control what happens when you add a new package to the selected GPO, you
use the General tab in the Software Installation Properties dialog box, and set
options in the New packages frame. The default behavior is that the Deploy
Software dialog box appears every time, and the administrator can select one of
the choices from that dialog box.


The following table lists the options for New packages frame:

Option Description
Display the Deploy Software Select this option to specify that
dialog box when you add new packages to the
GPO, the Deploy Software dialog
box appears. This lets you decide
whether to assign, publish, or
configure package properties. This is
the default setting.

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Module 7: Deployment
Option Description
Publish Select this option to specify that
when you add new packages to the
GPO, they are published by default
with standard package properties.

Note: Packages can be

published only to users, not
computers. If this is an installation
under the Computer Configuration
node of the Group Policy
Management Editor console, the
Publish choice is unavailable.

Assign Select this option to specify that

when you add new packages to the
GPO, they are assigned by default
with standard package properties.
Packages can be assigned to users
and computers.

Advanced Select this option to specify that

when you add new packages to the
GPO, the Properties dialog box for
the package appears. This lets you
configure all properties for the

If you plan to deploy several packages to a GPO as published without transforms,

you can select Publish in the New Packages frame, and every package that is
deployed is automatically published. If you plan to add a package with a
transform (customization or .mst file), you must select Advanced.

Note: You cannot add or change transforms (.mst files) after the software is

This setting is most useful when an administrator is adding several applications at

one time. For example, if an administrator is adding five applications to this GPO
and they are all to be published without a transforms, then the administrator
could set this to Publish.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Similarly, the options in the Installation user interface options frame let the
administrator set how much of the user interface (UI) the Windows Installer
presents to a user during installation. The Basic UI (the default option) only
presents progress bars and messages. No user choices are presented other than
Cancel. The Maximum UI option shows the UI (including all messages and
windows) that the author of the Windows Installer package defined.

Setting Advanced Options

You can use the options on the Advanced tab of the Software Installation
Properties window to automatically remove the application when it is no longer
managed, to publish OLE information to the Active Directory, and to make 32-bit
applications available on 64-bit platforms.


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Module 7: Deployment
Select any of these options, to be applied to all packages in the GPO:

• Uninstall the applications when they fall out of the scope of

management: select this option to remove the application if it no
longer applies to users or computers.
• Include OLE information when you deploy applications: select this
option to specify whether to deploy information about COM
components with the package.
• Make 32-bit X86 Windows Installer applications available to
Win64 computers: select this option to specify whether 32-bit
Windows Installer applications (.msi files) can be assigned or
published to 64-bit computers.
• Make 32-bit X86 down-level (ZAP) applications available to
Win64 computers: select this option to specify whether 32-bit
application files (.zap files) can be assigned or published to 64-bit

Setting File Extensions Options

You can use the File Extensions tab to select the file name extension for which
you want to specify an automatic software installation. This means that when a
specific application is not already installed, selecting this option causes the
application to be automatically installed when the user opens a file that has this
file association, for example, by double-clicking the file.

Note: If a user opens a file that has an unknown file name extension and
there is no software application associated to this file name extension in the
Software Installation Properties window, the user sees the Open With dialog box
and is asked to select the best alternative from the software already present on his
or her computer.

You can associate multiple applications to the same file name extension. In
addition, you can define the precedence or priority with which Windows starts
applications when a user opens a document that has the selected extension. For
example, when you deploy both Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft
Office SharePoint Designer by using Group Policy, both applications can edit ASPX
files that have the .aspx extension. To configure the file name extension priority so
that users who are managed by this GPO always install Microsoft Office
SharePoint Designer, set Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer as the application
that has the highest priority for the .aspx extension. When a user who is managed
by this GPO has installed neither Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 nor Microsoft Office
SharePoint Designer, Software Installation installs Microsoft Office SharePoint
Designer and opens the file for editing when the user double-clicks an ASPX file.

7 - 19
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013


You can use the Application precedence list to change the priority of an
application. Move the application that has the highest precedence to the top of
the list by using the Up and Down buttons. The application at the top of the list is
automatically installed if a document that has the selected file name extension is
invoked before the application is installed.

7 - 20
Module 7: Deployment
Setting Category Options

When an organization has a large amount of software to manage, administrators

can create categories for software. These categories can then be used to filter the
software in the Programs (or Add/Remove Programs) in Control Panel. For
example, you could create a category called Productivity Applications and
include software such as word processing and database management applications.


Although there is a Categories tab on the Software installation Properties

dialog box, categories are established on a per-domain basis. This means the
domain administrator can create and edit the categories from any of the
Software installation Properties pages for any GPO in the domain.
Administrators can then use these categories with software that they are
managing within any GPO in the domain. There are no default or supplied

Best Practice: Because Categories are established per domain instead of per
GPO, an organization should standardize the Categories and create them in a
centralized manner.

7 - 21
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
To create a new category, click Add, enter the name of the application category,
and then click OK. To modify the name of an existing category, select the
category, click Modify, modify the name, and then click OK. To remove a
category, select the category and then click Remove.

Add Software Packages to the GPO

Now you are ready to add the software packages that you want to deploy to the
software installation GPO. When you add a software package to the GPO, you
must specify how it will be deployed (published or assigned).

Best Practice: Before you add any software package to the GPO, you must
decide whether you want to deploy the application per user or per computer, and
whether you want to publish or assign it.

To modify or update the software application, any modifications must be

associated with the Windows Installer package at deployment time instead of
when the Windows Installer is actually using the package. Transform (.mst) and
update (.msp) files are applied to Windows Installer packages (which have the .msi
file name extension) in an order specified by the administrator. This order must be
determined before the application is assigned or published.

To add a software package to the software installation GPO and select the
deployment method, follow these steps:

1. Open the GPO for software installation in Group Policy Management

Editor. (If you have created a separate MMC for the GPO, you can use
that console to edit the GPO.)
2. In the User Configuration or Computer Configuration node, click
Policies > Software Settings.
3. Right-click the Software Installation node, and then select New >
4. In the Open dialog box, select the UNC path
(\\<servernames>\<sharename>) of the software distribution point
that contains the Windows Installer package.
5. Click Open.
6. In the Deploy Software dialog box, select the deployment method:

Deployment Method Description

Published Select this option to publish the
Windows Installer package to users
without applying modifications to the

7 - 22
Module 7: Deployment
Deployment Method Description
Assigned Select this option to assign the Windows
Installer package to users or computers
without applying modifications to the

Advanced Select this option to set properties for

the Windows Installer package,
including published or assigned options
and modifications.

7. Click OK.

If you selected Published or Assigned, the Windows Installer Package is

successfully added to the GPO and appears in the details pane. If you selected
Advanced, the Properties dialog box for the Windows Installer package appears.
In the dialog box, you can set properties for the Windows Installer package, such
as deployment options and modifications. The figure, Software Installation GPO
Containing the Client for Windows as a Published Application, shows an example.


Set Software Package Properties

In this step, you can fine-tune the deployment of each application by setting
Windows Installer package properties in the Properties dialog box for the

7 - 23
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
The Setting Software Package Properties figure shows the Properties dialog box
for a published application.


To open the Properties dialog box, right-click the software package in the details
pane of the GPO and select Properties. The Properties dialog box for the
Windows Installer package contains the following tabs: General, Deployment,
Upgrades, Categories, Modifications, and Security.

