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The effect of medicaments used in endodontic

regeneration on root fracture and microhardness
of radicular dentine

G. H. Yassen1,2, M. M. Vail3, T. G. Chu1 & J. A. Platt1

Department of Restorative Dentistry, Division of Dental Biomaterials, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, IN,
USA; 2Department of Pediatric, Orthodontic and Preventive Dentistry, Mosul University School of Dentistry, Mosul, Iraq; and
Department of Endodontics, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Abstract Results For the microhardness test, the two-way

interaction between group and time was significant
Yassen GH, Vail MM, Chu TG, Platt JA. The effect of
(P < 0.001). The intracanal application of TAP and
medicaments used in endodontic regeneration on root
DAP caused significant and continuous decrease in
fracture and microhardness of radicular dentine. International
root dentine microhardness after one (P < 0.05)
Endodontic Journal, 46, 688–695, 2013.
and 3 months (P < 0.001), respectively. The three-
Aim To investigate the effect of medicaments used in month intracanal application of Ca(OH)2 significantly
endodontic regeneration on root fracture resistance increased the microhardness of root dentine
and microhardness of radicular dentine. (P < 0.05). The time factor had a significant effect on
Methodology The root canals of mandibular fracture resistance (P < 0.001). The three intracanal
premolars (n = 180) were instrumented and random- medicaments caused significant decreases in fracture
ized into three treatment groups and an untreated resistance ranging between 19% and 30% after
control group. Each treatment group received either 3-month application compared to 1-week application.
triple antibiotic paste (TAP), double antibiotic paste Conclusion In this laboratory study, the 3-month
(DAP) or calcium hydroxide paste [Ca(OH)2] intraca- application of triple antibiotic paste, double antibiotic
nal medicament. Teeth were kept in saline for 1 week, paste or calcium hydroxide paste medicaments signifi-
1 month or 3 months. After each time-point, 15 teeth cantly reduced the root fracture resistance of
were randomly selected from each group and two root extracted teeth compared to a 1-week application.
cylinders were obtained from each tooth. One cylinder
Keywords: calcium hydroxide, double antibiotic
was subjected to a fracture resistance test, and the
paste, fracture resistance, microhardness, regenera-
other cylinder was used for a microhardness test.
tion, triple antibiotic paste..
Two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s pairwise comparisons
were used for statistical analysis. Received 1 October 2012; accepted 7 December 2012

necrotic pulps (Thibodeau 2009, Lenzi & Trope

2012). The technique has been suggested to reduce
Endodontic regeneration has been introduced as a the risk of fracture associated with traditional apexifi-
treatment option for immature permanent teeth with cation procedures by inducing a functional dentino-
pulpal complex that may lead to increased length and
width of fragile immature roots (Jung et al. 2008).
Correspondence: Ghaeth H. Yassen, Department of Restor- One of the essential elements for a successful
ative Dentistry, Division of Dental Biomaterials, Indiana Uni- endodontic regeneration protocol is the creation of a
versity School of Dentistry, 1121 W. Michigan St., bacteria-free biological environment inside the root
Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA (Tel.: +1-317-437-2240; fax:
+1-317-278-7462; e-mail: gyassen@iupui.edu).
canal space through the use of intracanal antibacterial

688 International Endodontic Journal, 46, 688–695, 2013 © 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Yassen et al. Effect of Regeneration medicaments on root fracture

