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Table: MOls in Response to FOIA 2016_00222 13:08 Thursday, June 2, 2016 12

EstNbr Date MOI Agenda

P1284 22APR2015 P-1284, Pilgrim's, April 22, 2015, 0020 hours. In attendance: llDIGJJ
At approximately
2130 hours on 4/21/15, the USDA inspector on the outside line, inspection station two,
condem ned an uncut cadaver from t he evisceration line. The condemned carcass was held for
. During our meeting, I expressed my concerns to[f!)IGJJ
an that fi nding uncut cadavers at the inspection stations is becoming a n ongoing
t rend. Fourteen uncut cadavers have been condemned at inspection stations duri ng thi rd shift
operations over the past two months. Inspectors have also condemned a number of cadavers
without heads and DOA's (purple color, congested and friable viscera, and off-condition odor)
duri ng this t ime. Management has been consistently notified whenever uncut cadavers have
been condemned by USDA Inspectors and that DOA carcasses should be condemned on
ante-mortem and not dressed or conveyed into the establishment. Federal Regulation
381.65(b) req uires that poultry be slaughtered in accordance with good commercial practices
in a manner that will result in thorough bleeding of t he carcasses a nd ensure that breathi ng
has stopped prior to scalding. Also, poultry carcasses showing evidence of having died from
causes other than slaughter are considered ad ulterated and must be condemned (381.90). I
provided a copy of Federal Register Notice Docket No. 04-037N, Treatment of Live Poultry

poultry. um
before Slaughter, for a review of FSIS recommendations concerning t he t reatment of live
stated that management will review preventative measures that could be
implemented to reduce the ongoing t rend of cadavers presented at inspection stations.
Respectfully, (8 )(6) P-1284, Pilgrim's, 3rd Shift

P1307 21MAY2015 At approximately 07:15, I observed less than Good Commercial Practice in the live poultry
area. While performing a GCP/Antemortem check, I observed a mutilated, dead chicken
caught between the chain drive mechanism of the live cage dump on line #1. One of the legs
had been completely separated from the rest of the carcass and was caught in the chain on
t he side closest to the cage dump, while t he carcass was on the other side away from the cage
dump. The nature of the injuries to the chicken is consistent wit h death by means other than
slaughter. I notified , a nd he removed and disposed of the carcass. I
asked what measures would be taken to prevent reoccurrence, an • stated t hat he
would get with the shift manager to see what could be done. I informed : • that t he
Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA) and Agency regulations do requi re t hat live poultry be
ha ndled in a manner that is consistent wit h good commercial practices, and t hat they not die
from causes other tha n slaughter. I discussed t he fi nding wit h (8 )(6)
and notified him that this MOI will be forwarded to the District Office a nd the District
Veteri nary Medical Specialist (DVMS) in case additional follow-up is recommended. He stated
t hat he will notify the cage dumper to make sure no birds are able to get on t he dump
platform, and he will monitor the cage doors to see if any are bent and not lini ng up properly
with t he flaps on the dumper. He also said t hat he will have maintenance to replace the
plates on t he dump platform to make the gaps smaller so that birds will not be able to fall
t hrough and get caught in the chain. I later provided hi m with a copy of the Federal Register
Notice Vol.70, No. 187, published September 2005 [Docket No. 04-037N) and suggested that
he review it for recommendations concerning treatment of live poultry before slaughter.
Table:Memorandums of Interview (MOls) in response to FOIA2016-00084 13:1 7 Tuesday, September 27. 2016 67

