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CLASS: SCORE: …………………………… / 15

I. Dopasuj wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby utworzyć poprawne wyrażenia. Wpisz odpowiednie
litery w kratki. (5 pkt)

1 h greenhouse 6 d sea a bears f plant

2 j nature 7 e first aid b bag g warming
3 a polar 8 g global c watching h gas
4 b sleeping 9 f power d levels i dioxide
5 i carbon 10 c bird e kit j reserve

II. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, używając podanego słowa w niezmienionej formie, tak aby
zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj od dwóch do pięciu wyrazów. (6 pkt)

1. The bomb that exploded yesterday injured several people.

OFF The bomb that went off yesterday injured several people.
2. We have missed the opportunity and we strongly regret it.
HADN’T If only we hadn’t missed the opportunity!
3. I don’t have the time. I can’t join the conservationist group.
WOULD If I had the time, I would have joined the conservationist group.
4. Could you please check the meaning of this phrase in the dictionary?
LOOK Could you please look this phrase up/ look up this phrase in the dictionary?
5. We didn’t give her enough time, so she didn’t agree.
IF If we had given her more time, she would have agreed.
6. I am meeting my customer tomorrow, so I can’t go to the cinema with you.
WISH I wish I could go to the cinema with you, but I’m meeting my
customer tomorrow.

III. Uzupełnij zdania słowami utworzonymi od słów podanych w nawiasach. (4 pkt)

1. My friend enjoys outdoor activities and is very athletic (ATHLETE).

2. It was very selfish (SELF) of you to eat the whole cake.
3. This software is quite useless (USE) and I wouldn’t buy it if I were you.
4. It is reasonable (REASON) that companies that pollute the environment should
be punished for their harmful activity.

Matura Prime Time Intermediate Quick Test 3.2B (3e-3i)


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