medicaments. The most widely used intracanal restorations and previous endodontic treatments. Fur-
medicament in endodontic regeneration is the triple thermore, only teeth with similar mesio-distal and
antibiotic paste (TAP) described by Hoshino et al. bucco-lingual root dimensions (8%) were included.
(1996), which is a mixture of metronidazole, cipro- An endodontic access cavity was prepared in each
floxacin and minocycline (Lovelace et al. 2011, Miller tooth using a round bur and a high-speed handpiece.
et al. 2012). However, double antibiotic paste (DAP), The working length was determined by visualizing
which is a combination of only metronidazole and the tip of a size 15 K-file (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballai-
ciprofloxacin, has been used successfully in endodon- gues, Switzerland) extending beyond the apical fora-
tic regeneration (Iwaya et al. 2001) and was sug- men and subtracting 1 mm from that length of the
gested as a substitute for TAP to avoid the file. The root canals were mechanically prepared
discoloration effect of minocycline (Trope 2010). Fur- using EndoSequence 0.06 taper rotary instruments
thermore, calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] has also been (Brasseler, Savannah, GA, USA) to a master apical
used to disinfect the canal during endodontic regener- size 70 file. Along with instrumentation, 1 mL of
ation (Chen et al. 2012). 5.25% NaOCl was used as an intracanal irrigant
Acids are commonly added to some antibiotics to between uses of each succeeding file. Furthermore,
maintain chemical stability, control tonicity or to the canals were finally rinsed with sterile saline using
ensure physiological compatibility. However, long-term a 27-gauge needle and 5-mL syringe to remove any
exposure of dental hard tissues to acidic antibiotics dentine debris remaining in the canal after instru-
might cause demineralization and negatively affect mentation. Root canals were then dried with sterile
their mechanical properties. Minocycline, a component paper points (Hygienic, Akron, Ohio, USA).
in the TAP, has been found to chelate calcium and
demineralize dental hard tissues (Minabe et al. 1994,
Medicament application
Maruyama et al. 2008). Furthermore, enamel exposure
to aqueous tetracycline solutions for one and 25 h The teeth were then randomly assigned to three treat-
caused dramatic and continuous reduction in microh- ments groups (TAP, DAP and Ca(OH)2 paste) and one
ardness (Bjorvatn & Olsen 1982). Similarly, highly control group. For the control group (n = 45), no
alkaline Ca(OH)2 medicaments have been suggested to medication was applied in the canal. For the first
significantly decrease root resistance to fracture within treatment group (n = 45), TAP was prepared by mix-
1 month (Sahebi et al. 2010). ing USP-grade antibiotic powders compounded of
No previous studies have tried to explore the effect equal portions of metronidazole, ciprofloxacin and
of various endodontic regeneration medicaments minocycline (Champs Pharmacy, San Antonio, TX,
on the mechanical properties of root dentine. There- USA) with distilled water (powder/liquid ratio of
fore, the aim of this study was to investigate longitu- 3 : 1). The paste was applied to the canal spaces with
dinally the effect of medicaments used in endodontic a sterile lentulo spiral in a slow-speed handpiece
regeneration on root resistance to fracture and mi- (Dentsply Caulk, Milford, DE, USA) and tamped in the
crohardness of radicular dentine. It was hypothesized canal space to the level of the cemento-enamel junc-
that the three root canal medicaments used in the tion using various sizes of sterile pluggers. For the
endodontic regeneration technique have no signifi- second treatment group (n = 45), DAP was prepared
cant effect on radicular dentine microhardness and by mixing USP-grade antibiotic powders compounded
root fracture resistance at all time-points. of equal portions of metronidazole and ciprofloxacin
(Champs Pharmacy, San Antonio, TX, USA) with dis-
tilled water (powder/liquid ratio of 2.5 : 1).The paste
Materials and methods
was applied to the canals as described previously. For
the third treatment group (n = 45), Ca(OH)2 paste
Tooth selection and endodontic preparation
was prepared by mixing Ca(OH)2 powder (Dentonics,
Extracted human mandibular single-rooted premolars Monroe, NC, USA) with distilled water (powder/liquid
(n = 180) were selected after obtaining local univer- ratio of 2 : 1). The paste was applied to the canals as
sity IRB approval (IRB number; 1108006606). The described previously. The root canals of the three
teeth were stored in 0.1% thymol solution at 4 °C treatment groups were sealed apically with flowable
and used within 6 months after extraction. The composite (TPH3, Dentsply Caulk). Furthermore, the
inclusion criteria were absence of caries, root cracks, access openings of all teeth were sealed with a