Note: When you add a software package to the GPO and select Advanced in
the Deploy Software dialog box, the Properties dialog box appears immediately.

On the General tab, you can change the default name of the package and
designate a support URL. Users can select the support URL from the Programs
and Features (or Add Or Remove Programs) window to be directed to a
support webpage. A support URL can contain helpful information such as
frequently asked questions and can help reduce calls to a help desk or support

7 - 24
Module 7: Deployment
In the Deployment tab, you can change the way the application is deployed and
the user interface options. In the Deployment Type section, you can select the
deployment option:

Deployment Type Description

Published Select this option to enable users in
the selected site, domain, or OU to
install the application by using either
Add Or Remove Programs in
Control Panel or application
installation by file activation.
If this is an application under the
Computer Configuration node, the
Published option is unavailable,
because packages can only be
assigned to computers, not

Assigned Select this option to enable users in

the selected site, domain, or OU to
receive this application the next time
that they log on (for assignment to
users) or when the computer restarts
(for assignment to computers).

In the Deployment Options section of the Deployment tab, you can select the
following options:

Deployment Option Description

Auto-install this application Select this option to use the
by file extension activation application precedence for the file
name extension as determined in the
File Extensions tab of the Software
Installation Properties dialog box.
The application is automatically
installed when a user opens a file
that is associated with the
If this is an application under the
Computer Configuration node, the
check box appears selected and
dimmed, because by default the
application is installed automatically.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Deployment Option Description
Uninstall this application Select this option to remove the
when it falls out of the scope application when the associated
of management GPO is no longer applicable for the
user or computer.
This typically happens when users log
on or computers start if there is
relocation to a site, domain, or OU
for which the application is not

Do not display this package Select this option to specify that the
in the Add/Remove Programs application is not displayed in the
control panel Programs and Features (or
Add/Remove Programs) item in
Control Panel.

Install this application at Select this option to specify that this

logon package should be fully installed
instead of just advertised by a
This option is available only for
assigned applications.
Avoid this option if the computer or
user to which the application is
assigned has a slow connection
because the startup and logon
procedures require a long time when
the application is first assigned.

In the Installation user interface options area, select one of the following:

• Basic to provide only a basic display to users during the installation

• Maximum to provide all installation messages and screens to users
during the package installation.

You can click Advanced to open the Advanced Deployment Options dialog box
and set any of the following options:

Option Description
Ignore language when Select this option to specify whether
deploying this package to deploy the package even if it is in
a different language.

7 - 26
Module 7: Deployment
Option Description
Make this 32-bit X86 Select this option to specify whether
application available to the 32-bit program is assigned or
Win64 computers published to 64-bit computers.

Include OLE class and product Select this option to specify whether
information to deploy information about COM
components with the package.

In the Upgrades tab, you can select the software package(s) the current package
will upgrade. The Upgrades tab does not appear for packages created from
application files (.zap files).

On the Categories tab, you can select the categories under which the application
is listed in the Get Programs (or Add/Remove Programs) item in Control Panel.
This makes it easier for users to find the application. To link a category to the
application, select the category in the Available categories list and then click
Select. To remove an application from a category, select the category in the
Selected categories list and then click Remove.

In the Modifications tab, you can indicate the modifications (transforms or

updates) you want to apply to the package and specify the order in which the
modifications apply to the package:

• To add modifications, click Add. In the Open dialog box, browse to

find the transform file (.mst) or update file (.msp), and then click
Open. You can add multiple modifications.
• To remove modifications, click the modification that you want to
remove and then click Remove. Repeat this step until each unwanted
modification is removed.
• To set the order of modifications, select a modification and then click
Move Up or Move Down. Modifications are applied according to the
order specified in the list.

Note: Do not click OK in the Modifications tab until you have finished
configuring the modifications. When you click OK, the package is assigned or
published immediately. If the modifications are not configured correctly, you have
to uninstall or upgrade the package with a correctly configured version.

Finally, in the Security tab, you can indicate permissions for the software
installation. Permissions set for software installation pertain only to the package
installation. Administrators who manage the application installation should have
the Full Control permission set to Allow. Users who use the software assigned or
published by the application should have the Read permission set to Allow.

When you are finished setting the properties, click OK to apply the new settings.

7 - 27
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Best Practices

Here are several best practices for administrators who want to deploy software
through Group Policy:

• Test all software installation packages before you deploy them.

• Use and enforce standard configurations for applications if you can
do this.
• Create the software installation GPO as high in the Active Directory
hierarchy or tree as you can. Software should be deployed close to
the root in the Active Directory tree because it lets administrators use
one GPO to deploy software to multiple users.
• A Windows Installer package should be assigned or published only
one time in a GPO.
• Create application categories when there are lots of published
applications in your organization. This makes it easier for users to find
applications in the Get Programs (or Add/Remove Programs) item
in Control Panel.

Remove Applications Deployed Through Group Policy

Published applications that are installed can be uninstalled in two ways:

• Automatically through Group Policy.

• Manually, by uninstalling the application from the Programs and
Features (or Add/Remove Programs) item in Control Panel.

We recommend that you do not install these applications manually, because this
makes it more complex to redeploy the application through Group Policy.

To remove an application through Group Policy, follow these steps:

1. Open the GPO for software installation in Group Policy Management

Editor. (If you have created a separate MMC for the GPO, you can use
that console to edit the GPO.)
2. In the User Configuration or Computer Configuration node, click
Policies > Software Settings > Software Installation.
3. Right-click the application you want to remove, and select All Tasks
> Remove.
4. In the Remove Software dialog box, select one of the two removal

7 - 28
Module 7: Deployment
Removal Method Description
Immediately uninstall the This option immediately removes the
software from users and software when the computer is
computers restarted or the next time the user
logs on to the computer.

Let users continue to use the This option prevents new instances of
software, but prevent new the application from being installed.
installations But it still permits users who have
already installed the application to
continue using it.

5. Click OK to remove the application from the GPO.


7 - 29
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

Lab 7.1: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Deployment


Tim is preparing to deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 RoleTailored client and
Web client in the company domain. Instead of installing the clients on all
computers either manually or with Remote Desktop, Tim wants to use a Group
Policy to install the applications automatically. Tim plans to have the Web client
installed on all computers in the domain. The RoleTailored client is then made
available for installation. Tim wants to create a software distribution point and a
new Group Policy Object (known as Software Installation GPO). He then wants to
copy both clients to the software distribution point and add the clients to the
GPO. Tim has verified that the .NET Framework 4.0 is installed on every computer
in the domain.


Deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client through Group Policy.

Exercise 1: Deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV Clients

Exercise Scenario

Tim wants to create a new software distribution point and copy the client software
to it. Next he plans to add a new GPO and add the clients to it.

Task 1: Log On the Server

High Level Steps

1. Logon to the server as Administrator.

Detailed Steps
1. Logon to the server as Administrator.
a. On the Desktop, press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
b. In the Password field, type the password for the Administrator
c. Press Enter.

7 - 30
Module 7: Deployment
Task 2: Create a New SDP

High Level Steps

1. Open a Command Prompt.
2. Create a new SDP folder.
3. Create subfolders for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client
4. Set permissions for the SDP folder.

