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Criminal Law II reviewer 1. Levying war against the government.

2. Adhering to the enemy by giving them aid or

Chapter 1 comfort.
Levying war:
1. There is actual assembling of men.
1. Treason (Art. 114)
2. For purpose of executing a treasonable design
2. Conspiracy and proposal to commit treason
by force.
(Art. 115)
3. Misprision of treason (Art. 116)
Notes to remember:
4. Espionage (Art. 117)
 Treason can only be committed in times of
WAR. (where there is peace, there are no
Article 114. TREASON traitors)
 The declaration of war is not the reckoning
Any Filipino citizen who levies war against the PH or
point, it is the actual hostilities that determines
adheres to her enemies, giving them aid or comfort
the date of the commencement of war.
within the PH or elsewhere.
 The levying of war must be with intent to
- Punishable by Reclusion Perpetua to Death, and overthrow the government, not merely a
a fine not to exceed 100,000 pesos. particular state or a particular officer.
OR; an alien, residing the PH who commits acts of  If it is merely a civil uprising, w/out intention of
treason as defined in the first paragraph. receiving help from external enemy, it is not
treason, it is rebellion (art. 35)
- Punishable by Reclusion Temporal to Death,  Both the modes should be present to constitute
and a fine not to exceed 100,000 pesos. treason.

 No person shall be convicted of treason unless Adherence to enemy- intent to betray. It is when a
on testimony of two witnesses at least to the citizen intellectually or emotionally favors an enemy
same overt act or confession of accused on and harbors sympathy or convictions disloyal to his
court. country’s policy or interest.
 Indeterminate Sentence Law does not apply.
Aid or comfort- an act which strengthens or tends to
Treason defined: strengthen the enemy in conduct of war and an act
- It is a breach of allegiance to a government, to weaken or tend to weaken the power of traitor’s
committed by a person who owes allegiance to country.
it. - it must be given by some kind of action; deed or
physical activity, not merely a mental operation.
(allegiance is the obligation of fidelity and
obedience which the individuals owe to the NOTE:
government under which they live or to their  Emotional or intellectual attachment or
sovereign, in return of the protection they sympathy to the enemy, without giving aid or
receive). comfort is not treason.
 The act must constitute adherence to the
- It is a violation by a subject of his allegiance to enemy.
his sovereign or to the supreme authority of the  If the aid was for the benefit of an individual,
state. ex. Lending money to friend out of charity and
not traitorous. It is not treason, but if it is
Who can commit treason? enable him to buy arms and ammunition, it is
1. Filipino Citizen (Permanent allegiance). treason.
2. Alien who temporarily reside in the PH 
(Temporary allegiance).

Two modes of committing treason:

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