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YÖKDİL 2017 MART SOSYAL soru ve 3.

Epic theatre ------- a form of drama that ----

çözümleri* --- in Germany in the 1920s.

1. The authorship of a controversial disputed A) was / is developing

paper was ------- to James Madison rather B) had been / will develop
than to Alexander Hamilton. C) will be / has developed
D) is / developed
A) opposed B) demonstrated E) has been / is developed
C) addicted D) interpreted
E) attributed

4. One of the most extraordinary things

2. Studies show that children cannot fully about the First World War was the
acquire a language ------- they are exposed to enthusiasm -----.
it within a critical period.
A) that puts these things into words in their
A) unless diaries
B) unlike B) that wanted people to know about the
C) whereas horrible reality of the war
D) so that C) with which the majority of soldiers went off
E) in case to fight for their country
D) which asked women to discourage their
man from going to war
E) and there was a huge growth in the writing
of poetry
7. Located in New York Harbour, Ellis island
was the main port for immigrants entering
the USA in the late nineteenth and early
twentith centuries. The şsland continued to
virgül özneye işaret etmekte operate for sixty-two years before it was
finally closed in 1954 . In those six decades
5. Sanat felsefecisi Richard Wollheim, the island saw a huge influx of were shaped
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde 1950’lerin and sculpted as a direct result of the numbers
sonlarına doğru ortaya çıkan bir sanat türü passing through that three-storey centre. -----
için “minimal sanat” terimini kullanan ilk --. These islands were used to house a brand
kişiydi. new psychiatric ward.

A) The first person who used the term A) The site was even expanded with two extra
“minimal art “ in the 1950s for a type of art islands, both built using the same land
that emerged in the United States was an art reclamation proces. (diğer şıklar pdf dosyadan
philospher by the name of Richard Wollheim. kopyalanamıyor)
B) The first person to use the term “minimal
art” for a new kind of art produced in the
United states toward the end of the 1950s
was Richard Wollheim.
C) Richard Wollheim was the art philosopher
who used the term “minimal art” for a kind of
art which appeared in the United States
toward the end of the 1950s.
D) The art philosopher Richard Wollheim used
the term “minimal art” for the first time for a
States in 1950.
E) The art philosopher Richard Wollheim was Paragrafta hakim 'tense'e uymayan cümle.
Kronolojik akış bozuluyor.
the first person to use the term “minimal art”
for a kind of art which emerged in the United 8. (I) Archaeologists need to make sense of
States toward the end of the 1950s how the archaeological record fits together in
time and space. (II) Archaeology, as an
Çözüm: Çeviri sorularında şıklarda önce tüm academic discipline, became more
cümlenin değil sadece öznenin karşılığını professional toward the end of the nineteenth
arıyoruz. Özne 2 veya daha fazla şıkta varsa century and in the early twentieth century.
fiilin hangisinde doğru olduğuna bakıyoruz. (III) A simple tool for organizing this
Burada özne sanat felsefecisi Richard information is a chronological chart, which is a
Wollheim D ve E şıklarında var. Fiil “ilk kişiydi” sort of timeline running vertically. (IV) The
ise sadece E şıkkında doğru çevrilmiş. horizontal lines indicate cultures and events
Cevap: E that spanned more than one geographic
region. (V) However, the vertical lines indicate
6. Linguistic theory is concerned not only the duration of cultures and people.
with decribing the knowledge of language A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
speaker about that langauge but also with
explaining how that language is acquired.

Cevap: Özne “dilbilim kuralı sadece B ve C’de

var. Fiil “ilgilenir” ise sadece B’de bulunuyor. O
zaman doğru şık budur. (Şıklar pdf dosyadan
Cevap: B
YÖKDİL 2017 MART FEN soruları ve 3. A particular copy of a gene is passed on to
çözümleri* the next generation ------- an individual with
that copy survives and reproduces.
istenen TENSE doğrudan gösterilmiştir.
1. It ------- for the last thirty years that A) provided that = if = KOŞUL
chimpanzees and other primates ------- B) even if ZITLIK
complex social lives. C) however ZITLIK
D) therefore SONUÇ
A) would be known / will have E) furthermore EKLEME
B) was known / having
Birbirine çok benzeyen şıklar varsa,
C) will be known / would have
ikisi de YANLIŞTIR.
D) has been known / have Bu bir çoktan seçmeli sınav.
E) had known / had
Çift doğru olamaz.
Bilimin dili geniş zamandır, teknik kelimeler
muhtemelen genel-geçer (PRESENT)
şeyler söyler.

