Made in India Vs America First: Choices For Raj Bhavans

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THE TRIBUNE Made in India vs America First

established in 1881 Re-evaluating the dynamics of ties
MK Bhadrakumar a production line for fighter jets and oth-

Choices for Raj Bhavans er equipment on Indian soil and, sec-

HE visit by the US Defence ondly, that they do not want to be held
Secretary James Mattis to liable for any defects in equipment
Gravitas missing, mostly New Delhi last week provided jointly produced with Indian counter-
the opportunity for the first parts. Clearly, “Make in India” is fast

HE only thing that recommends itself about the Centre’s choice focused high-level interaction between becoming a nuisance.
of six new gubernatorial faces is that the Home Ministry at last the two countries regarding President Sitharaman also shrewdly distanced
could attend to this critical task of filling vacancies in various Trump’s announcement of the new India from Trump’s new Afghan strate-
Raj Bhavans. It is, at best, a mixed bag. It is perhaps too late in the day policy outlining a new South Asia gy. She made three key points: one,
to lament that every regime at the Centre ends up using the Raj Bha- strategy. Unsurprisingly, much specu- India’s Afghan policies enjoy great con-
vans and Raj Niwases as parking space for redundant political figures. lation preceded Mattis’ arrival in Del- tinuity (by far predating Trump’s entry
There is not much to write home about choices, belatedly, made. hi. Arms dealers and fat cats anticipat- into politics and diplomacy); two,
There is one significant omission in the Saturday’s announcement: ed defence deals and closer military India’s focus will be on assisting
the Srinagar Raj Bhavan remains undisturbed. For too long there have ties — in particular, the US offer to Afghanistan in its development, econo-
been unhealthy and unbecoming speculations – mostly emanating from relocate its factory for production of my, capacity-building — nothing more,
the ruling party quarters in Delhi and Jammu—that a new Governor vintage F-16 fighter jets to India, which nothing less; and, most importantly,
would be arriving shortly in Srinagar. Jammu and Kashmir is too sensi- is being mothballed in America. India will not deploy troops to
Western media reports even linked Afghanistan. All in all, she factored in
tive a state to be subjected to such uncertainties and doubts. All said and NOT QUITE THERE: The US, in spite of Trump’s tirade, wants to take Pakistan along.
closer US-Indian military ties with that in the prevailing international
done, the Jammu and Kashmir Governor is the Centre’s emissary and
Trump’s Afghanistan strategy. Some appropriate to the relationship with In the circumstances, Defence Minis- milieu, the challenge for Indian diplo-
representative, as well as New Delhi’s eyes and ears besides being con- Indian reports blithely forecast a Afghanistan”. Curiously, Mattis ducked ter Nirmala Sitharaman did brilliantly macy lies in differentiating the impera-
stitutionally obliged to be a watchful guardian of the state’s well-being. deployment of Indian troops to a pointed question as to whether there well by underscoring in her joint press tive needs of India’s military moderni-
Given the state’s troubled circumstances, at no time there should be Afghanistan. But, in all fairness, Mattis is any shift in the locus of US-Indian conference with Mattis that much as she sation (and the creation of a world-class
any doubt about the Centre’s confidence and trust in the Governor of himself was noticeably circumspect. En security partnership away from the appreciated his “willingness to share defence industry) from the geopolitics