Detailed Steps
1. Open a Command Prompt.
d. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Run.
e. In the Run dialog box, type "cmd" and then click OK.

2. Create a new SDP folder.

a. At the Command Prompt, type "md \sdp" and press Enter.

3. Create subfolders for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client

a. At the Command Prompt, type "md \sdp\NAV2013" and press
b. Type Exit, and press Enter to close the Command Prompt.

4. Set permissions for the SDP folder.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Click Computer to see a list of available drives.
c. Select Drive C.
d. In the right-side pane, right-click the SDP folder and select Share
with > Specific People.
e. In the File Sharing dialog box, in the Choose people on the
network to share with box, type "Domain Users", and then click
f. Click Share.
g. Click Done.
h. Close Windows Explorer.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Task 3: Copy the Software to the SDP

High Level Steps

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 DVD in the DVD drive.
2. Copy the RoleTailored client software to the SDP.
3. Copy the Web client software to the SDP.

Detailed Steps
1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 DVD in the DVD drive.
a. Open the DVD drive by pressing the Eject button on the physical
b. Put the DVD on the tray.
c. Press the Close button to close the DVD drive.

2. Copy the RoleTailored client software to the SDP.

a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Click Computer in the left pane to see a list of available drives.
c. Select the DVD drive that contains the product DVD.
d. In the root folder of the selected drive, right-click the
RoleTailored Client folder and select Copy.
e. In Windows Explorer, browse to the newly created SDP folder on
the local hard disk.
f. Right-click the NAV2013 folder, and select Paste.

3. Copy the Web client software to the SDP.

a. Select the DVD drive that contains the product DVD.
b. In the root folder of the selected drive, right-click the WebClient
folder and select Copy.
c. In Windows Explorer, browse to the newly created SDP folder on
the local hard disk.
d. Right-click the NAV2013 folder, and select Paste.

7 - 32
Module 7: Deployment
Task 4: Create a New GPO

High Level Steps

1. Open Group Policy Management console.
2. Create a new GPO.

Detailed Steps
1. Open Group Policy Management console.
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start.
b. In the Search programs and files box, type "Group Policy
c. Click the corresponding link in the list.

2. Create a new GPO.

a. In the Group Policy Management console, right-click the
CONTOSO.COM domain and select Create a GPO in this
domain and Link it here.
b. In the New GPO dialog box, in the Name field, type "Software
Installation GPO".
c. Click OK to create the GPO.

Task 5: Add Clients to the GPO

High Level Steps

1. Select the newly created GPO.
2. Add the RoleTailored client package to the GPO.
3. Add the Web client package to the GPO.
4. Close Group Policy Management Editor console.
5. Close Group Policy Management console.

Detailed Steps
1. Select the newly created GPO.
a. In the Group Policy Management console, select the Group
Policy Objects node.
b. Right-click the Software Installation GPO, and select Edit.

2. Add the RoleTailored client package to the GPO.

a. In the Group Policy Management Editor console, click User
b. Click Policies > Software Settings.
c. Right-click the Software Installation extension, and select New >

7 - 33
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
d. In the Open dialog box, in the File Name field, type "\\NAV-DC-
SQL-SP\SDP\NAV2013\RoleTailored Client\Microsoft Dynamics
NAV RoleTailored Client.msi".
e. Click Open.
f. In the Deploy Software dialog box, select Published.
g. Click OK.

3. Add the Web client package to the GPO.

a. In the Group Policy Management Editor console, click User
b. Click Policies > Software Settings.
c. Right-click the Software Installation extension, and select New >
d. In the Open dialog box, in the File Name field, type "\\NAV-DC-
SQL-SP\SDP\NAV2013\WebClient\Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
e. Click Open.
f. In the Deploy Software dialog box, select Assigned.
g. Click OK.

4. Close Group Policy Management Editor console.

a. In the Group Policy Management Editor console, click File > Exit.

5. Close Group Policy Management console.

a. In the Group Policy Management console, click File > Exit.

7 - 34
Module 7: Deployment
Exercise 2: Create a GPO Console for the Software
Installation GPO
Exercise Scenario

Tim wants to create an MMC so he can directly edit the newly created Software
Installation GPO.

Task 1: Create an MMC

High Level Steps

1. Open Microsoft Management Console.
2. Add a snap-in.
3. Save the console.
4. Close the console window.

Detailed Steps
1. Open Microsoft Management Console.
a. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Run.
b. In the Run box, type "mmc" and press Enter.

2. Add a snap-in.
a. In Microsoft Management Console window, click File >
Add/Remove Snap-ins.
b. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, in the Available
snap-ins list, select Group Policy Management Editor.
c. Click Add.
d. In the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, click Browse.
e. In the Browse for a Group Policy Object dialog box, click the
All tab.
f. In the All Group Policy Objects stored in this domain list,
select the Software Installation GPO.
g. Click OK.
h. In the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, click Finish.
i. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, click OK.

7 - 35
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
3. Save the console.
a. In Microsoft Management Console window, click File > Save
b. In the Save As dialog box, in the Save in drop-down list, select
c. In the File Name field, type the name for the console window:
"Software Installation GPO".
d. Click Save.

4. Close the console window.

a. In the console window, select File > Exit.

7 - 36
Module 7: Deployment

Module Review
Module Review
• The tasks for deploying software with Group Policy are as follows:
plan and prepare the software deployment, set up a Software
Distribution Point (SDP), create a GPO, specify the software
installation properties for the GPO, add Windows Installer packages
to the GPO, and set Windows Installer package properties.
• For a software deployment with Group Policy, you can set up
Distributed File System (DFS) to automatically direct users to the
nearest SDP.
• You can define software deployment properties that affect all
Windows installer packages in a GPO.
• You can also define software deployment properties that affect
individual Windows Installer packages in a GPO.

Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. Which tool can you use to edit domain-wide Group Policy Objects?

( ) Active Directory Users and Computers

( ) The Group Policy Object Editor snap-in in Microsoft Management


( ) The Group Policy Management Editor snap-in in Microsoft

Management Console

( ) Microsoft Windows Registry

2. What is a Software Distribution Point?

( ) A local folder that contains software applications.

( ) A shared network folder used to deploy software applications through

Group Policy.

( ) A snapshot of a running computer system’s hard disk made before

installation of a new software application.

( ) A public Microsoft website where you can download updates and

service packs.

7 - 37
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
3. What is true about published and assigned applications?

( ) Both published and assigned applications can be deployed to users

and computers.

( ) Published applications are installed automatically. Assigned

applications can be installed at any time by the user.

( ) Assigned applications are installed automatically. Published

applications can be installed at any time by the user who uses the
Programs (or Add/Remove Programs) item in Control Panel.

( ) Published applications have a Windows Installer package. Assigned

applications do not.

4. Which files can be deployed using the Software Installation extension?

( ) *.exe files

( ) *.bat files

( ) *.msi files

( ) *.cmd files

( ) *.pif files

7 - 38
Module 7: Deployment

Test Your Knowledge Solutions

Module Review and Takeaways

1. Which tool can you use to edit domain-wide Group Policy Objects?

( ) Active Directory Users and Computers

(√) The Group Policy Object Editor snap-in in Microsoft Management


( ) The Group Policy Management Editor snap-in in Microsoft

Management Console

( ) Microsoft Windows Registry

2. What is a Software Distribution Point?

( ) A local folder that contains software applications.