EstNbr EstName Code M OI# Date Description

P1284 Pilgrim's 04C05 GDA47130 2015-09-15 At approximately 1043 hours on September 15, 2015, while
93715G observing conditions in live hang area in the receiving
department, I, and observed
one (1) live, weak young chicken underneath two dead chickens
in the condemned (dead-on-arrival) barrel. The live chicken was
breathing slowly and blinking. I immediately notified theWI
of this find ing. At that time, he
removed the chicken from the barrel. I then went through the
barrel to ensure no other live chickens were present. A meeting
was held with Plant Manager Kent Massey and-
- -at 1230 hours of the same day. During
~ and- were informed of the
details of the incident. They responded that they would further
investigate the incident. I reminded- and-
that the PPIA and Agency regulations do req ui re that live
poultry be handled in a ma nner that is consistent with good
commercial practices, a nd that they not die from causes other
tha n slaughter. I a lso provided- and- with
a copy of the Federal Register Notice Vol. 70, No. 187, published
September 2005 [Docket No. 04-037N) for FSIS
recommendations concerni ng treatment of live poultry before
slaughter and recommended review of the document. A plant
response is requested. Respectfully, (b) (6)
(b) (6) P-1284, Pilgrim's
Table:Memorandums of Interview (MOls) in response to FOIA2016-00084 13:17 Tuesday, September 27. 2016 68

EstNbr EstName Code MOI# Date Description

P1284 Pilgrim's 04C05 GDA21031 2015-11-13 Est. P1284, Pilgrim's, November 9, 2015, 2230 hours. In
15013G (b) (6)
. At approximately 2220 hours on
11/9/15, I proceeded to t he live ha ng area to observe shackling
of live birds after several DOA's were condemned at inspection
stations. I entered the live floor area at t he paw unloader. I
observed DOA's covering t he live floor (guesstimate of 500+
birds). There was a mou nd of DOA's located at the lead end of
the live conveyor and t he low brick wall separating the live floor
from the paw unloader. This mound reached above the height of
the live conveyor, approximately 4 feet high. I could visualize
several birds withi n t he mound that were breathi ng. The
number of birds coveri ng the live floor prevented me from
walking through the live area. I exited the area through t he
scalder/picking room to seek assistance. (b) (6)
- came to the live area to address t he issue. I observed
at least six live chickens buried under the DOA's that were in the
process of smothering. At 2241 hou rs,WliJW stopped live
hanging to add ress t he large number of DOA's. I remindedWD
- that the PPIA a nd Agency regulations require that live
poultry be handled in a ma nner that is consistent with Good
Commercial Practices. The establishment is fai ling to add ress
live and moribund birds on the floor in a timely manner. The
birds are being handled in a way that results in thei r needless
suffering and dyi ng otherwise than by slaughter. tQ>JM
stated t hat he does not want t he plant to operate in this
manner, but no planned actions were given at this time. A
similar incident occurred on 10/3/15 a nd 10/18/15. My
concerns were addressed with
and on these two occasions.
This animal welfare issue was documented and discussed in the
weekly MOI on 11/5/15, du ri ng which Mr. Kent Massey, Plant
Manager, stated that t he video camera installed in the live room
is helping with regards to bird handling. Respectfully,[ ( j l g
Table:Memorandums of Interview (MOls) in response to FOIA2016-00084 13:17 Tuesday, September 27. 2016 69

EstNbr EstName Code MOI# Date Description

P1284 Pilgrim's 04C05 GDA10221 2015-11-19 POULTRY MISTREATMENT MOI Est. P1284, Pilgri m's Poultry,
15119G November 18, 2015: 2239 hours. In attendance:

approximately 2228 hours, on 11/18/15, while inspecting t he
MSC/DOA offal trailer, I o bse rved a mound of approximately 75
denatured DOA carcasses and paw/paw parts in the offal traile r.
Standing on top of t he mound of DOA's, I observed a small
chicken. The live chicken was a lert and responsive and did not
appear to have any physical abnormalit ies. I immediately
notified and[tplg The live
chicken was removed from t he offal t railer and huma nely
euthanized. I reminded mg that the regulations req uire
that poultry be sla ughtered according to Good Commercial
Practices. This incl udes employing humane methods of ha ndling
that prevents needless inj ury and suffering. No immediate
pla nned actions were provided by the establishment at t his
time. ruJIW was informed that this mistreatment MOI will
be forwa rded to t he District Office and the District Veterinary
Medical specialist (DVMS) in the event additional follow-up is
recommended. Respectfully, (b) (6)
Table: Memorandums of Interview (MOls) in response to FOIA2016-00084 13:17 Tuesday, September 27. 2016 70