the day. NN Vohra’s presence has had a stabilising and salutary effect route to Delhi, he told the Pentagon Obama administration’s efforts “to get further cutting-edge platforms… we swirling around the region. After all,
in these times of considerable confusion atop the Raisina Hills. press party accompanying him that the India more involved in the South China need to expand on the progress already Asia-Pacific did not stand still because
And, there is a significant inclusion—Brigadier (retd) BD Mishra Trump administration viewed India as a Sea”, towards Afghanistan. made by encouraging co-production of Mattis’ visit. US Vice-President Mike
as Governor for Arunachal Pradesh. While it has been customary for “natural strategic partner” and that he What sails into view is a complex par- and co-development efforts”. Sithara- Pence met Pakistani PM Shahid
some time now to trawl the retired armed forces leadership for poten- hoped to “set a refreshed partnership”. adigm of US-Indian defence partner- man added candidly: “I reiterated Khaqan Abbasi on September 20 for an
tial gubernatorial choices in the North-East, it is the first time that a He said he was hoping to “basically put- ship in the Trump era. Quite obviously, India’s deep interest in enhancing important conversation about the Pres-
Brigadier-level official has been tapped on the shoulder. Arunachal ting meat on the structure… (and) pro- Mattis’ brief was to play on Indian van- defence manufacturing in India under ident’s South Asia strategy and high-
mote pragmatic progress” in the ities as a regional and global power and PM Modi’s Make-in-India initiative. I lighted ways that “Pakistan could work
Pradesh is a state where the Army has considerable voice in guaran-
defence partnership, “delivering establish a source of funding for “Amer- thank Secretary Mattis for his support- with the US and others to bolster stabil-
teeing its security and stability. A retired Brigadier in the Itanagar
defence interoperability”. He saw the ica First” via lucrative arms deals. The ive position in this regard and look for- ity and prosperity for all in South Asia”
Raj Bhavan would make a strange interlocutor for the Army brass, visit as an opportunity to speed up deci- Afghan problem and China’s rise pro- ward to working closely with him to and reiterated President Trump’s belief
wedded as it is to the discipline of hierarchy and protocol. Brigadier sion-making by the bureaucracy at a vide leitmotifs in the US-Indian strate- realise joint projects.” She stressed that that “Pakistan has much to gain from
Mishra’s only claim to fame is that he has been associated with the “time of strategic convergence” gic partnership, but in reality, the rela- the US announcement last year recog- partnering with our effort in the region”.
BJP’s ex-servicemen cell and was actively involved in mobilising the between Washington and Delhi. Plainly Again, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
fauji constituency during the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. This choice
is fraught with implications, mostly unhealthy.
put — and divested of the usual high-
flown rhetoric about “shared values”, et
The US recognises India as a ‘major defence partner’, but the idea is arrived in Beijing on yet another visit “to
meet with senior Chinese leaders… (to)
al — Mattis hinted at his intent to give to sell arms and not ‘co-develop’ weapons or transfer technology discuss a range of issues, including the
ballast to the arms sales by American . President’s planned travel to the region,
vendors, project new arms deals and tionship complicates the advancement nising India as a major defence partner the denuclearisation of the Korean