(√) A shared network folder used to deploy software applications through

Group Policy.

( ) A snapshot of a running computer system’s hard disk made before

installation of a new software application.

( ) A public Microsoft website where you can download updates and

service packs.

3. What is true about published and assigned applications?

( ) Both published and assigned applications can be deployed to users

and computers.

( ) Published applications are installed automatically. Assigned

applications can be installed at any time by the user.

(√) Assigned applications are installed automatically. Published

applications can be installed at any time by the user who uses the
Programs (or Add/Remove Programs) item in Control Panel.

( ) Published applications have a Windows Installer package. Assigned

applications do not.

7 - 39
Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
4. Which files can be deployed using the Software Installation extension?

( ) *.exe files

( ) *.bat files

(√) *.msi files

( ) *.cmd files

( ) *.pif files

7 - 40

Module Overview
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 includes two new tools for administering and
configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and Microsoft Dynamics NAV sites:

• The Server Administration Tool

• A Windows PowerShell 2.0 API

This module describes how to use the Windows PowerShell API to configure
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server based on practical examples. It is not meant as a
complete reference guide for the PowerShell commands.

• Explain how to start the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
• Explain the general commands and parameters that can be used
when administering Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
• Illustrate how to use the PowerShell commands to administer
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

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Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013

The PowerShell API

This lesson describes how to use the PowerShell API to administer Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server. It will explain how to start a PowerShell session and the
general commands and parameters that you can use when administering
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server using Windows PowerShell API.

Lesson Objectives
• Explain how to start the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration
• Explain the general commands and parameters that can be used
when administering Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.


Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 includes two new tools for administering and
configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and Microsoft Dynamics NAV sites:

• The Server Administration Tool

• A Windows PowerShell 2.0 API

To install the tools, run Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup and select the Server
Administration Tool component.

You can use the tools to configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. Please be
aware that both tools do not provide the same functions for administration.
Depending on the setting that you want to modify or the task that you want to
perform, you select a different server administration tool.

For example, the Server Administration Tool lets you create and manage server
instances. But you cannot use it to add users and permission sets or to assign
permission sets to users. On the other hand, you can use the Server Administration
Tool to administer server instances on remote servers, where the PowerShell API
can be used only to administer server instances on the local server.

Server Administration Tool

The Server Administration Tool is a snap-in for Microsoft Management Console.

When you install the Server option, the Server Administration Tool is a default
feature. To run the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool, click
Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server Administration.

For more information about how to use the Server Administration Tool, see the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server module of this course.

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Module 8: Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell
Windows PowerShell 2.0 API

A Windows PowerShell 2.0 API for administration is also available. Windows

PowerShell 2.0 is included with Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. For
other versions of Windows, you can install it as part of the Windows Management

Start a PowerShell Session

To start a Windows PowerShell session, click Start > All Programs > Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 Administration Shell.

When you start the session, the Administration Shell command prompt will


Available Commands

To see the commands that are available for administering Microsoft Dynamics
NAV, type the following command at the Windows PowerShell prompt:

Get-Command *NAVServer*

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The figure, PowerShell commands for Administering Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Server, shows a list of all commands that are available for administering Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server.



Commandlet Help

Each command has specific parameters that you can use. Some of these
parameters are mandatory, some are optional. To get Help about the syntax and
options for a specific command, type the following command:

Get-Help <command name>

where <command name> is replaced by the name of the command for which you
want help.

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The figure, Help Information for the Import-NAVServerLicense Command, shows
available Help information for the sample command.


The Help information describes the meaning, the parameters and the use of the
command. It describes what you can use the command for, what parameters you
can use and whether the parameters are mandatory or not.

Note: Please be aware the name of some parameters or options is case-

sensitive. When you write the name of the parameters, we recommend that you use
the same case as is used in the Help information. If you use the wrong case, the
commands might not have the result that you want.

Get-Help Options

By default, the Get-Help command shows basic Help information for the specified
command. However, you can add some options to receive additional Help
information including examples.

If you want to see examples for a specific command, you can use the –examples

Get-Help <command name> -examples

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The following instruction shows the examples for the Import-NAVServerLicense

Get-Help Import-NAVServerLicense -examples

The figure, Examples for the Import-NAVServerLicense Command, shows the

output of the previous command.


To see detailed information for a command, you can add the –detailed option.

Get-Help <command name> -detailed

This command shows you more detailed Help information for the command.
Apart from the basic information, it provides a more detailed description of each
parameter (and its data type). In addition, the detailed Help information includes
the examples.

Finally, you can add the –full option to receive technical information for the
command, as shown in the following example:

Get-Help <command name> -full

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When you use this option, you receive more technical information about the
command and its parameters, such as whether the parameters are mandatory or
not, whether they are named or positional and whether they accept wildcard
characters or not. The –full option also displays the examples.

Named parameters are parameters that always have to be specified as a “Name –

Value” pair. Named parameters can typivally be entered in any order.

In the following example, the two instructions have the same result:

New-NAVServerInstance –ServerInstance ‘ABC’ –ManagementServicesPort 7045 –

ClientServicesPort 7046 –SOAPServicesPort 7047 –OdataServicesPort -7048

New-NAVServerInstance –ManagementServicesPort 7045 –ClientServicesPort

7046 –ServerInstance ‘ABC’ –SOAPServicesPort 7047 –OdataServicesPort 7048

Positional parameters are parameters that have a fixed position in the syntax.
Positional parameters can be entered as a “Name – Value” pair, but you can omit
the parameter name. Positional parameters must be entered in a fixed order. In
many of the commands that are available in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
PowerShell session, the –ServerInstance parameter is a positional parameter. This
means the following:

• Its parameter value can be specified without specifying the parameter

• If you do not specify the parameter name, the parameter value must
always be specified immediately after the command name.

Because the ServerInstance parameter has a fixed position, the following two
commands have the same result:

Export-NAVServerLicenseInformation –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’

Export-NAVServerLicenseInformation ‘DynamicsNAV70’

Best Practice: We recommend that you write the parameters as a “name -

value” pair.

Common Parameters

The common parameters are a set of parameters that you can use with any
commandlet. They are implemented by Windows PowerShell, not by the
commandlet developer, and they are automatically available to any commandlet.

You can use the common parameters with any commandlet, but they might not
affect all commandlets. For example, if a commandlet does not generate any
verbose output, the Verbose common parameter has no effect.

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The –Verbose Parameter

During execution, a PowerShell command generally does not display any detailed
information about the operation that is performed by the command. This
information resembles the information in a trace or in a transaction log. However,
if you add the –verbose parameter to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell
command, detailed information about the executed operation is displayed in the

For more information about this parameter (and other), enter the following
instruction in a PowerShell window:

Get-Help about_commonparameters

The –AsXml Parameter

This parameter can be added to format the commandlet output as an XML node
or an XML document.

Risk Mitigating Parameters

In addition to the common parameters, many commandlets offer the WhatIf and
Confirm risk mitigation parameters. Commandlets that involve risk to the system
or to user data usually offer these parameters.

Parameter Name Description

-WhatIf Displays a message that explains the
operations to perform and the effect of
the command, instead of executing the

-Confirm Prompts you for confirmation before

executing the command.