EstNbr EstName Code MOI# Date Description

P1284 Pilgrim's 04COS GDA55221 2015-12-01 POULTRY MISTREATMENT MOI Est. P1284, Pilgrim's,
24901G November 30, 2015; 2130 hours. In attendance:

. At approximately 2118
hours, on 11/30/15, while observing conditions in t he live hang
area and inspecting the DOA condemn barrel, I observed a live
chicken in t he condemn barrel. The condemn barrel contained
approximately 12 DOA birds. (b)(6)
removed each bird from the barrel and the live bird was found
underneath several dead birds. The chicken was breathing and
ma king attempts to lift its head. The live attendant promptly
euthanized the chicken by cervical dislocation. I reminded tlDJ
• that the regulations require t hat poultry must be
slaughtered accordi ng to Good Commercial Practices. No
immediate planned actions were provided by t he establis hment
at this time.[tj>IWll was informed that this mistreatment MOI
will be forwarded to the District Office and t he District
Veterinary Medical Specialist (DVMS) in the event additional
follow-up is recommended. A similar mistreatment MOI was
written on 11/18/15. Respectfully, (b)(6)

P1294 Holmes Foods 04COS CKC031510 2015-10-08 Verified the establishment's poultry good commercial practice
Inc. 4908G and ante mortem at live hang and live haul s hed. I found two
cages with t he floor lifted up half way into the area of the birds
with birds inside on t railer T41 and one cage with t he wall bent
in on t he bottom section of the cage wit h birds inside on t railer
TS. I notified of t he cages that
need repai r and respond that live production has been notified
and that he might get repair done on t he weekend.
Table1: MOIs for FOIA 15179 MOIS

District Est Nbr Est Name DATE Task Code Status MOI Agenda

80 M737 House of 03/20/2015 04C05 Finalized Mr. Cowan Johnson, Plant Manager, P-737 House of Raeford Teachey, NC 28464  
Raeford - Wallace Div Mr. Johnson   This MOI is being documented for the mistreatment of a live bird I
observed being slung onto the live bird conveyor on 3/20/15.  At approximately
0800 while performing a Good Commercial Practices task, I observed the employee
working the cage dumper pull out birds from the cage that had just backed away
from the dumper.  He then slung one bird over the next cage onto the conveyor
feeding live birds into the hanging. The bird was thrown approximately 10 feet
from where he was standing over the cage then approximately 6 feet down to the
conveyor.   He started to sling the other birds over the cage until I stopped him
from doing so. This practice is a mistreatment of live birds.  (b) (6)
, was immediately notified of my observation.     (b) (6)
met with (b) (6) and me at approximately 0820 to inform us that he
had already talked to the employee and discussed this issue with him.  (b) (6)
also stated that he would document this meeting and have the employee sign it. If
you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please feel free to contact
(b) (6) , or (b) (6) .

85 P1284 Pilgrim's 02/12/2015 04C05 Finalized Est. P-1284, Pilgrims, February 11, 2015; 2245 hours, In attendance:  (b) (6)
(b) (6) , (b) (6) ;  0130 hours, In attendance:
(b) (6) , (b) (6) , (b) (6)
At approximately 2200 hours, USDA inspectors had hung back
carcasses with severe bruising, broken and bruised legs, and some with avulsed
legs with massive bruising. While I performed the USDA inspector breaks, I found
more carcasses with the same issues. I held the carcasses and showed them to
(b) (6) and (b) (6) at approximately 2245 hours. The plant documented
the findings with pictures. The mistreatment of the birds was discussed with the
establishment and they were advised that preventing mistreatment of poultry
decreases the production of adulterated carcasses. At approximately 0130 hours,
USDA inspectors found carcasses with similar evidence of trauma. The
establishment was notified and the findings were documented again with pictures.
The issue was discussed with (b) (6) . We have found bruised
and traumatized birds over the past three weeks and the issue is getting
progressively more frequent. (b) (6) will be speaking to (b) (6)
personally to resolve this issue.