Massacre on the tracks urge the Indian defence establishment

to speed up decision-making on the
pending proposals.
of Sino-Indian and India-Pakistan ties,
which of course serves a useful purpose
both as a template of the US’ contain-
should go beyond optics and actually
“refocus and reenergise the defence
technology and trade initiative as a
Peninsula, and trade and investment.”
Washington flagged that Tillerson’s vis-
it “reaffirms the (Trump) administra-
Disconnect in strategy and reality Interestingly, however, Mattis was cir- ment strategy against China as well as mechanism to promote technology- tion’s commitment to further broaden
cumspect on Afghanistan. He never to bring pressure to bear on Pakistan to sharing as well as co-development and and enhance US economic and security

HE case for the prosecution is easily made. The footbridge at once voiced any criticism of Pakistan. cooperate with the US strategy in co-production efforts.” interests in the Asia-Pacific region”.
Mumbai’s Elphinstone Road station that shattered the dreams He insisted that the “relationship we Afghanistan. India runs the risk of Of course, Sitharaman would know Of course, just before emplaning for
and aspirations of 22 families was waiting to be replaced. It is a are building with India is not to the entrapment if it chooses to view its all- that the US doesn’t “co-develop” Beijing, Tillerson also co-chaired with
similar story with railway tracks, especially in the Indo-Gangetic exclusion of other countries”. Mattis important ties with the US through the weapons or transfer military technology the visiting Chinese vice-premier Liu
basin, where trains derail with familiar regularity during monsoons. was confident that “Pakistan will find prism of its problematic relationships developed at enormous cost. It prefers Landong the first China-US Social and
Reservations are still hard to get and safety of passengers and their nothing out of line with India and the with Pakistan and China, instead of to sell weapons and keep the end-users People-to-People Dialogue. And
belongings is still not guaranteed. Neither is punctuality. Having US alignment in the same fight”. He attributing a raison d’etre for them in on a tight leash. Reuters reported Trump himself received Liu in the
commended India’s role in intrinsic terms related to India’s devel- recently that the US-India Business White House on September 29 to con-
dialled up expectations to new levels, the Modi government is strug-
Afghanistan but “would see them opment and its needs and aspirations as Council in a letter to the Indian Defence vey that his visit to China in November
gling to deliver while the country is being entertained and wowed
(India) continuing along the lines they a regional power. Indeed, there is no cer- Ministry in August made it clear that US is sure to be a “success”.
with glossy power point slides of futuristic stations with escalators have already chosen, and looking for tainty that the US concedes equal part- firms want to retain control over tech-
aplenty and glittering shop fronts. The only missing component is the other areas that they may believe nership to any interlocutor. nology even if they are allowed to set up The writer is a former ambassador
passengers and the staff. And that perhaps characterises the govern-
ment’s strategy for the railways.
The staff is demoralised, unsure and wary of what the future holds for
them in face of the overwhelming itch to dismantle the existing systems
and processes while passengers suffer the indignities of stinking waiting
rooms, overcrowded trains and below-par food quality. The Planning
Commission’s watchful eye is out of the way and transparency curtailed
The password maze
after the scrapping of the Railway Budget. There is no independent over- Mina Surjit Singh mous burden of creating a new pass- unsavory associations with Jonathan or
sight about where the funds are being frittered. Does the Chandigarh- word for every portal or service I wished Swift’s grovelling Yahoos wallowing in In
New Delhi route need thousands of crores to speed up a 195-minute jour-
ney? There is no expert oversight to calculate its rate of return; none
either to draw attention to the apparent contradiction of arm-twisting the
state-owned railways into shouldering a multibillion dollar project like
O UR daughter-in-law, who came
into the family some 20 years
ago, was a proficient
Microsoft-certified computer instruc-
tor and subsequently became the
to avail of or register with. After consid-
erable juggling with the necessity of
having an email account with a
“strong” password, I decided to acquire
a spanking new ID with an email serv-
their own carnal desires and grime!
Therefore Yahoo was promptly dropped
from my list of choices from among sev-
eral other webs hosting the service. So
“Google” it was this time. I started doo-
my zealousness to guard my privacy I
would often get locked out of my own
account and keep praying for some
sleight of hand that would grant me a
rite of passage to the never-never land
the bullet train while its revenue earning trunk routes and heavily patro- prime motivator of my foray into the ice provider. The first one that came to dling with passwords that I could easily I had attempted to create for myself.
nised railway stations are to be turned over to the private sector. technological wonderland of comput- my mind was Yahoo. After trying sever- recall and decided on one that I pre- Nevertheless, I continue to bless my
The blowback from a whimsical approach is on the expected lines. ers. Had she not insisted on me buy- al combinations, I settled for what I sumed would ensure my invisibility to daughter-in-law for her contribution to
For the first time in 15 years, the railways is running in losses while ing a computer and exploring its myr- thought was quite ingenious— voyeuristic vigilantism. make my life relatively easier, notwith-
the debt burden is mounting. Three ministers for the railways in as iad possibilities and had I not spent! It was a judi- And thus began my tedious journey standing the challenging rigmarole of
many years reveal the Modi government’s inability to come to grips several triumphant hours poring over cious mix of upper and lower case char- through the maze of passwords. I forgotten passwords and SOS calls for
with how the railways has kept going. Having dispensed with trans- the machine, I would have found acters, numbers and special characters. found myself sinking deeper and deep- frequent bailouts. As a result, I am
parency and oversight, the results are self-evident. myself struggling for space in the fas- However, as soon as I leaned back to er into the quagmire of login PWs and capable of not only coping with the real
cinating web of the digitalised world. survey the originality of my handiwork, PIN codes. All passwords, from bank- and virtual world around me, but also
With determination, I plodded along. I stared in disbelief at the monster my ing to bill payments, were perpetually of pitching in to help others, despite
Not many middle-aged people were imagination had conjured up! The very threatened by selective amnesia unless advancing age and creaking bones. My
Thought for the Day Internet-savvy then and I had reason to mention of a Yahoo in my mailing one engaged in mental calisthenics. I journey into unfamiliar territory two
show off my new skills. However, my address along with its not so flattering would scratch my head in exasperation decades back has been a fulfilling one
May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears. — Nelson Mandela enthusiasm soon gave way to the enor- connotations triggered off a host of to recall if the correct PW was “tweedle- of self-discovery, and self-worth.