For more information about the common parameters, you can enter the following
instruction at the PowerShell command prompt:

Get-Help about_commonparameters

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PowerShell Commands
This lesson describes the PowerShell commands that are available to administer
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Lesson Objectives

Show how to use the PowerShell commands to administer Microsoft Dynamics

NAV Server.


You can use this command to export license information for the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV license used by the current server instance from the database and
display the license information in the console window.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Export-NAVServerLicenseInformation [-ServerInstance] <string> -AsXml (Switch

parameter) [<CommonParameters>]

The following example displays license information for the DynamicsNAV70 server
instance in the console window:

Export-NAVServerLicenseInformation –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’

Please be aware that the service account running the server instance may not
have access to the database where the global license is stored. If there is an error,
check the event log on the server, to see what permissions are needed.


You can use the Import-NAVServerLicense cmdlet to import a license file to the
database used by the specified server instance.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Import-NAVServerLicense [-ServerInstance] ‘<Server Instance Name>’ [-Database

<int>] [-LicenseData <Byte[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

The Database parameter specifies the database to which you want to import the
license file. You can use the following values:

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Parameter Value Description
1 or Master Forces the license file to be global

2 or NavDatabase Forces the license file to be local and

stored in the NAV database used by the
server instance.

The following command uploads the license file NewLicense.flf (located in the
C:\Temp folder) to the DynamicsNAV70 server instance and stores the license file
in the master database.

Import-NAVServerLicense –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –LicenseData (Get-

Content –Path “C:\Temp\NewLicense.flf” –Encoding Byte) –Database Master

The following command uploads the license file NewLicense.flf (located in the
C:\Temp folder) to the DynamicsNAV70 server instance and saves the license file
in the NAV database.

Import-NAVServerLicense –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –LicenseData (Get-

Content –Path “C:\Temp\NewLicense.flf” –Encoding Byte) –Database NavDatabase

Note: Importing a license file to a server instance requires the server instance
to be restarted in order to activate the new license. To do this, you can use the Set-
NAVServerInstance command.


You can use this command to list all active (RoleTailored client for Windows and
NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint) sessions that belong to a specific server
instance. The commandlet uses the Active Sessions table to build the list.

Each session in the list has a unique id that maps to the Session ID field in the
Active Sessions table.

The current PowerShell session is removed from the list.

By default, the command returns an XML document. To change the default output
and display the results in the PowerShell command prompt, you can add ‘|FC’ as
shown in the examples below.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Get-NAVServerSession [-ServerInstance] <string> -AsXml (switch parameter)


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The following example shows the list of Windows client and SharePoint client
sessions for the DynamicsNAV70 server instance and displays the list in the

Get-NAVServerSession –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ |fc


You can use the Get-NAVServerInstance cmdlet to obtain the service details of a
specified server instance.

If you do not specify a server instance name, the commandlet obtains details of all
registered NAV server instances on the computer that is running the server. The
list contains the service name, the display name, the current state, the service
account and the build number of the server instance.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Get-NAVServerInstance [-ServerInstance] string –AsXml (switch parameter)


The following example shows the service details for the DynamicsNAV70 server
instance in the PowerShell console window.

Get-NAVServerInstance –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ |fc

The following example shows the service details for all registered Dynamics NAV
server instances (on the local computer) in the PowerShell console window.

Get-NAVServerInstance –ServerInstance ‘’ |fc


You can use this command to a get list of permission sets for a specific server
instance. The list can be filtered by permission set, object type or object ID. The list
will show all Permission Sets that include permissions for a specific NAV object
(type and number) and the effective permissions for each permission set.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Get-NAVServerPermission [-ServerInstance] ‘string’ [-ObjectId <int>] [-ObjectType

<int>] [-PermissionSetId <string>] –AsXml (switch parameter)

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For the ObjectType you can use either the integer value or the text value.

Integer Value for Object Type Text Value for Object Type
0 TableData

1 Table
2 Form
3 Report

4 Dataport
5 Codeunit

6 XMLPort

7 MenuSuite

8 Page
9 Query

10 System

11 FieldNumber

The following instruction shows a list of all permission sets that contain
permissions for the Post Code table (table 225).

Get-NAVServerPermission –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –ObjectType 0 –

ObjectId 225 |fc

The following instruction shows a list of all permission sets that contain
permissions for the Navigation Pane Designer function.

Get-NAVServerPermission –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –ObjectType System

–ObjectId 9070 |fc

The following instruction shows a list of all permission sets that contain
permissions for codeunit 5311.

Get-NAVServerPermission –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –ObjectType 5 –

ObjectId 5311 |fc

Depending on the specified parameters, the Get-NAVServerPermission command

might return a large list of permission sets to the PowerShell console. In that case,
the console window might not display the whole list. Instead, it uses […] (three
dots) to indicate that there are more records in the list than actually shown in the
console window. You can use the following command in order to display all

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Module 8: Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell
The following command displays all permission sets that contain permissions for
table 18 (the Customer table) in the console window.

Get-NAVServerPermission –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –ObjectType 0 –

ObjectId 18 |Select-xml –xpath “//Record” |fc

Note: Remember to use the correct case for the parameters, and especially for
the Select-xml option.


You can use this command to obtain a list of all Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Permission Sets for a specific server instance.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Get-NAVServerPermissionSet [-SeverInstance] ‘<string>’ –AsXml (switch

parameter) [<CommonParameters>]

The following instruction displays a list of all permission sets on the

DynamicsNAV70 server instance in the console window.

Get-NAVServerPermissionSet [-SeverInstance] ‘DynamicsNAV70’ |fc

Depending on the specified parameters, the Get-NAVServerPermissionSet

command might return a large list of permission sets to the PowerShell console. In
that case, the console window might not display the entire list. Instead, it uses […]
(three dots) to indicate that there are more records in the list than actually shown
in the console window.

You can use the following command in order to display all records.

Get-NAVServerPermissionSet [-SeverInstance] ‘DynamicsNAV70’ |Select-xml –

xpath “//Record” |fc

Note: Remember to use the correct case for the parameters, and especially for
the Select-xml option.

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You can use this command to retrieve a list of NAV users for the specified server

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Get-NAVServerUser [-ServerInstance] ‘string’ –AsXml (switch parameter)

[<CommonParameters>] |fc

The following instruction lists all NAV users for the DynamicsNAV70 server
instance to the console window.

Get-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ |fc


This commandlet shows an overview of all permission sets per user and per
company for a specific server instance. The list can be filtered by permission set,
by Company Name and by Windows Account.

The syntax for the command is:

Get-NAVServerUserPermissionSet [-ServerInstance] ‘<Server Instance Name>’ [-

PermissionSetId ‘<string>’] [-CompanyName ‘<string>’] [-WindowsAccount
‘<string>’] –AsXml (switch parameter) [<CommonParameters>] |fc

The following instruction lists all permission sets that are defined on the
DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Get-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ |fc

The following instruction lists the permission sets that are assigned to the user
ELLEN for the company CRONUS International Ltd.

Get-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –

WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\ELLEN’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS International

The following instruction lists the users who are assigned the SUPER permission

Get-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –

PermissionSetId ‘SUPER’ |fc

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You can use this command to return configuration settings for the specified
Microsoft Dynamics NAV server instance. The command returns an XML
document that contains the following configuration settings: NetworkType,
DatabaseServer, DatabaseInstance and DatabaseName.