2. Coloured industrial waste water is a

serious environmental problem as it ------- ucuzluğu çağrıştıran şık isteniyor !!
sunlight from photosynthesizing plant species
4. -------- because they are cheap and easy to
in the water. produce.
Fiil sorulmuşsa, mutlaka
A) prevents FAİLE, kim yapıyor ona
bakınız. A) Scientists are trying to identify the
B) presents
destructive effects of weapons
C) meets Olumsuz bir FAİL B) Biological weapons are often called “the
D) maintains olumsuz iş yapar. Şıkların önüne poor man’s weapon of mass destruction”
E) manages koyun.
Fiilin nesnesini (sunlight) şıkların sonuna koyun C) Biological weapons generally incapacitate
or kill their victims, or destroy crops or
D) Biological weapons or their by-products
used to spread disease
E) Biological weapons included bacteria,
viruses, and their toxins
5. Unlike the animal cell, the plant cell is 6. Bilim ile mühendislik arasındaki temel
surrounded by a tough cell wall which is farklardan birisi, mühendisliğin sadece
made of cellulose that provides structural dünyayı daha iyi anlamayla ilgili değil onu
strength and protection to the cell. değiştirmeyle de ilgili olmasıdır.

A) Hayvan hücresi gibi bitki hücresi de, A) The point that engineering plans to change
hücreye yapısal güç ve koruma sağlayan sert the world while science aims only to
bir hücre duvarından oluşmuş selüloz ile understand it is the biggest difference
çevrilmiştir. between them.

B) Hayvan hücresinden farklı olarak hücreye B) Engineering and science both try to
yapısal güç ve koruma sağlayan bir duvara recognize the world, but only engineering tries
sahip olan bitki hücresi, yapısında selüloz to change it at the same time.
bulundurur. C) One of the main contradictions between
C) Yapısal özelliği hayvan hücresinden farklı science and engineering is that engineering is
olan bitki hücresi, hücreye güç ve koruma about changing the world, but science is about
sağlayan selülozun sert bir hücre duvarı vardır. just understanding it.

D) Hayvan hücresinden farklı olarak bitki D) One of the main differences between
hücresi, hücreye yapısal güç ve koruma science and engineering is that engineering is
sağlayan selülozdan oluşmuştur. not just about understanding the world better
but also about changing it.
E) Hayvan hücresinden farklı olarak bitki
hücresi, hücreye yapısal güç ve koruma E) One main point that differentiates
sağlayan selülozdan oluşmuş sert bir hücre engineering from science is that engineering
duvarı ile çevrilmiştir. (PASİF yapı) aims not just to understand the universe but
also to improve it.
Atıf yapan kelimelerle, bu cümleler
BAĞLANDI mesajı verilir bize.
7. -------. Some Greeks, beginning with the 8. (I) Genetic counselling clinics were first
philosopher Democritus, further imagined established in the USA in 1941 and in the UK
that these elements came in the form of tiny in 1946. (II) Some of the ‘disorders’ in these
particles which they called atoms, a Greek early clinics were ones that are rarely
term meaning “indivisible.” Our modern investigated today, such as skin colour, eye
ideas of atoms differ in many details from the colour, twinning and rhesus haemolytic
ideas of the ancient Greeks. For example, we disease. (III) The term “genetic counselling”
now know of more than a hundred types of was introduced by Sheldon Reed. (IV) Other Önceki
atoms and chemical elements, which do not disorders were very similar to those we can cümlede
include fire, water, earth, and air. Some of see today; for example, mental retardation, 'disorders'
the most familiar elements are hydrogen, neural tube defects and Huntington disease. gerekli
helium, carbon, oxygen, silicon, iron, gold, (V) Before these clinics, the patterns of
silver, lead, and uranium. dominant and recessive inheritance, described
by Mendel in 1865, were recognised in human
A) The ancient Greeks imagined that all disorders.
material was made of four elements: fire,
water, earth, and air A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
B) Every atom of a given element contains
exactly the same number of protons, but the
number of neutrons can vary
C) Each chemical element represents a
different type of atom, and atoms are in turn
made of particles
D) The number of atoms in a single drop of
water may exceed the number of stars in the
observable universe
E) Although the nucleus is very small
compared to the atom as a whole, it contains
most of the atom’s mass
Soru kökünde durduk yere zaman ifadesi
YÖKDİL 2017 MART SAĞLIK SORULARI * varsa, DOĞRU şıkta da kuvvetle ihtimal
zaman çağrıştıran bir kelime geçer.
1) Protein provides some energy for the body 4) The race to develop a vaccine against Zika
to do its work ------ providing energy is the began in February 2016, -----


main job of carbohydrates.

