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Wan Muhammad Faisal Bin Wan Hassan

3 October
Demonstrative Speech

7 CPR Steps Everyone Should Know

General Purpose: To demonstrate

Specific Purpose: To demonstrate how to give CPR on adult patient who is not breathing
Central Idea: Today I’m going to show you guys 7 steps to perform CPR on adult patient who
is not breathing.
Just as a disclaimer that I’m not going to cover what we should do and know before doing
I. Introduction
A. Attention grabber: Today I’m going to talk about how to perform CPR-an act that
you always see on the movie when someone is drowning. You must think that CPR is easy
and just giving ‘a kiss’ to the patient but in reality you must follow step by step when doing
B. Relate to audience: You never know when you can find yourself faced with an
emergency. It could be that someone you are with is injured or in trouble, or you could
encounter a stranger who needs medical attention. Regardless of the circumstances, the
ability to act in an emergency and save a life is an invaluable skill that everyone should have.
C. Establish credibility: The reason why I chose this topic is because I’ve joined a
seminar on how to perform CPR when I’m in secondary school and I also was a Red Crescent
Club member.
D. Preview: I’m going to demonstrate how to position your hand, give chest
compressions, open the patient’s airway and give rescue breaths
II. Body
A. Materials Needed: -
B. Step 1: Position your hand
1. Make sure the patient is lying on his back on a firm surface.
2. Kneel beside him and place the heel of your hand on the centre of the chest.
Transition: We’re going to move on to the second step which is
C. Step 2: Interlock your fingers
1. Keeps your arms straight, cover the first hand with the heel of your other hand
and interlock the fingers of both hands together.
2.Keep your fingers raised so they do not touch the patient’s chest or rib cage.

Transition: The next step is

D. Step 3: Giving chest compressions
1. Lean forward so that your shoulders are directly over the patient’s chest and press
down on the chest about five centimetres.
2. Release the pressure, but not your hands, and let the chest come back.
3. Give 30 compressions at a rate of 100 compressions per minute.
Transition: The fourth step is
E. Step 4: Opening the airway
1. Move to the patient’s head.
2. Tilt his head and lift his chin to open the airway again. Let his mouth fall open
Transition: The next step is the one that everyone know basically which is
F. Step 5: Giving rescue breaths
1. Pinch the nostrils closed with the hand that was on the forehead and support the
patient’s chin with your other hand.
2. Take a normal breath, put your mouth over the patient’s, and blow until you can
see his chest rise.
Transition: The sixth step is
G. Step 6: Watching the patient’s chest fall
1. Remove your mouth from the patient’s and look along the chest, watching the
chest fall.
2. Repeat steps five and six once.
Transition: The last step is
H. Repeating chest compressions and rescue breaths
1. Place your hands on the chest again and repeat the cycle of 30 chest
compressions, followed by two rescue breaths. Remember 30:2 ratio.
2.Continue the cycle until the victim become conscious or help come.

III. Conclusion
A. I will review my 7 steps to perform CPR again:
First, position your hand.
Second, interlock fingers.
Third, give chest compressions.
Fourth, open the airway.
Fifth, give rescue breaths.
Sixth, watch chest fall.
And seventh is repeat chest compressions and rescue breaths.
B. The reason why I showed you guys this is because statistics indicate that 70%-80%
of cardiac arrest cases occur either in the home or at public places. By knowing this CPR
steps, you can even save someone’s life ! So it is important for everyone to know these

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