You can then use the Set-NAVServerConfiguration command to change the


The syntax for this command is as follows:

Get-NAVServerConfiguration [-ServerInstance] <string> –AsXml (switch

parameter) [<CommonParameters>]

The following instruction returns the configuration settings for the

DynamicsNAV70 server instance and displays the settings in the PowerShell
session window.

Get-NAVServerConfiguration –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ |fc

The following instruction displays a list of all possible keys with their current
values for a server instance called ‘DynamicsNAV70’.

(Get-NAVServerConfiguration –ServerInstance


You can use the New-NAVServerInstance command to create a new NAV Server
Instance, based on default values. It sets up all permissions that are needed for the
server instance to start. All the configuration values for this new server instance
are based on default values. Therefore one should specify DatabaseServer and
DatabaseName before the server can accept client requests.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

New-NAVServerInstance -ClientServicesPort <int> -ManagementServicesPort

<int> -ODataServicesPort <int> -ServerInstance <string> -SOAPServicesPort
<int> [-ServiceAccount <ServiceAccount>] [-ServiceAccountCredential
<PSCredential>] [<CommonParameters>]

The following instruction creates a new server instance called ‘DynamicsNAV70-

Test’. The server instance prompts for service account security credentials and it
uses the TCP ports 7145, 7146, 7147, and 7148.

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New-NavServerInstance –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70-Test’ –
ManagementServicesPort 7145 –ClientServicesPort 7146 –SOAPServicesPort 7147
–OdataServicesPort 7148 -ServiceAccount User

The following instruction creates a new server instance called ‘DynamicsNAV70-

Test’. The server instance prompts for service account security credentials and it
uses the TCP ports 7145, 7146, 7147, and 7148.

New-NavServerInstance –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70-Test’ –

ManagementServicesPort 7145 –ClientServicesPort 7146 –SOAPServicesPort 7147
–OdataServicesPort 7148 -ServiceAccount User


You can use this commandlet to define new permissions for an existing permission

To create a new permission set, you first use the New-NAVServerPermissionSet

command. Afterwards, you can use the New-NAVServerPermission command to
add new permissions to the permission set. To remove permission from a
permission set, you can use the Remove-NAVServerPermission command. To
change existing object permissions for a permission set, you can use the Set-
NAVServerPermission command.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

New-NAVServerPermission [-ServerInstance] <string>] [-Delete

<PermissionOption>] [-Execute <PermissionOption>] [-Insert
<PermissionOption>] [-Modify <PermissionOption>] [-ObjectId <int>] [-
ObjectType <int>] [-Read <PermissionOption>] [-PermissionSetId <string>] [-
SecurityFilter <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

PermissionSetId refers to an existing permission set.

The PermissionOption can have the following values:

Parameter Value Parameter Value Description

(integer) (text)
0 No Use this option if you do
not want to set a specific
permission type for the
permission set.

1 Yes Use this option to assign

direct permissions to the
permission set.

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Parameter Value Parameter Value Description
(integer) (text)
2 Indirect Use this option to assign
indirect permissions to
the permission set.

You can use either the text value or the numeric value for the permission option.

For the ObjectType you can use either the integer value or the text value.

Integer Value for Object Text Value for Object Type

0 TableData
1 Table

2 Form

3 Report

4 Dataport

5 Codeunit

6 XMLPort

7 MenuSuite

8 Page

9 Query
10 System

11 FieldNumber

The following instruction adds a new permission for table 5050 to the ‘ALL’
permission set on the DynamicsNAV70 server instance. The permission set
contains direct read permission, direct insert permission, indirect modify
permission, no delete permission and direct execute permission for table 5050.

New-NAVServerPermission –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –PermissionSetId

‘ALL’ –ObjectType TableData –ObjectId 5050 –Read Yes –Insert Yes –Modify
Indirect –Delete No –Execute Yes

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This command creates a new Microsoft Dynamics NAV permission set on the
specified server instance.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

New-NAVServerPermissionSet [-ServerInstance] <string> -PermissionSetId

<string> -PermissionSetName <string> [<CommonParameters>]

PermissionSetId and PermissionSetName are mandatory parameters representing

the identification code and the description for the new permission set.

Note: We recommend that you do not use the common Microsoft Dynamics
NAV filter characters (such as & and | and ..) in the name of a new permission set.

The following instruction creates a new permission set called ‘INSTCONF’ on the
DynamicsNAV70 server instance. The description of the permission set is
‘Installation & Configuration’.

New-NAVServerPermissionSet –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –PermissionSetId

‘INSTCONF’ –PermissionSetName ‘Installation & Configuration’

Afterwards, you can use the New-NAVServerPermission command to add

permissions to the permission set. You can use the Rename-
NAVServerPermissionSet to change the name of the permission set and the
Remove-NAVServerPermissionSet command to delete the permission set.


You can use this command to create a new Microsoft Dynamics NAV user on the
specified server instance. You can either use the Windows Account or the Security
Identifier (SID) to identify the user.

The Database cannot be configured to allow anonymous logons, meaning that the
following accounts or SIDs cannot be used:

Security Identifier (SID) Name

S-1-1-0 Everyone
S-1-5-7 Anonymous

The syntax for this command is as follows:

New-NAVServerUser [-ServerInstance] <string> [-Sid <string>] [-WindowsAccount

<string>] [<CommonParameters>]

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You can either use the user’s SID or the user’s Windows Account name as a
parameter. To retrieve a user’s SID, you can use the Get-NAVServerUser
command. Only users with credential type WINDOWS can be created. To create
users with different credential types, you must use the RoleTailored client for
Windows or the web client.

Note: If you use the Get-NAVServerUser command to retrieve a user’s SID,

remember to use the value of the Windows Security ID setting, not the User Security

The following instruction adds the Windows user KEN (from the CONTOSO
domain) as a user on the DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

New-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –WindowsAccount


The following instruction adds the Network Service account as a user to the
DynamicsNAV70 instance.

New-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –WindowsAccount ‘NT


The following instruction adds the Network Service account as a user to the
DynamicsNAV70 instance. Here the –Sid parameter is used instead of the
WindowsAccount parameter.

New-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –Sid S-1-5-20


You can use this command to assign a permission set to a user. If you do not
specify the –CompanyName parameter, the permission set is assigned for all
companies in the database. You can use the –CompanyName parameter to limit
the permission set assignment to a specific company only.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet [-ServerInstance] <string>] -PermissionSetId

<string> [-CompanyName <string>] [-Sid <string>] [-WindowsAccount <string>]

You can either use the –Sid or the –WindowsAccount parameter to identify the

Please be aware that the company name is case-sensitive. Company names that
contain spaces must be included in single quotation marks.

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The following instruction adds the permission set named ‘INSTCONF’ to a user
who has the Windows Account CONTOSO\KEN. The permission set is assigned for
the CRONUS International Ltd. company only.

New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –

PermissionSetId ‘INSTCONF’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS International Ltd’. –
WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\KEN’


You can use this command to terminate a Microsoft Dynamics NAV client session
with the specified ID on the specified server instance.

You can use the Get-NAVSeverSession command to obtain a list of all active client
sessions on a specific server instance. Each active client session has a Session Id.
When you terminate a Windows client session, the client session is terminated and
the following message is displayed on the client computer.