FOIA 15179 MOIS.pdf

Table: Memorandums of Interview (MOls) in Response to FOIA 2016-00248 10:26 Friday, December 9. 2016 48

District EstNbr EstName MOI# Date Description

85 P1284 Pilgrim's GDA53220 25MAY201 Est. P1284, Pilgrim's, May 25, 2016, 430 hou rs. In attendance: ,mg>ll
54925G 6 . At approximately 0323 hours,
I entered the live ha ng area after a cadaver was presented at inspection station two. I was
observing t he stunning and kill of t he live birds on the picking line. The picki ng line was
stopped by t he back- up killer two times during t he mi nutes I was observing t he line. The
back-up killer could not keep up with birds missing t he automatic killer. I saw several birds
ha nging by one leg t hat had been missed by the automatic killer. I conti nued to observe the
stun and kill process. I counted ten birds missed by the automatic killer in less than one
minute. I proceeded to the location just before the electrostimulation unit to observe the
carcasses movi ng along the picking line. I observed a live, uncut bird on the picking line about
to enter t he electrostimulation unit. Unfortunately, from my location, there is no means to
safely stop the picking line using a stop button or an emergency stop cord. I proceeded to
follow the picki ng line and observed t he live bird enter the scalder. I followed the picki ng line
a nd removed the uncut cadaver as it exited the final picker. The cadaver was brought to the
attention oHtj>UW and m l J I also remi nded management t hat three cadavers had been
condemned at inspection stations during the shift. These cadavers were very congested with
bloody necks and appeared like t he heads had been pulled off at the head puller. As
immediate corrective actions, ma nagement implemented t he following: An additional
back-up killer was added to the line. The kill machi ne was lowered to accommodate the
larger size of the birds. A live hanger was assigned to monitor for birds hu ng by one leg which
were missi ng the stunner and automatic killer, causing issues for the back-up killer. [tj>UW
stated he would be following up with ma nagement concerning t he inability to safely stop the
picki ng line at the location just prior to the electrostimulation unit. I remi nded[tj>UW that
the PPIA and Agency regulations do require that live poultry be handled in a manner t hat is
consistent with good commercial practices, and that they not die from causes other tha n
slaughter. Preventing mistreatment of poultry decreases the production of adulterated
carcasses.This MOI will be forwarded to the District Office and t he District Veterinary
Specialist (DVMS) in the event additional follow-up is recommended. Respectfully, "[QJ-.•l'"'QJ""W-

85 P1309 House of Raeford JLA420906 06JUN2016 On 6/6/16 at approximately 10:15, while performing an a ntemortem check of the chickens
Farms Inc. 4506G being held outside. I,- observed 1 bird crushed beneath the back right wheel of
trailer #2835 which was parked underneath the furthest s hed. I notified (b)(6)
- and showed him my fi ndings. The issue of live birds being observed loose outside
near t he cage dump area and under t he sheds was last discussed in t he weekly meeting
between FSIS IPP and establis hment personnel on 5/26/16.
Table: Memorandums of Interview (MOls) for FOIA2017-0086 09:43 Friday, February 3, 2017 45