© 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 46, 688–695, 2013 689
Effect of Regeneration medicaments on root fracture Yassen et al.

thickness of at least 4 mm of Cavit (3MESPE, St Paul, Fracture resistance testing

MN, USA). Teeth in the four groups were kept in
Each 5-mm root cylinder was tested for the resistance
normal saline at 37 °C for 1 week, 1 month or
to fracture using a universal testing machine (Sintech
3 months. The solution was changed every week. The
Renew 1123, MTS, Eden Prairie, MN, USA). The
three time-points were selected to represent the
application technique of a vertical loading force to
intracanal application time of medicaments suggested
fracture used in this study was modified from that
clinically, which usually ranges between 1 and
used in a previous study (Sedgley & Messer 1992). A
11 weeks (Ding et al. 2009, Thibodeau 2009, Lenzi &
slow-speed carbide bur was used under water coolant
Trope 2012).
to shape the root canal access at the coronal end of
each root cylinder to accept the loading fixture. The
Preparation of root specimens root cylinders were positioned vertically on the lower
fixed platform of the universal testing machine with
After each storage period, 15 randomly selected teeth
the coronal face upward using a double-sided adhe-
were taken from each group. Thus, there were one
sive tape. A cylindrical loading fixture with a spheri-
control subgroup and three treatment subgroups at
cal tip (r = 1.9 mm) attached to the upper crosshead
each time-point. Then, the teeth were decoronated at
was lowered until the spherical tip rested in the pre-
the level of 0.5 mm radicular to the facial cemento-
pared coronal root seat. Then, a vertical loading force
enamel junction with a low-speed diamond saw
was applied at a cross head speed of 0.5 mm per min-
(Buehler Ltd., Lake Bluff, IL, USA) under water
ute until the root cylinder fractured. Fracture was
cooling. Then, two root cylinders were horizontally
identified in the study when an instantaneous and
sectioned from each root using a water-cooled
sharp drop of more than 25% of the applied load was
diamond saw (Buehler Ltd). A cervical 5-mm root
observed (Teixeira et al. 2004). The load at fracture
cylinder was used for fracture resistance testing, and
was measured and expressed in Newtons.
a middle 3-mm root cylinder was used for microhard-
ness testing. The root cylinders from the treatment
groups were irrigated with distilled water to remove Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
the medicaments.
One fractured root specimen was randomly selected
from each group after each time-point for SEM anal-
Microhardness testing ysis to observe the presence of medicament remnants
and/or any morphological changes in root canal den-
The three-millimetre root cylinders were mounted on
tine. Each selected root specimen was irrigated with
special rods, and the coronal sides of the specimens
5 mL of distilled water, sonicated in de-ionized water
were polished using a Struers Rotopol 31/Rotoforce 4
for 3 min and desiccated for 48 h. Then, specimens
polishing unit (Struers, Cleveland, PA, USA) with
were sputter coated for 3 min with gold/palladium
1,200-, 2,400- and 4,000-grit papers (Struers) and
using a sputter coater (Polaron, Agawam, MA, USA),
finally using a 1-lm diamond polishing suspension
and images were taken with a JEOL 6390LV
(Struers). As a final cleaning step, the polished speci-
scanning electron microscope (Peabody, MA, USA) in
mens were sonicated in de-ionized water for 3 min.
secondary electron imaging mode. All images were
Microhardness measurements were performed using
taken from the root canal surface area of the
a Knoop Microhardness Tester (Leco, LM247,
St. Joseph, MI, USA) on the polished side of each root
cylinder at 500 lm and 1000 lm from the pulp–den-
tine interface. At each depth, three indentations were
Statistical analysis
made using a 50-g load oriented perpendicular to the
indentation surface for 15 s. The indentations were Normal distribution of the data was tested using the
carefully observed in an optical microscope with a Shapiro–Wilk test. The effects of type of medicaments
digital camera and image analysis software, allowing and duration of treatment on fracture resistance and
the precise measurement of their diagonals. The rep- microhardness measurements were examined using
resentative hardness value for each specimen at each two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s pairwise compari-
depth was obtained as the mean of the results for the sons. A 5% level of statistical significance was applied
three indentations. for the analyses.