The syntax for this command is as follows:

Remove-NAVServerSession [-ServerInstance] <string>] -SessionId <int>


The following instruction terminates the client session with Session ID = 103 on
the DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Remove-NAVServerSession –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –SessionId 103

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You can use this command to delete an existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
instance. When you use this command to remove an existing server instance, the
server instance is uninstalled. This means the following:

• Folders are removed.

• Firewall exceptions are removed.
• URL access control lists are removed.
• The Windows service is unregistered.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Remove-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance <string> [<CommonParameters>]

The following instruction removes the DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Remove-NAVServerInstance –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’


You can use this command to remove a specific permission from a permission set
on a specific server instance.

The syntax for this command is:

Remove-NAVServerPermission [-ServerInstance] <string>] [-PermissionSetId

<string>] [-ObjectType <int>] [-ObjectId <int>] [<CommonParameters>]

For the ObjectType you can use either the integer value or the text value.

Integer Value for Object Type Text Value for Object Type
0 TableData
1 Table
2 Form

3 Report
4 Dataport

5 Codeunit

6 XMLPort

7 MenuSuite
8 Page

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Integer Value for Object Type Text Value for Object Type
9 Query

10 System

11 FieldNumber

The following instruction removes permissions for Page 21 from the ‘BASIC’
permission set on the DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Remove-NAVServerPermission –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –

PermissionSetId ‘BASIC’ –ObjectType Page –ObjectId 21


You can use this command to remove a specific permission set from the specified
server instance.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Remove-NAVServerPermissionSet [-ServerInstance] <string> -PermissionSetId

<string> [<CommonParameters>]

The following instruction removes the INSTCONF permission set from the
DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Remove-NAVServerPermissionSet –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –

PermissionSetId ‘INSTCONF’


You can use this command to remove a Microsoft Dynamics NAV user on the
specified server instance.

To identify the user to remove, you can user either the user’s SID or the user’s
Windows Account name as a parameter. To retrieve a user’s SID, you can use the
Get-NAVServerUser command.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Remove-NAVServerUser [-ServerInstance] <string> [-Sid <string>] [-

WindowsAccount <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

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The following instruction removes the Network Service user from the
DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Remove-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –WindowsAccount ‘NT


The following instruction removes the Network Service user from the
DynamicsNAV70 server instance. It uses the –Sid instead of the –WindowsAccount

Remove-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –Sid S-1-5-20

The following instruction removes the domain user KEN (from the CONTOSO
domain) from the DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Remove-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –WindowsAccount



You can use this command to remove a permission set from a specific user.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Remove-NAVServerUserPermissionSet [-ServerInstance] <string>] -

PermissionSetId <string> [-CompanyName <string>] [-Sid <string>] [-
WindowsAccount <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

To identify the user, you can user either the user’s SID or the user’s Windows
Account name as a parameter. To retrieve a user’s SID, you can use the Get-
NAVServerUser command.

The following instruction takes away the DOC-APP-USER permission set from the
domain user CONTOSO\KEN on the DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Remove-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –SeverInstance –PermissionSetID ‘DOC-

APP-USER’ –WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\KEN’

The following instruction takes away the DOC-APP-USER permission set from the
domain user CONTOSO\KEN on the DynamicsNAV70 server instance. The
permission set is taken away for the CRONUS International Ltd. company only (not
for any other companies).

Remove-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –SeverInstance –PermissionSetID ‘DOC-

APP-USER’ –WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\KEN’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS
International Ltd’.

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You can use this command to rename an existing permission set on the specified
server instance.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Set-NAVServerPermissionSet [-ServerInstance] <string> -PermissionSetId <string>

-NewPermissionSetId <string> [-PermissionSetName <string>]

You can add the –PermissionSetName parameter if you want to change the
description of the permission set. If you omit the –PermissionSetName parameter,
the description of the permission set is not changed.

The following instruction renames the BASIC permission set on the

DynamicsNAV70 sever instance to GENERAL. At the same time, it changes the
description for the renamed permission set to ‘General Permissions’.

Set-NAVServerPermissionSet –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –PermissionSetId

‘BASIC –NewPermissionSetId ‘GENERAL’ –PermissionSetName ‘General


You can use this command to rename an existing NAV user on the specified server

The syntax for this command is:

Set-NAVServerUser [-ServerInstance] <string> [-WindowsAccount <string>] [-Sid

<string>] [-NewWindowsAccount <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

To identify the users, you can use either the user’s SID or the user’s Windows
account (or a combination of SID and account name).

The following instruction renames the NetworkService user to the


Set-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –Sid S-1-5-20 –

NewWindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\SUSAN’

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Module 8: Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell
The following instruction renames the domain user CONTOSO\SUSAN to the
NetworkService account.

Set-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –WindowsAccount




You can use this command to change the service account of a specific server
instance. Also it can be used to change the state of a specific server instance. In
other words, you can use the command to (re)start and stop the server instance.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Set-NAVServerInstance [-ServerInstance] <string> [-Domain <string>] [-Password

<string>] [-Restart] [-ServiceAccount <ServiceAccount>] [-Start] [-Stop] [-
UserName <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

The ServiceAccount parameter can have the following values:

Parameter Value Description

User Use this option if you want the server
instance to run under a domain user account.
If you use this option, you must specify the
Domain, UserName and Password

NetworkService Use this option if you want the server

instance to run under the ‘NT
this case, you do not have to specify the
Domain, UserName and Password

Note: Changing the service account for a specific server instance requires the
service to be restarted before the new settings take effect. You can use the Set-
NAVServerInstance with the –Restart parameter to restart the service.

The command is typically used after you import a new license using the Import-
NAVServerLicense command.

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The following instruction changes service account for the DynamicsNAV70 server
instance to the NetworkService account.

Set-NAVServerInstance –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –ServiceAccount


The following instruction sets the DynamicsNAV70 server instance to run under
the domain user account CONTOSO\NAV70Service account. (This example
assumes that the password for this account is ‘Pa$$w0rd’.)

Set-NAVServerInstance –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –ServiceAccount User –

Domain ‘CONTOSO’ –UserName ‘NAV70Service’ –Password ‘Pa$$w0rd’

The following instruction stops and restarts the DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Set-NAVServerInstance –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ -Restart


You can use this command to change the permissions for a specific Permission Set
on the specified server instance.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

Set-NAVServerPermission [[-ServerInstance] <string>] [-Delete

<PermissionOption>] [-Execute <PermissionOption>] [-Insert
<PermissionOption>] [-Modify <PermissionOption>] [-ObjectId <int>] [-
ObjectType <int>] [-Read <PermissionOption>] [-PermissionSetId <string>] [-
SecurityFilter <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

The PermissionOption can have the following values:

Parameter Value Parameter Value (text) Description

0 No Use this option if you
don’t want to set a
specific permission type
in the permission set.

1 Yes Use this option to assign

direct permissions to the
permission set.

2 Indirect Use this option to assign

indirect permissions to
the permission set.

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Module 8: Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell
You can use either the text value or the numeric value for the permission option.

For the ObjectType you can use either the integer value or the text value.

Integer Value for Object Type Text Value for Object Type
0 TableData

1 Table
2 Form

3 Report

4 Dataport

5 Codeunit
6 XMLPort

7 MenuSuite

8 Page
9 Query

10 System
11 FieldNumber

The following instruction sets all permissions for the Company Information table
to Indirect for the ALL permission set.