District EstNbr EstName MOI# Date Status Descript ion

85 P1284 Pilgrim's GDA37031 2016-10-27 Finalized Est. P1284, Pilgrims, October 26, 2016, 2330 hours. In

approximately 2315 hours, while walking through the

picking room, I observed an establishment employee
standing at the exit to the final picker. Ten carcasses were
hanging on the stopped picking line, have just come through
the kill process. Two out of the ten carcasses were uncut
cadavers (no neck cut, swollen and engorged heads and
necks and red skin over the entire carcass). I asked the
employee what he was doing with the ten carcasses and he
stated he was doing a yield test. I removed the two cadavers
and brought them to the evisceration office to the attention
of The regulations require that poultry
be slaughtered in accordance with Good Commercial
Practices. Poultry are to be slaughtered in a manner that
ensures that breathing has stopped before scalding, so that
birds do not drown, and that slaughter results in thorough
bleeding of the poultry carcass (9 CFR 381.65(b)). Poultry are
also to be ha ndled in a manner that prevents needless injury
and sufferi ng in order to produce a commercially marketable
product. Compliance with these requirements helps ensure
that poultry are treated humanely. Upon further
investigation, it was determined the employee was
conducting a yield test and had run the birds through the kill
process during the live room break time. The employee had
failed to check the birds as they exited the automatic knife
and failed to notice the two birds that required back-up
killing. The investigation is ongoing. Respectfully,Ill
Table: Memorandums of Interview (MOls) for FOIA2017-0086 09:43 Friday, February 3, 2017 46

District EstNbr EstName MOI# Date Status Descript ion

85 P1284 Pilgrim's GDA33211 2016-11-29 Finalized EST. P-1284, Pilgrim's, November 28, 2016, 0510 hours. In
At approximately 0415 hours, on
11/28/16, I observed an uncut cadaver on the picking line. I
removed the cadaver from the line, placed it on the
evisceration correlation table, and notified~
- I then proceeded to the picking room to observe
the carcasses exiting the picker. I removed another uncut
cadaver exiting the pickers at approximately 0430 hours. I
was then called to inspection station two on the outside line
to inspect a cadaver (red skin, engorged viscera and deep
purple, bloody neck). The head was missing from this carcass
and it appeared the head had been pulled from the carcass.
I returned to the picking room and observed another uncut
cadaver exiting the pickers and then I observed two
carcasses exiting the pickers hung on the same shackle, with
the bottom carcass cut and the top carcass an uncut
cadaver. I placed these uncut cadavers on the correlation
ta ble and notifiedrmBilJlll and .I
observed four uncut cadavers, one cadaver with the head
pulled, and two carcasses hung on one shackle in less than
one hour. I was informed by management they would
address this situation and provide corrective actions. I
reminded- that the PPIA and Agency regulations
do require that live poultry be handled in a manner that is
consistent with good commercial practices (GCPs) and that
they not die from causes other than slaughter. Poultry are
to be slaughtered in a manner that ensures that breathing
has stopped before scalding, so that the birds do not drown,
and that slaughter results in thorough bleeding of the
poultry carcasses. Carcasses showing evidence of having died
from causes other tha n slaughter are considered adulterated
and must be condemned. I recommended that-
review the Federal Register on Treatment of Live Poultry
before Slaughter, published September 2005 for FSIS
recommendation concerning treatment of live poultry
before slaughter, and provided him a copy of this document.
I notified- that this MOI would be forwarded to
the District Office and the District Veterinary Medical
Specialist (DVMS) in case additional follow-up is
Table: Memorandums of Interview (MOls) for FOIA2017-0086 09:43 Friday, February 3, 2017 47

District EstNbr EstName M OI# Date Status Description

recommended. Respectfully, (b)(6)

