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Where there is a will, there is a way/He who seeks finds

Once there was a crow. He was very thirsty. He flew here and there in search of water
but could not find. At last, he reached in a garden. He saw a pitcher there. The water
was very low and his beak could not reach to it. He thought of a plan. He put some
stones into the pitcher. The water rose up. He drank water and flew away.
1. Where there is a will, there is a way.
2. Necessity is the mother of invention.
3. God helps those who help themselves.
4. He who seeks, finds.
Greed is a curse
Once there was a dog. He was very hungry. He went to a butcher's shop. He stole a
piece of meat. He reached at a stream. He saw his own reflection in the water. He took
it for another dog with a great piece of meat in its mouth. He opened his mouth to
snatch that piece of meat. His own piece of meat fell down into the water.
Moral: 1. Greed is a curse. 2. Don’t be greedy.
The Grapes are sour
Once there was a fox. He was very hungry. He went to a garden. He saw ripe grapes
there. His mouth began to water. He wanted to eat them. He jumped again and again,
but in vain. At last he became tired. He gave up trying. So, he went away saying, “The
grapes are sour. I would not get them.”
Moral: Grapes are sour.
Don’t be fooled by flattering
Once upon a time, there was a hungry fox. He was going about in search of food.
Suddenly, he saw a crow on a tree. It had a piece of cheese in its beak. Seeing the
piece, his mouth began to water. He made a plan to snatch the piece. He sat under the
tree and said to the crow, “Your voice will be very sweet. I shall be thankful to you if you
kindly sing a song for me”. The crow was much pleased to hear its own praise. It
opened its beak to sing. The piece of cheese fell down. The cunning fox, at once, picked
it up and said to the crow, “Thank you Mr. Crow see you next time. Good bye.”
Moral: Don't be fooled by flattering.
Slow and steady wins the race
Once there was a hare. A tortoise was his friend. The hare laughed at his slow speed.
One day the tortoise asked the hare to run a race with him. The hare was agreed and
they started off at once. The hare ran very fast and was soon out of sight. He was tired.
He lay under a tree and full asleep. But the tortoise went on moving. When the hare
woke up, he ran as fast as he could. But he was surprised to see the tortoise at the
Composed By: Abid Hussain
Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

winning post. He was much ashamed. The tortoise had won the race.
1. Slow and steady wins the race.
2. Pride hath a fall.

All that glitters is not Gold

Once a stag was drinking water at a stream. He saw his reflection in the clear water of
the stream. He felt proud of his beautiful horns. He praised them in his mind. Then he
looked at his thin legs. He hated them for their ugliness. Some hounds saw him and
began to run towards him. When the stag saw them, he ran to save his life. But his
horns were caught in a bush. He tried hard to free himself but in vain. The hounds came
up to him. They caught him and tore him into pieces.
1. All that glitters is not Gold. 2. Pride hath a fall 3. God has made nothing useless.
Do not keep a bad company
Once there was a good boy. He began to mix with bad boys. His father decided to
advise him. He gave the boy some good apples. He also put a rotten apple among
them. Then he asked the boy to lay them aside for some days. After a few days he
asked the boy to bring the apples. They found that one rotten apple has spoiled the
good apples. At this, the father said, “My son, bad company spoils the good boys in the
same way.” The boy gave up the company of his bad friends.
1. Do not keep a bad company.
2. Better alone than in a bad company.
The Wolf and the Lamb
Once a wolf was drinking water at a stream. He saw a lamb also drinking water for far
down. The wolf decided to eat it up. He went up to him and said angrily, “Why are you
making water muddy?” The poor lamb said, “Sir, It is coming from you to me. How can I
make it muddy?” At this the wolf said, “Why did you abuse me last year?”. The lamb
said, “Sir, I am only six months old. How could I abuse you last year?” The wolf said,
“Then it must be your mother”. Saying this he sprang to the lamb and ate him up.
Moral: Might is right.
Union is strength
Once upon a time an old farmer had three sons. They always quarrelled with one
another. The farmer was very much worried due to this. He wanted to see them united.
He thought of a plan. He got a bundle of sticks. He ordered his sons one by one to
break it. They tried their best but could not. Then he untied the bundle and asked them
to break the sticks one by one. They broke them easily. At this, he asked them to learn a
lesson from this example.