A) while no one in the team has had
A) by the time B) even though experience in developing vaccines
C) despite D) in addition to
E) likewise B) so that new vaccine technologies are made
available to the researchers
C) although some governments were firmly
2) Lately with the help of brain-imaging supporting product development
techniques, neuroscientists ------- a map of
the brain, which ------- once a mysterious part D) when a public health emergency of
of the body. international concern was declared
E) because the collective experience of the
A) would create / is professionals facilitates the pace
B) create / will be
C) were creating / had been
D) have created / was Cümle tamamlamalarda, devam cümlesi %90
E) would be created / was uyumlu zamanda yazılır.

3) Major depressive disorder is recognized as

a significant health problem, and is ------- to
increase in the future.

A) invited B) practised C) repeated

D) predicted E) accepted
5) While people may be distressed about
sleep loss during acute insomnia, once the 7) -------. They did not bathe or manage their
factors that trigger it are removed, sleep personal hygiene. Before the twentieth
usually returns to normal. century, most people believed bathing
caused rather than prevented illness.
A) Akut uykusuzluk nedeniyle uyku sorunu Because sewage and garbage often
yaşayan insanlar bu durumdan kaygı contaminated water supplies, this all too
duymakta ve uykularının normale dönmesini frequently turned out to be the case. Today,
engelleyen etmenlerden kurtulamamaktadır. doctors know that cleanliness prevents the
B) Akut uykusuzluktan dolayı uykusuz ve spread of many kinds of infections and
kaygılı olan insanların, uykularının normale diseases. In addition, community sanitation
dönmesi için rahatsızlığa yol açan measures also provide strict procedures for
etmenlerden kurtulmaları gerekmektedir. managing waste.
C) İnsanların akut uykusuzluk süresince
yetersiz uykudan dolayı kaygı duymaları, A) People have always known that personal
rahatsızlığı tetikleyen etmenlerin ortadan hygiene controls body odour, which is the
kaldırılmaması, dolayısıyla uykunun normale result of bacteria
dönmemesinden kaynaklıdır.
D) İnsanlar, akut uykusuzluk devam ettiği B) Regular bathing and cleansing used to
sürece ne kadar kaygılı olurlarsa, rahatsızlığı reduce the risk for bacterial infection in the
tetikleyen etmenlerden kurtulmaları ve past
uykunun normale dönmesi de o kadar zor
olur. C) Until researchers discovered bacteria and
E) İnsanlar akut uykusuzluk süresince uyku
connected them with infection, personal
kaybından dolayı kaygı duyarken, tetikleyen
hygiene was not of much concern for most
etmenler ortadan kaldırıldığında uyku genelde people
normale dönmektedir.
D) Skin wounds such as cuts and scrapes often
affect children who ingest toxic plants and
6) Yıllar boyunca yapılan birçok araştırma,
anne sütü ile beslenen çocukların IQ E) Preventive measures should be taken to
testlerinde daha yüksek not aldıklarını ve reduce the transmission of infectious diseases
okulda daha iyi performans sergilediklerini
göstermiştir. iLK CÜMLE ÖZNESİ ve NESNESİ konuyu söyler.

A) Numerous studies all along the years have 8) (I) Food-borne illnesses are diseases that
shown that it is the children who were result from the consumption of foods
breastfed that got high scores on IQ tests and contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, fungi,
perform better in school. parasites, or viruses. (II) Common sources
B) Various studies along the years have include undercooked meats and cooked foods
indicated that children who get higher scores that remain at room temperature for longer
on IQ tests and in schools are the ones who than two hours. (III) In most cases of food zehirlenme
are breastfed. poisoning, the person fully recovers without hastalık
C) A lot of studies throughout the years have much medical treatment. (IV) However, it is değil !!!
shown that children who score high on IQ often impossible to tell from taste, smell, or
tests perform better in school as they were appearance whether a food contains
breastfed. pathogens. (V) There are several hundred
D) Many studies over the years have shown known food-borne illnesses, most of which
that children who were breastfed scored trigger mild to moderate gastrointestinal
higher on IQ tests and performed better in symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and
school. diarrhoea.
E) Multiple studies throughout the years have
proven that children who were breastfed got A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
the highest marks on IQ tests and performed
better in school.

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