letters to the editor

Silent on trollers and threatening him are also linked where our democracy is going. reflect on the letter and take suitable blunders on policy parameters. But No funds for overbridge?
A seemingly frightened Ravish on Whatsapp/Twitter to PM Modi Nobody is allowed to express one’s action to enhance the dignity of his Modi seems to be committed to ekla The death of 22 persons in the Mumbai
Kumar’s loosely composed letter gives a clear warning to the people of views. The time is coming when the post. All mediahouses should raise chalo re. Good luck to Mr Modi, elec- stampede is tragic. There have been a
does not make much sense (‘Is my India that democracy and integration tongue and the pen would be con- their voice against this injustice. tions are round the corner. lot of casualties in the last few months.
life in danger?’ Ravish Kumar asks is on the verge of subversion. trolled by powerful fanatic leaders. It VIJAY KARAN SINGH, MALERKOTLA RM RAMAUL, PAONTA SAHIB It is unacceptable. Even after a new rail-
PM, September 30). His main stress JAGTAR SINGH GILL, PATIALA may turn out to be another Taliban ways minister took over, nothing
is on why Modi is following certain regime. Sometimes it appears that TV changed, as many complaints had been
venomous trollers. I am a strong channels are singing songs of praise Be open to counterview Mumbai stampede filed over this narrow foot overbridge.
critic of some of Modi’s policies, Brave act to please their masters and take max- Apropos the editorial ‘Sinha versus Sin- The human tragedy at Elphinstone But nothing came of it. Was the railways
particularly the economic ones, still Things have come to such a pass that imum ads. It is the duty of all media- ha’ (September 29), it is unfair to pit a railway station is a grim example of department waiting for a tragedy like
I follow him on Twitter. That does anchor-journalist Ravish Kumar has persons to stand up and save the free- subordinate minister against his father human failure (‘And just like that, 22 this? On the other hand, huge amount
not make me a blind Modi follower. to express his apprehension that he is dom of expression and democracy. for rebutting the latter’s views on the killed in Mumbai’, September 30). will be spent on the bullet train project,
Without following him how would not safe and writing an open letter to HARDIP SINGH BHENGURA, GURDASPUR downturn of the economy. Yashwant Hardly any day passes when there is but they lack funds for widening one of
one know how much lies he states the Prime Minister. His letter is an Sinha is a veteran of financial matters no rail accident in India. The foot the most busy bridges. Are these the
every day? Ravish’s chief objection eye-opener and has created an and a patriotic bureaucrat-turned-politi- overbridge had outlived its normal acche din the government promised?
should have been Modi’s deadly upheaval in social media. He deserves Ignoring real issues cian who walks and talks straight. It span of life. Several times it was NAMAN SEHGAL, AMRITSAR
silence on such vociferously con- a pat for his brave act. The only course Ravish Kumar is one of few anchor- would have been a fitting gesture on brought to the notice of the railways
demnable trollers. left with a journalist to remove his journalists who highlight the real Modi’s part to have heard out Sinha’s minister, to construct another over-
BALVINDER, CHANDIGARH fear in the present-day circumstances problems of India, while many others views on various issues. Yashwant Sin- bridge. Even the provision for an over- Jaundiced view
is to seek intervention and protection divert the attention of people to other ha is a senior BJP leader and deserves a bridge made in the 2016 Budget bore S Nihal Singh’s piece ‘India’s Pak-
from an elected constitutional head. less-important issues like beef, love better deal from the Prime Minister. He no result. It is pathetic to note that istan-bashing’ (September 30) is a
Dangerous times SHADI LAL, BY MAIL jihad and other communal topics. Our was right to air his concern before the human life has no value in our scheme scathing criticism of Modi’s foreign
Congratulations to The Tribune for country is poor. Every government media after he was ignored by Modi to of safety and security. We wait for a policy. The writer has conveniently
publishing Ravish Kumar’s letter. He must think about the basic needs of its share his experience and views with tragedy to happen and then react to forgotten the steps taken by this gov-
is continuously exposing Hindu fun- Media should unite people, but instead of working on it, him. Modi’s attitude of discouraging pay compensation for the loss of life ernment to mend fences with Pak-
damentalists and attempts of the The article by Ravish Kumar is sensi- there is self-praise. The ‘crowd’ cre- others to express their views is detri- and take corrective measures. We do istan. There are many power centres
Modi government to parade its fail- tive and exposes the BJP govern- ated by politics on social media plat- mental to the functioning of our democ- not have any system to replace out- in Pakistan. India has every right to
ures as successes. Such a person was ment’s intolerant attitude. If a person forms and society will become a racy. When Modi met Manmohan Singh lived machinery and equipment. We defend itself against wild and
bound to be in the eye of the storm of holding the status of a reputed jour- challenge for society, especially to seek his views on economic issues, it believe in sab chalta hai. It is one unfounded allegations levelled by
hypocritical people. But he is dear to nalist feels suffocated and is afraid of women. Their language is crude and was hoped that he would also seek the thing to order an inquiry and quite Pakistan. A journalist of repute
the general masses and intellectuals. Modi bhakts, where will the common anti-women. PM Modi is the protec- advice and guidance of senior states- another to take remedial measures. should not take a jaundiced view.
The fact that those who are abusing man go? The article warns against tor of the Constitution, so he must men and veteran politicians to avoid COL ANGAD SINGH (RETD), MOHALI ASHOK SHARMA, PANCHKULA

Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

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