Composed By: Abid Hussain

Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

Moral: Union is strength.

A friend in need is a friend indeed
Once a bee was drinking water at a stream. It fell into the water of the stream. Its life
was in danger. It was helpless. A dove saw all this from a tree. She was a kind bird. She
plucked a leaf and dropped it near the bee. The bee got on it and reached the bank safe.
A few days later a hunter came there. He wanted to shoot down the dove. The bee saw
him. It flew to him and stung on his hand. The aim was missed. The dove flew away.
1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. Do good, have good.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Once a poor woodcutter was cutting a tree on the bank of a river. Suddenly his axe
slipped and fell into the water. He was very sad. An angel passed that way. He asked
him, “Why are you so sad?” The woodcutter told him about his loss. The angel took pity
on him. He dived into the water and brought out a golden axe. The woodcutter told him
that was not his axe. The angel dived again and this time brought out a silver axe. The
woodcutter refused again saying, “My axe is made of iron.” The angel dived and
brought out an iron axe. He cried out with joy, “This is my axe.” The angel was much
pleased with his honesty and gave him the other two axes as a reward.
Moral: Honesty is the best policy.

Journey by bus / A Railway Journey/ Journey by train

Once my family decided to travel by bus from Alipur to Lahore. We reached at the bus
stand and bought our tickets. We took our seats. Some hawkers also came in the bus.
Suddenly, the weather changed. Dark clouds appeared in the sky and later it began to
rain. But after a while the weather became pleasant again. The bus driver started the
bus and it began the journey. We saw the green fields in the way. Soon we were in
Lahore. We also went to Badshahi Masjid. We enjoyed the journey very much.
Visit to a Park
One day our whole class requested to our favourite teacher, Mr. Ali to take us on a trip
to a nearby park. He accepted our request. Next Friday, We collected all the things
needed for the trip and reached the park with our teacher at 9 a.m. Next, we divided
ourselves into two teams and played a friendly cricket match. We enjoyed every
moment there. It was a fun indeed. At 3 p.m we returned to our school where the vans
were waiting for us to take us back home.
Prayer to Allah
O, Allah Almighty! Show me the right path, the path of those on whom you have

Composed By: Abid Hussain

Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

showered your blessings. Stay me away from the path of Satan. Give me your guidance
through life. Always keep me, my family and my country in your own protection. Bless
my soul!
Puppet Show
Last Sunday, I saw a puppet show. It was very interesting. Some puppets were hanged
by strings and some body played with their strings behind a curtain. The same person
spoke in male and female voices. It was a very interesting show and everybody liked it.
Morning walk
It is an old saying “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and
wise.” To enjoy the beauty of nature and to improve my health, I get up early in the
morning. I say my morning prayer. Then I with my friend Ali go for a walk to the green
fields. The fresh morning breeze refreshes us. We see the small birds chirping in the
trees. We see the farmers working in their fields. We meet many people going to the
fields. After some time we come back. I take my breakfast and go to school. The
morning walk is very useful. It gives us a light exercise, which makes us healthy.

Importance of Justice
Allah Almighty loves those who judge in equity. Our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
( ) was an embodiment of justice. He decided all the cases regardless
of caste, colour or creed. His life is indeed, a perfect role-model for all mankind, to
follow. The whole mankind should seek light from his life. High and low, rich and poor
all are equal before law. The person who does justice is always respected in the
society. Therefore, we should be always just in our dealings.
Uses and abuses of mobile phone
There are a number of uses as well as abuses of mobile phone. The businessmen can
use it for making contact with each other. The working women can use it in informing
their whereabout in case of emergency. It is a very useful and helpful thing if used for
healthy purposes. Its use is harmful while driving and it is also prohibited but people
don't care. The children as well as youth waste their precious time in playing games.
Similarly some people make fake calls and tease the women. Its use in colleges and
universities should be banned as boys and girls usually waste their time in useless
lengthy talks.
An Accident
Last Sunday, I was going to Multan by a bus. It was about 2 p.m. Suddenly, a car was
hit into a motorcycle near College Chowk. The motor bike driver flew in the air and fell
on the road. Fortunately, he had some minor injuries. I called the Rescue 1122 and they
came quickly. The car driver was fined. The bike driver was taken to T.H.Q hospital
Alipur for treatment.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W)
Composed By: Abid Hussain
Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