690 International Endodontic Journal, 46, 688–695, 2013 © 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Yassen et al. Effect of Regeneration medicaments on root fracture

had significantly lower microhardness than the

Ca(OH)2 group (P = 0.0003 at 500 lm and
P = 0.015 at 1000 lm).
The two-way interaction between group and time
Fracture resistance
was significant (P < 0.001) at both 500 and
1000 lm from pulp–dentine interfaces (Table 1). The time factor had a significant effect on root frac-
Time had a significant effect on the TAP groups at ture resistance (P < 0.001). Time had a significant
both depths (P < 0.001), with significantly lower effect on the TAP and DAP groups (Table 2), with
microhardness for the 3-month group than for the significantly lower fracture resistance for the 3-month
1-week (P < 0.001) and 1-month groups (P = 0.02 group than for the 1-week group (P = 0.017 for TAP
at 500 lm and P = 0.01 at 1000 lm) and lower mi- and P = 0.008 for DAP). Time had a significant effect
crohardness for the 1-month group than for the 1- on the Ca(OH)2 groups, with lower fracture resistance
week group (P = 0.0007 at 500 lm and P = 0.014 for the 3-month group than for the 1-week
at 1000 lm). Time had a significant effect on the (P < 0.001) and 1-month (P = 0.007) groups. The
DAP groups at both depths (P < 0.001), with signifi- 3-month percentage decrease in fracture resistance of
cantly lower microhardness for the 3-month group the TAP, DAP and Ca(OH)2 treatment groups com-
than for the 1-week (P < 0.001 at both depths) and pared to 1-week groups was 19%, 21% and 30%,
1-month groups (P = 0.04 at 500 lm and P < 0.001 respectively. No significant difference was found
at 1000 lm) and lower microhardness for the 1- between the control groups at all time-points
month group than for the 1-week group (P < 0.001 (P > 0.05). The overall effect of type of medicaments
at both depths). Time had a significant effect on the used on fracture resistance did not reach a significant
Ca(OH)2 groups (P = 0.005 at 500 lm and difference (P = 0.055) (Table 2). No significant differ-
P = 0.045 at 1000 lm), with significantly higher ence was found between all groups after 1 week or
microhardness for the 3-month group than for the 1 month (P > 0.05). However, a significantly lower
1-week group (P = 0.0012 at 500 lm and P = 0.038 facture resistance was found in the Ca(OH)2
at 1000 lm). Time did not have a significant effect (P = 0.007) and DAP (P = 0.042) groups compared
on the control groups (P > 0.05). to the control group after 3 months.
The groups’ comparisons at each time-point are
also shown in Table 1. No significant difference was
found after 1 week (P > 0.05) at both depths. How-
ever, after 1 month, the TAP group and the DAP Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images taken at
group had significantly lower microhardness than the 15009 magnification showed that TAP- and DAP-
Ca(OH)2 and control groups (P < 0.001 at 500 lm treated root canal dentine were depleted of the smear
and P < 0.0005 at 1000 lm). After 3 months, the layer with open dentine tubules at all time-points
TAP and DAP groups had significantly lower microh- (Fig. 1a,b). Furthermore, no TAP remnants were
ardness than the Ca(OH)2 and control groups at both observed at all time-points. However, few DAP rem-
depths (P < 0.001). Furthermore, the control group nants were observed at all time-points. SEM images of

Table 1 Mean (SD) of Knoop microhardness for roots treated with endodontic regeneration medicaments and a control group
for 1 week, 1 month and 3 months at 500 lm and 1000 lm from the pulp–dentine interface

