Mis Primary Project

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Management Information System

For PGDM 4 Trimester 2017

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Priyanka Kalra Abhishek Kumar Yadav
Enrl. No. 1548
PGDM 2nd Year

Address: Kalyanpur (West), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226022

Phone:0522 275 0620


I hereby declare that the project work entitled “A study of how MIS helps
Organisations in improving their performance” submitted to the IISE is a
record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Ms. Priyanka Kalra,
Faculty Member, and this project work has not performed the basis for the award
of any degree or diploma/associate/fellowship and similar project if any.


I Abhishek Kumar Yadav, using this opportunity to express my gratitude and
thanks to Ms. Priyanka Kalra for his support and guidance during the project.
Without his valuable advices and criticism this can’t be happen.

Further I would like to express my thanks to everyone who supported me

throughout the project of this “A study of how MIS helps Organisations in
improving their performance” based project of Management Information
System. I am thankful for their aspiring help, valuable criticism and advice during
the project work.

Again I would like to express my thanks to IISE (International Institute for

Special Education) for providing me this platform.

Abhishek Kumar Yadav


Kentucky Fried Chicken is one of the leading fast food Franchise concepts of
today; present in a variety of countries around the world and has been proficient
to launch a renowned International reputation in multiple continents. Starting in
the United States in the 1930s, it has grown to become a true multi-domestic
company. KFC has focused on foreign markets since the 1960s and has initiated
a new challenge today in conquering Asia. KFC, known as Kentucky Fried
Chicken, is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky. In the
midst of the depression, Harland Sanders who was born just outside Henry
ville( Indiana), opens his first restaurant in the small front room of a gas station
in Corbin, Kentucky. • The target customer of KFC [upper, middle and above]
are health conscious and hence to cater to their interest Kentucky fried Chicken
changed its name to KFC.

History of KFC

KFC was founded by Harland Sanders, an entrepreneur who began selling

fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky, during the
Great Depression. Sanders identified the potential of restaurant franchising,
and the first "Kentucky Fried Chicken" franchise opened in Salt Lake City,
Utah in 1952. KFC popularized chicken in the fast-food industry,
diversifying the market by challenging the established dominance of the
hamburger. By branding himself "Colonel Sanders", the founder became a
prominent figure of American cultural history, and his image remains widely
used in KFC advertising. The company's rapid expansion saw it grow too
large for Sanders to manage, and in 1964 he sold the company to a group of
investors led by John Y. Brown, Jr. and Jack C. Massey.
Use of MIS in KFC

Introduction of MIS

Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline

focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives
on an organization. Each KFC outlet use MIS in accounting, knowing
production, and very useful in formulating HR policies which helps them to
rate their employees.
It processes the inputs and produces outputs that are sent to users • or to
other systems via electronic networks and a feedback mechanism that
controls the operation.
 An information system includes inputs (data, instructions) • and outputs
(reports, calculations).
 An information system (IS) collects, processes, stores, analyzes, • and
disseminates information for a specific purpose.

Types of Information Systems:

• There are basically Five types of information systems. • Transaction
Processing System • Office Information System • Decision Support System •
Management Information System • Expert System

1. Office Information System: Uses hardware, software and Networks to

enhance workflow & Management Information System: An Information
system that generates accurate, timely and organized information so
managers Transaction Processing System: The information system that
captures and processes the data generated during an organization's day-day
transactions facilitate communications among the employees. & Expert
Systems: The information system that captures Decision Support System:
An information System designed to help users reach a decision when the
decision making situation arises other users can make decisions, solve
problems & stores the knowledge of human experts & then imitates human
reasoning & decision making process for those who have less expertise.

2. Enterprise Recourse Planning (ERP) is a business management software

— usually a suite of integrated applications — that a company can use to
collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities,
including:- • Product planning, cost • Manufacturing or service delivery •
Marketing and sales • Inventory management • Shipping and payment
Enterprise Recourse Planning (ERP)
Advantages of ERP
 ERP Systems make it easier to track the workflow across various
departments. They reduce the operational costs involved in manually
tracking and (perhaps) duplicating data using individual & disparate
systems. In this article, let us have a look at the advantages and dis-
advantages of implementing ERP (Enterprise Resource Management)
Software Systems.
 Complete visibility into all the important processes, across various
departments of an organization (especially for senior management
personnel). • Automatic and coherent workflow from one
department/function to another, to ensure a smooth transition and
quicker completion of processes. This also ensures that all the inter-
departmental activities are properly tracked and none of them is
‗missed out‘. • A unified and single reporting system to analyze the
statistics/status etc. in real-time, across all functions/departments. •
Since same (ERP) software is now used across all departments,
individual departments having to buy and maintain their own software
systems is no longer necessary. • Certain ERP vendors can extend
their ERP systems to provide Business Intelligence functionalities that
can give overall insights on business processes and identify potential
areas of problems/improvements. Advantages of ERP
 Advanced e-commerce integration is possible with ERP systems –
most of them can handle web-based order tracking/ processing. •
There are various modules in an ERP system like Finance/Accounts,
Human Resource Management, Manufacturing, Marketing/Sales,
Supply Chain/Warehouse Management, CRM, Project Management,
etc. • Since ERP is a modular software system, it’s possible to
implement either a few modules (or) many modules based on the
requirements of an organization. If more modules implemented, the
integration between various departments may be better. • Since a
Database system is implemented on the backend to store all the
information required by the ERP system, it enables centralized
storage/back-up of all enterprise data. • ERP systems are more secure
as centralized security policies can be applied to them. All the
transactions happening via the ERP systems can be tracked. • It is
possible to integrate other systems (like bar-code reader, for example)
to the ERP system through an API (Application Programing Interface)