Many prophets came in the world. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) came in the last. He is
the last Prophet of Allah. He was born at Makkah in 571 A.D. He belongs to a noble
family. His father's name was Hazrat Abdullah (R.A) and His mother's name was Hazrat
Amina (R.A). She also passed away when He was still child. He was brought up as
orphan. He had every thing but He led a very simple life. He was the greatest
well-wisher of man-kind. The people of Makkah worshipped idols in those days. He
taught them not to worship idols but one Allah. He showed them the right path. If we
want success, we must follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet. His life is best model
for us.
Quaid-e- Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was our greatest leader. He gave us Pakistan. He was born in
Karachi on December 25, 1876. His father was a rich merchant. He sent him to England,
to study law. On his return from England, he started practice in Bombay. He was great
patriot. He wanted to see India free. He therefore joined the Indian National Congress.
But the Congress wanted Hindu Raj in India. He then left the Congress and joined
Muslim League. He demanded a separate state for the Muslims. This was achieved on
August 14, 1947 when Pakistan came into being. Mr. Jinnah became its first Governor
General. He died on September 11, 1948.
Allama Iqbal
Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born in Sialkot on November 9, 1877. His father Shaikh
Noor Muhammad was a pious man. Allama Iqbal passed his Intermediate examination
from Murray College, Sialkot. He did his M.A. in Philosophy from the Government
College, Lahore. He went abroad for higher education. He had the degree of Bar-at-Law.
He went to Germany and got the degree of Ph.D. He came back to his country. He wrote
many poems to awake the Muslims. He was our national poet and a thinker. In 1930 at
Allahbad he gave the idea of Pakistan. He passed away on the 21st April, 1938. He was
buried near Badshahi Mosque in Lahore.
The Life of a Policeman
The Policeman is a very useful public servant. He wears a black shirt, khaki trousers
and blue cap. His duty is to keep law and order in his area. He arrests the lawbreakers.
He has to remain in police station for twenty-four hours. He has to face all kinds of
dangers. Where there is an encounter with robbers his life is at a risk. Sometimes he
has to lay down his life in such a fighting. His duty is very hard but his pay is very low.
The government should give him handsome pay so that he may do his duties honestly.
A Visit to the Zoo
Last Sunday my friend Ali and I went to the zoo. We bought two tickets and went into
the zoo through the main gate. First of all we saw some water falls. Then we saw a big
elephant. We had a ride on it. We liked it very much. We saw the monkeys in big cages.
They were very funny. Then we went near the cages of lions and tigers. They looked
very fierce. We saw the peacocks and sparrows of different colours. The dancing
Composed By: Abid Hussain
Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

peacocks looked very beautiful. We returned home at sunset.

Sports and Games
There are two types of games, outdoor games and indoor games. The outdoor games
are cricket, hockey and football. The indoor games are carom board and play cards etc.
The games and sports improve our health. They build our body and refresh our mind.
They remove our boredom. They make us active and smart. A good player is always fair
and just in his dealings. He always follows the rules of the games. He plays for the
glory and honour of his nation. Games make him a good citizen.
My Father
My father is a teacher. His name is Muhammad Ali. He is about forty. He works in a
Government High School. He is an M.A. He is very intelligent and hard working man. He
loves us very much. He is very punctual. He performs his duties properly. He is very
kind to his pupils. He offers prayers regularly and recites the Holy Quran daily. I am
proud of my father. May he live long!
What I would like to pray for
I would like to pray for a long and healthy life of my parents. They mean the whole
world to me. They fed me when I couldn't move my hand. They taught me how to speak
and how to walk. They understood well if I was in pain or pleasure. They bought me
toys to play with. They sent me to school to get education. They saved me from severe
weathers and supported me in all matters. I sometime feel that I am incomplete without
my parents. Therefore, I pray to God to give me a chance to serve my parents. May
Allah keep them healthy and happy!
A house on fire
Last Sunday, I was enjoying a sound sleep. At about midnight I heard some cries “Fire!
Fire!” I got up and ran out of my house. A big house was on fire in our street. We all
gathered near the burning house. The flames were rising high out of the house. The
people in the house were crying for help. The woman and children were weeping. I
called for the Fire-brigade. It reached in no time. Some of the people started throwing
water over the house other entered the house. They took the residents out of the house.
Meanwhile the fire was controlled. All the people thanked God. There was no loss of
life. But the whole building turned to ashes.

