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2159 ac) Player's Handbook dvanced Dunséons& Dragons Advanced Dungeons &Dragons Foreword to the 2nd Edition thas been 3 long time geting here. | donit mean the months, perhaps ‘even years, you may have wated for arewsed, expanded, and improved ‘econ of the ADED garne. I mean the longtime it has taken me to reach ths point, the wring ofthe foreword, Forewords are writen last, so that ‘you can summarize your feeings and experiences about the book you have writen, Its not accurate to say this isa book that | alone have wt. Fist of there are a lot of other names listed in the credits. They, especially the developers, contibuted time and talents that | dort have. Improvng the ‘organization and readabilly was one ofthe reasons we stated this project in the first place, These are tasks that can't be done without talented ‘developers and editors who play and care about the game. you discover ‘that i's easier to find rules during your gaming sessions and that eveny- thing seems to meke more sense, thank them. Even wih the editors, this is not our work alone. None of this would ‘ever have core into being without interested and invalved players. The ‘people who really decided what needed to be done for the ADRD 2nd Edition game are the players who mailed in questions, everyone who \wrote an arcle for ORAGON" Magazine, ad everyone who buttor-holed me (or other designers) at conventions. These were the people who decided what needed to be done, what needed fing, what was unclear, and what they just didnt lke | didn't sin a vacuum and make these decisions. As the designer, | had to make the final choice, but those choices were based on your input. And your input is the most valuable asset we have going, ‘So how do | feel? Excited, exhausted, relieved, and newvousal at ‘once fsa great bag of emotions. tm exited to see this book come out. "ve spent more time on ths than I have on any other single work "ve done. That leads to exhaustion. The AD&D 2nd Edition game has ‘demanded and received hours upon months of attention. Now that itis. finaly coming out, the feeling of elt is begining to set in. There were times when the tsk looked impossible, when it seemed it woud never end, cr hen everyting was going wrong, Only now, when it’ in the nal stages of posing am begnning to reaize that ti realy done dof course theres the newousness. The ADED game's the granddaddy of al roleplaying games. You've made t pertecty dear hat you iked the og ‘al editon ofthe ADAD game, even wh als wars kad (and sl ke) it So, now withthe aval of ADAD 2nd Eaton, of couse Im Nenous ‘None of this comes as any suprise | volunteered to prepare ths 6S fon because | wanted to do something forthe game liked The ten yeas of experince Te had in gare design has shown me what works and what dossrtt and sometimes even wiy- Al he very sat. we outined the fod: to make it este to find things, to: make the rules easier to under Stand, to fic the things that dd not work, to add the best ew ideas fom the expansions and other sources, and, mast important fal to make sure the game wes sil he one you knew and enjoyed. Of them al the last was the hardest and mest demanding, conficing 2st i wth my basic desir to design things. Fortunately things cit rest on me alone Lots of eager eyes, fom those of fellow desgrers to those of enbsiasic playtesters, minutely examined this book and restrained re from ‘erzealoustess. I hast alvays been easy to walk the fre Ine berween “not enough” and ‘too much? Inthe past tuo years, ve take to interested players many times, heating thet concer a sharing my ideas. was atthe end of one of these tals (at @ convention in Missoula, Montana), just as | described some res change, tat one ofthe Isteners smiled and sald, "You kre, ‘we've been doing that for years” And thats whet ADED 2nd Editon sal sbout-collecing and rganiing al those things that we, 2 players, have been doing for yeas. . David “Zeb Cook; January, 1989 Credits 2nd Edition Design: David "Zeb" Cook Development: Steve Winter and Jon Pickens Playtest Coordination: Jon Pickens Editing: Mike Breault, Jean Rabe, Thomas Reid, Steven Schend, and Ray Vallese Proofreading: Jean Black, Teresa Reid, Curtis Smith, Valerie Vallese, and James Ward ‘Art Coordinator: Peggy Cooper Cover Illustration: Jeff Easley Intetior Illustrations: Ned Dameron, Laura Lakey, Den Beauvais, Les Dorscheid, Jef Easley, Ken Frenk, Daniel Fr Carol Heyer, David O. Miller, Alan Pollack, Robh Ruppel, Tony Sczcudlo Graphics Coordinator: Sarah Feggestad Graphic Design: Dee Barnett Typography: Nancy J. Kerkstra Diagrams: Diesel ‘Too numerous to mention by name are the hundreds of players who assisted us in playtesting the AD&D 2nd Edition game. ‘Their efforts were invaluable in improving the manuscript. Finally, credit must also be shared with anyone who has ever asked a question, offered a suggestion, written an article, or made a comment about the AD&D geme. This is a derivative work based on the original AvaNceD DUNGEONS & Daxcons Player's Handbook and Duncéow Masree’ Guide by Gary Gygax and Unearthed Arcana and other materials by Gary Gygax and others, Dunceons& Deacons, AawnceD DINCtENS & Daren, ADED, DEO, Dass Su, DEON MASTER, DICON, DRACORLA,FORCOTEN REA, A- Cho, Monsticus Cowon ‘Geen and Rani ae regard tacematt of TSR le, MCASROVS MUN, PUNESC, BATCH, PLS OPN, andthe TSR Logo ae Vader: onned by TS, ne. “This book is toed under the copyright aus ofthe United Sates of Amenca. ny reproducten o other unauthorised use ofthe ‘ateal or aor contained here is prohbed wihout te express wt permission of TSR I fandom House and is atte companies have wortwde devibuon rights in the book race for English anguage products 073. ine Ditiotedt the book and hobby tae inthe Unies Kingdom by TSR Lid. Distbuzed to te toy and hobby tad by regina! dst ars © 1999, 1995 TSR, nc A Righs Resend, 0-88088-716-515th 1st ining At 1995, Prien the USA

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