Advantages of ERP

 For the small / medium-sized business, there are four distinct facets to
an implementation, and ignoring or short- cutting any of them can
lead to a very unhappy user when all is said and done: • Data
migration. • Business Consulting. • Configuration. • User Training.
What Dose ERP Include?
 With ERP, business can better control over its billing to customers
and receivables. With the ability to automate processes. It provides
better operational, financial and accounting control over its billing
operations and receivables. • ERP system can be used for accomplish
every task by integrating the information system, seamless flow of
information across every department. It is helpful to make automation
of every business process. • Because ERP works on IT's basic rules
'input -process- output ', So it is also using as management
information system (MIS). Functions Of ERP

 ERP treats the organization as single entity and caters to the

information needs of the whole organization because information is
the key resource of every organization to win the competition. ERP
system provides accurate, relevant and timeliness information to all
department on one software system. • Main function of ERP system
and software’s is to provide information updated and on real time. • In
ERP, you can get answer of any query by its powerful query and
filtering facility Functions Of ERP
 Now advance ERP software’s packages are providing the facility to
manage import – Export. • ERP system can easily use in Government,
healthcare, financial, retail and other service sectors. Functions Of
 EDI-(Electronic Data Interchange). • AMS-(Attendance Monitoring
System). • CAD/CAM/CAE (Computer Aided Design/Computer
Aided Manufacturing/Computer Aided Engineering). • DMS-
(Document Management System). • CMS (Communication
management Systems). • SMS (Security Management System). Key-

Functions Of ERP

 KFC was using multiple IT solutions to address their business

requirements. Because of this, integrity of the reports became difficult
to validate and management had a hard time tracking down their
stocks. • They became burdened by multiple data sources that didn‘t
integrate. Lots of time and money was lost from duplication of order
entries and business processes throughout the outlets. Numerous hours
were being spent each month manually creating reports, tracking
invoices and handling payroll to provide the Head Office with their
month end financial reports. • The reason behind these problems was
evident the systems could not communicate with one another, KFC
Before The Implementation of ERP
 JD EDWARDS ENTERPRISEONE 8.10 offers both the foundation
and operational components, including: • Financial Management. •
Technical Foundation. • Inventory Management. • Asset Management.
• Forecasting. • Workforce Management. • Time and expense
Management. • Procurement KFC’s Implementation of ERP
 JD Edwards Enterprise One 8.10 benefits the company with the
following: • Greater efficiencies-reducing duplicate data
entry/maintains. • Standardizes business processes. • Tracks and
manages key data. • Greater level of insight into how the business
works. • Enables to plan ahead. • Provides business applications for
now, and into the future. KFC’s Implementation of ERP

MIS systems let the KFC management

. • To capture information and store it, whenever they are making bills it
helps them to count sales per day, per week and per month because a copy of
the bill is stored in the computer. • Access stored information easily and
manipulate it for the needs of their clients’ while billing or taking order they
just enter the code of the product requested at that time and the quantity
demanded. Overall use of MIS in KFC
E.g.- Product code Product name Product price (in Rs.) 01 Small Coke 20 02
Medium coke 35 03 Large coke 45 04 Small coke+ Lollipop Chicken 65 05
Fried Chicken tub (small) 105 06 Small French Fries 25 07 Large Fries 45
08 Chicken Burger 25 09 Fried Chicken tub(large) 145 10 Veg. Burger 20
Overall use of MIS in KFC
 Control flow of information into, around and out of the systems. •
Work within legislation such as the Data protection Act. • Manage
resources this is a very important function as every day inventory is
recorded and therefore resources could be managed. • Produce reports
for themselves so that they can compare their own performances with
their own and other. • Maintain records needed for quality control so
that the success story of all the employees can be appraised. Benefits
of using MIS
 Respond confidently to the demands of the Common Inspection
Framework MIS help them because they now easily check when the
last stocking was done. • Manage and track employee records of work,
achievement and progression for promotions. • Record and track
outcomes. • Manage marketing information to further improve sales. •
And a host of other information related functions.

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