Set-NAVServerPermission –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –PermissionSetId

‘ALL’ –Read Indirect –Insert Indirect –Modify Indirect –Delete Indirect –Execute


You can use this command to manage the configuration settings for a specific
NAV server Instance. This command is used to change configuration values for a
named server instance. These values are written directly to the appSettings section
in the configuration file. The changes are not applied before the server instance is

You can use the Get-NAVServerConfiguration command to obtain a list of all

possible configuration keys with their values. Afterwards, you can use the Set-
NAVServerConfiguration command to change the values. You can only change
one configuration setting at a time.

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The syntax for this command is as follows:

Set-NAVServerConfiguration [-ServerInstance] <string> -KeyName <string> -

KeyValue <string> [-Element <string>] [<CommonParameters>]

The following instruction changes the value of the “DatabaseServer” key to ‘NYC-
DCSQL-2012’ for the DynamicsNAV70 server instance.

Set-NAVServerConfiguration –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAV70’ –KeyName

‘DatabaseServer’ -KeyValue ‘NYC-DCSQL-2012’

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Module 8: Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell

Lab 8.1: Administering NAV Server Using PowerShell


One day Julia, the Marketing Executive who manages the sales and marketing
strategy contacts Tim. Julia wants to investigate how she can use the Sales &
Marketing functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV in order to monitor marketing
effectiveness and industry success.

As a first step, Tim provides her access to the Test database, and assigns the
necessary permission sets so she can fully test the Relationship Management
functional area. Tim grants the permissions only for the CRONUS International Ltd.

Exercise 1: Check the Server Status and License

Exercise Scenario

Before he grants Julia access to the Test database, Tim checks the server state of
the DynamicsNAVTest server instance. He also checks whether the correct license
is used.

Task 1: Log On to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Computer

High Level Steps

1. Log on to the server as Administrator.

Detailed Steps
1. Log on to the server as Administrator.
a. On the Desktop, press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
b. In the Password field, enter the password for the Administrator
c. Press Enter.

Task 2: Start a PowerShell Session

High Level Steps

1. Start a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 PowerShell Session.

Detailed Steps
1. Start a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 PowerShell Session.
a. In the Windows Taskbar, click Start > All Programs > Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 Administration Shell.

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Task 3: Check the Server Instance State

High Level Steps

1. Retrieve a list of all registered server instances.
2. Check the status of the DynamicsNAVTest server instance.

Detailed Steps
1. Retrieve a list of all registered server instances.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
Get-NAVServerInstance |fc.

2. Check the status of the DynamicsNAVTest server instance.

a. Check the value of the State setting for the DynamicsNAVTest
server instance. It should read Running.

Task 4: Check the License Information

High Level Steps

1. Check the license information for the DynamicsNAVTest server

Detailed Steps
1. Check the license information for the DynamicsNAVTest server
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
Export-NAVServerLicenseInformation –ServerInstance
b. Check the company information in Licensed to.

Exercise 2: Add a New User

Task 1: Add a New User to the Server Instance

High Level Steps

1. Add a new user on the DynamicsNAVTest server instance.

Detailed Steps
1. Add a new user on the DynamicsNAVTest server instance.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
New-NAVServerUser –ServerInstance ‘DynamicsNAVTest’ –
WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\JULIA’.

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Exercise 3: Assign permission sets to the User

Task 1: Add BASIC permission set

High Level Steps

1. Add BASIC permission set.

Detailed Steps
1. Add BASIC permission set.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance
‘DynamicsNAVTest’ –PermissionSetId ‘BASIC’ –WindowsAccount
‘CONTOSO\JULIA’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS International Ltd’.

Task 2: Add RM-SETUP permission set

High Level Steps

1. Add RM-SETUP permission set.

Detailed Steps
1. Add RM-SETUP permission set.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance
‘DynamicsNAVTest’ –PermissionSetId ‘RM-SETUP’ –
WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\JULIA’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS
International Ltd’.

Task 3: Add RM-CAMPAIGN, EDIT permission set

High Level Steps

1. Add RM-CAMPAIGN, EDIT permission set.

Detailed Steps
1. Add RM-CAMPAIGN, EDIT permission set.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance
‘DynamicsNAVTest’ –PermissionSetId ‘RM-CAMPAIGN, EDIT’ –
WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\JULIA’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS
International Ltd’.

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Task 4: Add RM-CONT, EDIT permission set

High Level Steps

1. Add RM-CONT, EDIT permission set.

Detailed Steps
1. Add RM-CONT, EDIT permission set.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance
‘DynamicsNAVTest’ –PermissionSetId ‘RM-CONT, EDIT’ –
WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\JULIA’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS
International Ltd’.

Task 5: Add RM-OPP, EDIT permission set

High Level Steps

1. Add RM-OPP, EDIT permission set.

Detailed Steps
1. Add RM-OPP, EDIT permission set.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance
‘DynamicsNAVTest’ –PermissionSetId ‘RM-OPP, EDIT’ –
WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\JULIA’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS
International Ltd’.

Task 6: Add OSYNCHADMIN permission set

High Level Steps

1. Add OSYNCHADMIN permission set.

Detailed Steps
1. Add OSYNCHADMIN permission set.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance
‘DynamicsNAVTest’ –PermissionSetId ‘OSYNCHADMIN’ –
WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\JULIA’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS
International Ltd’.

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Task 7: Add RM-PERIODIC permission set

High Level Steps

1. Add RM-PERIODIC permission set.

Detailed Steps
1. Add RM-PERIODIC permission set.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance
‘DynamicsNAVTest’ –PermissionSetId ‘RM-PERIODIC’ –
WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\JULIA’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS
International Ltd’.

Task 8: Add RM-TODO, EDIT permission set

High Level Steps

1. Add the RM-TODO, EDIT permission set.

Detailed Steps
1. Add the RM-TODO, EDIT permission set.
a. In the PowerShell window, enter the following:
New-NAVServerUserPermissionSet –ServerInstance
‘DynamicsNAVTest’ –PermissionSetId ‘RM-TODO, EDIT’ –
WindowsAccount ‘CONTOSO\JULIA’ –CompanyName ‘CRONUS
International Ltd’.

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Module Review
This module describes how to use the PowerShell API to administer Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 server instances. It explains the different PowerShell
commands and their parameters. Parameters can be either named or positional.

Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. What parameter can you use to obtain additional logging information during
execution of a PowerShell command?

( ) -full

( ) -detailed

( ) -eventlog

( ) -showinfo

( ) -verbose

2. What can you use the Set-NAVServerInstance command for?

( ) To change the Client Services Port for a server instance.

( ) To enable PowerShell Management for a server instance.

( ) To change the service account for a server instance.

( ) To create a new server instance.

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Module 8: Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell

Test Your Knowledge Solutions

Module Review and Takeaways

1. What parameter can you use to obtain additional logging information during
execution of a PowerShell command?

( ) -full

( ) -detailed

( ) -eventlog

( ) -showinfo

(√) -verbose

2. What can you use the Set-NAVServerInstance command for?

( ) To change the Client Services Port for a server instance.

( ) To enable PowerShell Management for a server instance.

(√) To change the service account for a server instance.

( ) To create a new server instance.

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