500 lm from pulp to dentine interface* 1000 lm from pulp to dentine interface*

Group Week (KH) Month (KH) 3 months (KH) Week (KH) Month (KH) 3 months (KH)

Calcium hydroxide paste 52 (5) Ab 54 (5) Aab 57 (4) Aa 58 (5) Ab 61 (5) Aab 62 (4) Aa
Untreated (Control) 53 (4) Aa 53 (4) Aa 51 (4) Ba 60 (4) Aa 61 (4) Aa 58 (4) Ba
Double antibiotic paste 53 (5) Aa 46 (4) Bb 43 (5) Cc 59 (5) Aa 55 (4) Bb 51 (5) Cc
Triple antibiotic paste 52 (4) Aa 47 (3) Bb 43 (6) Cc 59 (5) Aa 55 (4) Bb 51 (6) Cc

*At each distance, different upper case letter indicates significant difference between different groups within the same time-point
and at each distance, different lower case letter indicates significant difference between the three time-points within the same

© 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 46, 688–695, 2013 691
Effect of Regeneration medicaments on root fracture Yassen et al.

Table 2 Mean (SD) of load at fracture for premolar roots treated with endodontic regeneration medicaments and untreated
control group for 1 week, 1 month and 3 months

Group Week (Newton)* Month (Newton)* 3 months (Newton)*

Untreated (control) 843 (128) Aa 814 (167) Aa 788 (138) Aa

Calcium hydroxide paste 867 (121) Aa 777 (222) Aa 607 (175) Bb
Double antibiotic paste 807 (172) Aa 740 (143) Aab 641 (131) Bb
Triple antibiotic paste 829 (130) Aa 806 (155) Aab 676 (113) Ab

*Different upper case letter indicates significant difference between different groups within the same time-point and different
lower case letter indicates significant difference between the three time-points within the same group.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 1 Representative SEM images from root canal surface of roots treated with various endodontic regeneration medica-
ments and untreated control group. (a) Three-month triple antibiotic paste (TAP)-treated root canal. (b) Three-month double
antibiotic paste (DAP)-treated root canal. (c) Three-month Ca(OH)2-treated root canal. (d) Three-month untreated control root

Ca(OH)2-treated root canals showed firmly attached reach up to 11 weeks (Thibodeau & Trope 2007,
Ca(OH)2 deposits at all time-points (Fig. 1c). The root Thibodeau 2009). Additionally, the increase in root
canal dentine in the control group was covered with wall thickness was found to be limited to mid- and/or
a smear layer at all time-points (Fig. 1d). apical root structures in the majority of reported
endodontic regeneration cases (Bose et al. 2009,
Hargreaves & Law 2010, Jeeruphan et al. 2012, Lenzi
& Trope 2012, Nosrat et al. 2012) rather than the
The importance of exploring the effect of medicaments cervical part of the root, which is the area prone to
used in endodontic regeneration on root fracture fracture in treated immature teeth with necrotic pulps
should not be overlooked because the application time (Cvek 1992). Therefore, in cases where root thicken-
of intracanal medicaments reported in some cases of ing in the cervical area is not achieved through
endodontic regeneration is relatively long, which may regeneration, the potential of further weakening the

692 International Endodontic Journal, 46, 688–695, 2013 © 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Yassen et al. Effect of Regeneration medicaments on root fracture

