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12/11/2018 A1- Week 1 | Agility Secrets

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A1- Week 1

Exercise 1

European front cross (jump 2)

Tunnel commitment (3 and 9)
Throw and go (jump 5)
Loose right turn (jump 7)
Drive away (curved line home (11-14))

Handling Technique Suggestion

Start with dog on your right, lead out to around a meter before Jump 2, point at your dog on the start so
your body is open, release. As soon as your dog is in the air for jump one start to cue a european front
cross and give your left wing wrap cue.
Your dog will land on your left leg, one step to drive your dog to the tunnel.
Run towards jump 5, your dog should nd jump 4 independently as it’s a straight line. Left arm back so
your body is open, as your dog is in the air for jump 4, cue a throw and go.
As your dog lands from jump 6. Give a shoulder rotate cue and a loose right command.
Once your dog has landed, point forward to 8 and the tunnel. Give a go cue and then a tunnel cue. Just
before your dog enters the tunnel, start to give your turning left command.
As your dog comes out of the tunnel, have your left hand a little lower so you can collect him/ her and
show number 10. Cue right and run towards jump 11.
Point towards jump 12 and give a go cue. 1/6
12/11/2018 A1- Week 1 | Agility Secrets

Reward Points

Reward on left leg (or toy thrown towards jump wing) after execution of European front cross on jump 2
(rewarding collection)
Reward towards right wing after execution of throw and go cue after jump 5.
Reward between jumps 7 and 8 after loose right cue on jump 7.
Reward with dead toy for driving away from you and for sequence completion after Jump 14.




Exercise 2 2/6
12/11/2018 A1- Week 1 | Agility Secrets

* jump 2 has changed angle



Loose left turn (jump 3)

Tunnel commitment (5, 11 and 14)
Find tunnel entrance (11)
Left turn with distractions (jump 12)

Handling Technique Suggestion

Start with dog on your right, lead out to between jumps 2 and 3, point at your dog on the start so your
body is open, release. As soon as your dog has landed from jump 2, cue a loose left turn.
Once your dog has landed from jump 3, have your body pointing forward towards jump 4, as soon as
committed to jump 4, signal tunnel physically and give your tunnel cue.
As your dog comes out of the tunnel, your body should be pointing forward to jump 7. As you dog is
commitment to jump 7, start to give a loose left command and rotate your shoulders towards jump 8. The
same again for jump 9.
On your dogs approach to jump 10, start to rotate your shoulders again so they are in line for your dog to
nd the tunnel once he lands. Point forward and give a tunnel cue.
As your dog comes out of the tunnel, give your left command and a tip-bit arm for jump 12 and 13. Once
your dog lands from 13, cue the tunnel.
As your dog hits the tunnel, give them a loose right cue, lower your right hand to make connection to
collect them on the exit of the tunnel. Once you have made connection, then point towards jump 15 and
give a go cue.

Reward Points

Reward between jumps 3 and 4 for loose left turn

Reward obstacle 11 (the tunnel) for your dog’s nding a harder tunnel entry.
Reward between jumps 12 and 13 for the left turn.
Reward with dead toy for driving away from you and for sequence completion after Jump 15. 3/6
12/11/2018 A1- Week 1 | Agility Secrets




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A1 - UK Grades 1-3 / Beginner
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Unit 2 A1- Week 2 (
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Unit 4 A1 - Week 4- Weave Exercises (
A1 - Week 5- Sequence Handling (
Unit 5
A1 - Week 6- Sequence Handling (
Unit 6
A2 - UK Grades 3-5 / Novice
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Unit 2 A2 - Week 2 (
Unit 3 A2 - Week 3 (
A2 - Week 4- Weave entry, exit and discrimination exercises (
Unit 4
A2 - Week 5- Sequence Handling and Weave Discrimination (
Unit 5
A3 - UK Grades 6-7 / Advanced
Unit 1 A3 - Week 1 (
Unit 2 A3 - Week 2 (
Unit 3 A3 - Week 3 (
A3 - Week 4- Weave entry, exit and discrimination exercises (
Unit 4
A3 - Week 5- Sequence Handling and Weave Discrimination (
Unit 5
Garden Training
Unit 1 Session 1- Inside Cue/ Threadles ( 5/6
12/11/2018 A1- Week 1 | Agility Secrets

Session 2- Four Jump Handling Exercises (

Unit 2
Session 3- Proo ng Blinds, Japanese’s, Serps and Germans (
Unit 3
Session 4- Threadles and European Front Crosses (
Unit 4
Session 5- Four Jump Handling Exercises (
Unit 5
Session 6- Threadles (
Unit 6
Unit 7 Session 7- Backsides (
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