P1284, Pilgrim's

85 P1284 Pilgrim's GDA12231 2016-12-01 Finalized EST. P-1284, Pilgrim's, November 30, 2016, 2130 hours. In
. No upper management
was available at this time. At approximately 2125 hours, on
11/30/2016, while walking through the picking room at the
exit to the pickers, I observed a cadaver exit the final picker.
The carcass was bright red and had a deep purple head and
neck. Examination of the carcass demonstrated a skin-deep
cut on the neck. I removed the carcass to the evisceration
correlation table. I notified the available establishment
management at the time, . At 0415
hours, I observed another cadaver exit the final picker. The
carcass was small and had an engorged swollen purple neck
and head. I observed a small cut through the skin on one
side of the neck. I place the cadaver on the correlation table
and notified The PPIA and Agency
regulations do require that live poultry be handled in a
manner that is consistent with good commercial practices
(GCPs) and that they not die from causes other than
slaughter. Poultry are to be slaughtered in a manner that
ensures that breathing has stopped before scalding, so that
the birds do not drown, and that slaughter results in
thorough bleeding of the poultry carcasses. Carcasses
showing evidence of having died from causes other than
slaughter are considered adulterated and must be
condemned. I recommended a review the Federal Register
on Treatment of live Poultry before Slaughter, published
September 2005 for FSIS recommendation concerning
treatment of live poultry before slaughter (a copy of this
document has been provided to the establishment). This
MOI will be forwarded to the District Office and t he District
Veterinary Medical specialist (DVMS) in case additional
follow-up is recommended. Respectfully, [GJIGJ•
P1284, Pilgrim's
Table: MOls in Response to FOIA_2017_00187 10:16 Tuesday, May 2, 2017 24

Est Nbr Date MOI Agenda

M17980 24MAR2017

P1272 10JAN2017 Mark Dean, Plant Manager Pilgrim's Pride Corporation P-1272 113 McNeal Drive Douglas,
GA 31533 On Monday, January 9, 2017 at approximately 0553 hours while performing a
Good Commercial Practices Task at P-1272 I, observed an issue with the
implementation of Good Commercial Practices in the pre-evisceration area. I observed one live
bird enter the scald vat on line number one alive. The bird was observed alive and blinking its
eyes. I immediately notified of the observation who
retrieved t he cadaver upon exit from the scald vats.
and were both notified
shortly thereafter. stated he would place a second backup killer on line one for
t he remainder of t he shift. No other live birds were observed entering the scald vat alive.
This issue will be discussed with management at the next USDA weekly meeting on January
11, 2017. There was no immediate response given by establishment ma nagement.
Respectfully, (b)(6)

P1272 15FEB2017 Mark Dean, Plant Manager Pilgri m's Pride Corporation P-1272 113 McNeal Drive Douglas,
GA 31533 On Monday, February 13, 2017 at approximately 0441 hours while performing a
Good Commercial Practices Task at P-1272 I, observed an issue with the
implementation of Good Commercial Practices in the pre-evisceration area. I observed one
deceased bird on the picking line exit scald vat number two and reenter scald vat number
t hree on line number two t hat was bright red in color. Once removed by a n employee, the
bird was observed to be bright red with engorgement throughout the neck and head. There
was no cut visible to t he neck to indicate proper slaughter procedure. I immediately notified
of the observation who retrieved t he cadaver from the
were both notified shortly thereafter. ~ould
replace the backup killer on line two for the remainder of the shift. This issue will be
discussed with ma nagement at t he next USDA weekly meeting on February 16, 2017 and
documented in the weekly meeting MOI. Respectfully, (b)(6)

P1284 02MAR2017 EST. P-1284, Pilgrim's, March 1, 2017, 0415 hours. In attendance:

approximately 0415 hours on 3/1/2017, I was observing condit ions in the live room. As I was
watching t he picking line move through the electrostimulation unit, I observed a live chicken. I
followed the line (no safe emergency stop within reach). I observed t he live chicken enter the
first scalder. At the exit of the fina l picker, I removed the cadaver t hat had no neck cut, red
ski n and a deep purple swollen neck and head. I immediately showed the cadaver tomIGJ]
a nd ~ I reminded plant management that the PPIA and agency regulations do
req ui re that live poultry be handled in a ma nner that is consistent with good commercial
practices (GCPs). Poultry are to be slaughtered in a manner that ensures that breathi ng has
stopped before scalding, so that the birds do not drown, and that slaughter results in
t horough bleeding of the poultry carcass. Poultry carcasses s howing evidence of having died
from causes other tha n slaughter are considered ad ulterated and must be condemned.
Compliance with these requirements helps ensure that poultry are treated humanely. I
recommended that t he Federal Register on Treatment of Live Poultry before Slaughter,
published September 2005, be reviewed for FSIS recommendations concerning t reatment of
live poultry before slaughter, and provided a copy of this document. A live chicken has been
found on the picking line at this same location (GCP MOI dated 5/25/16) and the issue was
discussed du ri ng the weekly MOI meeting (dated 5/26/16). This MOI will be forwa rded to t he
District Office and the District Veteri nary Medical Specialist (DVMS) in the event additional
follow-up is recommended. Respectfully, (b)(6) P-1284
Table: MOls in Response to FOIA_201 7_00187 10:16 Tuesday, May 2, 2017 25