root structure through long-term use of medicaments mens after 3-month application of TAP and DAP
should be avoided. compared to 1-week application might be explained
The significant decrease in root microhardness at by the demineralization effect of these acidic pastes
both depths after one- and 3-month treatment with on radicular dentine, which was confirmed by the
TAP or DAP could be explained by the strong microhardness data. The mineral component in den-
demineralization effect of these medicaments because tine contributes to the strength of the tooth struc-
dentine hardness has been correlated with mineral ture, and the relatively long-term exposure of
concentration (Kinney et al. 2003). A recent study radicular dentine to antibiotic pastes might be the
suggested that TAP and DAP caused significant reason for the significant reduction in root resis-
demineralization of superficial radicular dentine after tance to fracture observed in this study. The effect
only 1-week application (Yassen et al. 2013). On the of intracanal medication on root fracture might be
other hand, Ca(OH)2 caused a gradual increase in more detrimental in vivo due to the very wide
root microhardness with time, and this increase was immature root canals that may lead to a higher
significant at both depths after 3 months. This might amount of medicament per canal wall surface area
be explained by the denaturation of the collagen compared to this laboratory study. Furthermore, the
matrix caused by the low molecular weight and irrigation protocols suggested during endodontic
highly alkaline pH of Ca(OH)2 as hypothesized in pre- regeneration techniques might cause further reduc-
vious studies (Andreasen et al. 2002, Leiendecker tion in root strength. EDTA, which is usually rec-
et al. 2012). A recent study found that Ca(OH)2 ommended during endodontic regeneration (Galler
caused significant collagen degradation of superficial et al. 2011, Miller et al. 2012), was found to signifi-
radicular dentine after only 1-week application (Yas- cantly reduce the radicular dentine microhardness
sen et al. 2013). It is well known that the collagen (De-Deus et al. 2006) and root resistance to fracture
component is responsible for toughness of the hard (Uzunoglu et al. 2012).
tissues (Wang et al. 2001). Therefore, the compro- The SEM images showed heavy Ca(OH)2 deposits
mised collagen matrix in the more mineralized on Ca(OH)2-treated root canal dentine at all time-
dentine could lead to a more brittle and less tough, points. On the other hand, TAP- and DAP-treated
even though harder, substrate. This could explain an dentine showed open tubules with no evidence of a
accelerated fatigue crack propagation during cyclic smear layer, which may further support the suggested
stresses and an increase in the susceptibility of root demineralization effect of these pastes. In addition to
fracture in Ca(OH)2-treated root canals (Andreasen the well-known antibacterial role of TAP and DAP,
et al. 2006). Increased susceptibility to fracture was the demineralization effect of these antibiotic pastes,
obvious in this study’s 3-month fracture resistance as suggested in this study, might play an additional
data. significant role in the creation of an environment
Three-month application of endodontic regenera- conducive to attachment of host stem cells on root
tion medicaments caused a significant reduction in canal surfaces and exposure of collagen fibres and
fracture resistance of root specimens ranging various growth factors during endodontic regenera-
between 19% and 30% when compared to 1-week tion. A relatively recent retrospective study found that
application. The significant reduction in fracture endodontic regeneration cases treated with TAP had
resistance after Ca(OH)2 application for 3 months significantly thicker root walls compared to regenera-
agrees with previous studies that found a significant tion cases treated with Ca(OH)2 (Bose et al. 2009),
reduction in root fracture strength after 84 and which might be explained by the root canal surface
100 days of Ca(OH)2 application, respectively (An- conditioning effect of TAP observed in this study. If
dreasen et al. 2006, Rosenberg et al. 2007). How- Ca(OH)2 is to be used as a disinfectant during end-
ever, the reduction in fracture resistance after odontic regeneration, the use of an intensive irriga-
1-month application of Ca(OH)2 did not reach a sig- tion protocol is recommended to remove Ca(OH)2
nificant difference in this study. A recent systematic remnants and create a conditioned root canal surface.
review of the literature found inconclusive data On the other hand, the need for such an extensive
regarding the effect of Ca(OH)2 exposure for 1 irrigation protocol should be reconsidered when TAP
month or shorter on the mechanical properties of or DAP is used for endodontic regeneration. However,
radicular dentine (Yassen & Platt 2013). The signifi- further in vivo studies are needed to substantiate these
cant reduction in fracture resistance of root speci- suggestions.

© 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 46, 688–695, 2013 693
Effect of Regeneration medicaments on root fracture Yassen et al.

It is noteworthy to mention that endodontic regen- De-Deus G, Paciornik S, Mauricio MH (2006) Evaluation of
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