Letter to friend telling him about exhibition held in school

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 01,2016.
My dear Friend,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! I hope you will be enjoying good health. Last week an exhibition
Composed By: Abid Hussain
Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

was held in our school. All the students brought their hobbies. Stamps collection is my
hobby. I displayed my stamps in the exhibition. All my friends liked my collection. My
teachers also appreciated my efforts. It was a great fun. I shall show you my collection
of stamps when you visit me.
With best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Letter to father asking for money
Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 02,2016.
My dear Father,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! I received your kind letter yesterday. You have asked me about my
exams. You will be glad to know that I have passed my 7th class examination and
stood first in the class. Now, I am in class 8th. I need some books, note books and
uniform. Please send me an amount of five thousand rupees by money order. I shall be
very thankful to you.
Your loving son,
Letter to father/mother telling him/her about your progress in
Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 03,2016.
My dear Father,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! I received your letter. You have asked me about my studies. The
result of my previous test has come. I am glad to tell you that I got 80% marks. I wish to
have a scholarship. I am working hard to achieve it. Kindly pray for my success.
With best wishes and love to Ali.
Your loving son,

Letter to father telling him about your mother’s illness

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 042016.
My dear Father,

Composed By: Abid Hussain

Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

Assalam-o-Alaikum! Mother has been ill for the last three days. She is under the
treatment of Dr. Ali. She had caught cold. Now her fever is down. She feels better. So,
you need not worry. We all are looking after her. If you can, please come here for a day
or two.

Your loving son,

Letter to uncle thanking him for birthday present
Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 05,2016.
My dear Uncle,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! I have received the gift you sent to me on my birthday. Many
thanks for your kind gift. The wrist watch is very beautiful. The gift shows your deep
love for me. It will regulate my life. It will be very useful to me during the examination. I
shall take care of it. Once again I thank you.
With best wishes to Aunt and love to all.
Your loving nephew,
Letter to mother describing your illness and recovery
Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 06, 2016.
My dear Mother,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! I received your kind letter yesterday. You have inquired me about
my health. On the 10th of last month, I had a sudden attack of typhoid. I took medicine
regularly. After complete bed rest of ten days I recovered. Now I am all right. I am
taking good care of my diet and exercise. You need not worry about me.
Salam to all at home.
Your loving son,

Composed By: Abid Hussain

Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

Letter to younger brother advising him to take greater interest in

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 07,2016.
My dear Brother,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! I received your letter yesterday. You have got 4th position in the
second semester. I am not happy to know about your progress. I advise you to take
serious interest in your studies. Make a time table and strictly follow it. Remember
without hard working nothing can be achieved. I hope that you will act upon my advice.

Yours affectionately,
Letter to friend congratulating him/her on his/ her success in the
Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 082016.
My dear Friend,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! I have come to know about your success in the 7th class
examination. You have passed the examination with good marks. You have got first
position. It is a brilliant success. I congratulate you on this success. Please convey my
congratulation to your parents.
With best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Letter to friend condoling the death of his/ her mother
Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 092016.
My dear Friend,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! I heard the sad news of your mother's death. She was very kind to
me. I cannot forget her love for me. Her death is a personal loss for you. Everybody has
to face the death. I advise you to face this sorrow, with courage and patience. May her
soul rest in peace!
With best wishes
Yours sincerely,

Composed By: Abid Hussain

Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

Letter to friend requesting him to spend holidays with you

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 102016.

My dear Friend,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! All the schools of the Punjab province have closed for summer
vacations. Last year you promised to come to me during the summer vacations. Now, it
is time to fulfil your promise. Please do come. We shall pay a visit to Murree. We shall
have some photographs as a token of our love and friendship.
With best regards.
Yours sincerely,
Letter to friend for the loan of book / bicycle/ camera
Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City).
September 11,2016.
My dear Friend,
Assalam-o-Alaikum! Our family is going to Murree for a week. We shall leave for
Rawalpindi tomorrow. I wish to take some photographs of the beautiful spots there. My
camera is out of order. Kindly lend me your camera for a week. I shall keep it with great
care and return it to you intact.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely,

Composed By: Abid Hussain

Mobile #: 0315 & 0303-6646983

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