EstNbr Date MOI Agenda

P1284 20MAR2017 EST. P-1284, Pilgri m's, March 20, 2017, 0130 hours. In attenda nce: (b )(6)
(b )(6) At ap proximately 2236 hours on
3/19/2017, I was observing condit ions in the live room. As I was watchi ng the picki ng line
move through the electrostimulation unit, I observed a live chicken. I followed the line (no safe
emergency stop within reach). I observed t he live chicken enter the first scalder. At the exit of
t he fi nal picker, I stopped the picki ng line and removed t he cadaver t hat had no neck cut,
bright red skin and a deep purple swollen neck and head. I immediately s howed the cadaver
to , who was in t he picking room at that t ime and observed
me stop t he picking line. I remi nded plant ma nagement that t he PPIA and Agency regulations
do require t hat live poultry be ha ndled in a manner that is consistent with good commercial
practices (GCPs). Poultry are to be slaughtered in a ma nner that ensures that breathi ng has
stopped before scalding, so that the birds do not drown, and that slaughter results in
t horough bleeding of the poultry carcass. Poultry carcasses s howing evidence of having died
from causes other tha n slaughter are considered ad ulterated and must be condemned.
Compliance wit h these req uirements helps ensure that poultry are treated humanely. I
recommended that t he Federal Register on Treatment of Live Poultry before Slaughter,
published Septem ber 2005, be reviewed for FSIS recommendations concerning t reatment of
live poultry before slaughter, and a copy of this document was provided on 3/1/2017. A live
chicken has been found on the picking line at t his same location (GCP MOI dated 5/25/16)
and t he issue was discussed duri ng the weekly MOI meeting (dated 5/26/16). In addit ion, an
MOI was documented on 3/2/2017 for a similar occurrence. This MOI will be forwa rded to
t he District Office and the District Veterinary Medical Specialist (DVMS) in t he event additional
follow-up is recommended. Respectfully, (b)(6) P-1284

P21234 02MAR2017 On Thursday, March 2nd, 2017, at 0737 Hour, while I was performing Poultry Good
Commercial Practice Verification Task, I noticed t hat a number of birds were missing stunni ng
on Line one, and went conscious t hrough the neck cutting machine, some of t hem were still
alive after passing t he cutting machine, where the back-up nick cutter was cutting their necks
while they were still conscious, I put my observation to (b)(6)
- and he told me that he has just started his position few days ago and he called the
management immediately. I started counti ng the num ber of birds who missed stunni ng, t here
were 35 birds/ 5 mi nutes on line 1, two small birds on line 2, and zero birds on linel ( all for
5 mi nutes). The conscious birds were either small birds or hung on t he top of the shackles,
which I believe that it was the reason for missed stunni ng. The PPIA and Agency regulations
do require t hat live birds be handled in a ma nner that is consistent with good commercial
practices ( GCPs), This MOI will be forwarded to the District Office and the District Veteri nary
Medical Specialist ( DVMS) in case additional follow up is recommended. /

P2632 05JAN2017

P32182 04JAN2017 while performing a Good

Commercial Practices task a long with I observed t hree live chickens in t he
outside drain near the cage dump next to Live Receiving. - was notified. He
started to retrieve birds out of drai n. Two birds were retrieved alive from drai n, one bird
drowned. At 2049 I informed and
11111111 At2057

P45278 04JAN2017 cannibalism and feather plucki ng on 1/4/17.

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